Simulations with NX / Simcenter 3D
اسم المؤلف
Reiner Anderl , Peter Binde

Simulations with NX / Simcenter 3D
2nd Edition
Kinematics, FEA, CFD, EM and Data Management
Reiner Anderl , Peter Binde
Preface . IX
Preamble XI
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Learning Tasks, Learning Objectives, and Important Prerequisites
for Working with the Book . 4
1.2 Work Environments . 6
1.3 Working with the Book . 7
2 Motion (Multibody Dynamics) . 11
2.1 Introduction and Theory 11
2.1.1 Simulation Methods . 12
2.1.2 Restrictions 14
2.1.3 Classifications of MBD . 14
2.2 Learning Tasks for Kinematics . 16
2.2.1 Steering Gear . 16
2.2.2 Top-down Development of the Steering Lever Kinematics 34
2.2.3 Collision Check on Overall Model of the Steering System 52
2.3 Learning Tasks on Dynamics 62
2.3.1 Drop Test on Vehicle Wheel . 62
2.4 Learning Tasks on Co-Simulation 70
2.4.1 Balancing a Pendulum . 71
ContentsVI   Contents
3 Design Simulation FEM (Nastran) 81
3.1 Introduction and Theory 82
3.1.1 Linear Statics . 83
3.1.2 Non-linear Effects 85
3.1.3 Influence of the Mesh Fineness . 87
3.1.4 Singularities 88
3.1.5 Eigenfrequencies . 89
3.1.6 Heat Transfer . 91
3.1.7 Linear Buckling . 92
3.2 Learning Tasks on Design Simulations 92
3.2.1 Notch Stress at the Steering Lever (Sol101) . 93
3.2.2 Temperature Field in a Rocket (Sol153) 140
4 Structural (FEM) .149
4.1 Introduction .150
4.1.1 Sol 101: Linear Statics and Contact 151
4.1.2 Sol 103: Eigenfrequencies .152
4.1.3 Sol 106: Non-linear Statics .152
4.1.4 Sol 601/701: Advanced Non-linear 152
4.2 Learning tasks on Linear Analysis and Contact (Sol 101/103) 155
4.2.1 Stiffness of the Vehicle Frame 155
4.2.2 Size and Calculation of a Coil Spring 186
4.2.3 Eigenfrequencies of the Vehicle Frame 200
4.2.4 Clamping Seat Analysis on the Wing Lever with Contact .207
4.3 Learning Tasks Basic Non-Linear Analysis (Sol 106) .230
4.3.1 Analysis of the Leaf Spring with Large Deformation .230
4.3.2 Plastic Deformation of the Brake Pedal 240
4.4 Learning Tasks Advanced Non-linear (Sol 601) .249
4.4.1 Snap Hook with Contact and Large Deformation 249
5 Thermal/Flow (CFD) 271
5.1 Principle of Numerical Flow Analysis .272
5.2 Learning Tasks (Simcenter Flow) .273
5.2.1 Flow Behavior and Lift Forces at a Wing Profile .273
6 Electromagnetics (EM) 297
6.1 Principles of Electromagnetic Analysis 298
6.1.1 Electromagnetic Models .299
6.1.2 Maxwell Equations 300 Contents  VII
6.1.3 Material Equations .302
6.1.4 Model Selection .304
6.1.5 Electrostatics .306
6.1.6 Electrokinetics .306
6.1.7 Electrodynamics 307
6.1.8 Magnetostatics .307
6.1.9 Magnetodynamics 307
6.1.10 Full Wave (High Frequency) 308
6.2 Weak Formulation of EM Problems .308
6.3 Installation and Licensing 309
6.4 Learning Tasks (EM) 312
6.4.1 Coil with Core, Axisymmetric .312
6.4.2 Coil with Core, 3D 327
6.4.3 Electric Motor 331
7 Management of Analysis and Simulation Data 353
7.1 Introduction and Theory 353
7.1.1 CAD/CAE Integration Issues 353
7.1.2 Solutions with Teamcenter for Simulation 354
7.2 Learning Tasks on Teamcenter for Simulation .356
7.2.1 Carrying out an Simcenter 3D Structural Analysis in Teamcenter .357
7.2.2 Which CAD Model Belongs to which FEM Model? 365
7.2.3 Creating Revisions .367
8 Manual Analysis of a FEM Example .373
8.1 Task Formulation 373
8.2 Idealization and Choice of a Theory 374
8.3 Analytical Solution .374
8.4 Space Discretization for FEM .375
8.5 Setting up and Solving the FEA System of Equations 376
8.6 Analytical Solution Compared with Solution from FEA .378
Bibliography 381
Index 385
Index 386   Index
data model  356, 365
data protection  354
default settings  9, 68
determined degrees of freedom  15
dielectric permeability  302
dielectric relationship  302
Direct Matrix Abstraction Programming (DMAP)
displacement function  373
DMU  1, 3
driver  31
dynamics  25, 62
eddy current losses  319, 332, 351
eddy currents  305
edge subdivisions  233
eigenfrequencies  89, 200
electrical conductivity  302
electrical engineering components  297
electrical field theory  297
electrodynamics  299, 305, 307
electrokinetics  299, 305 f.
electromagnetic field analysis  150
electrostatics  299, 305 f.
