Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics
Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics
B.Se (Eng.) (London); M.Sc.Teeh. (Man.); Se.D.(M.LT.)
Foreword to the First Edition
Preface to the Second (Metric) Edition
Preface to the First Edition
List of Principal Symbols
- Fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 The Continuum 3
1.3 Units of Measurement 4
1.4 Some Important Fluid Properties 8
1.5 Transfer Phenomena 13
1.6 Types of Flow 18
1.7 Boundary Layer Concepts and Drag 20
1.8 Fluids in Static Equilibrium 25
2 Methods of analysis
2.1 Control Volume Concepts 40
2.2 The Basic Physical Laws of Mass, Energy and Momentum
Transport 41
2.3 Conservation of Mass 42
2.4 The Linear Momentum Principle 45
2.5 The Principle of Conservation of Energy: First Law of
Thermodynamics 52
2.6 The Moment of Momentum Concept 60
3 Steady incompressible flow through pipes
3.1 Introduction 63
3.2 Enclosed Flow at a Low Reynolds Number 64
3.3 Momentum and Energy Correction Factors 70
3.4 Pipe Flow at a High Reynolds Number 71
3.5 Analysis of Pipe Systems 87vi Contents
4 Flow in non-erodible open channels
401 Introduction 95
402 Momentum Concepts 107
403 Energy Concepts 113
404 Gradually Varied Flow 123
405 Open Channel Surges 133
406 Miscellaneous Information 137
5 Experimental fluid mechanics
501 Introduction 142
502 Dynamic Similarity 143
503 Physical Significance of Modelling Laws 146
504 Models of Rivers and Channels 160
505 Dimensional Approach to Experimental Analysis 165
6 Water pumps and turbines
601 Introduction 173
602 The Pelton Wheel Turbine 175
603 Reaction Machines 178
604 Selection and Installation of Pumps and Turbines 190
605 Cavitation 196
606 Pumping from Wells 205
7 Flow in erodible open channels
701 Properties of Sediments 213
702 Mechanics of Sediment Transport 219
703 Design of Stable Alluvial Channels 229
704 Moveable Bed Models 236
8 Physical hydrology and water storage
801 Introduction 242
802 Precipitation 244
803 Evaporation and Transpiration 249
804 Infiltration 252
805 Surface Run-off (Overland Flow) 254
806 Stream Run-off 258
807 Storage and Streamflow Routeing 266
808 Design Criteria 276Contents vii
9 Groundwater and seepage
9.1 Introduction 282
9.2 Fundamentals of Groundwater Hydraulics 285
9.3 Some Practical Groundwater Flow Problems 298
10 Sea waves and coastal engineering
10.1 Introduction 312
10.2 Wave Generation and Propagation 315
10.3 Small Amplitude Wave Theory 319
10.4 Finite Amplitude Waves 326
10.5 Changes in Shallow Water 327
10.6 Wave Reflection and Diffraction 331
10.7 Coastal Processes 334
10.8 Coastal Enginee ring 340
11 Fundamental economics of water resources
11.1 Introduction 346
11.2 Basic Economic and Technological Concepts (Decision
Theory) 349
Appendix: Notes on Flow Measurement
A.l Velocity-Area Methods 401
A.2 Direct Discharge Methods 40
list of Principal Symbols
ev E F
cross-section area of a jet (L 2)
area (L 2)
acceleration (L/t 2 ) , area (L 2), wave amplitude (L)
amplitude of wave beat envelope (L)
top width of a channel (L)
bottom width of a channel (L)
Chezy coefficient (L2/t); wave velocity (L /t)
group velocity (waves) (L/t)
specific heat at constant pressure (L 2 /Tt 2 )
Capital Recovery Factor
specific heat at constant volume (L 2 /Tt 2 )
concentration of mass, surge wave speed (L/t) , speed of sound (L/t)
coefficient of drag
coefficient of discharge
coefficient of drag (friction)
control surface
control volume
coefficient of velocity
molecular mass conductivity (M/Lt), pipe diameter (L), drag (ML/t 2 )
sieve diameter which pass N% of soil sample (L)
median sand particle size (L)
geometric mean size (sand) (L), depth (L), drawdown (L)
geometric mean size (sand) (L)
diameter of a nozzle (L)
energy (ML2/t2 ) , specific energy (L), Euler number, rate of evaporation (L/t);
