Make – Getting Started with Intel Galileo
اسم المؤلف
Matt Richardson
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Make – Getting Started with Intel Galileo
Electronic Projects With The Quark Powered Arduino-Compatible Board
Matt Richardson
Preface . vii
1/Introduction to Galileo 1
What Is Galileo? 2
Inputs and Outputs . 2
Code . 4
Communication 4
What Makes Galileo Different? 5
Sketching in Hardware 8
2/First Steps . 9
Tour of the Board 10
Helpful Tools and Components . 13
Writing Programs to Control Your Galileo . 16
Getting Familiar with the Development Environment 17
Connecting the Board 18
Uploading Code . 20
Taking It Further . 22
3/Outputs 25
Back to Blinking: Digital Output 26
Setup and Loop . 26
Variables 27
Pin Numbers . 28
Circuits and the Flow of Electricity 34
pinMode() . 37
digitalWrite() . 38
delay() 39
Code and Syntax Notes . 39
Going Further with Digital Output . 41
Analog Output 42
analogWrite() . 43
Code and Syntax Notes . 47
iiiOther Outputs 50
Serial Data Output . 50
Controlling A/C Appliances with Relays 54
Controlling Servos . 55
Looking at Linux 60
Connecting via Telnet 61
Working with Pins . 62
Taking It Further . 65
4/Inputs 67
Switches: Digital Input 68
digitalRead() . 73
Code and Syntax Notes . 74
Analog Input . 75
Potentiometers . 76
analogRead() . 80
Code and Syntax Notes . 81
Variable Resistors . 82
Code and Syntax Notes . 87
Going Further . 88
5/Going Further with Code . 91
Data Types . 92
int . 92
float 92
long 93
boolean . 93
char 94
String Object . 94
millis() 95
Other Loops 95
while 95
do… while 95
for Loops 96
More Serial . 99
Serial.available() and 99
Taking It Further 100
6/Getting Online . 103
Connecting and Testing an Ethernet Connection 104
iv ContentsConnecting and Testing with a WiFi Connection . 105
Connecting Using Linux Commands 107
system() 108
Getting Galileo’s IP Address Using system() . 108
Connecting to Servers . 110
How Many Days Until MAKE Comes Out? 110
Serving a Web Page . 123
Serving a Web Page with Python . 126
Taking It Further 129
A/ Arduino Code Reference . 131
B/ Breadboard Basics 147
C/ Resistor Reference 153
D/ Creating a MicroSD Image . 157
E/ Setting Up Galileo on Windows . 161
F/ Setting Up Galileo on Linux 167
G/ Setting Up Galileo on Mac OS X . 171
H/ Connecting to Galileo via Serial 175

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