SOLIDWORKS 2023 Intermediate Skills
SOLIDWORKS 2023 Intermediate Skills
Expanding on Solids, Surfaces, Multibodies, Configurations, Drawings, Sheet Metal and Assemblies
Paul Tran CSWE, CSWI
Introduction: SOLIDWORKS 2023 User Interface 20
The 3 reference planes 21
The toolbars 21
The system feedback symbols 23
The status bar 23
2D sketch examples 24
3D feature examples 25
Chapter 1: Document Properties 1-1
Setting up the Document Template 1-1
Different standards in the world 1-2
Starting a new part document 1-3
Setting the ANSI drafting standards 1-3
Setting the dimension options 1-4
Setting the virtual sharp options 1-5
Setting the units options 1-5
Setting the sheet metal MBD options 1-6
Saving the settings as a Part Template 1-6
Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts 1-7
Customizing Tool Buttons 1-12
Chapter 2: Sketching 2-1
Handle 2-1
Tools Needed 2-2
Starting a new part document 2-3
Changing the System Options 2-3
Creating the Parent Sketch 2-4
Revolving the parent sketch 2-7
Adding the tip detail 2-7
Revolving the sketch 2-8
Transitioning from line-to-arc 2-8
Mirroring in sketch mode 2-9
Adding dimensions 2-10
Extruding a cut 2-10SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Creating a circular pattern 2-11
Adding other cut features 2-12
Creating another circular pattern 2-13
Adding a constant size fillet 2-14
Assigning material to the model 2-15
Calculating the mass of the model 2-16
Saving your work 2-16
Working with Sketch Pictures 2-17
Re-use geometry 2-37
Chapter 3: Creating Multibody Parts 3-1
Wooden Crate 3-1
Tools needed 3-2
Starting a new part document 3-3
Sketching the first body profile 3-4
Extruding the first body 3-6
Copying the body 3-6
Creating the upper plank 3-7
Creating the first linear pattern 3-9
Mirroring the planks 3-10
Creating the lower plank 3-10
Creating the second linear pattern 3-12
Creating an exploded view 3-13
Collapsing the view 3-15
Saving your work 3-16
Exercise: Combining Multibodies 3-17
Chapter 4: Working with Multibody Parts 4-1
Creating Mates & Exploded Views 4-1
Tools needed 4-2
Opening a part document 4-3
Creating an exploded view 4-4
Collapsing the solid bodies 4-6
Inserting another part 4-7
Constraining the solid bodies 4-8
Adding a concentric mate 4-8
Adding a coincident mate 4-9
Creating a new mirror plane 4-10
Creating a mirror body 4-11
Insert another part 4-13
Adding a concentric mate 4-14SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Adding a coincident mate 4-14
Adding another instance of the bolt 4-15
Adding a concentric mate 4-15
Adding a coincident mate 4-16
Editing the exploded view 4-16
Saving your work 4-17
Working with Multibodies 4-19
Chapter 5: Revolved and Thread Features 5-1
Cylinder 5-1
Tools needed 5-2
Opening a part document 5-3
Creating a revolved feature 5-3
Adding chamfers 5-4
Creating the mounting holes 5-4
Adding threads 5-7
Adding threads to the opposite end 5-9
Creating a zonal section view 5-11
Saving your work 5-12
Exercise: Revolved & Threads 5-13
Chapter 6: Flex Bending 6-1
Spanner 6-1
Tools needed 6-2
Flex Bending – Part 1 6-3
Opening a part document 6-3
Creating the first flex bending feature 6-3
Creating the second flex bending feature 6-5
Flex examples 6-6
Flex twisting 6-6
Flex stretching 6-6
Flex tapering 6-7
Flex bending 6-7
Flex Bending – Part 2 6-8
Opening a part document 6-8
Creating a flex bending 6-8
Creating a linear pattern 6-10
Opening a part document 6-11
Creating a flex bending 6-11
Save and close documents 6-12
Using the Deform feature 6-13SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Opening a part document 6-13
Creating a Curve to Curve deform 6-13
Mirroring a surface body 6-16
Save and close all documents 6-16
Exercise: Deform using a 3D sketch 6-17
Exercise: Sweep with profile twist 6-19
Exercise: Using sweep with deform 6-23
Chapter 7: Sweep with Guide Curves 7-1
Plastic Bottle 7-1
Tools needed 7-2
Opening a part document 7-3
Creating the main body 7-3
Creating the first split line 7-5
Creating a face fillet 7-6
Creating the second split line 7-7
Creating the first offset surface 7-8
Creating a ruled surface 7-8
Creating the first knit surface 7-9
Adding the first fillet 7-9
Making a first cut with surface 7-10
Creating the first offset surface 7-11
Creating the second offset surface 7-11
Creating the second knit surface 7-12
Adding the second fillet 7-12
Making a second cut with surface 7-13
Adding the third fillet 7-14
Creating a shell 7-14
Adding the neck feature 7-15
Revolving the sketch 7-16
Creating a new plane 7-16
Creating a helix 7-17
Sketching the thread profile 7-18
Making the threads 7-19
Rounding off the ends of threads 7-19
Revolving the sketch 7-20
Rounding off the opposite side 7-20
Sweep with Solid Body 7-21
Exercise: Sweep Cut using a Solid Body 7-28
Chapter 8: Lofts and Boundaries 8-1
Solar Boat 8-1SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Tools needed 8-2
Opening a part document 8-3
Creating a lofted feature 8-3
Creating the boundary feature 8-5
Creating the wing 8-6
Creating the wing support 8-7
Constructing the nose feature 8-8
Creating the horizontal tail fins 8-11
Creating the vertical tail fin 8-12
Creating a split line 8-13
Creating the canopy’s first profile 8-14
Creating a new plane 8-15
Sketching the guide curve 8-15
Creating the canopy’s second loft profile 8-16
Creating the canopy’s third loft profile 8-16
Creating the canopy feature 8-17
Creating a mirror feature 8-17
Adding fillets to the main body 8-18
Adding fillets to the float and wing 8-18
Adding fillets to the ends of the floats 8-19
Adding fillets to the tail fins 8-19
Adding fillets to the ends of the fins 8-20
Creating a face fillet 8-20
Creating a split line for the solar panels 8-21
Changing color of the solar squares 8-22
Changing the edge display 8-23
Exercise: Surface & Solid Modeling 8-25
Exercise: Using Split Lines 8-33
Chapter 9: Surfaces and Patches 9-1
Welding Fixture 9-1
Tools needed 9-2
Opening a part document 9-3
Creating a swept surface 9-3
Creating the first extruded surface 9-4
Creating the second extruded surface 9-4
Creating the third extruded surface 9-5
Creating the first trimmed surface 9-5
Creating the second trimmed surface 9-6
Creating the third trimmed surface 9-7
Creating a lofted surface 9-9
Creating the first boundary surface 9-10SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Creating the second boundary surface 9-11
Creating the first filled surface 9-12
Creating the second filled surface 9-13
Creating a face fillet 9-14
Knitting the surfaces 9-15
Thickening the surface model 9-16
Creating a section view 9-17
Changing the edge display 9-18
Exercise: Surface Modifications 9-19
Chapter 10: Configure Features 10-1
Wooden Crate 10-1
Tools needed 10-2
Opening a part document 10-3
Configuring features 10-3
Saving the table 10-5
Adding a new configuration 10-5
Viewing the new configuration 10-6
Adding more configurations 10-7
Renaming a configuration 10-9
Inserting a design table 10-10
Adding a material column 10-11
Exercise: Design Tables & Tabulated Tables 10-12
Chapter 11: Assembly Motions & Mates 11-1
HeliDrone 11-1
Tools needed 11-2
Opening an existing assembly document 11-3
Using the width mate 11-3
Adding a concentric mate 11-4
Adding another concentric mate 11-6
Testing the assembly motions 11-6
Adding a limit-angle mate 11-7
Adding a parallel mate 11-8
Adding a gear mate 11-9
Testing the assembly motions 11-10
Radial Explode 11-11
Opening an existing assembly 11-11
Creating the first pattern driven 11-11
Creating the second pattern driven 11-12
Creating the first radial exploded view 11-13SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Creating the second radial exploded view 11-13
Verifying the exploded view 11-14
Switching to the configuration tree 11-14
Exercise: Assembly Motions 11-15
Chapter 12: Using Smart-Mates 12-1
Fixture Assembly 12-1
Tools Needed 12-2
Opening an existing assembly document 12-3
Enabling the selection options 12-3
Exploring the Smart-Mate options 12-4
Using Smart-Mate Concentric 12-5
Creating a Smart-Mate Concentric & Coincident 12-6
Repeating the previous mate 12-7
Mating other components 12-8
Checking the status of the components 12-9
Switching configuration 12-9
Creating an instance of the bolt 12-10
Creating another instance of the bolt 12-11
Adding more bolts 12-12
Repeating 12-13
Using Mate Controller 12-15
Using copy with mates 12-25
Chapter 13: Top Down Assembly 13-1
Car Remote Control Housing 13-1
Tools Needed 13-2
Opening a part document 13-3
Making an assembly from part 13-3
Placing the first component 13-4
Creating a new part 13-4
Converting the entities 13-5
Extruding the sketch 13-6
Adding the fillet 13-6
Shelling the part 13-7
Hiding the component 13-7
Adding features to the part 13-8
Creating offset entities 13-9
Extruding the sketch 13-10
Adding the fillet 13-10
Showing a component 13-11
Creating a section view 13-11SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Applying dimension changes 13-12
Creating an exploded view 13-14
Playing the animation 13-15
Changing the display mode 13-16
Creating a Flat Spring Assembly 13-17
Exercise: Spring Assembly 13-29
Chapter 14: Using the Lip & Groove Options 14-1
Lesson overview 14-1
Tools Needed 14-2
Opening a part document 14-4
Editing the housing 14-4
Creating a section view 14-7
Using the Mounting Boss Tool 14-8
Opening an assembly document 14-9
Editing part 14-9
Setting the parameters 14-9
Adding two more mounting bosses 14-11
Hiding the Upper Half Body 14-11
Creating a mounting boss-pin feature 14-12
Creating a section view 14-14
Repeating the features 14-14
Chapter 15: Assembly Drawings & BOMs 15-1
Aluminum Enclosure 15-1
Tools needed 15-2
Starting a new drawing document 15-3
Selecting the ANSI standard sheet size 15-3
Switching to ANSI standards 15-4
Using the view palette 15-5
Inserting a Bill of Materials 15-6
Modifying the BOM’s Row Height 15-8
Adding a new column 15-8
Customizing the new column 15-9
Changing the color of the paper 15-10
Adding balloons 15-11
Adding an isometric view 15-12
Changing the display of a drawing view 15-13
Editing the sheet format 15-13
Switching back to the sheet 15-16
Reference reading: GD&T 15-18
Form examples 15-18SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Orientation examples 15-19
Profile examples 15-19
Runout examples 15-20
Location examples 15-20
ASME – Y14.5 Symbol descriptions 15-22
Feature control frames 15-25
MMC maximum material condition 15-26
LMC least material condition 15-26
Chapter 16: Drawings & Detailing 16-1
Front Cover Plate 16-1
Tools needed 16-2
Opening a part document 16-3
Creating the drawing views 16-4
Changing to phantom line style 16-6
Creating a partial section view 16-7
Flipping the section direction 16-8
Changing the hatch pattern 16-8
Creating a detail view 16-9
Inserting the model dimensions 16-10
Cleaning up the dimensions 16-11
Inserting dimensions to another view 16-12
Breaking the view alignment 16-13
Creating a projected view 16-14
Adding the centerline symbol 16-15
Adding datums 16-16
Adding a flatness tolerance 16-18