wave energy (M/t 2 ) , modulus of elasticity (M/Lt 2 )
rate of transmission of wave energy (ML/t 3)
thermal eddy diffusivity (L 2/t)
mass edd y diffusivity (L2/t)
kinetic energy (ML2 /t2 )
potential energy (ML2/t2 )
exponential constant (= 2.71828)
vapour pressure (mmHg), void ratio
force (ML/t 2 ) , Froude number, fetch (L)
densimetric Froude number
friction factor
infiltration capacity (L/t or L3/t)
silt factor
acceleration due to gravity (L/t 2 )
constant – 32.174 Ibm/slug
enthalpy (L 2/t2), total head (L), wave height (L)
head developed or consumed by a rotodynamic machine (L)
pum p head (L)
theoretical head of a rotodynamic machine (L)
xiiixiv List of Principal Symbols
n, static lift (L)
sv net positive suction head (NPSH) (L)
HT turbine head (L)
h head of water above spillway crest (L), hydraulic head (L)
hf friction head loss (L)
I moment 0 f inertia (ML”), infiltration amount (L 3), rate of interest
seepage (hydraulic) gradient (LIL)
o rainfall intensity (Lit)
J mechanical equivalent of heat, (ML”It 2 )
K thermal molecular conductivity (MLITt 3 ) , coefficient of hydraulic resistances,
modulus of compressibility (MILt”)
n nozzle (loss) coefficient
coefficient of wave refraction
k coefficient of permeability (superficial) (Lit); wave number (21TIL)
size of roughness (L)
L length (L), wavelength (L)
L o wavelength in deep water (L)
1 length (L)
Ibm pound mass (M)
lbf pound force (MLlt”)
M mass (M), Mach number
MB marginal benefit
Me marginal cost
MP marginal productivity
MRS marginal rate of substitution
MRT marginal rate of transformation
m mass (M), mass rate of flow (Mit), hydraulic mean depth or radius (L)
N speed of rotation (rev/min)
specific speed (turbines)
Nu unit speed (rotodynamic machines)
n porosity, ratio of wave group velocity to phase velocity (CalC)
n s specific speed (pumps)
o outflow (L 3It)
l5 average outflow (L 3 It)
OMR operation, maintenance and repairs
P force (MLlt”) , wetted perimeter (L), power (ML”lt 3 ) , principal investment,
precipitation (rainfall)
unit power
p pressure (MILt”)
ppm parts per million
Pat atmospheric pressure (MILt”)
v vapour pressure (MILt 2 )
Q discharge rate (L 31t) , heat (ML 2It 2 )
Qu unit discharge
q discharge per unit width (L”It)
q velocity vector (Lit)
lib rate of bed load transport per unit width (L2 It)
qs rate of suspended load transport per unit widthS
list of Principal Symbols
universal gas constant (L21t2 T), Reynolds number, rainfall amount (L 3)
Reynolds number based on shear velocity (v’d/v)
Richardson number
degrees Rankine
radius (L), (suffix) ratio of model quantity/prototype quantity
specific gravity, storage (L 3 ) , degree of saturation, storage constant
slope of energy grade line (LIL)
shape factor (sand grains)
flow net shape factor
bed slope (LIL)
specific gravity of solids
temperature (1), wave period (t), torque (ML 2/t2), transmissibility (L 2/t)
time (t), wind duration (t)
time of concentration (t)
recurrence interval (t)
duration of rainfall (t)
internal energy (ML 2It 2 ) , wind speed (Lit)
specific internal energy (L 2It 2 )
6.Z or z;
volume (L 3)
volume of voids (L3)
velocity (Lit)
time average velocity (turbulent flow) (Lit) (sections 1.5.4,4.1.3,7.2.3);
sectional average velocity (sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4.1, 3.4.2)
radial (flow) component of velocity in a rotodynamic machine (Lit)
velocity of nozzle jet (Lit)
seepage velocity (ch, 9) (Lit)
shear velocity V(To/ p) (Lit)
absolute surge wave speed (Lit), rotodynamic whirl component of velocity (Lit)
weight (MLlt 2 ) , Weber number, work (ML 2It2 )
work against pressure (ML 21t2 )
work against shear (ML 21t2 )
shaft work (ML 2It2 )
settling velocity (sand particles) (Lit)
distance measured from wall (L)
critical depth (L)
uniform (normal) depth (L)
depth (generally) in an open channel (L)
centroid of section measured from water surface (L)
