Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers – Third Edition
Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers – Third Edition
Laurence W. McKeen
Table of contents
- Introduction to fatigue
- Introduction to the Tribology of Plastics and Elastomers
- Introduction to Plastics and Polymers
- Styrenics
- Polyethers
- Polyesters
- Polyimides
- Polyamides
- Polyolefins And Acrylics
- Thermoplastic Elastomers
- Fluoropolymers
- High Temperature Plastics
Conversion Factors
Subject Index
ABS. See Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
Acetal copolymer. See Polyoxymethylene
copolymer (POM-Co)
Acetal polymers, 87
homopolymer, 87
chemical structure of, 87
for DuPont Delrin® 500 acetal resin, 93
DuPont Delrin® acetal resins, 90
higher-stiffness, 89
low-friction and low-wear, 89
DuPont Delrin® 100, 500, and 900, 92
for DuPont Delrin® 500 and 500CL
medium-viscosity POM
resins, 92
DuPont Delrin® POM Plastics, 94
dynamic coefficient of DuPont Delrin®
friction, 94
fatigue crack propagation vs. stress
intensity factor
molecular weights of generic unfilled
POM, 91
fatigue data, 87
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
for DuPont Delrin® 100, 500, and
900, 91
general-purpose DuPont Delrin® acetal
resins, 88
RTP Company RTP 800 TFE 20
DEL—POM Homopolymer, 94
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure
for DuPont Delrin® 500, 90
Teflon® PTFE levels in DuPont
Delrin®, 93
toughened DuPont Delrin® acetal
resins, 88
tribology data, 87
UV-stabilized, 90
Acrylic polymers, 261
Acrylics, 261
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS),
68, 171
copolymer, 56
fatigue data, 72
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 71
grades available, 72
polymerization, 72
styrene acrylonitrile (SAN)
chemical structure of, 70
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® BDT5510 ABS, 74
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® BDT6500—ABS, 74
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® CGA—ABS, 74
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® CGF20, 75
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® CTR52, 75
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® EX39, 75
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® EX58, 76
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® EX75, 76
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® G-100 ABS, 73
ultrasonic fatigue testing, 73
Acrylonitrile monomers, 68
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM), 4
Amorphous nylon, 220
fatigue crack propagation rate vs. stress
intensity factor
Evonik Industries Trogamid® T5000,
fatigue data, 223
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
EMS-Grivory Grilamid® amorphous
6-3-T polyamide plastics, 254
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure of
Evonik Industries Trogamid® T5000,
monomers used, to Grilamid® TR55, 253
PACM 12 semicrystalline polyamide
chemical structure of, 253
6-3-T amorphous nylon
chemical structure of, 253
tensile fatigue limit
Evonik Industries Trogamid® T5000,
Amorphous plastics, 54
Amorphous polymers, 220
Amorphous regions, 291
Aromatic polyamide fiber, 43
ASA polymers, 65
ASTM D1894-08 Standard Test
Method, 34
Atactic polypropene, 50
Ball-and-stick three-dimensional
representation, of
perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), 307
BASF Elastollan 500 Grades PolyetherPolyurethane Thermoplastic
Elastomers, 282
Block techniques, create long-chain
molecules, 279
BPADA-based PIs, 197
Carbon black, 62
Carbon fibers, 43
CAS Number, 330
Celazole PBI, 337
Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), 62
Chemours Teflon® FEP, 299
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
(CPVC), 268
Coefficient of friction (COF), 27
COOH acid group, 199
Copolymers, 46
high-impact polystyrene (HIPS), 46
polymers, 47
polystyrene, fatigue crack
propagation, 47
Cross-linked polyethylene, 262
peroxide/engel method (PEX-a), 262
radiation/electron-beam method
(PEX-c), 263
silane method (PEX-b), 262
Degree of polymerization, 53
Degree of unsaturation (DoU), 48
DeMattia Flex test, 11
Design against fatigue, 24–25
Dipole moment, 47
Dry as molded (DAM), 199
DuPont Company, 182, 311
DuPont Hytrel® polyester TPEs, 281
DuPont Rynite®, 149
DuPont’s method, 87
DuPont Teijin Films™ Mylar® and
Melinex®, 149
Eccentric machines, 5
ECTFE-based plastics, 294
Elastomeric alloy-thermoplastic
vulcanizates (EA-TPVs), 289346 Subject Index
Elastomers, 55, 289
antistatic agents, 60
carbon black, 62
catalysts, 58
combustion modifiers, 57
component of, 45
composite materials, several types of, 57
coupling agents, 62
fatigue life comparison
of carbon and glass fiber–reinforced
polyamide, 58
fillers, reinforcement, composites, 56
fire, 57
flame retardants, 57
impact modifiers/tougheners, 58
linkage-based names, 63
polymer, 62
lubricants/slip agents/tribology
additives, 58
methacrylate–butadiene styrene rubber
(MBS), 60
micrograph of orthotropic fiber-glass
orientation, 57
micrograph of random fiber-glass
orientation, 57
multiple polymer names, for same
materials, 63
notched Izod of BASF Ultramid® B-3
Nylon 6, 59
optical brighteners, 60
pigments/extenders/dyes/mica, 61
plastic compositions, 55
plasticization by water absorption, 61
plasticizers, 61
polymer nomenclature, 62
release agents/antiblocking agents, 58
smoke suppressants, 57
source-based names, 62
structure-based names, 62
thermal stabilizers, 62
titanium dioxide, 61
tortuous path of permeant molecule, 61
UV stabilizers, 59
Electronegativity, 47
EPDM. See Ethylene-propylene diene
monomer (EPDM)
Erosion, 29
copolymer, 293
Ethylene–propylene diene monomer
(EPDM), 287
Ethylene–propylene rubber (EPR), 265
Expanded polystyrene (EPS), 65
Extruded polystyrene (XPS), 65
Fatigue crack propagation (FCP), 264
Fatigue life, affecting factors, 23
cyclic stress state, 23
direction of loading, 24
environmental conditions, 24
