Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping

Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping
اسم المؤلف
Paulo Jorge Bártolo et al. Paulo Jorge Bártolo Henrique de Amorim Almeida Ana Cristina Soares de Lemos Igor Marques dos Reis Ana Patrícia Oliveira Tojeira Juliana Rosa Dias António Mário Henriques Pereira Marco André Neves Domingos Artur Jorge Mateus Nuno Manuel Fernandes Alves Ausenda Luís Avelar Mendes Ruben Filipe Brás Pereira Cyril dos Santos Tatiana Marisa Fernandes Patrício Dino Miguel Fernandes Freitas Telma Margarida Dias Ferreira Helena Maria Bártolo
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping
Edited by
Paulo Jorge Bártolo et al.
Paulo Jorge Bártolo Henrique de Amorim Almeida
Ana Cristina Soares de Lemos Igor Marques dos Reis
Ana Patrícia Oliveira Tojeira Juliana Rosa Dias
António Mário Henriques Pereira Marco André Neves Domingos
Artur Jorge Mateus Nuno Manuel Fernandes Alves
Ausenda Luís Avelar Mendes Ruben Filipe Brás Pereira
Cyril dos Santos Tatiana Marisa Fernandes Patrício
Dino Miguel Fernandes Freitas Telma Margarida Dias Ferreira
Helena Maria Bártolo
Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal
Table of Contents
Preface XIII
Committee Members XV
Idea2Product Lab™ – A low cost alternative to introduce AM in South Africa 3
D.J. de Beer
Additive Manufacturing-assisted scaffold-based Tissue Engineering 13
C.K. Chua, M.J.J. Liu & S.M. Chou
Ultrastructural analysis of the hDSC interactions with biodegradable 3D scaffolds 25
S.E. Duailibi, M.T. Duailibi, L.M. Ferreira, F.A.O. Tanaka, J.P. Vacanti & P.C. Yelick
Individual contour adapted functional implant structures in Titanium 29
C. Schoene, R. Stelzer, P. Sembdner, L. Betrol, J. Markwardt, B. Reitemeier & G. Engel
New approaches to prototype 3D vascular-like structures by additive layer manufacturing 35
E. Bassoli, L. Denti, A. Gatto, A. Paderno, G. Spaletta, N. Zini, V. Strusi, D. Dallatana & R. Toni
A novel protein-based scaffold with macro- and micro-structural features for tissue
engineering applications 43
M.J.J. Liu, S.M. Chou & C.K. Chua
Surgical training and post-surgery evaluation using rapid prototyped biomodels 51
L. Queijo, João Rocha, Paulo Miguel Pereira & Manuel San Juan
The calibration of continuous Digital Light Processing (cDLP) for the highly accurate
additive manufacturing of tissue engineered bone scaffolds 57
D. Dean, J. Wallace, A. Siblani, M.O. Wang, K. Kim, A.G. Mikos & J.P. Fisher
Fabrication and characterization of biodegradable composite scaffolds for Tissue Engineering 67
T. Serra, M. Navarro & J.A. Planell
Spatially varying porosity with continuous path plan for hollowed tissue scaffolds 73
A.K.M.B. Khoda, I.T. Ozbolat & B. Koc
Heterogeneous tissue scaffolds for spatiotemporally controlled release kinetics 79
I.T. Ozbolat, A.K.M.B. Khoda, M. Marchany, J.A. Gardella & B. Koc
Medical application of rapid prototyping in orthopedics surgical planning 85
C.B.L. Ulbrich, C.A.C. Zavaglia, T.P. Leivas & F. Teixeira
Polycaprolactone-based scaffold plus BMP-2 in a sheep thoracic spine fusion model 89
M. Yong, F. Melchels, C. Vaquette, D. Hutmacher, C. Adam, M. Domingos & P. Bartolo
Development of functional graded device of PCL/PG by Selective Laser Sintering for drug
delivery applications 93
G.V. Salmoria, P. Klauss, K. Zepon, L.A. Kanis & C.R.M. Roesler
Flexible PCL tube scaffolds by winding of micro-extruded filaments 99
K. Ragaert, L. Cardon & J. Degrieck
VAutomation design and simulation of a stent 105
E.L. Melgoza, L. Serenó, J. Ciurana & A. Rosell
Production and in-vitro characterization of micro-structured implant surfaces 111
