Mastering Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Inventor
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Curtis Waguespac
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Mastering Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Inventor
Curtis Waguespac
Contents at a Glance
Introduction . xxvii
Chapter 1 – Inventor Design Philosophy 1
Chapter 2 – Data and Projects . 37
Chapter 3 – Sketch Techniques 61
Chapter 4 – Basic Modeling Techniques . 123
Chapter 5 – Advanced Modeling Techniques 189
Chapter 6 – Sheet Metal . 245
Chapter 7 – Part and Feature Reuse . 301
Chapter 8 – Assembly-Design Workflows . 347
Chapter 9 – Large Assembly Strategies 411
Chapter 10 – Weldment Design 449
Chapter 11 – Functional Design 483
Chapter 12 – Documentation 525
Chapter 13 – Inventor Tools Overview 619
Chapter 14 – Exchanging Data with Other Systems . 661
Chapter 15 – Frame Generator . 695
Chapter 16 – Inventor Studio 731
Chapter 17 – Stress Analysis and Dynamic Simulation 773
Chapter 18 – Routed Systems 813
Chapter 19 – Plastics Design Features . 847
Chapter 20 – iLogic . 885
Appendix A – The Bottom Line 929
Appendix B – Inventor Certification 963
Index 971Contents
Introduction . xxvii
Chapter 1 – Inventor Design Philosophy 1
Understanding Parametric Design . 1
Creating a Base Sketch . 1
Creating a Base Feature 2
Adding More Features . 2
Using the Part in an Assembly 3
Making Changes 3
Understanding History-Based Modeling and Dependencies 4
Looking Closer at Sketch Dimensions 5
Part Modeling Best Practices 6
Assembly Modeling Best Practices 8
Understanding the “Feel” of Inventor . 10
Understanding the Intuitive Interface . 10
Using General Tools vs. Specific Commands . 11
When in Doubt, Right-Click . 12
Using the Inventor Graphical Interface 13
Inventor Title Bar 13
Inventor Graphics Window Tools . 15
The Ribbon Menu 18
The Browser Pane 20
Task-Based Dialog Boxes 25
Learning the File Types in Inventor . 27
Why So Many File Types? . 27
Drawing Files in Inventor . 28
Moving from AutoCAD to Inventor . 30
3D Models vs. 3D Virtual Prototypes 31
What Is a 3D Virtual Prototype? . 31
Why a 3D Virtual Prototype? 31
Understanding Functional Design 33
The Design Accelerator . 34
The Bolted Connection Generator 34
The Frame Generator . 35
The Inventor Studio 35
The Content Center . 35
The Bottom Line 35xIv | Contents
Chapter 2 – Data and Projects 37
What Is an Inventor Project? . 37
Project Files and Search Paths . 38
Library Folders 40
Content Center Files 41
How Search Paths and Project Files Are Used 41
Exploring Project File Types 42
Creating the Project File . 44
Creating Single-User Projects 45
Creating Multiuser Projects . 53
Understanding Inventor Templates 55
Working with Styles, Style Libraries, and Company Standards . 55
The Bottom Line 59
Chapter 3 – Sketch Techniques 61
Exploring the Options and Settings for Sketches 61
Application Options 62
Document Settings . 66
Sketching Basics 67
Creating a Sketch in a New Part 72
Creating a New Part File from a Template . 72
Creating Lines Using the Line Tool . 73
Understanding Sketch Constraints . 75
Using Degrees of Freedom to View Underconstrained Sketch Elements . 77
Using Dimensions to Fully Constrain a Sketch . 78
Understanding the Save Options . 81
Making a Sketch Active for Edits . 82
Using Construction Geometry . 82
Using the Polygon Tool and Creating an Aligned Dimension 84
Using Offset and Creating a Three-Point Rectangle . 85
Creating Driven Dimensions 88
Taking a Closer Look at Sketch Constraints 90
Tangent Constraint . 90
Perpendicular Constraint . 91
Parallel Constraint . 92
Coincident Constraint 92
Concentric Constraint 93
Collinear Constraint 94
Horizontal Constraint 94
Vertical Constraint . 95
Equal Constraint . 96
Fix Constraint . 96
Symmetric Constraint 97
Smooth Constraint . 98Contents | xv
Gaining More Sketch Skills 99
Creating Arcs 99
Creating Automatic Tangents with the Line Tool 101
Understanding the Point/Center Point tool . 101
Projecting Geometry 102
Learning More About Dimensions 102
Measuring Geometry 106
Creating Sketches from AutoCAD Geometry 107
Importing Existing AutoCAD Designs . 107
Copying and Pasting Existing AutoCAD Designs into Inventor . 109
Creating and Using 3D Sketches . 110
Creating a 3D Path 110
Using the 3D Coordinate Triad and Precise Redefine 111
Exploring More 3D Sketch Tools 114
Best Practices for Working with Sketches . 119
The Bottom Line . 120
Chapter 4 – Basic Modeling Techniques 123
Exploring Application Options and Settings for Part Modeling 123
Specifying Global Settings . 124
Specifying Document-Specific Settings 125
Creating Basic Part Features . 132
Simplifying Your Sketches . 135
Creating a Base Feature 136
Creating a Second Feature 138
Creating a Sketch-Based Hole Feature . 140
Creating a Rectangular Hole Pattern . 143
Editing Sketches and Features 145
Repairing Features and Sketches 148
Exploring the Extrude Tool 150
Extruding with Cut and Taper 150
Extruding with Intersect . 151
Extruding Surfaces from Open Profiles 152
Extruding Solids from Open Profiles 153
Extruding with To . 154
Extruding with To Next 157
Extruding Between 157
Extruding Multibodies . 158
Creating Revolved Parts and Threads 160
Creating Revolved Cylindrical Parts . 160
Creating Extruded Cylindrical Parts . 161
Creating Threaded Features 164
Creating Work Features 166
Work Planes 167
Work Axes and Work Points 172xvI | Contents
Creating Fillets 176
Edge Fillets . 176
Face Fillets . 178
Full Round Fillets . 179
Working with Fillet Features . 179
Hole Features . 181
Using the Thread and Clearance Spreadsheets 181
Creating Holes in Parts 182
Setting Tolerance Values in Holes . 185
Bend Parts 186
The Bottom Line . 187
Chapter 5 – Advanced Modeling Techniques 189
Creating Complex Sweeps and Lofts . 189
Creating and Using Sweeps 190
Exploring Sweep Options 192
Creating Loft Features . 196
Creating a Part Using Loft and Sculpt 203
Creating Multi-body Parts 205
Creating Multiple Solids . 205
Using One Solid to Shape Another 208
Creating Derived Parts and Assemblies . 212
Creating Derived Parts 212
Deriving a Part File 212
Deriving an Assembly File . 213
Modifying Derived Parts . 214
Using the Component Derive Tool . 214
Using Nonlinear-Derived Part Scaling . 215
Working with Patterns . 215
Rectangular Patterns 216
Circular Patterns 217
Patterns Along Curves . 219
Spiral Patterns 220
Pattern Solids . 222
Dynamic Patterns . 225
Setting Parameters and iProperties . 226
iProperties . 226
Part Parameters . 227
Assembly Parameters 233
Adding Part Tolerances . 233
Tolerances in Sketches . 234
Setting Global File Tolerances . 235
Working with Limits and Fits . 237
Troubleshooting Failures with the End-of-Part Marker 240
Step 1: Editing the First Feature . 240
Step 2: Moving the EOP Marker Down One Feature at a Time . 242
The Bottom Line . 243Contents | xvII
Chapter 6 – Sheet Metal 245
Understanding Sheet-Metal Parts 245
Getting to Know the Features . 246
Starting with a Base Feature 246
Creating Secondary Flange Features . 252
Adding, Removing, or Deforming Material . 261
Using Sheet-Metal Templates and Rules 277
What Are Sheet-Metal Rules? . 277
Working with Styles and Templates . 284
Working with the Flat Pattern . 285
Exploring the Flat Pattern Edit Features 285
Adding Manufacturing Information to the Flat Pattern 286
Using the Flat Pattern Definition Dialog Box 287
Manufacturing Your Flat Pattern 288
Using Sheet-Metal iPart Factories 288
iParts for Configurations . 288
iParts for Fold Progression . 289
Modeling with Non-Sheet-Metal Features . 289
Selecting Problematic Features 289
Using Surface-Based Workflows 290
Working with Imported Parts . 290
Setting Yourself Up for Success . 291
Converting Components . 291
Annotating Your Sheet-Metal Design . 292
Creating a View of Your Sheet-Metal Design 292
Adding Bend, Punch, and Flat Pattern Annotations . 293
Harvesting Legacy Sheet-Metal Templates 296
Parameter Indirection . 296
The Hidden Tools of Harvesting 297
The Bottom Line . 299
Chapter 7 – Part and Feature Reuse 301
Working with iParts 301
Creating and Modifying iParts 302
Using iParts in Designs 314
Working with iFeatures . 315
Creating iFeatures . 316
Creating Punch Features . 321
Reusing Existing Geometry . 325
Copying Features . 325
Cloning 327
Linking Parameters between Two Files 327
Copying Sketches . 329
Introducing Content Center . 331
Configuring Content Center 331
Using Content Center 333
Customizing Content Center Libraries . 337
Publishing Parts to Content Center 341
The Bottom Line . 345xvIII | Contents
Chapter 8 – Assembly-Design Workflows 347
Assembly Constraints 348
How Constraints Work 348
Degrees of Freedom . 349
Grounded Components 351
Working with Constraints 351
Motion Constraints 361
Additional Constrain Tools and Options . 364
Understanding Subassemblies . 370
Top-Down Design . 371
Developing an Efficient Assembly Workflow . 372
Layout Sketches . 376
Flexibility 378
Adaptivity 379
Creating Adaptivity . 380
Removing Adaptivity from Parts 381
Assembly Features . 382
Managing the Bill of Materials 384
Parts-Level BOM Control . 385
Assembly-Level BOM Control 385
Assembly Reuse and Configurations . 392
Copying Designs 392
Using Representations . 395
Using iAssemblies 404
The Bottom Line . 409
Chapter 9 – Large Assembly Strategies 411
Selecting a Workstation . 411
Physical Memory vs. Virtual Memory . 411
64-bit Systems vs. 32-bit Systems 413
Hardware 414
Working with Performance Settings 416
Working with Drawing Settings 416
Working with Model Display Settings . 419
Working with General Settings 421
Working with System Settings 424
Large Assembly Best Practices . 425
Working with the Model . 426
Improving File Open Time . 426
Reducing Assembly Constraints 426
Opening the Model 432
Working with Large Assembly Drawings 434
Managing Assembly Detail . 437
LOD Strategies 437
Substitute LODs 439
Subassembly LODs 442Contents | xIx
Simplifying Parts 443
Removing or Suppressing Unneeded Features 444
Working with Colors 445
The Bottom Line . 446
Chapter 10 – Weldment Design 449
Exploring Weldment Design Methodologies . 449
Modeling Preparations . 453
Exploring Cosmetic Welds 455
Creating Weld Beads . 458
Creating Fillet Welds . 459
Modeling a Fillet Weld . 460
Creating Intermittent Fillet Welds . 463
Creating Groove Welds . 463
Performing Machining Operations . 466
Exploring Weld Properties and Combinations . 467
Weld Properties . 467
Replication . 468
Groove and Fillet Weld Combinations . 468
Split Technique . 469
Using the Weld Symbol . 472
Understanding Bead Property Report and Mass Properties . 473
Creating Drawing Documentation . 474
Weldment Design Stages . 476
End Fill 477
Drawing Weld Symbol . 478
Caterpillar . 479
Generating a Bill of Materials and Parts List . 481
The Bottom Line . 482
Chapter 11 – Functional Design 483
Geometric Modeling vs. Functional Design . 483
A General Introduction to Design Accelerators 485
Design Accelerators Input 485
Design Accelerators Output 487
Design Generators and Content Center . 490
Bolted Connections 492
Calculators 497
Generators 501
Gear Generator . 501
Key Connections 505
Shaft Generator . 508
Cam Generator . 514
Spring Generator 520
Additional Resources 523
The Bottom Line . 524xx | Contents
Chapter 12 – Documentation 525
Working in the Presentation Environment 525
Creating a Basic Explosion . 525
Creating Advanced Presentations . 529
Using the Drawing Manager 534
Creating Templates and Styles . 535
Understanding Template Locations 535
Choosing a File Format 536
Utilizing Drawing Resources 537
Sheet Size 538
Multiple Sheets . 538
Creating a Border . 539
Creating a Title Block 540
iProperties . 542
General File Properties . 544
Prompted Entry . 546
Sketched Symbols . 547
AutoCAD Blocks 550
Sheet Formats 550
Transfer Drawing Resources 551
Editing Styles and Standards 552
Object Defaults . 552
Creating Styles 556
Working with Substyles 557
Drawing Style Administration 558
Creating Drawing Views 559
Creating a Base View 559
Creating Projected Views 561
Moving and Copying Views 563
Creating Sections Views . 564
Slice Views . 568
Using Breakout Views . 568
Using Detail Views 572
Creating Break Views 573
Cropping Views 575
Using Draft Views . 576
Creating Overlay Views 576
Annotating Part Drawings 577
Using Centerline and Center Marks . 577
Creating Dimensions 581
Annotating Assembly Drawings . 600
Assembly Representations . 600
Reference Data in Drawing Views . 603
Interference and Tangent Edge Display 604
Parts Lists 604
Balloons . 606
Center of Gravity Display 608Contents | xxI
Working with Sheet-Metal Drawings . 609
Flat Pattern Views . 609
Bend Centerlines and Extents . 610
Bend and Punch Notes . 610
Bend Tables 611
Punch Tables . 612
Working with Weldment Views 613
Working with iParts and iAssembly Drawings 616
Sharing Your Drawings Outside Your Workgroup . 617
Additional Resources 617
The Bottom Line . 618
Chapter 13 – Inventor Tools Overview 619
Exploring the BIM Exchange 619
Model Simplification 620
Model Authoring . 620
Model Publishing . 621
Using AutoLimits 623
Creating AutoLimits . 625
Editing AutoLimits 628
Using the Design Assistant 628
Using the Find Files Tool . 630
Using the Where Used Tool . 631
Renaming, Copying, and Replacing Files . 632
Using Pack And Go . 634
Using the Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard . 637
Using Style Tools 638
Using the Style Library Manager 638
Using the Style Management Wizard 640
Exploring the Supplier Content Center . 642
Using the Task Scheduler . 643
Creating a Task for Migrating Files 644
Performing Sequential Tasks . 646
Performing Custom Tasks 646
Tweaking Multi-Process Settings 646
Publishing DWF Files and Filenames 647
Using iProperties 647
Copying iProperties to Drawings . 649
Creating Expressions with iProperties . 650
Working with the DA and iProperties 652
Creating Design Property Reports . 653
Using the Measure Tools 653
Using Measurement Helpers . 654
Measuring in Assemblies 655
Participating in the CIP and CER 655
Participating in the CIP 656
Participating in CER . 656xxII | Contents
Using Miscellaneous Tools 657
Using the Autodesk Multi-Sheet Plot Tool 657
Using the Add-In Manager . 658
Using the Project Editor 658
The Bottom Line . 659
Chapter 14 – Exchanging Data with Other Systems 661
Importing and Exporting Geometry 661
DWG 662
Mechanical Desktop (MDT) DWG . 666
STEP and IGES . 667
SAT . 670
Using Inventor File Translators 672
CATIA Import Options 673
Pro/ENGINEER Import Options 674
Unigraphics and Parasolids Import Options 676
SolidWorks Import Options 677
Rhino Import Options . 678
IDF Board Files . 679
Placing Components from Other CAD Systems . 679
Working with Imported Data 680
Working in the Construction Environment . 680
Editing Imported Data Using Inventor Fusion 685
Viewing DWF Markup . 688
Publishing a DWF or DWFx File 688
Reviewing and Marking Up DWF and DWFx Files 690
Accessing DWF or DWFx Markups in Inventor 691
The Bottom Line . 692
Chapter 15 – Frame Generator 695
Accessing the Frame Generator Tools . 695
Exploring the Frame Generator File Structure . 696
Exploring the Anatomy of a Frame Member . 698
Inserting Frame Members 700
Specifying a Structural Shape 700
Changing the Orientation 700
Selecting Placement Geometry 702
Create a Basic Frame . 703
Aligning Frame Members 705
Using the Change Tool . 707
Adding End Treatments 708
Miter 709
Trim/Extend to Face . 711
Trim to Frame Member 712
Notch Frame Members . 712
Lengthen/Shorten Frame Member 713Contents | xxIII
Maintaining Frames . 714
Remove End Treatments . 714
Frame Member Information 714
Refresh 714
Performing Calculations and Analysis 715
The Beam and Column Calculator . 716
Publishing Frame Members . 724
Authoring a Part 724
Publishing a Part 727
Frame Assemblies and BOMs . 728
The Bottom Line . 729
Chapter 16 – Inventor Studio 731
Exploring the Inventor Studio Environment . 731
Creating and Managing Studio Styles 732
Exploring the Surface Styles Dialog Box 733
Exploring Lighting and Lighting Styles 740
Exploring the Scene Styles Dialog Box . 747
Composing and Rendering Images 751
Animating with Studio . 756
Using Animation Tools 757
Using Video Producer . 766
Rendering Video or Animations 768
Additional Resources 770
The Bottom Line . 770
Chapter 17 – Stress Analysis and Dynamic Simulation 773
Introduction to Analysis 773
Conducting Stress Analysis Simulations 774
Simulation Guide . 775
Static Stress vs. Modal Analysis . 776
Simplifying Your Model . 776
Specifying Materials . 777
Applying Simulation Constraints . 777
Applying Loads . 778
Specifying Contact Conditions 781
Generating a Mesh 782
Running the Simulation 785
Interpreting the Results 785
Using the Result, Scaling, Display, and Report Tools . 786
Conducting Parameter Studies 787
Conducting a Frame Analysis . 791
Frame Analysis Settings . 791
Frame Constraints . 791
Frame Loads . 792
Connections 793
Results . 793xxIv | Contents
Conducting Dynamic Simulations . 794
Working with Joints . 795
More on Working with Joints . 799
Working with Redundancy . 800
Working with Environmental Constraints 801
Running a Simulation . 807
Exporting to FEA 810
Using the Dynamic Simulation Information in Stress Analysis 811
The Bottom Line . 811
Chapter 18 – Routed Systems 813
Tube and Pipe . 813
Understanding Routes, Runs, and Assembly Structure . 813
Exploring the Tube and Pipe Styles 815
Placing Fittings . 820
Creating Routes . 821
Exporting ISOGEN Files . 830
Cable and Harness . 830
Creating and Placing Electrical Parts 831
Creating a Harness 834
Placing Wires . 836
Using the Cable & Harness Library 838
Placing Cables 838
Placing and Editing Segments 839
Copying Cable and Harness Designs 843
Creating Nailboard Drawings 844
Additional Resources 846
The Bottom Line . 846
Chapter 19 – Plastics Design Features 847
Creating Thicken/Offset Features 848
Creating Shell Features . 849
Creating Split Features . 851
Creating Grill Features . 852
Creating Rule Fillet Features 854
Creating Rest Features 855
Creating Boss Features . 858
Creating Lip and Groove Features . 860
Creating Snap Fit Features 861
Creating Rib and Web Features 864
Creating Draft Features . 865
Mold Design Overview . 868
Inventor Tooling 868
Importing a Plastic Part 869
Creating Runners and Gates 872
Analyzing and Creating Cores and Cavities 874
The Bottom Line . 883Contents | xxv
Chapter 20 – iLogic 885
What Is iLogic? 885
Understanding iLogic Rules 886
What Are Functions? 886
Conditional Statements 889
Understanding the iLogic Elements and Interface 891
Exploring iLogic Parameter Types . 892
Getting Around the iLogic Browser . 894
Creating iLogic Parameters, Rules, and Forms . 900
Creating iLogic Rules 900
Creating iLogic Forms . 915
Working with iLogic Components 924
iLogic Design Copy . 925
The Bottom Line . 926
Appendix A – The Bottom Line 929
Chapter 1: Inventor Design Philosophy . 929
Chapter 2: Data and Projects 931
Chapter 3: Sketch Techniques . 932
Chapter 4: Basic Modeling Techniques 933
Chapter 5: Advanced Modeling Techniques . 935
Chapter 6: Sheet Metal . 936
Chapter 7: Part and Feature Reuse . 939
Chapter 8: Assembly-Design Workflows 940
Chapter 9: Large Assembly Strategies 942
Chapter 10: Weldment Design . 944
Chapter 11: Functional Design . 945
Chapter 12: Documentation . 946
Chapter 13: Inventor Tools Overview . 947
Chapter 14: Exchanging Data with Other Systems 949
Chapter 15: Frame Generator 950
Chapter 16: Inventor Studio . 952
Chapter 17: Stress Analysis and Dynamic Simulation . 955
Chapter 18: Routed Systems . 956
Chapter 19: Plastics Design Features . 957
Chapter 20: iLogic . 959
Appendix B – Inventor Certification 963
Index 971
Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic.
Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.
1st Principal Stress category, 786
2D contact joints, 798
2D data, importing, 663–665,
2D paths for sweeps, 190, 190
3 point work planes, 168, 168
3D contact joints, 798
3D grips, 125
3D helical rails, 192, 192
3D input devices, 16
3D Intersection Curve dialog box,
115, 115
3D Line tool, 110
3D Move/Rotate dialog box, 859
3D Orthogonal Route tool, 822,
822, 826
3D Sketch settings, 128
3D sketches, 61, 110
coordinate triads and Precise
Redefines, 111–114, 111–114
curves, 115–119, 117–119
geometry, 114–115, 115
paths, 110–111, 110
refining and constraining, 119
routes, 823
splines, 110–111, 110
3D Snap Spacing setting, 129
3D solids, importing, 663, 663
3D virtual prototypes, 31–32
3rd Principal Stress category, 786
64-bit systems vs. 32-bit systems,
abs function, 231
animation, 759
stress analysis simulations,
Acceleration tab, 759
accelerators, 34, 52, 485
and Content Center, 490–491
inputs, 485–487, 485–486
outputs, 487–490, 488–490
Access Options settings, 336
acos function, 230
acosh function, 230
Activate Sketch Edit Immediately
option, 318
active hotspots, 512
constraint reductions for, 429
creating, 380–381, 380–381
cross-part, 379–382, 380–382
removing, 381–382, 382
temporary use, 382
Adaptivity Used In Assembly
option, 128
Add Camera Action tool, 762–763
Add Custom iProperty Columns
dialog box, 386–387, 386
Add Design Constraint option,
Add External Rule option, 897, 897
Add Files option, 644
Add Folder option, 644
Add Form option, 896, 896
Add-In Manager, 658, 658
Add Participant command, 384
Add Path command, 49
Add Paths From File command, 49
Add Points option, 841
Add Project option, 644
Add Rule option, 895, 895, 900
Add To Accumulate option, 654
addition operator, 914
Adjust For Best Performance
option, 425
Adjust Orientation dialog box,
870, 870
Adjust Orientation tool, 868
ADMS (Autodesk Data
Management Server), 41, 331
custom libraries for, 337, 337
installing, 332
logging in to, 333–334
ADR (Autodesk Design Review),
617, 688, 690
ADSK files, 621
Advanced Feature Validation
option, 128–129
Advanced System Settings tab, 424
Advanced Systems Format (ASF),
Advanced tab
system settings, 424
visual settings, 425
Against Features setting, 855
Against Part setting, 855
Align To Edge option, 580
Align With Product Centroid
option, 869
Aligned extend corner option,
268, 268
aligned flanges, 255, 255
Aligned option for Insert
constraints, 349, 361
axes, 799, 800
center marks, 580
dimensions, 103, 103, 582, 582
Frame Generator members,
705–707, 706
Insert constraint, 361
All Components Suppressed
option, 402, 437
All Content Center Suppressed
option, 402, 437
All Edges setting, 855
All Fillets option, 177, 177
All Parts Suppressed option, 402,
All Rounds option, 177, 177, 854
All Unrouted Wires option, 837,
allowance vs. tolerance, 235
Alpha Channel option, 754
Alt key for constraints, 357
Always Relax option, 125
Ambience setting, 742
ambient color for surfaces, 735
ampersand (&) operator, 914
analysis, stress. See stress analysis
anchoring sketches, 140
AndAlso operator, 914
Angle constraints, 348, 356–358,
Angle tool, 653
bending, 282, 287
cams, 515, 515
circular patterns, 217, 217
lofted flange faces, 250
measuring, 653
work planes, 170, 170
angular dimensions, 103, 103,
582–583, 582–583
Angular tab for stress analysis
simulations, 780
Animate Camera dialog box,
763–764972 | AnimAte Component tool – Auto-Hide in-line Work FeAtures option
Animate Component tool, 759–760
Animate Constraints tool, 761
Animate Displacement tool, 787
Animate Fade tool, 760, 760
Animate Light dialog box, 765
Animate Parameters tool, 758,
761, 766
Animate Positional
Representations tool, 761–762,
animate tweaks, 531–532
animation, 756–757
rendering, 768–770, 769
spring, 523
tools, 757–766, 757–758, 760,
762, 764–765
Video Producer, 766–768, 767
Animation dialog box, 531–532
Animation Favorites folder,
Animation Timeline tool, 757–758,
Annotate tab, 11
part drawings. See parts
sheet-metal design, 292–296,
ANSI content library, 333
antialias settings, 754, 769
API objects, 922
Appearance panel, 19
Appearance settings, 419, 420, 425
Application Options dialog box
assemblies, 429, 433
cables and harnesses, 838
Colors tab, 754
constraints, 370
Content Center, 336
Display tab, 419–421, 420
Drawing tab, 416, 416
dynamic prompting, 69
edges, 139
General tab, 421–423, 421
global forms, 897
global settings, 124–125
graphics cards, 415
iFeatures, 318
import settings, 662
Inventor Fusion, 685
LODs, 437, 442
opacity, 380
origins, 74, 136
Part tab, 124–125, 124
paths, 336
raster views, 434
shortcuts, 54
single-user projects, 49
sketches, 62–66, 62–66, 68
style libraries, 59
templates, 132, 442, 535–536
threads, 181
tubes and pipes, 815
view previews, 435
wheel mouse, 16
work features, 166
Apply Auto-Mitering option, 253
Apply Geometric Constraints
option, 109, 665
Apply tool, 335
archives, Pack And Go for,
634–637, 635
ArcLength parameter, 229
creating, 99–101, 99–100
dimension options, 585, 585
area code changes, 551
area lofts, 199–201, 199–200
Area-Perimeter limits, 623
Area tool, 654
areas, measuring, 654
arguments, function, 888
as-assembled weldments, 449
as-machined weldments, 449
as-welded weldments, 449
ASF (Advanced Systems Format),
asin function, 230
asinh function, 231
Assemble Constraint Management
dialog box, 365
Assemble tab, 11, 11, 22
Assemble tool for constraints, 365
derived, 213–214, 214
design workflow, 347–348
BOM management, 384–
392, 385–387, 390–392
constraints. See constraints
copying, 392–395, 393–394
cross-part adaptivity,
379–382, 380–382
features, 382–384, 384
iAssemblies, 404–408,
layout sketches, 376–378,
representations, 395–404,
395–399, 401, 403
subassemblies, 370–371,
top-down, 371–376,
balloons, 606–608, 607
center of gravity display,
608–609, 609
interference and tangent
edge display, 604, 604
parts lists, 604–606
reference data, 603, 603
iPart factories, 315
large. See large assemblies
measuring in, 655, 655
modeling best practices, 8–10
parameters, 233
parts, 3, 3
representations, 600–603, 602
styles, 55–56
tubes and pipes, 813–815,
in virtual prototypes, 31
welds, 450–452, 451, 476, 476
Assembly Shrinkwrap Options
dialog box, 440, 441
Assembly weldment state, 613
Assign Materials dialog box, 777,
Assign Surface Style tool, 734, 739
Assign Virtual Parts tool, 842
Associative load tool, 807
associative views, 601
asterisk (*) operator, 914
atan function, 230
atanh function, 231
Attach Balloon command, 607, 607
Attach Balloon From List
command, 607
Attach Text To Leader option, 608
Audio Video Interleave (AVI)
format, 769
authored connection points, 821
BIM for, 620–621
electrical components, 831
iParts, 311, 311
parts, 724–727, 725–727
tube and pipes, 818–820,
Auto-bend option, 112–113
Auto-Bend Radius setting, 67,
Auto-bend With 3D Line Creation
option, 66, 66
Auto-Consume Work Features
And Surface Features option,
Auto-Hide In-line Work Features
option, 124Auto route diAlog box – bill oF mAteriAls diAlog box | 973
Auto Route dialog box, 837
Auto Stitch And Promote option,
668, 671, 673, 680–681
AutoCAD drawings
blocks, 550
copying and pasting, 109–110
importing, 107–109, 109
sketches from, 107–110, 109
working with, 30–31
AutoCAD spline fits, 64, 64
Autodesk Data Management
Server (ADMS), 41, 331
custom libraries for, 337, 337
installing, 332
logging in to, 333–334
Autodesk Design Review (ADR),
617, 688, 690
Autodesk Inventor Professional
Export dialog box, 841
Autodesk Inventor Professional
XML File Export dialog box, 841
Autodesk Multi-Sheet Plot tool,
657, 657
Autodesk Vault data management
program, 634
multiuser projects, 53–54
project files, 44
purpose, 43, 53
AutoDrop toolbar, 334–335, 335
AutoLimits, 623–625, 623
creating, 625–627, 626–627
editing, 628
limiting use of, 628
AutoLimits Settings dialog box,
623–624, 624
automated centerlines, 580–581
Automated Centerlines dialog
box, 581
Automatic Contact tool, 781
Automatic Dimension tool,
automatic dimensions, 104–105
Automatic Edge Chain option, 457
Automatic Route tool, 835, 839–840
Automatic Solve state, 488–489
automatic tangents, 101, 101
Automatically Convert
Constraints To Standard Joints
option, 795
Automatically Manage Paging File
Size For All Drives option, 424
Autoproject Edges During Curve
Creation option, 65, 65
Autoproject Edges For Sketch
Creation And Edit option, 65,
65, 138–139
Autoproject Part Origin On Sketch
Create option, 65, 74, 136
Autoroute tool, 823, 823
Average Size setting, 783
AVI (Audio Video Interleave)
format, 769
aligning, 799, 800
gears, 501
work, 172–175, 173–175
axial forces
bolted connections, 493
shafts, 510–511, 513
axial moments in frame loads, 793
background images
settings, 747–748, 748
transparent, 754
Background tab, 747–748
background updates, 417–418
backslash () operator, 914
Backup K-factor, 283
backup settings, 50
.bak files, 50
balloons, 606–608, 607
base features
creating, 2, 2
parts, 136–137, 137
sheet metal, 246–252, 246–248,
Base Quantity property, 131, 385,
base sketches, 1–2, 2
base views
assemblies, 600, 602
creating, 559–561
Baseline Dimension tool, 587
Baseline Dimension Set tool, 587
baseline dimensions, 583–584,
583–584, 587–588, 588
bases, mold, 878–880, 879–880
Basic tab for surfaces, 733, 735–736
batch plots, 647
Batch Publish tool, 342
batch selection tools, 702–703
Bead Report command, 473
beads, welds
creating, 458–459
property reports, 473, 473
Beam and Column Calculator, 715
Beam Calculation tab,
719–722, 719, 722
Beam Graphs tab, 723
Column Calculator tab, 723,
file naming, 724
HTML page, 724
section properties, 716–718,
Beam Calculation tab, 719–722,
719, 722
Beam Detail tool, 793
Beam Graphs tab, 723
bearing loads in stress analysis,
belt joints, 797
Bend Angle tab, 287
Bend command, 270–272, 272
Bend Edit dialog box, 251
Bend From Adjacent Face option,
255, 256
Bend From The Intersection Of
The Two Inner Faces option,
255, 255
Bend From The Intersection Of
The Two Outer Faces option,
255, 255
Bend Order Annotation tool, 286
Bend Part tool, 186, 187
Bend Radius setting
cables, 839
contour flanges, 247–248
Bend Tables, 281–284, 283
Bend Tangent To Side Face option,
256, 256
Bend Zone Edit dialog box, 251,
BendCompensation setting, 284,
bending angles, 282
bending moments
frame loads, 793
shafts, 513, 513
bends, 270
aligned flanges, 255, 255–256
annotations, 293–296, 294–295
Bend Part tool, 186, 187
centerlines, 610
for enclosures, 271–272, 272
notes, 610–611, 611
radius, 67, 247–248, 839
settings, 66, 66, 270–271
sheet metal, 279
tables, 610–611, 612
Between option, 157–158, 158
bevel gears, 501
Bi-sect Miter, 709, 709
Bill Of Materials dialog box, 385,
columns, 386–387, 386–387
expressions, 651
structure designations,
388–389, 389
view tabs, 389–392974 | bill oF mAteriAls tAb – CirCulAr edges For routes
Bill Of Materials tab, 129–131, 130
bills of materials (BOMS)
assemblies, 604–606
assembly-level control,
384–392, 385–387, 390–392
Frame Generator, 728, 728
generating, 481, 481
parts-level control, 385
structure, 373–374, 373
weldment design, 481, 481
BIM (Building Information
Modeling), 619
authoring, 620–621
publishing, 621–622
simplification, 620
bisectors for centerline, 578, 579
blind holes, 593
blocks, AutoCAD, 550
boat hull, 196–198, 196–198
Body As Work Surface option, 290
body loads in stress analysis, 780
Body Properties dialog box, 181
Bolted Connection dialog box, 493
Bolted Connection Generator, 34,
492–493, 492
Bolted Connection tool, 335,
bolted connections, 492–496,
BOM. See bills of materials (BOM)
BOM editor, 606
Bonded contact types, 781, 782
Boolean data type, 888, 892–893
borders, templates for, 539–540
Boss tool, 858–860, 858, 860
bottom-up design, 372, 372
Bounced Light setting, 742
boundaries, AutoLimits, 625–626,
Boundary Condition tool, 787
Boundary Patch tool, 197–198,
682–683, 683, 850
Boundary tab for AutoLimits, 625,
Boundary Trim tool, 684, 684
Bounding Box previews, 417
Break Link option, 69–70, 149, 240,
breaking links, 149, 240, 241
breakout views
creating, 573–575
working with, 568–572,
Brightness tool, 741
Broken Sketch Entity tool, 846
Browser pane, 20
history in, 4, 4
parts editing, 23–25, 25
working in, 21–22, 21–22
iLogic. See iLogic
iParts, 304, 304
Building Information Modeling
(BIM), 619
authoring, 620–621
publishing, 621–622
simplification, 620
Bump Map tab, 738–739, 738–739
By Hole placement option, 492
Cable & Harness Library, 838, 838
cables and harnesses, 830
cable placement, 838–839
copying designs, 843–844, 843
electrical parts, 831–834,
harness creation, 834–836
library, 838, 838
nailboard drawings, 844–846
segment placement and
editing, 839–842, 840, 842
wire placement, 836–837, 836
CAD Files folder, 38
Calculation Properties group, 721,
Calculation tab, 485
bolted connections, 495
cams, 517
gears, 503–504, 503–504
shaft generators, 510
spring generators, 521, 522
beam and column. See Beam
and Column Calculator
Design Calculators
output, 487–490
weld, 459, 459, 497–501,
Cam Component Generator dialog
box, 518
cam generators, 514–519, 515,
Camera tool, 752
animation, 763–764, 764
creating and using, 751
matching to images, 749–750,
tweaks, 531
Capacity Meter, 422–423, 423
Capture Current State option, 911
caret (^) operator, 914
casters, 370–371
Catalog folder, 318, 322
Content Center, 344, 344
properties, 340–341, 340
surface styles, 735
caterpillars, weld, 479–480, 479
CATIA file translators, 673–674,
cavities, 874–877, 875–878
ceil function, 231
Center Mark tool, 577, 579–580
center marks
creating, 579–580
dimensions, 608
center of gravity (COG) display,
608–609, 609
center point arcs, 99, 99
center points
holes, 143
with punches, 322, 324
sketches, 101, 101
Centered Pattern tool, 577, 580
Centerline tool, 160, 576–578
Centerline Bisector tool, 578
Centerline of Bend option, 270
annotations, 577–581, 578–579
automated, 580–581
bend, 610
lofts, 201–202, 201–202
Mate constraints, 355, 355
revolved cylindrical parts,
160–161, 160
sketches, 105–106, 105
Centroid Cylinder option, 249
CER (customer error reporting),
Chain Dimension tool, 588–589
Chain Dimension Set tool, 588
chain dimensions, 588–589
Chain option for welds, 456–457
Chain Select command, 702
Change Fitting Diameter option,
Change Name option, 633
Change tool for Frame Generator,