geometry, 23
internal defects, size/distribution of, 24
material type, 23
residual stresses, 23
surface quality, 23
type of fatigue, 23
Fatigue process, 21
crack growth/propagation, 21–22
crack initiation, 21
failure, 22–23
Fatigue testing, 4
ASTM fatigue-related standards, 12
cantilevered beam eccentric flexural
fatigue machine, 7
cantilevered fatigue-testing machine, 9
ASTM D671, 8
diagram of, 8
coupons, 4
crack growth graph, 22
cyclic stress–strain curve, 18
data, understanding, 16
cyclic stress–strain behavior, 17–18
monotonic stress–strain behavior,
strain–life behavior, 18–19
stress–life behavior, 20–21
DeMattia Flex tester, 12
DIN fatigue-related standards, 15
eccentric machine
flexural oscillation fatigue tests, 7
for tensile/compressive oscillation, 5
failure, plastic specimen, 17
fatigue fracture, surface of, 23
fatigue resistance, 23
in compression, 24
flex life machines, 10–11
flexural eccentric fatigue machine, 7
fracture standards, 12
generic Haigh diagram, 21
ISO fatigue-related standards, 14
JIS fatigue-related standards, 15
method, 10
MIT Flex Life tester, 11
testing frequency on fatigue
properties, 11
PTFE samples, measured temperature
of, 10
Ross Flex tester, 11
fatigue-testing machines, 8–9
servohydraulic fatigue-testing machine
with environmental chamber, 9
flexural test rig, 9
sheet fatigue-testing specimens,
illustration of, 4
short-term S–N data, 25
strain–life curve
effect of mean stress, 20
modeled, 19
strain–life plot, 19
stress–strain behavior, 18
stress/strain, cyclic nature of, 6
tensile eccentric fatigue machine, 5–6
photograph of, 6
test piece geometry on fatigue
resistance, 24
typical molded rod fatiguetesting
specimens, 5
typical monotonic stress–strain
curve, 16
typical stress–life curves, 20
ultrasonic fatigue, 9
FCP. See Fatigue crack propagation (FCP)
FEP. See Fluorinated ethylene propylene
Flexible PVC compounds, 269
Fluorescent brightening agents (FBAs), 60
Fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs), 60
Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP),
296, 299
ball-and-stick three-dimensional
representation, 305
chemical structure of, 305
Chemours Teflon® FEP
PV and wear factors, 306
coefficient of friction vs. load
Chemours Teflon® FEP 100 resin, 306
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
sliding speed
Chemours Teflon® FEP, 306
fatigue data, 300
hexafluoropropylene (HFP), 299
MIT Fold Endurance of Chemours
Teflon® FEP Resins, 305
three-dimensional representation
of, 305
tribology data, 300
Fluorine, 303
Fluoroplastics, 291
melting point ranges of, 292
Fluoropolymers, 291
amorphous regions, 291
PTFE molecule, 291
Frictional force, 27–28
characterizing wear, 31
environmental conditions, 34
PV limit, 33–34
wear factor, 32
wear rate, 32
coefficient of friction
sliding speed and pressure, 28
temperature for DuPont Vespel
SP-21, 28
DuPont Vespel® SP-21
dependence of wear factor
different hardness, 33
roughness levels, 33
temperature dependence of wear
factor, 32
effect of moisture content of gas, 34
illustration of, 27
lubrication, 28–29
between block and plate, 28
DuPont Vespel® SP-21, 29
microscopic scale, illustration of, 27
wear classified by mechanism, 31
Fully hydrodynamic, 29Subject Index 347
Geometric isomers, 50
Glass fibers, 43
Grilamid® TR55, 220
Hexafluoropropylene (HFP), 299
High-density polyethylene (HDPE), 261
High-performance liquid chromatographic
(HPLC) columns, 317
Hindered amine light stabilizer
(HALS), 59
Homopolymers, 263, 291
HVAC equipment, 111
Imide polymer blends, 193
DuPont Engineering Polymers Vespel®
TP-8000 series
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 195
thermoplastic polyimide DuPont Vespel®
TP-8000 series
chemical structure of, 195
tribological properties
Several DuPont Engineering Plastics
Vespel® TP Series Thermoplastic
Polyimide Plastics Suzuki Thrust
Wear Test Results, 196
Several DuPont Engineering Plastics
Vespel® TP Series TPI Plastics
Suzuki Thrust Wear Test, 196
Imide-type polymer, 171
Impact copolymers, 264
Impact wear processes, 30
Inorganic screeners, 60
Instrument panels (IPs), 82
Inversions, 311
Isomers, 49
atactic, 50
cis- and trans, 50
geometric, 50
head-to-tail isomers, 50
isotactic, 50
isotactic polypropene
3D ball-and-stick structure of, 50
structure of, 50
stereoisomers—syndiotactic, 50
structural, 49
syndiotactic polypropene, structure of, 51
Isophorone bisphenol
chemical structure of, 126
Isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), 280
Isophthalic acid (IPA), 223
LCPs. See Liquid crystalline polymers
Lifed part, 25
Linear low-density polyethylene
(LLDPE), 261
Linkage-based names, 63
Liquid crystal display (LCD), 319
Liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs), 156
Celanese Vectra® LCP Grades
coefficients of friction, 159
Celanese Vectra® LCP resins
friction, dynamic coefficient of, 158
wear volumes, 158
chemical structures of
Celanese Vectra® A950, 157
monomers, 156
fatigue data, 157
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Celanese Vectra® fiber-reinforced
LCP plastics, 157
Celanese Zenite® 6130 BK010, 158
tribology data, 157
Longitudinal stress, 3
Lubrication, 28
Medium-density polyethylene
(MDPE), 261
Methacrylate acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (MABS) copolymer, 78
4,4′-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate
(MDI), 280
Mica, 61
M.I.T. Tester, 10
Monomers, 46
Multiphase polymer blends, 56
Nitrile groups, 70
Nylon 6 (PA6), 200
characteristics, 201
chemical structure, 200
coefficient of friction vs. load
Toray Resin Company Amilan™
CM1021, 205
fatigue data, 201
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
BASF Ultramid® B 3WG6, 204
EMS-Grivory Grilon® PV-5H, 202
SABIC Innovative Plastics
Thermocomp® PF006, 203
Toray Resin Company Amilan™
CM1011G-45, 203
Toray Resin Company Amilan™ PA6
plastics, 202
frictional coefficients as load and
