Mastering FUSION 360 – The Total Toolkit to MasterModelling, Designing and Manufacturing
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Mastering FUSION 360 – The Total Toolkit to MasterModelling, Designing and Manufacturing
What Is the Function of Fusion 360?
Part Modeling
Installing Fusion 360
System requirements
Step 1: Sign up for a Fusion 360 License
Step 2: Download and Install Fusion 360
Getting Started with Fusion 360
Workins with the User Interface of Fusion 360
Invoking a New Design File
Working with Workspaces
DESIGN Workspace
Sketch contextual tab
Solid tab
Form contextual environment
Surface tab
Mesh tab
Sheet Metal tab
Flat Pattern contextual surroundings
Base Feature contextual environment
Generative Design Workspace
Define tab
Edit Model contextual environment
Explore contextual environmentRender Workspace
Understanding the Advanced settings dialog
DRAWING Workspace
Managing Data by Using the Data Panel
Join a project
Grant access to a project (Administrators Only)
Open a project
Creating a New Project Folder and Sub-Folders
How to Create a Folder Structure
Uploading Existing Files in a Project
Organize and find projects
Pin projects
Fusion 360
In Fusion Team
Unpin a Project
Find content in the content
Search for content
Filter projects
Organize the contents and the projects.
Saving a Design File
Exporting a Design to Other CAD Formats
Native vs. Neutral File Formats
Importing a CAD File in Fusion 360
Exporting a CAD File in Fusion 360
Exporting from Fusion 360
Opening an Existing Design File
Opening an Existing File from the Data PanelOpening an Existing File by using the Open tool
Opening an Existing File from the Local Computer
Working in the Offline Mode
Recovering Unsaved Data
Sharing a Design
Sharing Design Using a Link
Sharing Design to GrabCAD
Sharing Design by Recording Screen
Invoking a Marking Menu
First-level radial menu
Workspaces, toolbar tabs, contextual environments, and active
Second-level radial menu
Context menu
3D Printing
Form Feature
Event simulation
Non-Linear Stress
3D Printing from Fusion 360
Preview Mesh.
Number of triangles
Exporting a Design in STL File Format for 3D Printing
Method #1: Exporting an Entire Design
Method #2: Exporting Individual Components or Bodies
Method #3: Exporting Multiple Bodies as a Single STL File
Extra: The Ability to Export an STL File from the Cloud
SKETCHESSketch profiles
Unconstrained and constrained sketches
Working with the Selection of Planes
Specifying Units
Specifying Grids and Snaps Settings
Creating Sketches
Drawing a Line Entity
Drawing a Rectangle
2-Point Rectangle
3-Point Rectangle
Center Rectangle
Create a 2-Point Rectangle
Create a 3-Point Rectangle
Create a Center Rectangle
Drawing a Circle
Center Diameter Circle
2-Point Circle
3-Point Circle
2-Tangent Circle
3-Tangent Circle
Drawing an Arc
3-Point Arc
Center Point Arc
Tangent Arc
Drawing a Polygon
Create a Circumscribed PolygonCreate an Inscribed Polygon
Create an Edge Polygon
Drawing an Ellipse
Drawing a Slot
Center-to-Center Slot
Overall Slot
Center-to-Point Slot
3-Point Arc Slot
Center Point Arc Slot
Drawing Conic Curves
Drawing a Spline
Fit Point Spline
Control Point Spline
Editing a Spline
Spline degree control reference
Adding Fit/Control Points in a Spline
When should I utilize control point splines?
What are some of the recommended procedures for working with
Constraining a control point spline
Creating Sketch Points
Inserting Text into a Sketch
Inserting Text by Drawing a Rectangular Frame
Inserting Text along a Path
Trimming Sketch Entities
Extending Sketch Entities
Offsetting Sketch EntitiesTips,
Creating Construction Entities
Mirroring Sketch Entities
Patterning Sketch Entities
Rectangular Pattern Tool
Distance Type
Direction Type
Circular Pattern Tool
Center Point
Creating a Sketch Fillet
Scaling Sketch Entities
Creating a Sketch Chamfer
Equal Distance Chamfer
Distance and Angle Chamfer
Two Distance Chamfer
Breaking Sketch Entities
Working with Constraints
Horizontal Constraint
Vertical Constraint
Coincident ConstraintCollinear Constraint
Perpendicular Constraint
Parallel Constraint
Tangent Constraint
Concentric Constraint
Equal Constraint
Midpoint Constraint
Symmetry Constraint
Curvature Constraint
Fix Constraint
Applying Constraints
Controlling the Display of Constraints
Applying Dimensions
Applying a Horizontal Dimension
Applying a Vertical Dimension
Applying an Aligned Dimension
Applying an Angular Dimension
Applying a Diameter Dimension
Applying a Radius Dimension
Applying a Linear Diameter Dimension
Editing and Modifying the Dimensions
Working with Different States of a Sketch
Under Defined Sketch
Fully Defined Sketch
Look At
Show Profile
Show Points
Show Dimensions.
Show Constraints
Show Projected Geometries
3D Sketch
Creating an Extrude Feature
Profile Plane
Offset Plane
One Side
Two Sides
Taper Angle
Creating a Revolve Feature
One Side
The Two Faces
Navigating a 3D Model in Graphics Area
Controlling the Navigation Settings
Zoom Window
Free Orbit
Constrained Orbit
Look At
Navigating a 3D Model by Using the View CubeHome
Go Home
Perspective with Ortho Faces
Set current view as Home
Reset Home
Set current view as
Reset Front
Changing the Visual Style of a Model
Shaded with Hidden Edges
Shaded with Visible Edges Only
Wireframe with Hidden Edges
Wireframe with Visible Edges Only
Creating a Construction Plane
Creating a Plane at an Offset Distance
Creating a Plane at an Angle
Creating a Plane Tangent to a Cylindrical or Conical Face
Creating a Plane in the Middle of Two Faces/Planes
Creating a Plane Passing Through Two Edges
Creating a Plane Passing Through Three Points
Creating a Plane Tangent to a Face and Aligned to a Point
Creating a Plane along a PathTips.
Creating a Construction Axis
Creating an Axis Passing Through a Cylinder/Cone/Torus
Creating an Axis Perpendicular at a Point
Creating an Axis Passing Through Two Planes
Creating an Axis Passing Through Two Points
Creating an Axis Passing Through an Edge
Creating an Axis Perpendicular to Face at Point
Creating a Construction Point
Creating a Point at Vertex
Creating a Point at the Intersection of Two Edges
Creating a Point at the Intersection of Three Planes
Creating a Point at the Center of Circle/Sphere/Torus
Creating a Point at the Intersection of an Edge and a Plane
Creating a Point along a Path
Using Advanced Options of the Extrude Tool
Start drop-down list
From Object
Extent drop-down list
To ObjectAll
Operation drop-down list
New Body.
New Component
Using Advanced Options of the Revolve Tool
Working with a Sketch having Multiple Profiles
Projecting Edges onto a Sketching Plane
Selection Filter
Projection Link
Show or hide projection geometry
Manage lost predictions
Creating 3D Curves
Creating a Projected Curve
Creating an Intersection Curve
Projected Compound Curves in Fusion 360
Creating a Curve by Projecting Intersecting Geometries
Objects to intersect on
Editing a Feature and its Sketch
Editing the Sketching Plane of a Sketch
Applying Physical Materials Properties
Physical Material
Manage Materials
Modify physical materials in a design
Modify appearances in a design
Manage materials in a design
Physical Material reference
Appearance reference
The aesthetic qualities have no impact on the engineering properties.Move your cursor over the picture to see the product’s name and a brief
description o f it.
Customize materials in the Generative Design workspace
Create a new material
Pick the approach that works the best for your circumstances
Create a new material library
Remove a user-defined library from the Material Browser
Copy or reopen an existing user-defined library
Manage materials in the Generative Design workspace
Select materials in the Generative Design workspace
Calculating Mass Properties
Measuring the Distance between Objects
Selection Filter
Secondary Units
Restart Selection
Creating a Sweep Feature
Creating a Sweep Feature with a Single Path
Creating a Sweep Feature with Path and Guide Rail
Path Distance and Guide Rail Distance
Profile Scaling
Creating a Sweep Feature with Path and Guide Surface
Creating a Loft Feature
Creating a Loft Feature with Profiles
Tangent Edges
Creating a Loft Feature with Profiles and Guide Rails
Guidelines for constructing a Loft with the use of guide rails
Creating a Loft Feature with Profiles and Centerline
Creating Rib FeaturesCreating Web Features
Creating Holes
Creating a Single Hole on a Face
Creating Multiple Holes on Points
Create a hole at an angle on an angled surface.
Step 1: Sketch a helpline
Step 2: Draw the leading line.
Step 3: Set Plane in angle
Step 4: Check if the angle is right
Step 5: O ffset planar
Step 6: Main sketch for the creation of a Hole
Step 7: Create the Hole
Creating a Thread
Creating a Rectangular Box
Creating a Cylinder
Creating a Sphere
Creating a Torus
Creating a Helical and a Spiral Coil
Section Position
Create a 3D sketch spiral or helix
Creating a Pipe
Creating 3D Sketches
Easily Model Wires and Tubes
Uneven Surface
Air Time
3D Sketching
Creating a Rectangular Pattern
Pattern Type
Distance TypeQuantity
Direction Type
Compute Option
Creating a Circular Pattern
Pattern Type
Compute Option
Creating a Pattern along a Path
Pattern Type
Distance Type
Start Point
Compute Option
Mirroring Features/Faces/Bodies/Components
Working with the Press Pull Tool
Offsetting a Face by Using the Press Pull Tool
Filleting an Edge by Using the Press Pull Tool
Extruding a Sketch by Using the Press Pull Tool
Creating FilletsCreating a Constant Radius Fillet
Creating a Variable Radius Fillet
Creating a Fillet by Specifying the Chord Length
Creating Rule Fillets
Creating Chamfers
Creating Shell Features
Tangent Chain
Inside Thickness/Outside Thickness
Adding Drafts
Flip Direction
Scaling Objects
Scale components, bodies, or sketches
Scaling a mesh body.
Combining Solid Bodies
Offsetting Faces of a Model
Splitting Faces of a Model
Splitting Bodies
Distributed designs
Updates in the assembly
Edit a design directly
Make a savable change to the design.
Edit an external component in an assemblyMake a savable change to the design.
Discard changes
Edit In Place
Assembly Contexts
Local context
Automatic activation
Reference objects
Adjust the visibility of objects in an assembly
View or conceal items
Override visibility of objects in an external component
Remove a visibility override from a single object
Remove all visibility overrides from an external component
Remove all visibility overrides from an entire assembly
Derived design features
Derive command
Design > Solid > Create > Derive
Insert Derive command
Design > Solid > Insert > Insert Derive
When to use derived design features
Working with Bottom-up Assembly Approach
Working with Top-down Assembly Approach
Creating an Assembly by Using Bottom-up Approach
Internal and External Components
Internal Components
External Components
Edit External Components
Inserting Components in a Design File
Fixing/Grounding the First Component
Working with Degrees of Freedom
Joint command
Selection order
Applying Joints
Applying a Rigid Joint
Applying a Revolute Joint
Applying a Slider JointApplying a Cylindrical Joint
Applying a Pin-slot Joint
Applying a Planar Joint
Applying a Ball Joint
Create a joint between the shaft and the gear housing
Editing Joints
Editing Options
Drive Joints
Edit Joint
Edit Joint Limits
Animate Joint
Animate Model
Go to Home Position
Defining Joint Limits
Animating a Joint
Animating the Model
Locking/Unlocking the Motion of a Joint
Driving a Joint
Defining Relative Motion between Two Joints
Grouping Components Together
Create a contact set
Edit a contact set
Suppress or Un-suppress a contact set
Enabling Contact Sets between Components
Capturing Position of Components
Capture position proactively
Capture position when prompted
Revert position proactivelyRevert position when prompted
Avoiding Coincident Face Rendering Artifacts Using Dielectric
Coincident Faces
Rendering Transparent Bodies and Coincident Faces
Using Dielectric Priority
Setting the Priority
Basic Static Stress Simulation in Fusion 360
Why do Static Stress Simulation?