Copying the control frame 16-20
Modifying the geometric tolerance 16-21
Adding another position tolerance 16-22
Adding a symmetric tolerance 16-23
Adding a bilateral tolerance 16-23
Adding a limit tolerance 16-24
Adding a basic tolerance 16-24
Adding general notes 16-25
Filling out the title block 16-26
Exercise: Creating a drawing from a model 16-29
Exercise: Attaching a note or symbol to a dimension 16-30
Exercise: Creating an engineering drawing 16-53SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Chapter 17: SOLIDWORKS MBD 17-1
Introduction to Model Based Definition 17-1
Tools needed 17-2
Prismatic Parts 17-3
Opening a part document 17-3
Enabling SOLIDWORKS MBD 17-3
Setting the options 17-3
Adding datums 17-5
Using scope 17-6
Showing the constraint status 17-7
Adding the size dimensions 17-8
Showing the tolerance status 17-8
Exercise: Adding the Size and Location Dimensions 17-9
Turned Parts 17-13
Capturing 3D Views 17-19
Publishing PDF and eDrawing Files 17-23
3D PDF Template Editor 17-30
Chapter 18: Sheet Metal Parts 18-1
Hard Drive Enclosure 18-1
Tools needed 18-2
Starting a new part document 18-3
Creating the Base flange 18-4
Creating a cut feature 18-5
Creating the first edge flange 18-6
Creating the second edge flange 18-9
Copying and Pasting a sketch 18-11
Creating more cuts 18-13
Adding a library feature cut 18-15
Mirroring a feature 18-17
Toggling the flat display 18-18
Creating the flat pattern 18-19
Accessing the sheet properties 18-20
Multibody sheet metal parts 18-21
Using FeatureWorks – Feature Recognition 18-37
Chapter 19: Plastic parts 19-1
Plastic Part_Design1 19-1
Tools Needed 19-2
Making the base feature with draft 19-3SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Creating a curved cut feature 19-4
Adding the raised features 19-5
Adding fillets 19-6
Shelling the model 19-6
Adding the interlock feature 19-7
Creating a face fillet 19-8
Removing the sharp edges 19-9
Creating the side holes 19-10
Plastic Part_Design2 19-11
Making the base feature with draft 19-11
Creating a curved cut 19-12
Creating a new plane 19-14
Sketching the button holes 19-14
Shelling the model 19-16
Making the interlock feature 19-18
Adding cuts 19-20
Adding the mounting bosses 19-22
Removing the sharp edges 19-24
Chapter 20: Casted Parts 20-1
Casted Upper Housing 20-1
Tools needed 20-2
Creating the base 20-3
Adding the counterbore holes 20-5
Making the side support walls 20-8
Adding drafts 20-9
Mirroring multiple features 20-10
Adding Ribs 20-11
Casted Valve Body 20-15
Viewing the parent and child relationships 20-16
Exercise: Casted Bracket 20-29
Chapter 21: Smart Component 21-1
Auto Size & Configure Table 21-1
Tools needed 21-2
Opening a part document 21-3
Showing the dimensions and their names 21-3
Splitting the FeatureManager tree 21-4
Adding a new configuration 21-4
Creating mate references 21-6
Testing the mate references 21-7SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Making a smart component 21-8
Testing the smart component 21-9
Adding other instances of the cap 21-10
Chapter 22: Using Subtract & Intersect 22-1
Simple Cavity 22-1
Opening a part document 22-3
Scaling the part 22-3
Extruding the mold block 22-3
Assigning material 22-4
Copying a solid body 22-4
Creating the cavity 22-5
Separating the solid bodies 22-6
Using the intersect tool 22-7
Exercise: Creating a Cavity with Combine Subtract 22-10
Chapter 23: Using Magnetic Mates 23-1
Deck Assembly 23-1
Tools needed 23-2
Publishing an asset 23-4
Opening another part document 23-6
Defining another asset publisher 23-7
Opening an assembly document 23-8
Adding the section1 component to the assembly 23-9
Adding another instance of section1 23-10
Adding more instances 23-11
Chapter 24: Hybrid Modeling 24-1
Remote Control 24-1
Tools needed 24-2
Extruding the first surface 24-3
Extruding the second surface 24-4
Trimming the surfaces 24-4
Thickening the surfaces 24-5
Creating a split line feature 24-5
Adding draft 24-6
Adding fillets 24-7
Shelling the solid body 24-8
Cutting the solid body 24-8SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Table of Contents
Saving the upper half 24-9
Saving the lower half 24-9
Flipping the cut direction 24-9
Inserting the top half 24-10
Creating the cut for the keypad 24-11
Separating the two halves 24-12
Changing appearance 24-12
Exercise: Loft with guide curves 24-15
Exercise: Using boundary solid 24-17
Exercise: Using boundary surface 24-19
SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick-Guides
A feature, sketch, or annotation that is contained in another item (usually a feature) in the
FeatureManager design tree. Examples are the profile sketch and profile path in a basesweep, or a cosmetic thread annotation in a hole.
Tools that assist in lining up annotations and dimensions (left, right, top, bottom, and so
on). For aligning parts in an assembly.
Alternate position view
A drawing view in which one or more views are superimposed in phantom lines on the
original view. Alternate position views are often used to show range of motion of an
Anchor point
The end of a leader that attaches to the note, block, or other annotation. Sheet formats
contain anchor points for a bill of materials, a hole table, a revision table, and a weldment
cut list.
A text note or a symbol that adds specific design intent to a part, assembly, or drawing.
Specific types of annotations include note, hole callout, surface finish symbol, datum
feature symbol, datum target, geometric tolerance symbol, weld symbol, balloon, and
stacked balloon. Annotations that apply only to drawings include center mark, annotation
centerline, area hatch, and block.
Appearance callouts
Callouts that display the colors and textures of the face, feature, body, and part under the
entity selected and are a shortcut to editing colors and textures.
Area hatch
A crosshatch pattern or fill applied to a selected face or to a closed sketch in a drawing.
A document in which parts, features, and other assemblies (sub-assemblies) are mated
together. The parts and sub-assemblies exist in documents separate from the assembly.
For example, in an assembly, a piston can be mated to other parts, such as a connecting
rod or cylinder. This new assembly can then be used as a sub-assembly in an assembly of
an engine. The extension for a SOLIDWORKS assembly file name is .SLDASM.
Attachment point
The end of a leader that attaches to the model (to an edge, vertex, or face, for example) or
to a drawing sheet.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
A straight line that can be used to create model geometry, features, or patterns. An axis
can be made in a number of different ways, including using the intersection of two
Labels parts in an assembly, typically including item numbers and quantity. In drawings,
the item numbers are related to rows in a bill of materials.
The first solid feature of a part.
Baseline dimensions
Sets of dimensions measured from the same edge or vertex in a drawing.
A feature in a sheet metal part. A bend generated from a filleted corner, cylindrical face, or
conical face is a round bend; a bend generated from sketched straight lines is a sharp bend.
Bill of materials
A table inserted into a drawing to keep a record of the parts used in an assembly.
A user-defined annotation that you can use in parts, assemblies, and drawings. A block
can contain text, sketch entities (except points), and area hatch, and it can be saved in a
file for later use as, for example, a custom callout or a company logo.
Bottom-up assembly
An assembly modeling technique where you create parts and then insert them into an
Broken-out section
A drawing view that exposes inner details of a drawing view by removing material from
a closed profile, usually a spline.
The mold half that holds the cavity feature of the design part.
Center mark
A cross that marks the center of a circle or arc.
A centerline marks, in phantom font, an axis of symmetry in a sketch or drawing.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Bevels a selected edge or vertex. You can apply chamfers to both sketches and features.
A dependent feature related to a previously built feature. For example, a chamfer on the
edge of a hole is a child of the parent hole.
As you sketch, if you click and then release the pointer, you are in click-release mode.
Move the pointer and click again to define the next point in the sketch sequence.
As you sketch, if you click and drag the pointer, you are in click-drag mode. When you
release the pointer, the sketch entity is complete.
Closed profile
Also called a closed contour, it is a sketch or sketch entity with no exposed endpoints, for
example, a circle or polygon.
The opposite of explode. The collapse action returns an exploded assembly’s parts to their
normal positions.
Collision Detection
An assembly function that detects collisions between components when components
move or rotate. A collision occurs when an entity on one component coincides with any
entity on another component.
Any part or sub-assembly within an assembly.
A variation of a part or assembly within a single document. Variations can include
different dimensions, features, and properties. For example, a single part such as a bolt
can contain different configurations that vary the diameter and length.
Located on the left side of the SOLIDWORKS window, it is a means to create, select,
and view the configurations of parts and assemblies.
The relations between sketch entities, or between sketch entities and planes, axes, edges,
or vertices.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Construction geometry
The characteristic of a sketch entity that the entity is used in creating other geometry but
is not itself used in creating features.
Coordinate system
A system of planes used to assign Cartesian coordinates to features, parts, and
assemblies. Part and assembly documents contain default coordinate systems; other
coordinate systems can be defined with reference geometry. Coordinate systems can be
used with measurement tools and for exporting documents to other file formats.
Cosmetic thread
An annotation that represents threads.
A pattern (or fill) applied to drawing views such as section views and broken-out
Curvature is equal to the inverse of the radius of the curve. The curvature can be
displayed in different colors according to the local radius (usually of a surface).
A feature that removes material from a part by such actions as extrude, revolve, loft,
sweep, thicken, cavity, and so on.
A dimension, relation, or drawing section view that is unresolved. For example, if a piece
of geometry is dimensioned, and that geometry is later deleted, the dimension becomes
Degrees of freedom
Geometry that is not defined by dimensions or relations is free to move. In 2D sketches,
there are three degrees of freedom: movement along the X and Y axes, and rotation about
the Z axis (the axis normal to the sketch plane). In 3D sketches and in assemblies, there
are six degrees of freedom: movement along the X, Y, and Z axes, and rotation about the
X, Y, and Z axes.