lubrication conditions
Toray Resin Company Amilan™
CM1017 PA6 plastics, 206
load dependence of amount of wear
Toray Resin Company Amilan™
PA 6, 207
load dependence of frictional coefficient
Toray Resin Company Amilan™
PA 6, 206
moisture content Influence on flexural
fatigue performance
BASF Capron® 8233G HS, 204
resistance to tensile–tensile fatigue
BASF Capron® 8233G HS, 205
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure
BASF Ultramid® glass fiber, 201
Toray Resin Company Amilan™ CM1017,
stress–lifetime curve, 202
tribological properties
RTP Company RTP 207A TFE 20
HS, 207
RTP Company RTP 207A TFE 13 SI
2 HS, 207
RTP Company RTP 299A X 90821,
RTP Company RTP 299A X 82678
C, 207
tribology data, 201
Nylon 11 (PA11), 201
chemical structure, 208
taber abrasion resistance
of Rilsan® AESNO with
modifications, 208
tribology data, 203
Nylon 12 (PA12), 204
abrasion vs. sliding distance
Evonik Industries Vestamid® PA12
plastics, 209
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
bearing pressure
Evonik Industries Vestamid® L1901, 210
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
bearing temperature
Evonik Industries Vestamid® L1901,
fatigue data, 208
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
EMS-Grivory Grilamid® LV-5H, 209
taber abrasion of
Evonik Industries Vestamid®, 211
tribology data, 208
Nylon 46 (PA46), 208
chemical structure, 211
fatigue cycles to failure vs. stress in
flexure, 211
glass fiber–reinforced DSM Stanyl®
PA46 resins, 212
fatigue cycles to failure vs. stress in
DSM Stanyl® TW300 PA46 resin, 212
fatigue data, 210
G456 steel of DSM Stanyl® PA46 resin,
PV diagram, 214
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure
DSM Engineering Plastics Stanyl®
TE200F6, 212
tensile fatigue performance
ASTM D1044 of DSM Stanyl® PA46
resin, 213
of DSM Stanyl® TW341, 213
DSM Stanyl® TW200F6 and
TW200B6 PA46 resins, 213
tribology data, 210348 Subject Index
Nylon 66 (PA66), 210
axial stress amplitude vs. cycles to
DuPont Engineering Plastics Zytel®
101, 223
axial tension/compression stress
amplitude vs. cycles to failure
DuPont Engineering Plastics Zytel®
PA66 plastics, 220
chemical structure, 214
coefficient of friction vs. load
Toray Resin Company Amilan™
CM3001N, 225
DuPont Engineering Plastics Zytel® 101,
Sonntag axial fatigue, 221, 222
fatigue crack propagation rate vs. stress
intensity factor, 224
DuPont Engineering Plastics Zytel®
122L, 223
fatigue data, 214
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
BASF Ultramid glass fiber, 218
DuPont Engineering Plastics Minlon®
mineral, 216
DuPont Engineering Plastics Zytel®
101, 221
DuPont Engineering Plastics Zytel®
PA66 plastics, 220
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP™
Lubriloy® FR-40, 215
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP™
Thermocomp™ carbon
fiber, 217
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP™
Thermocomp™ glass fiber, 217
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP™
Verton® long glass fiber, 219
PV diagram of unreinforced, standardgrade, 225
RTP 200 Series, wear resistance data of,
226, 227
Sonntag flex fatigue stress vs. cycles to
for DuPont Engineering Plastics
Minlon® 23B1, 222
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure
BASF Ultramid®, 215
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
BASF Ultramid® A3WG7, 219
tribological properties of
resins, 234
RTP Company RTP 200 AR 15 TFE
15 vs. 1018 C Steel, 233
RTP Company RTP 200 SI 2 vs. 1018
C Steel, 228
RTP Company RTP 200 SI 2 vs. RTP
200 SI 2, 228
RTP Company RTP 200 TFE 10 SI 2
vs. 1018 C Steel, 229
RTP Company RTP 200 TFE 18 SI 2
vs. 1018 C Steel, 230
RTP Company RTP 282 TFE 13 SI 2
vs. 1018 C Steel, 232
RTP Company RTP 285 TFE 13 SI 2
vs. 1018 C Steel, 233
RTP Company RTP 202 TFE 13 SI 2
vs. RTP 202 TFE 15, 231
RTP Company RTP 200 TFE 18 SI 2
vs. RTP 200 TFE 18 SI 2, 230
RTP Company RTP 202 TFE 13 SI 2
vs. RTP 202 TFE 13 SI 2, 231
RTP Company RTP 282 TFE 13 SI 2
vs. RTP 282 TFE 13 SI 2, 232
RTP Company RTP 200 TFE 20 vs.
1018 C Steel, 229
RTP Company RTP 202 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 230
RTP Company RTP 205 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 231
RTP Company RTP 282 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 232
RTP Company RTP 200 TFE 5 vs.
RTP 200 SI 2, 228
RTP Company RTP 200 TFE 10 vs.
RTP 200 SI 2, 228
RTP Company RTP 200 TFE 10 vs.
RTP 200 TFE 10, 229
RTP Company RTP 200 TFE 20 vs.
RTP 200 TFE 20, 229
RTP Company RTP 202 TFE 15 vs.
RTP 202 TFE 15, 230
RTP Company RTP 282 TFE 15 vs.
RTP 282 TFE 15, 232
tribology data, 214
Nylon 610 (PA610), 215
characteristics, 215
chemical structure of, 248
fatigue data, 216
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
SABIC Innovative Plastics PA610
plastics, 248
tribological properties of
RTP Company RTP 299B X 89491 A
vs. 1018 C Steel, 248
tribology data, 216
Nylon 612 (PA612), 216
axial stress amplitude vs. cycles to
DuPont Engineering Polymers Zytel®
158, 249
chemical structure of, 248
fatigue data, 218
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
SABIC Innovative Plastics PA612
plastics, 249
taber abrasion of
Evonik Vestamid® PA 612 Resins, 249
RTP Company RTP 200D TFE 18 SI
2 vs. 1018 C Steel, 250
RTP Company RTP 200D TFE 18
SI 2 vs. RTP 200D TFE 18 SI
2, 251
RTP Company RTP 200D TFE 10 vs.
1018 C Steel, 250
RTP Company RTP 200D TFE 20 vs.
1018 C Steel, 250
RTP Company RTP 202D TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 251
RTP Company RTP 282D TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 251
RTP Company RTP 285D TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 252
RTP Company RTP 200D TFE 10 vs.
RTP 200D TFE 10, 250
RTP Company RTP 200D TFE 20 vs.
RTP 200D TFE 10, 250
RTP Company RTP 202D TFE 15 vs.
RTP 202D TFE 15, 251
RTP Company RTP 282D TFE 15 vs.
RTP 282D TFE 15, 252
RTP Company RTP 285D TFE 15 vs.