enforced displacement  195
Environment  17, 24
equilibrium condition  374
equivalent stress hypothesis  125
evaluation of accuracy  93
excitation  206
f06 file  263
Faraday’s law  301
ferromagnetic  302
finite-volume method (FVM)  272
fixed joint  18, 23, 65
Flexible Body Dynamics  17, 25
Flexible Link  20
flow analysis  272
flow boundary conditions  283
flow surfaces  283
force  20
forced movement  339, 342
four-node tetrahedrons  128
friction  66
frictionless sliding  289
full wave  306
Full Wave (High Frequency)  299, 308
Function driver  32
Function Manager  19
gap elements  152
gear  19, 33
General Motion  341
geometric non-linear analysis  230
Harmonic driver  32
heat flux  148
heat transfer  91
hexahedral elements  128
HEX solid meshing  253
Hooke’s law  85, 374
induction law  301
inductivity  299, 327
inlet  286
Inline  18
installation  309 ff., 317
Interference  21
iron losses  349
item revisions  364
joint primitives  18
large displacement  87, 230, 249, 261 f.
leaf spring  230
learning tasks  4
library  64
licensing  309
lift force  293
lifting off contacts  62
linear buckling  92
linear statics  83
link  18, 26, 64
linked phase voltage  348
load transfer to FEM  21
load types  115
local mesh refinement  132
losses  319, 332, 349 Index  387
machine portals  187
magnetic permeability  302
magnetic relationship  302
magnetodynamics  297 ff., 305, 307
magnetostatics  297 ff., 304 f., 307
Marker  19
mass properties  26
master model concept  21
material equations  302
material law  375
material properties  112, 144, 282
matrix form  377
maturity tracking  354
maximum distortion energy hypothesis  125
maximum principal stress  125
maximum tensile stress  197
Maxwell’s equations  298
MBD program  12
Measure  21
memory  9
mesh connections  144
mesh fineness  87
Mesh Mating Condition  144, 209
Mesh Point  190
middle node elements  128
midsurface  161
Motion Connections  29
motion-driven systems  15
Motion Joint Wizard  23
Motor Driver  25
Moving Band  333, 341
multi-processor  8
named references  355, 364
Newton’s Method  262
non-linear contact  208 f.
non-linear effects  85
non-linear geometry  262
non-linear material  86
non-linear stress-strain behavior  256
notch factor  127
notch stress  93
ohm resistance  299, 303, 332
Ohm’s law  302
Opel RAK2  4
opening  285
Orientation  18
outlet opening  286
over-determined degrees of freedom  25
Parallel  18
parameterization  187
PDM  1, 3
perfect insulation  147
Phase Shift  344
phase voltage  345, 348
piece of cake  143
pivotable constraint  116
planar joint  18
Plant Input  20
Plant Output  20
plastic deformation  241
plasticity  241
point mass  202
Point on Curve  20
Point on Surface  20
Poisson’s Ratio  112
polygon body  100
polygon geometry  133, 233
Polynomial driver  32
Populate Spreadsheet  21
post-processor  121
presetting  9
press fit  207
pressure distribution  293
pretensioned bearings  186
principle of linear FEM  84
principle of the minimum of the potential energy
principles of electromagnetic analysis  298
processor  8
process orientation  354
Rack and Pinion  19
reaction force  186 f., 196
RecurDyn  9
redundant degrees of freedom  25, 42
release and change processes  354
resistance  299, 303
restrictions of MBD  14
revising  367, 370388   Index
revisions  355, 364, 368 ff.
revolute joint  18, 27
ring-element-based method  142
rivet joints  177
rotational degree of freedom  157, 179
rotational driver  13
Simcenter Response Analysis  151
screw  18
Simcenter/Thermal  150
Sensor  19
shape function  373, 375 ff.
sheet  163
shell elements  157
signal chart  25
Simcenter 3D  149
simulation data  353, 371
simulation data management  354
Simulation File View  99
singularities  88, 138
skin depth  305
slider  18, 59
Smart Point  19
snap hook  249
soft spring bearing  218
Sol 101  151
Sol 103  152
Sol 106  152
Sol 601  152
space discretization  375
spherical joint  18, 57
spring  12, 19
standard mesh  110
starting behavior  342
Steinmetz formula  303
stiffness matrix  377
Stitch Edge  163
stress-strain behavior  374
structural mechanics  14
super elements  203
surface roughness  284
surface subdivisions  103
Surface to Surface Contact  209
Surface to Surface Gluing  208 f.
symmetry  142
synchronization of the processes  354
system of differential equations  13
TC_CAE_Defining  355, 365
TC_CAE_Source  355, 365
TC_CAE_Target  355, 365
Teamcenter  354 ff., 359 ff., 364 ff., 370 f.
temperature boundary condition  146
temperature field  140
temperature gradient  148
ten-node tetrahedral elements  128
thermodynamic problems  150
time-dependent travel path  259
time step  291
time step size  275
TMG  150
tolerances  43
toolbar  17
top-down method  36
torque  20
Trace  21
transport equations  272
traverse path  259
truss theory  374
turbulence model  276
underdetermined  29
undetermined degrees of freedom  15
universal joint  18
vents  285
version levels  354
virtual product development  1 ff.
von Mises  125
wake space  296
wall thickness  165
weak formulation  308
weak springs  216
Whitney elements  315
without redundancy  25
Young’s Modulus  112
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