Python Programming for Mechanical Engineers – First Edition

Python Programming for Mechanical Engineers – First Edition
Abdellatif M. Sadeq
Table of Contents
Introduction . 1
Chapter A: Introduction to Python . 2
A1: Basic Features 4
A2: Installation of Anaconda and Spyder User Interface . 6
A3: Execution of Comments . 7
A4: Concept of List (Array) 9
A5: Concept of Append 11
A6: Concept of POW() . 12
A7: Execution of Loops 13
A8: Modules in Python . 15
A9: Concept of a Function 19
Chapter B: Application of Python in Mechanical Engineering 21
B1: Analyzing Cyclist Air Resistance: Velocity, Drag Coefficient, and Performance 22
B2: 2R Robotic Arm Kinematics Simulation: From Equations to Animation . 28
B3: Otto Cycle Simulation and Analysis: Efficiency and PV Diagram . 33
B4: Simulating and Animating Damped Pendulum Motion . 42
B5: Pressure Computation and Relaxation Analysis using Newton-Raphson Technique 49
B6: Exploring Parameter Meanings, Curve Fitting, and Analysis in Python . 59
B7: Engine Data Analysis and Visualization in Python . 68
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