RTP 285D TFE 15, 252
tribology data, 218
Nylon 666 or 66/6 (PA 666), 218
fatigue data, 219
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
EMS-Grivory Grivory® GV-5H, 252
amino acids, chemical structures of, 200
diacids, chemical structures of, 200
diamines, chemical structures of, 199
generalized reaction, 199
high-molecular-weight polyamides, 199
monomers, 199
Optical brightening agents (OBAs), 60
PA6. See Nylon 6 (PA6)
PA11. See Nylon 11 (PA11)
PA12. See Nylon 12 (PA12)
PA46. See Nylon 46 (PA46)
PA66. See Nylon 66 (PA66)
PA610. See Nylon 610 (PA610)
PA612. See Nylon 612 (PA612)
PAEK. See Polyaryl ether ketones (PAEK)
PAIs. See Polyamide-imides (PAIs)
PBI. See Polybenzimidazole (PBI)
PBT. See Polybutylene terephthalate
PC polyester. See Polycarbonate (PC)
PCTFE. See Polychlorotrifluoroethylene
PEI. See Polyetherimide (PEI)
Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), 300
ball-and-stick three-dimensional
representation, 307
chemical structure, 307
comonomers, 307
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
temperatureSubject Index 349
of DuPont Engineering Polymers
Vespel® CR-6100, 308
fatigue data, 302
flex life properties
Solvay Solexis PFA Products, 309
MIT Flex Life Asahi Glass Fluon® PFA
resins, 308
MIT flex life vs. melt flow index, 308
three-dimensional representation of, 307
tribology data, 303
tribology properties
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Vespel® CR-6100, 309
wear factor vs. temperature
of DuPont Engineering Polymers
Vespel® CR-6100, 309
Perfluoropolyether (PFPE) synthetic oil,
41, 58
PES. See Polyethersulfone (PES)
PET. See Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
PFA. See Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA)
Phenolic antioxidants, 60
Phosphite antioxidants, 60
PI. See Polyimide (PI)
Pin-on-disk tribometer, 36
Plastic, component of, 45
Polarity, 47
dipole moments, 48
Polyacrylics, 270
fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
temperature, 277
cycle frequency, 276
molecular weight, 276
fatigue data, 271
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Lucite International Inc. Diakon™
CMG302, 274
PMMA, structure of, 274
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure
Lucite International Inc. Diakon™
CMG302, 275
tension/compression stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 275
Polyamide copolymers, 220
Polyamide-imides (PAIs), 171
chemical structures of, 182
fatigue data, 182
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Solvay Torlon® PAI plastics, 185, 186
lubricated wear resistance
of Solvay Torlon® 4301, 189
monomers, 171
polymer units of, 183, 184
Several Solvay Torlon® PAI Plastics
wear factor and coefficient of friction,
Solvay Torlon® 4301, 189
tension/tension stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure
Solvay Torlon® 7130, 185
Solvay Torlon® PAI plastics, 185
tribology data, 182
wear characteristics against metals
Solvay Torlon® 4301 PAI, 190
wear characteristics of Solvay Torlon®
PAI Bearing Grades, 189
wear factor and coefficient of friction
Lubricated Environment of Several
Solvay Torlon® PAI Resins, 189
wear resistance vs. pressure, 186
Solvay Torlon® 4301, 188
Solvay Torlon® PAI plastics, 187
Polyamide plastics. See Nylons
Polyarylamide (PAA), 225
fatigue data, 233
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Solvay Ixef® 1022, 259
PAMXD6, chemical structure of, 259
tribological properties
of Solvay Ixef® PAA Plastics, 260
tribology data, 233
Polyaryl ether ketones (PAEK), 317
carbon fiber–reinforced Solvay
KetaSpire® PEEK resins, 320
coefficient of friction vs. PV factor
Victrex WG PAEK resins, 327
comparative tribological data
Victrex plc Victrex PEEK plastics,
counterface temperature vs. PV
Victrex WG PAEK resins, 328
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
Greene, Tweed & Co. Arlon® 1260,
Victrex plc Victrex® 450FC30, 322
Evonik Industries VESTAKEEP®
Ultimate PEEK resin, 321
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
SABIC Innovative Plastics PEEK
plastics, 319
friction coefficients and wear rates, 323
glass fiber–reinforced Solvay KetaSpire®
PEEK, 321
polyetheretherketone, 317
fatigue data, 317
tribology data, 317
polymers, structures of, 318
Solvay KetaSpire® PEEK resins, 320
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure
Victrex® PEEK plastics, 319
tensile fatigue
Solvay AvaSpire® AV-621 GF30
BG20, 327
Solvay AvaSpire® PAEK resins, 326
Unfilled Victrex® PEK and PEKEKK
Resins, 327
tribological properties
RTP Company RTP 2200 AR 15 TFE
15 vs. 1018 C Steel, 325
RTP Company RTP 2200 LF TFE 15
vs. 1018 C Steel, 324
RTP Company RTP 2200 LF TFE 20
vs. 1018 C Steel, 324
RTP Company RTP 2205 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 325
RTP Company RTP 2285 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 326
RTP Company RTP 2299 X 57352 A
vs. 1018 C Steel, 326
Victrex plc Victrex® TL-60, 323
wear factor vs. PV
Victrex WG PAEK resins, 328
wear factor vs. temperature
Greene, Tweed & Co. Arlon® 1260,
wear resistance data
Plastic Against Steel (1018 C), 324
Polybenzimidazole (PBI), 336
coefficient of friction data
of Celazole TL-60, 343
countersurface temperature data
of Celazole TL-60, 343
friction and wear
Celanese Fortron® PPS on Steel, 340
structure of, 342
tribology data, 342
wear factor data
Celazole TL-60 PBI, 343
Polybutadiene, 69
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), 125,
135, 193
BASF Ultradur polybutylene
terephthalate polyester
friction vs. pressure, dynamic
coefficient of, 149
wear rate vs. pressure, 149
Celanese Celanex® grades, wear
behavior of, 151
Celanese Celanex® PBT plastics friction
taber abrasion of coefficient, 152
chemical structure of, 142
Evonik Industries Vestodur® 2000
sliding coefficient of friction vs.
pressure, 150
fatigue data, 142
flexural fatigue strength, 144
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Celanese Celanex® 2300 GV/30, 143
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Crastin® PBT plastics, 144
of DuPont Engineering Polymers
Crastin® PBT plastics, 143
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Crastin® SK645FR, 144
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP™
Stat-Kon® WC-4036, 145
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP
PBT plastics, 145
several Celanese Celanex® PBT
plastics, 143
friction vs. pressure loading, dynamic
coefficient of350 Subject Index
Celanese Celanex® 2500, 150
friction vs. sliding speed, dynamic
coefficient of
Celanese Celanex® 2500, 150
kinetic friction, coefficient of, 151
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics
flexural fatigue of, 148
PV limit value, 152
specific wear rate of, 151
performance properties, 135
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure
of DSM Arnite®—unreinforced
PBT, 142
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®, 146
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
310, 145
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
325, 148
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
420, 146
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
430, 147
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
736, 147
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
412E, 146
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
732E, 147
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
HV7075, 148
tribology data, 149
Polycarbonate (PC) polyester, 76, 125
chemical structure of, 125
monomers, 125
coefficient of friction vs. temperature
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
101R, 136
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
time, 136
fatigue crack propagation rate
on cyclic frequency and stress
intensity factor, 133
on cyclic frequency and
temperature, 133
fatigue data, 126
fatigue resistance, in compression
molecular weight effect, 134
fatigue resistance, in flexure
molecular weight effect, 134
fatigue resistance, in torsion
molecular weight effect, 134
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics
Corporation Iupilon®/Novarex®
PC resin, PV values for, 137
RTP Company RTP 300 AR 10 TFE 10
vs. 1018 C Steel, 140
RTP Company RTP 300 AR 10 vs. 1018
C Steel, 140
RTP Company RTP 300 TFE 10 SI 2 vs.