Simulating Static Stress in Fusion 360
Other Constraints
Isolating Parts of the Spectrum
Creating an Assembly by Using a Top-down Approach
Create components and add As-built Joints
Creating Components within a Design File
Creating a New Empty Component
Creating a New Component from Existing Bodies
Creating a Component during an Active Tool
Fixing/Grounding the First Component
Applying As-built Joints
Defining a Joint Origin on a Component
Between Two Faces
Two Edge Intersection
Editing Assembly ComponentsQuestions
Invoking the ANIMATION Workspace
Capturing Views on the Timeline
Capturing Actions on the Timeline
Transforming Components (Move or Rotate)
Creating an Exploded View of an Assembly
Auto Explode
Auto Explode
Manual Explode Tool
Toggling on or off the Visibility of Components
Creating a Callout with Annotation
Edit the text of an existing callout
Customizing Views and Actions on the Timeline
Deleting Views and Actions of a Storyboard
Creating a New Storyboard
Toggling On or Off Capturing Views
Playing and Publishing Animation
Using the Timeline function
Locating a feature using the timeline
Suppress a feature
Watch your project’s history
Turning the timeline on and off
Invoking the DRAWING Workspace
Sheet Size
Creating the Base View of a Design
Tangent Edges
Interference Edges
Thread Edges
Creating Projected Views
About Projected Views and View Options
About Drawing View
Working with Angle of Projection
Defining the Angle of Projection
Defining Drawing Preferences
Editing Annotation and Sheet Settings
Editing and inserting a New Title Block
On Fusion 360
Modifying Title Blocks
Creating Section Views
Creating Full Section Views
Creating Half-Section Views
Creating Offset Section Views
Creating Aligned Section Views
Creating Detail Views
Creating an Exploded Drawing View
Creating Break Views
Break a view
Edit a break in a view
Use the Broken View Edit dialog
Drag the break lines
Invoking DRAWING Workspace from AnimationEditing Properties of a Drawing View
Editing Hatch Properties of a Section View
Moving a Drawing View
Rotating a Drawing View
Deleting a Drawing View
Adding Geometries in Drawing Views
Adding Centerlines
Changing properties of center lines
Adding Center Marks
Adding Center Mark Pattern
Adding Edge Extension between Two Intersecting Edges
Applying Dimensions
Applying Linear, Aligned, Angular, Radius, and Diameter
Applying Ordinate Dimensions
Align ordinate dimension leaders
Applying Baseline Dimensions
Applying Chain Dimensions
Editing a Dimension
Arranging Dimensions
Stack dimensions
Align dimensions
Align angular or linear dimensions inside an image or between views.
Breaking Dimension Lines
Adding Text/Note
Create text
Change text
Create bulleted, numbered, or lettered lists
Create Stacked Characters
Adding Text/Note with Leader
Adding the Surface Texture Symbol
Create a Surface Identification Leader
Edit a Surface Texture
Move a Surface Texture
Creating the Bill of Material (BOM)/Part List
Adding Balloons ManuallyRenumbering Balloons
Adding Drawing Sheets
Sheet Bar
Creating a New Drawing Template
Exporting a Drawing
Exporting a Drawing as a PDF File
Exporting a Drawing as a DWG File
Exporting a Drawing as a DXF File
Exporting a Drawing Part List as a CSV File
Understanding Parameters and Dimensions
Dimensions: Precision at Your Fingertips
Defining parameters to drive design variables
Access Parameters Dialog
Create New Parameters in Fusion 360
Create User Parameters “On the Fly” in Fusion 360
Associating dimensions with parameters
Creating Parametric Relationships
Building equations to establish relationships
Constructing Equations
Benefits of Using Equations in Fusion 360
Utilizing geometric and numeric constraints
Making Geometric Limits
ApplyingNumeric Constraints
Best Practices for Using Constraints
The constraints sketches
Driving Design Changes with Parameters
A Practical Example
Difficulties and Solutions
Modifying parameter values to update the design
Design Optimization
Parametric Modeling vs. Direct Modeling
How to select an appropriate modeling featureAdvantages of Parametric Modeling in Fusion 360
Managing Parametric Models
Organizing Bodies & Components
Components vs. Bodies
Bodies vs. Rule #1
Why does Rule #1 exist then?
Condensed timelines
Associated root parts
Sub-assemblies as file management
Using parameter tables for efficient management
Lofting between Non-Parallel Profiles
Making Simple LOFT
Adding Path
Working with multiple profiles and guide curves
Boundary Patch Modeling
Controlling curvature and continuity
Using Sculpting Tools for Organic Shapes
Getting Started with Sculpting Tools
Sculpting freeform designs with T-splines
Key Features of T-Splines
Challenges and Future Developments
Refining and detailing organic shapes
Creating Custom Patterns and Embossing
Apply appearances to components, bodies, and faces in a design
Introduction to Sheet Metal Workspaces
Exploring the Sheet Metal Workspace
Understanding sheet metal-specific tools
Important InformationFolded and Unfolded Modes
Flat Pattern
Sheet Metal Rules
The Flange and Bend Tools
Creating Sheet Metal Bends
Advanced Assembly Joints and Constraints
Creating and Managing Components
Factors that should be considered
Animating and simulating assemblies in Fusion 360
About joints in Fusion 360
Applying Motion Studies
Creating Assemblies Animation
Explore the Animation Workspace.
Set Initial Component Positions
Simulating realistic motion for mechanisms
Analyzing assembly motion for interference
Evaluating mechanism performance and behavior
Creating Exploded Views and Assembly Instructions
Creating an Exploded View
Working with Teams in Fusion 360
Viewing a design
Managing user roles, permissions, and access
Version Control
Types of Version Control Systems
Why Use Version Control?
How to Use Version Control in Fusion 360
Adding a version change descriptionViewing the version history
Promoting old versions
Opening multiple versions
Design History
Turning on design history;
Manipulating a design
Sharing your design
Connecting Fusion 360 and Fusion Team
Some Finishing Touches
Reviewing comment history
Switching from Fusion Team to Fusion 360
Integrating Fusion 360 with Other Software
Importing and exporting design data
Upload a design as a new version of an existing design
Export designs
The Export dialog displays.
Integrating Fusion 360 with other design and analysis tools
Basics of Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Understandins CAM workflows and processes
CAD to CAM Process
G01 XI Y1 F20 TOI S500
CNC Machines at a Glance
CNC Routers
Water, Plasma & Laser Cutters
Milling Machines
Electrical Discharge Machines (EDM)
Linking design models to manufacturing processes
Setting Up Toolpaths for CNC Machining
What are 2D Toolpaths?
What are 2.5D Toolpaths?
What Are 3D Toolpaths?
What Are 5-Axis Toolpaths?What Are 3+2 Toolpaths?
Taking This Knowledge to Fusion 360
Defining machining operations and strategies
Machining Operations
Machining Strategies
Configuring cutting tools, speeds, and feeds
Simulating Toolpaths and Material Removal
Detecting collisions and optimizing toolpaths
Collision Detection
Optimizing Toolpaths
Exporting G-code for CNC Machines
Generating machine-readable G-code instructions
Sending G-code to CNC machines for production
Manufacturing in Fusion 360
Introduction to manufacturing workflows in Fusion 360
Fusion 360 manufacturing capabilities
Creating 3D prints and exporting files for additive manufacturing
Fusion 360 additive manufacturing functionality
Sheet metal fabrication and manufacturing considerations
Fusion 360 sheet metal functionality
Collaborating with manufacturing partners
Fusion 360 manufacturing partnerships
Understanding Stress Analysis and Simulation:
Introduction to finite element analysis (FEA)
Defining materials, loads, and boundary conditions
Setting Up FEA Studies in Fusion 360:
Interpreting Simulation Results
Analyzing stress, displacement, and safety factors
Analyzing Stress
Analyzing Displacement
Analyzing Safety Factors
Identifying critical areas for design improvement
Optimizing Designs with Simulation DataIterating designs based on simulation insights
Using simulation-driven design to enhance performance
Applying Materials and Textures
Side Note about Materials in Fusion 360
The Appearance Dialog Box
Assigning Materials
Assigning Materials to Bodies
Single Body
Multiple Bodies
Replace Applied Material
Bodies in a Group Folder
Assigning Materials to Faces
Editing Materials
Advanced Option.
Duplicate a Material
Deleting Materials
Check Your Work: Quick Render Mode
Setting up Lighting and Cameras
Configuring scene lighting and environment
Set the lighting, background, and camera in your render
Rendering High-Quality Images and Animations
Utilizing cloud rendering for high-quality output
How it all works
Five Tips for Creating Exceptional Renderings
Presenting Designs with Visual Impact
Creating visually appealing presentations
Design Considerations for 3D Printing
Minimum detail sizePrototyping
Whole-model edits
Post-print assembly
Preparing Models for 3D Printing
Optimizing models for successful printing
Creating printable STL files
Choosing Printing Materials and Technologies
Printing Materials: The Digital Palette
Printing Technologies: The Digital Tools
Exploring different 3D printing materials
The Art of Selection and Simulation in Fusion 360
Matching materials to design requirements
Achieving Better Additive Manufacturing Outcomes in Generative
Using the New Additive 2.0 Algorithm
How is Additive 2.0 Better?
Validating the Print Process
FFF Example
SLA Example
SLM Example
How to Use Generative Design Tools for Additive and Subtractive
Assigning Plastic Rules to Your Designs with the Fusion 360
Product Design Extension
Plastic Rules in Fusion 360 Overview
Physical Material
Physical Values
Design Advice Values
Physical material and appearance
Plastic rule parameters in Fusion 360
Troubleshooting Common 3D Printing Issues
Overview of Electronics Design WorkspacesDifferences from EAGLE
Electronics Area
Electronics Design Workspace
Electronics Library Workspace
Working with schematic and PCB design tools
Schematic design
Work with a new schematic
Create a schematic
Make sure the grid is set to 0,1 inch
Add component libraries with the Library Manager
Simulate circuit performance with SPICE
Sample schematic
Creating PCB Design
Laying out PCB components and traces
What’s So Important about Component Placement?
Tip #1 – Understand Your Mechanical Constraints
Tip #2 – Understand Your Assembly Constraints
Tip #3 – Give your Integrated Circuits (ICs) Room to Breathe
Tip #4 – Keep Similar Components in the Same Direction
Tip #5 – Group Your Parts to Minimize Connection Paths
Tip #6 – Place All o f Your Edge Components First
Tip #7 – Avoid Overlapping Any Parts
Tip #8 – Keep Your Parts on One Layer
Tip #9 – Keep IC Pins and Polarized Components in the Same Direction
Tip #10- Design Your PCB Layout like Your Schematic
Contained Creativity
PCB Layer Stack Fundamentals: Using Multiple Copper Layers
PCB Construction
Single Layer PCBs
Double-Sided PCBs
Multi-layer PCBsIt’s The Electric Field That Drives Current
Fusion 360 PCB Layer Stack Manager
Organizing your PCB layer stack
A Better PCB Layer Stack Up
So What Can We Do?
How to Design PCBs for Harsh Environments
Harsh Environments Examples
Moisture. Humidity, and Dust
High Power Application
Signal Interferences
Electromagnetic Interference
Designing Your Next Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Like a Pro
Drop Those Components like It’s Hot
Keep your parts in the same direction
Place like parts together
Look one step ahead
It’s Getting Hot in Here
Add more copper.
Channel heat with vias
Keep those hot parts separate
Just Integrate It
Give them some space
Power with common rails
Route like a Boss
Take the sharpness out of angles
Figure out those trace widths
Remember where your heat goes
Power It Up, Power it down
Trace Width and Currents Reference
Keep that noise away.
Houston, We Have Liftoff
Integrating Electronics Components with Mechanical Design
The Value of Combining Mechanical and Electrical Design Integration
Key Considerations for IntegrationUtilizing Fusion 360 for Integration:
Electromechanical Integration Using Fusion 360
An Illustrative Example
Stage 1 – Definition of Printed Circuit Board Shape
Stage 2 – Component Selection and Placement
Stage 3 – Refinement of Component Placement
Stage 4 – Routing of PCB Traces
Using 3D Electronic Component Models to Synch PCB and
Enclosure Designs
Importing 3D STEP Models
Strategies for Handling Complex Assemblies
Managing large assemblies effectively
Streamlining assembly structure and components
Techniques for Reducing File Size and Enhancing Performance
Optimizing assembly performance
Using lightweight and simplified representations
Simplifying and Representing Large Assemblies
Representing complex assemblies efficiently
Designing Consumer Products with Fusion 360
Applying Fusion 360 to Consumer Goods Design
Key Features of Fusion 360 for Consumer Goods Design
Workflow in Fusion 360 for Consumer Goods Design
Addressing design challenges and requirements
Identifying Design Challenges
Addressing Design Challenges with Fusion 360
Meeting Design Requirements
The Fusion 360 Product Design Extension
Materials with Intelligence
Embedded Plastic PartsGeometric Pattern
From Sketch to Final Product: Autodesk Fusion 360 Design &
Engineering Highlights You Don’t Want to Miss
Volumetric Latticing
Fusion 360 Drawings: Detailing Made Easy
Automated Modeling: A Future in Design
Performance Improvements: Optimizing Your Experience
Enhanced User Interface
Assembly Performance
The Power of Cloud-Native Capabilities
Seamless Design for an Interconnected World: Fusion 360 is the
Future of Engineering and Manufacturing
Using Fusion 360 in Industrial Design
Designing aesthetically pleasing and functional products
The Fusion 360 Workflow
Case Study: Creating a Functional Prototype
Everything You Need to Consider for Prototyping
What is Prototyping?