Derived part
A derived part is a new base, mirror, or component part created directly from an existing
part and linked to the original part such that changes to the original part are reflected in
the derived part.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Derived sketch
A copy of a sketch, in either the same part or the same assembly that is connected to the
original sketch. Changes in the original sketch are reflected in the derived sketch.
Design Library
Located in the Task Pane, the Design Library provides a central location for reusable
elements such as parts, assemblies, and so on.
Design table
An Excel spreadsheet that is used to create multiple configurations in a part or assembly
Detached drawing
A drawing format that allows opening and working in a drawing without loading the
corresponding models into memory. The models are loaded on an as-needed basis.
Detail view
A portion of a larger view, usually at a larger scale than the original view.
Dimension line
A linear dimension line references the dimension text to extension lines indicating the
entity being measured. An angular dimension line references the dimension text directly
to the measured object.
Located on the left side of the SOLIDWORKS window, it is a means to manage
dimensions and tolerances created using DimXpert for parts according to the
requirements of the ASME Y.14.41-2003 standard.
The DisplayManager lists the appearances, decals, lights, scene, and cameras applied to
the current model. From the DisplayManager, you can view applied content, and add,
edit, or delete items. When PhotoView 360 is added in, the DisplayManager also
provides access to PhotoView options.
A file containing a part, assembly, or drawing.
The degree of taper or angle of a face usually applied to molds or castings.
A 2D representation of a 3D part or assembly. The extension for a SOLIDWORKS
drawing file name is .SLDDRW.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Drawing sheet
A page in a drawing document.
Driven dimension
Measurements of the model, but they do not drive the model and their values cannot be
Driving dimension
Also referred to as a model dimension, it sets the value for a sketch entity. It can also
control distance, thickness, and feature parameters.
A single outside boundary of a feature.
Edge flange
A sheet metal feature that combines a bend and a tab in a single operation.
Creates a mathematical relation between sketch dimensions, using dimension names as
variables, or between feature parameters, such as the depth of an extruded feature or the
instance count in a pattern.
Exploded view
Shows an assembly with its components separated from one another, usually to show
how to assemble the mechanism.
Save a SOLIDWORKS document in another format for use in other CAD/CAM, rapid
prototyping, web, or graphics software applications.
Extension line
The line extending from the model indicating the point from which a dimension is
A feature that linearly projects a sketch to either add material to a part (in a base or boss)
or remove material from a part (in a cut or hole).
A selectable area (planar or otherwise) of a model or surface with boundaries that help
define the shape of the model or surface. For example, a rectangular solid has six faces.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
A SOLIDWORKS Toolbox library that adds fasteners automatically to holes in an
An individual shape that, combined with other features, makes up a part or assembly.
Some features, such as bosses and cuts, originate as sketches. Other features, such as
shells and fillets, modify a feature’s geometry. However, not all features have associated
geometry. Features are always listed in the FeatureManager design tree.
FeatureManager design tree
Located on the left side of the SOLIDWORKS window, it provides an outline view of the
active part, assembly, or drawing.
A solid area hatch or crosshatch. Fill also applies to patches on surfaces.
An internal rounding of a corner or edge in a sketch, or an edge on a surface or solid.
Forming tool
Dies that bend, stretch, or otherwise form sheet metal to create such form features as
louvers, lances, flanges, and ribs.
Fully defined
A sketch where all lines and curves in the sketch, and their positions, are described by
dimensions or relations, or both, and cannot be moved. Fully defined sketch entities are
shown in black.
Geometric tolerance
A set of standard symbols that specify the geometric characteristics and dimensional
requirements of a feature.
Graphics area
The area in the SOLIDWORKS window where the part, assembly, or drawing appears.
Guide curve
A 2D or 3D curve used to guide a sweep or loft.
An arrow, square, or circle that you can drag to adjust the size or position of an entity (a
feature, dimension, or sketch entity, for example).SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
A curve defined by pitch, revolutions, and height. A helix can be used, for example, as a
path for a swept feature cutting threads in a bolt.
A sheet metal feature that folds back at the edge of a part. A hem can be open, closed,
double, or teardrop.
(Hidden lines removed) a view mode in which all edges of the model that are not visible
from the current view angle are removed from the display.
(Hidden lines visible) A view mode in which all edges of the model that are not visible
from the current view angle are shown gray or dashed.
Open files from other CAD software applications into a SOLIDWORKS document.
In-context feature
A feature with an external reference to the geometry of another component; the incontext feature changes automatically if the geometry of the referenced model or feature
The system automatically creates (infers) relations between dragged entities (sketched
entities, annotations, and components) and other entities and geometry. This is useful
when positioning entities relative to one another.
An item in a pattern or a component in an assembly that occurs more than once. Blocks
are inserted into drawings as instances of block definitions.
Interference detection
A tool that displays any interference between selected components in an assembly.
A sheet metal feature that adds material to a part by creating two bends from a sketched
A tool that combines two or more faces or surfaces into one. The edges of the surfaces
must be adjacent and not overlapping, but they cannot ever be planar. There is no
difference in the appearance of the face or the surface after knitting.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Layout sketch
A sketch that contains important sketch entities, dimensions, and relations. You reference
the entities in the layout sketch when creating new sketches, building new geometry, or
positioning components in an assembly. This allows for easier updating of your model
because changes you make to the layout sketch propagate to the entire model.
A solid line from an annotation (note, dimension, and so on) to the referenced feature.
Library feature
A frequently used feature, or combination of features, that is created once and then saved
for future use.
A part in an assembly or a drawing has only a subset of its model data loaded into
memory. The remaining model data is loaded on an as-needed basis. This improves
performance of large and complex assemblies.
A straight sketch entity with two endpoints. A line can be created by projecting an
external entity such as an edge, plane, axis, or sketch curve into the sketch.
A base, boss, cut, or surface feature created by transitions between profiles.
Lofted bend
A sheet metal feature that produces a roll form or a transitional shape from two open
profile sketches. Lofted bends often create funnels and chutes.
Mass properties
A tool that evaluates the characteristics of a part or an assembly such as volume, surface
area, centroid, and so on.
A geometric relationship, such as coincident, perpendicular, tangent, and so on, between
parts in an assembly.
Mate reference
Specifies one or more entities of a component to use for automatic mating. When you
drag a component with a mate reference into an assembly, the software tries to find other
combinations of the same mate reference name and mate type.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Mates folder
A collection of mates that are solved together. The order in which the mates appear
within the Mates folder does not matter.
(a) A mirror feature is a copy of a selected feature, mirrored about a plane or planar face.
(b) A mirror sketch entity is a copy of a selected sketch entity that is mirrored about a
Miter flange
A sheet metal feature that joins multiple edge flanges together and miters the corner.
3D solid geometry in a part or assembly document. If a part or assembly document
contains multiple configurations, each configuration is a separate model.
Model dimension
A dimension specified in a sketch or a feature in a part or assembly document that defines
some entity in a 3D model.
Model item
A characteristic or dimension of feature geometry that can be used in detailing drawings.
Model view
A drawing view of a part or assembly.
A set of manufacturing tooling used to shape molten plastic or other material into a
designed part. You design the mold using a sequence of integrated tools that result in
cavity and core blocks that are derived parts of the part to be molded.
Motion Study
Motion Studies are graphical simulations of motion and visual properties with assembly
models. Analogous to a configuration, they do not actually change the original assembly
model or its properties. They display the model as it changes based on simulation
elements you add.
Multibody part
A part with separate solid bodies within the same part document. Unlike the components
in an assembly, multibody parts are not dynamic.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Native format
DXF and DWG files remain in their original format (are not converted into
SOLIDWORKS format) when viewed in SOLIDWORKS drawing sheets (view only).
Open profile
Also called an open contour, it is a sketch or sketch entity with endpoints exposed. For
example, a U-shaped profile is open.
Ordinate dimensions
A chain of dimensions measured from a zero ordinate in a drawing or sketch.
The model origin appears as three gray arrows and represents the (0,0,0) coordinate of the
model. When a sketch is active, a sketch origin appears in red and represents the (0,0,0)
coordinate of the sketch. Dimensions and relations can be added to the model origin, but
not to a sketch origin.
Out-of-context feature
A feature with an external reference to the geometry of another component that is not
Over defined
A sketch is over defined when dimensions or relations are either in conflict or redundant.
A value used to define a sketch or feature (often a dimension).
An existing feature upon which other features depend. For example, in a block with a
hole, the block is the parent to the child hole feature.
A single 3D object made up of features. A part can become a component in an assembly,
and it can be represented in 2D in a drawing. Examples of parts are bolt, pin, plate, and so
on. The extension for a SOLIDWORKS part file name is .SLDPRT.
A sketch, edge, or curve used in creating a sweep or loft.
A pattern repeats selected sketch entities, features, or components in an array, which can
be linear, circular, or sketch driven. If the seed entity is changed, the other instances in
the pattern update.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Physical Dynamics
An assembly tool that displays the motion of assembly components in a realistic way.
When you drag a component, the component applies a force to other components it
touches. Components move only within their degrees of freedom.
Pierce relation
Makes a sketch point coincident to the location at which an axis, edge, line, or spline
pierces the sketch plane.
Entities that can lie on one plane. For example, a circle is planar, but a helix is not.
Flat construction geometry. Planes can be used for a 2D sketch, section view of a model,
a neutral plane in a draft feature, and others.
A singular location in a sketch, or a projection into a sketch at a single location of an
external entity (origin, vertex, axis, or point in an external sketch).
Predefined view
A drawing view in which the view position, orientation, and so on can be specified before
a model is inserted. You can save drawing documents with predefined views as
A sketch entity used to create a feature (such as a loft) or a drawing view (such as a detail
view). A profile can be open (such as a U shape or open spline) or closed (such as a circle
or closed spline).
Projected dimension
If you dimension entities in an isometric view, projected dimensions are the flat
dimensions in 2D.
Projected view
A drawing view projected orthogonally from an existing view.
Located on the left side of the SOLIDWORKS window, it is used for dynamic editing of
sketch entities and most features.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
RealView graphics
A hardware (graphics card) support of advanced shading in real time; the rendering
applies to the model and is retained as you move or rotate a part.
Tool that updates (or regenerates) the document with any changes made since the last
time the model was rebuilt. Rebuild is typically used after changing a model dimension.
Reference dimension
A dimension in a drawing that shows the measurement of an item but cannot drive the
model and its value cannot be modified. When model dimensions change, reference
dimensions update.
