Make – Technology on Your Time Volume 44 – Enter the Drone Zone

Make – Technology on Your Time Volume 44 – Enter the Drone Zone
Reader Input
Is Game of Drones the next X Games?
Made on Earth
Explore the amazing world of backyard technology.
FEATURESHands-On Health Care
When his wife was misdiagnosed, Michael Balzer used 3D printing and
imaging to get her well.
Maker Pro Q&A
Meet the founder and president of TinyCircuits.
Rotary Club
Don’t drone alone.Formula FPV
Drone races are taking off.
The Multirotor Checklist
Remember all the little things that will keep you safely flying and
having fun.
Drone Derby
Set up your own FPV race with these handy guidelines.
Hovership: 3D-Printed Racing Drone
There’s no better way to start racing than to build your own FPV
Build Your First Tricopter
Tricopters fly smoother than quads and make better videos.
Noodling Around
This sturdy, low-cost airframe makes a great training quad. And it
floats, too!
QuadH20 and WAVEcopter
A little moisture doesn’t bother these waterproof drones.
Don’t Be Dead in the Water
How to protect your electronics from the elements.ON THE COVER:
Two Game of Drones “Hiro” quadcopters in FPV configuration race
through the sky. Photo: Hep Svadja
Smartphone Microscope
Take high-magnification photos with your phone, using the lens from a
cheap laser pointer.
Carbon Fiber Acoustic Guitar
Use free 3D design tools to mold a tough, sleek guitar body in hightech composite.Plasma Arc Speaker
A high-voltage loudspeaker makes sound waves by vibrating an electric
Easy Mega Infinity Mirror
This quick build makes a door-sized star portal — or a vertiginous beerpong table!
Build a Twilight Photometer
Experienced circuit makers can build this ultra-sensitive device to detect
particles.123 — How to Tattoo a Banana
Don’t just play with your food — make art with it.Pi Spy Surveillance System
The Raspberry Pi B+, Pi Camera Module, and MotionPi make it easy to
keep an eye on things
Cloning the Fig
Don’t steal fruit from your neighbor’s fig tree — clone it!
DIY “Nutella” Spread
Make your own chocolate-hazelnut paste that’s better than storebought.
Make butter with reverse emulsion.
Getting Started with LittleBits
The new book from Maker Media will initiate you into the ecosystem of
the popular magnetic components.
Remaking History
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