What are the best steps for prototyping?
Incorporating design principles and best practices
What is Rapid Prototyping?
How does Autodesk Fusion 360 help with rapid prototyping?
Fusion 360: professional prototyping and fabrication tools at your
Case Study: Designing for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)
Implementing DFMA methodologies in Fusion 360
Understanding DFMA Principles
Step-by-Step Implementation in Fusion 360
Step 1: Define Your Design Goals
Step 2: Sketch and Create the Initial Design
Step 3: Design for Manufacturing (DEM)
Step 4: Design for Assembly (DFA)
Step 5: Perform Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Streamlining production and assembly processesCHAPTER 27
Introduction to Fusion 360 API and Add-Ins
The Power of Fusion 360 API in Action
Extending Fusion 360’s functionality through programming
User-Interface Customization with Fusion 360’s API
Toolbar Tabs
Toolbar Panels
Command Definitions
Creating custom tools and features with APIs
Searching the API Documentation
What’s New in the Fusion 360 API
Basic API Concepts
Object Model
Creating Custom Commands and Workflows
Creating a Script or Add-In
Creating, Editing, and Running Your First Script
Script and Add-In Details
Script and Add-In Files
The Manifest File
Script Code
Scripts vs. Add-Ins
Fusion 2D 360 Practice Exercises
Exercise one
Exercise TwoExercise Three
Exercise Four
Exercise Five
Exercise Six
Exercise Seven
Fusion 3D 360 Practice Exercises
Exercise One
Exercise Two
Exercise Three
Exercise Four
Exercise Five
Exercise Six
Exercise Seven
Exercise Eight
Exercise Nine
Exercise Ten
Exercise Eleven
Exercise Twelve
Exercise Thirteen
Exercise Fourteen
Exercise Fifteen
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the primary elements that make up a design project using
Fusion 360?
How does SolidWorks or AutoCAD compare to the capabilities of
Fusion 360?
Can you explain what Joints are in the context of Fusion 360?
In the context of Fusion 360, what do you understand about the CAM
Can you list any examples of how Autodesk Inventor and Fusion 360
may be used?
What is the most effective method for creating a drawing with the
Fusion 360 software?
In Fusion 360, what is the most efficient technique to add parameters to
an already existing sketch?What is the most efficient approach to switching the view orientation in
Fusion 360?
In Fusion 360, what is the most effective method for scaling a model?
What is the most effective method for rotating a model?
What is the most effective method for mirroring a model?
What is the most efficient approach to moving a model around?
What is the most effective method for joining two models together?
Can you list any real-world examples of projects that were constructed
utilizing Fusion 360?
In the context of Fusion 360, canyon describe your understanding of
the concept of freeform modeling?
Can you explain the steps of extruding a surface in Fusion 360?
Can you explain the steps for sweeping a profile along a route in Fusion
Can you explain how to rotate a profile in Fusion 360 around a certain
Why Are My Components Grayed Out?
Turning Component Visibility on And Off
How Do I Preview New Features?
How Do I Make Changes to My Preferences Regarding Navigation?
Why Is My Z-axis In the “Up” Direction?
*.f3d file., 35
2D curves, 151
2-Point Circle, 61
2-Point Rectangle, 39, 40, 58, 59, 196, 304
2-Tangent Circle, 61, 62
360 degrees, 95, 122, 220
3D curve, 151
3D curve seen, 151
3D design, 46, 207
3D exploded views, 17
3D Modeling, 413, 560
3D print, 41, 42
3D print utility, 42
3D printed, 42
3D printing, 18, 27, 41, 50, 409, 450, 472, 473, 474, 475, 506, 512, 513, 515, 516, 517, 518, 527,
528, 579, 586, 587, 589, 590, 592, 594, 604
3D Printing, 40, 42, 43
3D Printing Integration, 579, 595
3D sketch spiral, 202
3D Sketching, 214
3D technology, 40
3D View, 15
3D viewer, 36
3-Point Arc, 63, 70, 72
3-Point Circle, 61, 62
3-Point Rectangle, 58, 59
3-Tangent Circle, 61, 62
A Confluence of elements, 485
A dialogue window, 37, 91, 96, 121, 133, 148, 157, 177, 181, 226, 287, 288, 331, 368, 370, 380
A Future in Design, 583
A Practical Example, 394
a square box, 208
A watertight model, 41A360 viewer, 36
Access Control, 436
Access Parameters Dialog, 387
Accessibility, 594
Achieving Better Additive Manufacturing Outcomes, 520
Achieving Better Additive Manufacturing Outcomes in Generative Design, 520
Acrylic Resin, 553
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, 517
Activate the “Bend” Tool in the Toolbox, 417
activate the construction mode, 89
active commands, 39
Adaptability to Requirements, 385
Adaptive Clearing, 4
Add component libraries with the Library Manager, 535
Add more copper., 556
Add Motion Inputs, 429
Add Parameters, 401, 630
Adding a version change description, 440
Adding Balloons Manually, 375
Adding Center Mark Pattern, 363
Adding Center Marks, 362
Adding Centerlines, 361
Adding Drafts, 238
Adding Fit, 78
Adding Path, 403
Adding Text/Note, 370, 372
Add-Ins, 449, 596, 605, 610, 615, 618
additive manufacturing functionality, 474
Additive manufacturing simulation, 475
Additive Manufacturing Workspace, 516
Addressing Design Challenges, 579
Addressing design challenges and requirements, 579
Adjust Surface Continuity, 406
Adjust temperature settings, 531
Adjust the Motion Settings, 429
Administrators, 19
Advanced Assembly Joints and Constraints, 419
Advanced button, 17
Advanced Highlight, 17, 495
Advanced Highlight Controls, 17
ADVANCED MODELING, 143, 169, 402
Advanced Option, 494
Advanced Options, 143, 146
Advanced settings dialog, 17
Advanced Techniques, 497
Aesthetics, 542, 580, 584, 589
Aesthetics and Ergonomics, 589
Affects physical/mass properties, 529
After Processing, 498
Air Time, 213Align dimensions, 369
Align ordinate dimension leaders, 367
aligned dimension, 107, 367
Aligned option, 107
All Storyboards, 160, 326
allocating materials, 530
alter surface, 13
Alternative Materials, 573
An algorithmic and computational dance, 488
An electrical fast transient (EFT), 553
an existing planar face, 48, 149
An Illustrative Example, 561
An Object Snap displays, 367
Analysis and Simulation, 477, 560
analysis tools, 406, 409, 410, 450, 474, 477, 514, 568, 589
Analysis Tools, 409
Analyze & Inspect, 406
Analyze Results, 429
Analyze the Forces and Loads, 431
Analyzing assembly motion for interference, 430
Analyzing Displacement, 484
Analyzing Safety Factors, 484
Analyzing stress, 483
Analyzing Stress, 483
Analyzing stress, displacement, and safety factors, 483
Android and iOS, 3
angel-backed, 6
Angle, 95, 99, 100, 122, 123, 133, 134, 172, 173, 179, 183, 187, 201, 220, 236, 239, 269, 288, 338,
342, 343, 358, 360
angular dimension, 108, 109, 344
Angular Dimension, 108
Animate, 269, 284, 286, 287, 289, 301, 309
Animate Joint, 284, 286
Animate Model, 284, 287
Animating a Joint, 286
Animating the Model, 286
Animation, 17, 39, 160, 301, 326, 331, 357
ANIMATION, 17, 318, 325, 331, 334, 355, 357
Animation and Gaming, 408
ANIMATION Workspace, 17, 318, 358
Annotations and Text, 505
APIs empower, 604
Appearance, 16, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 165
application bar, 7, 10, 37
Application Bar, 7, 10, 32, 33, 259, 317, 379, 380
Application Programming Interface, 449, 450, 596, 597, 601, 604, 608
Applications window, 248
Applied to the component, 529
Apply adhesion aids, 531
apply aligned dimensions, 107
Apply appearances to components, 411
Apply appearances to components, bodies, and faces in a design, 411
Apply Loads, 481
Applying a Ball Joint, 280Applying a Diameter Dimension, 109
Applying a Pin-slot Joint, 276
Applying a Vertical Dimension, 107
Applying an Aligned Dimension, 107
Applying Baseline Dimensions, 367
Applying Chain Dimensions, 367
Applying Constraints, 104
Applying Dimensions, 106, 365
Applying Joints, 265
Applying Materials and Textures, 490
Applying Motion Studies, 422
Applying Numeric Constraints, 392
Applying Ordinate Dimensions, 366
Appropriate bed leveling, 530
Approve button, 19
arc entity, 104
Architecture, 408
arcs, 48, 63, 64, 65, 97, 103, 630
arc’s second end point, 63
Arranging Dimensions, 368
arrow keys, 35
Articulate Your Vision, 609
Artistry in Code, 610
as-built joints, 264
As-built Joints, 303, 312
Aspect Ratio, 497
Assemble Slides or Video Clips, 505
Assemblies, 247, 281, 303
Assembly and Integration, 513
Assembly context, 419
Assembly Contexts, 252, 253, 258
Assembly Design, 588
Assembly Performance, 583
Assembly Sequencing, 595
Assessing Interference, 431
assign dimensions, 106
Assigning Materials, 491, 493
Assigning Materials to Bodies, 491
Assigning Materials to Faces, 493
Associated root parts, 400
Associating dimensions with parameters, 389
Auto Explode, 320, 321, 322, 431
AutoCAD, 3, 26, 33, 345, 346, 629
Autodesk, 3, 6, 8, 10, 33, 37, 46, 295, 349, 630, 634
Autodeskproduct, 616
Automated Modeling, 583
Automated Parametric Design, 604
Automatic activation, 254
Automatic Support Generation, 513, 514
Automotive Design, 408
Avatar, 249, 250, 251
Avoid Overlapping Any Parts, 544Axis, 122, 137, 138, 139, 219, 276, 314
Balancing Trade-Offs, 487
Base Feature, 13, 28
Base Feature Surface tab, 13
Base Flange, 413
Base View, 334, 336, 355
Basic API Concepts, 608
Basic Static Stress, 295
Basics of Computer-Aided, 451
BEND, 417
Bend Position, 418
Bend Tables, 414
Best Practices for Using Constraints, 392
Bill of Materials, 374, 375, 589, 595
Biodegradable and Eco-Friendly Materials, 518
Blend and Transition, 410
Blend Tool, 407
Bodies in a Group Folder, 493
Bodies vs. Rule #1, 399
Bodies/Components, 160, 224
BOM, 374, 375
Bonded, 298
bootstrap startups, 6
Bottom-up Approach, 259
Bottom-up Assembly Approach, 259
Boundary Conditions, 478, 480
Boundary Patch Modeling, 405
box indicating the dimensions, 109, 110, 111
Break a view, 356
Break Link, 150, 258, 262
Bridging and Overhang Problems, 531
Broken View Edit dialog, 357
Browser, 8, 28, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 54, 55, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 249, 250, 254, 256, 258,
260, 287, 288, 290, 306, 308, 309, 327
BROWSER, 10, 34, 111, 147, 165, 166, 237, 259, 263, 285, 286, 287, 311, 312, 317, 320, 331, 334,
browser’s default component, 248
browser’s external component, 248
Buckling of the structure, 4
Building equations to establish relationships, 390
bump pattern, 17
Cable Management, 559
CAD, 3, 11, 14, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 124, 264, 295, 629, 630, 633, 634
CAD application, 3
CAD file, 25, 26, 27, 30
CAD programs, 25, 26, 633CAD to CAM Process, 452
Calculating Mass Properties, 165
Calculating RPM, 466
Calibrate the extruder, 531
Callout with Annotation, 323
CAM, 3, 4, 19, 27, 629, 630
CAM Hole and Pocket Feature Recognition, 608
CAM Integration, 578
Camera Animation, 498, 505
Cancel option, 54
Canvas and Marking Menu, 9
Canvases, 608
Capture Position, 266, 270, 291, 292
Capture position proactively, 291
Capture position when prompted, 291
Capturing Actions, 319
Capturing Position, 291
Capturing Views, 318, 326
Case Study, 586, 593
Catia, 3, 33
Center Diameter Circle, 39, 61, 63, 197, 198, 199
Center Point, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72, 73, 95
Center Point Arc, 63, 64, 70, 72, 73
Center Point selection option, 95
Center Point Slot, 70
Center Rectangle, 58, 60
Center to Center Slot, 70
centerline, 111, 131, 181, 182, 361, 363
Center-to-Center Slot, 70
Center-to-Point Slot, 71
Centralize project activity, 434
Chain Faces, 145
Challenges and Future Developments, 409