Reference geometry
Includes planes, axes, coordinate systems, and 3D curves. Reference geometry is used to
assist in creating features such as lofts, sweeps, drafts, chamfers, and patterns.
A geometric constraint between sketch entities or between a sketch entity and a plane,
axis, edge, or vertex. Relations can be added automatically or manually.
Relative view
A relative (or relative to model) drawing view is created relative to planar surfaces in a
part or assembly.
Refreshes shared documents. For example, if you open a part file for read-only access
while another user makes changes to the same part, you can reload the new version,
including the changes.
Reordering (changing the order of) items is possible in the FeatureManager design tree.
In parts, you can change the order in which features are solved. In assemblies, you can
control the order in which components appear in a bill of materials.
Substitutes one or more open instances of a component in an assembly with a different
A state of an assembly component (in an assembly or drawing document) in which it is
fully loaded in memory. All the component’s model data is available, so its entities can be
selected, referenced, edited, and used in mates, and so on.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
A feature that creates a base or boss, a revolved cut, or revolved surface by revolving one
or more sketched profiles around a centerline.
A sheet metal feature that removes material at an edge to allow a bend.
Suppresses all items below the rollback bar.
Another term for profile in sweeps.
Section line
A line or centerline sketched in a drawing view to create a section view.
Section scope
Specifies the components to be left uncut when you create an assembly drawing section
Section view
A section view (or section cut) is (1) a part or assembly view cut by a plane, or (2) a
drawing view created by cutting another drawing view with a section line.
A sketch or an entity (a feature, face, or body) that is the basis for a pattern. If you edit
the seed, the other entities in the pattern are updated.
Displays a model as a colored solid.
Shared values
Also called linked values, these are named variables that you assign to set the value of
two or more dimensions to be equal.
Sheet format
Includes page size and orientation, standard text, borders, title blocks, and so on. Sheet
formats can be customized and saved for future use. Each sheet of a drawing document
can have a different format.
A feature that hollows out a part, leaving open the selected faces and thin walls on the
remaining faces. A hollow part is created when no faces are selected to be open.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
A collection of lines and other 2D objects on a plane or face that forms the basis for a
feature such as a base or a boss. A 3D sketch is non-planar and can be used to guide a
sweep or loft, for example.
Smart Fasteners
Automatically adds fasteners (bolts and screws) to an assembly using the
SOLIDWORKS Toolbox library of fasteners.
An assembly mating relation that is created automatically.
Solid sweep
A cut sweep created by moving a tool body along a path to cut out 3D material from a
A flat or 2D helix, defined by a circle, pitch, and number of revolutions.
A sketched 2D or 3D curve defined by a set of control points.
Split line
Projects a sketched curve onto a selected model face, dividing the face into multiple faces
so that each can be selected individually. A split line can be used to create draft features,
to create face blend fillets, and to radiate surfaces to cut molds.
Stacked balloon
A set of balloons with only one leader. The balloons can be stacked vertically (up or
down) or horizontally (left or right).
Standard 3 views
The three orthographic views (front, right, and top) that are often the basis of a drawing.
The process of creating rapid prototype parts using a faceted mesh representation in STL
An assembly document that is part of a larger assembly. For example, the steering
mechanism of a car is a sub-assembly of the car.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Removes an entity from the display and from any calculations in which it is involved.
You can suppress features, assembly components, and so on. Suppressing an entity does
not delete the entity; you can un-suppress the entity to restore it.
A zero-thickness planar or 3D entity with edge boundaries. Surfaces are often used to
create solid features. Reference surfaces can be used to modify solid features.
Creates a base, boss, cut, or surface feature by moving a profile (section) along a path.
For cut sweeps, you can create solid sweeps by moving a tool body along a path.
Tangent arc
An arc that is tangent to another entity, such as a line.
Tangent edge
The transition edge between rounded or filleted faces in hidden lines visible or hidden
lines removed modes in drawings.
Task Pane
Located on the right-side of the SOLIDWORKS window, the Task Pane contains
SOLIDWORKS Resources, the Design Library, and the File Explorer.
A document (part, assembly, or drawing) that forms the basis of a new document. It can
include user-defined parameters, annotations, predefined views, geometry, and so on.
Temporary axis
An axis created implicitly for every conical or cylindrical face in a model.
Thin feature
An extruded or revolved feature with constant wall thickness. Sheet metal parts are
typically created from thin features.
A tolerance analysis application that determines the effects that dimensions and
tolerances have on parts and assemblies.
Top-down design
An assembly modeling technique where you create parts in the context of an assembly by
referencing the geometry of other components. Changes to the referenced components
propagate to the parts that you create in context.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Glossary
Three axes with arrows defining the X, Y, and Z directions. A reference triad appears in
part and assembly documents to assist in orienting the viewing of models. Triads also
assist when moving or rotating components in assemblies.
Under defined
A sketch is under defined when there are not enough dimensions and relations to prevent
entities from moving or changing size.
A point at which two or more lines or edges intersect. Vertices can be selected for
sketching, dimensioning, and many other operations.
Windows that display views of models. You can specify one, two, or four viewports.
Viewports with orthogonal views can be linked, which links orientation and rotation.
Virtual sharp
A sketch point at the intersection of two entities after the intersection itself has been
removed by a feature such as a fillet or chamfer. Dimensions and relations to the virtual
sharp are retained even though the actual intersection no longer exists.
A multibody part with structural members.
Weldment cut list
A table that tabulates the bodies in a weldment along with descriptions and lengths.
A view mode in which all edges of the part or assembly are displayed.
Zebra stripes
Simulate the reflection of long strips of light on a very shiny surface. They allow you to
see small changes in a surface that may be hard to see with a standard display.
To simulate movement toward or away from a part or an assembly.SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Index
Index – 1
2 2D
CAD, 16-1
2D sketch, 5-1, 18-7
3 3D
curve, 7-1
3D drawing, 16-28
3D sketch, 5-1, 6-3, 8-16
3-point-arc, 8-14
A ad
d parenthesis, 16-14
add symbol, 16-15
advanced mates, 11-1
advanced shading, 7-4
align with other geometry, 9-10
alignment, 9-10, 12-10, 15-12, 16-5, 16-
alt, 1-9, 1-12, 12-10
alt key, 12-5, 12-6, 12-7
aluminum, 15-5, 15-15, 15-16, 16-8
angle, 2-7, 5-3, 5-4, 6-9, 7-20, 11-4, 13-
6, 15-22, 15-23
angularity, 15-22
animate collapse, 13-15
animation, 11-11, 13-15
animation controller, 13-15
annotation, 15-6, 15-11, 16-10, 16-16,
ANSI, 1-2, 1-4, 2-3, 15-3, 15-4, 15-22,
16-3, 17-3
anti-aligned, 4-15
appearance, 8-22
apply, 2-15, 3-14, 9-10, 9-12, 9-13
arc length, 6-8
area hatch/fills, 16-8
ASME, 15-22, 16-18
assemblies, 2-4, 6-3, 10-3, 10-12, 11-3,
11-9, 12-5
