MATLAB & Simulink Stateflow API

MATLAB & Simulink Stateflow API
Using the Stateflow API
Overview of the Stateflow API 1-2
Hierarchy of Stateflow API Objects 1-2
Access Stateflow API Objects 1-4
Modify Properties of API Objects . 1-4
Call API Object Functions . 1-5
Access Objects in Your Stateflow Chart 1-6
Find Objects in a Chart . 1-6
Navigate the Stateflow Hierarchy . 1-7
Retrieve Recently Selected Objects 1-9
Modify Properties and Call Functions of Stateflow Objects . 1-11
Call Object Functions . 1-11
Access Properties by Using Dot Notation 1-11
Get and Set the Values of Multiple Properties . 1-12
Refactor Charts Programmatically . 1-13
Open the Model . 1-13
Chart Depth Issues . 1-14
State Name Issues . 1-15
Unnecessary Transitions . 1-16
Create and Delete Stateflow Objects . 1-21
Create Stateflow Objects 1-21
Delete Stateflow Objects . 1-22
Specify Labels in States and Transitions Programmatically 1-24
Enter Labels on Transitions 1-24
Enter Multiline Labels in States . 1-25
Create Charts by Using the Stateflow API . 1-27
Create Charts by Using a MATLAB Script . 1-32
Summary of Stateflow API Objects and Properties 1-34
Stateflow.Annotation 1-34
Stateflow.AtomicBox 1-37
Stateflow.AtomicSubchart 1-38
Stateflow.Box . 1-41
Stateflow.Chart 1-43
Stateflow.Clipboard 1-47
Stateflow.Data 1-47
Stateflow.EMChart . 1-53
Stateflow.EMFunction . 1-56
ContentsStateflow.Editor . 1-58
Stateflow.Event 1-59
Stateflow.Function . 1-60
Stateflow.Junction 1-62
Stateflow.Machine . 1-63
Stateflow.Message . 1-65
Stateflow.Port . 1-69
Stateflow.SLFunction . 1-70
Stateflow.SimulinkBasedState . 1-72
Stateflow.State 1-75
Stateflow.StateTransitionTableChart 1-79
Stateflow.Transition 1-84
Stateflow.TruthTable 1-86
Stateflow.TruthTableChart . 1-89
API Object Reference
API Object Function Reference
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