1018 C Steel, 140
RTP Company RTP 300 TFE 5 vs. 1018
C Steel, 138
RTP Company RTP 300 TFE 10 vs.
1018 C Steel, 139
RTP Company RTP 300 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 139
RTP Company RTP 300 TFE 20 vs.
1018 C Steel, 140
RTP Company RTP 302 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 141
RTP Company RTP 305 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 141
RTP Company RTP 382 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 141
RTP Company RTP 385 TFE 15 vs.
1018 C Steel, 141
RTP Company RTP 300 TFE 5 vs. RTP
300 TFE 5, 139
RTP Company RTP 300 TFE 10 vs.
RTP 300 TFE 10, 139
RTP Company RTP 300 TFE 15 vs.
RTP 300 TFE 10, 139
RTP Company RTP 382 TFE 15 vs.
RTP 382 TFE 15, 141
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®, 142
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan® ML
6339R carbon particle
long-term S–N data, 133
short-term S–N data, 133
samples, fatigue properties
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics
Corporation Iupilon®/Novarex®
PC resin, 135
temperature influence on fatigue resistance
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics
Corporation Iupilon®/Novarex®
PC resin, 135
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
101, 126
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
121, 126
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
141, 127
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
191, 127
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
500, 128
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
920, 128
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
925, 129
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
940, 129
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
945, 129
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
955, 130
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
EM1210, 130
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
EM2212, 130
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
EM3110, 131
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
HF1110, 131
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
HF1130, 131
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
HF1140, 132
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
LS1, 132
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
OQ1030, 132
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
143R, 127
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
915R, 128
tribology data, 135
wear rate vs. sliding distance, 136
wear resistance data determination
by Thrust Washer Test Against 1018
C steel for RTP 300 Series, 138
by Thrust Washer Test Per ASTM
D3702 for RTP 300 Series, 137
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), 303
chemical structure of, 309
fatigue crack growth, 310
fatigue data, 310
terephthalate (PCT), 159
chemical structure, 159
fatigue cycles to failure vs. stress
in tension for DR and EF series, 160
fatigue data, 159
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
fire-retardant PCT plastics, 160
Polydispersity, 52
Polyester plastics, 125
Polyether block amides (PEBA), 284
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), 197
Polyetherimide (PEI), 171
amine reaction, with anhydride, 172
biphenol diamine PMDA
polyetherimide, chemical
structure of, 172
BPADA-DDS polyetherimide sulfone,
chemical structure of, 172
BPADA monomer, chemical structure
of, 173
BPADA-MPD polyetherimide, chemical
structure of, 173
copolyetherimide, chemical
structure of, 173
BPADA-PPD polyetherimide, chemical
structure of, 172
fatigue cycles to failure vs. stress
SABIC Innovative Plastics reinforced
LNP polyetherimide imide
compounds, 174
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) (cont.)Subject Index 351
fatigue data, 171
monomer, chemical structure of, 173
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
polyetherimide compounds, 174
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles
SABIC Innovative Plastics PEI
plastics, 179
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®,
175, 176
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
1000, 174
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
1010, 175
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
2100, 175
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
2300, 176
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
2400, 176
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
3452, 177
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
AR9000 series PEI plastics, 178
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
CRS5000 series PEI plastics,
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
series PEI plastics, 179
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
4000 series PEI plastics, 177
SABIC Innovative Plastics Ultem®
9000 series PEI plastics, 177
tribological properties
RTP Company RTP 2100 AR 15 TFE
15 vs. 1018 C Steel, 181
RTP Company RTP 4205 TFE 15,
RTP Company RTP 4285 TFE 15,
RTP Company RTP 4299 X 64425 vs.
1018 C Steel, 181
RTP Company RTP 4299 X 71927 vs.
1018 C Steel, 180
several SABIC Innovative Plastics
Ultem® Series PEI plastics, 181
tribology data, 171
Polyether plastics
homopolymer, 87
fatigue data, 87
tribology data, 87
polyoxymethylene copolymer
(POM-Co), 87
polyphenylene ether, 95
fatigue data, 111
polyphenylene oxide (PPO), 95
fatigue data, 111
Polyethersulfone (PES), 317
BASF Ultrason® E 2010, Wohler
diagram, 330
fatigue data, 320
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
BASF Ultrason® E PES plastics, 330
SABIC Innovative Plastics
Thermocomp® PES plastics, 329
Solvay Advanced Polymers, 329
friction coefficient and wear intensity,
structure of, 328
taber abrasion loss vs. glass fiber content
Solvay Radel® A PES plastics, 331
tribology data, 320
for Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., 331
Polyethylene (PE), 45, 261
classifications of, 261
cycles to failure vs. deflection in flexure,
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
of LyondellBasell Industries
polyolefins Lupolen® PE, 265
fatigue crack propagation (FCP) rate vs.
stress intensity range in tension,
fatigue crack propagation vs. stress
intensity factor, 265
fatigue cycles to failure vs. stress in
high-density polyethylene, 263
Ipiranga Petrochem Hostalen GM
501OT2, 263
fatigue data, 262
homopolymers, 263
impact copolymers, 264
jet abrasion volume vs. jet velocity
of LyondellBasell Industries
polyolefins Lupolen® PE, 266
random copolymers, 264
tribology data, 262
wear rate vs. mean pressure
by pin-on-disk of LyondellBasell
Industries polyolefins Lupolen®,
Polyethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene, 293
chemical structure of, 299
tribology data, 294
Polyethylene crystal structure, graphical
diagram of, 262
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 45, 125,
149, 193
chemical structure of, 152
DuPont Engineering Polymers Rynite®
PET Plastics, 155
fatigue data, 152
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Rynite® FR400 series
flame-retardant, 155
tribology data, 152
Polyethylene tetrafluoroethylene, 296
Asahi Glass Fluon® C-55AP/ C-55AXP
ETFE resins
dynamic friction coefficient vs.
PV, 302
Asahi Glass Fluon® C-55AP/C-55AXP
ETFE resins
wear constant vs. PV, 302
Asahi Glass Fluon® C-88AP/C-88AXP
ETFE resins
dynamic friction coefficient vs.