assembly, 4-4, 11-1, 11-3, 11-6, 11-7,
11-10, 11-11, 11-13, 12-1, 12-3, 12-4,
12-5, 12-12, 12-13, 13-3, 13-4, 13-14,
14-3, 14-9, 15-5, 16-4
assembly drawing, 15-1
assembly Motions, 11-1, 11-3
auto balloon, 15-11
auto create, 10-12
auto start projected view, 16-4
B ba
lloons, 15-1, 15-11
base flange, 18-4
basic, 16-22, 16-24
basic dimension, 15-22
bend angle, 6-8
bend outside, 18-6
bilateral, 16-23
bill of materials, 15-6, 15-11
blind, 2-7, 2-8, 3-6, 3-9, 3-12, 5-3, 7-16,
7-20, 9-4, 13-6, 18-12, 18-14
bodies to mirror, 4-11
body, 3-3, 3-4, 3-6, 4-4, 4-5, 4-8, 4-10,
4-11, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 6-3, 6-10, 7-3, 7-
5, 7-8, 7-10, 7-13, 8-3, 8-5, 8-10, 8-14,
8-18, 8-21, 10-12, 12-10
bolt circle, 5-5
bom, 15-6, 15-7, 15-8
bom-standard, 15-6
boss/base, 2-7, 2-8, 3-9, 3-12, 5-3, 7-3,
7-16, 7-19, 7-20, 8-3, 8-7, 8-9, 8-11, 8-
17, 9-3, 13-6, 13-10
boundaries, 8-1
boundary, 8-1, 8-3, 8-5, 8-6, 8-10, 8-24,
9-10, 9-11
boundary boss/base, 8-5SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Index
Index – 2
boundary surface, 9-10, 9-11
bounding box, 5-12, 18-19
bounding box area, 18-19
box Selection, 4-5
Break Alignment, 15-12, 16-5
browse, 4-3, 6-3, 6-8, 7-3, 8-3, 9-3, 11-3,
11-11, 12-3, 13-3, 14-4, 14-9, 15-5, 16-3,
17-9, 17-13
C can
cel, 8-9
center axis, 11-11
center of mass, 2-16
center rectangle, 3-4
centerline, 2-7, 2-9, 5-1, 5-3, 7-15, 8-15,
16-16, 16-17, 18-3
centerline parameter, 8-6
chamfer, 5-4
circle, 1-8, 1-10, 5-4, 5-5, 16-9
circular pattern, 2-11, 2-13
circular sketch pattern, 5-5
circularity, 15-22
click-click, 2-5
coincident, 4-9, 4-14, 4-16, 5-5, 12-4,
12-6, 12-7, 12-10
collapse, 3-15, 4-6, 4-12, 11-14, 13-15
collinear, 18-8
collision detection, 3-1
color, 2-6, 2-10, 8-22, 9-17, 15-10, 16-
11, 18-18
column, 1-8, 1-11, 10-1, 10-4, 10-14, 15-
8, 15-9
command, 5-7, 6-10, 7-19, 8-12, 13-7,
common points, 8-5
concentric, 4-8, 4-14, 4-15, 11-5, 11-6,
12-4, 12-5, 12-6, 12-7
concentricity, 15-22
configuration, 3-15, 4-6, 4-16, 10-5, 10-
6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, 10-10, 10-11, 10-13,
10-14, 12-8, 12-9
ConfigurationManager, 3-15, 4-6, 4-12,
4-16, 10-6, 10-14, 13-15
configure component, 10-1
configure dimension, 10-1
configure features, 10-1
configure material, 10-1
connector, 8-1
constant pitch, 7-17
constant radius Size, 7-9, 7-12, 9-14
constant size fillet, 2-14, 8-18, 8-20
constrained, 2-10, 4-16, 5-5, 7-1, 17-7,
constraints, 3-7, 4-8, 9-9
context, 13-3, 13-13
control, 2-9, 3-8, 3-11, 4-5, 5-8, 5-9, 5-
10, 8-6, 8-7, 8-11, 8-12, 8-14, 8-16, 9-10,
9-11, 11-10, 11-14, 12-10, 12-11, 12-12,
13-5, 16-20, 18-7, 18-11, 18-13, 18-15
control frame, 15-25, 16-19, 16-20, 16-
21, 16-22
convert entities, 7-17, 7-19, 8-16, 13-5,
copy, 1-14, 3-7, 4-7, 12-10
corner rectangle, 2-12
countersink, 16-15
crosshatch pattern, 15-1
curves, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-7, 7-17, 8-4, 8-
13, 8-17, 8-21
custom property, 15-9
customize, 1-7, 1-11, 1-12, 3-6, 5-7
cut list, 18-20
cut thread, 5-8, 5-10
cut-with-surface, 7-10, 7-13
cylindricity, 15-22
D datu
m target, 15-22
datum, 15-22
datums, 16-16
decimals, 1-4, 1-5, 16-23
default, 3-15, 4-6, 4-16, 10-5, 10-9, 10-
13, 12-9, 12-11, 12-12, 13-15, 16-6SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Index
Index – 3
deform, 6-3
degrees, 4-15, 11-1, 12-5, 16-15
degrees of freedom, 11-1
delete, 1-12, 15-11
depth, 16-12, 18-4
design table, 10-3
detail view, 16-9
detail views, 15-1
detailing, 16-1
dialog Box, 10-4
dimension, 1-4, 1-9, 1-11, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7,
2-10, 2-12, 3-4, 3-5, 7-5, 7-7, 7-15, 7-18,
8-11, 8-14, 10-3, 11-4, 13-12, 14-10, 14-
13, 15-22, 16-10, 16-11, 16-12, 16-15,
16-24, 17-6, 17-14, 17-16
DimXpertManager, 4-12
display mode, 13-16
display selection, 8-23
document, 1-3, 1-12, 4-3, 4-12, 5-3, 7-3,
8-3, 9-3, 9-8, 10-3, 11-3, 11-11, 11-14,
12-3, 12-17, 13-3, 13-4, 14-4, 14-7, 14-9,
14-14, 15-3, 15-5, 15-15, 17-12, 17-13
document properties, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-3
document templates, 1-1
draft, 13-6, 14-6
draft on/off, 13-6
drafting, 1-3, 15-4, 18-3
drafting standard, 2-3, 15-4
drag, 1-12, 3-6, 4-12, 5-7, 11-6, 12-4, 12-
5, 12-6, 12-7, 12-10, 12-11, 12-12, 13-
14, 15-12, 16-28
dragged, 1-12, 12-5, 15-5
drawing, 2-3, 15-3, 15-5, 15-10, 15-15,
16-3, 16-6, 16-10, 16-26, 16-28
drawing paper color, 15-10
drawing views, 16-4, 16-5, 16-6, 16-10
drop, 1-7, 1-12, 2-11, 3-6, 4-10, 5-4, 5-7,
7-5, 7-17, 8-15, 8-16, 11-11, 12-5, 12-6,
12-7, 12-10, 12-11, 13-4, 15-4, 15-5, 15-
6, 15-10, 15-12, 15-14, 15-15, 16-4, 16-
8, 16-20, 18-15
dropped, 1-12, 12-5, 15-5
dynamic clearance, 3-1
E ed
ge display, 8-23, 9-18
edge flange, 18-6, 18-9
edges, 2-11, 2-13, 2-14, 2-27, 5-4, 7-14,
8-4, 8-16, 8-18, 8-19, 8-20, 8-23, 8-30,
9-1, 9-9, 9-10, 13-10, 14-5, 16-6, 16-28,
edit component, 13-5, 13-12, 14-4, 14-7,
14-9, 14-11, 14-12, 14-13
edit document units, 15-4, 18-3
edit feature, 4-16
edit flange profile, 18-7, 18-9
edit material, 2-15
edit sheet, 15-13
eDrawings, 11-11
ellipse, 7-3, 7-7, 8-7
enclosures, 18-1
end condition, 5-8, 5-9
endpoints, 2-4, 9-1
entire model, 16-10
equal spacing, 2-11, 2-13
exit, 8-8, 8-15, 8-16, 11-16, 13-21
exploded view, 3-13, 3-15, 4-4, 4-16, 11-
11, 11-13, 11-14, 13-14, 13-15
external references, 13-1, 13-3
extrude cut, 2-10
extruded, 2-10, 2-13, 3-6, 3-9, 3-12, 5-6,
8-11, 9-4, 9-5, 9-6, 13-6, 13-10, 18-5,
18-12, 18-14
extruded surface, 9-4, 9-5
F fa
ce, 2-14, 3-7, 3-10, 3-19, 4-8, 4-9, 4-
11, 4-14, 5-4, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7,
7-8, 7-16, 7-19, 7-32, 8-8, 8-13, 8-18, 8-
20, 8-21, 8-22, 9-10, 9-11, 9-14, 11-8,
12-4, 12-5, 12-6, 12-10, 12-11, 12-12,
13-7, 13-8, 14-5, 14-9, 14-12, 14-13, 17-
5, 17-11, 17-13, 17-14, 18-15, 18-17
face fillet, 7-6, 8-21, 9-14
fasteners, 12-13SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Index
Index – 4
fastening feature, 14-4, 14-9
feature control frame, 15-25
feature recognition, 4-3
FeatureManager, 1-10, 2-15, 3-1, 3-3, 4-
6, 4-11, 4-12, 9-4, 10-6, 11-12, 12-9, 14-
5, 15-11, 18-17, 18-20
features, 1-14, 2-4, 2-7, 2-10, 2-13, 2-14,
3-6, 3-9, 3-10, 3-12, 4-10, 4-11, 5-3, 5-6,
5-7, 5-9, 6-3, 6-5, 6-9, 6-10, 7-3, 7-5, 7-
7, 7-14, 7-16, 7-17, 7-19, 7-20, 8-3, 8-5,
8-11, 8-17, 8-18, 8-22, 9-3, 9-14, 10-3,
10-12, 11-18, 13-6, 13-7, 13-10, 17-17
file explorer, 18-15
filled surface, 9-12, 9-13
fillet, 2-14, 5-4, 7-6, 7-9, 7-12, 7-14, 8-
18, 8-21, 9-14, 13-6, 13-10
fixture, 9-1, 12-2, 12-3
flat display, 18-18
flat head screw, 11-12
flat pattern, 18-19
flatness, 15-23, 16-18
flex bending, 6-1, 6-3, 6-6, 6-7, 6-8
flex examples, 6-6
flex features, 6-1, 6-3
flex stretching, 6-1, 6-6
flex tapering, 6-1, 6-7
flex twisting, 6-1, 6-6
flexible, 11-3, 11-9
flip direction, 16-8
flip mate alignment, 12-11, 12-12
flip offset, 7-16
for construction, 5-4
form examples, 15-17
formula bar, 10-12
Free, 11-3
free state, 15-24
front plane, 1-10, 2-4, 3-3, 3-10, 7-5, 7-7,
7-8, 7-11, 7-15, 17-22, 18-3
full preview, 7-9
fully define, 2-7, 2-12, 3-5, 5-5, 7-5, 7-7,
7-15, 7-18, 8-12, 8-14, 8-25, 12-8, 18-3,
G Gap
, 14-6
GD&T, 5-5, 15-18, 16-19
gear mate, 11-6, 11-9
general notes, 16-25
geometric dimensioning & tolerancing,
15-18, 15-21
geometric tolerance, 16-18, 16-20, 16-21
geometry, 5-4, 8-16, 9-1, 13-3, 16-28
guide curve, 7-1, 8-10
H har
d edge, 6-4
hatch pattern, 16-8
heads-up, 5-11, 9-17, 13-11
helix, 7-17, 7-19
helix/spiral, 7-17
hide, 6-10, 7-8, 7-11, 7-13, 13-4, 13-7
hide/show, 6-10
high quality, 8-5
hold line, 7-6
hole callouts, 16-10
hole wizard, 16-10
holes, 5-4, 5-5, 11-12, 12-8, 16-13
horizontal, 2-5, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 3-4, 4-17,
5-3, 7-5, 8-8, 8-11, 16-5, 16-6, 16-16,
hotkey, 1-8, 1-9, 5-9
I im
age quality, 1-3, 1-6
inch die, 5-8, 5-10
inferencing, 2-4
insert, 3-6, 3-13, 4-4, 4-7, 4-13, 4-15, 5-
7, 5-9, 6-3, 6-5, 6-9, 8-15, 10-10, 13-4,
14-4, 14-9, 14-12, 15-8, 16-13, 16-14,
insert component, 13-30SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Index
Index – 5
instances, 2-11, 2-13, 3-9, 3-12, 5-5, 11-
13, 11-15
intersection zone, 5-12
intersections, 2-4
isometric view, 3-8, 3-11, 5-9, 8-6, 15-1,
15-12, 15-13, 16-5
K kee