Chamfer, 99, 100, 236, 245
chamfer command, 100
Change Parameters, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 394, 401, 509
Change text, 371
Changing properties of center lines, 362
Channel heat with vias, 556
Characteristics, 166, 507
check box, 94, 96, 105, 113, 114, 126, 149, 151, 152, 167, 171, 179, 204, 206, 217, 223, 225, 230,
238, 285, 331, 335, 343, 345, 368, 376, 380, 383
Check button, 76
Check for Overlaps, 513
Check the print speed, 530
Check Your Work, 495
checkbox, 42, 94, 96, 101, 113, 114, 137, 150, 167, 217, 220, 223, 225, 230, 270, 289, 331, 335, 341
checkbox displays, 42
choice of spline tool, 80
Choose a Profile, 402
Choose a Sculpting Tool, 408
Choose Accurate Colors, 502Choose the Bending Edge, 418
Choose the Type of Custom Tool or Feature, 605
Choosing the Right Path, 610
circle and a line, 103
circles, 48, 51, 61, 62, 103, 105, 210
Circular Pattern, 51, 91, 94, 219
Circumscribed Polygon, 66
Clearances and Tolerances, 512
Closed Geometry, 513
Cloud collaboration, 473
Cloud Collaboration, 595
cloud-based, 3, 629
CNC, 4, 382, 630, 635
CNC Machine Operation, 452
CNC Machines at a Glance, 454
CNC Routers, 455
Coil tool, 199
Coincident Constraint, 102, 393
Collaborating with manufacturing partners, 475
Collaboration, 436, 443, 449, 476, 487, 560, 568, 570, 571, 574, 575, 578, 579, 580, 584, 585, 605
Collaboration and Standardization, 605
Collaborative, 258
Collaborative nature, 585
collaborative platform, 3
Collaborative Workflows, 595
Collinear constraint, 102
Collinear Constraint, 102, 393
Collision Detection, 468
Color, 17, 165
Color and Texture (Optional, 410
Command definitions, 602
Command Definitions, 602
commandCreated, 602
Commenting and marking up projects, 433
Commercial subscribers, 6
Commercial Subscription, 5
Common Parameters, 258
Comparison View, 14, 15
Compatibility, 409
Complete 3D Machining, 462
Complex Geometries, 462, 579
Component browser, 419
Component Colors and Appearances, 568
Component Naming, 575
Component only, 258
Component Optimization, 572
Component Organization, 567, 569, 575
Component Patterns, 568, 569, 576Component Relationships, 576
Component Reusability, 570
Component Selection, 559, 562
Component Selection and Placement, 562
Component Simplification, 571, 572
Component Suppression, 569, 571, 575
Component variant, 534
COMPONENTS, 115, 329
components and traces, 541
Components vs. Bodies, 398
computational approach, 218, 224
Compute Option, 218, 220, 224
Computer Aided Design, 3
computer numerical control, 4
computer program, 4
computer-aided manufacturing, 4, 630
Computer-Aided Manufacturing, 448, 451, 461, 466, 467, 469, 470, 578
computer-assisted design sector, 3
Concentric, 103, 104
concentric constraint, 103, 104
Concentric Constraint, 393
Conceptualization, 578, 585
Conclusion, 619
Condensed timelines, 399
Cone, 137
Configuration Management, 575
Configure Simulation Settings, 482
Configure the Ground effects, 497
Configuring cutting tools, 466
Configuring cutting tools, speeds, and feeds, 466
Configuring Feeds and Speeds, 452
Configuring scene lighting and environment, 496
Confirm and Create the Bend, 418
conic curve, 74, 87
Conic Curve., 73
Connect Measurements to Constraints, 389
Consider Your File Sizes and Formats, 503
Consistency, 385, 401
Consistency Across Iterations, 385
Consistent bed leveling, 531
constrained sketches, 49
Constraint, 103, 104
CONSTRAINTS panel, 104, 105
construction line, 102, 111, 121, 122, 209
construction plane, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 142
Construction Plane, 132
construction planes, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137
Construction tool, 89, 90
Consumer Goods Design, 577, 578
Contact Sets folder, 290
Contacts, 298Contained Creativity, 545
Contents, 598, 601
context menu, 8, 10, 16, 28, 35, 38, 39, 40, 51, 52, 55, 57, 58, 88, 89, 101, 111, 154, 163, 165, 203,
290, 294, 310, 317, 319, 324, 327, 350, 377, 382
Context menu, 40
contextual environments, 39
contextual tab, 11, 15, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 84, 88, 90, 91, 94, 97, 99, 101, 104, 105, 106, 107, 116,
122, 148, 150, 151, 156, 157, 206, 207, 304
contextual tabs, 11
Continuous Improvement, 595
control frame, 75, 78, 82, 83, 84
Control frame edges, 83
control point, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84
Control Point, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81
control point spline, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84
Control Point Spline, 75, 76, 77, 81
Control Point Splines., 75
control points, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83
Control Points, 78, 409
Control Points in a Spline, 78
control reference, 77
Controlling curvature and continuity, 406
Controlling the Display of Constraints, 105
Controlling the Navigation Settings, 124
Controls, 495, 601
Conventional concepts of electromechanics, 560
Convergence and Solution Quality, 483
Convert to Solid, 406
Copy to Clipboard, 166
Corner, 128, 231, 232, 236
corner of the screen, 7, 9, 21, 34, 46, 52, 325, 349, 633
Corner Seam, 413
Create a Circumscribed Polygon, 66
Create a Folder Structure, 21
Create a New Component, 406
Create a New Study, 481
Create a schematic, 535
Create a Sculpt Body, 408
Create an Edge Polygon, 67
Create an Inscribed Polygon, 67
create construction, 89, 101, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142
Create Design Table, 386
CREATE DRAWING dialog, 331, 333, 358, 383
CREATE drop-down, 84, 90, 91, 106, 116, 121, 148, 150, 151, 169, 177, 181, 196, 197, 198, 199,
203, 215, 219, 221
Create First Animation Frame, 426
Create menu option, 194
Create New option, 332, 334
Create New Parameters, 387
Create New Script or Add-In, 611, 614, 616
CREATE option, 170, 173, 175
Create or Open Your Assembly, 428
CREATE panel, 90, 106, 116, 121, 147, 186, 206Create parts for sheet metal fabrication, 592
Create Remaining Animation Frames, 427
Create Sketch menu item, 11
Create the Mesh, 481
Create Toolpaths, 451
Create Views, 505
Creating 3D Curves, 150
Creating 3D prints and exporting files, 474
Creating 3D prints and exporting files for additive manufacturing, 474
Creating a Functional Prototype, 586
Creating a Pattern along a Path, 221
Creating a Pipe, 203
Creating a Plane, 133, 134, 135, 136
Creating a Projected Curve, 150
Creating a Script or Add-In, 610
Creating a Sphere, 198
Creating a Thread, 194
Creating an Exploded View, 320, 431
Creating an Intersection Curve, 151
Creating and Managing Components, 420
Creating and managing projects, 433
Creating Animations, 498
Creating Assemblies Animation, 423
Creating Break Views, 356
Creating Chamfers, 235
Creating Construction Entities, 89
creating custom commands and workflows, 609
Creating Custom Commands and Workflows, 609
Creating Custom Patterns and Embossing, 410
Creating custom tools and features, 604, 605
Creating Detail Views, 354
Creating Exploded Views, 431
Creating Exploded Views and Assembly Instructions, 431
Creating Fillets, 230
Creating Holes, 186
creating manufacturing documents, 560
Creating Multiple Holes on Points, 189
Creating Parametric Relationships, 389
Creating printable STL files, 515
Creating Projected Views, 336
Creating Rib Features, 182
Creating Rule Fillets, 233
Creating Section Views, 350
Creating Sheet Metal Bends, 417
Creating Shell, 236
Creating simpler Versions, 573
Creating visually appealing presentations, 504
Creating Web Features, 183
Creating, Editing, and Running Your First Script, 610
Creation of Flanges and Bends, 412
creative models, 40Ctrl key down, 54
CTRL or SHIFT key, 117, 122
Ctrl+Alt+P, 19
Current Storyboard, 160, 326
Curvature, 76, 82, 104, 179, 231
Curvature and Continuity, 405
Curvature Comb, 76, 406, 407
curvature constraint, 83, 104
Curvature constraint, 82
Curvature Constraint, 393
Curvature constraints, 82
Curvature continuity, 406
Curvature Continuity, 407
Curvature Handle, 76
curvature handles, 76, 78, 79
Custom Collaboration Portals, 605
Custom Material Creation, 516, 517
Custom Reporting Tools, 605
Custom Visualization Tools, 604
Customization, 459, 578, 579, 580
Cut, 121, 124, 145, 146, 182, 242, 258, 351, 353
CV Splines, 75
Cylinder, 137, 197, 311
cylinder face, 167
Cylindrical, 133, 264, 274
Cylindrical or Conical, 133
danze, 192
dashed line inferences, 53
Data Logging and Reporting, 452
Data Management, 450, 570, 605
data panel, 8, 20, 25, 261
Data panel, 7, 27
Data Panel, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 35, 249, 250, 260, 281, 310
Data Sheets folder, 21
Data-Driven Decisions, 487
Debug and Refine, 605
Default option, 151, 352, 353
default planes, 134, 135, 136, 137
default settings, 91, 131, 187, 189, 197, 199, 282, 293, 343, 344, 372
Define Bend Parameters, 418
Define Joints and Constraints, 428
Define Keyframes, 498
Define limits, 406
Define tab, 14
Define the Material, 481
Define the Parameter, 395
Define Your Design Goals, 593Defining a Joint Origin on a Component, 313
Defining Joint Limits, 284
Defining machining operations and strategies, 464
Defining materials, 479
Defining materials, loads, and boundary conditions, 479
Defining parameters to drive design variables, 386
Definition of Printed Circuit Board Shape, 561
Deflection and Displacement Limits, 483
Deformation, 300
Deformation and Displacement, 482
Degree, 76, 77
Degree 5, 76, 77
degrees of freedom, 83, 102, 111, 263, 264, 265, 269, 270, 273, 274, 276, 280, 281, 283, 284, 287,
302, 311, 312
Degrees of Freedom, 264
Delete, 39, 54, 55, 150, 163, 203, 232, 324, 360
Deleting Materials, 495
Density, 76, 480, 513, 514
Depth of Field, 497
Derive command, 257, 258
Derived design characteristics, 258
derived design features, 258
Derived design features, 257
Description, 440, 611, 614, 616
Design, 4, 10, 11, 24, 25, 28, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 50, 85, 88, 149, 156, 159, 160, 161, 162,
202, 214, 225, 236, 240, 241, 242, 243, 250, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 301, 303, 306, 309,
329, 331, 334, 344, 633
design a variety of curves, 150
Design Accuracy, 385
Design Adjustment, 487
Design Advice Values, 529
Design Automation, 387
design choices, 3
Design Considerations for 3D Printing, 506
Design environment, 4
design file, 7, 10, 24, 25, 32, 33, 146, 147, 165, 166, 259, 260, 261, 263, 302, 311, 317, 318, 331
design files, 7, 8, 25, 46, 260, 633, 635
Design for Assembly, 594, 595
Design for Ease of Assembly, 593
Design for Ease of Manufacturing, 593
Design for Manufacturability, 474, 568, 576, 585, 592, 593, 594
Design for Manufacturing, 457, 577, 593
Design History, 10, 28, 34, 240, 241, 329, 443
Design Intent, 385, 512, 513
Design iteration based on simulation insights, 486
Design Model Importation, 451
Design object, 609
Design Optimization, 395, 578
Design Reservation, 250
Design Review, 595, 605
Design Review Workflows, 605
design space, 14
Design Standards Enforcement, 605Design Tables, 386
Design Validation, 457, 594
Design Variants, 576
Design workspace, 11, 14, 38, 39, 42, 88, 156, 162, 164, 165, 225, 240, 243, 303, 387, 529, 598, 600
DESIGN workspace, 11, 259, 318, 325, 331
DESIGN Workspace, 11, 14
Designing aesthetically pleasing and functional products, 584
Designing Consumer Products, 577
Designing Custom Tools, 604
Designing for Manufacturing and Assembly, 593
Designing Your Next Printed Circuit Board, 555
Destination, 332
Detailing Made Easy, 582
Detecting collisions, 468
Detecting collisions and optimizing toolpaths, 468
Determining Cutting Speed, 466
