Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design

Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design
Foreword by Sigrid Brell-Çokcan and Johannes Braumann,
Association for Robots in Architecture
Jan Willmann • Philippe Block
Marco Hutter • Kendra Byrne
Tim Schork
Design and Simulation
Image Classification for Robotic Plastering with Convolutional
Neural Network . 3
Joshua Bard, Ardavan Bidgoli, and Wei Wei Chi
Designing Natural Wood Log Structures with Stochastic
Assembly and Deep Learning . 16
Kaicong Wu and Axel Kilian
Mockup Method: Heuristic Architectural Fragments
as Central Models in Architectural Design . 31
Kevin Pazik
Haptic Programming . 44
Sven Stumm and Sigrid Brell-Çokcan
Towards Automatic Path Planning for Robotically Assembled
Spatial Structures 59
Augusto Gandia, Stefana Parascho, Romana Rust, Gonzalo Casas,
Fabio Gramazio, and Matthias Kohler
Communication Landscapes 74
Giovanni Betti, Saqib Aziz, Andrea Rossi, and Oliver Tessmann
Towards Visual Feedback Loops for Robot-Controlled
Additive Manufacturing . 85
Sheila Sutjipto, Daniel Tish, Gavin Paul, Teresa Vidal-Calleja,
and Tim Schork
Function Representation for Robotic 3D Printed Concrete 98
Shajay Bhooshan, Johannes Ladinig, Tom Van Mele, and Philippe Block
xixMaterial and Processes
Thermally Informed Robotic Topologies: Profile-3D-Printing for the
Robotic Construction of Concrete Panels, Thermally Tuned
Through High Resolution Surface Geometry . 113
Joshua Bard, Dana Cupkova, Newell Washburn, and Garth Zeglin
Hold Up: Machine Delay in Architectural Design . 126
Zach Cohen
Concrete Fabrication by Digitally Controlled Injection . 139
Ryan Wei Shen Chee, Wei Lin Tan, Wei Hern Goh, Felix Amtsberg,
and Stylianos Dritsas
Towards the Development of Fabrication Machine Species
for Filament Materials 152
Maria Yablonina and Achim Menges
Spatial Print Trajectory . 167
Sulaiman AlOthman, Hyeonji Claire Im, Francisco Jung,
and Martin Bechthold
An Additive and Subtractive Process for Manufacturing
with Natural Composites 181
Stylianos Dritsas, Yadunund Vijay, Marina Dimopoulou,
Naresh Sanadiya, and Javier G. Fernandez
Hard + Soft: Robotic Needle Felting for Nonwoven Textiles . 192
Wes McGee, Tsz Yan Ng, and Asa Peller
Construction and Structure
SCRIM – Sparse Concrete Reinforcement in Meshworks . 207
Phil Ayres, Wilson Ricardo Leal da Silva, Paul Nicholas,
Thomas Juul Andersen, and Johannes Portielje Rauff Greisen
Versatile Robotic Wood Processing Based on Analysis of Parts
Processing of Japanese Traditional Wooden Buildings 221
Hiroki Takabayashi, Keita Kado, and Gakuhito Hirasawa
Form Finding of Nexorades Using the Translations Method . 232
Tristan Gobin, Romain Mesnil, Cyril Douthe, Pierre Margerit,
Nicolas Ducoulombier, Leo Demont, Hocine Delmi,
and Jean-François Caron
Sub-Additive 3D Printing of Optimized Double Curved Concrete
Lattice Structures 242
Christopher A. Battaglia, Martin Fields Miller, and Sasa Zivkovic
xx ContentsInvestigations on Potentials of Robotic Band-Saw Cutting
