Total Productive Maintenance – Strategies and Implementation Guide
Total Productive Maintenance – Strategies and Implementation Guide
Tina Kanti Agustiady, Elizabeth A. Cudney
Preface .xv
Acknowledgments . xvii
About the Authors xix
- Introduction .1
Four-Phase Approach 2
TPM Project Backgrounds 6
TPM Case Study Goals 6
Learning Design 7
Conclusion 7
Questions 8
References .8 - Overview—TPM and How It Fits into Lean, Goals and Benefits
of TPM, History, Pillars of TPM .9
History of TPM .9
TPM 11
Goals and Benefits of TPM 12
Pillars of TPM 12
Questions 20
References . 21 - TPM and Lean .23
Visual Management . 32
Cellular Processing 35
Mapping the Flow 36
Conclusion 37
Questions 37
References .38 - TPM and Six Sigma 39
Six Sigma .39
Variation 41
Project Charters 43
Kano Model 46
CTQ 49
Affinity Diagram .50
Measurement Systems Analysis 50
Gage R&R .50viii Contents
Process Capabilities .57
Capable Process (Cp) .57
Capability Index (Cpk) 58
Possible Applications of Process Capability Index 59
Potential Abuse of C
p and Cpk 59
Graphical Analysis 63
Cause-and-Effect Diagram .63
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) .66
Hypothesis Testing 68
Correlation 72
Simple Linear Regression .72
Correlations: Trial 1, Time 74
Analysis of Variance . 74
Unusual Observations 74
Hypothesis Testing .75
Theory of Constraints .75
Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) .79
Description of Stage 1—Separate Internal versus External Setups .82
Description of Stage 2—Convert Internal Setups to External
Setups 84
Advance Preparation of Conditions 84
Function Standardization .84
Implementing Function Standardization with Two Steps .84
Description of Stage 3—Streamline All Aspects of the Setup
Operation 84
Ask Questions Such As 84
Improving Storage and Transport 85
Streamlining Internal Setup 86
Implementing Parallel Operations .86
Conclusion 86
Questions 88
References .89 - Overview—Types of Maintenance . 91
Types of Maintenance Involved with TPM 91
Breakdown Maintenance 93
Preventive Maintenance .95
Predictive Maintenance 98
Corrective Maintenance 99
Quality Function Deployment 102
Design of Experiments . 102
Full Factorial . 104
Fractional Factorial . 105
Maintenance Prevention . 107Contents ix
Questions 109
References . 109 - Equipment Effectiveness 111
Overall Equipment Effectiveness 111
Planned versus Total Maintenance . 116
Maintainability . 116
Reliability 117
Equipment FMEA 118
Conclusion 122
Questions 122
References .122 - Introducing and Institutionalizing TPM 123
Introducing TPM 123
Deploying TPM . 124
Institutionalizing TPM . 126
Questions 133
References . 133 - Preparatory and Introduction Stages . 135
Preparatory Stage . 135
Introduction Stage . 139
Conclusion 141
Questions 141
References . 145 - TPM Pillars 147
Pillar 1: 5S 147
Pillar 2: Autonomous Maintenance (Jishu Hozen) 150
Pillar 3: Kobetsu Kaizen (Particular Case) . 153
Pillar 4: Planned Maintenance . 154
Pillar 5: Quality Maintenance 156
Pillar 6: Training 157
Pillar 7: Office TPM 160
Pillar 8: Safety, Health, and Environment 160
Common Targets for Lean, Six Sigma, and TPM 162
Benefits for Lean, Six Sigma, and TPM . 162
Questions 164
References . 164 - Hoshin Kanri . 165
Hoshin Kanri Overview . 165
Organizational Culture . 167x Contents
Two Levels of Policy Deployment . 167
Planning for Policy Deployment . 168
Daily Management of Policy Deployment 168
Develop a Hoshin Strategic Plan Summary 172
How to Create a Hoshin Strategic Plan Summary for Your
Organization 173
Drive Your Strategy Down to the Department Level—Develop a
