Make – Bicycle Projects – Upgrade, Accessorize, and Customize with Electronics, Mechanics, and Metalwork

Make – Bicycle Projects – Upgrade, Accessorize, and Customize with Electronics, Mechanics, and Metalwork
اسم المؤلف
John Baichtal
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Make – Bicycle Projects – Upgrade, Accessorize, and Customize with Electronics, Mechanics, and Metalwork
John Baichtal
Table of Contents
Preface ix

  1. Bike 101 1
    Origins . 2
    Anatomy of a Bicycle 2
    Brakes 2
    Brake Lever . 3
    Cassette 3
    Chain 3
    Chainring 4
    Derailleurs 4
    Frame 4
    Gear Shifts . 5
    Handlebars . 5
    Pedals 5
    Saddle . 6
    Tires 6
    Variants . 7
    BMX 7
    Fixie 7
    Folding . 7
    Penny Farthing . 7
    Recumbent . 7
    Tall . 7
    Tandem 8
    Tricycle . 8
    Unicycle 8
    Just Hack It . 8
    Summary . 8
    iii2. Basic Bike Mods . 9
    Commercial Add-Ons . 9
    Bottle Holder . 9
    Brakes 10
    Cargo . 10
    Child Seat . 10
    Fenders . 11
    Handlebars 11
    Lights . 11
    Mirrors 12
    Noisemaker . 12
    Pedals . 13
    Pegs 13
    Reflectors . 14
    Repair Kit . 14
    Saddle 15
    Smartphone Mount . 15
    Stickers and Streamers . 15
    Wheels 16
    Project #1: Adding EL Wire . 16
    Parts List 17
    Procedure . 17
    Project #2: Installing a SpokePOV Kit 18
    Parts List 19
    Procedure . 19
    Project #3: DIY Smartphone Rig 20
    Procedure . 20
    Summary 21
  2. Gallery of Cool Bikes . 23
    Unicycle Conversion . 23
    Chopper Bike 23
    Stretch Cruiser Bike 24
    Restored Cruiser . 24
    High Rider . 24
    Drift Trike 25
    Cargo Bike . 25
    Bouncer . 25
    Bug-Out Bike 26
    Parade Bike 26
    Bike Plus Tape . 27
    Kinetic Sculpture Racer 27
    Summary 27
  3. Bike Hacker’s Workbench 29
    The Essential Bike Mechanic’s Toolkit . 29
    iv Make: Bicycle ProjectsBike Stand . 29
    Bottom Bracket Tool . 29
    Cable Cutter . 30
    Cable Puller . 30
    Chain Breaker . 31
    Chainring Nut Wrench . 31
    Chain Wear Indicator 31
    Chain Whip . 31
    CO2 Inflator . 32
    Cone Wrenches . 32
    Crank Puller . 33
    Freewheel Remover . 33
    Grease 33
    Hex Wrench . 33
    Key Wrench . 34
    Lockring Remover . 34
    Multitool 34
    Pedal Wrench . 35
    Pressure Gauge 35
    Rasp and Patches 35
    Screwdrivers 35
    Socket Set . 35
    Spoke Wrench . 36
    Tire Levers 36
    Assembling the Ultimate On-the-Go Bike Repair Kit . 36
    Summary 37
  4. Advanced Bike Mechanics 39
    Project #4: Stripping Down a Bike 39
    Parts List 39
    Tips on Stripping Down Your Bike 39
    Procedure . 40
    Project #5: Painting a Bike 45
    Parts List 45
    Procedure . 45
    Project #6: Making a Fixie 48
    Summary 50
  5. All About Wheels . 51
    Anatomy of the Wheel . 51
    Wheel Dimensions . 52
    Road/Racing Wheel 52
    Mountain Bike Wheel 52
    BMX 52
    Wheel Maintenance 52
    Fixing a Flat . 52
    Table of Contents vInflating a Tire . 55
    Tightening or Replacing a Spoke . 55
    Truing a Wheel 56
    Summary 56
  6. Hacking Frames 57
    Parts of a Frame 57
    How to Weld and Braze 58
    Procedure . 58
    Project #7: Braze Up a Frame . 60