in Complex Wood Structures . 256
Hua Chai and Philip F. Yuan
Direct Deposition of Jammed Architectural Structures . 270
Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström, Gergana Rusenova, Ammar Mirjan,
Fabio Gramazio, and Matthias Kohler
Control and Fabrication
FIBERBOTS: Design and Digital Fabrication of Tubular
Structures Using Robot Swarms . 285
Markus Kayser, Levi Cai, Christoph Bader, Sara Falcone,
Nassia Inglessis, Barrak Darweesh, João Costa, and Neri Oxman
InFormed Ceramics: Multi-axis Clay 3D Printing
on Freeform Molds . 297
Minjae Ko, Donghan Shin, Hyunguk Ahn, and Hyungwoo Park
Altered Behaviour: The Performative Nature of Manufacture
Chainsaw Choreographies + Bandsaw Manoeuvres . 309
Emmanuel Vercruysse, Zachary Mollica, and Pradeep Devadass
Cyber Physical Macro Material as a UAV [re]Configurable
Architectural System . 320
Dylan Wood, Maria Yablonina, Miguel Aflalo, Jingcheng Chen,
Behrooz Tahanzadeh, and Achim Menges
Adaptive Robotic Carving . 336
Giulio Brugnaro and Sean Hanna
Multimode Robotic Materialization 349
Sina Mostafavi, Benjamin N. Kemper, and Daniel L. Fischer
Digital Composites: Robotic 3D Printing of Continuous Carbon
Fiber-Reinforced Plastics for Functionally-Graded Building
Components 363
Hyunchul Kwon, Martin Eichenhofer, Thodoris Kyttas,
and Benjamin Dillenburger
Robotic Extrusion of Architectural Structures
with Nonstandard Topology 377
Yijiang Huang, Josephine Carstensen, Lavender Tessmer,
and Caitlin Mueller
Contents xxiOn-Site Robotics for Sustainable Construction 390
Alexandre Dubor, Jean-Baptiste Izard, Edouard Cabay,
Aldo Sollazzo, Areti Markopoulou, and Mariola Rodriguez
Application and Practice
Tailored Structures, Robotic Sewing of Wooden Shells . 405
Martin E. Alvarez, Erik E. Martínez-Parachini, Ehsan Baharlou,
Oliver David Krieg, Tobias Schwinn, Lauren Vasey, Chai Hua,
Achim Menges, and Philip F. Yuan
Dynamic Robotic Slip-Form Casting and Eco-Friendly
Building Façade Design . 421
Lei Yu, Dan Luo, and Weiguo Xu
Ceramic Constellation | Robotically Printed Brick Specials 434
Christian J. Lange, Donn Holohan, and Holger Kehne
Robotic Fabrication of Bespoke Timber Frame Modules 447
Andreas Thoma, Arash Adel, Matthias Helmreich, Thomas Wehrle,
Fabio Gramazio, and Matthias Kohler
Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of Ultra-High-Performance
Concrete of Integrated Formwork for Truss-Shaped Pillars . 459
Nadja Gaudillière, Romain Duballet, Charles Bouyssou, Alban Mallet,
Philippe Roux, Mahriz Zakeri, and Justin Dirrenberger
Realization of Topology Optimized Concrete Structures Using Robotic
Abrasive Wire-Cutting of Expanded Polystyrene Formwork . 473
Asbjørn Søndergaard, Jelle Feringa, Florin Stan, and Dana Maier
The Brick Labyrinth . 489
Luka Piškorec, David Jenny, Stefana Parascho, Hannes Mayer,
Fabio Gramazio, and Matthias Kohler
Author Index
Author Index
Adel, Arash, 447
Aejmelaeus-Lindström, Petrus, 270
Aflalo, Miguel, 320
Ahn, Hyunguk, 297
AlOthman, Sulaiman, 167
