Introduction to AutoCAD 2023 for Civil Engineering Applications

Introduction to AutoCAD 2023 for Civil Engineering Applications
Learning to use AutoCAD’for Civil Engineering Projects
Nighat Yasmin Ph.D.
Clemson University
1.1. Learning Objectives 1
1.2. Engineering Problem 2
1.3. Technical Drawing 2
1.4. Drawing Methods 2
1.5. Drawing Standards 4
1.6. Scale 4
1.6.1. Type of scale 4 Representative Fraction 4 Equivalence relation 5 Converting RF to ER 5 Graphical representation 6
1.7. Scale Of A Drawing 7
1.7.1. Full-scale 7
1.7.2. Large scale 7
1.7.3. Small scale 7
1.8. Computer Aided Graphics 8
1.8.1. AutoCAD 2023 8
1.8.2. AutoCAD and drawing scale 8 - GETTING STARTED WITH AUTOCAD 2023 11
2.1. Learning Objectives 11
2.2. Introduction 12
2.3. Focus Of The Book 16
2.4. Initial Setup 16
2.5. Typical Window Screen 18
2.6. Drawing Area 19
2.6.1. Model space 20
2.6.2. Paper space and layout 21
2.6.3. Display/hide model and layout tabs 22
2.7. Status Bar 23
2.8. The Cursor 25
2.8.1. Location of the cursor 26
2.8.2. Size of the intersecting lines 26
2.8.3. Size of the aperture 27
2.8.4. Color of the cursor 27
2.9. World Coordinate System (WCS) 28
2.10. Scrollbars 29
2.11. ViewCube 29
2.11.1. ViewCube settings 30
2.11.2. View switching 31
2.12. Drawing Display Format 32
2.13. Command Line Window 34
2.13.1. Move the CLW 35
2.13.2. Display/hide the CLW. 35
2.13.3. Resize the CLW 36
2.13.4. Change the color of the CLW 36
2.13.5. Change the font of the CLW. 37
2.14. Ribbon 38Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
2.14.1. Color scheme 39
2.14.2. Relocate 39
2.14.3. Hide or display a ribbon 41
2.14.4. States 45
2.14.5. Ribbon’s tab 46 Display or hide tabs 46 Tab relocation 46 New tab 47
2.14.6. Ribbon’s panel 52 Panel components 52 Display or hide panel 54 Panel relocation 55 Floating panel 56 Create new panel 57 Add panel to a tab 60 Add commands to a panel 60
2.15. Workspace 66
2.15.1. Save a workspace 66
2.15.2. Rename a workspace 67
2.15.3. Switch a workspace 68
2.15.4. Delete a workspace 68
2.16. Basics Of A Drawing File 70
2.17. New Drawing J 70
2.18. Drawing’sName 74
2.19. Drawing Units 74
2.19.1. Length 74
2.19.2. Angle 76
2.19.3. Insertion scale 78
2.19.4. Convert measurements from ISO to ANSI (and vice versa) 78
2.20. Drawing Limits 80
2.21. Grid (I I) And Snap (I‘ ‘ I)Commands 82
2.21.1. Toggle grid and snap in the model space 83
2.21.2. Toggle the grid and snap in the layout 85
2.21.3. Grid properties 85 Grid style 85 Grid spacing 85 Gridbehavior 86 Grid color 87
2.21.4. Snap properties 87 Snap spacing 87 Polar spacing 87 Snap type 87
2.22. Save A File 89
2.22.1. Save As 89
2.22.2. SaveH 90
2.23. Open A Pre-existing File 1^1 91
2.24. Close A File 93
3.1. Learning Objectives 97
3.2. Introduction 98Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications iii
3.3. Dynamic Input 98
3.3.1. Toggle dynamic input 99
3.3.2. Components of a dynamic input 99 Pointer input 100 Dimension input 101 Dynamic prompts 103
3.3.3. Drafting tooltip appearance 104
3.4. Input Data 105 Tab key 105 Comma key 106 Less than key 107 Remove typing errors from the dynamic input tooltips 107
3.5. Reference System 107
3.5.1. Cartesian coordinates 108
3.5.2. Polar coordinates 108
3.5.3. AutoCAD and the coordinate systems 109 Absolute Cartesian coordinates 109 Relative Cartesian coordinates 110 Absolute Polar coordinates Ill Relative Polar coordinates Ill
3.6. Point l’-‘l 112
3.6.1. Change style and size of a point 113 Style 113 Point size 113
3.7. Line KJ 114
3.7.1. Points selection 114
3.7.2. Snap points 116
3.7.3. Cartesian coordinates 117
Polar coordinates 117
Object Appearance
3.15.1. Color Control 150 Set color of an object before it is drawn 150 Change color of an object after it is drawn 150
3.15.2. Lineweight Control 151 Change thickness of a line before it is drawn 152 Change thickness of a line after it is drawn 152
3.15.3. Linetype Control 153 Load a linetype 153 Change linetype before an object is drawn 155 Change linetype after an object is drawn 155 Linetype scale 156Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
3.16. Table U=U 158
3.16.1. Create a table 160
3.16.2. Table resize 160
3.16.3. Modify table’s shape 162
3.16.4. The cursor movement 165
3.16.5. Insert a multiline text in a cell. 165
3.16.6. The data type 166
3.16.7. Populate the table 167
3.16.8. Modify the contents of a table 168 Table Style dialog box 168 Table update using the property palette 174 - TWO-DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS’ EDITING 179
4.1. Learning Objectives 179
4.2. Introduction 180
4.3. Grips 180
4.3.1. Grips toggle 180
4.3.2. Change the size and color of the grips 181
4.4. Object Selection 182
4.4.1. Method #1: Green Method. 182 Version#! (Lasso method) 182 Version #2 (Rectangle method) 183
4.4.2. Method #2: Blue Method 183 Version#! (Lasso method) 183 Version #2 (Rectangle method) 183
4.4.3. Method #3 184
4.5. Similar Object Selection 184
4.6. Object De-Selection 185
4.7. Zoom Capabilities 185
Object Snap —I
Toggle object snap
Size and color of the object snap cursor
Object snap commands
Endpoint l_!_.