Change Size tool, 335
Check All Bend Radii option, 837
Check Parts During Load option,
668, 671, 673
Choose Column dialog box, 386,
Chord Tolerance setting, lofted
flanges, 250
CIP (Customer Involvement
Program), 655–656
circular edges for routes, 821CirCulAr pAttern diAlog box – ConstrAints | 975
Circular Pattern dialog box,
217–218, 218
Circular Pattern tool, 208, 863
circular patterns, 217–218, 217–219
cleanup, Pack And Go for, 636
Clear Accumulate option, 654
Clear Screen icon, 20
clearance fits, 237–239
Clearance Hole option, 184
clearance spreadsheets for holes,
Clearance.xls file, 181–182
Click To Add option for Move
Bodies, 209
Click To Add A Fastener option,
cloning geometry, 327
Closed positional representation
option, 600
COG (center of gravity) display,
608–609, 609
Coil dialog box, 220
Coil Pattern Sketch feature, 220
Coil Size tab, 166, 166
Coil tool, 165–166
patterns, 220–221, 221
threads, 160, 165–166, 166
coincident constraints, 63, 63
extrusions, 139
placing, 92–93, 93
collaborative environments, 53–54
Collect Workgroups option, 636
collinear constraints, 94, 94
Collision Detection option, 368
border sketches, 539
bump maps, 739
faces, 181
gradients, 747
iLogic, 902
images, 754–755
iParts, 309–310, 310
light, 745
stress analysis simulations,
styles, 55–56
surface styles, 735–736
working with, 445
Color bar dialog box, 787
Color Fill Source setting, 755
Color Gradient option, 747
ColorOverride tool, 14, 14
Colors tab, 754
Column Calculator tab, 723, 723
combinations, welds, 468–469, 469
commands vs. tools, 11
Comment column for part
parameters, 229
comments in iLogic, 913
communication for weldment, 452
Communications Center icon,
15, 15
Compact Model History option,
128, 645
company standards, templates, 55
Compatibility setting for graphics
cards, 415
Complete option in DWF file
publishing, 688
Complete publication option, 534
Component Authoring dialog box,
341–342, 342
Component Priority tool, 655
Component tab
assembly drawings, 600, 602
sheet-metal design, 292, 292
sheet-metal drawings, 610
components in iLogic, 924–925
Components tab for iAssemblies,
405, 405
composing images, 751–756, 751
composites, 668–669
Compression Spring Generator,
520–521, 521
concatenation operator, 914
concentric constraints, 93–94, 93
Concentric option for holes,
Concentric placement of bolted
connections, 492
conditional statements
overview, 889–891
for rules, 907–909
Conditions tab, 201–202, 201
Conduit Connector dialog box, 620
Content Center libraries,
importing data, 665
Configure Content Center
Libraries option, 332, 338
Configure Libraries dialog box,
332–333, 333
conjunction operators, 914
Connection Line option, 572, 572
bolted, 492–496, 492–496
frames, 793, 793
splines, 505–508, 505–508
creating, 831–832, 831
orientation, 845
constant edge fillets, 176–177,
Constrain End Points option, 109,
Constrain Offset option, 86
Constrain Sketch Plane To
Selected Face Or Plane option,
Constraint And DOF Symbol Scale
setting, 64
Constraint Audio Notification
option, 365
constraint inferences, 62, 77
Constraint Limits option, 366–367,
Constraint Placement Priority
section, 62, 63
Constraint Redundancy Analysis
option, 370
constraints, 3, 119, 348
Angle, 356–358, 356
animation, 761
Assemble tool for, 365
Constraint Audio Notification
option, 365
Constraint Limits option,
366–367, 367
Constraint Sets option,
Contact Solver, 368–369, 369
degrees of freedom, 349–350,
Drive, 367–368, 367–368
environmental, 801–807, 801,
frames, 791–792, 792
grounded components, 351
iAssemblies, 407–408, 407
for importing data, 665
Insert, 360–361, 360
lines, 74, 74
with loads, 779
Mate, 351–355, 352, 355
motion, 361
operation, 348–349
origin geometry, 9–10
reduction strategies, 426–429,
for adaptivity, 429
Selection tools, 429–431,
view representations,
431–432976 | ConstruCtion environment – CreAte segment tool
redundant, 369–370
Rotate-Translational, 362–363
Rotation, 361–362, 361
sketches, 1, 61, 75–77, 75–77
coincident, 92–93, 93
collinear, 94, 94
concentric, 93–94, 93
degrees of freedom with,
77–78, 77
dimensions with, 78–81,
equal, 96, 96
fix, 96–97, 97
horizontal, 94–95, 95
inference and persistence,
62, 77
parallel, 92, 92
perpendicular, 91, 91
smooth, 98–99, 98
symmetric, 97–98, 98
tangent, 90–91, 91
tools, 90, 90
vertical, 95, 95
stress analysis, 777–778,
777–778, 788–789, 789
Tangent, 359, 359
Transitional, 364, 364
construction environment,
680–684, 681–684
construction geometry, 82–83, 83
Construction setting, 124
contact conditions in stress
analysis, 781–782, 781–782
contact joints, 798
Contact Solver
collision detection, 368
operation, 369, 369
Content Center, 331, 331
categories, 344, 344
category properties, 340–341,
configuring, 331–333
and Design Generators,
families, 341, 341
frames, 714, 716, 716
libraries, 35, 52–53, 53,
331–333, 337–339, 337–339
publishing parts to, 341–344,
342, 344
tubes and pipes, 818
working with, 333–336,
Content Center Editor, 338, 339,
Content Center Files folder, 38, 41
context menus, 75
continuous loads, frames, 792
Contour Flange tool, 247–248, 247,
256–258, 257–258
contour flanges, 247–248, 247,
256–258, 257–258
Contour Roll tool, 248–249, 248
contrast of bump map colors, 739,
Converge option for lofted flanges,
Convert Assembly Constraint
tool, 795
Convert To Sheet Metal tool, 291
Convert To Weldment dialog box,
468, 468
constraints, 795, 795–796
iParts, 306
sheet-metal components, 291
weldments, 468, 468
cool colors, 745
cooling shrinkage in plastics
design, 867
coordinate triads in 3D sketches,
111–114, 111–114
coplanar edges for work planes,
169, 169
Copy Components command, 468
Copy Components: File Names
dialog box, 394, 394
Copy Components: Status dialog
box, 393, 393
Copy Design Properties dialog,
652, 652
Copy Design tool, 698
Copy Model iProperty Settings
dialog box, 650, 650
Copy Object dialog box, 684, 684
Copy Properties command, 593,
Copy Surface Style command, 735
Copy To Construction option, 680
Copy To Level Of Detail option,
Copy To Single Path option, 636
assembly designs, 392–395,
AutoCAD drawings, 109–110
cable and harness designs,
843–844, 843
Drawing Resource Transfer
Wizard for, 637–638, 638
files, 633
Frame Generator components,
geometry, 325–327, 325
iProperties, 649–650, 650
libraries, 338–339
sketches, 329–330, 329–330
styles, 637
views, 563
cores, analyzing, 874–877, 875–878
Corner Chamfer tool, 265
Corner Round tool, 265
Corner Seam tool, 265–269,
corners, sheet-metal references
for, 278
cos function, 230
cosh function, 230
Cosmetic Centerlines tool,
cosmetic threads, 164–165, 165
Cosmetic Weld dialog box,
455–458, 456, 473
cosmetic welds, 455–458, 455–458
counterbores, 183, 183
countersink settings, 184, 184
Create 2D Sketch option, 383
Create 3D Sketch icon, 110, 114–118
Create Block dialog box, 376
Create Cable tool, 834
Create Camera From View option,
752, 763
Create Curved Mesh Elements
option, 783
Create Gate dialog box, 873, 873
Create In-Place Component dialog
box, 372–373, 373–374, 389, 389,
Create Mold Design dialog box,
869, 869
Create New Bodies option, 222
Create New External Rule option,
Create New Simulation dialog
box, 811, 811
Create New Style Library dialog
box, 638–639, 639, 641
Create Pipe Run tool, 828
Create Projected Views
Immediately After Base View
Creation option, 560, 563
Create Ribbon Cable tool, 834
Create Route dialog box, 823
Create Rule File dialog box, 897,
Create Runner dialog box, 872, 872
Create Runoff Surface dialog box,
877, 877
Create Runoff Surface tool, 874
Create Segment tool, 835, 839CreAte sHeet FormAt CommAnd – design Copy tool | 977
Create Sheet Format command,
Create Shrinkwrap Part dialog
box, 620
Create Silhouette Curve dialog
box, 118–119, 119
Create Splice tool, 835
Create Task option, 533
Create Tube & Pipe Run dialog
box, 814, 814
Create Wire dialog box, 836–837,
Create Wire tool, 834
Crop tool, 575
cropping views, 575
cross breaks, 286
cross-part adaptivity, 379–382,
“current Design View
Representation is locked”
message, 396
Current Time Mark tool, 758
current views, 752, 763
curves, 661
3D sketches
helical, 117–118, 118
intersection, 115–116, 115
Project Curve To Surface
tool, 116–117, 117
silhouette, 118–119, 119
classification, 64
patterns along, 219, 220
for work planes, 171, 171
custom columns in BOM, 386–387
custom constraints, 792
Custom Cylinder option, 249
Custom Family Default option,
custom iParts, 312, 312
custom libraries, 337–339, 337–339
custom node connections in stress
analysis, 793
Custom option in DWF file
publishing, 689
Custom Parameter Cell option, 312
Custom Parameter Column
option, 312
custom parameters, 312
Custom Point controls, 701
Custom Property Format dialog
box, 651, 651
Custom publication option, 534
Custom tab for iProperties, 227,
custom tasks, 646
customer error reporting (CER),
Customer Involvement Program
(CIP), 655–656
Cut Across Bend option, 262, 262,
cut feature for punches, 321–322
Cut tool
extrusions with, 150, 150
for sheet metal, 261–263, 262
cylinders, hydraulic, 379
cylindrical joints, 796
cylindrical parts
extruded, 161–163, 161–163
revolved, 160–161, 160–161
damper joints, 798
Damping setting, 802–803
dashes for centerlines, 579
data management plans, 44–45
Data Sheets folder, 38
data types for functions, 888
date-based numbering scheme, 51
Datum Identifier Symbol
command, 595
DDR-SDRAM (Double Data Rate
SDRAM), 414
decay, lighting, 746
decimal dimensions, 664
deep PosReps, 761–762
default filename extensions, 898
Default mm (ANSI) dimension
style, 592
Default Parameter Input Display
setting, 127, 127
default project setups, 43
Default Tolerance tab, 131–132,
131, 235–237, 235
Design Accelerator values, 486
object, 552–555, 555
segment, 842
templates, 536
Define Gravity option, 807
Define New Border option, 539
Define New Symbol option, 547
Define New Title Block option, 541
Define New Zone Border option,
Define Workpiece Setting tool, 874,
876, 876
Definition tool for cameras,
Degree of Freedom Analysis
dialog box, 349, 350
degrees of freedom (DOF)
with constraints
analysis, 349–350, 349–350
environmental, 802–803
sketches, 77–78, 78
joints, 795
Degrees of Freedom (DOF) tool,
77–78, 78
Delete Existing End Treatments(s)
option, 708–709
Delete Face tool, 290, 857, 857
Delete Pin Group, 834
Delete Section Paths option, 49
Delete View dialog box, 562
end treatments, 708
Mate constraints, 354–355
styles, 638–639
demoting components, 427–428,
iProperties, 649
shadows, 742, 743
dependent features, 7–8, 133
Depth Of Field setting, 752
Derive tool, 862
Derive Component tool, 214
derived assemblies, 213–214, 214
Derived Assembly dialog box,
214, 214
Derived Component tool, 468
Derived Part dialog box, 212, 213,
259, 862
derived parts
creating, 212–214, 213
Derive Component tool, 214
modifying, 214
nonlinear-derived scaling,
215, 215
weldment, 450–451, 451
Design Accelerators, 34, 52, 485
and Content Center, 490–491
inputs, 485–487, 485–486
outputs, 487–490, 488–490
Design Assistant, 628–630,
file operations, 632–633
Find Files tool, 630–631, 631
for iProperties, 652–653, 652
Pack And Go tool, 634–637,
vs. Vault, 634
Where Used command, 631,
Design Assistant dialog box,
629–630, 629–630
Design Calculators
output, 487–490
weld, 459, 459, 497–501,
Design Copy tool, 925–926978 | design dAtA Folder – drAWing mAnAger
Design Data folder, 59, 897
Design Doctor tool, 15, 15
Design Generators, 490–491
Design Review, 617, 688, 690
Design tab
accelerators, 485, 485
cams, 514–515, 517
design views, 395
Design Web Format (DWF) files,
accessing, 691–692, 691–692
publishing, 647, 688–689, 690
reviewing and marking up,
690–691, 690–691
design workflows. See assemblies
Designs folder, 38–40, 40
Desktop Content
libraries for, 338, 338–339
settings, 41
Detail View dialog box, 572
detail views, 572–573, 572
Developed Length option, 249
Diagram tool, 794
dialog boxes, task-based, 25–27,
bolted connection holes,
dimensions, 583, 583, 585, 585
shafts, 509, 513
tapped holes, 129
diffuse color for surface styles, 735
Diffuse Map tab, 737–738, 738
Dimension tool, 80
Dimensional AutoLimits dialog
box, 626, 626
arranging, 89
automatic, 104–105
baseline, 587–588, 588
center marks, 608
to centerlines, 105–106, 105
chain, 588–589
with constraints, 78–81, 79–81
creating, 581–584, 581–584
decimal and fractional, 664
driven, 88–90, 88–89
filters, 586
formatting and editing,
592–593, 592
general, 584–585, 585
General Dimension tool,
102–103, 103–104
harnesses, 845
isometric views, 590–591, 591
limits, 623
ordinate, 589–590
overconstrained, 63, 63
recovering, 586–587
sketches, 61, 103–105
styles, 55, 593
tolerances. See tolerances
zero-value, 313
Direct Manipulation toolset,
137–138, 137
Direct3D graphics hardware, 414
Directed Angle constraints, 348,
Directed Reorder option, 286
Direction & Offset setting, 749
Direction Condition option, 202
directional lights, 745
Directional tab, 745
for loads, 807
rectangular holes, 144
rectangular patterns, 216, 216
disabling visual effects, 425
Disc Cam Generator, 514–516
discrete lights, 744, 744
disjunction operators, 914
Displacement category in stress
analysis, 786
Displacement Scale tool, 787
Display Accumulate option, 654
display appearance setting, 126
Display area, 63
Display As Actual Diameter
option, 845
Display As Expression option, 127
Display Coincident Constraints
On Creation option, 63, 63
Display Degrees Of Freedom
option, 78
Display Extended Information
After Feature Node In Browser
option, 125
Display Interior Faces option, 736,
Display Joints table, 796
Display Line Weights option, 417
Display Line Weights By Range
option, 128
Display option for loads, 807
Display Options tab
assembly drawings, 604, 604
section views, 565
sheet-metal, 293, 293
weldment views, 614
Display Published File In Viewer
option, 617
Display Quality setting, 420
Display tab, 16, 419–421, 420
Display True Line Weights setting,
animation, 760
extrusions, 154–159
measuring, 653, 655
Distance extent setting, 856
Distance tool, 653
division operator, 914
DivX codec, 769
DNA, part, 242
Document Settings dialog box,
Bill Of Materials tab, 129–131,
Default Tolerance tab,
131–132, 131
Drawing tab, 418, 418
Modeling tab, 128–129, 128
Sketch tab, 67, 127–128, 127
Standard tab, 126, 126
Units tab, 126–127, 126
document-specific settings,
125–132, 126–128, 130–131
