Fundamentals of Machine Design Vol 2
اسم المؤلف
P. Orlov
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Fundamentals of Machine Design Vol 2
P. Orlov
Translated From the Russian
By Yu. Travnichev
Chapter 1. Tightened Connections 7
1.1. Unloaded C onnections 7
1.2. Loaded Connections . 12
Chapter 2. Press-Fitted Connections . 37
2.1. Press (Drive) Fits . 37
2.2. Strength of Press-Fitted Connections 38
2.3. Selection of F i t s . 46
2.4. Calculation D iag ram s . 47
2.5. Probability Calculations for Press-Fitted Connections . 59
2.6. Press-Fitting with Heating or Cooling of P a r t s 64
2.7. Pressed Connections with Electrodeposited Coatings . . 65
2.8. Design of Pressed Connections . 67
2.9. Conical F i t s . 75
2.10. Serrated Connections . 77
2.11. Glued Connections . 78
Chapter 3. Centring C o n n ectio n s 79
3.1. Design Rules . 80
Chapter 4. Screwed Connections . 88
4.1. Longitudinal and Transverse Location of Parts in Screwed
Connections . 90
4.2. Centring in Screwed Connections 92
4.3. Design R u l e s . 94
4.4. Reinforcement of Fastening Joints . . . 98
Chapter 5. Flanged Connections . 102
5.1. Alignment of F la n g e s . 105
5.2. Machining the End Faces of Fastening H o le s . 107
5.3. Diameter and Spacing of B o l t s . 110
5.4. Three-Flange J o i n t s . I ll
5.5. Conical Flange Joints 113
Chapter 6. General Principles which Should Be Followed when Designing Units and P a r t s 96
6.1. Unification of Design E le m e n ts 96
6.2. Unification of Parts . 119
6.3. Principle of U n itiz a tio n . 121
6.4. Elimination of A djustm ents . 124
6.5. Rationalization of Power Schem es . 126
6.6. C om pensators 129
6.7. Torsion Bars 133
6.8. Floating Cross-Sliding C o u p lin g s . 1366 Contents
6.9. Elimination and Reduction of B ending 137
6.10. Elimination of Deformation Due to T ightening 143
6.11. Design C om pactness . 146
6.12. Combining Design F u n ctio n s . 150
6.13. E q u is tre n g th . 152
6.14. Uniform Loading of S u p p o rts . 156
6.15. Self-Alignment Principle . 157
6.16. Cambering . 162
6.17. Effect of Elasticity upon Load D istribution 164
6.18. Fitting to Several S u rfa ces . 170
6.19. Tightening Up on Two Surfaces . 171
6.20. Axial Fixing of P a r t s . 172
6.21. Control of Direction . 174
6.22. Mounting Surfaces . 175
6.23. Butt-Jointing on Intersecting Surfaces 177
6.24. Interchangeability of Rapidly Wearing P a r t s 178
6.25. Accuracy of the Alignment of P a r t s . 179
6.26. Relief of Precision M echanism s . 181
6.27. Coupling Parts Made from Hard and Soft Materials . . . 183
6.28. Elimination of Local Weak S p o ts . 186
6.29. Strengthening of Deformable A re a s 188
6.30. Composite Constructions . 189
6.31. Shoulders 194
6.32. Chamfers and F i l l e t s . 196
Accuracy of parts alignment, 179
Alignment of flanges, 105
Axial fixing of parts, 172
Bending, elimination and reduction
of, 137
Butt^jointing on intersecting surfaces,
Cambering, 161
Chamfers, 196
Combining design functions, 150
Compactness of design, 146
Compensators, 129
Composite constructions, 189
centring, 79
conical flange, 113
design rules for, 80
glued, 78
loaded, 12
pressed, design of, 67
pressed, with electro-deposited
coatings, 65
press-fitted, 37
screwed, centring in, 92
serrated, 77
strength of, 38
three-flange, 111
tightened, 7
unloaded, 7
Control of direction, 174
Coupling of parts of different hardness,
Coupling(s), floating cross-sliding, 136
compactness of, 146
of equally strong parts, 152
general principles of, 116
of pressed connections, 67
of screwed connections, 94
Elasticity, effect on load distribution,
of adjustments, 124
of deformations due to tightening,
of local weak spots, 186
Equistrength, 152
Fillets, 196
Fitting to several surfaces, 170
conical, 75
drive, 37
press, 37
selection of, 46
Interchangeability of rapidly wearing
parts, 178
Methods of controlling preloads, 32
Mounting surfaces, 175
with cooling of parts, 64
with heating of parts, 64
Rationalization of power schemes,
Relaxation, 25
Relief of precision mechanisms, 181
Self-alignment, 157
Shoulders, 194
Strengthening of deformable areas, 188
Tightening up on two surfaces, 171
Torsion bars, 133
of design elements, 116
of parts, 119
Uniform loading of supports, 156
Unitization, principles ot, 121

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