PV, 303
wear constant vs. PV, 303
Asahi Glass Fluon® C-88AXMP ETFE
dynamic friction coefficient vs.
PV, 304
wear constant vs. PV, 304
chemical structure, 299
Chemours Tefzel® HT-2004
frictional behavior of, 301
Glass Fiber–Reinforced ETFE
Bearing Wear Rate, 305
static coefficient of friction, 304
fatigue data, 299
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Chemours Tefzel® ETFE
plastics, 300
fiber-reinforced ETFE plastics, 300
MIT folding endurance, at room
temperature, 301
tribology data, 299
Polyethylene types, graphical depictions
of, 262
Polyformaldehyde, 87
Polyimide (PI), 182
chemical structure, 191
DuPont Engineering Polymers Vespel®
PI plastics
wear and friction properties, 195
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Vespel® SP PI plastics, 192
fatigue data, 186
fatigue resistance vs. temperature to
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Vespel® SP PI plastics, 191
lubricated friction test, 191, 192
maximum PV limits
Unlubricated DuPont Engineering
Polymers Vespel® PI Plastics, 195
monomers, chemical structures of, 190
pressure vs. velocity limit
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Vespel® SP21, 193
tribology data, 186
wear factor vs. roughness of
unlubricated countermaterial
hardness, 194
wear factor vs. unlubricated
countermaterial hardness, 194
wear factor vs. velocity limit at
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Vespel® SP PI plastics, 193
wear rate vs. PV, 194352 Subject Index
Polyimide plastics, 171
Polyketones. See Polyaryl ether ketones
Polyketones or polyaryl ether ketones
(PAEK), 317
Polymerization, 45
addition, 45
chain initiation, 45
chain propagation, 45
chain termination, 45
condensation, 45, 46
Polymers, intramolecular attractions, 51
chain entanglement, 52
hydrogen bonding, 51
van der Waals forces, 52
Polymer’s molecular weight, 52
crystalline and amorphous regions, 54
crystalline vs. amorphous, 54
fatigue life
heat treatment on, 55
of PTFE, 55
hypothetical molecular weight
distribution plot, 52
polystyrene on fatigue life, 53
polyvinyl chloride on fatigue crack
propagation, 54
thermosets vs. thermoplastics, 53
Polyolefins, 261
monomers, chemical structures
of, 261
polymers, structures of, 262
Polyolefin thermoplastic elastomer (TPO),
tribological properties
RTP Company RTP 2800-35A SI 2
vs. 1018 C Steel, 288
RTP Company RTP 2800-35A TFE
20 vs. 1018 C Steel, 288
RTP Company RTP 2800-60A TFE
20 vs. 1018 C Steel, 288
RTP Company RTP 2800-60A vs.
1018 C Steel, 288
tribological properties of
RTP Company RTP 2800-40D TFE
20 vs. 1018 C Steel, 287
RTP Company RTP 2800-40D vs.
1018 C Steel, 287
tribology data, 287
Polyoxymethylene copolymer (POM-Co),
acetal copolymer, chemical structure
of, 95
Celanese Hostaform® Grades
Wear and Dynamic Coefficient of
Friction, 111
chemical structure of, 95
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
bearing pressure
Celanese Celcon® POM-Co, 101
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
bearing speed
Celanese Celcon® POM-Co, 102
fatigue data, 95
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
for BASF Ultraform® POM-Co
plastics, 99
Celanese Celcon® POM-Co plastics, 96
for Celanese Hostaform® C 9021
POM-Co plastics, 98
Hz for several Celanese Hostaform®
POM-Co plastics, 97
fluctuating stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure
for Celanese Hostaform® C 9021, 96
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics
Corporation Iupital® POM-Co
coefficient of static friction, 106
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics
Corporation Iupital® POM-Co
plastics, 105
coefficient of kinetic friction and
surface pressure, 104
coefficient of kinetic friction and
velocity, 104
specific wear volume vs. velocity, 106
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics
Corporation Iupital® POM-Co
Plastics coefficient of static
specific wear volume, 107
radial wear vs. load on unlubricated
Celanese Celcon® POM-Co, 101
RTP Company ESD 800 Static
Dissipative vs. 1018 C Steel
tribological properties of, 107
RTP Company RTP 800 Base Resin vs.
1018 C Steel
tribological properties of, 107
RTP Company RTP 800 SI 2 vs. 1018
C Steel
tribological properties of, 107
RTP Company RTP 800 TFE 10 SI 2
wear resistance data of, 111
RTP Company RTP 800 TFE 5 vs. 1018
C Steel
tribological properties of, 108
RTP Company RTP 800 TFE 10 vs.
1018 C Steel
tribological properties of, 108
RTP 800 Series Acetal (POM)
wear resistance data of, 108, 110
sliding friction coefficient vs. roughness
sliding steel disk, 103
sliding steel disk
wear rate vs. roughness, 103
tensile fatigue strength vs. cycles to
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics
Corporation Iupital® POM-Co
plastics, 100
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
for Celanese Hostaform® C 9021, 97
torsional stress amplitude vs. cycles to
for Celanese Hostaform® C 9021,
98, 99
tribology data, 95
unlubricated Celanese Celcon®
POM-Co, PV curve, 102
Unlubricated Standard Celanese
Celcon® Acetal Copolymer
Against Other Materials
dynamic coefficient of
friction, 106
Polyphenylene ether (PPE), 76, 95
fatigue data, 111
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP™
Thermocomp™ ZF-1006, 112
polyphenylene oxides
chemical structure of, 111
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
731, 116
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
EM6101, 117
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
EM7100, 118
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
EM6100F, 117
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
EM7304F, 118
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
FN150X, 119
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
FN215X, 119
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
GFN1, 120
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
GFN2, 120
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
GFN3, 121
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
GTX954, 112
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
HH195—PPE/PS plastic, 116
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
HS1000X, 121
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
HS2000X, 122
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
IGN320, 122
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
PPX615, 113
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
PPX630, 113
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
PPX640, 114
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
PPX7110, 114
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
PPX7112, 115Subject Index 353
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®
PPX7115, 115
Polyphenylene oxide (PPO), 95
fatigue data, 111
Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
coefficient of abrasion vs. PV value
Toray Resin Company Torelina® A504
plastics, 338
coefficient of friction
Solvay Advanced Polymers Ryton®
R-4, 340
fatigue data, 330
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Celanese Fortron® PPS plastics, 332