M. de Wild, Th. Müller, S. Tschumi, R. Schumacher & H. Albrecht
A study of mechanical and biological behavior of porous Ti6Al4V fabricated on EBM 115
V. Petrovi´c, J.R. Blasco, L. Portolés, I. Morales, V. Primo, C. Atienza, J.F. Moreno & V. Belloch
Enabling technologies for robotic organ printing 121
R.A. Rezende, F.D.A.S. Pereira, B.D.T. Kemmoku, J.V.L. Silva, V. Mironov, V. Kasyanov & T. Vilbrandt
The semi-automated design & manufacture of patient-specific intervertebral disc implants 131
N. de Beer
Additive manufacturing of soft tissue geometries for reconstruction purposes 139
M. Truscott, G.J. Booysen & D.J. de Beer
Development of patient-specific implants using Direct Metal Laser Sintering in Titanium 145
G.J. Booysen, M. Truscott, J. Els & D.J. de Beer
CAD and 3D Data Acquisition Technologies
A prototype of a spherical tippe top 157
M.C. Ciocci, B. Malengier & B. Grimonprez
An innovative methodology for laser scanner integration in a robot cell for small batch
production of sculpture artworks 163
C. Cenati, G. Borroni, L. Cevasco, D. Parazzoli & M. Danesi
Application of time compression techniques to dental restoration: A procedure for quality evaluation 169
A. Salmi, E. Atzeni & L. Iuliano
Reverse engineering of casting equipment for process simulation 177
F. Calignano, P. Minetola, A. Salmi, E. Atzeni & L. Iuliano
Patient specific parametric geometric modelling of cementless hip prosthesis 187
G. Saravana Kumar & M. Gupta
Cross-section morphological study 195
B. Bauer, A. Tibi & U. Shavit
Cellular structure design for lightweight components 203
J. Nguyen, S.-I. Park & D.W. Rosen
“No models, no moulds!” 211
A.T. Estévez
Touchless gesture user interface for 3D visualization using the Kinect platform
and open-source frameworks 215
G.C.S. Ruppert, P.H.J. Amorim, T.F. Moraes & J.V.L. Silva
Multi-material blending for complex-shaped heterogeneous objects 221
I.T. Ozbolat & B. Koc
Gaussian Vault geometry: Integrated approach in design and fabrication of physical prototypes 227
M.P. Sharman & S. Datta
Application of contour tracing algorithm for assisting non-contact data acquisition 233
S. Rianmora, P. Koomsap & P. Kuagoolkijgarn
Image-based direct slicing of a single line drawing for rapid prototyping 241
N. Chansri & P. Koomsap
Design and additive manufacturing of cellular lattice structures 249
L. Hao, D. Raymont, C. Yan, A. Hussein & P. Young
The Corinthian capital according to Alberti: Generative modelling and digital prototyping
of classical architectural elements 255
E. Castro e Costa, F. Coutinho, J.P. Duarte & M. Krüger
VIEvaluation of different fitting algorithms using CMM and white fringe projection systems 263
F. Domingues, C. Silva, N.M. Alves, H.A. Almeida & P.J. Bártolo
Robust STL processing for extrusion-based manufacturing 273
M.B. Gaspar & N. Martins-Ferreira
A review of different techniques to characterise the mechanical properties of SLS parts – focus
on resistivity measurements 281
E. Boillat, D. Fivat, Jamasp Jhabvala, M. Matthey & R. Glardon
Influence of hygrothermal aging on the mechanical properties of Nylon 12 composites processed
by selective laser sintering 287
R. Seltzer, J.S. Escudero & F.M. de la Escalera Cutillas
Structural and functional properties of NiTi shape memory alloys produced by Selective Laser Melting 291
H. Meier, C. Haberland & J. Frenzel
Investigation on the inclusions in maraging steel produced by Selective Laser Melting 297
L. Thijs, J. Van Humbeeck, K. Kempen, E. Yasa, J.P. Kruth & M. Rombouts
SMARTerials for high performance buildings 305
