Advanced Holography Metrology and Imaging

Advanced Holography Metrology and Imaging
Edited by Izabela Naydenova
Preface Ix
Part 1 Digital Holographic Interferometry 1
Chapter 1 Real-time Colour Holographic Interferometry
(From Holographic Plate to Digital Hologram) 3
Jean-michel Desse
Chapter 2 Three-dimensional Displacement and Strain
Measurements by Windowed Phase-shifting
Digital Holographic Interferometry 29
Yoshiharu Morimoto and Motoharu Fujigaki
Chapter 3 Multiple-wavelength Holographic Interferometry
With Tunable Laser Diodes 53
Atsushi Wada
Chapter 4 Digital Holographic Interferometric Characterization
Of Optical Waveguides 69
Hamdy Wahba and Mamdouh Shams El-din
Chapter 5 Single-shot Phase-shifting Digital Holography Based on the
Spatial Carrier Interferometry and Its Tolerance Analysis 91
Yasuhiro Harada, Aizuddin Wan and Hiroyasu Sone
Chapter 6 Multi-channel Adaptive Interferometers
Based on Dynamic Hologram Multiplexing 103
Roman Romashko and Yuri Kulchin
Chapter 7 Incoherent Holographic Interferometry 137
Kaige Wang
Chapter 8 Infrared Holography for Wavefront Reconstruction
And Interferometric Metrology 157
Sergio De Nicola, Andrea Geltrude, Massimiliano Locatelli,
Kais Al-naimee, Riccardo Meucci and F.tito Arecchivi Contents
Part 2 Digital Holographic Microscopy 181
Chapter 9 Alternative Reconstruction Method and Object
Analysis in Digital Holographic Microscopy 183
Francisco Palacios, Oneida Font, Jorge Ricardo,
Guillermo Palacios, Mikiya Muramatsu, Diogo Soga,
Daniel Palacios, José Valin and Freddy Monroy
Part 3 Imaging 207
Chapter 10 Synthetic Image Holograms 209
Jakub Svoboda, Marek Škereň and Pavel Fiala
Chapter 11 Study of Liquid Crystal on Silicon Displays
For Their Application in Digital Holography 233
Angel Lizana, Laura Lobato, Andrés Márquez, Claudio Iemmi,
Ignacio Moreno, Juan Campos and María J. Yzuel
Chapter 12 Holoimages on Diffraction Screens 257
José J. Lunazzi
Chapter 13 Computer-generated Phase-only Holograms
For Real-time Image Display 277
Edward Buckley
Chapter 14 Two and Three Dimensional Extreme Ultraviolet Holographic
Imaging With a Nanometer Spatial Resolution 305
P. W. Wachulak and M. C. Marconi
Part 4 Seeing 327
Chapter 15 the Visual Language of Holograms 329
Paula Dawson
Chapter 16 a Contribution to Virtual Experimentation in Optics 357
Javier Gamo
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