SABIC Innovative Plastics Supec®
G401, 335
SABIC Innovative Plastics Supec®
G620, 336
friction and wear
Celanese Fortron® PPS on Steel, 340
high-molecular-weight (HMW)
linear, 325
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure
Toray Resin Company Torelina® PPS
plastics, 336, 337
structure of, 332
taber abrasion of
Solvay Advanced Polymers Ryton®
Plastics, 340
tensile fatigue S – N curve
Celanese Fortron® 1140A1, 333
Celanese Fortron® 6165A4, 334
tensile strength retained vs. cycles to
Solvay Advanced Polymers Ryton®
A-200 PPS, 334
Solvay Advanced Polymers Ryton®
R-4, 335
Solvay Advanced Polymers Ryton®
R-7, 335
Solvay Advanced Polymers Ryton®
R-4 02XT, 334
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Celanese Fortron® PPS plastics, 332,
tribology data, 330
tribology properties of
Toray Resin Company Torelina® PPS
Resins, 338
wear resistance data determination
Thrust Washer Test Per ASTM
D3702 of RTP 1300 Series, 340
Polyphthalamide (PPA), 224
chemical structures of blocks, 255
fatigue data, 224
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
EMS-Grivory Grivory®, 257
EMS-Grivory Grivory® fiberreinforced PAA, 256
EMS-Grivory Grivory® HTV-5H1, 257
EMS-Grivory Grivory® HTV-6H1, 258
SABIC Innovative Plastics PPA
plastics, 258
Solvay Amodel® A-1145 HS, 255
Solvay Amodel® glass fiber, 256
high-performance polyamide, 223
tribology data, 225
wear resistance data
Thrust Washer Test Per ASTM
D3702 Against Steel (1018 C),
Polyphthalate carbonate (PPC) polyester,
chemical structure of, 160
fatigue data, 161
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 162
DuPont Engineering Polymers
Crastin® injection molding PBT/
ASA alloy plastics, 162
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
glass fiber–reinforced SABIC
Innovative Plastics Valox® PET/
PBT alloy plastics, 169
SABIC Innovative Plastics Enduran®
PET/PBT alloy plastics, 168
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
4501, 161
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
4704, 162
SABIC Innovative Plastics Lexan®
4701R, 161
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
368, 163
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
508, 163
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
3706, 164
SABIC Innovative Plastics Valox®
PET/PBT alloy plastics, 168
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®,
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
1102, 164
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
1103, 165
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
5770, 167
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
1402B, 165
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
1403B, 165
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
CL101, 162
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
1760E, 166
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
K4630, 164
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
PET/PC alloy plastics, 169
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
X5300WX, 168
SABIC Innovative Plastics
Xenoy® 52xx series PBT/PC
alloys, 166
SABIC Innovative Plastics Xenoy®
5xxx series PBT/PC alloys, 167
applications, 266
fatigue data, 266
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Celanese Celstran® glass fiber, 268
LyondellBasell Industries polyolefins
Hostacom® PP plastics, 267
SABIC Innovative Plastics
Thermocomp® MF-1006, 267
SABIC Innovative Plastics Verton®,
homopolymers, 263
impact copolymers, 264
manufacturers/trade names, 265
maximum strain vs. life for different
frequencies, 269
maximum stress vs. life for different
frequencies, 269
random copolymers, 264
types of, 263
Polystyrene (PS), 65
Polysulfone (PSU), 330
BASF Ultrason® S PSU Plastics
friction coefficient and wear intensity,
fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
temperature, 342
fatigue data, 333
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
BASF Ultrason® PSU plastics, 341
SABIC Innovative Plastics
Thermocomp® PSU plastics, 341
structure of, 341
tribology data, 333
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), 27, 54,
ball-and-stick three-dimensional
representation, 293
chemical structure of, 292
Chemours Teflon® PTFE
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
sliding speed, 297
Chemours Teflon® PTFE Filled
PV and wear performance, 298
coefficient of friction vs. load, 298
Daikin PTFE
wear rate vs. bronze content, 297
wear rate vs. glass content, 296
dynamic coefficient of friction
Various Fluon Grades, 298
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
temperature, 295
fatigue data, 293
fatigue life of crystallinity levels, 295
fatigue testing, 10354 Subject Index
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 293, 294
fluoroplastics, melting point ranges of, 292
homopolymer, 291
MIT Folding Endurance Test
Daikin Modified PTFE and Standard
PTFE Compounds, 295
monomers, structures of, 292
polymer, 291
temperature rise vs. fatigue cycles, 294
three-dimensional representation, 292
tribology data, 293
wear factor vs. temperature of generic
PTFE, 296
Polytetramethylene glycol (PTMG), 284
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 45, 72
Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF), 311
DuPont Tedlar® PVF film, exposure to
steam, 313
DuPont Tedlar® PVF films, flex life, 314
fatigue crack propagation (FCP) rate vs.
stress intensity, 314
fatigue data, 313
structure of, 313
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), 310
Arkema Kynar® and Kynar Flex® PVDF
taber abrasion properties of, 312
tribology properties of, 313
chemical structure of, 310
fatigue crack propagation vs. stress
intensity factor, 312
fatigue data, 310
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
Solvay Solexis Solef® 1010, 311
Solvay Solexis Solef® PVDF, 311
tribology data, 310
POM-Co. See Polyoxymethylene
copolymer (POM-Co)
PPC polyester. See Polyphthalate
carbonate (PPC) polyester
PPS. See Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
PS. See Polystyrene (PS)
PSU. See Polysulfone (PSU)
PVDF. See Polyvinylidene fluoride
PVF. See Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF)
Random copolymers, 264
Rigid polyvinyl chloride, 268
fatigue crack propagation
polyvinyl chloride, molecular weight
of, 273
fatigue crack propagation rate vs. stress
intensity factor, 273, 274
fatigue cycles to failure vs. stress in
tension, 273
fatigue data, 270
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
PolyOne Corporation Geon™
Fiberloc™ PVC plastics, 272
Rolling contact wear, 31
SABIC Innovative Plastics
Enduran, 142
SABIC Innovative Plastics Noryl®, 111
Sliding wear processes
abrasive wear, 30
adhesive wear, 30
fretting wear, 30
surface fatigue wear, 30
Solar cells, 312
Solvay Solexis Hyflon® MFA, 302
Standard Test Method for Film Hardness
by Pencil Test, 39
Stereoisomerism, 50
Steric hindrance, 49
Stress intensity factor range, 22
Stress, types of, 1
flexural/bending, 2–3
illustration of, 2
hoop, 3–4
