Specialized Molding Techniques – Application, Design, Materials and Processing
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Hans-Peter, Heim H. Potente
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Specialized Molding Techniques – Application, Design, Materials and Processing
Edited by
Hans-Peter Heim
H. Potente
Table of Contents
Preface v
Helmut Potente and Hans-Peter Heim
One-shot Manufacturing: What is Possible with New Molding Technologies 1
James F. Stevenson
Chapter 1: Gas Assisted Injection Molding 15
Gas Assist Injection Molding. The North American Legacy 15
Jack Avery
Flow Directions in the Gas Assisted Injection Molding Technology 27
Young Soo Soh and Chan Hong Chung
Gas-assisted Injection Molding: Influence of Processing Conditions and
Material Properties 35
Kurt W Koelling and Ronald C Kaminski
Cover Part as an Application Example for Gas-assisted Injection Molded Parts 43
Michael Hansen
Molded Part Design for the Gas Injection Technique 51
H. Potente and H.-P. Heim
Design Optimization of Gas Channels for an Air Cleaner Assembly Using
CAE Simulations 57
D.M. Gao, A. Garcia-Rejon, G. Salloum and D. Baylis
The Occurrence of Fiber Exposure in Gas Assist Injection Molded Nylon
Composites 65
Shih-Jung Liu and Jer-Haur Chang
Saving Costs and Time by Means of Gas-assisted Powder Injection Molding 73
Christian Hopmann, Walter Michaeli
Gas-assisted Reaction Injection Molding (GRIM): Application of the Gas
Injection Technology to the Manufacturing of Hollow Polyurethane Parts 79
I. Kleba, E. Haberstroh
Chapter 2: Thin Wall Molding 89
Thin Wall Processing of Engineering Resins: Issues and Answers 89
Larry Cosmaii Table of Contents
Effects of Processing Conditions and Material Models on the Injection
Pressure and Flow Length in Thinwall Parts 99
A. J. Poslinski
10 Common Pitfalls in Thin-Wall Plastic Part Design 107
Timothy A. Palmer
Flow Instabilities in Thin-wall Injection Molding of Thermoplastic Polyurethane 113
Christian D. Smialek, Christopher L. Simpson
Pressure Loss in Thin Wall Moldings 121
John W. Bozzelli, Jim Cardinal, and Bill Fierens
Integrating Thin Wall Molder’s Needs into Polymer Manufacturing 127
W. G. Todd, H. K. Williams, D. L. Wise
Thinning Injection Molded Computer Walls 133
Lee Hornberger and Ken Lown
Chapter 3: Molding Micro Parts and Micro Structures 143
Transcription of Small Surface Structures in Injection Molding – an Experimental
Study 143
Uffe R. Arlø, Erik M. Kjær
Injection Molding of Sub- m Grating Optical Elements 149
R. Wimberger-Friedl
Process Analysis and Injection Molding of Microstructures 157
Alrun Spennemann and Walter Michaeli
Simualtion of the Micro Injection Molding Process 163
Oliver Kemmann, Lutz Weber, Cécile Jeggy, Olivier Magotte, and
François Dupret
Chapter 4: Manufacturing of Composites 171
Melt Compression Molding (MCM) a One-shot Process for In-mold Lamination
and Compression Molding by Melt Strip Deposition 171
Georg H. Kuhlmann
In-mold Lamination Back Compression Molding 187
Thomas Huber
Analysis and Characterization of Flow Channels during Manufacturing of
Composites by Resin Transfer Molding 193
R. V. Mohan, K. K. Tamma, S. Bickerton, S. G. Advani and D. R. Shires
Optimization of Channel Design in VARTM Processing 209
Roopesh Mathur, Suresh G. Advani and Bruce K. Fink
µTable of Contents iii
Injection Compression Molding. A Low Pressure Process for Manufacturing
Textile-Covered Mouldings 215
Carsten Brockmann, Walter Michaeli
Kurz-Hastings Inmold Decoration 223
Roy Bomberger
Chapter 5: Improving Material Properties 229
High Impact Strength Reinforced Polyester Engineering Resins for Automotive
Applications 229
Mengshi Lu, Kevin Manning, Suzanne Nelsen, and Steve Leyrer
Control of Internal Stresses in Injection Molded Parts Through the Use of
Vibrational Molding, “RHEOMOLDINGSM”, Technology 237
Akihisa Kikuchi, Marc Galop, Harold L. Brown, and Alexander Bubel
Experimental Determination of Optimized Vibration-assisted Injection Molding
Processing Parameters for Atactic Polystyrene 245
Alan M. Tom, Akihisa Kikuchi, and John P. Coulter
Vibrated Gas Assist Molding: Its Benefits in Injection Molding 253
J.P. Ibar
Chapter 6: Mold Making and Plasticisation 259
Advances in Stack Molding Technology 259
Vincent Travaglini and Henry Rozema
Advanced Valve Gate Technology for Use in Specialty Injection Molding 267
John Blundy, David Reitan, and Jack Steele
In-mold Labeling for High Speed, Thin Wall Injection Molding 273
Gary Fong
Advances in Fusible Core Technique 281
E. Schmachtenberg and O. Schröder
Processing Glass-filled Polyethylene on a Twin-screw Injection Molding
Extruder 287
David Bigio, Rajath Mudalamane, Yue Huang and Saeid Zerafati
Injection Molding by Direct Compounding 295
Bernd Klotz
Improvement of the Molded Part Quality: Optimization of the Plastification Unit 301
S. Boelinger and W. Michaeliiv Table of Contents
