Intelligent Human Systems Integration

Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2020
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2020)
Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, February 19–21, 2020 , Modena, Italy
Tareq Ahram , Waldemar Karwowski , Alberto Vergnano , Francesco Leali , Redha Taiar
Automotive Design and Transportation Engineering
User-Centered Design Within the Context of Automated Driving
in Trucks – Guideline and Methods for Future Conceptualization
of Automated Systems 3
Paula Laßmann, Florian Reichelt, Dominique Stimm, and Thomas Maier
Towards Probabilistic Analysis of Human-System Integration
in Automated Driving . 9
Ephraim Suhir, Gunther Paul, and Hermann Kaindl
Trust Provisioning in the Transport Infrastructure 15
Scott Cadzow
Drivers’ Interaction with, and Perception Toward Semi-autonomous
Vehicles in Naturalistic Settings . 20
Jisun Kim, Kirsten Revell, Pat Langdon, Mike Bradley, Ioannis Politis,
Simon Thompson, Lee Skrypchuk, Jim O-Donoghue, Joy Richardson,
Jed Clark, Aaron Roberts, Alex Mouzakitis, and Neville A. Stanton
Are Autonomous Vehicles the Solution to Drowsy Driving? 27
Daniel Grunstein and Ron Grunstein
Exploring New Concepts to Create Natural and Trustful Dialogue
Between Humans and Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles . 34
Andrea Di Salvo and Andrea Arcoraci
Integrating Human Acceptable Morality in Autonomous Vehicles . 41
Giorgio M. Grasso, Chiara Lucifora, Pietro Perconti, and Alessio Plebe
The Future of User Experience Design in the Interior
of Autonomous Car Driven by AI . 46
Laura Giraldi
ixMeasuring Driver Discomfort in Autonomous Vehicles . 52
Dario Niermann and Andreas Lüdtke
Human-Centered Design for Automotive Styling Design:
Conceptualizing a Car from QFD to ViP 59
Gian Andrea Giacobone and Giuseppe Mincolelli
Enriching the User Experience of a Connected Car
with Quantified Self 66
Maurizio Caon, Marc Demierre, Omar Abou Khaled, Elena Mugellini,
and Pierre Delaigue
Constructing a Mental Model of Automation Levels
in the Area of Vehicle Guidance . 73
Larissa Zacherl, Jonas Radlmayr, and Klaus Bengler
Effect of Phone Interface Modality on Drivers’ Task Load Index
in Conventional and Semi-Automated Vehicles . 80
Kristina Davtyan and Francesca Favaro
Software Failure Mode and Effects Analysis . 86
Palak Talwar
A Validated Failure Behavior Model for Driver Behavior Models
for Generating Skid-Scenarios on Motorways 92
Bernd Huber, Paul Schmidl, Christoph Sippl, and Anatoli Djanatliev
Human-Machine Interface Research of Autonomous Vehicles Based
on Cognitive Work Analysis Framework 99
Chi Zhang, Guodong Yin, and Zhen Wu
Mercury: A Vision-Based Framework for Driver Monitoring 104
Guido Borghi, Stefano Pini, Roberto Vezzani, and Rita Cucchiara
Investigating the Impact of Time-Lagged End-to-End Control
in Autonomous Driving . 111
Haruna Asai, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, and Giuseppe Lisi
The Car as a Transformer . 118
Jeremy Aston and Rui Pedro Freire
Unmanned Small Shared Electric Vehicle . 124
Binhong Zhai, Guodong Yin, and Zhen Wu
A Forward Train Detection Method Based on Convolutional
Neural Network . 129
Zhangyu Wang, Tony Lee, Michael Leung, Simon Tang, Qiang Zhang,
Zining Yang, and Virginia Cheung
x ContentsStyling Research of DFAC-6851H4E City Bus Based
on Fuzzy Evaluation 136
Huajie Wang and Jianxin Cheng
Object Detection to Evaluate Image-to-Image Translation
on Different Road Conditions . 143
Fumiya Sudo, Yoshihiro Hashimoto, and Giuseppe Lisi
Humans and Artificial Cognitive Systems
Modelling Proxemics for Human-Technology-Interaction
in Decentralized Social-Robot-Systems 153
Thomas Kirks, Jana Jost, Jan Finke, and Sebastian Hoose
Category Learning as a Use Case for Anticipating Individual
Human Decision Making by Intelligent Systems . 159
Marcel Lommerzheim, Sabine Prezenski, Nele Russwinkel,
and André Brechmann
System Architecture of a Human Biosensing and Monitoring
Suite with Adaptive Task Allocation . 165
Brandon Cuffie and Lucas Stephane
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Contemporary Medicine 172
Larisa Hambardzumyan, Viktoria Ter-Sargisova,
and Aleksandr Baghramyan
Improving Policy-Capturing with Active Learning
for Real-Time Decision Support . 177
Bénédicte Chatelais, Daniel Lafond, Alexandre Hains,
and Christian Gagné
Task Measures for Air Traffic Display Operations . 183
Shi Yin Tan, Chun Hsien Chen, Sun Woh Lye, and Fan Li
Identifying People Based on Machine Learning Classification of Foods
Consumed in Order to Offer Tailored Healthier Food Options . 190
Jenna Kim, Shuhao Lin, Giannina Ferrara, Jenna Hua, and Edmund Seto
On the Perception of Disharmony . 195
Stijn Verwulgen, Thomas Peeters, Sander Van Goethem,
and Sofia Scataglini
Mobile Real-Time Eye-Tracking for Gaze-Aware Security
Surveillance Support Systems . 201
Alexandre Marois, Daniel Lafond, François Vachon, Eric R. Harvey,
Bruno Martin, and Sébastien Tremblay
Contents xiDetecting Impulsive Behavior Through Agent-Based Games . 208
Alia El Bolock, Ahmed Ghonaim, Cornelia Herbert,
and Slim Abdennadher
Visual and Motor Capabilities of Future Car Drivers 214
Ferdinando Tripi, Rita Toni, Angela Lucia Calogero,
Pasqualino Maietta Latessa, Antonio Tempesta, Stefania Toselli,
Alessia Grigoletto, Davide Varotti, Francesco Campa, Luigi Manzoni,
and Alberto Vergnano
A Fixation-Click Count Signature as a Visual Monitoring
Enhancement Feature for Air Traffic Controllers . 221
Hong Jie Wee, Sun Woh Lye, and Jean-Philippe Pinheiro
Digital Transformation in Product Service System for Kids.