documentation, 525
Drawing Manager. See
Drawing Manager
presentation environment
advanced, 529–534, 530
explosions, 525–528,
welds, 474–480
Don’t Run Automatically option,
906, 922
Double Bend option, 270–271
double-clicking, 24
Double Data Rate SDRAM (DDRSDRAM), 414
double quotes (“) for text, 888,
892, 905
Draft tool, 865–867, 867
Draft View dialog box, 576
draft views, 576
dragging sketches, 78
Drawing Manager, 534–535
assembly drawings. See
AutoCAD blocks, 550
bend tables, 293–294, 295
flat patterns, 287
part drawings. See parts
resource transfer, 551
sheet formats, 550–551drAWing resourCe trAnsFer WizArd – editing | 979
sheet-metal drawings,
609–613, 611–613
sketched symbols, 547–549,
templates and styles, 535
administering, 558
borders, 539–540
creating, 556–557
drawing resources, 537,
editing, 552–555, 555
file formats, 536–537
locations, 535–536
multiple sheets, 538
sheet size, 538
title blocks. See title blocks
base, 559–561
breakout, 568–575, 569–572
cropping, 575
detail, 572–573, 572
draft, 576
moving and copying, 563
overlay, 576–577
projected, 561–563, 562
section, 564–567, 565–567
slice, 568
weldment, 613–615,
Drawing Resource Transfer
Wizard, 551, 637–638, 638
Drawing Resources folder, 550
Drawing Resources settings, 537,
537, 551
Drawing tab, 416, 416
iProperties, 650
line weights, 417
memory savings, 418, 418
previews, 417
raster views, 434
shaded views, 419
updates, 417–418
Drawing View dialog box, 562
assemblies, 600, 603, 603
base views, 559–561
breakout views, 572
hidden lines, 436, 436
LOD representations, 435, 435
sheet-metal design, 292,
sheet-metal drawings, 610
welds, 476
Drive Adaptivity option, 368
Drive Constraint dialog box,
367–368, 368
Drive constraints, 367–368,
Driven Dimension tool, 89–90
driven dimensions, 5, 63, 88–90,
driving dimensions, 6, 6, 63, 71
Dual Unit option, 654
DWF (Design Web Format) files,
accessing, 691–692, 691–692
publishing, 647, 688–689, 690
reviewing and marking up,
690–691, 690–691
DWG/DXF File Wizard, 662
DWG files, 28–30
for geometry exchange,
662–665, 662–665
importing, 109, 109
working with, 536–537
dynamic patterns, 225–226, 225
dynamic prompting, 69
Dynamic Simulation, 766, 774,
environmental constraints,
801–807, 801, 803–806
information for stress
analysis, 811, 811
joints, 795–798, 795–796, 800
redundancy, 800, 800–801
running, 807–810, 807, 809
e function, 232
Edge option
flange widths, 254
welds, 456
display settings, 604, 604
fillets, 176–178, 176–178
flanges, 252–261, 252, 257
Frame Generator member
selection, 702
Mate constraints, 355, 355
routes, 821
sweeps along, 195
welds, 456
work planes, 169–170, 169–170
Edit Automatic Contact dialog
box, 781, 781
Edit Balloon dialog box, 608
Edit Base Solids Using option,
125, 685
Edit Bend option, 256
Edit Center Mark Style option, 580
Edit Connections dialog box, 821
Edit Construction command, 680,
Edit Corner option, 256
Edit Derived Assembly command,
Edit Derived Part command, 214
Edit dialog box, 593
Edit Dimension dialog box, 79–80,
Edit Dimension When Created
option, 64
Edit Feature option, 147, 496
Edit Fitting Orientation option,
Edit Flat Pattern Definition tool,
Edit Hole Note dialog box, 594
Edit Imposed Motion option, 803
Edit Initial Conditions option, 802
Edit Joint Torque option, 802
Edit Local Mesh Control option,
Edit Model Dimension command,
Edit Multi-Value List option, 894
Edit Offset option, 840, 842
Edit Parts List tool, 296
Edit Pin Group, 834
Edit Rule dialog box, 895, 897,
900–906, 900
Edit Select Filters command, 586
Edit Sheet Metal Rule option, 277
Edit Simulation Properties dialog
box, 787–788, 787
Edit Sketch option, 12, 146
Edit Table Via Spreadsheet option,
Edit Task And Sequences dialog
box, 533
Edit Using Design Accelerator
tool, 490
Edit Using Spread Sheet icon, 320
Edit Via Spreadsheet option, 304
Edit View Orientation option, 845
Edit Welding Symbol command,
animation actions, 757
AutoLimits, 628
Content Center families, 341,
dimensions, 592–593, 592
features, 145–147, 147
forms, 896, 896
iFeatures, 319–320, 319980 | ejeCtor tool – FACes
imported data, 685–688,
iPart tables, 304–306, 305–306
iParts, 313–314
Mate constraints, 354–355
PosRep animation, 762, 762
projects, 46
rules, 902–903
segments, 839–842, 840, 842
shorts and transitions,
767–768, 767
sketches, 145–146, 147
styles and standards, 552–555,
Ejector tool, 880
ejectors, 880–882, 881–882
Elastic Stiffness setting, 803
electrical parts, 831–834, 833–834
Electrode E51xx material, 500–501,
Element Visibility tool, 787
emissive color for surfaces, 736
Enable Advanced Healing option,
668, 671, 673
Enable Associative Edge/Loop
Geometry Projection During Inplace Modeling option, 429
Enable Background Updates
option, 434
Enable Constraint Redundancy
Analysis option, 429
Enable Heads-Up Display (HUD)
option, 66, 72
Enable Imposed Motion tool, 803
Enable Joint Torque option, 802
Enable Optimized Selection
option, 422
Enable Related Constraint Failure
Analysis option, 429
End Fill dialog box, 477–478, 478
End of Features (EOF) market and
nodes, 454–455
End of Part (EOP) markers and
node, 23–24, 240–242, 240–241,
end treatments in Frame
Generator, 708–709, 708
lengthen-shorten, 713–714
miter, 709–711, 709–711
notches, 712–713, 714
trim and extend, 711–712, 711
trim to frame member, 712,
endpoints for arcs, 99, 99
Engagement settings, 819, 819
engineering administrators, 45
Engineer’s Handbook, 719
Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system, 52
Entities To Import settings, 668,
Environment tab, 748–749
environmental constraints, 801,
external forces, 806–807
imposed motion, 803–804,
initial position, 802
input grapher, 804–806,
joint torques, 802–803, 803
multiuser, 53–54
scenes, 748–749
EOF (End of Features) market and
nodes, 454–455
EOP (End of Part) markers and
node, 23–24, 240–242, 240–241,
equal constraints, 96, 96
equal to operator, 914
equations for part parameters, 228
equivalent stress, 786
ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning) system, 52
errors, mesh, 784
events, 899–900, 922–924, 923
exchanging data, 661
DWF files, 688–692, 690–692
to FEA, 810, 810
file translators, 672–680,
672–677, 679
geometry. See geometry
imported data
in construction environment, 680–684, 681–684
editing, 685–688, 685–687
placing, 679–680
ISOGEN files, 830
Exclude From Simulation option,
776, 776
Exhaustive Set Of Configurations
setting, 790
Exp function, 231
Explicit Reference Vector
constraints, 348, 356–358, 356
bolted connections, 496
creating, 525–528, 526–527
multiple, 532
tweaks, 531–533
Export Building Components
dialog box, 621–622
Export Parameters column, 229
Export Standard Tolerance Values
option, 131, 235
Export to DWF option, 617
Export to FEA tool, 780
Export To PDF option, 617
exporting data. See exchanging
Express option for DWF files, 688
Express publication option, 534
expressions from iProperties, 387,
650–651, 651
Extend Bend Aligned To Side
Faces option, 257, 271
Extend Bend Perpendicular To
Side Faces option, 257
Extend Corner option, 268
Extend Faces tool, 683, 683
Extend option, 862
Extend Surface tool, 204
extensions, file, 21, 898
extents in sheet-metal drawings,
external forces, 806–807
External Rules tab, 897–898, 897
Extract iFeature dialog box, 316,
316, 322, 323
Extrude command, 137, 140, 140
Extrude dialog box, 26, 27, 654
Extrude tool, 290
with Between, 157–158, 158
Cut and Taper, 150, 150
cylindrical parts, 161–163,
with Intersect, 151–152, 151
multibodies, 158–159, 158–159
pattern solids, 223–224,
settings, 137, 140, 140
solids, 153–154, 153
surface-based workflows, 290
surfaces, 152–153, 153
with To, 154–156, 155–156
with To Next, 157, 157
f-Stop setting, 752
Face/Edge method, 265–266, 267
Face Extents rips, 272
Face tool, 246, 246, 259–261, 260
color, 181FACes And edges seleCt priority option – ForCes And ForCe loAds | 981
fillets, 178, 178
plastics, 851–852
replacing, 223, 224
Faces And Edges Select Priority
option, 655
Facet Angle setting, 250
iAssembly, 404
iPart, 288–289, 302, 315
Factors dialog box, 503, 503
animation, 760, 760
Video Producer, 767
failures troubleshooting, 240–242,
families, Content Center, 341, 341
Fan In tool, 845
Fan Out tool, 845
fasteners, 15, 15
FEA (finite elements analysis), 773
feature control frame, 595, 596
Feature Priority tool, 628
Feature Selection filter, 431
adding, 2, 3
creating, 2, 2, 7–8
dependencies, 133
iFeatures. See iFeatures
parts. See parts
renaming, 173
suppressing, 910–913
work, 166, 167
visibility vs. display, 175
work axes and work
points, 172–175, 173–175
work planes, 167–172,
Features Are Initially Adaptive
option, 429
Features settings for hole tables,
file properties in title blocks,
File tab
LODs, 442
shortcuts, 54
single-user projects, 49
templates, 535–536
file translators, 672–673, 673
CATIA, 673–674, 674
IDF, 679
Pro/ENGINEER, 674–675,
Rhino, 678
Solidworks, 677–678, 677
Unigraphics and Parasolids,
676–677, 676
files and file management
archiving, 634–637, 635
AutoCAD, 30–31
copying, 633
Design Assistant. See Design
exchanging data. See
exchanging data
extensions, 21
finding, 630–631, 631
format types, 27–28, 536–537
Frame Generator, 714–715
linking, 8
migrating, 644–646, 644–646
names, 50–52, 715, 724
open times, 426
for projects, 42–43, 332–333,
renaming, 632–633
size, 29
usage, 631, 632
Files Open dialog box, 433
Files tab for style libraries, 59
Fill/Hatch Sketch Region tool, 436
Fillet Weld dialog box, 460–461,
Fillet Weld (Spatial Load)
calculator, 498–499, 498–499
fillet welds
calculators, 498–499, 498–500
creating, 459–462, 460–462
groove combinations,
468–469, 469
creating, 176, 179–180, 180
edge, 176–178, 176–178
face, 178, 178
failures, 176
full round, 179, 179
Filter tool, 917
Content Center, 334
dimensions, 586
work planes, 431
Find Assembly Components
dialog box, 432, 432
Find tool, 432, 432
Find Files tool, 630–631, 631
Finish Cable And Harness tool,
835, 837
Finish Core/Cavity tool, 877
Finish Route tool, 824
finite elements analysis (FEA), 773
fit, splines, 64, 64
Fit Center Mark option, 580
fit tolerances, 237–239, 239
fitted angles, 217, 217
fittings placement, 820–821, 821
Fix constraints, 96–97, 97
fixed constraints, 778, 778, 792
Fixed load tool, 807
Flange dialog box, 252–254,
Flange tool, 252–256, 252–253, 255
contour, 247–248, 247,
256–258, 257–258
creating, 252–256, 252–253,
lofted, 249–252, 250–251
piping, 816
widths, 254–255
Flat Pattern Definition dialog box,
Flat Pattern Extents dialog box,
Flat Pattern Translation dialog
box, 288
flat patterns, 285–288
annotations, 293–296, 294–295
edit features, 285–286
sheet metal, 273, 609–610, 611
flexibility of subassemblies,
378–379, 379
flexible hoses, 815, 828–829,
Flip command, 743
Flip Fixed Edge option, 270
Flip Normal option, 330
Flip Section option, 717
“flipping the /3GB switch”, 412
floating constraints, 792
floor function, 231
Flush constraint solution, 348,
Focus Limits setting, 752
Focus Plane setting, 752
Fold tool, 269–270, 269
folded members, 269–270, 269
Folder Options setting, 49
Content Center Files, 41
library folders, 40–41
project search paths, 38–42,
38, 40, 42
single-user projects, 49
Follow Pattern option, 493
fonts, mapping, 664, 664
forces and force loads
bolted connections, 493982 | Form design tree pAne – geometry
frames, 792
shafts, 510–511, 512–513
stress analysis, 779
Form Design Tree pane, 917
Form Editor, 895, 916–918, 916–917
form factor of shear, 721
Format Column dialog box, 599
Format Column tool, 296
Format Text dialog box, 295, 295
annotations, 596
title blocks, 541–542, 541, 545
animation settings, 769–770
file, 27–28, 536–537
sheet, 550–551
border sketches, 539
dimensions, 592–593, 592
parameters, 230
symbols, 548, 549
forms. See iLogic
Forms tab, 895–896, 896
dynamic patterns, 225–226,
mixed-unit, 85
fractional dimensions, 664
frame 0, 756
Frame Generator, 35, 340, 695
Beam and Column Calculator,
Beam Calculation tab,
719–722, 719
Beam Graphs tab, 723
Column Calculator tab,
723, 723
file naming, 724
HTML page, 724
section properties,
716–718, 716–718
and BOMs, 728, 728
Change tool, 707–708
Content Center in, 333
file maintenance, 714–715
creating, 703–705, 704–705
maintaining, 714–715
alignment, 705–707, 706
anatomy, 698–699, 698–699
end treatments, 708–714,
orientation, 700–701,
placement geometry,
702–703, 702
publishing, 724–727,
structural shape, 700, 700
structure, 696–698
tools access, 695–696, 695
Frame Member Information tool,
Frame Member Naming dialog
box, 703, 715
analysis, 791
connections, 793, 793
constraints, 791–792, 792
creating, 703–705, 704–705
loads, 792–793
maintaining, 714–715
results, 793–794, 794
Free Condition, 202
Free Drag option, 209
Free Edges option, 855
Free Position option, 803
Freeing Conditions dialog box,
805, 806
Frequency Modes category, 786
frequently used files, shortcuts
to, 49
friction fits, 237
Friction setting, 803
frictionless constraints, 778, 778
From Sketch option, 182–183
From To option, 254
Full Boundary option, 572, 572
Full Face option, 464
Full Face Weld option, 464–466
full round fillets, 179, 179
fully constrained sketches, 1
Function Category for rules, 900,
functional design, 483
Design Accelerators, 485
and Content Center,
inputs, 485–487, 485–486
outputs, 487–490, 488–490
Design Calculators, 497–501,
generators. See generators
vs. geometric modeling,
Functional Design tools, 33–35
functions, 886–887, 887
arguments and data types,
parameter, 230–232
syntax, 901
for values, 888–889
gaming cards, 414
gaps, miter, 709–711, 709
gaskets, 380–381
Gate tool, 869
Gate Location tool, 874
gates for molds, 869, 872–874,
generators, 501–504, 501–505
and rolling joints, 797
General Dimension tool, 11
dimension types, 102–103,
sketches, 78–79
working with, 584–585, 585
General tab
animation, 768
application options, 421–423,
Content Center, 340
dynamic prompting, 69
images, 753
iProperties, 226, 648
lighting styles, 741, 745
tubes and pipes, 816–818, 817
General Table tool, 294, 596–597
Generate Core and Cavity tool,
874, 877
Generate Members option, 311–312
generators, 501
cam, 514–519, 515, 517–519
frame. See Frame Generator
gear, 501–504, 501–505
key and spline connections,
505–508, 505–508
shaft, 508–514, 509–514
spring, 520–523, 520–523
generic date-based numbering
scheme, 51
geometric modeling vs. functional