development of physical prototypes or production-ready designs., 487
development process, 3
DFA focuses on designing parts, 594
DFM focuses on designing parts, 594
DFMA, 577, 593
dialogue box, 36, 38, 135, 147, 150, 157, 159, 160, 165, 197, 198, 225, 265, 286, 288, 289, 355, 633
diameter dimension, 106, 109, 110, 365
Diameter Dimension option, 111
diameter value, 61, 109, 110, 111
Differences from EAGLE, 532
Difficulties and Solutions, 394
Dimension tool, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 207, 365, 366
Dimensions, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 384, 385, 388, 389, 390, 391, 406, 457
DIMENSIONS, 56, 102, 365, 366
Direct Mode, 10
Direction, 91, 92, 94, 118, 119, 123, 151, 178, 183, 188, 216, 217, 223, 224, 238, 239, 306, 307, 635
Directions, 215
Dirt, dust, or other contaminators, 551
Disable All Contact, 291
displacement, 297, 431, 477, 478, 483, 484, 485
Display Settings, 9, 10, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 270, 344, 345
Distance, 92, 94, 99, 100, 118, 119, 120, 129, 133, 136, 142, 166, 171, 172, 174, 176, 183, 204, 216,
217, 222, 227, 229, 236, 243, 287, 288, 306, 307
Distance Type, 92, 94, 136, 216, 217, 222
Distributed designs, 247
Document and Annotate, 571
Documentation, 401, 413, 414, 458, 467, 478, 483, 487, 569, 589, 595, 606, 610
Documentation and Collaboration, 589
Documentation and Exploded Views, 569
Documentation and Reporting, 483, 487
Documentation and User Experience, 610
Documentation and User Interface (UI), 606
Documentation and Visualization, 595
Documenting Assembly Instructions, 576
Documenting production requirements, 18Double-Sided PCBs, 545
downstream design features, 49
Drag a crossing window, 55
Drag the break lines, 357
Drag the selection window, 55
Draw the leading line, 190
Drawing a Circle, 61
Drawing a Polygon, 66
Drawing a Rectangle, 58
Drawing a Rectangular Frame, 85
drawing a sketch, 56
Drawing a Slot, 70
Drawing a Spline, 74
Drawing an Arc, 63
Drawing an Ellipse, 68
drawing area, 57, 58, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
110, 111, 114, 128, 152, 207, 342, 344, 359, 360, 362, 366
Drawing Conic Curves, 73
drawing curves, 53
Drawing Exchange Format, 26
Drawing folder, 21
DRAWING VIEW, 333, 334, 335, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 358, 383
DRAWING Workspace, 18, 331, 357
drawings, 8, 11, 12, 18, 26, 46, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 121, 134, 135, 136, 137, 147, 156, 158, 177, 205,
257, 258, 310, 317, 331, 332, 338, 342, 344, 351, 356, 375, 379, 380, 383, 622, 629, 632
Drive Joints, 283, 287, 291
Driving a Joint, 287
Driving Design Changes with Parameters, 394
Drop Those Components like It’s Hot, 555
drop-down box, 38, 92, 216, 222, 279, 301
Druchmesser, 192
Duplicate a Material, 495
During the simulation, you can, 468
DXF, 26, 382
Dynamic Evaluation, 410
Easily Model Wires, 208
Edge, 66, 67, 128, 139, 141, 167, 211, 228, 266, 267, 268, 271, 273, 275, 277, 316, 363, 364, 365
Edge Polygon, 66, 67
Edit a break in a view, 357
Edit a contact set, 290
Edit a design directly, 249
Edit a Surface Texture, 374
Edit Drawing mode, 56
Edit Form, 39, 210
Edit In Place, 251
Edit Joint, 283, 285
Edit Model contextual, 14
Edit Model panel, 14
Edit Model Solid tab, 14EDITING, 88, 115, 226
Editing a Dimension, 368
Editing a Spline, 76
Editing and Fine-Tuning, 405
Editing and Inserting, 345
Editing and Modifying the Dimensions, 111
Editing Annotation, 344
Editing Hatch Properties, 358
Editing Joints, 283
Editing Materials, 494
Editing Options, 283
Editing Parameters, 405
Editing Properties, 358
Efficiency in Design Changes, 385
Electrical Discharge Machines, 456
Electrical Discharge Machines (EDM), 456
electrical engineer, 561, 562, 563
Electromagnetic interference, 546
Electromagnetic Interference, 554
Electromechanical, 560
Electromechanical Integration, 560
Electronics Area, 533
Electronics Design Integration, 560
Electronics Design Workspace, 533
Electronics Library Workspace, 534
Electrostatic or electromagnetic interferences, 551
Elevating Fusion 360’s Capabilities, 604
eligible venture-backed, 6
ellipse’s center point, 68
Embed option, 36
Embedded Plastic Parts, 581
Emissivity, 17
Enable Contact Sets, 290, 291
Enable supports, 531
Enabling Contact, 291
Enhance designs through automated modeling and generative design, 591
Enhanced productivity, 476
Enhanced Responsiveness, 574
Enhanced User Interface, 583
Enhancements, 604, 606
Enter button, 59, 60
ENTER button, 109, 110
Entities, 88, 90, 91, 97, 98, 101, 239
environment, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 39, 49, 58, 61, 63, 66, 70, 75, 76, 88, 99, 101, 127, 150,
151, 207, 210, 259, 261, 300, 324, 326, 349, 358
Epoxy Resin, 553
Equal Constraint, 393
Equations, 386, 390, 391, 401, 479
Error Messages and Print Pauses, 531
Error tracking, 443
Escape key, 54
Escape or Enter, 51Establish a Clear Design Hierarchy, 570
Establish New Parameters, 389
Establishing Cutting Tool Coolant, 466
Establishing Cutting Tool Coolant/Lubrication, 466
Evaluate using Physical Models, 407
Event simulation, 41
Everything You Need to Consider for Prototyping, 586
Examine any loose belts, 531
Examine connections, 531
Examine the build surface, 531
Examining the Results, 300
Exceeding Perfection in Iterations, 489
exchanging data, 3
Execute the G-code Program, 472
Exercise Eight, 625
Exercise Eleven, 627
Exercise Fifteen, 629
Exercise Five, 621, 624
Exercise Four, 620, 623
Exercise Fourteen, 628
Exercise Nine, 626
Exercise one, 619
Exercise One, 622
Exercise Seven, 621, 625
Exercise Six, 621, 624
Exercise Ten, 626
Exercise Thirteen, 628
Exercise Three, 620, 623
Exercise Twelve, 627
Exercise Two, 619, 622
Existing File, 32, 33
explicit associative references, 254
Exploded views, 419, 420
Explore the Animation Workspace, 424
Exploring the Sheet Metal Workspace, 412
Export and Slicing, 514
Export designs, 449
Exporting an Entire Design, 43
Exporting and Slicing, 513
Exporting G-code for CNC Machines, 469
Exporting Individual Components or Bodies, 44
Exporting Multiple Bodies, 45
extend, 51, 54, 141, 184, 362
Extend Faces, 145
Extend Faces button, 145
Extending Fusion 360’s functionality, 597
Extending Fusion 360’s functionality through programming, 597
Extent, 119
Extent drop-down list., 119
external component, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 260
External Parameters, 387
Extra, 46
Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, 551
EXTRUDE dialog box, 116extrude feature, 116, 117, 120, 121, 131, 132, 145, 146, 229, 230
Extrude Feature, 116
Extrude Tool, 143
ExtrudeFeature, 608
ExtrudeFeature object, 608
Face, 39, 129, 133, 136, 138, 139, 167, 186, 226, 243, 244, 266, 293, 315
Face commands, 39
FACE dialog box, 226
Faces, 129, 145, 151, 160, 215, 219, 221, 224, 225, 230, 234, 235, 237, 238, 243, 266, 268, 271, 273,
275, 277, 293, 315
Facilitating What-If Scenarios, 385
Factor of Safety, 300, 483
Failure Criteria, 480
fascinating realm of customization, 596
fasteners, 21, 341, 352
Faster Load Times, 574
Favorites library, 159, 160, 162, 164, 165
FDM, 41
FEA, 18, 41, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 488, 519, 580, 592, 594
Feature, 13, 61, 63, 65, 68, 73, 76, 100, 156, 157, 169, 170, 173, 175, 176, 177, 180, 181, 227, 257,
317, 327
Feature Options, 61, 63, 65, 68, 73, 76, 100
Feature Recognition user guide, 608
Features, 87, 215, 218, 219, 221, 224, 225, 230, 234, 235, 236, 328, 633
features of Fusion 360, 4
Feedback and Revisions, 505
FFF Example, 523
Figure out those trace widths, 558
Filament Jamming, 531
File from the Cloud, 46
File menu, 7, 31, 36, 37
File name (Name), 24
File size (size), 24
File type (Type), 24
Fillet, 51, 97, 183, 207, 230, 232, 233, 245
Fillets and Chamfers, 512, 514
Filter projects, 23
Filtering, 22, 24
Find content in the content, 23
Finish Machining, 465
Finish Sketch, 11
finite element analysis, 18, 41, 477, 478, 479, 488, 519
first and second linear directions, 91
first axis point, 69
Fit, 10, 39, 40, 75, 76, 78, 80, 126, 129, 188
Fit Point Spline, 39, 40, 75, 78, 80
Fit point splines, 80
Five Tips for Creating Exceptional Renderings, 501fix models, 41
Fix/Unfix Constraint, 393
Fixed, 50, 55, 129, 294, 297
fixed line, 104
Fixed Support, 481
Fixing, 104, 263, 311
Flange command, 39
Flat Pattern, 13, 414, 415
Flat Pattern contextual, 13
Flat Pattern contextual surroundings, 13
flat pattern for sheet metal, 13
Flexibility, 391, 401
Flip button, 145, 269
flyback diode, 554
flyout, 34, 78, 126, 127, 270, 344, 345, 368, 371, 635
flyout folder, 635
Focal Length, 497
Folded and Unfolded Modes, 415
Folder Location, 614
form feature, 40
Form Feature, 40
Format, 43, 44, 343
formatting options, 87
freeform, 4, 26, 75, 630, 631
freeform workspace, 4
From Sketch to Final Product, 582
Front Plane, 153, 154, 155
Full, 95, 122, 123, 174, 187, 220, 331, 339, 340, 350, 351
Full option, 95, 122, 123, 220
Functionality, 513, 559, 585, 588
Functionality and Purpose, 588
fundamental features, 17
fundamentals, 17
Fusion 2D 360 Practice Exercises, 619
Fusion 360 is a versatile tool, 597
Fusion 360″ button, 46
Fusion 360’s 3D modeling tools, 591
Fusion 360’s Application Programming Interface, 596, 609
Fusion 3D 360 Practice Exercises, 622
Fusion Team, 20, 22, 23, 31, 433, 434, 435, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 474, 568
Fusion Team integration, 474
Future of Engineering and Manufacturing, 584
G01 X1 Y1 F20 T01 S500, 453
General” option, 125
Generate G-code, 471
Generate Reports, 429, 482
generate several different design possibilities, 14
Generate toolpaths for additive, 592
Generating machine-readable G-code instructions, 470
Generative Design, 14, 39, 162, 164, 165GENERATIVE DESIGN, 14
Geographic Location, 496
Geometric Constraints, 391
geometric limitations, 53
Geometric Pattern, 581
geometric shapes, 53, 631
Geometries, 361
Geometry, 148, 150, 202, 255, 257, 347, 363
Geometry Generators, 604
geometry of 2D sketches, 11
Gestures, 40
Get the Simulation Environment Started, 481
Give them some space, 557
Give your Integrated Circuits, 543
Give your Integrated Circuits (ICs) Room to Breathe, 543
Go Home, 129
Go to Home Position, 284
GrabCAD, 36
GrabCAD account, 36
Grant access to a project, 19
Graphics and Display Settings, 572
Graphics Area, 124
Grid and Snaps, 10
Grid Settings’, 602
Grid view choices, 23
Grids and Snaps, 50
Ground Plane, 497
Grounding the First Component, 263, 311
Group and Mate Components Logically, 571
Group Your Parts to Minimize Connection Paths, 543
Guide Curve Definition, 405
Guide Rail, 170, 173, 174
Guide Rails, 180
Guide Surface, 170, 175, 176
Half Length, 119
Hardware Considerations, 570, 572, 575
Hardware folders, 21
Harsh Environments Examples, 551
Have real-time conversations, 434
Helical, 199
Helical and a Spiral Coil, 199
helix, 202
helpline, 190
Hidden Edges, 131, 335, 339
hide projection, 149
Hierarchical Approach, 573
High Power Application, 553
High-Quality Images and Animations, 498
hobbyists, 3
Hole, 38, 39, 186, 187, 188, 189, 193, 372Home icon, 20, 128, 152
Home view, 127, 129, 130
Horizontal Constraint, 102
horizontal dimension, 107
Horizontal Dimension, 107
horizontal sketch entities, 107
Horizontal/Vertical Constraint, 393
Horizontal/Vertical tool, 105
Houston, 559
Houston, We Have Liftoff, 559
How is Additive 2.0 Better?, 521
How it all works, 499
How to assign plastic rules, 529
How to Design PCBs for Harsh Environments, 550
How to select an appropriate modeling feature, 396
How to Use Generative Design Tools, 527