Midpoint zC.Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications v Node C Intersection E I Extension I I Apparent intersection 1^ I Center I® I. Quadrant EH Geometric center B
ra Tangent z Perpendicular EZI
4.11. The Editing Commands
4.12. Cancel 202
4.13. Erase LJ 203
4.13.1. Erase one object 203 Using delete key 203 Using Erase tool 203
4.13.2. Erase multiple objects simultaneously 203
4.14. Undo® 204
4.14.1. Undo one command 204
4.14.2. Undo several commands 204
4.15. Redo 204
4.15.1. Redo one command 205
4.15.2. Redo several commands 205
4.16. Oops
4.17. Delete Duplicate Objects f
Polar array
Fill angle
Angle between
Polar array and grip points
Copy L
Edit array.
Path array L_L
Path array and grip points.
Rectangular Array
Rectangular array’s grip points
4.22.1. Move in xy-plane 235
4.22.2. Move in z-direction 235Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
4.27. Break At A Point 244
4.28. Explode 1 244
4.30. Fillet 249
4.31. Chamfer 252
Trim: FAQ.
4.33. Extend 258
4.36. The Properties Palette And Object Editing 269
Circular arc
Combination of objects
Polyline Edit
Grips And Object Editing
Select a point
5.1. Learning Objectives 273
5.2. Introduction 274
5.3. Characteristics Of Annotative Objects 274
5.3.1. Add a scale factor to the annotative object’s scale list 275
5.3.2. Ghost objects 277
5.4. Annotative Object’s Creation Process 278
5.5. Text [AJ 279
5.5.1. Multiline versus single line text 279
5.5.2. Standard versus annotative text 279
5.5.3. Annotative leader style 280 Text style dialog box 281
5.5.4. Create multiline annotative text 283
5.5.5. Text Editor 285 Style 286 Font height 286 Background mask 286 Formatting 287 Stacked characters 289 Paragraph 289 Justification 290 List 291 Line spacing 291 Paragraph dialog box 292 Insert 293 Column 293 Symbol 293Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications vii Spellcheck 294 Tools 294 Options 295 Close 296
5.5.6. Annotate tab and Text panel 296
5.5.7. Modify multiline annotative text 297
5.5.8. Delete text style 297
5.5.9. Add the scales to the text properties 298
5.5.10. Annotative text and viewport scale 298
5.5.11. Text relocation 299
5.5.12. Express Tools tab and Text panel
Arc Aligned
Enclose in object
5.6.1. Hatch editor tab 307 Boundaries 307 Pattern 307 Properties 308 origin 309 Options 310 Close 313
5.6.2. Create annotative hatch 314
5.6.3. Add the scales to the hatch properties 315
5.6.4. Update the viewports scales 316
5.7. Leader Lines 12 316
5.7.1. Annotative leader style 317
5.7.2. Create annotative leader 319
5.7.3. Add the scales to the leader properties 321
5.7.4. Update the viewports scales 321
5.7.5. Arrow 322
5.7.6. Arrowhead size 323
Annotation-Status Bar Button
Annotation visibility
Annotation auto scale
Annotation Scale
Viewport scale sync
Conversion of Annotative Object to Non-annotative - LAYERS 331
- 1 . Learning Objectives 331
6.2. Introduction 332
6.3. Layers In AutoCAD 333
6.4. Layer Command 1^1 334
6.5. Layer Properties Manager 334
6.5.1. Characteristics of a layer 335
6.5.2. Create a new layer 339
6.5.3. Delete an existing layer 340
6.5.4. Make a layer to be a current layer ‘ 341
6.6. Drawing And Layers 341
6.7. The Defpoints Layer 341viii Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
6.8. Move Objects Between Layers 341
6.9. Update Layer Properties 343
6.10. Layers: FAQ 343
6.11. Illustrative Example 344 - BLOCKS 349
7.1. Learning Objectives 349
7.2. Introduction 350
Basic Block
Create a basic block
Block definition dialog box 351
Wblock 354
Create a Wblock
Write block dialog box
Block With Attributes
The initial setup 356
Attribute definition dialog box 357
Create attributes 359
Create block with attributes 360
Convert to Wblock 360
Block With Text Boxes 361
Basic Block Insertion 0 363
Insert dialog box 363
Insert a block with default values 365
Change the scale of the block at the insertion 366
Rotate the block at the insertion 367
Insert a Wblock 368
Insert a block with attributes 369
Insert a block with text boxes 370
Combine Blocks 370
Modify Block.