N. Lazarovich, G. Capeluto & M.S. Silverstein
Porous ceramic filters through 3D printing 313
A. Withell, O. Diegel, I. Grupp, S. Reay, D. de Beer & J. Potgieter
Production of alumina parts through Selective Laser Sintering of alumina-polyamide
composite powder 319
J. Deckers, S. Khuram, J. Vleugels, J.-P. Kruth & S. Boury
Material characterisation of Additive Manufacturing components made from a polyetherketone
(PEK) high temperature thermoplastic polymer 329
M.A. Beard, O.R. Ghita, J. Bradbury, S. Flint & K.E. Evans
Material study of laser cladded Inconel 625 333
M. Rombouts, G. Maes & R. Persoons
A preliminary investigation on Selective Laser Melting of M2 high speed steel 339
Z.H. Liu, C.K. Chua, K.F. Leong, K. Kempen, L. Thijs, E. Yasa, J. Van-Humbeeck & J.P. Kruth
Fatigue behavior of additive manufacturing parts. A preliminary analysis 347
J. Munguía, K.W. Dalgarno & R. Reid
Characterisation of carbon fibre reinforced nylon-12 composites for selective laser
sintering process 355
C. Yan, L. Xu, L. Hao & Y. Shi
New material development for laser additive manufacturing 359
L. Hao
Mechanical behavior of Epoxy-Aluminum composite for rapid tools applications 365
G.V. Salmoria, F.A. Yañez-Villamizar, A. Sabino-Netto & G.M.O. Barra
Thermal characterization of laser sintering of nylon-12 369
T.T. Diller, M.M. Yuan, D.L. Bourell & J.J. Beaman
Metallurgical, accuracy and cost analysis of Ti6Al4V dental coping fabricated
by electron beam melting process 375
W.P. Syam, A.M. Al-Ahmari, M.A. Mannan, H.A. Al-Shehri & K.A. Al-Wazzan
Thermal and dynamic-mechanical behavior of Fullcure 3D Printing Resin post-cured by
different methods 385
L.F. Vieira, R.A. Paggi & G.V. Salmoria
Rheological study of poly vinyl alcohol with two thermo-initiator for use in rapid prototyping 389
L.L. Lima, C.B.L. Ulbrich, C.A.C. Zavaglia, V.P. Bavaresco, J.G.M. Coelho & C.G.B.T. Dias
VIIRapid Tooling & Manufacturing
A study on the mouldability of technical parts using hybrid moulds and structural foams 399
A.A. Nogueira, P.G. Martinho, A.M. Brito & A.S. Pouzada
Rapid tooling in metal forming processes using 3D-printed tools 405
S. Junk, R. Wagner, M. Tränkle & S. Côté
Conformal cooling in moulds with special geometry 409
M.A. García, C. García-Pando & C. Marto
Thermoplastic Resin Transfer Moulding in a rapid manufactured mould 413
E. Atzeni, F. Calignano, L. Iuliano, P. Minetola, A. Salmi, E. Bassoli, L. Denti & A. Gatto
A creative solution for rapid and inexpensive model-making in product design processes 423
F. Veloso, Á.M. Sampaio, F. Chaves & R. Simoes
Fabrication of a Biopsy Micro-Forceps prototype with Incremental Sheet Forming 429
R. Perez-Santiago, M. García-Romeu & I. Bagudanch
Using additive manufactured tooling in the fabrication of poly (L-Lactide-co-Glycolide) implants 437
S.F. Khan, K.W. Dalgarno & M.J. German
Developing Ti jewelry through additive manufacturing and conversion technologies 443
B. Paiva, R.J. Neto & J. Lino
Automation for building manufacturing 451
F. Craveiro, J.M. Matos, H. Bártolo & P.J. Bártolo
Additive and Nano Manufacturing Technologies
Optimization of Selective Laser Melting technology using design of experiments method 459
M. Averyanova, E. Cicala, Ph. Bertrand & D. Grevey
From functional specifications to optimized CAD model: Proposition of a new DFAM methodology 467
J.Y. Hascoet, R. Ponche, O. Kerbrat & P. Mognol
A novel approach to produce Functionally Graded Materials for additive manufacturing 473
P. Mognol, P. Muller & J.Y. Hascoet
Electrochemical micromilling with ultra short pulses 479
R. Zemann, F. Bleicher, C. Habersohn & R. Zisser-Pfeifer