How to Use Generative Design Tools for Additive, 527
How to Use Generative Design Tools for Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing, 527
HTML code, 36
HTML code of your website, 36
ideal world, 587
Identical, 218, 223, 225
Identifying critical areas for design improvement, 485
Identifying Design Challenges, 579
Identifying Weaknesses, 487
IGES, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 47
Implementing DFMA methodologies in Fusion 360, 593
import functions, 39
Important Information, 414
Importing 3D STEP Models, 564
Importing and exporting design data, 449
Improved Presentation, 574
Improved workflows, 476
In Fusion Team, 23
inactive state, 128
Include subcomponents, 258
Incorporate electrical components with ECAD/MCAD, 592
Incorporating design, 588
Incorporating design principles, 588
Incorporating design principles and best practices, 588
Industrial Design, 584
inference lines, 53
inferences of perpendicularity, 53
information regarding the script or add-in, 614
Inscribed Polygon, 66
Insert Derive, 257, 258
Inserting Text, 85, 86
Inside Radius, 418
Inside Thickness, 237, 238, 308
Integrating Custom Features, 604Integrating Electronics Components, 559
Integrating Electronics Components with Mechanical Design, 559
Integration of materials and suppliers, 476
Integration with 3D, 413
Interference Analysis, 512, 514
Interference Checks, 573
Interference Detection, 568
Interference Edges, 335
Internal and External, 260
Interpreting Simulation Results, 482
intersect, 48, 97, 153, 156, 171, 177, 225, 244
Intersect, 121, 124, 146, 242
Intersecting Edges, 364
Intersecting Geometry, 512, 514
Intersection button, 267, 268, 271, 273, 275, 277, 316
Intersection Curve tool, 151
Introduction to finite element analysis (FEA), 478
Introduction to Fusion 360 API, 596
Introduction to manufacturing workflows, 472
Introduction to Sheet Metal, 412
Inventor, 3, 33, 124, 125, 630
Inviting Users to Your Team, 436
ISO, 26, 338, 343, 344, 373, 378
isolate sections, 300
Isolating Parts of the Spectrum, 300
isometric perspective, 128, 151, 152, 336
isometric view, 127, 128, 147, 206, 338
Isotropic or Anisotropic Properties, 480
It’s Getting Hot in Here, 556
itemById field, 599
Iterate and make adjustments, 429
Iterate and Refine, 407
Iterating designs, 486, 488
Iterating designs based on simulation insights, 486
Iteration and Optimization, 482
Iteration and refinement, 585
Iterative Design, 386, 519
Iterative Improvement, 443
Iterative Loops, 487
Iterative refinement, 488
Jewelry Design, 408
Job Status, 8, 27, 32, 34
Join a project, 19
Joint command, 264, 265, 281, 303, 313
Just Integrate It, 557K
Keep Components Modular, 571
Keep Ergonomics and Spacing in Mind, 503
Keep IC Pins and Polarized Components in the Same Direction, 544
Keep Similar Components in the Same Direction, 543
Keep that noise away, 558
Keep them in line, 557
Keep those hot parts separate, 557
Keep your parts in the same direction, 556
Keep Your Parts on One Layer, 544
Key Considerations for Integration, 559
Key Features, 408, 577
keyboard, 24, 38, 54, 55, 57, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 116, 147, 167, 186, 191, 193, 203, 228, 229,
232, 266, 270, 272, 326, 351, 359, 366, 371, 373, 374, 375, 634
Knowledge capture and documentation, 489
Knowledge Transfer, 443
larger projects, 3
Lathes, 456
Launch Screencast Recorder, 37
Layer Height, 513, 514
Layer Stack Fundamentals, 545
Layout Grid, 602
Layout Grid Lock, 602
Legacy Material, 161
less is more, 81
Level of Detail, 568, 569, 571, 572, 574
Library drop-down, 161
Lighting, 496, 498, 502, 505
Lightweight Mode, 574
Lightweight Representations, 573
Line, 39, 40, 51, 57, 87, 89, 90, 91, 114, 205, 206, 207, 305
line or a centerline, 110
line tool, 57, 58, 630
Linear Diameter Dimension, 110
linear slot, 70, 71
Lines, 48, 340, 369
Linking design models to manufacturing processes, 457
Load the G-code File, 471
Local context, 253
Local Refinement, 409
location selection, 136
Lock, 283, 287
LOD, 568, 569, 571, 572, 574
Loft Command Execution, 405
Lofting between Non-Parallel Profiles, 402
Logical Operators, 391
Look one step ahead, 556M
Mac, 6, 24
Machining Operations, 464
Machining Strategies, 465
macOS, 19, 236, 243
Main sketch, 193
Maintain and Update, 606
Make icon, 42
Make Sketch Profiles, 406
Make sure the grid is set to 0.1 inch, 535
Make the Base Shape, 409
Make the Surface Patch, 406
Making Geometric Limits, 392
Making Simple LOFT, 402
Manage lost predictions, 149
Manage Lost Projections, 150
Manage materials, 161, 164
Manage Materials, 158, 159, 161
Manage materials in a design, 161
Manage Physical Materials, 162, 164, 165, 6
Managing Data, 18
Managing large assemblies effectively, 569
Managing Parametric Models, 397
Managing user roles, permissions, and access, 436
Manipulating a design, 444
Manual Explode tool, 321, 425
Manual Explode Tool, 321
Manual Explosion, 431
Manual Support Placement, 513, 514
Manufacturability, 474, 560
Manufacture, 4, 18, 39
MANUFACTURE Workspace, 18
manufactured folder, 21
manufactured in real life, 4
manufacturing capabilities, 473, 476
manufacturing partnerships, 476
marking menu, 9, 369
Marking menu, 38, 39, 40, 106
Marking Menu, 38, 85, 97, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 186, 226, 366, 373
markups, 3
Matching materials to design requirements, 518
Material & Texture Libraries, 584
Material Library, 159, 161, 162, 165, 516, 519
Material Removal Visualization, 468
Material Selection, 451, 579, 588, 594, 604
Material Selection Wizards, 604
Material Simulation, 516, 517
material-aware features, 581
Materials tab, 162, 164
Materials with Intelligence, 580maximizing material economy, 582
Maximum, 285
Measure tool, 166
mechanical engineer, 561
Meeting Design Requirements, 580
Mesh Analysis, 512
Mesh and Surface Quality, 512
Mesh editing and repair, 474
Mesh tab, 12
Mesh to BRep, 410, 512, 514, 572
Mesh to BRep Conversion, 512, 514
Metal Filaments, 517
Middle of Two Faces, 134
Midplane, 134
midpoint, 53, 66, 103, 223, 267
Midpoint Constraint, 393
Milestone box, 249, 251
Milling Machines, 456
Minifig model, 426
Minimize Complexity, 594
Minimize Fasteners, 593, 594
Minimum, 285
Minimum detail size, 508
Minimum Wall Thickness, 512, 514
Mirror and Symmetry, 410
MIRROR dialog, 91
Mirror tool, 90, 91
Mirroring, 90, 224
Modal Analysis, 483
Modal frequencies, 4
Model Design and Accuracy, 512
model files, 3
Model Optimization, 594
Model Units and Scaling, 512
modeling, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 26, 27, 41, 48, 76, 147, 190, 253, 293, 295, 302, 317, 631
modeling program, 3
model’s mesh, 42
model’s performance, 4
Modify appearances in a design, 160
Modify fan settings, 531
Modify physical materials, 159
Modifying the Parameters, 389
Modifying Title Blocks, 350
Modular Design, 594
Modularity, 588, 593
Moisture, Humidity, and Dust, 552
Monitoring and Auditing, 436
Motion, 265, 268, 269, 272, 274, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 285, 287, 288
mouse’s right mouse button, 38
Move a Surface Texture, 374
Move/Copy, 38, 76Multi-layer PCBs, 546
Multiple Bodies, 492
Multiple Profiles, 147
Multiple project participants, 247
multiple tabs, 11
Name of Script or Add-In, 614
Name Parameters, 389
Named Views support, 607
Narration and Voiceover, 505
Native, 25
Navigating, 124, 127
Navigating a 3D Model, 124, 127
Navigation Bar, 9, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 344, 345
NavToolbar, 599
Network and Cloud Settings, 573
Neutral File Formats, 25
New Body, 121, 124, 146, 225
new component, 45, 121, 124, 146, 147, 209, 242, 263, 289, 309, 310, 311
New Component, 146
New Component option, 121, 124, 146
New Design File, 10
New Empty Component, 309
new filter called PINNED, 22
new material library, 163
New Project, 20
New Project Folder, 20
new sketch constraints, 607
New Sketch Constraints, 607
New Storyboard, 325
New Title Block, 345
Non-Linear Stress, 41
Notification Center – Notifications, 8
Number of triangles, 43
Numerical Constraints, 391
Nylon, 517, 581
OBJ and STL file, 3
Object Model, 608
Object Viewers, 128
Objects, 91, 95, 156, 166, 215, 219, 222, 239, 254, 255, 341, 351, 353, 608
Offline Mode, 34
Offset, 39, 51, 88, 89, 117, 133, 144, 187, 188, 192, 227, 243, 268, 351, 353
OFFSET, 101, 133, 226, 227, 243
Offsetting, 88, 226, 227, 243
One Side, 118, 123, 183, 239
Ongoing Artistic Maintenance, 610
Open a project, 20
Open Assembly, 431Open Details on Web button, 20
Open from my computer, 32
Open from My Computer, 33
Open Your Design, 481
Opening an Existing Design File, 31
Opening multiple versions, 442
operating systems, 614, 617
Operation, 40, 121, 124, 145, 146, 173, 175, 176, 179, 182, 197, 198, 199, 202, 204, 230, 242, 306,
307, 310, 311, 370
operation drop-down list, 124
Optimal Orientation, 513
Optimal Print Orientation, 514
Optimization, 452, 459, 478, 479, 487, 488, 575
Optimize and Validate, 429
Optimize print orientation, 531
Optimized, 218, 225
Optimizing assembly performance, 572
Optimizing Designs with Simulation Data, 486
Optimizing models for successful printing, 513
Optimizing Toolpaths, 459, 469
Optimizing Your Experience, 583
Option+Command+P, 19
Optional, 65, 72, 236, 244, 371
Optocouplers, 554
Orbit, 9, 40, 125, 126, 127, 634
organization’s internal collaboration, 605
Organize and find projects, 22
Organize the contents and the projects., 24
Organizing Bodies & Components, 397
Orientation, 172, 173, 223, 224, 335, 356
Ortho Faces, 129
Other Constraints, 297
our IGS model, 30
Output, 44
Outside Thickness, 238
Overall Slot, 70, 71
Overhangs, 506, 514
Overlapping, 294
overriding, 81
Overview of Electronics Design, 532
Package and Share, 606
Packaging and Sharing Your Craftsmanship, 610
PALETTE, 89, 90, 105, 112, 113, 114, 206
Palette window, 61
Pan, 10, 40, 125
Parallel Constraint, 103, 393
Parameter Organization, 394
Parameterization, 488parameters, 10, 42, 43, 44, 48, 50, 94, 96, 106, 116, 118, 121, 122, 130, 162, 163, 165, 166, 174, 182,
188, 189, 197, 198, 199, 201, 204, 219, 220, 236, 257, 258, 300, 321, 333, 358, 362, 379, 630,
632, 634
Parameters Modeling, 584
parametric, 4, 10, 12, 27, 48, 49, 106, 185, 186, 311
Parametric Design, 512, 588
parametric modeling, 10, 384, 386, 387, 389, 395, 396, 397, 407, 409, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 584,
591, 610
Parametric Modeling, 329, 386, 391, 395, 396, 577, 579, 594
Parasolid, 26
Part Modeling, 4
Parylene, 553
Patch Tool, 407
Path, 86, 136, 137, 142, 155, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 203, 221, 222, 224, 281
Path + Guide Rail option, 170, 173
Path + Guide Surface option, 170, 175, 176
pattern instances, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225
pattern occurrences, 92, 216, 222
Patterning, 91
pattern’s orientation, 94
PCB, 532, 533, 534, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, perform FEA on critical components,
Perform Finite Element Analysis, 594
Performance, 395, 431, 487, 488, 518, 559, 567, 571, 574, 575, 583
Performance Benefits, 574
performance criteria, 14
Performance Improvements, 583
Performance Optimization, 567, 571
Periodic Boundary Conditions, 481
Perpendicular Constraint, 103
perpendicularity, 53
Personalization, 578, 585
Perspective, 129
PETG, 517
Photorealistic Visualization, 585
physical constraints, 18
Physical Material, 158, 159, 161, 529, 530
Physical material and appearance, 530
Physical Materials Properties, 158
Physical Testing, 595
Physical Values, 529
pick entities, 98
Pin projects, 22
Pin Slot, 264