Design Center (E)
Insert a block (known dimension) „
Insert a block (unknown dimension) - LAYOUTS AND TEMPLATE 377
8.1. Learning Objectives 377
8.2. Introduction 378
8.3. Layout 378
8.3.1. Paper background and shadow 378
8.3.2. Printable area 380
8.3.3. Viewport 383 Viewport resizing 383 Multiple viewports 383 Non-rectangular viewports 385 Viewport scaling 387 Rescale a viewport 387 Lock the scale of a viewport 388
8.4. Add An Entry In The Scale List 390
8.5. Layout Manipulation 392
8.5.1. Delete a layout 392
8.5.2. Move a layout 393Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
8.5.3. Copy a layout 394
8.5.4. Rename a layout 395
8.5.5. Insert a layout 396 Default layout 396 Layout from template 396
8.5.6. Grid and Snap commands 397
8.5.7. An Example 397
8.6. Layers Freezing And Layouts 399
8.7. Object Appearance And Layouts 401
8.8. Template File 402
8.8.1. Landscape template for ISO units 402
8.8.2. Portrait template for ISO units 407
8.8.3. Template for ANSI units 409
8.9. Modify Attribute Of A Block In A Template File 409 - DIMENSIONS 411
9.1. Learning Objectives 411
9.2. Introduction 412
9.3. Dimensioning In General 412
9.4. Terminology 413
9.5. Dimensions: Basic Rules 415
9.6. Dimensions Styles 416
9.6.1. Standard dimensions 416
9.6.2. Annotative dimensions 416
9.7. Illustrative Example 417
9.8. Dimension Style Manager I1—H 418
9.9. Modify Dimension Style Dialog Box 419
9.9.1. Lines 420
9.9.2. Symbols and arrows 421
9.9.3. Text 422
9.9.4. Fit 423
9.9.5. Primary units 423
9.9.6. Alternate units 424
9.9.7. Tolerance 424
9.10. Modify Dimension Style 424
9.10.1. Modify dimension style using the dialog box
9.10.2. Modify dimension style using the properties palette
9.11. Dimensioning Techniques
9.11.1. Linear dimensions tL Extension lines 426 Object selection 427
Text relocation 428
Space adjustment
Aligned dimensions
Angular dimensions
431 Angles <180° 432 Angles >180°
9.11.4. Dimensioning radii
9.11.5. Dimensioning circles l^-y
435X Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
9.12. Center Mark 437
9.12.1. Command line method 437
9.12.2. Panel method – 439
Smart Dimension 439
Types Of Dimensions..
Continue dimension
Baseline dimensions
Ordinate dimensions
9.14.4. Tabular dimensions 446
9.14.5. Combined dimensions 447
9.15. Quick Dimension ^1 447
9.16. Dimensioning Fillets And Rounds 448
9.17. Centerline 448
9.18. Line Of Symmetry 449 - TOLERANCE 451
10.1. Learning Objectives 451
10.2. Introduction 452
10.3. Terminology 453
10.4. Tolerance Methods 453
10.4.1. Plus-minus method 453 Unilateral 454 Bilateral 454 Tolerance expression 454 Unilateral values 454 Bilateral values 455 Usage of Plus-minus tolerance 456
10.4.2. Limits tolerance 456
10.5. Standard Tolerance 456
10.6. Double Dimensioning 457
10.6.1. Double dimensioning: an error 457
10.6.2. Solution #1 458
10.6.3. Solution #2 458
10.7. Chain And Baseline Dimension 458
10.8. Tolerance Study 459
10.9. Tolerance In AutoCAD 460
10.9.1. Tolerance tab 461 Tolerance format 461 Tolerance Alignment 463 Zero Suppression 463
10.9.2. Add or modify tolerance 464 Add or modify tolerance using the dialog box 464 Add or modify tolerance using the property palette 464 - LAND SURVEY 467
11.1. Learning Objectives 467
11.2. Introduction 468
11.3. Location 468
11.3.1. Longitudes 468
11.3.2. Latitudes 468
11.3.3. Location on a map 469Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications xi
11.4. Angular Measurement 469
11.4.1. Units of measurement 470
11.4.2. Direction 470 Azimuth 470 Bearing 470 Relationship between azimuth and bearing 470
11.5. Traverse 471
11.5.1. Open traverse 472
11.5.2. Closed traverse 472 Connecting traverse 472 Loop traverse 472
11.6. Drawing A Traverse Using AutoCAD 473
11.6.1. Traverse for the given azimuths 473
11.6.2. Traverse for the given bearings 476
11.7. Add Dimensigns To A Traverse 477
11.7.1. Length 477
11.7.2. Add reference line to a traverse 478
11.7.3. Azimuth angle 479
11.7.4. Bearing angle 479
11.7.5. Save the file 479