design, 483–484
3D, 114–115, 115
construction, 82–83, 83
exchange, 661
DWG files, 662–665,
MDT files, 666–667, 666
SAT files, 670–672, 672
STEP and IGES files,
667–670, 667, 669
measuring, 106, 106
projecting, 102, 102
reuse, 325geometry tAb – iCopy tool | 983
cloning, 327
copying, 325–327, 325
sketches, 329–330, 329–330
Geometry tab
flat patterns, 288
punches, 324
Get Started tab, 18, 18, 21, 26
Get Surface Style tool, 734, 739
get values, functions for, 888
Get Weld Annotations option, 477
Get Welding Symbols option,
Getting Started guide, 18
Global Forms tab, 896–897, 896
Global harness settings, 836
global settings, 124–125, 124
global tolerances, 235–237, 235
camera path, 764
symbols, 73–74, 74
Go To End tool, 758
Go To Start tool, 758
color, 747
wipe transitions, 767
Grading Factor setting, 783
graphical interface, 13, 13
Browser pane, 20–25, 21–22,
Ribbon menu, 18–20, 18–19
task-based dialog boxes,
25–27, 25–27
title bar, 13–15, 13
tools, 15–17, 16–17
graphics cards, 414–415
graphics images. See images
graphs, cams, 515, 515
Graphs tab, 514, 514
Beam and Column calculator,
environmental constraints,
stress analysis, 780
greater-than operator, 914
Grid Display settings, 67, 127
Grill tool, 852–854, 852–854
grips, 125
groove features in plastics design,
860–861, 861
Groove weld tool, 466
groove welds
creating, 463–466, 464–466
description, 459
groove and fillet weld
combinations, 468–469, 469
grounded components, 8–9, 9, 351
group animate tweaks, 531–532
Guide Face setting, 860
Guide Surface sweep option, 290
handles, camera path, 764, 764
hard drives, 415
ROI, 412–413
workstations, 414–416
Hardware tab, 415
Harness Dimension tool, 845
Harness Properties tool, 831–832,
harnesses. See cables and
Harvest Styles Into Target Style
Library option, 298, 641
harvester, 297–298
legacy sheet-metal templates,
296–299, 299
styles, 640–641, 640–641
hatch patterns, mapping materials
to, 566
heads of fasteners, 858–859
Heads-Up Display (HUD), 66, 72
Heads-Up Display Settings dialog
box, 66
Heat Treated Wire Carbon Steel
material, 522
Height Datum for flanges,
255–256, 255
Height setting for images, 753
Helical Curve tool, 117–118
helical curves, 117–118, 118
helical rails, 192, 192
help for sheet metal, 278
Help toolbar, 13, 15
Help Topics icon, 15, 15
Hem tool, 258–259
Hidden folder, 533
hidden harvesting tools, 296–299
hidden lines, 436, 436
Hide All Constraints option, 76
Hide All Degrees of Freedom
option, 78
Hide Extensions For Known File
Types option, 21
Hide Trails option, 530
hiding components, 533
Hierarchy reports, 653
High Antialiasing option, 754
high-speed raster views, 434–435
Highest antialiasing option, 754
history-based modeling, 4–5, 4
HMH (Huber-Mises-Hencky)
method, 721
hoist machine, 484, 484
bolted connections, 492–496,
cam generators, 514–519, 515,
gearbox, 501–504, 501–505
key connections, 505–508,
shaft generators, 508–514,
spring generators, 520–523,
Hole dialog box, 142, 142
Hole tool, 142–143, 142
Hole Table View tool, 294, 613
Hole/Thread Note tool, 593–594
bolted connections, 492–496,
creating, 182–185, 183–184
notes, 593–594, 594
rectangular, 143–144, 144–145
sketch-based, 140–143, 142
tables, 294, 597–600, 598, 600
threads and clearance
spreadsheets, 181–182
tolerances, 185–186, 185
Home icon, 16
horizontal constraints, 74, 76, 76,
94–95, 95
Hose Length tool, 829
hoses, flexible, 815, 828–829,
hotspots in shaft generators, 512
HTML page, 724
Huber-Mises-Hencky (HMH)
method, 721
hubs, rotary, 374, 375
HUD (Heads-Up Display), 66, 72
hydraulic cylinders, 379
IAM files, 27–28, 617
drawings, 616–617, 616
overview, 404–408, 405–408
tables for, 597
iAssembly Author dialog box,
405–408, 405–406
iCheck It add-in, 544
iCopy tool, 393984 | idF (intermediAte dAtA FormAt) – insert members betWeen points option
IDF (Intermediate Data Format)
files, 679, 679
IDW files, 28–29, 536–537, 617
If, Then statements, 889–890
If, Then, Else statements, 889
If, Then, ElseIf statements, 890
iFeature Author Table dialog box,
iFeatures, 315–316, 315
creating, 316–317, 316
editing, 319–320, 319
placing, 317–318, 320
punch, 321–325, 321, 323–324
IGES (Initial Graphic Exchange
Specification) files
exchanging, 667–670, 667, 669
opening, 680, 681
Ignore Internal Loop option, 464,
Ignore Small Geometry option,
Illumination tab, 745
iLogic, 885
browser, 894
event triggers, 899–900
External Rules tab,
897–898, 897
Forms tab, 895–896, 896
Global Forms tab, 896–897,
iTriggers, 898–899
Rules tab, 895, 895
comments, 913
components, 924–925
conditional statements,
Design Copy tool, 925–926
adding, 896, 896
editing, 896, 896
global, 896–897, 896
iProperties, 915–918,
part configuration,
918–922, 919–921
functions, 886–887, 887
arguments and data types,
syntax, 901
for values, 888–889
operators, 913–914
overview, 885–886
parameters, 891–894, 891–892,
adding, 895, 895, 922–924,
conditional statements for,
creating, 900–902, 900, 902
editing, 902–903
error handling, 907
external, 897–898, 897
multi-value parameters,
multiple, 906
names, 908
overview, 886
saving, 898
subassemblies, 925
suppressing features,
tabs, 922–924, 923
title blocks, 926
event, 899–900, 922–924,
iTriggers, 898–899
Image Background setting, 749
Image property, 920
Image setting, 748, 748
Image Sphere option, 748
2D sketches from, 108, 108
background, 747–748, 748
creating and using, 751
matching to, 749–750, 750
composing, 751–756, 751
rendering, 753–756, 755–756
settings, 748, 748
Immediate Update option, 89
Import Assembly As Single Part
option, 671, 677–678
Import Destination Options
dialog box, 107, 662–663, 663
Import Harness Data tool, 841
Import IDF Options dialog box,
679, 679
Import Into Repair Environment
option, 678
Import Multiple Solid Parts As
Assembly option, 668
Import Options dialog box,
667–669, 667, 671, 673, 673
Import Simulation option, 809
imported data
in construction environment,
680–684, 681–684
editing, 685–688, 685–687
sheet metal, 290–291
2D data, 663–665, 663–664
3D solids, 663, 663
AutoCAD drawings, 107–109,
AutoCAD electrical parts, 841
DWG files, 662–665, 662–665
geometry. See exchanging
Mechanical Desktop files,
666–667, 666
plastic parts, 869–871,
imposed motion, environmental
constraints on, 803–804,
Incident Edges settings, 855
Include Cosmetic Welds option,
Include Geometry tool, 114, 823
Include Linked Files option, 636
Include Tangent Faces option, 178
included files in single-user
projects, 48
incremental angles in circular
patterns, 217, 217
independent features, 7–8
Indirect tab, 742
Individual Surface Bodies option,
668, 671, 674–675, 677–678
inferences, constraint, 62, 77
Initial Graphic Exchange
Specification (IGES) files
exchanging, 667–670, 667, 669
opening, 680, 681
initial position, environmental
constraints on, 802
inlet cams, 517–519, 517
input boxes, 886–887, 887
input grapher, 804–806, 804–806
InputBox function, 886–887, 901
InputListBox function, 904
Design Accelerators, 485–487,
input grapher, 804, 805
Inseparable BOM structures, 373,
Inseparable components, 130
Insert Components In Target
Assembly option, 210
Insert constraints, 349, 360–361,
Insert dialog box, 700, 700–701
Insert Frame dialog box, 715
Insert iFeature dialog box, 320
Insert iFeature tool, 318, 325
Insert Joint dialog box, 796
Insert Members Between Points
option, 702, 705insert members on edges mode – kinemAtiC diAgrAms | 985
Insert Members On Edges mode,
702, 707
Insert Multiple tool, 335
insert selection methods, 702
Inside constraint solution, 348
Inside Of Base Face Extents
option, 255, 256
Installed Length option, 521–522
INSUNITS system variable, 665
intensity of light, 745
interactive actions in Video
Producer, 767, 767
context intuitive, 10–11, 10–11
graphical, 13, 13
Browser pane, 20–25,
21–22, 25
Ribbon menu, 18–20, 18–19
title bar, 13–15, 13
tools, 15–17, 16–17
iLogic. See iLogic
interference edge display, 604, 604
interference fits, 237–239
interior surface faces, 736
Intermediate Data Format (IDF)
files, 679, 679
intermittent fillet welds, 463, 463
Internal View Extents settings, 129
international drafting standards,
Intersect tool, 151–152, 151
intersection curves, 115–116, 115
apparent, 599
dimensions, 584, 584
Inventor Content Center libraries,
Inventor Fusion tool, 125, 685–688,
Inventor Only mode, 422, 423
Inventor Open dialog box, 432
Inventor Precise Input toolbar,
110, 110
Inventor Project Wizard, 45–46,
Inventor Studio, 35, 731
animation. See animation
composing and rendering
images, 751–756, 751,
environment, 731–732
styles, 732–733
lighting. See Lighting
Styles dialog box
scenes. See Scene Styles
dialog box
surfaces. See Surface Styles
dialog box
Inventor Studio icon, 732, 732
Inventor Tooling, 868–869
Inventor tools, 619
Add-in Manager, 658, 658
Autodesk Multi-Sheet Plot,
657, 657
AutoLimits tool, 623–628,
623–624, 626–627
BIM exchange, 619–622
CIP and CER, 655–656
Design Assistant. See Design
Drawing Resource Transfer
Wizard, 637–638, 638
iProperties, 647–653, 648,
Measure, 653–655, 654–655
Project Editor, 658
Style Library Manager,
638–639, 639
Style Management Wizard,
640–642, 640–641
Supplier Content Center,
642–643, 642
Task Scheduler, 643–646,
Inventor View dialog box,
629–630, 629
inverse lighting decay, 746
inverse lighting squared decay,
Invert Selection tool, 430
iPart Author dialog box, 306, 307,
iPart placement dialog box, 314
iParts, 302
authoring option, 311, 311
color, 309–310, 310
converting, 306
creating, 303–304, 304
custom, 312, 312
in designs, 314, 314
drawings, 616–617, 616
editing, 313–314
factories, 302
in assemblies, 315
fold progression, 289
features, 306–307, 307
key selection, 305
member files, 311–312
modifying, 302, 305–306
parameter lists, 302, 302
sheet-metal, 308–309, 308
tables, 304–306, 305–306, 597
testing, 313
threaded features, 308
IPJ files, 28
item-based setups, 40, 40
job-based setups, 38–39
library editor, 40–41
single setups, 39
IPN files, 28, 617
publishing to DWFs, 533–534
templates, 526
views, 526–527, 526
iProperties, 647–649, 648
copying, 649–650, 650
Design Assistant, 631, 631,
652–653, 652
expressions from, 650–651,
forms, 915–918, 916–918
and parameters, 226–227
stress analysis, 777
title blocks, 542–544
iProperties dialog box, 473
iProperties tool, 14, 14
IPT files, 27–28, 617
IsActive function, 888
ISOGEN Output tool, 830
isolate function, 225, 232
isometric views
dimensions in, 590–591, 591
extrusions in, 137
item based IPJ setups, 40, 40
iTriggers, 898–899
jack joints, 798
job-based IPJ setups, 38–39
Join option for pattern solids, 222
Joint Material dialog box, 498, 498
Joint Table, 799
joint torques, 802–803, 803
joints, 795–796
2D contact, 798
rolling, 797–798
sliding, 798
standard, 796–797
working with, 799–800,
JT files, 670
jump-off points, 285
K-factor value, 279–280, 280, 284
Keep Folder Hierarchy option, 636
Keep Toolbody option, 862
Key Connection Generator,
505–508, 505–508
Key parameters, 228, 894
key selection, 305
Kinematic diagrams, 503, 503986 | lArge Assemblies – lod representAtions
large assemblies
color, 445
drawing views, 435, 435
file open times, 426
general settings, 421–423,
421, 423
hidden lines, 436, 436
high-speed raster views,
LOD strategies, 437–439, 438
subassembly LODs,
442–443, 442
substitution LODs,
439–441, 441
model opening, 432–433, 433
models, 426
parts simplification, 443–445,
performance settings,
416–419, 416, 418, 420
reduction strategies, 426–429,
for adaptivity, 429
Selection tools, 429–431,
view representations,
sheet reductions, 436–437
system settings, 424, 425
title block logos, 436
workstations, 411–416
Last Used style setting, 556
latitude setting for directional
lights, 745
Launch tools, 18
laws for input grapher, 805
flat patterns, 288
mapping, 664, 664
layout sketches, 376–378, 377
Leader Text tool, 596
leadered symbols, 595–596, 596
balloons, 608
sketched symbols, 547–548
text, 596
Learn About Inventor tools, 18
leg length measurement, 459
legacy projects, 44
legacy sheet-metal templates,
296–299, 299
Legacy Solid Edit Environment
tool, 125
Length AutoLimits, 627, 627
Length Inputs field, 521
Lengthen/Shorten At One End
option, 714
lengthen-shorten end treatments,
Lengthen/Shorten tool, 713
shafts, 509
spring generators, 520–523,
less -than operator, 914
level of detail (LOD)
representations, 402–404, 403,
assemblies, 601
copying, 432
names, 442–443
opening, 433, 433
strategies, 437–439, 438
subassemblies, 433, 442–443,
substitution, 439–441, 441
Content Center, 52–53, 53,
331–333, 337–339, 337–339
including, 38–39
iParts, 313
legacy sheet metal templates,
single-user projects, 49, 49
styles, 48, 55–59, 58, 446, 446,
Library Edit project file, 313
Library Files folder, 38–39, 41
library folders, 40–41
lift data for cams, 515–518, 515, 519
Light Parameter setting, 742–743
animation, 765, 765
settings. See Lighting Styles
dialog box
styles, 55, 126
Lighting Style menu, 753
Lighting Styles dialog box,
740–741, 741
adding lights, 743
creating styles, 744
Directional tab, 745
General tab, 741, 745
Illumination tab, 745
Indirect tab, 742
local lights, 747
Point tab, 745–746
Position tab, 743
Shadows tab, 742–743,
742–743, 745
Spot tab, 746
lightning-bolt icons, 489
limits, fit, 237–239, 239
line-plane joints, 797
Line tool
automatic tangents, 101, 101
line creation, 73–75, 73–74
Line Weight Display Options
settings, 67, 127–128
line-weight for border sketches,
Linear Cam Generator, 514
Linear Diameter dimensions, 585
linear dimensions, 581–582, 582
Linear option for holes, 182
Linear placement of bolted
connections, 492
Linear Precision setting, 592
Linear Symmetric dimensions, 585
Linear tab for stress analysis, 780
linear tweaks, 527–528, 527
creating, 73–75, 73–74
hidden, 436, 436
Link Camera To View option, 752
Link Parameter dialog box, 328
files, 8
iProperties, 543
parameters, 327–329, 328
links, breaking, 149, 240, 241
Lip tool, 860–861, 861
ln function, 231
Load Curve tool, 806
load time, Add-in Manager for,
loading AutoLimits tools, 625
environmental constraints,
frames, 792–793, 792
shafts, 510–511, 511
spring generators, 520–522,
stress analysis, 778–780, 779
Loads & Supports settings,
719–721, 721
local lights
animated, 765, 765
description, 747
Local Mesh Control tool, 783
Locating Ring tool, 881
Location setting for loads, 806
Locked option, 802
LOD representations (LODReps).