Pinned, 19, 297
PINNED filter, 23
Pinned Support, 481
pin-slot joint, 276, 277
Pipe tool, 203, 207
Place All of Your Edge Components First, 543
Place like parts together, 556
Placement, 186, 189
placement points, 108Plan Your Presentation, 504
Planar, 264, 278, 279
Plane, 117, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 141, 153, 154, 155, 157, 191, 225, 238, 314
Planes, 49, 134, 138, 141, 153, 155
Plastic rule parameters, 530
Plastic Rules, 528, 529
Point, 39, 40, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 78, 80, 84, 95, 98, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
151, 179, 186, 187, 188, 196, 198, 223, 232, 239, 304, 356, 359
Point tool, 84, 198, 359
Point tool found, 84
Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol, 517
polygon faces, 12
polygon’s center point, 66, 67
polygon’s orientation, 66, 67
Polylactic Acid, 516
Poor Layer Adhesion, 530
Portability, 400
portable and remote, 3
POSITION panel, 287
position the polygon, 66, 67, 68
Positional continuity, 406
Post-print assembly, 510
Post-Processing, 452, 458, 459, 470, 513
Power It Up, Power it down, 558
Power surges, either natural (i.e., lightning) or human-made, 551
Power with common rails, 557
Practice, 407, 505, 619, 622
Precision at Your Fingertips, 385
Precision Tools for Your Craft, 604
Preferences, 50, 124, 125, 126, 149, 158, 161, 163, 202, 343, 344, 633, 634
Preparations, 296
Prepare Your 3D Models, 504
Preparing Models for 3D Printing, 512
Preparing Your 3D Model, 498
Prerequisites, 303
Present with Confidence, 505
Presentation Environment, 505
Presenting Designs with Visual Impact, 504
PRESS PULL, 226, 228, 229
Press Pull Tool, 226, 228, 229
PressPull, 38
Preview and Modification, 405
Preview mesh, 44
Preview Mesh., 42
Preview the Bend, 418
Print Bed Leveling Issues, 531
Print Bed Orientation, 513
Print Options and Setting, 513
Printing Materials, 515, 516
Printing Technologies, 516
product design, 3
Product Design, 408, 528, 580, 581Product Design Extension, 528, 580, 581
Product designers, 586
products, 3, 15, 79, 258, 295
Profile, 8, 113, 116, 117, 122, 155, 157, 171, 174, 175, 178, 183, 326, 327
Profile and Help, 8
Profile Selection, 405
profiles, 48, 113, 116, 122, 147, 148, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 214, 306, 632
Profiles, 177, 178, 180, 181
Programming Language, 614
Project, 20, 22, 23, 39, 51, 148, 150, 151, 156, 202, 212, 345
Project Avatar, 20
Project Axis in Revolve Feature, 608
Project Home page, 23
Project Management, 436, 449
project organized., 21
Project Pin Icon, 22, 23
Project Type, 20, 151
Project Unpin icon, 23
Projected Compound, 152, 154, 155
Projected Compound Curves, 152
Projected Views, 337
Projecting Edges onto, 148
Projecting Intersecting Geometries, 156
Projection Link, 149, 150, 152
project’s history, 329
Projects page, 22, 23
project’s settings, 20
Promoting old versions, 441
proper restrictions, 54
PROPERTIES dialog box, 166
Prototyping, 487, 508, 578, 579, 585, 586, 589, 590, 595
Prototyping and Manufacturing, 585
Prototyping and Testing, 487, 589, 595
Prototyping Costs, 579
Pruning Redundancies, 485
PrusaSlicer, 450, 513, 514
public connection, 35, 36
public link, 36
public link active, 36
Publish button, 36
Purchased folder, 21
purple cube, 40
Purposeful Component Selection, 573
Push and Pull, 408
Put Surface Detail, 410
Python Version Update, 606
QQATRight, 599
Quality and consistency, 476
Quality Control, 452, 458, 472, 513
Quantity, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 216, 217, 220, 223
Questions, 47, 87, 101, 114, 131, 142, 168, 214, 225, 245, 302, 317, 329, 383, 629
Quick Render Mode, 495
radial menu, 38, 39, 40
Radius Dimension, 110, 366
radius measurement, 109, 110
Rain/moist environments, 551
Real-World Validation, 487
reassembling the components, 426
recommended procedures, 81
Recorder icon, 37
Recording Screen, 37
Recovering Unsaved Data, 35
Rectangular, 51, 85, 91, 196, 215
rectangular drawing, 111
Rectangular Pattern, 51, 91, 215
RECTANGULAR PATTERN, 91, 94, 215, 216, 217, 219, 225
Redo, 7, 38
Reference, 134, 187, 254, 255, 331, 334, 363, 364, 374
Reference objects, 254
Referencing Pictures, 409
Refine and Modify, 406
Refinement, 43, 44
Refinement of Component Placement, 562
Refinement through Testing, 610
Refining and detailing organic shapes, 409
Reflectance, 17, 165, 495
Reflections, 497
Regular Audits and Maintenance, 571
Regular Backups and File Management, 569
Regular Updates, 573
Regularly Save and Backup, 570
Regulatory Compliance, 580
Relief Pattern, 17, 495
Relief Pattern (Bump), 17
Re-link, 150
Remember where your heat goes, 558
Remote Displacements, 481
Rename the material., 494
Render Images and Videos, 505
RENDER Workspace, 15
Rendering, 4, 293, 423, 449, 498, 499, 501, 504, 570, 577, 578, 607, 608
Renumbering Balloons, 376
Repeat for Additional Bends, 418Replace Applied Material, 492
Representation, 334, 355, 368
Representing complex assemblies efficiently, 575
Request Access button, 19
Reservation Badge, 249, 250, 251
Reset Front, 130
Reset Home, 130
Resin Printing, 517
Rest, 286
Restart, 167
Restate last command., 38
Reuse, 258
Revert position, 292
Revert position proactively, 292
Review and Analyze, 468
Review and Interpret Results, 482
Reviewing and discussing designs, 433
Reviewing comment history, 447
Revolute, 264, 265, 270, 272, 281, 309
REVOLVE dialog box, 124, 146
Revolve Feature, 121
Revolve Tool, 146
Rho value, 73, 74, 87
Rigid, 264, 265, 269, 309, 313
Rip Features, 607
Roller Support, 481
root component, 8
rotational around the Y-axis, 462
Rough Machining, 465
Roughness, 17
Rounds and Fillets, 235
Rounds/Fillets, 235
Route like a Boss, 557
Routing of PCB Traces, 563
Run on Startup, 614
Run the Simulation, 429, 482
running Netfabb, 524
runOnStartup, 617
Safety and Monitoring, 467
Safety by the Numbers, 485
Safety Factor, 300
Safety Factors and Margins, 482
Sample schematic, 537
Sanding and Smoothing, 513
Save, 7, 21, 22, 43, 44, 45, 164, 186, 249, 250, 251, 311, 317, 326, 380, 382, 383
Save and Document, 429
Save and Share, 482, 505
SAVE AS MESH, 44Save Incrementally, 572
Saving a Design File, 24
Scale, 76, 97, 98, 174, 239, 240, 241, 300, 335, 338, 341, 355, 358, 630
Scale Factor, 98, 240, 358
Scale Factor field, 98, 240
Scaling, 97, 174, 175, 239, 240
scheduled maintenance, 8
Schematic design, 534
Screencast box, 37
Screencast Details, 37
Screencast Recorder, 37
Screencast Recorder application, 37
Script and Add-In Details, 613
Script and Add-In Files, 615
Script Code, 618
Scripts, 596, 604, 605, 611, 613, 615, 616, 617, 618
Scripts and Add-Ins, 605, 611, 613, 615, 616, 617, 618
Scripts vs. Add-Ins, 618
Sculpt Symmetrically, 408
Sculpting freeform, 408
Sculpting freeform designs, 408
Sculpting freeform designs with T-splines, 408
Sculpting symmetry, 408
Sculpting Techniques, 408
Sculpting Tools, 407, 409, 584
Seamless Design for an Interconnected World, 584
Seamlessly collaborate, 591
Seamlessly collaborate with Assembly Concurrency, 591
Search for content, 23
Searching the API Documentation, 606
second end point into position, 74
second picture, 169, 172, 177, 204, 207, 216, 236, 352
secondary unit, 167
Secondary Units, 167
Second-level radial, 39
Section analysis, 419
Section Analysis, 575
Section Position, 201
Section View, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 358
Section Views, 351, 352, 353, 354
Seek Help and Collaboration, 606
Select menu, 55
Select the Preferences tool, 124, 343
SELECT tool, 105
Selecting Feed Rate, 466
Selecting the Ideal Simulation Tool, 488
Selecting the Right Cutting Tool, 466
Selection, 42, 49, 55, 148, 149, 167, 168, 171, 204, 265
Selective Detailing, 573
Self-Locating Features, 594
Sending G-code to CNC machines, 471
Sending G-code to CNC machines for production, 471Sensitivity analysis, 483
Separated Values, 401
Separation, 298
Set current view as, 130
Set current view as Home, 129
Set Increments, 50
Set Initial Component Positions, 424
Set Plane in angle, 191
Set the Camera settings, 497
Set the extruder’s calibration, 531
Set the lighting, background, and camera in your render, 497
Set Up Boundary Conditions, 481
Set Up Your Development Environment, 605
Set Work and Tool Offsets, 471
Setting Depth of Cut, 466
Setting the Priority, 294
Setting Up FEA Studies, 481
Setting Up Toolpaths for CNC Machining, 458
Settings button, 8
Shaded, 130, 131, 335
shaded visual style, 130
shaded with hidden edges, 130, 131
Shaping, 17
Share Public Link, 3, 35
Sharing a Design, 35
Sharing Design, 35, 36, 37
Sharing Design to GrabCAD, 36
Sharing Design Using a Link, 35
Sharing information among your project’s team, 444
Sharing project data, 433
Sharing with others not involved in your project, 444
Sharing your design, 444
sheen, 17
Sheet Bar, 377, 378
Sheet Metal, 12, 13, 39, 258, 309, 310
SHEET METAL, 412, 600
Sheet Metal Environment, 413
Sheet metal fabrication and manufacturing considerations, 475
Sheet Metal Features, 412
sheet metal functionality, 475
Sheet Metal Parameters, 412
Sheet Metal Rules, 412, 414, 416
Sheet Metal tab, 12, 13, 39
Sheet Settings, 344, 345, 378
Sheet Size, 333, 345, 377
Shell tool, 237
Short Falloff, 17
shortcut menu, 32, 34, 157, 165, 166, 285, 287, 311, 317, 323, 324, 325, 331
shortcuts drop-down list, 125
Show Constraints, 105, 114
Show Data Panel icon, 18
Show Dimension, 111Show Dimension option, 111
Show Dimensions, 114
Show Dimensions., 114
Show Points, 113
Show Projected Geometries, 114
Show Snap Points, 167
Side Note about Materials, 491
Sign Out, 8
Signal Interferences, 553
significant chunks, 4
significant portion, 3
Silicone Resin, 553
Simplicity, 593
Simplified Components, 574
Simplified Representations, 568, 569, 573, 575, 576
Simplify Geometry, 594
Simplify When Possible, 569
Simplifying and Representing Large Assemblies, 574
Simulate circuit performance, 537
Simulate circuit performance with SPICE, 537
Simulate Finite Element Analysis, 592
Simulate Toolpaths, 467
Simulating realistic motion for mechanisms, 428
Simulating Static Stress, 295
Simulating Toolpaths, 467
Simulating Toolpaths and Material Removal, 467
Simulation, 4, 18, 39, 295, 296
Simulation and Analysis, 448, 450, 519, 568, 578, 579, 580, 585, 589, 604
Simulation and Analysis Plugins, 604
Simulation and Validation, 413
Simulation and verification, 472
Simulation and Visualization, 452
Simulation as a Design Compass, 487
SIMULATION dialog box, 538
simulation section, 296
Simulation Setup, 467
SIMULATION Workspace, 18
Single Body, 491
Single Layer PCBs, 545
Sketch and Create the Initial Design, 593
Sketch contextual, 11, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 75, 88, 99, 101, 156, 304
Sketch contextual tab, 11
sketch curve, 53, 54, 55, 56, 88, 156
sketch curves, 51, 53, 88, 89, 221
Sketch Dimension tool, 107, 109, 110
sketch entity’s present location, 104
sketch profile, 48, 75, 88, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 137, 143, 144, 183, 226, 229,
245, 305
Sketch Your Geometry, 389
SketchDimensions object., 607Sketches, 48, 51, 55, 111, 147, 205, 255, 257
SKETCHES, 53, 55, 88
sketching, 9, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 84, 90, 91, 96, 98, 113, 114, 116, 118, 123, 127, 131, 147, 148, 149,
150, 151, 157, 158, 168, 184, 196, 197, 198, 202, 203, 205, 206
Sketching and Constraints, 588
Sketching Plane, 148, 157
SLA Example, 524
Slice, 113
Slicing and print preparation, 474
slicing operation, 4
Slider, 264, 273, 274
Sliding, 274, 298
SLM Example, 524
slot’s width, 70, 71, 72, 73