p selections, 9-6, 9-7, 9-8
keyboard, 1-7, 1-11, 1-12
keyboard shortcuts, 1-7
knit surface, 7-9, 7-12
L lea
st material condition, 15-23
library feature, 18-13, 18-15
limit, 11-7, 16-22, 16-24
limit mates, 11-6
limit angle, 11-7
line, 1-8, 1-10, 2-5, 2-8, 7-3, 7-5, 7-6, 7-
7, 7-15, 8-7, 8-12, 8-13, 8-21, 16-7
linear, 3-9, 3-12, 11-1, 12-4
linear pattern, 3-9, 3-12
link to thickness, 18-12
lip & groove, 14-1, 14-3
location examples, 15-20
loft, 8-1, 8-3, 8-10, 8-16, 8-24, 9-9
loft profile, 8-17
lofted boss/base, 8-3
loft-profiles, 8-4
M ma
ke drawing, 16-3
manipulating, 6-3
marked for drawing, 16-10
mass, 2-16
mass properties, 2-16
mate alignment, 12-1
material, 2-15, 9-16, 10-12, 14-3, 16-8,
16-19, 16-26, 18-9
material inside, 9-16, 18-9
mates, 4-1, 4-15, 11-1, 11-3, 11-5, 11-8,
11-9, 12-2, 12-4, 12-5, 12-6, 12-8, 13-4
mating face, 14-13
maximum material condition, 15-23
mechanical mates, 11-1, 11-9
merge entities, 7-9, 7-12, 9-15
merge result, 8-11, 8-12
merge solids, 3-11
Microsoft Excel, 10-12, 10-13
mid Plane, 4-10, 8-11, 8-12, 9-4, 9-5, 18-
idpoint, 2-4, 18-12, 18-14
mirror, 2-9, 3-10, 4-11, 7-18, 8-17, 8-30,
18-3, 18-17
mirror body, 4-11
mirror Entities, 2-9
mirror plane, 4-10
mirroring, 2-9, 3-10, 18-17
model dimensions, 16-10
model item, 16-10, 16-12, 16-13
modify, 10-1
modify sketch, 1-13
more symbols, 16-15
mounting boss, 14-8, 14-9, 14-12
mounting bosses, 14-8, 14-11, 14-14
move component, 3-1
move, 1-14, 4-7
move/copy, 1-14, 3-6, 3-7
multibody parts, 3-1, 3-16
mutual, 9-7
N natu
ral, 9-6, 9-7, 9-8
neutral plane, 6-8
new column, 15-8
new sketch, 1-10, 2-4, 2-7, 2-12, 3-7, 5-
4, 7-5, 7-7, 7-15, 7-17, 7-18, 7-19, 7-23,
8-8, 8-11, 8-12, 8-14, 8-15, 13-5, 13-8,
13-9, 18-3, 18-5, 18-12, 18-14SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Index
Index – 6
normal cut, 18-12, 18-14
nose, 8-9, 8-10
note, 7-4, 7-13, 11-3, 16-16, 16-25
novice, 2-3
O offs
et, 5-7, 5-9, 7-8, 7-16, 7-24, 13-10
offset entities, 13-9
offset surface, 7-8, 7-11
optimize surface, 9-12, 9-13
orientation examples, 15-19
origin, 2-5, 3-4, 6-8, 7-15, 13-4
P pa
rallel mates, 11-8
parallelism, 15-23
parameters, 7-6, 7-10, 7-17, 10-1, 14-6,
parametric models, 13-1
parent, 2-4, 2-7, 12-5, 13-1
parent sketch, 2-4
part, 1-3, 1-6, 1-7, 2-3, 3-3, 4-7, 4-8, 4-
13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16, 6-3, 6-8, 8-25, 9-18,
13-4, 13-7, 13-16, 14-9, 15-5, 15-9, 16-3,
16-26, 17-3, 17-13, 17-15
part document, 1-3, 1-6, 1-7, 2-3, 2-4, 3-
3, 4-3, 4-7, 4-13, 5-3, 6-3, 6-8, 7-3, 8-3,
9-3, 10-3, 13-3, 16-3, 17-3
part template, 1-6
partial section, 16-7, 16-8, 16-13
partno, 15-10
patches, 9-1, 9-3
path, 5-7, 7-1, 7-4, 8-7
pattern driven component, 11-11
pencil, 2-17
per standard, 16-9
percent, 11-4
perpendicular, 16-19
perpendicularity, 15-23
phantom line, 16-6
physical, 2-15
pierce, 7-18, 8-15
pin boss, 14-10, 14-12
pitch and revolution, 7-17
planar face, 4-9, 7-19
plane, 3-10, 4-10, 4-11, 7-16, 8-15, 8-17,
17-22, 18-15, 18-17
position, 6-4, 14-9, 14-10, 14-12, 15-21,
16-18, 16-21, 16-22, 17-6
preview sections, 7-4
principal, 2-16
profile, 2-7, 3-4, 5-7, 7-1, 7-4, 7-15, 7-
18, 8-7, 8-11, 8-12, 8-14, 8-16, 8-17, 8-
25, 15-23, 16-24, 18-3, 18-6, 18-7, 18-8
profile examples, 15-19
profile of any line, 15-23
profile of any surface, 15-23
projected tolerance zone, 15-23
projected view, 16-4, 16-14
projection, 7-5, 7-7, 8-13, 8-21, 15-3, 16-
ropertyManagers, 16-15
pull down menu, 8-13, 16-3
Q qui
ck snap, 2-1
R rad
ial explode, 11-11, 12-1
radial step, 11-13
ratio, 11-9
RealView Graphics, 2-15, 7-4, 11-21
rebuild, 13-13
recessed, 7-13
reciprocate, 13-15
rectangle, 1-9, 1-11, 3-4, 3-8, 3-11, 18-5
reference dimension, 2-6
reference geometry, 4-10, 7-16, 8-15
regardless of feature size, 15-23, 15-24
relations, 2-4, 2-7, 2-10, 5-5, 8-11, 8-12,
8-15, 18-3, 18-7, 18-8
remove, 8-23, 9-18, 13-7, 13-16SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Index
Index – 7
rename, 10-9
reverse, 2-10, 5-7, 5-9, 7-8, 7-11, 7-17,
8-21, 11-9, 13-6, 13-10
revolved, 2-8, 5-1, 5-3, 7-16, 7-20
revolved cut, 5-1
revolving, 2-7, 2-8, 7-16, 7-20
right plane, 5-11, 7-18, 8-12, 8-14, 8-15,
8-17, 14-7, 14-14, 17-22, 18-17
right-hand thread, 5-8, 5-10
rigid, 11-3
rings, 6-3, 6-5
rotational motion, 11-1
row height, 15-8
ruled surface, 7-8
runout, 15-24
runout examples, 15-20
S sav
e table, 10-4, 10-5, 10-7, 10-8, 10-11
scene reflections, 7-4
search, 1-8, 1-9
section view, 9-17, 9-27, 13-11, 14-7,
14-14, 15-1, 16-8, 16-13
select tangency, 13-5, 13-8, 13-10
selection, 4-5, 8-13, 9-18, 11-4, 12-3, 13-
16, 14-5
SelectionManager, 8-4, 8-5
self-shadowing, 7-4
shaded with edges, 8-23
sheet format, 15-3, 15-13, 15-16, 16-3,
sheet metal, 16-4, 18-4, 18-5, 18-12, 18-
14, 18-15, 18-19, 18-20
shell, 7-14, 13-7
shift, 1-9, 5-9, 7-15
show component, 13-11
sketch, 1-13, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-
12, 3-5, 3-8, 3-11, 5-4, 5-5, 7-5, 7-7, 7-
15, 7-18, 8-11, 8-12, 8-13, 8-15, 8-16, 8-
17, 8-21, 9-3, 16-7, 16-9, 18-3, 18-5, 18-
9, 18-11, 18-12, 18-14, 18-15
sketch entities, 2-4, 2-9, 2-10, 6-3, 8-11,
13-9, 18-3, 18-8
sketch snap, 2-1
smart dimension, 2-5, 2-10, 16-11
smart mate symbols, 12-6
smart mates, 12-1
snap hook, 14-8
socket head cap screw, 11-13
solar, 8-21, 8-22
solid bodies, 3-1, 4-6, 4-7, 4-11, 7-8
solid feature, 8-1, 8-3
solid library feature part, 18-13
spacing, 3-12, 5-5, 6-10, 14-6
split line, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7, 8-13, 8-21
stainless steel, 2-15
standard mates, 11-1
standard sheet size, 15-3
standard trim, 9-6
standards, 1-4, 15-3, 15-4, 15-24
status, 2-4, 12-9
status of the sketch, 2-10
steel, 2-15, 18-4
straightness, 15-24
straight slot, 3-5
sub assembly, 11-9
support, 7-4, 8-7, 8-17
suppress, 10-6
suppression state, 10-4
surface feature, 8-1, 8-3
surface finish, 16-15
surfaces, 7-8, 7-10, 9-1, 9-3, 9-6, 9-8, 9-
10, 9-11, 9-12, 9-13, 9-15
sweep, 7-1, 7-3, 7-19, 9-3
sweep boss/base, 7-1, 7-19
swept cut, 7-1
swept surface, 7-1, 9-3
symbols description, 15-22
symmetric, 2-9, 7-18, 16-22, 16-23, 18-3
symmetry, 15-24
system options, 2-3SOLIDWORKS 2023 l Intermediate Skills l Index
Index – 8
T tab
le, 10-3, 10-4, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-
10, 10-11, 10-13, 10-15, 15-6
tail, 8-11, 8-12, 8-19
tangent, 2-8, 2-9, 2-14, 7-15, 8-23, 8-27,
9-10, 9-12, 9-13, 9-18, 13-16, 16-6
tangent arc, 2-8
tangent edges remove, 8-23, 13-16
tangent edges with font, 16-6
tangent to face, 9-9
tangent weight, 9-9, 9-10
taper to vector, 7-8
temporary axis, 6-10
thicken, 9-16
thin feature, 5-1
third angle, 15-3, 16-3
threads, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, 5-10, 7-15, 7-16,
through all, 2-10, 2-13
through all both, 2-13
title block, 15-13, 16-26
toggle flat display, 18-18
toggled, 4-4
tool buttons, 1-12
toolbar, 1-12, 1-13, 1-14, 2-5, 5-7, 5-11,
9-17, 11-13, 12-5, 12-11, 13-11, 13-15
tools, 1-3, 1-12, 2-3, 3-6, 5-7, 9-18, 12-4
top down assembly, 13-1, 14-3, 14-8
top plane, 2-7, 2-12, 5-11, 8-11, 13-5,
13-11, 14-12
topology, 9-1
training Files, 4-3, 6-3, 6-8, 7-3, 9-3, 11-
3, 11-11, 12-3
transitioning, 2-8
transitions, 8-3
translate/rotate, 3-7
triad, 2-16, 3-13, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-8, 13-
trim, 6-1, 6-8, 8-8, 9-1, 18-8
trim planes, 6-4
trim surface, 9-6, 9-7
trimmed surface, 9-5, 9-6, 9-7
true position, 15-24, 16-20, 16-21
twisting, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 9-10, 9-11
type of split, 7-5, 8-13
U un
it, 1-5
unsuppressed, 10-4
up to surface, 5-8
up to vertex, 18-5, 18-6
up to next, 5-6
use document font, 15-7
V ven
ts, 14-8, 18-11
vertical, 2-5, 2-8, 3-4, 3-5, 3-8, 3-11, 7-7,
7-15, 8-12, 8-15, 13-14, 16-5, 16-7, 16-
16, 16-18, 18-3, 18-7, 18-8
vertices, 9-1, 12-4
view alignment, 16-13
view layout, 16-9
view palette, 15-5, 15-12, 16-4
virtual sharp, 1-5
visual, 2-15
W wal
l thickness, 7-14, 9-17
weld symbols, 16-15
welding, 9-1
width mate, 11-3
wing, 8-6, 8-7, 8-18, 8-21, 8-22, 11-4,
wireframe, 5-8, 5-10, 12-3
Y y1
45-2009, 15-24
Z zo
nal section view, 5-11STANDARD Toolbar
Creates a new document.
Opens an existing document.
Make Drawing from Part/Assembly.
Make Assembly from Part/Assembly.
Prints the active document.