Design Tools for Emerging Needs . 228
Benedetta Terenzi and Arianna Vignati
A Novel Heuristic Mechanism to Formalize Online Behavior
Through Search Engine Credibility 235
Debora Di Caprio and Francisco J. Santos-Arteaga
Caterina, Alexa and the Others . 241
Elisabetta Benelli and Jurji Filieri
Event-Related Potential Study on Military Icon Based
on Composition-Semantic Relationship 248
Xian Li, Haiyan Wang, and Junkai Shao
Ekybot: Framework Proposal for Chatbot in Financial Enterprises . 254
Maritzol Tenemaza, Sergio Luján-Mora, Angélica de Antonio,
Jaime Ramírez, and Omar Zarabia
Alpha and Beta EEG Desynchronizations Anticipate Steering Actions
in a Driving Simulation Experiment 260
Giovanni Vecchiato, Maria Del Vecchio, Sergey Antopolskiy,
Andrea Bellotti, Alessia Colucciello, Anna Marchenkova,
Jonas Ambeck-Madsen, Luca Ascari, and Pietro Avanzini
The Quantitative Evaluation of Permanent Disability in Forensic
Medicine Through Stereo Photogrammetric Technology 266
Claudia Trignano, Andrea Castelli, Vittorio Dell‘Orfano,
and Elena Mazzeo
A Unified Framework for Symbol Grounding
in Human-Machine Interactions . 271
Dingzhou Fei
xii ContentsImproving Machine Translation Output of German Compound
and Multiword Financial Terms . 276
Christina Valavani, Christina Alexandris, and George Mikros
Self-adjusted Data-Driven System for Prediction
of Human Performance . 282
Oleksandr Burov, Evgeniy Lavrov, Nadiia Pasko, Olena Hlazunova,
Olga Lavrova, Vasyl Kyzenko, and Yana Dolgikh
Human Factor and Cognitive Methods in the Design of Products
and Production Systems of Mechanical Engineering in the Framework
of NBIC Convergence 288
Evgeny Kolbachev, Elena Sidorova, and Polina Vaneeva
Automatic Assessment System of Operators’ Risk in Order Picking
Process for Task Analysis 294
Yangxu Li, Bach Q. Ho, Tatsunori Hara, and Jun Ota
TARS Mobile App with Deep Fingertip Detector
for the Visually Impaired 301
Tetsushi Miwa, Youichi Hosokawa, Yoshihiro Hashimoto,
and Giuseppe Lisi
Analysis Process of Exploratory Research Represented
in a Coordinate System XYZ . 307
Olga Popova, Boris Popov, Vladimir Karandey, and Vladimir Afanasyev
A Variety of Visual-Speech Matching ERP Studies
in Quiet-Noise Scenarios . 313
Lingling Hu, Chengqi Xue, and Junkai Shao
Research on Color Stratification in Dynamic Environment:
Frequency Domain Analysis of Delta, SMR and Theta
EEG Rhythms 319
Cheng Guan, Lei Zhou, Tongtong Zhang, and Xiang Zeng
Human AI Symbiosis: The Role of Artificial Intelligence
in Stratifying High-Risk Outpatient Senior Citizen Fall Events
in a Non-connected Environments . 325
Chandrasekar Vuppalapati, Anitha Ilapakurti, Sharat Kedari,
Rajasekar Vuppalapati, Jayashankar Vuppalapati, and Santosh Kedari
Intelligence, Technology and Analytics
Distinguishing a Human or Machine Cyberattacker . 335
Wayne Patterson, Acklyn Murray, and Lorraine Fleming
Using Eye Tracking to Assess User Behavior in Virtual Training . 341
Mina Fahimipirehgalin, Frieder Loch, and Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Contents xiiiDemocratization of AI to Small Scale Farmers, Albeit Food
Harvesting Citizen Data Scientists, that Are at the Bottom
of the Economic Pyramid 348
Chandrasekar Vuppalapati, Anitha Ilapakurti, Sharat Kedari,
Rajasekar Vuppalapati, Jayashankar Vuppalapati, and Santosh Kedari
Cybersecurity in Educational Networks . 359
Oleksandr Burov, Svitlana Lytvynova, Evgeniy Lavrov,
Yuliya Krylova-Grek, Olena Orliyk, Sergiy Petrenko,
Svitlana Shevchenko, and Oleksii M. Tkachenko
The Problem of Tracking the Center of Attention
in Eye Tracking Systems 365
Marina Boronenko, Vladimir Zelensky, Oksana Isaeva,
and Elizaveta Kiseleva
Health Risk Assessment Matrix for Back Pain Prediction
Among Call Center Workers . 372
Sunisa Chaiklieng and Pornnapa Suggaravetsiri
Towards Conceptual New Product Development Framework
for Latvian ICT Sector Companies and Startups 379
Didzis Rutitis and Tatjana Volkova
A Liveness Detection Method for Palmprint Authentication . 385
Ayaka Sugimoto, Yuya Shiomi, Akira Baba, Norihiro Okui, Tetushi Ohki,
Yutaka Miyake, and Masakatsu Nishigaki
Procedure for the Implementation of the Manufacturing Module
of an ERP System in MSME. Applied Case: Textile “Tendencias”
Enterprise, UDA ERP 392
Pedro Mogrovejo, Juan Manuel Maldonado-Maldonado,
Esteban Crespo-Martínez, and Catalina Astudillo
Model of Emotionally Stained Pupillogram Plot . 398
Marina Boronenko, Yurii Boronenko, Oksana Isaeva,
and Elizaveta Kiseleva
Cost-Informed Water Decision-Making Technology
for Smarter Farming . 404
Joanne Tingey-Holyoak, John Dean Pisaniello, Peter Buss,
and Ben Wiersma
A Review on the Role of Embodiment in Improving Human-Vehicle
Interaction: A Proposal for Further Development
of Embodied Intelligence 409
Hamid Naghdbishi and Alireza Ajdari
xiv ContentsAnalysis of Topological Relationships of Human 415
Jia Zhou, Xuebo Chen, and Zhigang Li
Impact of Technological Innovation on the Productivity
of Manufacturing Companies in Peru 421
Julio César Ortíz Berrú, Cristhian Aldana Yarlequé,
and Lucio Leo Verástegui Huanca
Parametric Urban Design 427
Rongrong Gu and Wuzhong Zhou
Narrative Review of the Role of Wearable Devices in Promoting
Health Behavior: Based on Health Belief Model 433
Dingzhou Fei and Xia Wang
Competitiveness of Higher Education System as a Sector of Economy:
Conceptual Model of Analysis with Application to Ukraine 439
Olha Hrynkevych, Oleg Sorochak, Olena Panukhnyk, Nazariy Popadynets,
Rostyslav Bilyk, Iryna Khymych, and Yazina Viktoriia
Application of Classification Algorithms in the Generation
of a Network Intrusion Detection Model Using
the KDDCUP99 Database 446
Jairo Hidalgo and Marco Yandún
Vulnerability Discovery in Network Systems Based
on Human-Machine Collective Intelligence . 453
Ye Han, Jianfeng Chen, Zhihong Rao, Yifan Wang, and Jie Liu
Computational Modeling and Simulation
Supporting Decisions in Production Line Processes by Combining
Process Mining and System Dynamics 461
Mahsa Pourbafrani, Sebastiaan J. van Zelst, and Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Using Real Sensors Data to Calibrate a Traffic Model
for the City of Modena 468
Chiara Bachechi, Federica Rollo, Federico Desimoni, and Laura Po
Logistic Regression for Criteria Weight Elicitation
in PROMETHEE-Based Ranking Methods 474
Elia Balugani, Francesco Lolli, Maria Angela Butturi, Alessio Ishizaka,
and Miguel Afonso Sellitto
3D CAD Design of Jewelry Accessories, Determination
of Geometrical Features and Characteristics of the Used Material
of Precious Metals . 480
Tihomir Dovramadjiev, Mariana Stoeva, Violeta Bozhikova,
and Rozalina Dimova
Contents xvDiscovering and Mapping LMS Course Usage Patterns
to Learning Outcomes 486
Darko Etinger
Drug Recommendation System for Geriatric Patients Based
on Bayesian Networks and Evolutionary Computation . 492
Lourdes Montalvo and Edwin Villanueva
Software for the Determination of the Time and the F Value
in the Thermal Processing of Packaged Foods Using the Modified
Ball Method 498
William Rolando Miranda Zamora, Manuel Jesus Sanchez Chero,
and Jose Antonio Sanchez Chero
Communication Protocol Between Humans and Bank Server
Secure Against Man-in-the-Browser Attacks . 503
Koki Mukaihira, Yasuyoshi Jinno, Takashi Tsuchiya, Tetsushi Ohki,
Kenta Takahashi, Wakaha Ogata, and Masakatsu Nishigaki
Development of a Solution Model for Timetabling Problems
Through a Binary Integer Linear Programming Approach 510
Juan Manuel Maldonado-Matute, María José González Calle,
and Rosana María Celi Costa
Machine, Discourse and Power: From Machine Learning
in Construction of 3D Face to Art and Creativity . 517
Man Lai-man Tin
Modelling Alzheimer’s People Brain Using Augmented Reality
for Medical Diagnosis Analysis 524
Ramalakshmi Ramar, Swashi Muthammal, Tamilselvi Dhamodharan,
and Gopi Krishnan Rajendran
Software Vulnerability Mining Based
on the Human-Computer Coordination . 532
Jie Liu, Da He, Yifan Wang, Jianfeng Chen, and Zhihong Rao
Design and Verification Method for Flammable Fluid Drainage
of Civil Aircraft Based on DMU 539
Yu Chen
Low-Income Dwelling Bioclimatic Design with CAD Technologies.
