Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
Mr. S. K. Mondal
Sl. No. Chapter Page No.
1. Properties of fluids 1-9
2. Pressure and its Measurement 10-21
3. Hydrostatic Forces on surfaces 22-26
4. Buoyancy and flotation 27-32
5. Fluid Kinematics 33-47
6. Fluid dynamics 48-66
7. Dimensional and Model Analysis 67-76
8. Boundary layer theory 77-91
9. Laminar flow 92-95
10. Turbulent flow 96-99
11. Flow through pipes 100-113
12. Flow through orifices and mouthpieces 114-116
13. Flow over notches and weirs 117-117
14. Flow around submerged bodies-drag and lift 118-123
15. Compressible flow 124-139
16. Flow in open channels 140-145
17. Force Exerted on surfaces 146-148
18. Hydraulic turbine 149-164
19. Centrifugal pump 165-171
20. Reciprocating pumps 172-173
21. Miscellaneous hydraulic machines
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