Print preview.
Cuts the selection & puts it on the clipboard.
Copies the selection & puts it on the clipboard.
Inserts the clipboard contents.
Deletes the selection.
Rebuilds the part / assembly / drawing.
Edits material.
Closes an existing document.
Shows or hides the Selection Filter toolbar.
Shows or hides the Web toolbar.
File properties.
Loads or unloads the 3D instant website add-in.
Sketches a rectangle from the center.
Sketches a CenterPoint arc slot.
Sketches a 3-point arc slot.
Sketches a straight slot.
Sketches a CenterPoint straight slot.
Sketches a 3-point arc.
Saves an active document.
Reverses the last action.
Redo the last action that was undone.
Saves all documents.
Creates sketched ellipses.
Select tool.
Select the entire document.
Checks read-only files.
Full screen view.
Magnified selection.
3D Sketch.
Quick Reference Guide to SOLIDWORKS Command Icons & ToolbarsSKETCH TOOLS Toolbar
Sets up Grid parameters.
Equation driven curve.
Scales sketch entities.
3D sketch on plane.
Creates a sketch on a selected plane or face.
Sketches a line.
Creates a center point arc: center, start, end.
Creates an arc tangent to a line.
Copies sketch entities.
Sketches 3-point rectangle from the center.
Sketches 3-point corner rectangle.
Sketches a circle.
Sketches a circle by its perimeter.
Makes a path of sketch entities.
Mirrors entities dynamically about a centerline.
Insert a plane into the 3D sketch.
Instant 2D.
Sketch numeric input.
Detaches segment on drag.
Sketch picture.
Partial ellipses.
Sketches a polygon.
Splits a sketch segment.
Converts face curves on the selected face
into 3D sketch entities.
Creates a chamfer between two sketch entities.
Adds a Parabola.
Creates a sketch along the intersection of
multiple bodies.
Fillets the corner of two lines.
Creates sketched centerlines.
Adds text to sketch.
Converts selected model edges or sketch
entities to sketch segments.
Extends a sketch segment.
Adds a spline.
Sketches splines on a surface or face.
Sketches a corner rectangle.
Sketches a parallelogram.
Modifies a sketch.
Creates points.
Mirrors selected segments about a centerline.
Creates a sketch curve by offsetting model
edges or sketch entities at a specified distance.
Rotates sketch entities.
Trims a sketch segment.
Construction Geometry.
Creates linear steps and repeat of sketch entities.
Creates circular steps and repeat of sketch entities.
Quick Reference Guide to SOLIDWORKS Command Icons & ToolbarsQuick Reference Guide to SOLIDWORKS Command Icons & Toolbars
Trims or extends structure members.
Adds a fillet weld bead feature.
Creates an end cap feature.
Adds a gusset feature between 2 planar
adjoining faces.
Creates a structure member feature.
Creates a weldment feature.
Patches surface holes and external edges.
Creates mid surfaces between offset face pairs.
Shows flat pattern for this sheet metal part.
Shows part without inserting any bends.
Inserts a rip feature to a sheet metal part.
Create a Sheet Metal part or add material to
existing Sheet Metal part.
Inserts a Sheet Metal Miter Flange feature.
Folds selected bends.
Unfolds selected bends.
Inserts bends using a sketch line.
Inserts a flange by pulling an edge.
Inserts a sheet metal corner feature.
Inserts a Hem feature by selecting edges.
Breaks a corner by filleting/chamfering it.
Inserts a Jog feature using a sketch line.
Inserts a lofted bend feature using 2 sketches.
Creates inverse dent on a sheet metal part.
Trims out material from a corner, in a sheet metal
Inserts a fillet weld bead.
Converts a solid/surface into a sheet metal part.
Adds a Cross Break feature into a selected face.
Add a bend from a selected sketch in a Sheet
Metal part.
Sweeps an open profile along an open/closed
Adds a gusset/rib across a bend.
Corner relief.
Welds the selected corner.
Weld bead.
Creates a swept surface.
Creates a surface by importing data
from a file.
Creates a lofted surface.
Trims a surface.
Creates a planar surface from a sketch or
a set of edges.
Knits surfaces together.
Creates an extruded surface.
Creates a revolved surface.
Creates an offset surface.
Radiates a surface originating from a
curve, parallel to a plane.
Extends a surface.
Deletes Face(s).
Replaces Face with Surface.
Surface flattens.
Patches surface holes and external edges by
extending the surfaces.
Creates parting surfaces between core &
cavity surfaces.
Inserts ruled surfaces from edges.Quick Reference Guide to SOLIDWORKS Command Icons & Toolbars
Makes a new block.
Edits the selected block.
Inserts a new block to a sketch or drawing.
Adds/Removes sketch entities to/from blocks.
Updates parent sketches affected by this block.
Saves the block to a file.
Explodes the selected block.
Inserts a belt.
BLOCK Toolbar
Creates a horizontal dimension between
selected entities.
Creates a vertical dimension between
selected entities.
Creates a reference dimension between
selected entities.
Adds a geometric relation.
Inserts dimension between two lines.
Creates a set of ordinate dimensions.
Creates a set of Horizontal ordinate
Creates a set of Vertical ordinate dimensions.
Creates a chamfer dimension.
Automatically Adds Dimensions to the current
Displays and deletes geometric relations.
Fully defines a sketch.
Scans a sketch for elements of equal length or
Angular Running dimension.
Display / Delete dimension.
Isolate changed dimension.
Path length dimension.
Normal to view.
Top view.
Right view.
Bottom view.
Trimetric view.
Dimetric view.
Front view.
Links all views in the viewport together.
Displays viewport with front & right
Displays a 4-view viewport with 1st or 3rd
angle of projection.
Displays viewport with front & top.
Displays viewport with a single view.
Isometric view.
Back view.
Left view.
View selector.
New view.Creates a lofted feature between two or
more profiles.
Wraps closed sketch contour(s) onto a face.
Adds a deformed surface by push or pull on points.
Creates a filled feature.
Chamfers an edge or a chain of tangent edges.
Inserts a rib feature.
Creates a shell feature.
Applies draft to a selected surface.
Inserts a hole with a pre-defined cross section.
Creates a boss feature by extruding a sketched
Creates a cut feature by extruding a
sketched profile.
Creates a revolved feature based on profile
and angle parameter.
Creates a cut feature by revolving a
sketched profile.
Curve Driven pattern.
Creates a cut by sweeping a closed profile
along an open or closed path.
Creates a cut by thickening one or more
adjacent surfaces.
Creates a solid feature by thickening one or
more adjacent surfaces.
Loft cut.
Applies global deformation to solid or surface
Model break view.
Puts a dome surface on a face.
Creates a cylindrical hole.
Suppresses the selected feature or component.
Un-suppresses the selected feature or component.
Variable Patterns.
Live Section Plane.
Instant 3D.
Deletes a solid or a surface.
Joins bodies from one or more parts into a
single part in the context of an assembly.
Hole series.
Inserts a split Feature.
Creates a Sketch Driven pattern.
Creates a Table-Driven Pattern.
Moves/Copies solid and surface bodies or
moves graphics bodies.
Inserts a part from file into the active
part document.
Moves face(s) of a solid.
Pushes solid / surface model by another
solid / surface model.
Merges short edges on faces.
Flexes solid and surface bodies.
FeatureWorks Options.
Linear Pattern.
Fill Pattern.
Cuts a solid model with a
Boundary Boss/Base.
Boundary Cut.
Circular Pattern.
Recognize Features.
Grid System.MOLD TOOLS Toolbar
Constructs a surface patch.
Applies draft to a selected surface.
Inserts cavity into a base part.
Scales a model by a specified factor.
Inserts a split line feature.
Creates parting lines to separate core & cavity
Creates a planar surface from a sketch or a set of
Knits surfaces together.
Inserts ruled surfaces from edges.
Inserts a tooling split feature.
Moves face(s) of a solid.
Creates offset surfaces.
Creates parting surfaces between core & cavity
Creates parting surfaces between the core & cavity.
Inserts surface body folders for mold operation.
Creates multiple bodies from a single body.
Extracts core(s) from existing tooling split.
Finds & creates mold shut-off surfaces.
Turns selection filters on and off.
Adds filter for Sketch Points.
Allows selection for sketch only.
Adds filter for Center Marks.
Adds filter for Centerline.
Adds filter for Solid Bodies.
Adds filter for Notes / Balloons.
Clears all filters.
Inverts current selection.
Selects all filters.
Adds filter for Planes.
Adds filter for Axes.
Adds filter for Surface Bodies.
Allows selection of faces only.
Adds filter for Geometric Tolerances.
Adds filter for Dimensions and Hole Callouts.
Adds filter for Midpoints.
Allows selection filter for vertices only.
Adds filter for blocks.
Adds filter for Cosmetic Threads.
Adds filter for Weld Symbols.
Adds filter for Surface Finish Symbols.
Adds filter for Datum Targets.
Allows selection of edges only.
Adds filter for Sketch Segments.
Adds filter for Datum feature only.
Adds filter for Weld beads.Adds filter for Dowel pin symbols.
Adds filter for connection points.
Adds filter for routing points.
SOLIDWORKS Add-Ins Toolbar
Loads/unloads the Scan-to-3D add-in.
Loads/unloads the SOLIDWORKS Toolbox add-in.
Loads/unloads the Design Checker add-in.
Loads/unloads the PhotoView 360 add-in.
Loads/unloads CircuitWorks add-in.
Loads/unloads the SOLIDWORKS Simulation add-in.
Loads/unloads the SOLIDWORKS Routing add-in.
Loads/unloads the SOLIDWORKS Motions add-in.
Loads/unloads the SOLIDWORKS Plastics add-in.
Loads/unloads the SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
Loads/unloads the SOLIDWORKS TolAnalysis
Creates a lip/groove feature.
Uses sketch elements to create a vent for air flow.
Loads/unloads the SOLIDWORKS MBD SNL
Creates a parameterized snap hook.
Creates a parameterized mounting boss.
Creates a groove to mate with a hook feature.
Adds a route line that connect entities.
Adds a jog to the route lines.
Copies the current graphics window to the
Records the current graphics window to an
AVI file.
Stops recording the current graphics window
to an AVI file.
Changes line display mode.
Hides / Shows a hidden edge.
Changes the current document layer.
Changes line style.
Changes line thickness.
Changes line color.
Changes layer properties.
2D-To-3D Toolbar
Makes a Front sketch from the selected entities.
Makes a Right sketch from the selected entities.
Makes a Top sketch from the selected entities.
- Ctrl+Q will force a rebuild on
all features of a part. - Ctrl+B will rebuild the feature
being worked on and all of its
dependents.Makes a Bottom sketch from the selected entities.