A Case Study in Monte Sinahí, Ecuador 546
Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández, Boris Forero,
Robinson Vega Jaramillo, Katherine Naranjo, Fernanda Sánchez,
Billy Soto, and Félix Jaramillo
xvi ContentsVirtual Reduction and Interaction of Chinese Traditional
Furniture and Its Usage Scenarios . 552
Dehua Yu
Humans and Artificial Systems Complexity
Your Voice Assistant Will See You Now: Reducing Complexity
in Human and Artificial System Collaboration Using Voice
as an Operating System . 561
Viraj Patwardhan, Neil Gomes, and Maia Ottenstein
Pre-emptive Culture Mapping: Exploring a System of Language
to Better Understand the Abstract Traits of Human Interaction 567
Timothy J. Stock and Marie Lena Tupot
”Meanings” Based Human Centered Design of Systems . 573
Santosh Basapur and Keiichi Sato
A Systematic Review of Sociotechnical System Methods Between
1951 and 2019 580
Amangul A. Imanghaliyeva
Designing a Safety Confirmation System that Utilizes Human
Behavior in Disaster Situations . 588
Masayuki Ihara, Hiroshi Nakajima, Goro Inomae, and Hiroshi Watanabe
Designing Ethical AI in the Shadow of Hume’s Guillotine . 594
Pertti Saariluoma and Jaana Leikas
A Counterattack of Misinformation: How the Information Influence
to Human Being . 600
Subin Lee and Ken Nah
Effects of Increased Cognitive Load on Field of View in Multi-task
Operations Involving Surveillance . 605
Seng Yuen Marcus Goh, Ka Lon Sou, Sun Woh Lye, and Hong Xu
Investigating Human Factors in the Hand-Held Gaming Interface
of a Telerehabilitation Robotic System 612
S. M. Mizanoor Rahman
Procedure of Mining Relevant Examples of Armed Conflicts to Define
Plausibility Based on Numerical Assessment of Similarity of Situations
and Developments . 619
Ahto Kuuseok
Human Digital Twins: Two-Layer Machine Learning Architecture
for Intelligent Human-Machine Collaboration 627
Wael Hafez
Contents xviiSemantic Network Analysis of Korean Virtual Assistants’
Review Data 633
Hyewon Lim, Xu Li, Harim Yeo, and Hyesun Hwang
Design Collaboration Mode of Man–Computer Symbiosis
in the Age of Intelligence 640
Jinjing Liu and Ken Nah
User Experience over Time with Personal Assistants of Mobile
Banking Application in Turkey . 646
Hatice Merve Demirci and Mehmet Berberoğlu
Human-Automation Interaction Through Shared and Traded
Control Applications . 653
Mauricio Marcano, Sergio Díaz, Joshue Pérez, Andrea Castellano,
Elisa Landini, Fabio Tango, and Paolo Burgio
Alignment of Management by Processes and Quality Tools
and Lean to Reduce Unfilled Orders of Fabrics for Export:
A Case Study . 660
Z. Bardales, P. Tito, F. Maradiegue, Carlos Raymundo-Ibañez,
and Luis Rivera
Detection and Prevention of Criminal Attacks in Cloud
Computing Using a Hybrid Intrusion Detection Systems 667
Thierry Nsabimana, Christian Ildegard Bimenyimana, Victor Odumuyiwa,
and Joël Toyigbé Hounsou
Development of Tutoring Assistance Framework Using Machine
Learning Technology for Teachers . 677
Satoshi Togawa, Akiko Kondo, and Kazuhide Kanenishi
Replenishment System Using Inventory Models with Continuous
Review and Quantitative Forecasting to Reduce Stock-Outs
in a Commercial Company . 683
Carlos Malca-Ramirez, Luis Nuñez-Salome, Ernesto Altamirano,
and José Alvarez-Merino
Applying SLP in a Lean Manufacturing Model to Improve
Productivity of Furniture SME . 690
Zhelenn Farfan-Quintanilla, Manuel Caira-Jimenez,
Fernando Sotelo-Raffo, Carlos Raymundo-Ibañez, and Moises Perez
Collaborative Model Based on ARIMA Forecasting for Reducing
Inventory Costs at Footwear SMEs 697
Alejandra Angulo-Baca, Michael Bernal-Bazalar, Juan Sotelo-Raffo,
Carlos Raymundo-Ibañez, and Moises Perez
xviii ContentsA Framework of Quality Control Matrix in Paprika Chain Value:
An Empirical Investigation in Peru 704
Diana Garcia-Montero, Luz Roman-Ramirez, Fernando Sotelo-Raffo,
and Edgar Ramos-Palomino
Inventory Optimization Model Applying the Holt-Winters Method
to Improve Stock Levels in SMEs in the Sports Retail Sector 711
Diego Amasifén-Pacheco, Angela Garay-Osorio, Maribel Perez-Paredes,
Carlos Raymundo-Ibañez, and Luis Rivera
Recruitment and Training Model for Retaining and Improving
the Reputation of Medical Specialists to Increase Revenue
of a Private Healthcare SME . 719
Audy Castro-Blancas, Carlos Rivas-Zavaleta, Carlos Cespedes-Blanco,
Carlos Raymundo, and Luis Rivera
Research on Disabled People’s Museum Visit Experience
from the Perspective of Actor-Network Theory . 726
Shifeng Zhao and Jie Shen
Production Management Model to Balance Assembly Lines
Focused on Worker Autonomy to Increase the Efficiency
of Garment Manufacturing 733
Valeria Sosa-Perez, Jose Palomino-Moya, Claudia Leon-Chavarril,
Carlos Raymundo-Ibañez, and Moises Perez
Rural Ecotourism Associative Model to Optimize the Development
of the High Andean Tourism Sector in Peru . 740
Oscar Galvez-Acevedo, Jose Martinez-Castañon, Mercedes Cano-Lazarte,
Carlos Raymundo-Ibañez, and Moises Perez
Picking Management Model with a Focus on Change Management
to Reduce the Deterioration of Finished Products in Mass
Consumption Distribution Centers . 746
Lourdes Canales-Ramos, Arelis Velasquez-Vargas, Pedro Chavez-Soriano,
Carlos Raymundo-Ibañez, and Moises Perez
Risk Factors Associated with Work-Related Low Back Pain
Among Home-Based Garment Workers . 753
Sunisa Chaiklieng, Pornnapa Suggaravetsiri, and Sari Andajani
Demand Management Model Based on Quantitative Forecasting