centre of pressure measured from water surface (L)
height of weir (L)
summation of
approaches (equivalent or equal to)
thermal molecular diffusivity (L2It), angle
mass molecular diffusivity (L2It)
angle, constant of proportionality in es =(3e
specific (unit) weight (MIL2t2 )
specific weight of solid matter (MIL2t 2 )
boundary layer thickness (L)
eddy kinematic viscosity (L2It)
eddy diffusity for suspended load (L 2It)
angle, temperature (1)xvi
v P
list of Principal Symbols
efficiency, small amplitude wave form (L)
hydraulic efficiency
mechanical efficiency
dynamic molecular viscosity (MILt), discharge factor
kinema tic molecular viscosity (L 2 It)
density (MIL3)
density of solid matter (MIL3)
surface tension (Mlt 2 ) , standard deviation, wave number (2n/T)
critical cavitation number
geometric standard deviation
shear stress (MILt 2 )
critical shear stress (MILt 2 )
wall shear stress (MILt 2 )
angular velocity (rad/t)
Cauchy number
Absolute pressure 48
Acceleration 5, 143
convectional 143
gravitational 5
local 143
Air lift pumps 208
Airy-Stoke’s equations 319, 326
Akosombo dam 346
Alluvial channels 96, 213, 219, 229
Alternate depths 115
Amplitude (waves) 319, 323
Angular momentum 60, 181
Anisotropic porous media 291
Annular space flow 67
Aquifers 283
artesian 285
coastal 313
confined 283, 303
unconfined 283,297,304
yield 285
Archimedes principle 34
Backwater curves 96, 124
Base flow 261
Beach material 314, 337
Bearing (journal) 69
Beat (wave) 324
Bedload 223,237,314
Bends, loss in 48, 78
reducing 48
Benefits/costs ratio 352
Bernoulli equation 55
Blasius’ 1/7th power law 22
Blench’s regime equations 232
Body force 8,45,47,49, 144
Borda’s mouth piece 77
Bore (hydraulic) 96, 133
Boundary layer 20,63
laminar sublayer 97
Bourdon gauge 28
Branching pipes 91
Breakwaters 341
Buckingham 1T-theorem 169
Bulk modulus of elasticity 155
Buoyancy, centre of 36, 38
Buoyant weight 215
California pipe method 407
Canals 96
Capillary waves 156
Capillary zone 283
Capital recovery factor 349
Cauchy number 155
Cavitation 132, 155, 157, 196
Centre of pressure 31, 32
Centrifugal acceleration 197
Centrifugal pumps 174
Centroid 35
Channels (see open-channel flow)
economic sections 102
geometry 96, 106
roughness 96, 100
Chemical gauging 408
Chezy formula 100, 124, 364
Chutes 96
Cnoidal waves 326
Coefficient of: contraction 77
discharge 59, 120, 170, 172,405
drag 23,167
hydraulic resistance 77, 78
permeability 287
run off 259
velocity 78, 172,402
Colebrook-White formula 149
Compressibility 155
Compressible flow 20, 44, 46, 155
dynamic similitude 155, 158
Concentration, mass 15
sediment 227
time of 25″5
Conductivity, mass 15
thermal 16
Conduits 19,65, 95
non-prismatic 63
Conjugate depths 112
Conservation of: energy 41, 52
mass 41,42
momentum (angular) 60
momentum (linear) 42, 45
Consumptive use 249
Continuity equation 44
differential forms 45
Continuum 3, 14
Contraction, abrupt 77
coefficient of 77
vena contracta 49, 76
Control (flood) 96, 273, 352
Control section (point) 110, 118, 132
Control surface 42
Control volume 40
differential c.v. 40
fmite c.v, 41, 107
Convectional acceleration 143
Convectional precipitation 246
Correlation (regression) analysis 263
Couette flow 68
Critical depth 109, 114
Critical slope 126
Culverts 96, 105
Current meter 402
Currents (wave) 335
Curved surfaces 32
Curves, classification of 126
Cyclones 246
Cylinder, drag 23
pressure distribution 24Index 413
Dall tube 405
Dalton’s law 250
Darcy’s law (seepage) 286, 290
Darcy-Weisbach formula 73, 148, 164
Dash pot (shock absorber) 68
Deep water waves 317, 325
Densimetric Froude number 157, 222
Density, definition 6, 8
Diffraction (waves) 332
Diffusion (diffusivity)
Fick’s law 16
mass 16
molecular 13, 15
sediment 227
thermal (heat) 16
turbulent (eddy) 13, 17
Dimensional analysis 165
Buckingham 1r-theorem 169