Makes an Auxiliary sketch from the selected entities.
Creates a new sketch from the selected entities.
Repairs the selected sketch.
Aligns a sketch to the selected point.
Creates an extrusion from the selected sketch
segments, starting at the selected sketch point.
Creates a cut from the selected sketch segments,
optionally starting at the selected sketch point.
ALIGN Toolbar
Aligns the bottom side of the selected
annotations with the lowermost annotation.
Aligns the top side of the selected annotations
with the topmost annotation.
Aligns the left side of the selected annotations
with the leftmost annotation.
Makes a Left sketch from the selected entities.
Makes a Back sketch from the selected entities.
Aligns the right side of the selected
annotations with the rightmost annotation.
Creates a group from the selected items.
Evenly spaces the selected annotations vertically.
Centrally aligns the selected annotations vertically.
Centrally aligns the selected annotations horizontally.
Compacts the selected annotations vertically.
Compacts the selected annotations horizontally.
Evenly spaces the selected annotations horizontally.
Deletes the grouping between these items.
Aligns & groups selected dimensions along a
line or an arc.
Aligns & groups dimensions at uniform distances.
MACRO Toolbar
Creates shareable 3D PDF presentations.
Captures 3D view.
Manages 3D PDF templates.
Toggles dynamic annotation views.
Creates a custom macro.
Runs a Macro.
Stops Macro recorder.
Records (or pauses recording of) actions
to create a Macro.
Launches the Macro Editor and begins editing
a new macro.
Opens a Macro file for editing.
Evenly spaces selected dimensions.
Aligns collinear selected dimensions.
Aligns stagger selected dimensions.
Concentric & Coincident 2 circular edges.
Concentric 2 cylindrical faces.
Coincident 2 linear edges.
Coincident 2 planar faces.
Coincident 2 vertices.
Coincident 2 origins or coordinate systems.ANNOTATIONS Toolbar
Adds a hole table of selected holes from
a specified origin datum.
Adds a Bill of Materials.
Adds a revision table.
Displays a Design table in a drawing.
Adds a weldments cuts list table.
TABLE Toolbar
Adds an Excel based Bill of Materials.
Adds a weldment cut list table.
Creates a coordinate system.
Creates an axis.
Adds the center of mass.
Specifies entities to use as references
using SmartMates.
Adds a reference plane.
Reduces numbers of points in a selected spline.
Displays curvature combs of selected spline.
Displays minimum radius of selected spline.
Inserts a point to a spline.
Displays all points where the concavity of
selected spline changes.
Adds a curvature control.
Adds a spline based on selected sketch entities
& edges.
Adds a tangency control.
Displays the spline control polygon.
SPLINE TOOLS Toolbar Adds a cosmetic thread to the selected
cylindrical feature.
Inserts a Centerline.
Inserts a hole callout.
Selects and inserts block.
Inserts a datum target symbol and / or
point attached to a selected edge / line.
Inserts a weld symbol on the selected
edge / face / vertex.
Attaches a datum feature symbol to a
selected edge / detail.
Inserts a stacked balloon.
Adds balloons for all components in
selected view.
Attaches a balloon to the selected edge
or face.
Inserts a new geometric tolerancing
Inserts a surface finish symbol.
Inserts a note.
Adds center marks to circles on model.
Inserts annotations & reference geometry
from the part / assembly into the selected.
Selects a circular edge or and arc
for Dowel pin symbol insertion.
Inserts a Multi-Jog leader.
Adds a view location symbol.
Inserts latest version symbol.
Adds a cross hatch patterns or solid fill.
Adds a weld symbol on a selected entity.
Adds a weld bead caterpillar on an edge.
Inserts a revision cloud.
Inserts a magnetic line.
Hides/shows annotation.LAYOUT Toolbar
Positions 2 components relative to one another.
Creates a new part from a layout sketch block.
Explodes the selected block.
Saves the block to a file.
Adds / Removes sketch entities to / from a block.
Inserts a new block to the sketch or drawing.
Edits the selected block.
Makes a new block.
Displays / Deletes geometric relations.
Creates a dimension.
Adds a relation.
Mirrors selected entities about a centerline.
Adds sketch entities by offsetting faces,
edges curves.
Trims or extends a sketch.
Rounds a corner.
Sketches a 3-point arc.
Sketches a circle.
Sketches a corner rectangle.
Sketches a line.
Creates the assembly layout sketch.
Snap to points.
Snap to center points.
Snap to nearest curve.
Snap to midpoints.
Snap to quadrant points.
Snap to intersection of 2 curves.
Snap parallel to line.
Snap perpendicular to curve.
Snap tangent to curve.
Updates the selected view to the model’s
current stage.
Creates a section view.
Generates a standard 3-view drawing (1st or 3rd
Unfolds a new view from an existing view.
Creates a detail view.
Inserts an auxiliary view of an inclined surface.
Adds an Orthogonal or Named view based on
an existing part or assembly.
Adds a Relative view by two orthogonal faces
or planes.
Adds a Predefined orthogonal projected or
Named view with a model.
Creates a Broken-out section.
Crops a view.
Inserts an Alternate Position view.
Adds an empty view.
Adds vertical break lines to selected view.
Snap to angle.
Snap horizontally / vertically to points.
Snap to discrete line lengths.
Snap horizontally / vertically.Changes the display state for the current
Rolls the model view.
Turns the orientation of the model view.
Dynamically manipulate the model view in 3D
to make selection.
Changes the display style for the active view.
Displays a shade view of the model with its edges.
Displays a shade view of the model.
Toggles between draft quality & high quality HLV.
Cycles through or applies a specific scene.
Views the models through one of the model’s
Displays a part or assembly w/different colors
according to the local radius of curvature.
Displays zebra stripes.
Displays a model with hardware accelerated
Applies a cartoon affect to model edges &
Views simulations symbols.
Controls the visibility of coordinate systems.
Controls the visibility of reference curves.
Controls the visibility of sketches.
Controls the visibility of 3D sketch planes.
Controls the visibility of 3D sketch.
Controls the visibility of all annotations.
Controls the visibility of reference points.
Controls the visibility of routing points.
Controls the visibility of lights.
Controls the visibility of cameras.
Controls the visibility of sketch relations.
CURVES Toolbar
Controls the visibility of parting lines.
Controls the visibility of temporary axis.
Controls the visibility of origins.
VIEW Toolbar
Controls the visibility of planes.
Controls the visibility of axis.
Zooms out to see entire model.
Reverts to previous view.
Zooms in by dragging a bounding box.
Zooms to fit all selected entities.
Dynamic view rotation.
Scrolls view by dragging.
Displays image in wireframe mode.
Displays hidden edges in gray.
Displays a view in the selected orientation.
Helical curve defined by a base sketch and
shape parameters.
Creates a composite curve from selected
edges, curves and sketches.
Creates a curve through free points.
Inserts a split line feature.
Projects sketch onto selected surface.
Creates a 3D curve through reference points.
Zooms in or out by dragging up or down.
Displays image with hidden lines removed.
Redraws the current window.TOOLS Toolbar
Inserts or edits a Design Table.
Evaluates section properties for faces and
sketches that lie in parallel planes.
Reports Statistics for this Part/Assembly.
Deviation Analysis.
Checks the model for geometry errors.
Runs the SimulationXpress analysis wizard
powered by SOLIDWORKS Simulation.
Checks the spelling.
Import diagnostics.
Runs the DFMXpress analysis wizard.
Runs the SOLIDWORKS FloXpress analysis wizard.
Hides / shows model(s) associated with the
selected model(s).
Creates a new assembly & inserts it into the
Turns on/off large assembly mode for this document.
Adds an existing part or sub-assembly to the
Toggles the transparency of components.
Toggles between editing part and assembly.
Changes the selected components to
suppressed or resolved.
Creates a new part & inserts it into the
Inserts a belt.
Adds or edits equation.
Calculates the mass properties of the model.
Calculates the distance between selected
Replaces mate entities of mates of the selected
components on the selected Mates group.
Replaces selected components.
Shows or Hides the Simulation toolbar.
Rotates an un-mated component around its
center point.
Interference detection.
Sketch driven component pattern.
Creates or edits explode line sketch.
Creates a New Exploded view.
To add or remove an icon
to or from the toolbar, first select:
Next, select a Category, click a button to
see its description and then drag/drop the
command icon into any toolbar.
Patterns components in one or two
linear directions.
Patterns components around an axis.
Sets the transparency of the components
other than the one being edited.
Curve driven component pattern.
SmartMates by dragging & dropping components.
Checks assembly hole alignments.
Mirrors subassemblies and parts.
External references will not be created.
Positions two components relative to one
Moves a component.
Smart Fasteners.
Pattern driven component pattern.
Chain driven component pattern.SOLIDWORKS Quick-Guide
STANDARD Keyboard Shortcuts - Horizontally or Vertically:- Arrow keys
- Horizontally or Vertically 90º:- Shift + Arrow keys
- Clockwise or Counterclockwise:
Alt + left or right Arrow - Pan the model:
Ctrl + Arrow keys
* Zoom in:
Z (shift + Z or capital Z)
- Zoom out: – z (lower case z)
- Zoom to fit:
* Previous view:
- View Orientation Menu:
Space bar - Front:-_ Ctrl+1
- Back:
* Left:
- Right: – Ctrl+4
- Top: – Ctrl+5
- Bottom:
Ctrl+6 - Isometric:
Ctrl+7 - Filter Edges:- e
- Filter Vertices: – v
- Filter Faces: – x
- Toggle Selection filter toolbar:-_ F5
- Toggle Selection Filter toolbar (on/off): – F6
- New SOLIDWORKS document:- F1
- Open Document: -_ Ctrl+O
- Open from Web folder:- Ctrl+W
- Save: – Ctrl+S
- Print: – Ctrl+P
- Magnifying Glass Zoom-_ g
- Switch between the SOLIDWORKS documents -_ Ctrl + Tab
Rotate the model
View Orientation
Selection Filter & Misc.Function Keys
F1 -_ SW-Help
F2 -_ 2D Sketch
F3 -_ 3D Sketch
F4 -_ Modify
F5 -_ Selection Filters
F6 -_ Move (2D Sketch)
F7 -_ Rotate (2D Sketch)
F8 -_ Measure
F9 -_ Extrude
F10 – Revolve
F11 – Sweep
F12 – Loft
C – Circle
P – Polygon
E – Ellipse
O – Offset Entities
Alt + C – Convert Entities
M- Mirror
Alt + M -_ Dynamic Mirror
Alt + F – Sketch Fillet
T – Trim
Alt + X – Extend
D – Smart Dimension
Alt + R – Add Relation
Alt + P – Plane
Control + F – Fully Define Sketch
Control + Q – Exit Sketch
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