Methods and Continuous Improvement to Increase Production
Planning Efficiencies of SMEs Bakeries . 760
Denilson Contreras-Choccata, Juan Sotelo-Raffo,
Carlos Raymundo-Ibañez, and Luis Rivera
Contents xixStudy on Key Elements of Shopping App Design for the Elderly 766
Wenfeng Liu, Fenghong Wang, and Yiyan Chen
Shopping Website Accessibility Study Based
on Users’ Mental Models 773
Zhen Wu, Chengqi Xue, Yanfei Zhu, Binhong Zhai, and Chi Zhang
HIRAC-Based Risk Management Model with POKA–YOKE
and TPM Continuity to Control and Mitigate Emergency Scenarios
in Hydrocarbon Sector Operations . 780
Jose Echevarria-Cahuas, Maria Quispe-Huapaya, Cesar Ramirez-Valdivia,
Carlos Raymundo, and Luis Rivera
Materials and Inclusive Human Systems
CAD-Based Risk Assessment Approach for Safe Scheduling of HRC
Operations for Parts Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion 789
Fabio Pini, Enrico Dalpadulo, and Francesco Leali
Photogrammetry and Additive Manufacturing Based Methodology
for Decentralized Spare Part Production in Automotive Industry . 796
Antonio Bacciaglia, Alessandro Ceruti, and Alfredo Liverani
Improved Heat Sink for Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems . 803
Alessandro Bertacchini, Silvia Barbi, and Monia Montorsi
A Framework Designing for Story Sharing of the Elderly:
From Design Opportunities to Concept Selection 810
Cun Li, Jun Hu, Bart Hengeveld, and Caroline Hummels
A Methodological Approach for the Design of Inclusive
Assistive Devices by Integrating Co-design and Additive
Manufacturing Technologies . 816
Francesco Gherardini, Andrea Petruccioli, Enrico Dalpadulo,
Valentina Bettelli, Maria Teresa Mascia, and Francesco Leali
New Collaborative Version of the Quality Function Deployment:
Practical Application to the HABITAT Project . 823
Giuseppe Mincolelli, Gian Andrea Giacobone, Michele Marchi,
and Silvia Imbesi
Human Centered Methodologies for the Development
of Multidisciplinary Design Research in the Field of IOT Systems:
Project Habitat and Pleinair 829
Giuseppe Mincolelli, Silvia Imbesi, Gian Andrea Giacobone,
and Michele Marchi
xx ContentsDesign of an Innovative Furniture System: Improving Acoustic
Comfort in Coworking Workplaces 835
Viola Geniola, Stefania Camplone, Antonio Marano, and Emilio Rossi
Modeling of Subcutaneous Implantable Microchip Intention of Use . 842
Mona A. Mohamed
A Brief Analysis of the Status Quo and Trend of Wearable
Smart Jewellery Devices Design . 848
Jing Liu and Ken Nah
Accessibility Evaluation of Video Games for Users
with Cognitive Disabilities . 853
Luis Salvador-Ullauri, Patricia Acosta-Vargas, and Sergio Luján-Mora
Design of Smart Devices for Older People: A User Centered Approach
for the Collection of Users’ Needs . 860
Silvia Imbesi and Giuseppe Mincolelli
Examining Feedback of Apple Watch Users in Korea Using
Textmining Analysis 865
Yu Lim Lee, Minji Jung, In-Hyoung Park, Ahyoung Kim,
and Jae-Eun Chung
Structural Testing of Laminated Prosthetic Sockets:
Comparison of Philippine Pineapple Fabric and Fiberglass 871
Glenn Alkuino, Ervin Fandialan, and Marvin Medina
Challenges and Improvements in Website Accessibility
for Health Services . 875
Patricia Acosta-Vargas, Paula Hidalgo, Gloria Acosta-Vargas,
Mario Gonzalez, Javier Guaña-Moya, and Belén Salvador-Acosta
Providing Comprehensive Navigational Cues Through the Driving
Seat to Reduce Visual Distraction in Current Generation
of Semi-autonomous Vehicles . 882
Ahmed Farooq, Grigori Evreinov, and Roope Raisamo
Ensuring the Sustainability of Inclusive Projects Through
Strategic Addressing Supported by Process Management:
Case Applied to Aquamarinna Handmade Soap 889
Diego S. Suarez, Esteban Crespo-Martínez, and Pedro Mogrovejo
A New Model to Bionic Hand Prosthesis with Individual
Fingers Actuators 896
Marcelo H. Stoppa, Guilherme F. Neto, and Danillo A. de S. Dunck
A Predictive Model of Users’ Behavior and Values
of Smart Energy Meters Using PLS-SEM . 903
Ahmed Shuhaiber
Contents xxiUltraSurfaces: A New Material Design Vision 909
Marinella Ferrara and Chiara Pasetti
The Hybrid Dimension of Material Design: Two Case Studies
of a Do-It-Yourself Approach for the Development of Interactive,
Connected, and Smart Materials 916
Stefano Parisi, Markus Holzbach, and Valentina Rognoli
Human-Autonomy Teaming
Goal Directed Design of Rewards and Training Features for Selflearning Agents in a Human-Autonomy-Teaming Environment . 925
Simon Schwerd, Sebastian Lindner, and Axel Schulte
Facial Expressions as Indicator for Discomfort
in Automated Driving . 932
Matthias Beggiato, Nadine Rauh, and Josef Krems
Can We Talk? – The Impact of Conversational Interfaces
on Human Autonomy Teaming Perception, Performance
and Situation Awareness 938
Adam Bogg, Andrew Parkes, and Mike Bromfield
Driver’s Situational Awareness and Impact of Phone Interface
Modality in Conventional and Semi-autonomous Vehicles . 945
Syeda Rizvi, Francesca Favaro, and Nazanin Nader
Concept of an Adaptive Cockpit to Maintain the Workflow
of the Cockpit Crew 952
Juliane Müller and Axel Schulte
A Conceptual Augmentation of a Pilot Assistant System
with Physiological Measures 959
Dennis Mund, Evgeni Pavlidis, Matthew Masters, and Axel Schulte
Implementation of Teaming Behavior in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles . 966
Marius Dudek, Sebastian Lindner, and Axel Schulte
Behavioral Analysis of Information Exchange Digitalization
