كورس الديناميكا الحرارية والبيثون للمهندسين الميكانيكيين – Thermodynamics and Python for Process and Mechanical Engineers Course
كورس الديناميكا الحرارية والبيثون للمهندسين الميكانيكيين
Thermodynamics and Python for Process and Mechanical Engineers Course
- Introduction \ 1. Introduction
- Python in Equipment Simulation \ 1. Python in Heat Exchanger part 1
- Python and Thermodynamic Properties \ 1. Python in Thermodynamic Properties
- Python and Thermodynamic Properties \ 2. Python in Density Changes
- Python in Equipment Simulation \ 2. Python in Heat Exchanger Part2
- Python in Equipment Simulation \ 3. Python in Heat Exchanger Part3
- Python and Thermodynamic Properties \ 3. Python in Thermodynamic Charts
- Python in Equipment Simulation \ 4. Python in Compressor Part1
- Python in Equipment Simulation \ 5. Python in Compressor Part2
- Python in Equipment Simulation \ 6. Python in Compressor Part3
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