    Parts List 61
    Procedure . 61
    Make a Chopper . 64
    Summary 65
  7. Adding Power 67
    Project #8: How to Solder (the Quick Version) . 67
    Parts List 67
    Procedure . 68
    Cleanup and Lead Concerns . 70
    Harnessing Solar Power 70
    Parts List 70
    Procedure . 71
    Add a Waterproof Microcontroller Pack . 76
    Parts List 76
    Procedure . 77
    Summary 78
  8. Lighting It Up 79
    LED Poesies 79
    Parts List 80
    Procedure . 80
    Project #9: Accelerometer-Controlled LED Strand . 82
    On NeoPixels 82
    Parts List 82
    Procedure . 83
    Installing the Light Strip . 84
    Programming the Arduino . 88
    The Sketch 88
    Summary 89
  9. Making Noise 91
    Audio Synthesizers 101 91
    Project #10: Synthesizer, Horn, and Alarm . 92
    Parts List 92
    Building the Buzzer Horn 93
    vi Make: Bicycle ProjectsBuilding the Synth . 96
    Bicycle Alarm 98
    Procedure . 98
    Code . 100
    Summary . 101
  10. 07
  11. 0
  12. +4507
  13. 10
  14. 479+*-
  15. +
  16. +Party Trailer 113
    Projet #13: Light Organ . 113
    Parts List . 113
    Procedure 114
    Programming the Light Organ 117
    Summary . 118
    Index 119
    accelerometer, 83, 98
    accelerometer-controlled LED
    strand, 82-88
    Arduino programming, 88
    light strip installation, 84
    NeoPixels, 82
    parts list, 82
    procedure, 83
    Adafruit industries
    skill badge stickers, 15
    Spoke-POV kit, 18
    add-ons, commercial, 9-16
    advanced bike mechanics, 39-50
    painting, 45-47
    stripping down a bike, 39-45
    alarm, 98
    Allen wrenches (hex wrenches), 33
    amphibious bikes, 27
    analog synthesizers, 91
    for accelerator-controlled LED
    strand, 82, 88
    programming, 88
    sketch for light strip, 88
    Arduino Uno controller, 76
    for synthesizer horn project, 92
    Arduino UNO controller
    for party trailer, 113
    programming, 77
    Atari Punk Console, 91
    audio synthesizers
    basics, 91
    building, 96-98
    axle supports, cargo basket, 107
    baseball card mod, 12
    baskets, 103
    as commercial add-on, 10
    DIY project, 104-107
    battery charger, solar, 70-76
    battery power, microcontroller
    pack for, 76-78
    bells, 12
    bicycle alarm, 98
    bike stand, 29
    BMX bikes, 7
    BMX wheels, 52
    bottle holders, 9
    bottom bracket, 57, 62
    bottom bracket tool, 29
    bounce-powered roller, 25
    brake lever, 3
    about, 2
    for fixie, 50
    high-quality, 10
    brazing, 58-64
    basics, 58-60
    for building a frame, 60-64
    for making choppers, 64
    welding vs., 58
    brazing rods, 59
    bug-out bikes, 26
    buzzer horn, 93-96
    adding music to, 96
    building, 93-95
    programming, 95
    cable brake, 2
    cable cutter, 30
    cable puller, 30
    cargo bikes, 25, 103
    cargo hauling, 103-111
    bike basket project, 104-107
    commercial options, 103
    mini trailer project, 107-111
    party trailer project, 113-118
    cassette, 3
    chain, 3
    for fixie, 49
    removing, 42
    chain breaker, 31, 42
    chain drive, 2
    chain stays, 57
    chain wear indicator tool, 31
    chain whip, 31
    chainring, 4, 49
    chainring nut wrench, 31