in the Context of Demand Planning 973
Tim Lauer and Katharina Franke
Signs Symbols & Displays in Automated Vehicles:
A Focus Group Study 980
Joy Richardson, Kirsten Revell, Jisun Kim, and Neville A. Stanton
Beauty Attracts the Eye but Character Captures the Heart:
Why Personality Matters in Chat Bot Design . 986
Helen Muncie
xxii ContentsIntegration of Humans in the Fallback Process by a Machine in Fully
Automated Railway Operation 992
Bilal Üyümez and Andreas Oetting
Analysis of Facial Expressions Explain Affective State
and Trust-Based Decisions During Interaction with Autonomy . 999
Catherine Neubauer, Gregory Gremillion, Brandon S. Perelman,
Claire La Fleur, Jason S. Metcalfe, and Kristin E. Schaefer
Let’s Get in Touch Again: Tangible AI and Tangible XR
for a More Tangible, Balanced Human Systems Integration . 1007
Frank Flemisch, Konrad Bielecki, Daniel López Hernández,
Ronald Meyer, Ralph Baier, Nicolas Daniel Herzberger,
and Joscha Wasser
Time Line Based Tasking Concept for MUM-T Mission Planning
with Multiple Delegation Levels . 1014
Felix Heilemann and Axel Schulte
Towards Cognitive Assistance and Teaming in Aviation by Inferring
Pilot’s Mental State 1021
Nele Russwinkel, Christoph Vernaleken, and Oliver W. Klaproth
Evaluating the Impact of Phone Interface Modality on Response
Times to Stimuli in Conventional and Semi-automated Vehicles 1028
Sky O. Eurich, Shivangi Agarwal, and Francesca Favaro
Design and Evaluation of Human-Friendly Hand-Held Gaming
Interface for Robot-Assisted Intuitive Telerehabilitation 1034
S. M. Mizanoor Rahman
Capture of Intruders by Cooperative Multiple Robots
Using Mobile Agents . 1041
Yasushi Kambayashi, Taichi Sekido, and Munehiro Takimoto
Automation as Driver Companion: Findings of AutoMate Project . 1048
Andrea Castellano, Massimo Fossanetti, Elisa Landini, Fabio Tango,
and Roberto Montanari
Applications and Future Trends
Development of a Human System Integration Program
in Military Context . 1057
Jari Laarni and Marja Ylönen
Beyond Confluence, Integration and Symbiosis: Creating
More Aware Relationships in Smart Cities 1063
H. Patricia McKenna
Contents xxiiiA Potential Analysis of Cognitive Assistance Systems
in Production Areas 1069
Jessica Klapper, Bastian Pokorni, and Moritz Hämmerle
Identifying and Analysing Risk Factors from a Sociotechnical
System Perspective: A Case Study . 1074
Amangul A. Imanghaliyeva
Experimental Learning for a Basic Technology Acquisition
of Moving Images Production 1082
Akiko Kondo and Satoshi Togawa
Mechanical Fatigue Evaluation by Image Recognition 1088
Massimo Milani, Luca Montorsi, Luca Fontanili, Gabriele Storchi,
and Gabriele Muzzioli
Universal Access and Inclusive Dwelling Design for a Family
in Monte Sinahí, Guayaquil, Ecuador 1094
Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández, Boris Forero,
and Robinson Vega Jaramillo
Integrated Safety Risk Assessment Between Enterprises,
Industries and Areas . 1101
Lu Zhang, Yun Luo, and Rui Liao
Comparison Between ARIMA and LSTM-RNN
for VN-Index Prediction . 1107
Nguyen Trong Co, Hoang Huu Son, Ngo Thanh Hoang,
Tran Thi Phuong Lien, and Trinh Minh Ngoc
E-material Formatting Application Prototype 2.0 Development
Through Usability Testing of Prototype 1.0 1113
Kristine Mackare, Anita Jansone, and Raivo Mackars
Use of CAD-CAM Technologies in the Production of Furniture
for Natural Disaster Areas in Ecuador 1119
Francesco Giuseppe Magnone, Víctor Gustavo Gómez Rodríguez,
Yoenia Portilla Castell, and Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández
A Five-Factor KMS Success Model 1126
Gabriel Nyame and Zhiguang Qin
A Study on Understanding of Visitor Needs in Art Museum:
Based on Analysis of Visual Perception Through Eye-Tracking . 1132
Taeha Yi, Mi Chang, Sukjoo Hong, Meereh Kim, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Analysis of Art Museums’ Visitor Behavior and Eye Movements
for Mobile Guide App Design 1138
Mi Chang, Taeha Yi, Po Yan Lai, Jun Hee Lee, and Ji-Hyun Lee
xxiv ContentsAl-Maqta Canal of Abu Dhabi, UAE: A Study of Waterfront
Landscapes and Flow in Manmade Canals 1145
Mohamed El Amrousi and Mohamed Elhakeem
A Discussion of User Experience on a Panoramic Scooter Riding
Video Service . 1152
Fei-Hui Huang
Application Trend of Interactive Multimedia in Art Museums . 1159
Yongbin Wang and Jian Yu
Design Criteria in Vernacular Architecture as a Proposal
for Low-Income Dwelling for Urban Parishes of the Babahoyo
Canton, Ecuador 1164
Julio Franco Puga, Bryan Colorado Pástor,
Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández, and Maikel Leyva
Consumer Experience of a Disruptive Technology:
An O2O Food Delivery App Case . 1171
Jaehye Suk, Yeon Ji Yang, Yun Jik Jeong, Muzi Xiang, and Kee Ok Kim
A Group Travel Recommender System Based on Collaborative
Filtering and Group Approximate Constraint Satisfaction . 1178
JinLu He, IlYoung Choi, and JaeKyeong Kim
Consumer’s Information Privacy and Security Concerns
and Use of Intelligent Technology . 1184
Seonglim Lee, Jaehye Suk, Hee Ra Ha, Xiao Xi Song,
and YuanZhou Deng
PEST Analysis Based on Fuzzy Decision Maps for the Ordering of
Risk Factors in Territorial Planning of the Vinces Canton, Ecuador . 1190
Carlos Luis Valero Fajardo and Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández
Model for Urban Consolidation of Informal Human Settlements
Based on Cooperation Systems and Human Participation
in Guayaquil, Ecuador 1195
