Modular Machine Tools – Bundling and Pricing Strategies under Demand Uncertainty
Modular Machine Tools
Bundling and Pricing Strategies under Demand Uncertainty
Mit einem Geleitwort
von Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier
Nils Tonshoff
List of Figures
I The Industry Problem
1 International Machine Tool Industry Analysis
Importance of the National Machine Tool Industry
Competitive and Economic Factars
Business Strategies .
1.4 Stating the Problem
1.5 Roadmap of the Dissertation .
2 Literature Review
2.1 Modular Machine Tool Mannfacture . 22
2.2 Standardization . 23
2.3 Customization and Variety Management . 24
2.4 Mass Customization 26X
2.5 Modularization
2.6 Bundling
2.6.1 Cost Reductions
2.6.2 Higher Prices
2.6.3 Increased Customer Satisfaction .
2. 7 Bundle Pricing
II The Model
3 The Module Design Problem
3.1 Numerical Example 00
4 The Module Selection Problem 52
4.1 Numerical Example 57
5 The Bundle Pricing Problem 59
5.1 Numerical Example ~
6 Bundle Pricing Under Demand Uncertainty 65
6.1 Numerical Example 68
7 The Customized Machine Tool Model 70
7.1 Numerical Example 80
111 Alternative Formulations, Solution Methods and Results 83
8 Alternative Model Formulations 85
8.1 The Nonlinear Problem . 85CONTENTS
8.2 Formulation of Constraints
8.3 Minimum Profit Constraint and Null-Bundle
9 Solution Methods
9.1 Stochastic Programming
9.2 Scenario Programming
9.3 Column Generation
9.4 A Posteriori Optimization
10 lmplementation and Computational Results
IV Model Applications
11 Application Case Studies
11.1 The Opportunistic Selling Company
11.2 The Fast Irrnovator Company
V Conclusions and Contributions
A References
B The Customized Machine Tool Program
C The CMT Case Study Program
D The CMT Case Study Solution
List of Figures
1.1 Change of Production in Major Machirre Tool Producing Countries
1.2 Size of German Manufacturing Companies 1993 .
1.3 Sizes of German Machirre Tool Builders classed by number of employees 1991
1.4 Profit-Sales ratio of German manufacturing companies 1984-1993 .
1.5 Production, Exports and exported share of production of German machirre
tools 1992-1994
1.6 Share of German machirre tool exports to major importing countries 1994
1.7 Relation between DM/US$-Rate and world export shares US/Germany
1.8 Relation between Yen/US$-Rate and world export shares US/Japan
1.9 Exchangerates German Mark and Japanese Yen agairrst US Dollar 1970-1994
1.10 Share of global exports of machirres .
1.11 Machirre tools consist of modules which perform functions
2.1 Cost structure of Germanengineering companies . 24
2.2 Reservation prices and Bundling 34
2.3 Reservation prices of customers A and B 36
2.4 Optimal prices for options and bundle 36
2.5 Decision problems of the manufacturer 41
2.6 The Customized Machirre Tool Model 42XIV LIST OF FIGURES
3.1 The Module Design Subproblem (cost parameters) . 47
4.1 The Module Selection Subproblem (cost parameters) 53
5.1 The Bundle Pricing Subproblem . 60
6.1 The Bundle Pricing Under Demand Uncertainty Subproblem . 66
7.1 Cross-Functional Implementation of the Customized Machine Tool Strategy 72
8.1 Reducing matrices B, ? and ?’ . 91
10.1 Applicability and usefulness of software packages . 116
11.1 Machine bundle results of the Case Study (disguised)
11.2 Pricing results of the Case Study (disguised)
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