11.8. Parcel 479
11.9. Deed 479
11.10. Land Survey 480
11.11. Rectangular System 480
11.11.1. Reference lines 480
11.11.2. Township and range 481
11.12. Metes And Bounds 484
11.12.1. Land description using metes and bounds 484
11.12.2. AutoCAD And Metes And Bounds 485
11.13. Lots And Blocks 487
11.13.1. Terminology 487
11.13.2. Lots And Blocks 488
11.13.3. AutoCAD And Lot And Block. 488
11.13.4. Area of a lot 494 Closed boundary method 494 Hatch method 495 Area command method 496 - CONTOURS 499
12.1. Learning Objectives 499
12.2. Introduction 500
12.3. Characteristics Of A Contour Line 501
12.4. Terminology 501
12.5. AutoCAD And Contour Map 505
12.5.1. Create Script file 505
12.5.2. Create layers 505
12.5.3. Change point style 506
12.5.4. Read the script files 507
12.5.5. Create the contour map 507
12.5.6. Curve fitting 508
12.5.7. Add the labels to the index contours 509 - DRAINAGE BASIN 511
13.1. Learning Objectives 511
13.2. Introduction 512
13.3. Hydrologic Cycle 512xii Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
13.4. Terminology 512
13.5. Drainage Basin or Watershed 514
13.6. Drainage Basin Characteristics 514
13.6.1. Drainage area 514
13.6.2. Drainage basin length 575
13.6.3. Drainage basin slope 575
13.6.4. Miscellaneous 575
13.7. Major Steps In A Drainage Basin Delineation 515
13.8. Drainage Basin Delineation Using AutoCAD 516 - FLOODPLAINS 525
- 1. Learning Objectives 525
14.2. Introduction 526
14.3. Terminology 526
14.4. Major Steps In A Floodplain Delineation 529
14.5. Floodplain Delineation Using AutoCAD 529 - ROAD DESIGN 545
15.1. Learning Objectives 545
15.2. Introduction 546
15.3. Plan And Profile 546
15.3.1. Plan 547
15.3.2. Profile 547
15.4. Draw Road Plan Using AutoCAD 547
15.5. Plot A Road Profile Using AutoCAD 550
15.6. Cross-Section 556
15.7. Draw A Cross-Section Using AutoCAD 556 - EARTHWORK 565
16.1. Learning Objectives 565
16.2. Introduction 566
16.3. Earthwork 566
16.3.1. Cut 566
16.3.2. Fill 566
16.3.3. Location of a road. 566
16.4. Slope 566
16.5. Angle Of Repose 567
16.6. ROAD: Plan And Existing Profile 568
16.7. Proposed Profile Of A Road 568
16.8. Delineate The Earthwork Using AutoCAD 570 - FLOORPLAN 577
17.1. Learning Objectives 577
17.2. Introduction 578
17.3. FloorPlan 580
17.4. Wall 580
17.4.1. Exterior 581
17.4.2. Interior 581
17.4.3. Load bearing 581
17.4.4. Non-load bearing 581
17.4.5. Wall thickness 581
17.5. Doors 581
17.5.1. Types of Doors 581
17.5.2. Door sizes 583
17.5.3. Door selection 584Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications xiii
17.5.4. Door appearance in floor plan 584
17.6. Windows 585
17.6.1. Types of windows 585
17.6.2. Window sizes 586
17.6.3. Window selection 586
17.7. Stair 587
17.7.1. Terminology 587
17.7.2. Important points to remember 588
17.7.3. Types of stairs 588
17.8. Basics Of Floor Plan Design 589
17.9. Design Technique 591
17.10. AutoCAD And Floor Plan 591
17.10.1. New file 591
17.10.2. The input units 591 Architectural 592 Precision 592
17.10.3. Load linetypes 592
17.10.4. Orthogonal lines 592
17.10.5. Layers 593
17.10.6. The floor plan 593 Exterior wall 593 Interior walls 594 Label 595 Doors 596 Walls cleanup 599 Windows 600 Wall hatch 603 Roofline 603 Frontporch 604 Back patio 605 Kitchen 605 Master bathroom 608 North direction 611 Other bathroom 611 The complete floor plan 611
17.11. Dimensioning An Architectural Drawing 611
17.11.1. Create Layers 612
17.11.2. Set Dimension Style dialog box 612
17.11.3. Add dimensions to the floor plan 614 - ELEVATIONS 623
18.1. Learning Objectives 623
18.2. Introduction 624
18.3. Roof 626
18.3.1. Terminology 626
18.3.2. Types of roof. 626
18.3.3. Important points 626
18.4. AutoCAD And Roof Plan 627
18.4.1. Open file 627
18.4.2. Load linetypes 627
18.4.3. Layers 627
18.4.4. The roof plan 628
18.5. The Front Elevation 631
18.5.1. Open file 631
18.5.2. Load linetypes 631
18.5.3. Orthogonal lines 631
18.5.4. Layers 631xiv Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