Alvarez, Martin E., 405
Amtsberg, Felix, 139
Andersen, Thomas Juul, 207
Ayres, Phil, 207
Aziz, Saqib, 74
Bader, Christoph, 285
Baharlou, Ehsan, 405
Bard, Joshua, 3, 113
Battaglia, Christopher A., 242
Bechthold, Martin, 167
Betti, Giovanni, 74
Bhooshan, Shajay, 98
Bidgoli, Ardavan, 3
Block, Philippe, 98
Bouyssou, Charles, 459
Brell-Çokcan, Sigrid, 44
Brugnaro, Giulio, 336
Cabay, Edouard, 390
Cai, Levi, 285
Caron, Jean-François, 232
Carstensen, Josephine, 377
Casas, Gonzalo, 59
Chai, Hua, 256
Chee, Ryan Wei Shen, 139
Chen, Jingcheng, 320
Chi, Wei Wei, 3
Cohen, Zach, 126
Costa, João, 285
Cupkova, Dana, 113
Darweesh, Barrak, 285
Delmi, Hocine, 232
Demont, Leo, 232
Devadass, Pradeep, 309
Dillenburger, Benjamin, 363
Dimopoulou, Marina, 181
Dirrenberger, Justin, 459
Douthe, Cyril, 232
Dritsas, Stylianos, 139, 181
Duballet, Romain, 459
Dubor, Alexandre, 390
Ducoulombier, Nicolas, 232
Eichenhofer, Martin, 363
Falcone, Sara, 285
Feringa, Jelle, 473
Fernandez, Javier G., 181
Fischer, Daniel L., 349
Gandia, Augusto, 59
Gaudillière, Nadja, 459
Gobin, Tristan, 232
Goh, Wei Hern, 139
Gramazio, Fabio, 59, 270, 447, 489
Greisen, Johannes Portielje Rauff, 207
Hanna, Sean, 336
Helmreich, Matthias, 447
Hirasawa, Gakuhito, 221
Holohan, Donn, 434
Hua, Chai, 405
Huang, Yijiang, 377
Im, Hyeonji Claire, 167
Inglessis, Nassia, 285
Izard, Jean-Baptiste, 390
Jenny, David, 489
Jung, Francisco, 167
Kado, Keita, 221
Kayser, Markus, 285
Kehne, Holger, 434
Kemper, Benjamin N., 349
Kilian, Axel, 16
Ko, Minjae, 297
Kohler, Matthias, 59, 270, 447, 489
Krieg, Oliver David, 405
Kwon, Hyunchul, 363
Kyttas, Thodoris, 363
Ladinig, Johannes, 98
Lange, Christian J., 434
Leal da Silva, Wilson Ricardo, 207
Luo, Dan, 421
Maier, Dana, 473
Mallet, Alban, 459
Margerit, Pierre, 232
Markopoulou, Areti, 390
Martínez-Parachini, Erik E., 405
Mayer, Hannes, 489
McGee, Wes, 192
Menges, Achim, 152, 320, 405
Mesnil, Romain, 232
Miller, Martin Fields, 242
Mirjan, Ammar, 270
Mollica, Zachary, 309
Mostafavi, Sina, 349
Mueller, Caitlin, 377
Ng, Tsz Yan, 192
Nicholas, Paul, 207
Oxman, Neri, 285
Parascho, Stefana, 59, 489
Park, Hyungwoo, 297
Paul, Gavin, 85
Pazik, Kevin, 31
Peller, Asa, 192
Piškorec, Luka, 489
Rodriguez, Mariola, 390
Rossi, Andrea, 74
Roux, Philippe, 459
Rusenova, Gergana, 270
Rust, Romana, 59
Sanadiya, Naresh, 181
Schork, Tim, 85
Schwinn, Tobias, 405
Shin, Donghan, 297
Sollazzo, Aldo, 390
Søndergaard, Asbjørn, 473
Stan, Florin, 473
Stumm, Sven, 44
Sutjipto, Sheila, 85
Tahanzadeh, Behrooz, 320
Takabayashi, Hiroki, 221
Tan, Wei Lin, 139
Tessmann, Oliver, 74
Tessmer, Lavender, 377
Thoma, Andreas, 447
Tish, Daniel, 85
Van Mele, Tom, 98
Vasey, Lauren, 405
Vercruysse, Emmanuel, 309
Vidal-Calleja, Teresa, 85
Vijay, Yadunund, 181
Washburn, Newell, 113
Wehrle, Thomas, 447
Wood, Dylan, 320
Wu, Kaicong, 16
Xu, Weiguo, 421
502 Author IndexY
Yablonina, Maria, 152, 320
Yu, Lei, 421
Yuan, Philip F., 256, 405
Zakeri, Mahriz, 459
Zeglin, Garth, 113
Zivkovic, Sasa, 242
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