Non-return Valve with Distributive and Dispersive Mixing Capability 307
Chris Rauwendaal
Index 313
ABS 135
acrylic 194
aesthetic properties 245
agglomerates 288
amorphous 256
anisotropic shrinkage 99
antistatic 274
appearance 134
applications 15
armored vehicle 209
attrition 287
automotive 93, 163, 171, 175, 189, 215
backcompression 175
barrel 91, 137
beam splitting 149
binder 74
removal 74
Bingham fluids 35
birefringence 243, 245
blood pressure sensors 163
Boger fluid 36
bosses 134
brittle fracture 238
buses 209
carbon black 288
catalyst system 128
cavity pressure 215
cellular phone 92, 99, 133
ceramic feedstock 74
Cinpres 17
clamp tonnage 121
clamping force 65, 73
clamping speed 188
clarity 254
communication 163
complexity 4
composition 2
compounding 295
compression molding 175, 187
computer 99, 133
containers 113, 127
conversion 81
cooling 164
rate 246
core 99
cosmetic 133
cost 20, 63, 135
craze 238
Cross model 100
crystallinity 246, 254
cycle time 20, 63, 79, 284, 302
Darcy’s law 199
decoration 93, 215
Index314 Index
defects 193
degradation 99
guidelines 58
optimisation 58
Desma 17
Diesel effect 165
analysis 64
stability 63
distributive mixing 288, 308
drink cups 127
drying time 95
DSC 81
ejector pin 122
elasticity 134
elongated shapes 63
elongational flow 308
EMI shield 134
energy dissipated 238
Engle 17
ergonomics 21
erosion 92
etching 151
Eulerian time integration 167
fiber length 287
fill time 89, 90
film 93
front 76
length 89, 94
marks 45, 92
pattern 61
food packaging 127
forward momentum 90
fountain flow 143
function 4
furniture 189, 215
fusible core technology 281
gain 17
assist 15, 27, 36, 43, 63, 65, 79
bubble 58
penetration 38
propagation 81
channel 59
injection 45, 57
pins 22
gaskets 114
gate blush 92
geometry 3, 57
glass fiber 45, 287
Glass Mat Technology 187
glass transition temperature 245
globalization 16
guidance rib 59
conduction 65
dissipation 90
Hele-Shaw flow 64
hesitation 45Index 315
Hettinga 18
high flow resins 113
hollow sections 63
honey comb structures 157
Husky 17
immiscible polymers 288
impact strength 94, 287
inductive heating 164
injection molding compounding 295
injection speed 91
decoration 223
labeling 273
lamination 171
innovation 1
instrument panel 93
interfacial tension 288
interlock 92
internal stress 243
Klockner Ferromatik 17
knit line 93
lamination 175
Laser Doppler Anemometry 194
laser erosion 157
licensing 15
lithography 151
machine 137
capacity 260
Mannesman Demag 17
mathematical model 81
medical 159
melt 231, 237
filling 45
metering units 297
micro spark-erosion 157
micro-cutting 157
microstructures 157
micro-systems 157
miniaturization 99
mixing capability 307
cavity 35
injector 57
molecular weight distribution 113
morphology 237
Newtonian fluids 28, 35, 64
nitrogen 254
notebook 92, 99
nozzle 57
one-shot manufacturing 1
optical anisotropy 149
optical components 149
orientation 255
overlooked 90
overpacking 90
packaging 113, 301316 Index
PBT 230
permeability 193
PET 230
photo-resist 151
piston speed 38
plant efficiency 262
plasticating unit 301, 307
platen 90
Poisson equation 199
polarization 149
poly(vinyl chloride) 37
polyamide 285, 302
polycarbonate 37, 93, 99, 158, 302
polyesters 230
polyethylene 127
polymer flow 237, 245
polymethylmethacrylate 159, 302
polyoxymethylene 158, 167
polyphenylensulfide 167
polypropylene 121, 188, 254, 274, 287,
polystyrene 37, 121, 238, 247
polyurethane 79
porosity 193
powder injection molding 73
pressure 90, 121, 143
control 22
loss 260
parameters 253
window 94, 113, 253
pseudo-ductile 230
psuedoplastic flow 117
PTFE 285
quality 20
Quick Product Change 263
race tracking 193
railroad cars 209
ram speed 35
reaction injection molding 79
recordable media 149
repeatability 47
residence time 95, 260
residual stress 237, 245
resin transfer molding 193
resonance 256
reversed molding 188
Reynolds number 64
rheokinetic behavior 81
behavior 237
properties 81
rheology 37, 73
ribs 134
roughness 65
scale 2
screw speed 90
screws 301
seals 114
SEM 153, 232
semicrystalline 256
shape 58
band 238Index 317
thinning 36
shot control 22
shrinkage 74
rate 89
silicone 79
simulation 46
single site catalyst 113
sink marks 79, 93
sintering 74
skin 89, 99
slip-stick phenomenon 118
sprue 260
stack mold 259
stiffness 95, 134, 230, 287
stretching deformation 308
Tait equation 100
temperature 144
tensile strength 255
texture painting 45
thermal conductivity 283
thin-wall 121
tin/bismuth alloy 284
tool erosion 91
tooling 91
toughness 230, 238
TPU 113
transparency 245
twin screw extruder 287, 308
Vacuum Assisted Liquid Molding 209
Valveless Melt Transfer System 261
variothermal heating 164
venting 91
vertical press 189
vibration 254
Vibration Gas Injection Molding 253
energy 253
force 245
molding 237
viscosity 27, 37, 81, 113, 164, 231
elongational 76
shear 76
volume 57
wall thickness 38, 135
warpage 1, 63, 74, 89, 99
weight 20
reduction 79
weldline 134

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