18.5.5. Draw the front elevation 632 Ground level 632 Slab level 633 Doors 633 Windows 635 Front wall 638 Roof 640 Frontporch 641 Landscaping 643 Complete front elevation 643
18.6. The Right-Side Elevation 643
18.6.1. Open file 644
18.6.2. Load linetypes 644
18.6.3. Layers 645
18.6.4. Orthogonal lines 645
18.6.5. Miter line 645
18.6.6. Ground and slab level 645
18.6.7. Doors 646
18.6.8. Windows 647
18.6.9. Wall 648
18.6.10. Roof. 649
18.6.11. Complete right-side elevation 652
18.6.12. Front and right-side elevations 654
18.7. Back And Left-Side Elevations 654 - SITE PLAN 655
19.1. Learning Objectives 655
19.2. Introduction 656
19.3. Terminology 656
19.4. Components Of A Site Plan 656
19.5. AutoCAD And Site Plan 657
19.5.1. Open file 657
19.5.2. Layers 659
19.5.3. Units 659
19.5.4. Load linetypes 659
19.5.5. Property line 660
19.5.6. North 661
19.5.7. Ground slope 661
19.5.8. Setbacks 662
19.5.9. Road 663
19.5.10. Adjacent properties 664
19.5.11. Building 665
19.5.12. Driveway 666
19.5.13. Walkway 667
19.5.14. Swimming pool 669
19.5.15. Utilities 671
19.5.16. Template file 672 - CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS 675
20.1. Learning Objectives 675
20.2. Introduction 676
20.3. Drawing Format 676
20.4. Blocks Used 676
20.5. Family Of Construction Drawing 678
20.5.1. Cover sheet 678
20.5.2. General information 678Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications xv
20.5.3. Quantity sheet 678
20.5.4. Survey or mapping 679
20.5.5. Soil information 679
20.5.6. Erosion control 679
20.5.7. Landscape drawings 680
20.5.8. Structural drawings 680
20.5.9. Fire protection drawings 680
20.5.10. Architectural drawings 680
20.5.11. Plumbing drawings 680
20.5.12. Mechanical drawings 680
20.5.13. Electrical drawings 681
20.5.14. Telecommunication drawings 681
20.5.15. Plan and profile drawings 681 - PLOTTING FROM AUTOCAD 2023 683
21.1. Learning Objectives 683
21.2. Introduction 684
21.3. Print O. 684
21.3.1. Plot dialog box 686 Page setup 686 Printer/plotter 687 Paper size 687 Plot area 688 Plot offset 693 Plot scale 693 Shaded viewport options 694 Plot options 695 Drawing orientation 696 Preview 697 Plot to layout 697 OK and cancel 697
21.4. Plot From Layouts 698
21.5. Change Layout’s Orientation 700
21.6. Page Setup From Layouts 703
21.7. Layout Plotting: FAQ 705
21.8. EmailDWGFile 706
21.9. Portable Document Format (PDF) 706
21.9.1. Create a PDF file 706
21.9.2. Import a PDF file into AutoCAD 709
21.10. Option Dialog Box 711 - EXTERNAL REFERENCE FILES (XREF) 713
22.1. Learning Objectives 713
22.2. Introduction 714
22.3. AutoCAD And Referencing An External File 714
22.3.1. Attach command 714
22.3.2. Attach external reference dialog box 715 Name 715 Preview 716 Reference type 716 Scale 716 Insertion point 717 Path type 717 Rotation 717 Block unit 717
22.3.3. File attachment 717xvi Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
22.3.4. Unreconciled layers 719
22.4. Reference An Image File 720
22.5. Reference A PDF File 721
22.6. 723
22.9.1. 727 728 728 728 728 Details 728
File Update
View Reference Files Preview Q 728
22.10. Open A Referenced File 728
22.11. Detach A Referenced File 729 - SUGGESTED IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES 731
23.1. Introduction 731
23.2. Download AutoCAD 2023 732
23.3. Customizea Workspace 733
23.4. Grid and Snap Capabilities 734
23.5. Erase, Line, Polyline and Polyline Edit 736
23.6. Point, Circle, Polygon, Offset, Move, Trim, Extend, and Zoom 738
23.7. Object appearance 742
23.8. Object appearance, Hatch, Copy, Mirror, and Scale 744
23.9. Array, Text, Hatch, Ellipse, qleader, and Draw Order 746
23.10. Layers 748
23.11. Make & Insert Block, and Template Files 750
23.12. Create layouts and create views by freezing layers 752
23.13. Dimension 755
23.14. Azimuths, Bearing, and Closed Travers 757
23.15. Closed Travers 760
23.16. Lots and Blocks 763
23.17. Rotate, Text, Background Mask Commands and Contour Map 764
23.18. Drainage Basin Delineation 766