Smooth and Refine, 408
smooth curve, 75, 78
Smooth Transitions, 409
Snap to Grid, 602
snap-fit joints, 41
So What Can We Do?, 549
software, 3, 4, 6, 26, 27, 44, 106, 116, 124, 163, 630, 634, 635
Solid, 11, 12, 13, 14, 26, 125, 180, 183, 225, 232, 236, 240, 242, 243, 257, 258, 303, 305, 306, 307,
solid geometry, 13
solid model, 226
Solid tab, 11, 12, 13, 14, 232, 240, 243
SOLID tab, 116, 121, 147, 169, 170, 173, 175, 177, 181, 186, 196, 197, 198, 199, 203, 215, 219, 221,
226, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 237, 238, 239, 243, 265, 266, 270, 287, 288, 312
Solid tab’s Create panel, 11, 13
SolidWorks, 3, 124, 629
Some Finishing Touches, 447
Sorting, 22
sourcewindows, 617
sourcewindows and sourcemac properties, 617
Specialized Calculators, 604
Specifying Grids and Snaps Settings, 50
Specifying the Chord Length, 232
Specifying Units, 50
SPICE simulation in the schematic, 536
Spline degree, 77
spline tools, 74
splines, 48, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86, 104, 151, 152, 202, 214
Splines, 75, 77, 78, 81
Stack dimensions, 368
Standard, 26, 27, 188, 309, 333, 343, 344, 376, 377, 378
Standard Components, 594
Standard Fasteners and Hardware, 571
Standard Tessellation Language, 27
Standardization, 593, 595
Start, 117, 143, 155, 168, 223, 232, 323, 325, 332, 356
start condition, 117, 143, 168
Start with a Solid Foundation, 513
Static Tension, 4Step-by-Step Implementation in Fusion 360, 593
Stereolithography, 517
Stitch dialog, 30
Stitch option, 30
Stitch Surfaces, 406
STL, 3, 27, 36, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47
STL file, 45, 47
STL file formats, 3
STL format, 44
Stop button, 37, 289
Storyboarding, 505
storyboard’s timeline, 323
Strain Distribution, 483
Strategies for Handling Complex Assemblies, 567
Streamlined Design Modifications, 385
Streamlining assembly structure and components, 570
Streamlining production, 594
Streamlining production and assembly processes, 594
Stress Concentration and Critical Points, 483
Stress Distribution, 482
Stress nonlinear under static tension, 4
Structural Constraints, 297
Structure, 21, 44, 45, 396, 574, 598
Study Materials dialog, 165
Study section, 165
Style, 335, 339, 340
Sub-assemblies as file management, 400
Subcomponent Out-Of-Date indicator, 248
Subdivide the Mesh, 410
Sub-Folders, 20
Subtractive Assembly Modeling, 576
Support for multiple manufacturing methods, 473
Support Structures, 512, 514
supportedOS, 617
Suppress, 94, 96, 217, 220, 223, 283, 290, 328
Suppress or Isolate Components, 572
Suppressing or Isolating Components, 574
SURFACE, 150, 600
Surface Identification Leader, 373
surface modeling, 4, 76
Surface Modeling, 410
Surface tab, 12, 13, 14, 39, 225
Surface Texture Symbol, 373
Surface tool, 150
Surfaces, 41, 77
surfaces and sheets, 26
Sustainability, 519, 580, 589
Sustainability and Environmental Impact, 589
Switch to the Animation Workspace, 423
switching from, 4
Symbols menu, 373
Symmetric, 94, 96, 119, 123, 183, 217, 220, 239, 306Symmetry, 84, 103
Symmetry Constraint, 393
Symmetry constraints, 84
Symmetry or Anti-Symmetry, 481
System requirements, 5
TABLES panel, 374, 375
tabs, 7, 8, 11, 39, 163, 265
tab’s name, 13
Take the sharpness out of angles, 557
Tangent, 61, 62, 63, 65, 82, 103, 133, 134, 136, 137, 142, 179, 230, 231, 232, 238, 335, 339, 340
Tangent Arc, 63, 65
Tangent Constraint, 393
Tangent Continuity, 407
tangent restriction., 65
Tangential continuity, 406
Taper Angle, 120, 172, 229
Target Operating System, 614
team collaboration, 3
team cooperation, 3
technical level, 77
Techniques, 420, 421, 451, 572
Techniques for Reducing File Size, 572
Techniques for Reducing File Size and Enhancing Performance, 572
Temperature, 480, 481, 485, 515, 551
Temperatures, 4
temporary mode, 11
terminus, 51, 53, 102, 207, 232, 353
tessellation, 26
Test Prints and Iteration, 513
Test Renders and Iteration, 497
Test Your Custom Tool, 605
Testing, 466, 487, 488, 513, 540
The Ability to Export, 46
The Analytical Canvas, 485
The Appearance Dialog, 491
The Appearance Dialog Box, 491
The Art of Selection and Simulation, 518
The Autodesk Ecosystem, 450
the Bill of Material, 374
The constraints sketches, 393
The Craft of Simulation Modeling, 488
the curve’s location, 73
The Dance of Deformation, 485
The Dance of Optimization, 488
The Digital Palette, 516
The Digital Tools, 516
the DRAWING VIEWS, 334, 351, 353, 354, 355
The effects of heat stress, 5
The Export dialog displays., 449
The Flange and Bend Tools, 416The Fusion 360 API, 597, 604, 609
The Heat of Stress, 485
the highlighted wedge, 38
The Insight Harvest, 487
The International Organization for Standardization, 26
The Manifest File, 616
The Material Odyssey, 485
the Perpendicular option, 172, 173
The Power of Cloud-Native Capabilities, 584
The Power of Fusion 360 API in Action, 597
the Properties tool, 165, 166
The Puppet Strings of Design, 488
The Quest for Excellence, 487
the radius dimension, 109, 110
The Real-World Feedback Loop, 485
The Restore Home command, 426
The shapes of the 3D loft, 403
the shortcut menu, 34, 157
The Sketch tab, 11
the sketch tools, 11, 630
the Transform menu., 426
The Two Faces, 123
The Value of Combining Mechanical and Electrical Design Integration, 559
Thermal Analysis, 483
Thermal management, 559
thread command, 194
Thread Edges, 335
threaded inserts, 21
Time and Date, 497
Timeline, 10, 13, 34, 55, 147, 149, 150, 156, 157, 219, 227, 230, 232, 234, 235, 252, 253, 263, 285,
287, 288, 311, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 329
timeline icons, 10
Time-saving, 401
Timing and Transitions, 505
TIP, 55, 97, 117, 122, 273, 274, 375
Tips, 61, 63, 65, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 89, 100, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 150, 160,
256, 311
Toggle Curvature Display, 76
Toggle Radius option, 109
Toggling, 322, 326
Tolerance Analysis, 594
Toolbar Panels, 600
Toolbar Tabs, 600
Toolbars, 599, 601
toolpath, 4, 450, 451, 452, 453, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 473
Toolpath methods, 462
Toolpath optimization, 472
Toolpath Optimization, 461, 465, 466
toolpath transfer, 450
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches, 567
Top-down Assembly, 259, 311, 317
Top-down Assembly Approach, 259Torus, 137, 141, 198, 199
Total Angle field, 95, 220
total number, 43, 96, 200, 216, 291, 301, 348
Trace Width and Currents Reference, 558
Tracking project updates, 433
traditional decoupling capacitors, 546
TRANSFORM panel, 322
translation, 25, 32, 36, 264, 273, 274, 276, 278, 285, 319
Translation problems, 25
Translucency, 17, 165
Transmit to 3D Print Utility, 44
Trim, 51, 88
Trimming, 88
Troubleshooting, 530, 531
T-Spline model, 11
T-Spline model geometry, 11
T-Splines, 408, 409
Tubes, 208
Turn on the Surface Workspace, 406
turning, 3, 18, 114, 203, 319
Turning Component Visibility on And Off, 633
Turning on design history, 443
Turning the timeline, 329
Two Edges, 135, 140
Two Sides, 118, 123, 307
two-dimensional, 48, 303, 304, 360
Ultimaker Cura, 450, 513, 514
Ultimate Strength, 480
Unconstrained, 49
Under-Extrusion, 531
Underlap Joint, 413
Understand Continuity, 406
Understand Your Assembly Constraints, 542
Understand Your Mechanical Constraints, 542
Understanding CAM workflows, 451
Understanding CAM workflows and processes, 451
Understanding DFMA Principles, 593
Understanding Parameters and Dimensions, 384
Understanding sheet metal-specific tools, 413
Undo, 7, 38
Undo and Redo Buttons, 7
Uneven Surface, 210
Unfold and Refold, 413
Units, 50, 167, 333, 344, 368, 377
Unpin a Project, 23
Unstitched folder, 30
Un-suppress a contact set, 290
Update firmware, 531
Upload a design as a new version of an existing design, 449
Uploading Existing Files in a Project, 21Use a heated bed, 531
Use Assemblies and Subassemblies, 572
Use auto-leveling features, 531
Use Fusion 360’s simulation tools, 594
Use Named Views, 570
Use of Joints and Constraints, 568
Use Simplified Reps in Drawings, 572
Use Standardized Naming Conventions, 570
User Feedback, 589
User Interface, 7
User Parameters, 386, 387, 388, 508, 509
User-Interface Customization, 598
User-Interface Customization with Fusion 360’s API, 598
Using 3D Electronic Component Models, 563
Using 3D Electronic Component Models to Synch PCB, 563
Using 3D Electronic Component Models to Synch PCB and Enclosure Designs, 563
Using Dielectric Priority, 293
Using lightweight and simplified representations, 573
Using Multiple Copper Layers, 545
Using parameter tables for efficient management, 400
Using parts from the ngspice-digital and ngspice-simulation libraries, 537
Using Simplify Workspace, 574
Using simulation-driven design to enhance performance, 488
Using the New Additive 2.0 Algorithm, 520
Using the Right Units and Scaling, 513
Utilizing cloud rendering for high-quality output, 499
Utilizing geometric and numeric constraints, 391
Validating the Print Process, 523
Validation and Correlation, 483
Velocity or Acceleration, 480
Verify and Fine-Tune, 468
Verify Motion Restrictions, 431
Version Control, 436, 437, 438, 560, 568, 571, 580, 589
Version Description, 249, 251
Vertex, 140, 167
Vertical Constraint, 102
vertical constraint tool, 102
vertical dimension, 107
vertical position, 102
vertical restriction, 84, 102
Vibrations in Mode Shapes, 485
View Cube, 124, 127, 128, 129, 147, 151, 152, 206
View Cube is a 3D model, 128
View representations, 419
viewcube, 9, 635
ViewCube, 9, 630
Viewing a design, 435
viewing direction, 113, 114, 127, 352Viewing the version history, 440
Viewports, 10
Views and Actions, 324
virtual workshop, 609
visible edges, 130, 131
Visible Edges Only, 131
visual or display style, 130
Visual Representation, 519
visual style, 130, 131, 237, 335
Visual Style, 130
Visual Style of a Model, 130
Visual Styles, 575
voltage spikes, 554
Volumetric Latticing, 582
Wall Thickness and Tolerance, 512, 514
Warping and Bed Adhesion Problems, 530
Water, Plasma & Laser Cutters, 455
website, 6, 36, 37
What are 2.5D Toolpaths?, 460
What are 2D Toolpaths?, 459
What Are 3+2 Toolpaths?, 463
What Are 3D Toolpaths?, 461
What Are 5-Axis Toolpaths?, 462
What are the best steps for prototyping?, 587
What is Prototyping?, 586
What is Rapid Prototyping?, 590
What is the most effective method for joining two models together?, 631
What is the most effective method for mirroring a model?, 631
What is the most effective method for rotating a model?, 631
what is the most effective method for scaling a model?, 630
What is the most efficient approach to moving a model around?, 631
What is the most efficient approach to switching the view orientation, 630
What’s So Important about Component Placement?, 542
What’s New in the Fusion 360 API, 606
Whole-model edits, 509
Why does Rule #1 exist then?, 399
window expands., 126
Windows, 6, 19, 24, 125, 236, 243
Windows-specific library, 617
Wireframe, 128, 131
Wood and Composite Filaments, 517
work plane, 49, 244, 318, 331
Work with a new schematic, 535
Working Offline, 34
working professionals worldwide, 3
Working with Constraints, 102
Working with multiple profiles and guide curves, 405
Working with Teams, 433
Working with Workspaces, 11
Workspaces, 39, 412, 532, 599Write the Code, 605, 36
X-axis, 91, 264, 314, 422, 462
X-axis (horizontal), 462
xy plane, 9
Y-axis (horizontal), 462
Yield Strength, 480
Young’s Modulus, 478, 480
Your Craftsmanship Toolkit, 609
z-axis, 9
Z-axis (vertical), 462
Zoom, 10, 40, 125, 126
Zoom Window, 10, 126

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