Functionally Graded Rapid Prototyping 483
N. Oxman, S. Keating & E. Tsai
Continuous contour printing versus layer by layer printing in an Additive Manufacturing Technology 491
G. Vallicrosa, J. Delgado, L. Serenó & J. Ciurana
Methodology for analyzing the depth of sintering in the building platform 495
J. Delgado, L. Sereno, J. Ciurana & L. Hernandez
Influence of process parameters in the first melting layer of a building platform in a SLM machine 499
J. Delgado, L. Sereno, J. Ciurana & L. Hernandez
Surface finishing techniques for SLM manufactured stainless steel 316L components 503
W. Morton, S. Green, A.E.W. Rennie & T.N. Abram
Variable Fused Deposition Modelling – analysis of benefits, concept design and tool path generation. 511
H.L. Brooks, A.E.W. Rennie, T.N. Abram, J. McGovern & F. Caron
Innovative features in implants through Beam Melting – a new approach for Additive
Manufacturing of endoprostheses 519
B. Mueller, T. Toeppel, M. Gebauer & R. Neugebauer
Investigating the influence of build parameters on the mechanical properties of FDM parts 525
J. Giannatsis, K. Sofos, V. Canellidis, D. Karalekas & V. Dedoussis
VIIIPorosity as a key to increase material properties of laser sintered parts 531
S. Rüsenberg, L. Schmidt, H. Hosse & H.-J. Schmid
Software tools for rapid Prototype as Design 539
A. Withell, O. Diegel & S. Reay
Direct Manufacturing Design Rules 545
D. Zimmer & G. Adam
A priori process parameter adjustment for SLM process optimization 553
S. Clijsters, T. Craeghs & J.-P. Kruth
Surface roughness analysis in Selective Laser Melting 561
G. Strano, L. Hao, R.M. Everson & K.E. Evans
AsTeRICS – a rapid prototyping platform for Assistive Technologies 567
C. Weiß & C. Veigl
Comparison of five rapid prototype techniques (SLS/FDM/DLP/3DP/Polyjet) 573
C.B.L. Ulbrich, C.A.C. Zavaglia, P.I. Neto, M.F. Oliveira & J.V.L. Silva
Droplet impact dynamics in ink-jet manufacturing 581
W. Zhou, D. Loney, A.G. Fedorov, F.L. Degertekin & D.W. Rosen
Rapid Prototyping techniques for individualized medical prosthesis manufacturing 589
A. Fiorentino, G.P. Marenda, R. Marzi, E. Ceretti, D.T. Kemmoku & J.V.L. Silva
Towards surface topography: Quantification of Selective Laser Melting (SLM) built parts 595
A. Diatlov, D. Buchbinder, W. Meiners, K. Wissenbach & J. Bültmann
An Additive Manufacturing method based on xerography 603
Y.E. Tan & C.K. Chua
Preliminary investigation on cellular support structures using SLM process 609
A. Hussein, C. Yan, R. Everson & L. Hao
Microchannels fabrication in Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 613
A.R.R. Bineli, A.L. Jardini, A.P.G. Peres, L.F. Bernardes & R.M. Filho
Knowledge based process planning and design for Additive Manufacturing (KARMA) 619
B. Singh & N. Sewell
A comparison of laser additive manufacturing using gas and plasma-atomized Ti-6Al-4V powders 625
M.N. Ahsan, A.J. Pinkerton & L. Ali
Thermoplastic filament extruder head for desktop Additive Manufacturing machines 635
P.I. Neto, A.L.L. Filho, F.D.A.S. Pereira, J.V.L. Silva & Z.C. Silveira
Manufacturing of defined porous metal structures using the beam melting technology 639
J.T. Sehrt & G. Witt
Virtual Environments and Simulation
An ontology-based automotive troubleshooting configuration system development 647
J.S. Liang
A tactile display for texture perception in virtual environments 653
M. Mengoni, M. Germani, B. Colaiocco & P. Morichetti
Virtual Reality technology as a support to the maintenance activity of buildings 661
A. Zita Sampaio & A.R. Gomes
Some studies on dislocation density based finite element modeling of Ultrasonic Consolidation 667
