Theory and Design of Automotive Engine
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Theory and Design of Automotive Engine
I Introduction
1 General – Historical development of automobiles, Types of power plant, Principle of engine operation,
Classification of engines.

  1. Two stroke & four stroke engines; Principles of engine operation (SI & CI), Scavenging – systems,
    theoretical processes, parameters, relative merits & demerits; Port timing diagrams, port design.
    Relative merits & demerits compared to petrol & diesel engines, scavenging pumps.
    II Engine components –
    Classification/types, function, materials, construction details, design and manufacturing processes of
    the following engine components
  2. Cylinders and liners – design, cylinder wear and corrosion, details of water jacket, dry and wet liners,
    Cylinder head – design;
  3. Piston, piston rings, piston pin – design – stress analysis, methods of manufacture, compensation of
    thermal expansion in pistons, heat treatment, piston ring selection, limits of fit for pins
  4. Connecting rod – design, effects of whipping, bearing materials, lubrication
  5. Crank shaft – design, firing order, balancing and torsional vibration analysis, vibration dampers,
    bearings,. Lubrication
  6. Flywheel – design; Camshaft – drives of cams, materials, Types (only descriptive)
  7. Valve and valve mechanism – design, types of valve operating mechanisms, valve springs, guides,
    push rods, rocker arms, tappets, valve timing diagrams
  8. Crank Case- Design of crank case, oil sumps and cooling features
  9. Manifolds-construction and design of inlet and exhaust manifolds.
    I. High Speed Engines – P .M.Heldt, Oxford & IBH , 1965
  10. Auto Design – R.B Gupta, Satya Prakashan, New Delhi 1999
    I.A course in I.c. Engine – Mathur & Sharma, Dhanput Rai & Sons, Delhi, 1994
    2.Automobile Engineering VoU & II – Kirpal Singh, Standard publications, New Delhi, 1972
  11. Modem Petrol Engine ~ A.W.Judge, B.I. Publications. 1983
  12. I.c. Engine – Maleev &Litchy, McGrawHill
  13. I.C.Engines – H.B.Keshwani, Standard Pub New Delhi., 1982
  14. Fundamentals of I.C.Engines – J.B.Heywood
  15. Machine design exercises – S.N.Trikha, Khanna publications, Delhi
  16. Automotive mechanics – N.K.Giri, Khanna publications,Delhi
  17. Automotive mechanics – William H. Crouse, Tata Mc,Graw Hill Publications Co. New Delhi
  18. I.C.Engines and Air Pollution – B.P.Obel’rlntext harper & Roni Pub, New york

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