Rayleigh method 166
Dimensionless equations of motion 145
Dimensionless groups (numbers) 154
Direct runoff 258
Discharge coefficient 59,120,170,172,405
Distorted models 161
Draft tube 195
Drag 20,215
coefficient of 23, 167
Newton’s law of 159, 167, 215
Stoke’s law of 215
Drag, form 20, 23, 64, 74, 237
skin frictional 20, 64, 237
Draw down curves 126
Ducts 55,64, 95
Dunes (anti-dunes) 220
Dynamic eddy viscosity 17
molecularviscosity 7,10,12,15,
Dynamic pressure 147
Dynamic similarity (similitude) 143, 155,
Economic efficiency 348, 352
Economic sections (channels) 102
Eddies 64, 110
Eddy viscosity 17, 97
Efficiency, economic 348, 352
pump 86, 177, 183
technical (technological) 349
turbine 86, 177, 183
Effluent streams 283
Efflux, definition 41
Elbow 48,78
Embankments (seepage through) 298, 311
Enclosed systems, similarity laws 147
Energy, conservation of 41,52, 113
First law of thermodynamics 52
internal 6, 52
kinetic 52,56, 76
potential 52, 56
pressure 56
stored (inherent) 52
total head 56, 113
transient 52
transport of 15,41,52
Energy correction factor 70, 107, 114
Energy equation, general 53
one-dimensional 55
open channels 113, 116
Energy grade line 56, 123
Energy losses 64; 110
bends 78
elbows 78
minor 80
pipes 56, 72, 148
sudden contraction 76
sudden expansion 64, 74, 76
valves 78
Enthalpy 55,58
Entrance length (flow establishment) 63
Entry losses 77
Equations of motion (Navier-Stokes) 143
Equipotentials 291
Erosion 106
Estuary 156
Euler number 155
Euler’s equation 183
Evaporation 106,249
Evapo-transpiration 251
Exceedence interval 280
Exit (rejected) kinetic energy 76
Expansion, sudden (abrupt) 76
Fall velocity 215
Fast flow 109, 116, 121
Feasibility (technological) 350
Fetch (wind) 316
Fick’s law 16
Finite amplitude waves 326, 327
First law of thermodynamics 41, 53
Flanges (pipe) 46
Flat plate boundary layer and drag 21
Floating bodies 36
Floats 403
Flood control 96, 273, 352
Flood frequencies 277
Flow meters 401
Flownet 291
boundary conditions 292
Laplace’s equation 291
Fluid, compressible 44, 146
definition of 3
homogeneous 44
ideal 18, 20, 23
incompressible 44, 46
Newtonian 9, 12, 15
real 18,20, 23
viscous 9, 14, 20, 23
Flume 96,405
Flux, energy 15
heat 16
mass 17,42
moment of momentum 60
momentum 14, 15,46
Foot valve 195
Force: body 8,45,47,49,145
buoyant 34, 37
external 42, 143
of a stream 108
surface 8,45,47,49, 145
surface tensional 156
units of 6, 26414 Index
Form (pressure) drag 20, 23, 64, 74, 237
Fourier’s law 16
Francis turbine 174, 178, 192
Free surface (line of seepage) 294, 311
Free-surface flow 95,213
dynamic similarity (similitude) 152,
open channels (see chapters 4 and 7)
weirs 119
Friction factors (resistance coefficients)
open channels 97, 100, 149, 162,
pipes 73, 149
Frictionless flow, Bernoulli equation 55
Froude number 110, 145, 152, 167, 315
densimetric 157, 222
Fully developed flow (pipes) 63
Fully developed waves 316
Gas, constant 7
definition of 3
Gas law 57
Gauge pressure 46
Gauss’ theorem 45
Geometric mean size 214
Geometric similarity 143
Grade line, energy 56, 123
hydraulic 56, 66, 73
piezometric 56, 66, 73
Gradient, energy 123
hydraulic 66, 73
potential 13
Gradually varied flow 123
Gravity, centre of 36
Gravity models 152
Gravity waves 118,135, chapter 10
Groundwater 259,282
Groynes 344
Guide vanes (rotodynamic machines) 181
Gumbel’s theory 279
Hagan-Poiseuille equation 67, 287
Hardy Cross method of balancing heads
Hazen-William-s formula 89,202
Head, definition of 56
piezometric 56, 287
total 56, 401
Head (energy) loss, coefficients 78
Hazen-Williams formula 89
Heat (energy) 16,52
specific heats 7, 17
transfer 16
Height (wave) 317
Homogeneous liquids 44,290
media 290, 296
Hydraulic bore 96, 135
Hydraulic (piezometric) grade line 56,66,
Hydraulic gradient 66, 73
Hydraulic jump 96,110,116,137
Hydraulic mean depth (radius) 73, 100
et seq.
