كورس تعليم استخدام المعادلات في الأوتوكاد – The Power Of Using Formulas In Autocad Course
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كورس تعليم استخدام المعادلات في الأوتوكاد
The Power Of Using Formulas In Autocad Course

  1. calculate the level automatic \ 1. calculate level example 1
  2. Introduction \ 1. Introduction
  3. geometric and dimensional constrains with (unit and paper size and scale ) \ 1. privew of print setting
  4. geometric and dimensional with Visibility states (smart staircase) \ 1. start draw
  5. create a smart column \ 1. the difference between smart column and normal column
  6. geometric and dimensional with Visibility states (smart staircase) \ 2. add horizontal and vertical dimensional
  7. geometric and dimensional constrains with (unit and paper size and scale ) \ 2. create block for print from model
  8. create a smart column \ 2. use the smart column block with dimensions and description
  9. geometric and dimensional with Visibility states (smart staircase) \ 3. check and test the block
  10. create a smart column \ 3. link attribute with parameters properties
  11. geometric and dimensional constrains with (unit and paper size and scale ) \ 3. print from model in units MM
  12. create a smart column \ 4. create a table with properties of columns blocks
  13. geometric and dimensional with Visibility states (smart staircase) \ 4. create users parameters
  14. geometric and dimensional constrains with (unit and paper size and scale ) \ 4. get area and view port
  15. create a smart column \ 5. convert normals columns to smarts columns
  16. geometric and dimensional constrains with (unit and paper size and scale ) \ 5. create view fram from layout
  17. geometric and dimensional with Visibility states (smart staircase) \ 5. Preserving the relationship between Risers and Treads
  18. geometric and dimensional with Visibility states (smart staircase) \ 6. Add some advanced future
  19. geometric and dimensional constrains with (unit and paper size and scale ) \ 6. create viewport from view frame
  20. geometric and dimensional with Visibility states (smart staircase) \ 7. Add number of risers (visibility states)
  21. geometric and dimensional with Visibility states (smart staircase) \ 8. Check final product

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