Make – an Arduino- Controlled Robot – Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Bots on Wheel
اسم المؤلف
Michael Margolis
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Make – an Arduino- Controlled Robot
Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Bots on Wheel
Michael Margolis
Table of ContentsNext Steps 43

  1. Building the Four-Wheeled Mobile Platform . 45
    Hardware Required 46
    Mechanical Assembly 47
    Lay Out the Chassis Parts 47
    Motor Assembly . 49
    Assemble the Chassis Components 51
    Solder the Power and Motor Connections 54
    Connecting the Battery Pack and Power Switch . 55
    Building the Optional Trickle Charger 56
    Assemble the Chassis 57
    Mounting Arduino and Connecting Wires to the Shield . 58
    Mounting the IR sensors . 65
    Mounting the IR Sensors for Edge Detection 65
    Mounting the IR Sensors for Line Following . 67
    Next Steps 68
  2. Tutorial: Getting Started with Arduino 71
    Hardware Required 72
    Arduino Software 72
    Arduino Hardware . 72
    Installing the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 74
    Installing Arduino on Windows 74
    Installing Arduino on OS X . 75
    Installing Arduino on Linux 76
    Driver Installation . 76
    Connecting the Arduino Board . 78
    Using the IDE 78
    Uploading and Running the Blink Sketch . 81
    Using Tabs 82
    Installing Third-Party Libraries . 83
  3. Testing the Robot’s Basic Functions . 85
    Hardware Required 85
    Software Prerequisites . 86
    Sketches Used in This Chapter . 87
    Load and Run helloRobot.ino 88
    About the Sketch 95
    Troubleshooting . 98
    Making the Sketch Easy to Enhance 99
  4. Controlling Speed and Direction . 103
    Hardware Required . 103
    iv Make an Arduino-Controlled RobotSketches Used in This Chapter 103
    Types of Motors 104
    Motor Controllers 106
    Controlling Motor Speed . 109
    How Motor Speed Is Controlled . 109
    Code for Motor Control . 110
    Calibrating Rotation and Tracking . 116
    Software Architecture for Robot Mobility 119
    Functions to Encapsulate Robot Movements 123
    Core Movement Code 124
    Additional Core Functions 126
    Functions to Rotate the Robot 127
    Higher-Level Movement Functions 130
  5. Tutorial: Introduction to Sensors . 133
    Hardware Discussed 133
    Software . 134
    Infrared Reflectance Sensors 134
    Sonar Distance Sensors . 137
    Maxbotix EZ1 Sonar Distance Sensor 139
    Sharp IR Distance Sensor . 141
    Proximity Sensor . 142
    Sound Sensor 143
    Arduino Cookbook . 146
  6. Modifying the Robot to React to Edges and Lines
    . 147
    Hardware Required . 147
    Sketches Used in This Chapter 148
    The Look Code . 149
    Edge Detection 150
    Line Following . 154
    Seeing Sketch Data . 160
  7. Autonomous Movement . 163
    Hardware Required . 163
    Sketches Used in This Chapter 164
    Mounting a Ping Distance Sensor . 165
    Making a Mount for the Ping Sensor 166
    Mounting the Ping Sensor in a Fixed Position 168
    Mounting the Ping Sensor on a Servo . 168
    Letting the Robot Wander 170
    Table of Contents vAdding Scanning . 178
  8. Remote Control . 185
    Hardware Required . 185
    Sketches Used in This Chapter 186
    Design of the Remote Control Code . 186
    Controlling the Robot with a TV Type IR Remote . 190
    Installing the IR Decoder Chip 190
    The IR Remote Software 192
    Appendix A. Enhancing Your Robot 201
    Appendix B. Using Other Hardware with Your Robot 205
    Appendix C. Debugging Your Robot 211
    Appendix D. Power Sources 221
    Appendix E. Programming Constructs . 231
    Appendix F. Arduino Pin and Timer Usage . 235

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