23.19. Floodplain Delineation 768
23.20. Road Design: Plan and Profile 772
23.21. Road Design: Cross-Section 774
23.22. Road Design: Earthwork 776
23.23. Floorplan 778
23.24. Floor Plan (Cont.) 780
23.25. Dimensions (Architectural drawing) 782
23.26. Roof Plan 784
23.27. Front Elevation 786
23.28. Right Side Elevation 788
23.29. Site Plan 790
23.30. Tables 792Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications xvii - HOMEWORK DRAWINGS 795
24.1. Grid-1 (Units: Inches) 795
24.2. Grid-2 (Units: Millimeters) 796
24.3. Circles (Units: Inches) 796
24.4. Light Signal (Units: Inches) 797
24.5. Plate with holes (Units: Inches) 798
24.6. Circle-TTR (Units: Millimeters) 798
24.7. Bridge Pier (Units: Millimeters) 799
24.8. Object Properties (Units: Inches) 799
24.9. Pipe Cutter (Units: Millimeters) 800
24.10. Polygons and Circles (Units: Inches) 800
24.11. Rectangular Array (Units: Inches) 801
24.12. Polar Array (Units: Inches) 801
24.13. Mirror, Copy, and Scale (Units: Inches) 802
24.14. Spiral of Archimedes (Units: Millimeters) 804
24.15. Elevator system (Units: Millimeters) 806
24.16. Ferris wheel (Units: Millimeters) 810 - BIBLIOGRAPHY 813
- INDEX 817Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications 817
- Index
Angular measurement, 469
Azimuth, 470, 494, 495, 496
Bearing, 470
Conversion, 470
Units, 470
Convert annotative to non-annotative, 327
Hatch, 314
Status bar button, 323
Leader style dialog box, 280
Text style dialog box, 317
Annotative Object’s
Creation And Display Process, 278
Annotative Objects
Add scale to scale list, 275
Characteristics, 274
Ghost objects, 277
Area of a lot, 494
Array, 210
Edit, 227
Path, 223
Grip points, 226
Polar, 218
Angle between, 222
Fill angle, 221
Rectangular, 210
Grip points, 215
Arrow, 322
Arrow head size, 323
AutoCAD, 70
Start, 12
Azimuth, 470, 473, 479, 494, 495, 496
Bearing, 470, 476, 479
Blocks, 350
Attributes, 356
Basic, 350
Combine, 370
Convert to wblock, 360
Create, 351
Design center, 370
Default values, 365
Known dimensions, 373
Unknown dimensions, 374
Insert dialog box, 363
Modify, 370
Text, 361
Update attribute, 409
Wblock, 354
Break, 242
Break at a point, 244
Cancel, 202
Center mark, 437
Centerline, 437, 448, 449
Chamfer, 252
Circle, 120
Diameter, 121
Radius, 121
Tangent, tangent, radius, 125
Tangent, tangent, tangent, 127
Three points, 123
Two points, 122
Circular Arc, 143
Command line, 34
Color, 36
Display, 35
Font, 37
Hide, 35
Move, 35
Resize, 36
Contour, 500
AutoCAD, 505
Characteristics, 501
Curve fitting, 508
Depression, 503
Index contour, 502
Labels, 509
Peak, 503
Ridge, 504
Saddle, 503
Script file, 505
Slope, 502
Stream, 504
Terminology, 501
Coordinate systems
AutoCAD, 109
Cartesian coordinates, 108
Absolute, 109
Relative, 110
Polar coordinates, 108
Absolute, 111
Relative, 111818 Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
Copy, 207
Cursor, 25
Customization, 23
Deed, 479
Design Center, 370
Dimensions, 412
Aligned, 431
Angular, 431
Angle < 180°, 432 Angle > 180°, 433
Annotative, 416
Basic Rules, 415
Center mark, 437
Centerline, 437
Circle, 435
Dimension Style Manager, 418
Example, 417
Extension Lines, 426
Fillets, 448
Linear, 426
Modify styles, 419
Arrow, 421
Center mark, 421
Lines, 420
Text, 422
Tolerance, 424
Units, 423
Modify using dialog box, 424
Modify using property palette, 424
Object selection, 427
Quick dimensions, 447
Radii, 434
Rounds, 448
Smart dimensions, 439
Space adjustment, 429
Standard, 416
Standard vs Annotative, 416
Terminology, 413
Text relocation, 428
Types of dimensions, 442
Baseline, 443
Combined, 447
Continue, 442
Ordinate, 445
Tabular, 446
Doors, 581
Door appearance, 584
Selection, 584
Size, 583
Types, 581
Drafting and Annotation, 16
Switch, 16
Workspace, 18
Drainage basin, 514
Area, 514
Delineation steps, 515
Delineation using AutoCAD, 516
Length, 515
Miscellaneous, 515
Slope, 515
Draw order, 190
Bring to front, 190
Send to back, 190
Drawing area, 19
Drawing display format, 32
Drawing limits, 80
Drawing methods, 2
Drawing name, 74