D. Pal & B.E. Stucker
Virtual prototyping of force-feedback robotic instruments for surgery 677
J.M. Gómez-de-Gabriel, V.F. Muñoz, W.S. Harwin & A. Barrow
IXA comparison between BioCAD and some known methods for finite element model generation 685
P.Y. Noritomi, T.A. Xavier & J.V.L. Silva
Towards simulation of a bioreactor environment for biofabricated tissue maturation 691
R.A. Rezende, C.A.R. Laureti, J.V.L. Silva, V. Mironov, V. Kasyanov & R.M. Filho
Prototyping process of a virtual-reality treadmill system for exploration of real world
panoramic environments 699
J. Hu, G.M. Fadel, I. Wood, P. Napieralski & S. Babu
Numerical simulations applied in a protocol for virtual prototype of a femoral prosthesis
stem fatigue life test 709
C.A.R. Laureti, D.T. Kemmoku, P.Y. Noritomi & J.V.L. Silva
BioCAD techniques: Example on maxilla for rapid expansion simulation 715
D.T. Kemmoku, C.A.R. Laureti, P.Y. Noritomi & J.V.L. Silva
Finite Element Synthesis 719
N. Oxman
Comparison of bone remodeling algorithms for hip implants 725
J. Frazão, H. Almeida, P. Bártolo & N. Alves
Computer modelling and simulation of reaction injection moulding: Filling and curing stages 731
R.T. Dias, A. Mateus, G.R. Mitchell & P.J. Bártolo
Warped hexahedral meshing of an ellipsoidal inclusion for design of composite material 737
L. Podshivalov, A. Fischer & P.Z. Bar-Yoseph
Rapid manufacturing of removable complete denture components 745
S. Wahab, N. Kassim & Z.A. Rajion
Investigation of wear behaviour of FDM fixtures 749
P. Minetola & L. Iuliano
The application of Laser Sintering for archaeological model-making 757
S.P. Soe, D.R. Eyers, A.T. Potter, T. Jones & N. Nayling
Novel concept for manufacturing lightweight centrifuge rotors for laboratories 763
U. Klaeger & V. Galazky
Use of rapid prototype techniques for large prosthetic cranioplasty 767
C.B.L. Ulbrich, C.A.C. Zavaglia, G.H.L. Paschoal, J.V.L. Silva & J.F.D. Zullo
A-footprint: Ankle and foot orthotic personalization via rapid manufacturing 771
J. Munguía, K.W. Dalgarno, J. Pallari & S. Cook
Physical prototypes in cross-functional team collaboration: A study of the Model-T2
concept car project 779
S. Datta, S. Hanafin, B. Rolfe & T. de Souza
Production of functional parts using SLM – Opportunities and limitations 785
A.B. Spierings, G. Levy, L. Labhart & K. Wegener
The integration of solutions that evolved by nature, into innovative products of the future 791
R. Becker
Comparative analysis between a CAD model design and physical models obtained by
manufacturing additive technologies using optical scan 797
F. de Alencar & P.J. Bártolo
Rapid prototyping for original design 801
N.G. Harris & T.J. Coole
XIntegrated strategy for sustainable product development 807
A.L. Santos, H. Almeida, H. Bártolo & P. Bártolo
3D scanning and digital manufacturing technologies applied in research projects in archaeology 813
J.R.L. Santos, S.A.K. Azevedo, S. Belmonte, A.B. Junior & R.C. Fontes
Fabrication of a soft morphing structure using a Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wire/polymer
skeleton composite 819
J.S. Kim & S.H. Ahn
Design and development of large rigid plastic packaging for Olives 825
M.F. Castro, C.I. Martins & A.J. Pontes
The potential for additive manufacturing in jewellery design 829
T. Ferreira, P. Bártolo & R.I. Campbell
Customization tool for people with special needs 837
B. Providência, J. Ciurana & J. Cunha
Rapid prototyping in collaborative architectural design process 845
R. Pupo, R. Ruschel & M. Andrade
Author index

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