Hydraulic performance of channels 102
Hydrograph 256,258
unit hydrograph 260
Hydrologic cycle 242
Hydrology, physical 244
stochastic 244
systems 244, 261, 287
Hydrometer 35
Hydrostatic force 30
Hydrostatic pressure distribution 49, 147
Hydrostatics 26-38
Impact of jets 175
Incompressible (fluid) flow 20, 44, 46
through pipes 63 et seq.
Inertia, force 143
moment of 62
Infiltration 252, 256
Influent streams 283
Influx 41
Inherent (stored) energy 52
Internal energy 6, 52
specific internal energy 6
Interval, exceedence 280
recurrence 277, 280
Isohyets 247
Jet, impact of 175
Jet pumps 208
Joints (mitred) 78
Jump, hydraulic 96, 110, 116, 137
Kaplan turbine 174, 178, 191
Karman, mixing length hypothesis 231
universal constant 98
Kelvin (temperature) 4
Keta sea erosion 300, 344
Kinematic eddy viscosity 17
Kinematic molecular viscosity 10, 12
Kinematic similarity 143
Kinetic energy 52, 56
correction factor 70
Laminar flow 14, 15,64,65, 74, 149
circular pipes 64
Couette flow 68, 70
definition of 13, 19
Hagan-Poiseuille equation 67
laminar sublayer 97
parallel plates 67
Laplace’s equation 291
flownet solution 292
Length (wave) 322
Line of seepage 294, 312
Littoral drift 338
Loop (pipe network) 87
Mach number 20, 155
Manning formula 101, 114, 164
Manning’s roughness factor 101
Manometer 28
Marginal production 355
Marginal rate of substitution 353
Marginal rate of transformation 353, 355
Marine structures 341Index 415
Mass 4
concentration of 15
conservation of 41,42
units of measurements 4, 5, 6
Masscurve 266
Mass transport (transfer) 15,41,42
Measurements, units of 4
flow 401
Mechanical efficiency 183
Metacentre 38
Metacentric height 38
Mixed flow machines 174
Mixing length hypotheses 98, 231
Models (hydraulic) 142, 236
verification of 161, 236
Modulus of elasticity 7
compressibility 155
Molecular diffusivity 15
Molecular viscosity 7, 10, 12, 15, 143
Moment, first 31
second 31
Moment of inertia 62
Moment of momentum 60
rotodynamic machines 181
Momentum (linear), correction factor 70,
flux 14,15,46
open channels 107
transfer 13, 16,41
Moody diagram 75, 150
Motion, equation of 143
Moveable beds 213
models 164, 236
Multipurpose water resources 347, 350
Muskingum routeing equation 273
Nappe 406
Navier-Stokes equations 143-
Net benefit function 351
Net positive suction head 197
Newton (unit of force) 4, 7
Newtonian fluids 9, 12, 15, 148
Newton’s drag equation 159, 167, 215
Newton’s law of viscosity 9, 15, 18
Newton’s second law of motion 5,14,
Niger river 220, 224
Nikuradse 74, 149
Non-uniform flow, definition 19, 96
Normal (uniform) depth 124
Normal stress (pressure) 8
No-slip condition 14, 66, 67
Nozzle 46
losses 77
Pelton wheel turbine 175
power transmission 81
Offshore wind 315
One-dimensional flow, definitions 41, 64,
Onshore wind 315
Open-channel flow (see also free-surface
flow) 63, 95 et seq., 213 et seq.