    child seats, 10
    chopper bikes, 23, 64
    119CO2 inflator, 32
    coaster brakes, 2
    commercial add-ons, 9-16
    bottle holders, 9
    cargo baskets, 10
    child seats, 10
    fenders, 11
    for cargo hauling, 103
    handlebars, 11
    high-quality brakes, 10
    lights, 11
    mirrors, 12
    noisemakers, 12
    pedals, 13
    pegs, 13
    reflectors, 14
    repair kits, 14
    saddles, 15
    smartphone mount, 15
    stickers and streamers, 15
    wheels, 16
    components, bicycle, 2-6
    cone wrenches, 32
    connectors, keeping track of, 40
    corrosion, 40
    Crank Brothers multitool, 34
    crank puller, 33
    cruiser bikes, 24, 24
    Dandy Horse, 2
    decorations, tape, 27
    derailleurs, 4
    desoldering braid, 68
    digital music synthesis, 91
    disc brakes, 2
    down tube, 57
    drift trikes, 25
    dropouts, 57, 64
    electro-luminescent (EL) wire,
    electronics, 67-78
    accelerator-controlled LED
    strand, 82-88
    LED Poesies, 79-82
    light organ, 113-117
    lighting projects, 79-89
    making noise with, 91-101
    microcontroller pack, 76-78
    party trailer project, 113-118
    solar charger project, 70-76
    soldering, 67-70
    synthesizer horn, 92-98
    emergency repairs, toolkit for, 14,
    Farmer, Garret, 24
    fenders, 11
    finishes, 24
    fixie cog, 48
    fixie(s), 7
    defined, 48
    making, 48-50
    flat tire repair, 52-55
    flux, 59
    fork, 57
    frames, 4
    BMX bikes, 7
    brazing and welding, 58-64
    building from scratch, 60-64
    chopping from scrap bike, 64
    for high rider, 25
    hacking, 57-65
    parts of, 57
    stretch cruiser bike, 24
    freewheel remover, 33
    freewheel turner (chain whip), 31
    gear shifts, 5
    gears (cassette), 3
    Getting Started with Makerbot, 20
    Gladden, Ty, 26
    grease, 33
    gussets, 59
    basic mods, 9-21
    frames, 57-65
    using junkers to learn, 8
    handlebars, 5, 11
    hardware, keeping track of, 40
    head tube, 57
    hex wrench, 33
    high rider bikes, 24
    history of bicycles, 2
    buzzer horn, 93-96
    commercial add-on, 12
    synthesizer horn, 92-98
    inflating a tire, 55
    inflator, CO2, 32
    junkers, for learning hacking, 8
    Kaprielian, Gabriel, 24
    key wrench, 34
    kiddie bikes, 1
    kinetic sculpture racer, 27
    Lauzon, Gerry, 24
    lead, safety issues with, 70
    LED Poesies, 79-82
    LED projects, 79-89
    LED strand, accelerator-controlled,
    LED, for party trailer, 113
    libraries, 88
    light organ, 113-117
    accelerator-controlled LED
    strand, 82-88
    120 Indexcommercial add-ons, 11
    EL wire, 16-18
    LED projects, 79-89
    light organ, 113-117
    SpokePOV kit, 18-20
    lockring remover, 34
    lugs, 59, 62
    mag wheels, 16
    magnet, for Spoke-POV, 19
    Make:it Soldering Starter Kit, 67
    microcontroller pack, 76-78
    mini bike, conversion of unicycle
    to, 23
    mini trailer project, 107-111
    mirrors, 12
    mods, basic, 9-21
    commercial add-ons, 9-16
    DIY smartphone mount, 20
    EL wire, 16-18
    SpokePOV kit, 18-20
    mountain bike, 5
    mountain bike wheel, 52
    multitools, 34
    music, for horn synth, 96
    NeoPixel library, 88