Hoshin Plan Summary 175
Develop Implementation Strategies for Your Hoshin Plan
Summary 176
Decide Where You Want to Focus Your Improvement Efforts . 177
Develop Your Hoshin Action Plan 177
Develop Your Hoshin Implementation Plan 179
Conduct a Hoshin Implementation Review . 180
The Three Main Tools of Policy Deployment 183
Deming’s Plan–Do–Check–Act Cycle 183
Cross-Functional Management . 184
Catchball . 184
Conclusion 184
Questions 185
References . 186 - Organizational Change Management 187
Organizational Change Management 187
Resistance to the Status Quo 193
Utilizing Known Leaders to Challenge the Status Quo . 194
Communicating Change . 194
Questions 198
References . 199 - TPM Case Study: Hydraulic Leak Reduction . 201
Chad Olson, Xueyang Chen, Heng Liu, and Elizabeth Cudney
Introduction 201
Define . 202
Measure . 202
Analyze .204
Design 207
Verify .208
Improve .208
System Improvements 208
Control . 210
Financial Savings . 211
Conclusions . 211
References . 211Contents xi - TPM Case Study: Pressure Regulator 213
Bill Dean, Charlie Barclay, Nanda Dey, and Elizabeth Cudney
Executive Summary . 213
Define . 213
Problem Statement 213
Problem Goals . 215
Requirements and Expectations . 215
Project Boundaries 215
Process Flow Diagram 215
Measure . 215
Gage Repeatability and Reliability . 216
Data Collection 219
Process Baseline 220
Graphical Analysis 220
Analyze .222
Current Gaps between Performance and Customer Expectations .222
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis .222
Sources of Variation 222
Prioritization of Improvement Opportunities 227
Hypothesis Testing .227
Improve . 231
Identification of Solutions 231
Control . 231
Financial Savings . 231
Conclusions . 231
References . 232 - TPM Case Study: Roller Assembly Redesign .233
DeVaughan Woodside, Apurva Chinchore, Sujitkumar Dongare,
and Elizabeth Cudney
Introduction 233
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) 233
Project Description 233
Project Goals 236
Requirements and Expectations .236
Project Boundaries 238
Project Management 238
I2DOV Road Map .238
Gantt Chart 241
Invent/Innovate . 241
SWOT Analysis (VOC) . 241
Critical to Satisfaction . 245
Data Collection Plan . 245
Quality Function Deployment/House of Quality . 247xii Contents
Design 248
Concept Generation (3P) .250
Seven Concepts 251
Pugh’s Concept Selection . 251
Prototype Selected/Final Design 254
Optimize .255
Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis .255
Validate 256
Process at a Glance 256
Trial Runs . 257
Financial Savings 259
Conclusion 260
References .266 - TPM Case Study: Sticky Foil . 267
Adebolaji Jobi-Taiwo, Adam Miller, Amelia Lopez, and Elizabeth Cudney
Introduction 267
Project Charter and Project Management Plan Highlights . 267
Project Charter . 267
Project Management Plan 268
Define .268
Problem Statement 270
Problem Goals . 270
Requirements and Expectations . 271
Project Boundaries 271
Process Flow Diagram 271
Measure . 274
Data Collection 274
Process Baseline 274
Process Data . 274
Analyze . 279
Current Performance and Customer Expectations 279
Sources of Variation 280
Gap Analysis 280
Improve .280
Possible Causes Ruled Out 281
Potential Causes to Analyze Further .283
Control .284
Financial Savings .284
Conclusions .284
References .286Contents xiii - Future and Challenges of TPM . 287
TPM in Service and Healthcare . 287
Applying TPM Concepts to the Design and Development Life Cycle .288
Engagement and Success Factors .290
References . 292 - كلمة سر فك الضغط :
- The Unzip Password :