Drawing standards, 4
Drawing units, 74
Angle, 76
Conversion (ANSI-ISO), 78
Insertion scale, 78
Length, 74
Dynamic input, 98
Components, 99
Dimension input, 101
Dynamic prompts, 103
Pointer input, 100
Drafting tooltip appearance, 104
On/Off, 99
Earthwork, 566
Angle of repose, 567
AutoCAD, 570
Cut, 566
Fill, 566
Road location, 566
Slope, 566
Elevation, 624
Front and AutoCAD, 631
Right side and AutoCAD, 643
Ellipse, 138
Elliptical Arc, 143
Email drawing file, 706
Erase, 203
Existing profile of a road, 568
Explode, 244
Extend, 258
File, 70
Basic, 70
Close, 93
New, 70
Open, 91
Save, 89
Fillet, 249
Floodplain, 526Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications 819
Delineation step, 529
Delineation using AutoCAD, 529
Terminology, 526
Floor plan, 580
AutoCAD, 591
Back porch, 605
Design Basic, 589
Design techniques, 591
Dimension, 611
Doors, 596
Exterior wall, 593
Front porch, 604
Interior wall, 594
Label, 595
North, 611
Roofline, 603, 611
Windows, 599, 600
Input data, 105
Comma key, 106
Less than key, 107
Tab key, 105
Typing error, 107
Join, 245
Circular arc, 247
Combination, 249
Line, 246
Polyline, 249
Spline, 249
Grid, 82
Behavior, 86
Color, 87
Properties, 85
Spacing, 85
Style, 85
Toggle (Layout), 85
Toggle (Model space), 83
Grips, 180
Color, 181
Object editing
Erase, 267
Move, 267
Resize, 267
Rotate, 268
Scale, 268
Selection, 266
Size, 181
Toggle, 180
Hatch, 305
Annotation, 314
Boundaries, 307
Hatch creation, 307
Hatch edit, 309, 310, 313
Options, 309, 310, 313
Pattern, 307
Properties, 308
Hydrograph, 528
Discharge, 528
Stage, 528
Station-Stage, 528
Hydrologic cycle, 512
Terminology, 512
Latitudes, 468
Layers, 333
Characteristics, 335
Command, 334
Create, 339
Current, 341
Defpoints, 341
Delete, 340
Drawing with layers, 341
Example, 344
FAQ, 343
Manager, 334
Move object, 341
Update, 343
Layout, 21, 378
Background, 378
Change orientation, 700
Copy, 394
Delete, 392
Display tabs, 22
Grid, 397
Hide tabs, 22
Default layout, 396
From template file, 396
Layer example, 397
Layer freeze, 399
Move, 393
Object appearance, 401
Page setup, 703
Plot, 698
Printable area, 380
Rename, 395
Snap, 397
Create annotative Qleader, 319
Annotative820 Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
Leader style dialog box, 280
QLeader style dialog box, 280
Create annotative leader, 319
Leader lines, 316
Arrow, 322
Arrow head size, 323
Line, 114
Orthogonal line, 114, 118
Points section, 114
Polar coordinate, 117
Snap points, 116
Line of symmetry, 448, 449
Linetype scale, 156
Longitudes, 468
Lots and blocks, 488
Area, 494
AutoCAD, 488
Terminology, 487
Menu bar, 42
Display, 42
Hide, 44
Metes and bounds, 484
Mirror, 228
Model space, 20
Move, 233
In xy-plane, 235
In z-direction, 235
Object Appearance, 149
Color, 150
Linetype, 153
Lineweight, 151
Object de-selection, 185
Object selection, 182
Object selection- select similar, 184
Object snap, 190
Apparent Intersection, 197
Center, 197, 198
Endpoint, 194
Extension, 196
Intersection, 195
Midpoint, 194
Perpendicular, 200
Quadrant, 198
Tangent, 199
Toggle, 192
Offset, 230
Oops, 205, 206
Orthographic views, 578
Page setup, 703
Pan, 189
Panel, 52
Add commands, 60
Command expender, 54
Display, 54
Expender, 52, 53, 54
Floating, 56
New, 57
Relocate, 55
Paper space, 21
Parcel, 479
Create, 706
Import, 709
Plan of a road, 568
Plot, 684
Layout, 698
Layout plotting problems, 705
OK and cancel, 697
Option dialog box, 711
Orientation, 696
Page setup, 686
Page setup, 703
Paper size, 687
Plot area, 688
Display, 688
Extents, 692
Layout, 692
Limits, 690
Window, 690
Plot Offset, 693
Plot options, 695
Plot scale, 693
Plot to layout, 697
Preview, 697
Printer, 687
Shaded viewport options, 694
Plot dialog box, 686, 728
Point, 112
Point measure, 534, 557
Size, 113
Style, 113
Pointer, 25
Polygon, 129
Polyline, 133
Angle, 134
Arc, 133
CEnter, 135
Direction, 136
Halfwidth, 136
Polyline edit, 261
Close, 262
Decurve, 265
Edit vertex, 265
Fit, 264Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications 821