alluvial channel design 229
channel transitions 118
classification 96
classification of curves 126
distorted models 161
gradually varied flow 123
hydraulic bore 96
hydraulic jump 96,110,116,137
models 152, 236
non-uniform flow 96
prismatic channels 96, 100, 109
roughness effects 100,108,161
sediment transport 234
specific energy 113
surges 133
uniform flow 96
Orbital motion (waves) 323
Orifice plate meter 405
Orographic (relief) precipitation 246
Parallel pipes 83
pumps in 194
Parallel plates 67
Parshall flume 405
Pelton-wheel turbine 175
Period (waves) 316, 319
Permeability (see also porous media) 96,
coefficient of 287
determination of 303
Phreatic surface 282, 284
Piezometer 28
Piezometric head 56,91,282
surface 33, 282, 284, 287
Pipe losses 72, 149
Pipes, incompressible flow 55, 63 et seq.
in parallel 83
in series 79
Pipe systems 86
branching 91
loops 87
network 87
ring mains 87
Pitching 38
Pitot-static tube 401
PNJ wave forecasting 317
Poiseuille (Hagan-Poiseuille) equation 67,287
Porosity 285
Porous media 282
aquifers 284, 297, 303
Darcy’s law 286,290
discharge from wells 302
Dupuit’s approximations 297
flownet 291
non-homogeneous 295
permeability 283
porosity 285
void ratio 288
Positive displacement pumps 173, 205
Potential energy 52, 56
Potential gradient 14
head 56
velocity potential 291
Power 55
Prandtl, mixing length theory 98
Precipitation 244
averaging methods 247416 Index
Pressure, absolute 48
atmospheric 48
centre of measurement 31, 32
coefficient of ISS
definition of 6
dynamic 147
gauge 46
hydrostatic 48, 147
static 402
vapour ISS
Pressure (form) drag 20,23,64, 74, 237
Pressure energy 56
Pressure (pipe) flow 63, 95
Pressure gradients, adverse 64
favourable 76
Pressure under wave 322, 395
Pressure work 53
Priming (pumps) 195
Probability concepts 277
Production function 350
Pumps 85, 173 et seq.
axial flow 174, 178
cavitation 196
centrifugal 174
classification of 174
efficiency 86, 177, 183
Euler’s equation 183
head 183
in a pipe line 85
installation 192
mixed flow 174
performance 181
radial flow 174, 178
reciprocating 173, 205
selection of 189
shaft work 85
similitude 183
specific speed 188
turbine pumps 206
Radioactive isotope method 409
Rainfall 244
Rain gauge 247
Rankine (temperature) 6
Reciprocating machines 173,205
Recurrence interval 276, 279
Reflection of waves 331
Refraction of waves. 330
Regime concepts 230
Rejected (exit) kinetic energy 76
Relief precipitation 246
Resistance (see drag, friction factor,
energy loss)
Reynolds number 63,69, 71, 145, 154,
critical 65
definition of 145
dynamic similarity (similitude) 143
limits (pipe flow) 65
pipe friction 73, 149
porous media (validity of Darcy’s
law) 287
Rheological diagram 12
Richardson number 157
Right of way 136
Ripples 219
Rivers 96, 219,403
gauging 99, 403
models of 160,236
Rolling (of vessels) 37
Rotodynamic machines 83,173
efficiency of 86, 177, 183
Roughness 96, 100
Chezy 100
Manning’s 101
relative 74, 149
Reynolds number 149,232
sand grain 149,214
Roughness scales 161
Routeing (flood) 273
Routeing (in river channels) 273
Runner blades 181, 184
Runoff, coefficient of 259
direct 258
overland 254
stream 258
Saline wedge 156
Salinity effects (sediment) 213
Salinity intrusion 313
Saltation 314
Salt-velocity method 404
Salvage value 349
Sand grain roughness 149, 214
Scaling laws (models) 142
Schmidt equation 227
Sea walls 342
Sediments 106,213
bedload 223,237
fall velocity 215
mechanics of transport 219
properties 213
size 213
standard deviation 214
suspended load 223,225,237
wash load 213,237
Seepage face 294, 311
Seepage gradient 287, 292, 295
Seepage through dams 311
Seepage velocity 286
Sekondi sea defense 342, 343
Separation 74
Series, pipes in 79
pumps in 193
Shaft torque 60,177,182
work 61, 177, 182
Shallow water waves 320, 327