María Milagros Fois, Karen Sellan, Karla Moscoso, and Maria Ruiz
Systemic Approach to the Territorial Planning of the Urban Parish
La Aurora, Daule, Ecuador 1201
Cyntia Alava Portugal, Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández,
and Milagros Fois Lugo
Systemic Approach to Strategic Tourism Planning in the Cantonal
Capital of Bahía de Caráquez, Sucre, Ecuador . 1206
Milton Zambrano and Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández
Contents xxvCognitive Rehabilitation for Autism Children Mental Status
Observation Using Virtual Reality Based Interactive Environment 1213
Tamilselvi Dhamodharan, Manju Thomas, Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss,
Karthikeyan JothiKumar, SaiNaveenaSri SaravanaSundharam,
BhavaniDevi Muthuramalingam, NilofarNisa Hussainalikhan,
Sugirtha Ravichandran, VaibhavaShivani Vadivel, Pavika Suresh,
Sasikumar Buddhan, and Ajith Madhusudanan
Eye Control System Development and Research of Effects of Color
of Icons on Visual Search Performance Based on the System 1219
Jiaqi Cui, Yafeng Niu, Chengqi Xue, Xijiang Cai, Yi Xie, Bingzheng Shi,
and Lincun Qiu
How to Improve Manufacturing Process Implementing 5S Practices:
A Case Study . 1225
Beata Mrugalska, Monika Konieczna, and Magdalena K. Wyrwicka
The Initial Stage of Development of a New Computer Program
for the Processing of Psychophysiological Tests . 1233
Jelena Turlisova and Anita Jansone
Experimental Study on Dynamic Map Information Layout Based
on Eye Tracking . 1238
Jiapei Ren, Haiyan Wang, and Junkai Shao
Research on Readability of Adaptive Foreground
in Dynamic Background . 1244
Maoping Chi and Lei Zhou
Research on Interaction Design of Children’s Companion Robot
Based on Cognitive Psychology Theory . 1250
Tianmai Zhang and Wencheng Tang
Strategies for Accessibility to the Teodoro Maldonado Hospital
in Guayaquil. A Design Proposal Focused on the Human Being 1256
Josefina Avila Beneras, Milagros Fois Lugo,
and Jesús Rafael Hechavarría Hernández
Fatigue Measurement of Task: Based on Multiple Eye-Tracking
Parameters and Task Performance 1263
Hanyang Xu, Xiaozhou Zhou, and Chengqi Xue
Emotional Data Visualization for Well-Being,
Based on HRV Analysis . 1270
Akane Matsumae, Ruiyao Luo, Yun Wang, Eigo Nishimura,
and Yuki Motomura
xxvi ContentsA Consumer-Centric Approach to Understand
User’s Digital Experiences . 1277
Yeon Ji Yang, Jaehye Suk, Kee Ok Kim, Hyesun Hwang, Hyewon Lim,
and Muzi Xiang
Research on Design Skills for Personnel Evaluation Systems
and Educational Programs . 1284
Toshiya Sasaki
Correction to: Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2020 C1
Tareq Ahram, Waldemar Karwowski, Alberto Vergnano, Francesco Leali,
and Redha Taiar
Author Index 1289
Author Index
Abdennadher, Slim, 208
Acosta-Vargas, Gloria, 875
Acosta-Vargas, Patricia, 853, 875
Afanasyev, Vladimir, 307
Agarwal, Shivangi, 1028
Ajdari, Alireza, 409
Alava Portugal, Cyntia, 1201
Alexandris, Christina, 276
Alkuino, Glenn, 871
Altamirano, Ernesto, 683
Alvarez-Merino, José, 683
Amasifén-Pacheco, Diego, 711
Ambeck-Madsen, Jonas, 260
Amrousi, Mohamed El, 1145
Andajani, Sari, 753
Angulo-Baca, Alejandra, 697
Antopolskiy, Sergey, 260
Arcoraci, Andrea, 34
Asai, Haruna, 111
Ascari, Luca, 260
Aston, Jeremy, 118
Astudillo, Catalina, 392
Avanzini, Pietro, 260
Avila Beneras, Josefina, 1256
Baba, Akira, 385
Bacciaglia, Antonio, 796
Bachechi, Chiara, 468
Baghramyan, Aleksandr, 172
Baier, Ralph, 1007
Balugani, Elia, 474
Barbi, Silvia, 803
Bardales, Z., 660
Basapur, Santosh, 573
Beggiato, Matthias, 932
Bellotti, Andrea, 260
Benelli, Elisabetta, 241
Bengler, Klaus, 73
Berberoğlu, Mehmet, 646
Bernal-Bazalar, Michael, 697
Berrú, Julio César Ortíz, 421
Bertacchini, Alessandro, 803
Bettelli, Valentina, 816
Bielecki, Konrad, 1007
Bilyk, Rostyslav, 439
Bimenyimana, Christian Ildegard, 667
Bogg, Adam, 938
Bolock, Alia El, 208
Borghi, Guido, 104
Boronenko, Marina, 365, 398
Boronenko, Yurii, 398
Bozhikova, Violeta, 480
Bradley, Mike, 20
Brechmann, André, 159
Bromfield, Mike, 938
Buddhan, Sasikumar, 1213
Burgio, Paolo, 653
Burov, Oleksandr, 282, 359
Buss, Peter, 404
Butturi, Maria Angela, 474
Cadzow, Scott, 15
Cai, Xijiang, 1219
Caira-Jimenez, Manuel, 690
Calogero, Angela Lucia, 214
Campa, Francesco, 214
Camplone, Stefania, 835
Canales-Ramos, Lourdes, 746
Cano-Lazarte, Mercedes, 740
Caon, Maurizio, 66
Castellano, Andrea, 653, 1048
Castelli, Andrea, 266
Castro-Blancas, Audy, 719
Celi Costa, Rosana María, 510
Ceruti, Alessandro, 796
Cespedes-Blanco, Carlos, 719
Chaiklieng, Sunisa, 372, 753
Chang, Mi, 1132, 1138
Chatelais, Bénédicte, 177
Chavez-Soriano, Pedro, 746
Chen, Chun Hsien, 183
Chen, Jianfeng, 453, 532
Chen, Xuebo, 415
Chen, Yiyan, 766
Chen, Yu, 539
Cheng, Jianxin, 136
Cheung, Virginia, 129
Chi, Maoping, 1244
Choi, IlYoung, 1178
Chung, Jae-Eun, 865
Clark, Jed, 20
Co, Nguyen Trong, 1107
Colorado Pástor, Bryan, 1164
Colucciello, Alessia, 260
Contreras-Choccata, Denilson, 760
Crespo-Martínez, Esteban, 392, 889
Cucchiara, Rita, 104
Cuffie, Brandon, 165
Cui, Jiaqi, 1219
Dalpadulo, Enrico, 789, 816
Davtyan, Kristina, 80
de Antonio, Angélica, 254
de S. Dunck, Danillo A., 896
Del Vecchio, Maria, 260
Delaigue, Pierre, 66
Dell‘Orfano, Vittorio, 266
Demierre, Marc, 66
Demirci, Hatice Merve, 646
Deng, YuanZhou, 1184
Desimoni, Federico, 468
Dhamodharan, Tamilselvi, 524, 1213
Di Caprio, Debora, 235
Di Salvo, Andrea, 34
Díaz, Sergio, 653
Dimova, Rozalina, 480
Djanatliev, Anatoli, 92