illustration of, 3
instron universal testing machine
three-point flexural/bending test, 3
shear, 1
illustration of, 1
sheet fatigue-testing specimens
illustration of, 4
tensile/compressive, 1
illustration of, 1
torsional, 2
illustration of, 2
rods/beams, constants, 2
Styrene, 65
Styrene acrylonitrile, 68
fatigue data, 68
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 68
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
for SABIC Innovative Plastics Geloy®
CR7010, 69
for SABIC Innovative Plastics Geloy®
CR7510, 70
for SABIC Innovative Plastics Geloy®
CR7520, 70
for SABIC Innovative Plastics Geloy®
CR7020 ASA, 69
Styrene maleic anhydride (SMA), 84
production of, 84
Styrenic blends, 76
fatigue data, 77
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® FR15—flame-retardant
ABS, 77
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® FR23—flame-retardant
ABS, 77
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® KJB—medium-impact
ABS, 78
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® LDA—ABS, 78
tribology data, 78
Styrenic block copolymer (SBC), 84
“microscopic” structure of, 84
Styrenic block copolymer (SBS), 289
Styrenic plastics, 78
(ASA), 65
fatigue data, for ASA plastics, 67
flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 67
high-impact polystyrene (HIPS)
stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 66
vs. number of fatigue cycles, 66
high-impact polystyrene, structure of, 66
methacrylate acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (MABS) copolymer, 78
effect of molecular weight, 67
polystyrene (PS), 65
fatigue data, 65
polystyrene, fatigue crack propagation
rates, 68
styrene maleic anhydride (SMA), 81
production of, 84
properties of, 81
styrenic block copolymer (SBC), 84
“microscopic” structure of, 84
Taber Abrasion SABIC Innovative
Plastics Cycoloy® PC ABS
Plastics, 83
tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® MG47, 79
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® MGABS01 ABS, 80
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® MG38F, 79
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® MGX53GP, 80
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® X11, 80
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycolac® X37, 81
for SABIC Innovative Plastics
Cycoloy® C1100, 81
for SABIC Innovative Plastics Geloy®
XP4025, 82
for SABIC Innovative Plastics Geloy®
XP4034, 83
for SABIC Innovative Plastics Geloy®
XP4020R, 82
Syndiotactic polypropene, 51
Taber Shear/Scratch Tester, 41
Terephthalic acid (TPA), 223
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (cont.)Subject Index 355
Thermoplastic copolyester elastomers
(TPE-E/COPE), 280
coefficient of friction
DuPont Hytrel® Thermoplastic
Copolyester Elastomers, 285
DuPont Hytrel® TPE-E or COPE, 282
taber abrasion
of Riteflex® thermoplastic polyester
elastomers, 286
Ticona Riteflex® thermoplastic
copolyester elastomers,
molecular structure of, 283
tribology data, 284
Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs), 279
molded/extruded on standard plasticsprocessing, 279
physical and chemical properties, 279
polyurethane, 279
styrenic block copolymer (SBS), 289
thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), 279
aromatic and aliphatic varieties, 280
molecular structure of, 279
polycaprolactone, 280
polyester, 279
polyester-based, 280
polyether, 280
polyether-based, 280
tribology data, 280
vulcanized elastomeric alloys (EA), 289
Thermoplastic polyesters, 125
Thermoplastic polyether block amide
elastomers, 284
DeMattia flexural fatigue, 286
fatigue data, 286
taber abrasion
of Arkema Pebax® Polyether Block
Amide Elastomers, 286
Evonik Industries Vestamid®
E Polyether Block Amide
Elastomers, 287
tribology data, 286
Thermoplastic polyimide (TPI), 186
Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), 279
abrasion loss of BASF Elastollan®, 282
abrasion loss of BASF Elastollan® B
grades polyether-polyurethane
thermoplastic elastomers, 281
abrasion loss of BASF Elastollan® C
grades polyether-polyurethane
thermoplastic elastomers, 281
abrasion loss of BASF Elastollan® 500
grades polyether-polyurethane
thermoplastic elastomers, 282
abrasion loss of BASF Elastollan® 1100
grades polyether-polyurethane
thermoplastic elastomers, 281
abrasion loss of BASF Elastollan® 600
grades polyether-polyurethane
transparent thermoplastic
elastomers, 282
aromatic and aliphatic varieties, 280
elastoblend special grades polyetherpolyurethane thermoplastic
elastomers, 282
molecular structure of, 279
polycaprolactone, 280
polyester-based, 279, 280
polyether-based, 280
tribology data, 280
tribology properties of
Covestro Texin®, 283
desmopan TPU thermoplastic
elastomers, 283
Thermoplastic UHMWPE, 266
Thrust washer test, 36
Ticona Riteflex® thermoplastic copolyester
elastomers, molecular structure
of, 283
Tortuous path effect, 61
Total true strain, 17
TPE-E/COPE. See Thermoplastic
copolyester elastomers
TPU. See Thermoplastic polyurethane
Trade names, 329
Tribology testing, 34
erosion tests, 38
falling abrasive/erosion test, 38
slurry erosion tests, 38
falling abrasive abrasion/erosion tester,
hardness pencil holder, 40
hardness testing, 39
laboratory hardness measures, 40
pencil hardness test, 39
shore/rockwell hardness, 40
linear reciprocating abrasion
testing, 36
load frame, 35
pin-on-disk abrasion testing, 36, 37
pin-on-disk wear track, 37
reciprocating tribometer equipment, 38
shore hardness instrument, 40
standard tribology tests, 41
static coefficient of friction, 35
taber abraser, 37, 38
taber shear/scratch tester, 41
testing for friction, 34–35
thrust washer, 35
test equipment, 36
wear/abrasion tests, 35
thrust washer abrasion testing,
Ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene,
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
pressure at velocity
Celanese GUR® UHMWPE, 270
dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
sliding speed
Celanese GUR® UHMWPE, 271
fatigue crack propagation vs. stress
intensity factor
UHMWPE plastics, 270
fatigue data, 267
permissible unlubricated bearing load
vs. sliding speed
Celanese GUR® UHMWPE, 271
PV load limit vs. sliding speed
Celanese GUR® UHMWPE, 272
tribology data, 268
Ultralow-density polyethylene (ULDPE),
Unsaturation, 48
polymer polarities, qualitative ranking
of, 48
polymer structures, 49
Very-low-density polyethylene (VLDPE),
Vespel products, 32
Vinyl benzene, 65
Vinylidene fluoride, 310
Von Mises equivalent stress formula, 4
Vulcanized elastomeric alloys
(EA), 289
Water pump impellers, 111
Wear, 29
classification of, 29
processes, 30
transition temperature, 32
Wear-resistant additives, 41
aromatic polyamide fiber, 43
ASTM/ISO tribology-related standards,
carbon fibers, 43
glass fiber reinforcement, 43
glass fibers, 43
graphite’s unique chemical lattice
structure, 41
2, 41
perfluoropolyether (PFPE) synthetic
oil, 41
PTFE, 41
silicone/polysiloxane fluid, 41
silicone resin, 43
XPS. See Extruded polystyrene
Young’s modulus, 17
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