Shear, definition 8, 10
Shear suess 8,9,15,20,64,97,100
Shear velocity 99,222
Shear work 53
Shields diagram 222
Shock absorber 68
Shock waves, open channel 121
Sills 131, 139
Similarity 143
dynamic 143
geometric 143
kinematic 143
Slow flow 109, 115, 120Sluice gate 49,59, 116
Small amplitude wave 319
5MB wave forecasting 317
Solitary wave 326
Sound wave, speed of 155
Specific energy 113
Specific heats 7, 16, 245
Specific speed 188
Specific storage 308-9
Specific weight 7, 8
Spillways, models 152
outlet works 138
Spreading (flow) in stilling basins 138
Standing waves 332
Static lift (pumps) 190, 192
Static pressure 402
Steady flow, defmition 19
in pipes 44
Stilling basins 131, 137
Stokes’ drag law 215
Storage (reservoirs) 269
constant 309
rou teing 273
Stored (inherent) energy 52
Stratified flow models 156
pumping 313
Stratified fluid system 157
Streams, effluent 283
influent 283
Streamlines 56, 291
Stress, normal (pressure) 8, 143
tangential (shear) 8, 143
Strickler formula 234
Subcritical flow 109, 115,120
Submerged surfaces 30-35
Supercritical flow 109, 115, 120
Surface detention 254
Surface forces 8,45,47,49, 144
Surface retention 254
Surface tension 7, 13, 156
Surges, open channel 96, 118, 133
Suspended load 219,237,314
Systems hydrology 244,261, 263
Tangential stress 8, 143
Technical efficiency 349
Temperature 6, 7
Theis analysis 308
Thermal conductivity 16
Thermal diffusivity 16
Thermodynamics, first law of 41, 53
Thiessen method 248
Thoma cavitation number 155, 197
Threshold velocity 219, 223
Time of concentration 255
Torque (external) 60
lawn sprinkler 60
rotodynamic machine runner 176,
Total head tube 402
Tractive force 233
Transfer phenomena 13
energy 16
mass 15
momentum 14, 16
Transmissibility 309
Trochoidal wave 326, 327
Turbine pumps 206
Turbines 83, 85, 173 et seq.
cavitation 196
classification 174
draft tube 195
efficrency 86,177,183
Euler’s equation 183
Francis 174, 178, 192
head 183
impulse 175
installation 195
Kaplan 174,178,191
Pelton-wheel 175
performance 181
selection 189
shaft torque 177, 182
similitude 186
specific speed 188
Turbo machines 173
Turbulent diffusion 14, 18
Turbulent flow 18,63, 71, 97, 149
laminar sublayer 97
Underground flow 259,282
Uniform flow, definition 19
in conduits 96
in open channels 96, 100, 124
Unit discharge 188
Unit hydrograph 260
Unit power 188
Unit speed 188
Units 4
S.1. 4,6, 7
Unsteady flow 19, 133, 143
through pipes 80
Upthrust 34
U-tube 28
Valves, energy losses 78
throttle 93
Vapour pressure 155, 193, 197
Velocity, coefficient of 78, 172,402
critical 110, 114
fall 215
seepage 286
superficial 286
terminal 215
vector 43
wave 319
Velocity defect law 99
Velocity distribution, laminar flow in
pipes 65,71
open channel 97
turbulent flow in pipes 71
universal law 98
Velocity gradients and shear 9
Velocity potential 291
Vena contracta 49, 76
Venturi flume 119, 405
Venturi meter 41,404
Viscosity, definition of 3, 9
dynamic 7,10,12,15,143
kinematic 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 97
V-notch 167,406
Volta project 347
Wall resistance 55
Wash load 213, 237
Water resources 347
multipurpose 348, 351
Waves,amplitude 319
beat 324
breaking 328
deep water (short) 317, 325
diffraction 332
energy 324
finite amplitude 326, 327
forecasting 317
generation 315
height 316
length 322
orbital motion 323
period 316, 319, 327
propagation 315
reflection 331
refraction 330
shallow water (long) 322, 329
small amplitude 319
velocity 118, 319
Wave transformation 327
Weber number 156
Weight 8.
Weir, broad-crested 119, 407
sharp-crested 167,406
Well, discharge 306
pumping from 206
Wetted perimeter 100 et seq.
Wind resistance 98, 315
Work 52
forms of 53
Yield (aquifer) 285
Zone of aeration 282
Zone of capillarity 283
Zone of saturation 282
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