See level of detail (LOD)
representationsloFt CommAnd – mirrors | 987
Loft command, 196
Loft dialog box, 196, 197
Lofted Flange tool, 249–252,
lofts, 196
area, 199–201, 199–200
centerline feature, 201–202,
patch and stitch surfaces,
with rails, 196–198, 196–198
and Sculpt, 203–205, 203–205
with shells, 198
log files, 51
log function, 231
logging in to ADMS, 333–334
logos, 436
longitude setting for directional
lights, 745
Look At Sketch Plane On Sketch
Creation option, 65
Look At tool, 17
Loop Select option, 86
Loop tool, 654
measuring, 654
selecting, 86
welds, 456
Low antialiasing option, 754
Lower option for tolerance, 234
machining operations
vs. modeling, 134, 134
weldment, 466–467, 466, 476,
Machining weldment state, 613
Magnitude load setting, 807
Maintain Each Solid As A Solid
Body option, 440
Maintain Enhanced Graphics
Detail option, 129
Major Every settings, 127
Make Adaptive dialog box, 844
Make Components dialog box,
209–211, 210–211
Make Components Options dialog
box, 129
Make Components tool, 351, 377,
Manage tab, 25–26, 25, 891, 891
event triggers, 900
forms, 896
iTriggers, 898
rules, 895, 901
styles, 56–57
Manual Sketch tool, 869–870
Manual Solve stage, 488–489
manufacturing information for
flat patterns, 286–287
manufacturing process,
mimicking, 9
Manufacturing Resource Planning
(MRP) system, 51–52
imported data, 664, 664
materials to hatch patterns,
Mapping Options dialog box, 664,
Mark mode, 12
marked DWF files
accessing, 691–692, 691–692
creating, 690–691, 690–691
Marking Menu tab, 12
marking menus, 12, 136
overriding, 649
weld properties, 473, 473
Master LODs, 437
Match Shape option, 153–154, 154
matching cameras to images,
749–750, 750
Mate constraints, 348
edges, centerlines, and
vertices, 355, 355
editing and deleting, 354–355
overview, 351–353, 352
rotate and move, 353–354
spring generators, 522
Material And Color Form dialog
box, 918, 918
Material Guide, 339
Material List style, 728, 728
Material Types dialog box, 718
materials. See also bills of materials
Beam and Column calculator,
bolted connections, 495
gears, 501–503
mapping to hatch patterns,
mold components, 868
specifications, 56
spring generators, 522
stress analysis simulations,
777, 777
weld, 497–501, 498–500
max function, 231
Max. Load option, 522
Maximum Gap method, 265, 267,
Maximum tool, 787
Maximum Turn Angle setting, 783
MDT (Mechanical Desktop) files,
666–667, 666
Measure tool, 15, 361, 653–655,
Measure Angle tool, 106
Measure Area tool, 106
Measure Distance tool, 106
Measure Loops tool, 106
Measure Region tool, 106, 106
measuring geometry, 106, 106
Mechanical Desktop (MDT) files,
666–667, 666
Mechanism Status And
Redundancies dialog box, 800,
Mechanism Status tool, 800, 800
Median option for tolerance, 234
member files for iParts, 311–312
Member Scope edit mode, 308
assemblies, 418, 423
Content Center, 332
workstations, 411–412, 414
Memory Saving Mode, 418
memprobe utility, 423
Menu mode, 12
Merge option, 703
merging Frame Generator
members, 703
Mesh Settings tool, 783
meshes, 782–784, 782, 784
message boxes, 910
Metric tab, 72, 72
middle-out design, 372, 372
Midplane option, 140
Migrate Files dialog box, 644, 645
migrating, task for, 644–646,
Migration Options dialog box,
645, 645
min function, 231
Min. Load option, 521
Min. Load Length option, 522
Minimize Frame Rate (Hz)
setting, 420–421
Minimum Energy spline fits, 64
Minimum Size setting, 783
Minimum Solution option, 158
Minimum tool, 787
minus sign (-) operator, 914
Mirror Components command,
Mirror Frame Member option, 701
Mirror tool for lofts, 202, 204
mirrors, feature-level, 7988 | miter Cut At one side option – neW solid tool
Miter Cut At One Side option, 709
Miter dialog box, 709–711, 709–710
Miter end treatment, 709–711,
mixed-unit formulas, 85
Mobile Groups folder, 799
Mod operator, 914
modal stress analysis vs. static,
Mode of Reduced Stress settings,
Model Browser, 20–22, 21–22
history in, 4, 4
parts editing, 23–25, 25
view representations, 432
Model Data tab, 389, 390
Model Files Only option, 636
model parameters, 892
model simplification in stress
analysis, 776, 776
model state, 756
Model tab, 10, 10, 901
Model State tab
assembly drawings, 603, 603
settings, 292, 293
weldment views, 614–615, 614
welds, 476
Model Value column for part
parameters, 228
Modeling Dimension Display
Precision settings, 126–127
Modeling tab, 128–129, 128, 516
modeling techniques, 123
derived assemblies, 213–214,
derived parts, 212–214, 213
document-specific settings,
125–132, 126–128, 130–131
fillets, 176–180, 176–180
global settings, 124–125, 124
holes, 181–186, 183–184
lofts. See lofts
parameters. See parameters
parts. See parts
patterns. See patterns
preparation, 453–454, 453
sweeps, 189–195, 190–195
threaded features, 164–166,
work features, 166, 167
visibility vs. display, 175
work axes and work
points, 172–175, 173–175
work planes, 167–172,
modeling vs. machining, 134, 134
dimensions, 586–587
large assemblies, 426
opening, 432–433, 433
modifications of parts, 302,
Module Design Guide, 502
Mold Assembly tab, 869, 880–881
Mold Base dialog box, 878–879, 879
Mold Base tool, 878
mold design, 868
bases, 878–880, 879–880
cores and cavities, 874–877,
importing plastic parts,
869–871, 869–871
Inventor Tooling, 868–869
runners and gates creation,
872–874, 872–873
sprue bushings, 880–882,
Mold Layout tab, 869
Mold Update tool, 877
moment loads
frames, 792–793
in stress analysis, 779
motion constraints, 361
Motion Loads Analysis option,
780, 811
motion loads in stress analysis,
mouse clicks in centerline
creation, 578
Move Along Ray option, 209
Move Bodies tool, 209, 209
move constraints
Rotate-Translational, 362–363
Rotation, 361–362, 361
Transitional, 364, 364
Move Face functionality, 453
Move tool for Mate constraints,
Move Segment tool, 823
from AutoCAD, 30–31
views, 563
MRP (Manufacturing Resource
Planning) system, 51–52
multi-body part files, 452, 452
multi-edge flange feature, 257, 257
Multi-Process Settings dialog box,
646, 647
Multi Select selection mode, 702
multi-value parameters, 893–894,
894, 903–905
creating, 205–211, 206–207,
extruding, 158–159, 158–159
working with, 863
Multiple Composite Features
option, 668
Multiple Construction Group
option, 668
multiple explosions, 532
multiple rules in same file, 906
multiple sheets, 538
Multiple Solid Part option, 668,
671, 674–678
multiple solids
creating, 205–207, 206–207
importing, 668, 671, 674–678
multiplication operator, 914
multiprocess settings, 646, 647
multithreaded applications, 416
multiuser projects, 43, 53–54
assembly components, 394,
DWF files, 647
features, 173
files, 50–52, 632–633, 715, 724
frames, 703–704
LODs, 442–443, 442
parameters, 85, 228, 302
rules, 895, 901, 904, 908
runs and routes, 815
styles, 56, 638–639
Naming Prefix setting, 129
Navigate panel, 20
navigating view representations,
navigation bar, 17, 17
nesting LODs, 442, 442
Neutral Radius option, 249
neutral surfaces, 279
Never Break option, 125
Never Relax option, 125
New Derived Substitute Part
dialog box, 440
New File dialog box, 26
AutoCAD drawings, 107
molds, 869
templates, 72, 72, 132
New icon, 14, 14
New Light tool, 740, 743
New Lighting Style tool, 744
New Property tool, 296
New Route tool, 826
New Sketch option, 138
New Solid option, 452
New Solid tool, 158–159neW style nAme diAlog box – pArAllel plAnes | 989
New Style Name dialog box, 56
New Style tool, 733
New Surface Style command, 735
newtons, 792
No New Sketch option, 124
nodes, route, 822, 822
Nominal option for tolerance, 234
Nominal Value column for part
parameters, 228
non-sheet-metal features,
modeling with, 289–290
nonlinear-derived scaling, 215,
Normal BOM structures, 373, 388
Normal components, 130
not equal to operator, 914
Notch tool, 712–713
notches, 712–713, 713
Notes And Leaders tab, 593, 594
NPT For PVC Pipe And Fitting
tab, 820
null statements, 890
Number Of Beam Divisions
setting, 721
Number Of Stiffening Ribs
setting, 859
numbering schemes, files, 50–52
Numeric data type, 888, 892–893
nuts for bolted connections, 494,
Object Defaults style, 554
Object Visibility option, 175, 860
API, 922
selecting, 141
Offset option, 254
Offset tool, 86–87
flange widths, 254
plastics design, 848, 849
polygons, 86–87, 86
routes, 821–822, 822, 828
segments, 840, 842
work planes, 169, 169
Old Method option for flanges,
Old Versions folder, 50
Old Versions To Keep On The Save
option, 50
Older Versions folder, 50
On Error Goto statements, 907
On Error Resume Next statements,
On Point option
bolted connections, 492
holes, 184
animation, 760
parts, 380
surfaces, 737, 737
Opacity tab, 737
open angles, 282
Open Base Component command,
Open Containing Folder option,
Open Current Version option, 50
Open dialog box, 21, 21
drawing views, 435
images, 748
for importing components,
662, 666, 679–680
Mechanical Desktop files, 666
for renaming files, 633
Open File dialog box, 395
Open From Content Center tool,
Open From Vault tool, 14, 14
Open Old Version option, 50
Open Template dialog box, 373,
Open tool, 14, 14
IGES files, 680, 681
LODs, 433, 433
models, 432–433, 433
Opening Direction setting, 870,
operators in iLogic, 913–914
Opposed constraint solution, 349,
Optimize For Single Selection
option, 178
Options dialog box for frames,
720–721, 721
Options tab for hole tables, 599
Or operator, 914
Orbit tool, 17
Ordinate Dimension tool, 590
Ordinate Dimension Set tool, 590
ordinate dimensions, 583–584,
583–584, 589–590
OrElse operator, 914
base views, 560
cams, 516
connectors, 845
fittings, 821
flat patterns, 287
Frame Generator members,
700–701, 700–701, 705–707,
key connections, 506, 506
lighting style, 743
models, 749, 750
mold components, 868
origin center points, 65
origin geometry, constraining to,
dimension, 590
part files, 132
sketches, 74
turning on, 73–74, 136
work features, 166, 167
orthogonal flanges, 255, 255
orthographic views, 20
Out Of Definition options, 806
Outdoor lighting style, 750
Output Grapher dialog box,
808–810, 809
Output tab
Render Animation dialog box,
768, 769
Render Image dialog box, 754
outputs from Design Accelerators,
487–490, 488–489
Outside constraint solution, 348
Outside Of Base Face Extents
option, 256, 256
Overconstrained dimensions area,
63, 63
overlap settings for Corner Seam
tool, 266–268, 268
Overlay View dialog box, 576
overlay views, 576–577
Override Object dialog box,
398–400, 398
color, 181
mass and volume, 649
positional representations,
397–401, 398
styles, 553
Pack And Go tools, 628, 634–637,
paging file size, 424, 424
Pan tool, 17
parallel constraints, 92, 92
Parallel Key Connection generator
dialog box, 507
parallel planes, 167, 167990 | pArAllel to tHe FlAnge terminAtion detAil FACe option – pAtH Control
Parallel To The Flange
Termination Detail Face option,
255, 255
Parameter Favorites tool, 761
Parameter function, 888
Parameter Mapping tab, 342, 342,
726, 726
animation, 758–759, 758, 761,
assembly, 233
Content Center, 340–341
dynamic patterns, 225–226,
formatting, 230
functions, 230–232
iFeatures, 317, 317
indirection, 296–297
iParts, 302, 302
iProperties, 226–227
linking, 327–329, 328
names, 85
parts, 227–232, 228
reference, 230
stress analysis, 787–790,
in templates, 232–233
types, 892–894, 892, 894
user, 229
Parameters dialog box
driven dimensions, 88, 88
Frame Generator members,
699, 699
iLogic, 891–892, 891–892
iParts, 302, 302
iProperties expressions, 651,
linking parameters, 328, 328
parts, 227–229, 228
Parameters Favorites dialog box,
758–759, 758
Parameters tab, 340–341, 340, 901
Parameters tool, 15
parametric design, 1
assembly modeling best
practices, 8–10
base sketches, 1–2, 2
changes, 3–4
features, 2, 2
history-based modeling,
4–5, 4
intuitive interface, 10–11,
part modeling best practices,
parts in assemblies, 3, 3
right-clicking, 12
sketch dimensions, 5–6, 6
tools vs. commands, 11
Parametric Table dialog box,
788–790, 789–790
Parasolid Import Options dialog
box, 676–677, 676
Parasolids files, 676–677, 676
Part Family dialog box, 335
Part Fill Analysis dialog box, 875,
Part Fill Analysis tool, 874–875
Part Number Merge Settings icon,
Part Number property, 728
Part Process Settings tool, 874
Part tab
Inventor Fusion, 685
settings, 124–125, 124
Part Template Parameters dialog
box, 342–343, 726, 726
PartColor function, 916
Participate In Assembly And
Drawing Sections option, 129,
516, 571
parts, 132–133, 133
in assemblies, 3, 3
bend, 186, 187
configuration forms, 918–922,
derived, 212–214, 213
drawing annotations
baseline, 587–588, 588
centerlines and center
marks, 577–581, 578–579
chain, 588–589
creating dimensions,
581–584, 581–584
dimensions in isometric
views, 590–591, 591
drawing text, 596
formatting and editing dimensions, 592–593, 592
general dimensions,
584–585, 585
general table, 596–597
hole and thread notes,
593–594, 594
hole tables, 597–600, 598,
leadered symbols, 595–596,
ordinate dimensions,
recovering dimensions,
DWF file publishing, 689
end-of-part markers, 240–242,
extruding. See extrusions
added to, 138–140, 140
base, 136–137
editing, 145–147, 147
parts, 137
repairing, 148–149,
holes in, 182–185, 183–184
iParts. See iParts
lines, 73–75, 73–74
modeling best practices, 6–8
multi-body, 205–211, 206–207,
parameters, 227–232, 228
publishing, 727
rectangular hole pattern,
143–144, 144–145
reuse and revision, 302
Content Center. See Content Center
geometry, 325–330, 325,
iFeatures, 315–320,
revolved, 160–161, 160–161
sheet metal. See sheet metal
simplifying sketches, 135–136,
sketch-based hole feature,
140–143, 142
templates, 55–56, 72, 72
tolerances, 233–239, 234–235,
weldments, 449–452, 450–452,
481, 481
parts-level BOM control, 385
Parts List dialog box, 605–606
Parts List tool, 295
parts lists, 385
formatting, 604–606
generating, 481, 481
Parts Only tab, 390–391, 392
passing arguments, 888
Paste Features dialog box, 325, 325
Paste Path option, 49
AutoCAD drawings, 109–110
sketches, 329–330, 329–330
patch surfaces for lofts, 197–198
Path & Guide Rail option, 192–193,
Path & Guide Surface option,
193–195, 193–195
Path control, 760pAtHs – prepArAtion stAge For Welds | 991
3D sketches, 110–111, 110
animation, 760, 764, 764
project, 38–42, 38, 40, 42
relative, 52
searching, 631
single-user projects, 48
sweeps, 190, 190
Pattern Entire Solid option, 222
patterns, 215
circular, 217–218, 217–219
along curves, 219, 220
dynamic, 225–226, 225
feature-level, 7
flat, 273, 609–610, 611
rectangular, 216, 216
sheet-metal annotations,
293–296, 294–295
solids, 222–224, 222–224
spiral, 220–221, 221
PCA (printed circuit assembly)
files, 679
PDF files, 617
penumbra setting, 742
cross-part adaptivity, 379
graphics cards, 415
settings, 416–419, 416, 418, 420
subassemblies for, 370
view representations, 431–432
visual effects, 425
perpendicular constraints, 91, 91
Perpendicular Extend Corner
option, 268, 268
persistence, constraint, 77
Perspective With Ortho Faces
view, 20
Phantom BOM structure, 373, 388
phantom components, 130–131
phantom subassemblies, 427
physical material setting, 126
physical memory for workstations,
411–412, 414
Physical Memory mode, 422
Physical Property limits, 623
Physical tab, 227, 648, 649
physical threads, 165–166, 166
PI function, 232
Pick Part First option, 352
pin constraints, 778, 778, 792
Pin Group tool, 833–834
Pin Insert Cut feature, 219
Pin Insert Path Sketch feature, 219
pinned components, 8–9, 9
Pipe Run tool, 824
pipes. See tubes and pipes
pistons, 519
pitch diameter for shafts, 513
Pivot tool, 845
pivots for harnesses, 845
Place Component dialog box, 395,
395, 433
Place Connector Views tool, 845
Place Constraint dialog box
Angle constraints, 356–358
Constraint Limits option, 366,
Constraint Set tab, 366
iAssemblies, 407, 407
Insert constraints, 360, 360
Mate constraints, 352, 355
constraints, 363, 363
Rotation constraints, 361–362,
Tangent constraints, 359
Transitional constraints, 364,
Place Core And Cavity tool, 868
Place Feature command, 333
Place From Content Center dialog
box, 334, 334
Place From Content Center tool,
Place Pin Group dialog box,
833–834, 833
Place Pin tool, 831–832
Place Pin Group tool, 833–834
Place Views tab, 11, 11
placed features, 7, 143
placement geometry, 702–703, 702
cables, 838–839
electrical parts, 831–834,
fittings, 820–821, 821
holes, 182–185, 183–184
segments, 839–842, 840, 842