    NeoPixels, 82
    Nipples, 55
    audio synthesizer basics, 91
    bicycle alarm, 98
    commercial add-ons, 12
    electronic, 91-101
    synthesizer horn, 92-98
    Odyssey pedals, 6
    origins of bicycles, 2
    paddle boat bikes, 27
    painting, 45-47
    panniers, 104
    parade bikes, 26
    party trailer, 113-118
    patches, 35, 53
    pedal wrenches, 35
    pedals, 5, 13
    pegs, 13
    Pelican case, 76
    Penny Farthing bikes, 2, 7
    picnic bikes, 26
    post-apocalyptic bikes, 26
    pressure gauges, 35
    price, as factor in bike mods, 1
    primer, 47
    prototyping board, 82
    Proudlove, Nathan, 24
    Puch Chopper, 23
    racing wheels, 52
    racks, cargo hauling, 104
    rasps, 35, 53
    rear dropout, fixie, 48
    recumbent bikes, 7
    reflectors, 14
    repair kits, 14, 36
    replacing spokes, 55
    restored cruiser bikes, 24
    road wheels, 52
    saddle(s), 6, 15
    saddlebags (panniers), 104
    safety, soldering, 70
    screwdrivers, 35
    seat stays, 57, 63
    seat tube, 57
    seats (see saddle(s))
    sketch (Arduino)
    for bike alarm, 100
    for horn synthesizer, 95, 97
    for light organ, 117
    for light strip, 88
    SketchUp, 21
    smartphone mount, 15, 20
    socket sets, 35
    solar charger, 70-76
    solder, 68, 70
    solder sucker, 68
    soldering iron, 67
    soldering stand, 68
    spoke wrenches, 36
    SpokePOV kit, 18-20
    spoke(s), 55
    Stepped Tone Generator, 91
    Stewart, Cameron, 104
    stickers, 15
    streamers, 15
    stretch cruiser bikes, 24
    stripping down a bike, 39-45
    procedure, 40-45
    tips for, 39
    stuck parts, removing, 39
    surface preparation, 45, 58
    synthesizer horn, 92-98
    adding music to, 96
    building the synth, 96-98
    buzzer horn for, 93-96
    tall bikes, 7, 24
    tandem bikes, 8
    tape, decorative, 27
    temporary mods, 27
    ten-speed bicycles, 4
    Thingiverse, 20
    3D printing
    for bike clamps, 104
    tightening spokes, 55
    tinning, 68
    tire inflator, CO2, 32
    tire levers, 36, 53
    tire pressure gauges, 35
    tire repair, 35, 52-55
    tire(s), 6
    fixing flat, 52-55
    inflating, 55
    wheels vs., 51
    Index 121tone generator, 91
    tonePitchFollower (sketch), 97
    toolkits, compact/emergency, 14,
    tool(s), 29-37
    essentials for shop work, 29-36
    for on-the-road repair kit, 36
    top tube, 57
    for cargo hauling, 104
    mini trailer project, 107-111
    party trailer project, 113-118
    tricycles, 8
    truing a wheel, 56
    Umkae, 20
    unicycles, 8, 23
    Van Dam, Sven, 20
    variants, bicycle types, 7
    Wagner, Peter, 25
    WD-40, 39
    welding, 58
    wheelchairs, 107
    wheels, 51-56
    dimensions, 52
    maintenance, 52-56
    parts of, 51
    pressure gauges, 35
    rasps and patches, 35
    removing when fixing flats, 52
    tires vs., 51
    truing, 56
    upgrading, 16
    Whymcycles, 25
    wire cutter/stripper, 68
    bottom bracket tool, 29
    cone wrenches, 32
    crank puller, 33
    freewheel remover, 33
    hex wrench, 33
    key wrench, 34
    lockring remover, 34
    pedal wrenches, 35
    spoke wrenches, 36

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