Dolgikh, Yana, 282
Dovramadjiev, Tihomir, 480
Dudek, Marius, 966
Echevarria-Cahuas, Jose, 780
Elhakeem, Mohamed, 1145
Etinger, Darko, 486
Eurich, Sky O., 1028
Evreinov, Grigori, 882
Fahimipirehgalin, Mina, 341
Fandialan, Ervin, 871
Farfan-Quintanilla, Zhelenn, 690
Farooq, Ahmed, 882
Favaro, Francesca, 80, 945, 1028
Fei, Dingzhou, 271, 433
Ferrara, Giannina, 190
Ferrara, Marinella, 909
Filieri, Jurji, 241
Finke, Jan, 153
Fleming, Lorraine, 335
Flemisch, Frank, 1007
Fois Lugo, Milagros, 1201, 1256
Fois, María Milagros, 1195
Fontanili, Luca, 1088
Forero, Boris, 546, 1094
Fossanetti, Massimo, 1048
Franco Puga, Julio, 1164
Franke, Katharina, 973
Freire, Rui Pedro, 118
Gagné, Christian, 177
Galvez-Acevedo, Oscar, 740
Garay-Osorio, Angela, 711
Garcia-Montero, Diana, 704
Geniola, Viola, 835
Gherardini, Francesco, 816
Ghonaim, Ahmed, 208
Giacobone, Gian Andrea, 59, 823, 829
Giraldi, Laura, 46
Goh, Seng Yuen Marcus, 605
Gomes, Neil, 561
Gómez Rodríguez, Víctor Gustavo, 1119
González Calle, María José, 510
Gonzalez, Mario, 875
Grasso, Giorgio M., 41
Gremillion, Gregory, 999
Grigoletto, Alessia, 214
Grunstein, Daniel, 27
Grunstein, Ron, 27
1290 Author IndexGu, Rongrong, 427
Guan, Cheng, 319
Guaña-Moya, Javier, 875
Ha, Hee Ra, 1184
Hafez, Wael, 627
Hains, Alexandre, 177
Hambardzumyan, Larisa, 172
Hämmerle, Moritz, 1069
Han, Ye, 453
Hara, Tatsunori, 294
Harvey, Eric R., 201
Hashimoto, Yoshihiro, 111, 143, 301
He, Da, 532
He, JinLu, 1178
Hechavarría Hernández, Jesús Rafael, 546,
1094, 1119, 1164, 1190, 1201, 1206,
Heilemann, Felix, 1014
Hengeveld, Bart, 810
Herbert, Cornelia, 208
Hernández, Daniel López, 1007
Herzberger, Nicolas Daniel, 1007
Hidalgo, Jairo, 446
Hidalgo, Paula, 875
Hlazunova, Olena, 282
Ho, Bach Q., 294
Hoang, Ngo Thanh, 1107
Holzbach, Markus, 916
Hong, Sukjoo, 1132
Hoose, Sebastian, 153
Hosokawa, Youichi, 301
Hounsou, Joël Toyigbé, 667
Hrynkevych, Olha, 439
Hu, Jun, 810
Hu, Lingling, 313
Hua, Jenna, 190
Huanca, Lucio Leo Verástegui, 421
Huang, Fei-Hui, 1152
Huber, Bernd, 92
Hummels, Caroline, 810
Hussainalikhan, NilofarNisa, 1213
Hwang, Hyesun, 633, 1277
Ihara, Masayuki, 588
Ilapakurti, Anitha, 325, 348
Imanghaliyeva, Amangul A., 580, 1074
Imbesi, Silvia, 823, 829, 860
Inomae, Goro, 588
Isaeva, Oksana, 365, 398
Ishizaka, Alessio, 474
Jansone, Anita, 1113, 1233
Jaramillo, Félix, 546
Jaramillo, Robinson Vega, 546
Jeong, Yun Jik, 1171
Jinno, Yasuyoshi, 503
Jost, Jana, 153
JothiKumar, Karthikeyan, 1213
Jung, Minji, 865
Kaindl, Hermann, 9
Kambayashi, Yasushi, 1041
Kanenishi, Kazuhide, 677
Karandey, Vladimir, 307
Kedari, Santosh, 325, 348
Kedari, Sharat, 325, 348
Khaled, Omar Abou, 66
Khymych, Iryna, 439
Kim, Ahyoung, 865
Kim, JaeKyeong, 1178
Kim, Jenna, 190
Kim, Jisun, 20, 980
Kim, Kee Ok, 1171, 1277
Kim, Meereh, 1132
Kirks, Thomas, 153
Kiseleva, Elizaveta, 365, 398
Klapper, Jessica, 1069
Klaproth, Oliver W., 1021
Kolbachev, Evgeny, 288
Kondo, Akiko, 677, 1082
Konieczna, Monika, 1225
Krems, Josef, 932
Krylova-Grek, Yuliya, 359
Kuuseok, Ahto, 619
Kyzenko, Vasyl, 282
La Fleur, Claire, 999
Laarni, Jari, 1057
Lafond, Daniel, 177, 201
Lai, Po Yan, 1138
Landini, Elisa, 653, 1048
Langdon, Pat, 20
Laßmann, Paula, 3
Latessa, Pasqualino Maietta, 214
Lauer, Tim, 973
Lavrov, Evgeniy, 282, 359
Lavrova, Olga, 282
Leali, Francesco, 789, 816
Lee, Ji-Hyun, 1132, 1138
Lee, Jun Hee, 1138
Lee, Seonglim, 1184
Author Index 1291Lee, Subin, 600
Lee, Tony, 129
Lee, Yu Lim, 865
Leikas, Jaana, 594
Leon-Chavarril, Claudia, 733
Leung, Michael, 129
Leyva, Maikel, 1164
Li, Cun, 810
Li, Fan, 183
Li, Xian, 248
Li, Xu, 633
Li, Yangxu, 294
Li, Zhigang, 415
Liao, Rui, 1101
Lien, Tran Thi Phuong, 1107
Lim, Hyewon, 633, 1277
Lin, Shuhao, 190
Lindner, Sebastian, 925, 966
Lisi, Giuseppe, 111, 143, 301
Liu, Jie, 453, 532
Liu, Jing, 848
Liu, Jinjing, 640
Liu, Wenfeng, 766
Liverani, Alfredo, 796
Loch, Frieder, 341
Lolli, Francesco, 474
Lommerzheim, Marcel, 159
Lucifora, Chiara, 41
Lüdtke, Andreas, 52
Luján-Mora, Sergio, 254, 853
Luo, Ruiyao, 1270
Luo, Yun, 1101
Lye, Sun Woh, 183, 221, 605
Lytvynova, Svitlana, 359
Mackare, Kristine, 1113
Mackars, Raivo, 1113
Madhusudanan, Ajith, 1213
Magnone, Francesco Giuseppe, 1119
Maier, Thomas, 3
Malca-Ramirez, Carlos, 683
Maldonado-Maldonado, Juan Manuel, 392
Maldonado-Matute, Juan Manuel, 510
Manzoni, Luigi, 214
Maradiegue, F., 660
Marano, Antonio, 835
Marcano, Mauricio, 653
Marchenkova, Anna, 260
Marchi, Michele, 823, 829
Marois, Alexandre, 201
Martin, Bruno, 201
Martinez-Castañon, Jose, 740
Mascia, Maria Teresa, 816
Masters, Matthew, 959
Matsumae, Akane, 1270
Mazzeo, Elena, 266
McKenna, H. Patricia, 1063
Medina, Marvin, 871
Metcalfe, Jason S., 999
Meyer, Ronald, 1007
Mikros, George, 276
Milani, Massimo, 1088
Mincolelli, Giuseppe, 59, 823, 829, 860
Miranda Zamora, William Rolando, 498
Miwa, Tetsushi, 301
Miyake, Yutaka, 385
Mogrovejo, Pedro, 392, 889
Mohamed, Mona A., 842
Montalvo, Lourdes, 492
Montanari, Roberto, 1048
Montorsi, Luca, 1088
Montorsi, Monia, 803
Moscoso, Karla, 1195
Motomura, Yuki, 1270
Mouzakitis, Alex, 20
Mrugalska, Beata, 1225
Mugellini, Elena, 66
Mukaihira, Koki, 503
Müller, Juliane, 952
Muncie, Helen, 986
Mund, Dennis, 959
Murray, Acklyn, 335
Muthammal, Swashi, 524
Muthuramalingam, BhavaniDevi, 1213
Muzzioli, Gabriele, 1088
Nader, Nazanin, 945
Naghdbishi, Hamid, 409
Nah, Ken, 600, 640, 848
Nakajima, Hiroshi, 588
Naranjo, Katherine, 546
Neto, Guilherme F., 896
Neubauer, Catherine, 999
Ngoc, Trinh Minh, 1107