wires, 836–837, 836
planar faces, 169, 169
planar joints, 796
Plastic Part tool, 868
plastics design, 847
Boss features, 858–860, 858,
cooling shrinkage, 867
Grill features, 852–854,
importing parts, 869–871,
lip and groove features,
860–861, 861
mold design, 868–882,
869–873, 875–882
Rest features, 855–857,
Rib and Web features,
864–865, 865
Rule Fillet features, 854–855,
Shell features, 849–851, 850
Snap fit features, 861–863,
861, 863
Split features, 851–852
templates, 849, 849
Thicken/Offset features, 848,
Plate Calculator, 715
plates for bolted connections, 493
Play Animation tool, 758
Play Animation In Reverse tool,
playback tools for animation,
757–758, 757
plus sign (+) operator, 914
PNG files, 754
Point Alignment On setting, 65, 66
point lights, 744–746, 744
point-line joints, 796
point-plane joints, 797
Point tab, 745–746
Point To Point rips, 272
arcs, 99–100
sketches, 101, 101
work, 172–175, 173–175
Polygon tool, 84–85, 84–85
polygons, 84–85, 84–85
Populate Route tool, 824
Position control for animation, 760
Position tab for lighting, 743
positional change of bolted
connection holes, 492
positional representations
animation, 761–762, 762
assembly drawings, 601
overview, 397–401, 397–399
pounds-force, 792
pow function, 232
power calculations, 486, 486
Precise Input toolbar, 110, 110
Precise Redefines, 111–114, 112
dimensions, 592–593
measurements, 654
Precision And Tolerance tab, 593
Predict Offset And Orientation
option, 352
preparation stage for welds, 476,
476992 | prepArAtions Folder – reCtAngle tHree point option
Preparations folder, 454–455
Preparations weldment state, 613
Presentation color scheme, 754
presentation environment
advanced, 529–534, 530
assembly instructions,
explosions, 525–528, 526–527
presentation files, 689
press fits, 237
pressure loads in stress analysis,
mate constraints, 352
snap fit, 862
Previous Selection tool, 430
Print tool, 14, 14
printed circuit assembly (PCA)
files, 679
priorities for measurements, 655,
prismatic joints, 796
Pro/ENGINEER file translator,
674–675, 675–676
Probe Labels Display tool, 787
Probe option, 787
processors, 416
product-based numbering
scheme, 51
extruding solids from,
153–154, 153
extruding surfaces from,
152–153, 153
structural, 695
sweeps, 190–192, 191
velocity, 759
Project Along A Vector output, 116
project-based numbering scheme,
Project Curve To Surface dialog
box, 116–117, 117
Project Curve To Surface tool,
116–117, 117
Project Editor, 658
Project File screen, 45, 46
Project Flat Pattern tool, 275–277,
Project Geometry tool, 69, 71
adaptivity, 380
Projected Loops, 325
sweeps, 191, 194
working with, 102, 102
Project tab, 226, 648–649
Project To Closest Point output,
Projected Loops, 325
projected views, 561–563, 562, 590
projecting geometry, 102, 102
projects and project files
Content Center files, 41–42,
332–333, 333
creating, 44–46
description, 37
file types, 42–43
library folders, 40–41
multiuser, 53–54
search paths, 38–42, 38, 40, 42
settings, 20, 46–53, 47, 49,
switching and editing, 46
Projects dialog box, 20, 46–53, 47,
49, 52–53
Projects editor dialog box, 897
Projects tool, 14, 14
Promote Configuration To Model
option, 790
Promote Dimensions To Sketch
option, 663
promoting components, 429
prompted entry for title blocks,
prompting, dynamic, 69
categories, 340–341, 340
forms, 915–918, 916–918
iProperties. See iProperties
welds, 467–468, 468, 473, 473
Properties area for forms, 917
Property Expression dialog box,
387, 387
props, 751, 751
prototypes, virtual, 31–32
Publish Guide dialog box, 343, 344
Publish Guide Wizard, 727
Publish Presentation dialog box,
Publish tool, 617
Publish To Studio tool, 766
BIM for, 621–622
DWF files, 647, 688–689, 690
Frame Generator members,
724–727, 725–727
IPNs to DWFs, 533–534
parts, 341–344, 342, 344, 727
pucks, 16
Punch Representation tab, 287
punch tables, 612–613, 613
Punch tool, 263–265, 263
Punch Tool dialog box, 263–264,
324, 324
annotations, 293–296, 294–295
and iFeatures, 321–325, 321,
notes, 610–611, 611
Purchased BOM structures, 373,
Purchased components, 130
Purge All Unused Styles From
Files option, 642
Purge Old Versions option, 645
Purge Style tool, 298, 298, 733
Purge Styles From Harvest Styles
option, 642
purging styles, 445, 641–642
Quality setting
graphics cards, 415
shadows, 742
Quick Access toolbar, 13, 13
quotation marks (“) for text, 888,
892, 905
radial dimensions, 583, 583
radial forces for shafts, 510–511,
bend, 127–128
dimensions, 585
lofts with, 196–198, 196–198
sweeps, 192, 192
raising values to a power operator,
assemblies, 418, 423
Content Center, 332
workstations, 411–412, 414
random function, 232
ranges for stress analysis
parameters, 788
raster views, 417
read-only styles library, 48
real-time BOM databases, 384
Rebuild All tool, 242, 289
recipe, part, 242
Record Animation tool, 758
Recover option, 149, 149
recovering model dimensions,
Rectangle section properties, 717,
Rectangle Three Point option,
86, 86reCtAngles – rotAtion snAp option | 993
rectangles, three point, 85–87,
rectangular holes, 143–144,
Rectangular Pattern dialog box
pattern parameters, 143–144,
patterns along curves, 219, 220
rectangular patterns, 216, 216
solid patterns, 222, 222
Redefine Alignment Or Position
option, 859
Redefine Feature option, 173,
Redefine Point option, 841
Redo tool, 14, 14
Reduced Memory Mode option,
redundancy for dynamic
simulations, 800, 800–801
redundant constraints, 369–370
RefDes property, 831
Reference BOM structures, 373,
reference components, 131
reference data in assembly
drawings, 603, 603
reference parameters, 230, 892
Referencing Files Found window,
635, 635
refining 3D sketches, 119
Reflection tab, 736
displaying, 749
surfaces, 736, 754
Refold tool, 273–275
refraction settings, 737
Refresh Out-Of-Date Standard
Parts During Placement option,
Refresh tool for frames, 714
Region tool, 654
Region Measure tool, 106
Region Properties tool, 716–717
Related Constraint Failure
Analysis option, 370
relationships, 8
relative paths, 52
Relax If No Equation option, 125
release connections, 793
remainder operator, 914
remote force loads, 779
Remove End Treatments tool, 708,
Remove Faces option, 198
Remove Geometry By Visibility
option, 440
Remove Participant command, 384
adaptivity, 381–382, 382
unneeded features, 443–445,
Rename Browser Nodes tool, 715
DWF files, 647
features, 173
files, 632–633
rules, 908
styles, 638–639
Render Animation dialog box,
768–769, 769
Render Image dialog box
General tab, 753
Output tab, 754
Style tab, 754–756, 755
Render tab, 732, 732
images, 753–756, 755–756
video and animations,
768–770, 769
reorder tweaks, 531–532
Repair Redundancy tool, 800
repairing features and sketches,
148–149, 148–149
Replace Face dialog box, 223, 224
replacing files, 633
replication of welds, 468
Report tool, 787
assembly files, 395, 395,
600–603, 602
iAssemblies, 404–408,
positional, 397–401,
view, 395–396, 396
LOD. See level of detail (LOD)
Representations folder, 439
resolution, screen, 425
resources, transferring, 551
Rest features, 855–857, 856–857
Restore Old Version To Current
Version option, 50
restoring older versions, 50
Results folder, 785
results in frame analysis, 793–794,
Results node, 785–786
Results window for Design
Accelerators, 485
Retrieve Dimensions tool, 586
return on investment (ROI)
calculations for hardware,
Return tool, 14, 14
reuse of parts and features, 302
Content Center. See Content
geometry, 325–330, 325,
iFeatures, 315–320, 315–320
iParts. See iParts
reviewing DWF files, 690–691,
revisions, rolling, 394
Revit application, 620
revolution joints, 796
animation, 760
turntable, 764
Revolve dialog box, 162–163,
Revolve tool for surfaces, 290
revolved cylindrical parts,
160–161, 160–161
Rhino files, 678
Rib tab, 853, 853, 859
Rib tool
Draft features, 865–867, 867
plastics design, 864–865, 865
Ribbon menu, 18–20, 18–19
right-clicking, 12, 75
right-hand rule, 358
rigid link connections, 793
rigid pipe routes, 828
rigid piping, 816
rigid tubing, 816
Rip tool, 252, 272–273, 273
rips for lofted flanges, 252
ROI (return on investment)
calculations for hardware,
roll angle for cameras, 763
rolling joints, 797–798
Rollup option for hole tables, 599
rotary hubs, 374, 375
Rotate constraints, 349, 361–362,
Rotate option for Move Bodies, 209
Rotate tool for Mate constraints,
Rotate-Translational constraint,
Rotation control for animation, 760
Rotation Snap option, 827994 | rotAtion-trAnslAtion ConstrAint solution – sepArAtion ContACt types
Rotation-Translation constraint
solution, 349
rotational tweaks, 529–530, 530
round function, 231
Route tool, 835, 840
routed systems
cables and harnesses. See
cables and harnesses
tubes and pipes. See tubes and
rubber bumpers, 724–727, 725–727
Rule Authoring pane, 900–901, 900
Rule Fillet tool, 854–855, 854
Rule Name dialog box, 901, 904
iLogic. See iLogic
sheet metal, 277
creating, 277–278, 278
vs. styles, 279
unfold, 279–284
Rules tab
iLogic, 895, 895, 901
tubes and pipes, 818
Rules Triggered By Events dialog
box, 924
Runner tool, 869
creating, 872–874, 872–873
description, 869
sketches, 870–871, 871
running simulations
dynamic, 807–810, 807, 809
stress analysis, 785
runs, tubes and pipes, 813–815,
safety factor
constraints, 788
stress analysis, 786
Same As Texture option, 738
Same Scale option, 787
SAT (Standard ACIS Text) files,
670–672, 672
Save All option for sketches, 82
Save As DWG Solids tool, 621
Save As option for sketches, 82
Save Copy As command
SAT files, 672
sketches, 82
STEP and IGES files, 670
Save Copy As dialog box, 66
Save Copy As Template option, 55
document settings, 67
parts, 132
sketches, 82
Save Curve tool, 806
Save dialog box for images, 754
Save icon, 14, 14
Save In Workspace option, 667,
671, 673
Save Item Overrides To BOM
command, 605
Save options for sketches, 81–82
Save Rendered Image option, 754
Save Simulation option, 809
Save Styles To Style Library tool,
Save tab for iProperties, 227, 649
Save To Style Library option, 57–58
Save To Style Library tool, 733
rules, 898
style libraries, 59
lighting style, 743
nonlinear-derived, 215, 215
Scene Styles dialog box, 747
Background tab, 747–748
Environment tab, 748–749
matching cameras to images,
749–750, 750
Schematic Reports tool, 841
screen resolution, 425
Screen Saver tab, 425
screw joints, 798
Sculpt tool, 203–205, 203–205
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic
RAM), 414
search paths, project, 38–42, 38,
40, 42, 48
search times, 50
Search tool, 15, 15
Section Dimensions dialog box,
199, 200
Section View dialog box, 564, 567
Section View Preview As Uncut
option, 417
section views, 564–567, 565–567
sectioning shaft parts, 516
participation, 571
properties, 716–718, 716–718
Segment Properties dialog box,
842, 842
placing and editing, 839–842,
840, 842
wire, 837
Select All In Camera tool, 431
Select All Inventor Dimensions
option, 586
Select All Occurrences tool, 430
Select An Existing Style Library
option, 641
Select Assembly dialog box,
526–527, 526, 531
Select At Import File Location
option, 667, 671, 673
Select By Plane tool, 431
Select By Size setting, 431, 432
Select Case statement, 890–891
Select Center Line option, 201
Select Component Offset tool, 431
Select Component Priority tool,
Select Component Size tool, 430
Select Components control, 760
Select Constrained To tool, 430
Select Design Constraint dialog
box, 788
Select Dimensions button, 586
Select External Components tool,
Select Faces And Edges tool,
Select Feature Priority tool, 430
Select Internal Components tool,
Select Libraries screen, 46, 46
Select Material tool, 868
Select Objects To Generate section,
Select Offset tool, 431
Select Orientation tools, 821
Select Other Direction option, 821
Select Other tool, 355, 355, 823
Select Part Priority tool, 430
Select Placement command, 607
Select Prehighlight tool, 430
Select Save Location option, 667,
671, 673
Select Sketch Features tool, 430
Select Source Drawing And
Resources screen, 637, 638
Select Target Drawings screen, 637
Select tool, 14, 14
Select View tool, 296
Select Visible Only tool, 430
Selection command, 599
Selection tools, 429–431, 430–431
objects, 141
removing components from,
self-draining piping, 816
self-intersecting features, 191
semi-isolated projects, 44
Separation contact types, 781sepArAtion/no sliding ContACt types – single-user projeCts | 995
Separation/No Sliding contact
types, 782
Sequence View, 532
sequential product-based
numbering scheme, 51
sequential project-based
numbering scheme, 51
Sequential Reorder option, 286
sequential tasks, scheduling, 646
Set Defer Updates (Drawings
Only) option, 645
set values, functions for, 888–889
setback fillets, 178, 178
Shaded Views, 419
Shading tool, 787
displaying, 749
setting, 742–743, 742–743, 745
Shadows tab, 742–743, 742–743, 745
Shaft Generator
Content Center in, 333
working with, 508–514,
cams, 517, 517
Frame Generator members,
700, 700
solids for, 208–211, 209–211
shared projects, 44
sharing drawings, 617. See also
exchanging data
Sharp option, 760
Sharp Point option, 202
sharp shadows, 742, 742
sheet formats, 550–551
sheet metal
bends, 270–272, 272
annotations, 293–296,
centerlines, 610
notes, 610–611, 611
tables, 610–611, 612
Contour Flange tool, 247–248,
247, 256–258, 257–258
Contour Roll tool, 248–249,
converting, 291
Corner Round and Corner
Chamfer tools, 265
Corner Seam tool, 265–269,
Cut tool, 261–263
design annotation, 292–296,
drawings, 609–613, 611–613
Face tool, 246, 246, 259–261,
feature placement, 323–325,
Flange tool, 252–256, 252–253,
Fold tool, 269–270, 269
help, 278
Hem tool, 258–259
imported parts, 290–291
iPart factories, 288–289
iParts, 308–309, 308
legacy templates, 296–299, 299
Lofted Flange tool, 249–252,
non-sheet-metal features,
overview, 245–246
annotations, 293–296,
flat, 609–610, 611
Project Flat Pattern tool,
275–277, 276
punch tables, 612–613, 613
Punch tool, 263–265, 263
Rip tool, 272–273, 273
rules, 246, 277–284, 278
styles and templates, 284–285
tables for, 597
Unfold and Refold tools,
273–275, 274–275
Sheet Metal Defaults dialog box,
282, 285
Sheet Metal Punches Root setting,
multiple, 538
reducing, 436–437
size, 538
Shell tool
for features, 849–851, 850
lofts with, 198
sheet-metal, 290
Shininess setting, 736
to frequently used files, 49
project, 54
Shot dialog box, 768
camera, 767
Video Producer, 766–767
Shoulder Radius setting, 859
Show All Constraints key, 63
Show All option, 472
Show All Degrees Of Freedom
option, 77, 79
Show Consumed Only option, 472
Show Dimensions option, 655
Show Me Animations screen, 568,
Show Me Animations tool, 18, 357
Show Parameters option, 788
Show Preview As option, 417
Show Reflections option, 749
Show Shadows option, 749
Show Trails option, 530
Show Unconsumed Only option,
Show Violations option, 839
Shrink Fit/No Sliding contact
types, 782
Shrink Fit/Sliding contact types,
Shrinkwrap Substitute tool, 620
sign function, 231
Silhouette Curve tool, 118–119, 851
silhouette curves, 118–119, 119
simple sketches, 133
benefits, 6–7
BIM for, 620
parts, 443–445, 444–445
sketches, 135–136, 135
Simulate dialog box, 785
Simulation Guide, 775
Simulation Player, 807–808, 807
Simulation Properties dialog box,
780, 811
Simulation Settings option, 795,
dynamic. See Dynamic
stress analysis. See stress
sin function, 230
Single Body Keep Seams Between
Planar Faces option, 440
Single Composite Feature option,
440, 668–669, 671, 674–678
Single Construction Group option,
668, 671, 674–675, 677–678
single IPJ setups, 39
single-line If statements, 890
Single Point rips, 272
Single Segment option, 837
Single Solid Body Merging Out
Seams Between Planar Faces
option, 440
single-user projects, 43–44
description, 44
Inventor Project Wizard,
45–46, 45–46
settings, 46–53, 47, 49, 52–53
Tool panel, 52–53, 53996 | sinH FunCtion – stress AnAlysis
sinh function, 230
files, 29, 537
flanges, 253–256, 255
sheets, 538
Size tab, 324
skeleton models, 702
sketch-based features, 7
sketch-based holes, 140–143, 142
Sketch Dimension tool, 584
sketch dimensions, 5–6, 6
Sketch Doctor dialog box, 149
Sketch On New Part Creation
area, 124
Sketch Select command, 702
Sketch tab, 10, 10
Application Options, 62–66,
Document Settings, 127–128,
options, 68
origins, 74
sketched features, 139, 143
sketched routes, 823–826, 824–826
