Motion Simulation and Mechanism – Design with SOLIDWORKS Motion 2021
اسم المؤلف
Kuang-Hua Chang, Ph.D.
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Motion Simulation and Mechanism – Design with SOLIDWORKS Motion 2021
Kuang-Hua Chang, Ph.D.
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
The University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Motion Analysis and Mechanism Design Using SOLIDWORKS Motion
Table of Contents
Preface i
About the Author iii
Table of Contents iv
Lesson 1: Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Motion
1.1 Overview of the Lesson 1-1
1.2 What is SOLIDWORKS Motion! 1-1
1.3 Mechanism Design and Motion Analysis 1-3
1 A SOLIDWORKS Motion Capabilities 1-5
1.5 Open Lesson 1 Model 1-16
1.6 Motion Examples 1-17
Lesson 2: Animations and Basic Motion—A Single Piston Engine Example
2.1 Overview of the Lesson 2-1
2.2 The Single Piston Engine Example 2-1
2.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 2-2
Exercises 2-8
Lesson 3: A Ball Throwing Example
3.1 Overview of the Lesson 3-1
3.2 The Ball Throwing Example 3-1
3.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 3-3
3.4 Result Verifications 3-10
Exercises 3-12
Lesson 4: A Simple Pendulum
4.1 Overview of the Lesson 4-1
4.2 The Simple Pendulum Example 4-1
4.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 4-2
4.4 Result Verifications 4-5
Exercises 4-9
Lesson 5: Friction of a Sliding Object
5.1 Overview of the Lesson 5-1
5.2 The Sliding Object 5-1
5.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion: Contact Friction 5-3Motion Analysis and Mechanism Design Using SOLIDWORKS Motion v
5.4 Result Verifications 5-11
5.5 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion’. Joint Friction 5-12
Exercises 5-19
Lesson 6: A Spring-Mass System
6.1 Overview of the Lesson 6-1
6.2 The Spring-Mass System 6-1
6.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 6-2
6.4 Result Verifications 6-8
Exercises 6-13
Lesson 7: A Slider-Crank Mechanism
7.1 Overview of the Lesson 7-1
7.2 The Slider-Crank Example 7-1
7.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 7-4
7.4 Result Verifications 7-12
Exercises 7-16
Lesson 8: A Slider-Crank Mechanism—Event-Based Dynamic Simulation
8.1 Overview of the Lesson 8-1
8.2 The Event-Based Motion Analysis 8-1
8.3 The Slider-Crank Example 8-2
8.4 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 8-4
Exercises 8-12
Lesson 9: A Rail Carriage Example
9.1 Overview of the Lesson 9-1
9.2 The Rail Carriage Example 9-2
9.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 9-4
Exercises 9-10
Lesson 10: A Compound Spur Gear Train
10.1 Overview of the Lesson 10-1
10.2 The Spur Gear Train Example 10-1
10.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 10-5
Exercises 10-9
Lesson 11: Planetary Gear Train Systems
11.1 Overview of the Lesson 11-1VI Motion Analysis and Mechanism Design Using SOLIDWORKS Motion
11.2 The Planetary Gear Train Examples 11-2
11.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion: Single Planetary Gear Train 11-9
11.4 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion: Multi-Planetary Gear Train 11-13
Exercises 11-16
Lesson 12: Cam and Follower
12.1 Overview of the Lesson 12-1
12.2 The Cam and Follower Example 12-1
12.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 12-5
Exercises 12-10
Lesson 13: Simulation of Recreational Waterslide
13.1 Overview of the Lesson 13-1
13.2 The Analytical Calculation Method 13-1
13.3 The Waterslide Example 13-4
13.4 Experimental Validation 13-6
13.5 The Motion Study Model 13-8
13.6 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 13-11
Lesson 14: Kinematic Analysis of a Racecar Suspension
14.1 Overview of the Lesson 14-1
14.2 The Quarter Suspension 14-2
14.3 Using SOLIDWORKS Motion 14-15
Appendix A: Defining Joints A-l
Appendix B: The Unit System B-l
Appendix C: Importing Creo Parts and Assemblies C-l

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