Join, 263 Profile, 547
Open, 263 Profile and AutoCAD, 550
Spline, 265 Roof, 626
Undo, 265 Roof plan, 627
Width, 264 Terminology, 626
Print, 684 Types, 626
Properties Palette Rotate, 236
Object editing, 269
Proposed profile of a road, 568
Q 1 Scale, 4, 238
AutoCAD, 8
Qleader lines, 316 Conversion, 5
Arrow, 322 Equivalence relation, 5
Arrow head size, 323 Full, 7
Graphical representation, 6
Large, 7
R I Representative Fraction, 4
Small, 7
Rectangle, 144
Type, 4
Rectangular system, 480 Scale list, 390
Range, 481 Add an entry, 390
Township, 481 Scroll bars, 29
Redo, 204 Site plan, 656
Reference system, 107
AutoCAD, 657
Cartesian coordinates, 108
Component, 656
Absolute, 109
Terminology, 656
Relative, 110
Snap, 82
Polar coordinates, 108 Polar spacing, 87
Absolute, 111
Properties, 87
Relative, 111
Spacing, 87
Ribbon, 38
Toggle (Layout), 85
Color, 39
Toggle (Model space), 83
Display, 42
Type, 87
Hide, 41
Stair, 587
Move, 39
Terminology, 587
Panel, 52
Types, 588
Add commands, 60
Status bar, 23
Command expander, 54
Customization, 23
Components, 52 Status bar button
Display, 54
Annotation, 323
Expender, 52, 53, 54 Stretch, 240
Floating, 56
New, 57
Relocate, 55 T
States, 45
Tab, 46 Tab, 46
Add panel, 60 Add panel, 60
Display, 46 Display, 46
Hide, 46 Hide, 46
New, 47 New, 47
Relocate, 46 Relocate, 46
Road design, 546 Table, 158
Cross-section, 556 Create, 160
Cross-section and AutoCAD, 556 Cursor movement, 165
Plan, 547 Data type, 166
Plan and AutoCAD, 547 Dialog box, 160
PnP, 546 Modify contents, 168822 Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications
Multiline text, 165
Populate, 167
Property palette, 174
Reshape, 162
Resize, 160
Style dialog box, 168
Technical Drawing, 2
Template file, 402
Create Landscape, 402
Create Portrait, 407
Update title block, 409
Text, 279
Annotate tab, 296
Text style dialog box, 317
Arc aligned, 302
Background mask, 286
Column, 293
Create multiline annotative text, 283
Create multiline text, 283
Delete text style, 297
Enclose in object, 304
Express tools, 302
Insert, 293
Justification, 290
Line spacing, 291
List, 291
Modify multiline text, 297
Multiline vs single line, 279
Options, 295
Paragraph, 289
Paragraph dialog box, 292
Spell check, 294
Stacked characters, 289
Standard vs annotative text, 279
Symbol, 293
Text editor, 285
Background mask, 286
close, 296
Column, 293
Font height, 286
Format, 287
Line spacing, 291
List, 291
Options, 295
Paragraph, 289, 292
Spell check, 294
Stacked character, 289
Style, 286
Symbol, 293
Tools, 294
Tools, 294
Viewport scale, 298
Tolerance, 452
Add or Modify, 464
Using dialog box, 464
Using properties palette, 464
AutoCAD, 460
Chain and baseline dimension, 458
Direct, 453
Double dimensioning, 457
Limits, 456
Plus-minus, 453
Bilateral, 454
Expression, 454
Unilateral, 454
Usage, 456
Standard, 456
Terminology, 453
Tolerance study, 459
Tolerance tab, 461
Traverse, 471
Add dimension, 477
Add NS to traverse, 478
AutoCAD, 473
Azimuth, 473, 479
Display, 479
Draw, 473
Bearing, 476, 479
Display, 479
Draw, 476
Closed, 472
Open, 472
Trim, 255
FAQ, 258
Undo, 204
ViewCube, 29
Setting, 30
Switching, 31
Viewport, 383
Lock scale, 388
Multiple, 383
Non-rectangular, 385
Rescale, 387
Resize, 383
Scale, 387
Wall, 580
Exterior, 581
Interior, 581
Load bearing, 581
Non-load bearing, 581
Thickness, 581
Watershed, 514
Window, 585
Selection, 586
Size, 586Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineering Applications 823
Types, 585
Working drawing, 676
Workspace, 66
Delete, 68
Rename, 67
Save, 66
Switch, 68
World Coordinate System, 28
Xref, 714
Attach drawing file, 714
Attach external reference dialog box, 715
Clip, 723
Detach referenced file, 729
File update, 725
Image file, 720
Open referenced file, 728
PDF file, 721
Remove clip, 725
Unreconciled layers, 719
View reference files, 726
Zoom, 185
Zoom center, 187
Zoom object, 188
Zoom scale, 187
Zoom window, 185
Zoom-all, 189
Zoom-in, 188
Zoom-out, 188
Zoom-wheel, 18
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