sketched symbols, 547–549, 548
sketches, 61
3D. See 3D sketches
activating, 82
anchoring, 140
arcs, 99–101, 100
AutoCAD geometry, 107–110,
basics, 67–72, 68, 71
best practices, 119–120
border, 539
centerlines, 105–106, 105
constraints. See constraints
construction geometry, 82–83,
copying, 329–330, 329–330
dimensions, 102–106, 103–105
editing, 145–146, 147
from images, 108, 108
layout, 376–378, 377
measuring, 106, 106
options and settings, 62–66,
part files from templates, 72,
points/center points, 101, 101
polygons, 84–85, 84–85
projecting geometry, 102, 102
repairing, 148–149, 148–149
saving, 81–82
simplifying, 135–136, 135
tangents, 101, 101
Skip All Unresolved Files option,
Skip Files With Unresolved
References option, 645
Skip Libraries option, 636
Skip Migrated Files option, 645
Skip Styles option, 636
Skip Templates option, 636
Skylight tool, 741
slash (/) operator, 914
slices, 564, 567–568
sliding joints, 798
Sliding/No Separation contact
types, 781, 782
sliding point curve joints, 798
Smart Set Of Configurations
setting, 790
smooth constraints, 98–99, 98
Smooth option for animation path,
Smooth (G2) Condition option, 202
Snap Fit features, 861–863, 861, 863
Snap Spacing settings, 67, 127
Snap To Grid option, 64
Snaps Per Minor setting, 127
snapshot views, 396
soft shadows, 742, 742
Software Graphics setting, 415
Solid Color option, 747
description, 661
extruding, 153–154, 153
importing, 663, 663
multiple, 205–207, 206–207
pattern, 222–224, 222–224
for shapes, 208–211, 209–211
split, 209
Solids To Single Part File option,
Solidworks files, 677–678, 677
Solidworks Import Options dialog
box, 677–678, 677
Solve Off menu, 488
solve states for Design
Accelerators, 488–489, 488–489
Space series tools, 16
spar rib settings, 853, 853
spatial joints, 797
Specification tab, 164, 165
specular color for surfaces,
speed, gears, 501–503
spherical joints, 796
spiral patterns, 220–221, 221
Spline Fit Method settings, 64, 64
Spline tool, 110, 110
3D, 110–111, 110
connections, 505–508,
Split features and splits
creating, 851–852
lines, 87
for loads, 780
surface faces, 290
for welds, 469–471, 470–471
Split Solid tool, 851
split solids, 209
Split tool, 209, 851
Spot tab, 746
spotface settings, 183, 183
spotlights, 744–746, 744
for holes, 181–182
tables for, 597
Spring contact types, 782
spring generators, 520–523,
spring joints, 798
Sprue Bushing tool, 880–881
sprue bushings, 880–882, 881–882
spur gears, 501–503, 510
Spur Gears Component Generator
dialog box, 503, 503–504
sqrt function, 231
stacked features, 308
Standard ACIS Text (SAT) files,
Standard for the Exchange of
Product (STEP) model data,
667–670, 667, 669
standard joints, 796–797
Standard spline fits, 64, 64
Standard tab, 126, 126
in drawing files, 56
editing, 552–555, 555
templates, 55, 536
Start Point Mate constraint, 363
start points for routes, 821, 822
static stress analysis vs. modal,
Status tab, 227, 648–649
STEP (Standard for the Exchange
of Product) model data,
667–670, 667, 669
Stiffening Ribs setting, 859
Stitch tool, 198, 683–684
stitching surfaces
imported data, 681–684,
lofts, 197–198
stress analysis, 773
dynamic simulation
information for, 811, 811
exporting to FEA, 810, 810
frames, 791
connections, 793, 793string dAtA type – tAbles | 997
constraints, 791–792, 792
loads, 792–793, 792
results, 793–794, 794
introduction, 773–774
Simulation Guide, 775
simulations, 774–775
constraints, 777–778,
contact conditions,
781–782, 781–782
display tools, 786–787, 786
loads, 778–780, 779
materials, 777, 777
meshes, 782–784, 782, 784
model simplification, 776,
parameter studies,
787–790, 787–790
results, 785–786, 785
running, 785
static stress vs. modal
analysis, 776
string data type, 888
Strip Overrides option, 852
structural profiles, 695
Structural Shape Authoring tool,
724–727, 725–727
structural shape for Frame
Generator members, 700, 700,
724–727, 725–727
structure BOM designations,
373–374, 373, 388–389, 389
Structured tab, 390, 391
Studio. See Inventor Studio
Style and Standard Editor, 25–26,
26, 552
color styles, 56
default objects, 554–555, 555
dimensions, 592
hole tables, 599
legacy sheet-metal templates,
mapping materials to hatch
patterns, 566
rules, 277–278, 278, 280–281
sheet-metal drawings, 610
sheet-metal rules, 285
styles, 557
weld material, 500, 500
weldment, 468
Style Editor dialog box, 593
Style Library Manager, 58, 58
legacy sheet-metal templates,
299, 299
working with, 638–639, 639
Style Library option, 57
Style Management Wizard, 285
legacy sheet-metal templates,
working with, 640–642,
Style tab
Render Animation, 768
Render Image, 754–756, 755
styles, 732–733, 732
administering, 558
balloons, 606
copying, 638–639
creating, 556–557
dimensions, 593
drawing files, 56
editing, 552–555, 555
general tables, 596–597
harvesting, 640–641, 640–641
hole tables, 597–600, 598, 600
images, 751–756, 751, 755–756
libraries, 48, 56–59, 58, 446
lighting, 740–747, 742–743
object defaults, 552–555, 555
parts lists, 604–605
purging, 445, 641–642
renaming and deleting,
vs. rules, 279
scenario, 553
scene, 747–750, 748, 750
settings. See Style and
Standard Editor
sheet metal, 284–285
Style Library Manager,
638–639, 639
Style Management Wizard,
640–642, 640–641
surface. See Surface Styles
dialog box
templates, 55–58, 58
tubes and pipes, 815–820,
Styles Editor, 57, 561
subassemblies, 347
benefits, 370–371, 370–371
flexibility, 378–379, 379
iLogic, 925
LOD in, 433, 442–443, 442
phantom, 427
in virtual prototypes, 31
Subscription tool, 15, 15
substitute LODs, 402–403, 403,
439–441, 441
substyles, 557–558
subtabs area for rules, 900, 900
subtraction operator, 914
Summary tab for iProperties, 226,
Summary window for Design
Accelerators, 485, 485
Supplier Content Center, 642–643,
Suppress Features option, 308
Suppress (Override) option, 399,
features, 443–445, 444–445,
vs. visibility, 402
surface-based workflows, 290
Surface Styles dialog box, 733–734
Basic tab, 733, 735–736
Bump Map tab, 738–739,
creating styles, 740
Diffuse Map tab, 737–738, 738
getting and assigning styles,
Opacity tab, 737
Reflection tab, 736
surfaces, 661
extruding, 152–153, 153
lofts, 197–198
stitching, 681–684, 682–684
Sweep dialog box, 114, 114,
191–193, 191, 193
Sweep tool, 290
sweeps, 189
2D paths, 190, 190
3D sketches, 113–114, 114
options, 192–195, 192–195
profiles, 190–192, 191
surface-based workflows, 290
swipe left transitions, 767
swipe right transitions, 767
switching projects, 46
leadered, 595–596, 596
sketched, 547–549, 548
symmetric constraints, 97–98, 98
Symmetric Gap option, 266
Synchronous Dynamic RAM
(SDRAM), 414
syntax of functions, 901
System Properties tab, 424
system settings, 424, 425
Table dialog box, 612
bend, 281–284, 283, 610–611,
general, 596–597
holes, 597–600, 598, 600998 | tAbs – true dimensions
iParts, 304–306, 305–306
punch, 612–613, 613
tabs, adding, 922–924, 923
Tabs area
forms, 917
rules, 900, 900
tan function, 230
tangent arcs, 100
Tangent Condition, 202
Tangent constraints
overview, 359, 359
placing, 90–91, 91
tangent edge display, 604, 604
Tangent option, 201
Tangent To Plane option, 202
tangential forces
bolted connections, 493
shafts, 510–511, 512
automatic, 101, 101
for work planes, 170–171,
tanh function, 230
taper sweeps, 191, 191
Taper tool, 150
Tapped Hole Diameter setting, 129
Tapped Hole option, 142
Target constraints, 348
target placement for cameras, 763
task-based dialog boxes, 25–27,
Task Scheduler, 643–644
batch plots, 647
custom tasks, 646
for migrating files, 644–646,
multiprocess settings, 646, 647
sequential tasks, 646
TechSmith codec, 769
templates, 55, 55, 535
available, 373
borders, 539–540
creating, 132
drawing resources, 537, 537
file formats, 536–537
harnesses, 844
for importing data, 666
IPN, 526
locations, 535–536
multiple sheets, 538
part files from, 72, 72
plastics design, 849, 849
sheet metal, 284–285, 296–299,
sheet size, 538
standard, 536
styles, 55–58, 58, 552–555, 555
title blocks. See title blocks
user parameters in, 232–233
Templates folder, 38
Terminate Feature On Extended
Face option, 155
testing iParts, 313
center marks, 609
drawing, 596
sheet-metal annotations, 295,
title blocks, 540–544, 541
Text data type, 888, 892
Text tab, 609
Text tool, 295, 596
Thicken/Offset dialog box, 163
Thicken/Offset features, 848, 849
Thread dialog box, 164, 165
Thread.xls file, 181–182
threads, 164–166
adding, 160
cosmetic, 164–165, 165
fasteners, 858
holes, 142, 142, 181–182
iParts, 308
notes, 593–594, 594
physical, 165–166, 166
Three Point Rectangle tool, 85–87
Through All option, 856, 856
Time Range section, 769, 769
time settings
animation, 759, 769, 769
cameras, 763
animation, 757–758, 757
Video Producer, 767–768
title bar, 13–15, 13
title blocks
creating, 540–542, 541
Drawing Resource Transfer
Wizard for, 638
file properties, 544–546
filling out, 926
importing, 664
iProperties, 542–544
logos, 436
prompted entry, 546–547
To option, 154–156, 155–156
To Next option, 157, 157
Toggle Repeat tool, 758
toggled features, 308
Tolerance column, 228
Tolerance dialog box, 234, 236–237
tolerances, 233–234
vs. allowance, 235
dimensions, 592–593, 592
fit, 237–239, 239
global, 235–237, 235
holes, 185–186, 185
parts, 228
settings, 131–132, 131
in sketches, 234, 234
Tool panel, 52–53
Toolbox for forms, 917
Tools tab, 12, 19
tools vs. commands, 11
top-down design
efficient assembly workflow,
372–376, 373–375
overview, 371–372, 372
top-level assemblies, 814
torque forces
calculations, 486, 486
joints, 802–803, 803
shafts, 512, 513
torus shapes, 171, 171
Total Rebuild option, 645
tracking systems for part
numbering, 51
trails, tweak, 530
transferring resources, 551
Transition dialog box, 767
transition fits, 237–239
Transitional constraints, 364, 364
transitions, 766–768
translational constraints, 802
translators, file, 672–680, 672–677,
translucency, turning off, 197
backgrounds, 754
component, 23
Tree View tool, 334
Tresca-Guest method, 721
triads, 111–114, 111–114
events, 899–900, 922–924, 923
iTriggers, 898–899
multiple solids, 205–207,
trim and extend end treatments,
711–712, 711
Trim/Extend to Face tool, 711–712,
trim to frame member end
treatments, 712, 712
Trim tool, 87
Trim to Frame tool, 712
troubleshooting parts, 240–242,
True dimensions, 590true/FAlse dAtA type – vieWs | 999
True/False data type, 888,
892–893, 892
True Reflections setting, 754
Tube & Pipe Authoring dialog
box, 818–819, 819
Tube & Pipe Styles dialog box,
816–818, 817, 826
tubes and pipes, 813
authoring, 818–820, 819–820
placing fittings, 820–821, 821
route creation, 821–829,
822–827, 829–830
routes, runs, and assembly
structures, 813–815,
styles, 815–820, 816–817
turntable function for cameras,
Turntable tab, 763–764
tutorials, 18, 846
Tweak Component dialog box,
527, 527
cameras, 531
explosions, 531–533
group, reorder, and animate,
guidelines, 530
linear, 527–528, 527
multiprocess settings, 646, 647
rotational, 529–530, 530
trails, 530
views, 531
UCS (User Coordinate System),
UCS Settings dialog box, 129
Unconsumed Bead tool, 472
underscores (_) for parameter
names, 85
Undirected Angle constraints, 348,
Undo File Size option, 422
Undo tool, 14, 14
unfold rules, 279
Bend Tables, 281–284, 283
K-factor value, 279–280, 280
Unfold tool, 273–275, 274–275
unfolding parts, 274–275, 274–275
Uniform Spacing option, 579
Unigraphics files, 676–677
Unique Face Thickness setting,
Unit/Type column, 228
dimensions, 592
for importing data, 665–666
part parameters, 228
settings, 126–127, 126
Units tab, 126–127, 126, 592
Unroute tool, 840
Unstitch command, 683, 683
Update All Sheets tool, 15, 15
Update Mass Properties Of All
Rows icon, 387
Update option, 633
Update Physical Properties On
Save option, 422
Update Style tool, 299, 733
Update Styles tool, 558
Update tool, 14, 14, 89, 89
background, 417–418
meshes, 783, 784
UpdateWhenDone function, 903
Upper option for tolerance, 234
Use Application Options option,
Use As Weldment Material option,
Use Bump Image dialog box, 738,
Use Classic Context Menu option,
Use Default File Names option,
Use Density option, 721
Use Document Settings option,
Use Offset As Resting Position
option, 366
Use Part Based Measure For
Assembly Mesh option, 783
Use Reflection Image setting, 749
Use Shear Displacement Ratio
option, 721–722
Use Sheet Plane option, 591
Use Standard Tolerancing Values
option, 131–132, 235
Use Style Library option, 48, 298,
Use Style Settings option, 745
Use Vector Components option,
User Coordinate System (UCS),
User Coordinate System settings,
User Interface Overview tools, 18
user parameters, 229, 892
Using Unique File Names option,
V-belts Generator, 33
Value List Editor dialog box, 904
values, functions for, 888–889
variable edge fillets, 177, 177
Vault data management program
vs. Design Assistant, 634
multiuser projects, 53–54
project files, 44
purpose, 43, 53
environmental constraints,
802, 804, 804
stress analysis simulations,
Velocity Profile setting, 759
versioning settings, 50
vertical constraints, 74, 74, 95, 95
vertices for Mate constraints, 355,
Video Producer, 766–768, 767
video rendering, 768–770, 769
View Camera Projection setting,
View command, 599
View Options icon, 390
view preview display, 435
view representations (ViewReps)
overview, 395–396, 396
performance, 431–432
View tab, 18–20, 19
View Transition Time (Seconds)
setting, 420
ViewCube tool, 16, 16, 70
associative, 601
base, 559–561
creating, 573–575
working with, 568–572,
cropping, 575
current, 752, 763
detail, 572–573, 572
dimensions in, 590–591, 591
draft, 576
drawing, 435, 435
hole tables, 599
IPN, 526–527, 526
isometric, 590–591, 591
moving and copying, 563
overlay, 576–577
preferences, 561
projected, 561–563, 562
section, 564–567, 565–5671000 | virtuAl Components setting – zoom tool
sheet-metal design, 292,
slices, 568
tweaks, 531
weldment, 613–615, 614–615
Virtual Components setting, 373
virtual memory
Capacity Meter, 422–424
paging file size, 424
workstations, 411–412
Virtual Memory dialog box, 424,
virtual prototypes, 31–32
assembly drawings, 601
vs. suppressing, 402
work features, 175, 860
Visibility panel, 19
visual effects, disabling, 425
Visual Style property, 918
visual styles, 19
visualization, 731
volume, overriding, 649
Von Mises Stress category, 786
warm colors, 745
washers for bolted connections,
494, 494
web features, 864–865, 865
Weld Caterpillars dialog box,
479–480, 479
weld loads, 497–498, 497
welded piping, 816
welding joints, 797
Welding Symbol dialog box,
474–475, 474, 479
weldment design, 383, 449
BOM and parts lists, 481, 481
calculators, 459, 459, 497–501,
combinations, 468–469, 469
communication for, 452
cosmetic, 455–458, 455–458
documentation, 474–480
fillet, 459–462, 460–462,
468–469, 469
groove, 463–466, 464–466,
468–469, 469
machining operations,
466–467, 466
mass properties, 473, 473
methodologies, 449–452,
modeling preparations,
453–454, 453
properties, 467–468, 468
replication, 468
split technique, 469–471,
stages, 476–477, 476–477
views, 613–615, 614–615
weld beads
creating, 458–459
property reports, 473, 473
weld symbol, 472, 473,
workflows, 480
Weldment Features panel,
453–454, 453
welds stage, 476, 476, 613
What’s New button, 18
wheel mouse, 16
Where Used dialog box, 631, 632
flanges, 254–255
images, 753
Width setting, 753
Width Extents settings, 254
Window Selections, 141
Windows file properties. See
Windows Media Video (WMV)
format, 769
Windows panel, 20
wipe transitions, 767
Wire Properties dialog box, 842,
wires, 661, 836–837, 836
WMV (Windows Media Video)
format, 769
work axes
for gears, 501
working with, 172–175,
work features, 166, 167
visibility vs. display, 175
work axes and work points,
172–175, 173–175
work planes, 167–172, 167–171
work planes
creating, 167–172, 167–171
filtering, 431
work points, 172–175, 173–175
design. See assemblies
surface-based, 290
weldment, 480
workgroup search paths, 48
workspaces, 38, 48
workstations, 411
64-bit systems vs. 32-bit
systems, 413
hardware, 414–416
memory, 414
worm gear joints, 798
worm gears, 501
Wrap To Surface output, 116
wrapper assemblies, 751, 751
XDIM Property, 598
XLS files, 28, 597
YDIM Property, 599
YZ origin planes, 515
zero-value dimensions, 313
Zone Border option, 539
zoom setting for cameras, 763
Zoom tool, 17

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