Niermann, Dario, 52
Nishigaki, Masakatsu, 385, 503
Nishimura, Eigo, 1270
Niu, Yafeng, 1219
Nsabimana, Thierry, 667
1292 Author IndexNuñez-Salome, Luis, 683
Nyame, Gabriel, 1126
O-Donoghue, Jim, 20
Odumuyiwa, Victor, 667
Oetting, Andreas, 992
Ogata, Wakaha, 503
Ohki, Tetsushi, 503
Ohki, Tetushi, 385
Okui, Norihiro, 385
Orliyk, Olena, 359
Ota, Jun, 294
Ottenstein, Maia, 561
Palomino-Moya, Jose, 733
Panukhnyk, Olena, 439
Parisi, Stefano, 916
Park, In-Hyoung, 865
Parkes, Andrew, 938
Pasetti, Chiara, 909
Pasko, Nadiia, 282
Patterson, Wayne, 335
Patwardhan, Viraj, 561
Paul, Gunther, 9
Pavlidis, Evgeni, 959
Peeters, Thomas, 195
Perconti, Pietro, 41
Perelman, Brandon S., 999
Pérez, Joshue, 653
Perez, Moises, 690, 697, 733, 740, 746
Perez-Paredes, Maribel, 711
Petrenko, Sergiy, 359
Petruccioli, Andrea, 816
Pinheiro, Jean-Philippe, 221
Pini, Fabio, 789
Pini, Stefano, 104
Pisaniello, John Dean, 404
Plebe, Alessio, 41
Po, Laura, 468
Pokorni, Bastian, 1069
Politis, Ioannis, 20
Popadynets, Nazariy, 439
Popov, Boris, 307
Popova, Olga, 307
Portilla Castell, Yoenia, 1119
Pourbafrani, Mahsa, 461
Prezenski, Sabine, 159
Qin, Zhiguang, 1126
Qiu, Lincun, 1219
Quispe-Huapaya, Maria, 780
Radlmayr, Jonas, 73
Rahman, S. M. Mizanoor, 612, 1034
Raisamo, Roope, 882
Rajendran, Gopi Krishnan, 524
Ramar, Ramalakshmi, 524
Ramdoss, Sathiyaprakash, 1213
Ramírez, Jaime, 254
Ramirez-Valdivia, Cesar, 780
Ramos-Palomino, Edgar, 704
Rao, Zhihong, 453, 532
Rauh, Nadine, 932
Ravichandran, Sugirtha, 1213
Raymundo, Carlos, 719, 780
Raymundo-Ibañez, Carlos, 660, 690, 697, 711,
733, 740, 746, 760
Reichelt, Florian, 3
Ren, Jiapei, 1238
Revell, Kirsten, 20, 980
Richardson, Joy, 20, 980
Rivas-Zavaleta, Carlos, 719
Rivera, Luis, 660, 711, 719, 760, 780
Rizvi, Syeda, 945
Roberts, Aaron, 20
Rognoli, Valentina, 916
Rollo, Federica, 468
Roman-Ramirez, Luz, 704
Rossi, Emilio, 835
Ruiz, Maria, 1195
Russwinkel, Nele, 159, 1021
Rutitis, Didzis, 379
Saariluoma, Pertti, 594
Salvador-Acosta, Belén, 875
Salvador-Ullauri, Luis, 853
Sanchez Chero, Jose Antonio, 498
Sanchez Chero, Manuel Jesus, 498
Sánchez, Fernanda, 546
Santos-Arteaga, Francisco J., 235
SaravanaSundharam, SaiNaveenaSri, 1213
Sasaki, Toshiya, 1284
Sato, Keiichi, 573
Scataglini, Sofia, 195
Schaefer, Kristin E., 999
Author Index 1293Schmidl, Paul, 92
Schulte, Axel, 925, 952, 959, 966, 1014
Schwerd, Simon, 925
Sekido, Taichi, 1041
Sellan, Karen, 1195
Sellitto, Miguel Afonso, 474
Seto, Edmund, 190
Shao, Junkai, 248, 313, 1238
Shen, Jie, 726
Shevchenko, Svitlana, 359
Shi, Bingzheng, 1219
Shiomi, Yuya, 385
Shuhaiber, Ahmed, 903
Sidorova, Elena, 288
Sippl, Christoph, 92
Skrypchuk, Lee, 20
Son, Hoang Huu, 1107
Song, Xiao Xi, 1184
Sorochak, Oleg, 439
Sosa-Perez, Valeria, 733
Sotelo-Raffo, Fernando, 690, 704
Sotelo-Raffo, Juan, 697, 760
Soto, Billy, 546
Sou, Ka Lon, 605
Stanton, Neville A., 20, 980
Stephane, Lucas, 165
Stimm, Dominique, 3
Stock, Timothy J., 567
Stoeva, Mariana, 480
Stoppa, Marcelo H., 896
Storchi, Gabriele, 1088
Suarez, Diego S., 889
Sudo, Fumiya, 143
Suggaravetsiri, Pornnapa, 372, 753
Sugimoto, Ayaka, 385
Suhir, Ephraim, 9
Suk, Jaehye, 1171, 1184, 1277
Suresh, Pavika, 1213
Takahashi, Kenta, 503
Takimoto, Munehiro, 1041
Talwar, Palak, 86
Tan, Shi Yin, 183
Tang, Simon, 129
Tang, Wencheng, 1250
Tango, Fabio, 653, 1048
Tempesta, Antonio, 214
Tenemaza, Maritzol, 254
Terenzi, Benedetta, 228
Ter-Sargisova, Viktoria, 172
Thomas, Manju, 1213
Thompson, Simon, 20
Tin, Man Lai-man, 517
Tingey-Holyoak, Joanne, 404
Tito, P., 660
Tkachenko, Oleksii M., 359
Togawa, Satoshi, 677, 1082
Toni, Rita, 214
Toselli, Stefania, 214
Tremblay, Sébastien, 201
Trignano, Claudia, 266
Tripi, Ferdinando, 214
Tsuchiya, Takashi, 503
Tupot, Marie Lena, 567
Turlisova, Jelena, 1233
yümez, Bilal, 992
Vachon, François, 201
Vadivel, VaibhavaShivani, 1213
Valavani, Christina, 276
Valero Fajardo, Carlos Luis, 1190
van der Aalst, Wil M. P., 461
Van Goethem, Sander, 195
van Zelst, Sebastiaan J., 461
Vaneeva, Polina, 288
Varotti, Davide, 214
Vecchiato, Giovanni, 260
Vega Jaramillo, Robinson, 1094
Velasquez-Vargas, Arelis, 746
Vergnano, Alberto, 214
Vernaleken, Christoph, 1021
Verwulgen, Stijn, 195
Vezzani, Roberto, 104
Vignati, Arianna, 228
Viktoriia, Yazina, 439
Villanueva, Edwin, 492
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit, 341
Volkova, Tatjana, 379
Vuppalapati, Chandrasekar, 325, 348
Vuppalapati, Jayashankar, 325, 348
Vuppalapati, Rajasekar, 325, 348
Wang, Fenghong, 766
Wang, Haiyan, 248, 1238
Wang, Huajie, 136
Wang, Xia, 433
Wang, Yifan, 453, 532
Wang, Yongbin, 1159
Wang, Yun, 1270
Wang, Zhangyu, 129
Wasser, Joscha, 1007
Watanabe, Hiroshi, 588
1294 Author IndexWee, Hong Jie, 221
Wiersma, Ben, 404
Wu, Zhen, 99, 124, 773
Wyrwicka, Magdalena K., 1225
Xiang, Muzi, 1171, 1277
Xie, Yi, 1219
Xu, Hanyang, 1263
Xu, Hong, 605
Xue, Chengqi, 313, 773, 1219, 1263
Yandún, Marco, 446
Yang, Yeon Ji, 1171, 1277
Yang, Zining, 129
Yarlequé, Cristhian Aldana, 421
Yeo, Harim, 633
Yi, Taeha, 1132, 1138
Yin, Guodong, 99, 124
Ylönen, Marja, 1057
Yu, Dehua, 552
Yu, Jian, 1159
Zacherl, Larissa, 73
Zambrano, Milton, 1206
Zarabia, Omar, 254
Zelensky, Vladimir, 365
Zeng, Xiang, 319
Zhai, Binhong, 124, 773
Zhang, Chi, 99, 773
Zhang, Lu, 1101
Zhang, Qiang, 129
Zhang, Tianmai, 1250
Zhang, Tongtong, 319
Zhao, Shifeng, 726
Zhou, Jia, 415
Zhou, Lei, 319, 1244
Zhou, Wuzhong, 427
Zhou, Xiaozhou, 1263
Zhu, Yanfei, 773
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