Make – Maker Pro
اسم المؤلف
John Baichtal
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Make – Maker Pro
Edited by John Baichtal
Foreword by Joey Hudy
1 | The Art of Unemployment 1
2 | Interview: Tindie’s Emile Petrone 9
3 | Evolve With the Maker Scene 17
4 | Making It 25
5 | The Power of Constraints 35
6 | Have Makerspaces Made the Traditional Artist Studio
Obsolete? 43
7 | Pick Your Maker Sherpas 51
8 | I’m Not a Maker, I’m a Builder 61
9 | Hacking Brick and Mortar 69
10 | Interview: MakerBot Industries Cofounder Zach Smith
Foreword | v
Introduction | ix
Preface | xi11 | Make a Living Doing What You Love 93
12 | Are You BioCurious? 101
13 | Interview: Freaklabs’ Chris “Akiba” Wang 109
14 | Making Things Is Even More Vital Than You Think 117
15 | Soylent Supply Chain 125
16 | Quit Your Day Job 133
Index | 141
1,000 True Fans, 120
3 × 3 × 3 LED Cube Shield, v
3D Body Scanner (Joe Hurdy), vii
3ware, 100
ABC, 96
Adult Fans of Lego (AFOL), 51
agency and Making, 119
Altman, Mitch, 93–100
Amazon, 126
Apple, 13, 128
Arduino, 9, 36, 53
ending the Maker Dark Ages and, x
online tutorials, 82
products, making with, 38–39
shields, 38
success of, 22
using with LEGO Mindstorms, 79
Arduino for Beginners (Baichtal), 116
artillery shells, carvings on, 23
Arts and Crafts movement, 119
Ask Jeeves, 19
Audio Hacker Shield, 36
Austin, Texas, 88
automated production vs. manual, 126
backorders, 20
Baichtal, John, x, 79, 109–116
Banzi, Massimo, 53
Basic Fun toy company, 30
batteries, recharging, 4
BBC, 96, 124
BeagleBone, 22
Beavis and Butthead (TV Show), 18
Beckler, Matthew, 69–80
BioCurious makerspace, 105–108
biology, hacking
BioCurious makerspace, 105–108
DIYbio, 101
OpenPCR, 102–105
BioPrinter project, 107
Blinky kits, 70
Bobe, Jason, 102
boss-driven work, 135
Bottle Cap Knobs (Alex Dyba), 23
bottlecaps, Making with, 23
Brain Machine (Mitch Altman), 100
BrickFest convention, 63
BrickJournal, 63
BrickMagic, 68
Brickshelf, 63
Brickstuff, 51–59
British Library, 124
bulk components
selling on RepRap, 81
selling on Tindie Market, 9
business partners, 134
CBS, 96
Cedar Rapids, 18
Central Tibetan Authority, 113
142 | INDEXF
failure, 39
FANUC pick/pack/pal robots, 125
farming, 111
feedback, finding, 46
Final Cut, 30
FIRST Lego League program, 67
FlexBot, 88
food, 111
FreeBSD, 125
freelancers, 56
with full-time jobs, 58
friends, 134
Frozen (film), 66
Fukushima project (Chris Wang), 111
full-time jobs
as Makers, 22
freedom from, 2
freelancers with, 58
part-time work vs., 135
quitting, 133–139
upside to, 134
Fuller, Buckminster, 43
FX Networks, 31
Galileo, 22
Gauntlett, David, 117–124
Gentry, Eri, 101–108
GetLoFi store, 19
at Maker Faires, 18
Gold AK-47 guitar (Jimmy DiResta),
Gold Phoenix, 81
Google, 13
Grand Emporium LEGO kit, 53
guang-kai, 87
guitars, 29
Gurglin Gutz (Jimmy DiResta), 30
Hack Factory, 43–45
Hack This: 24 Incredible Hackerspace
Projects from the DIY Movement
(Baichtal), 116
hacker conferences, making at, 97
Hackerfarm (Japan), 109–116
hackerspaces, 98
for biotech, 105–108
outside the city, 110
Tokyo, 109, 98
ham radio community, 18
Hammered (TV show), 31
hardware startups, 125–131
crowdfunding, 10–12
international suppliers and, 127
introducing to supply chains, 125
learning for, 38
Harvard, 13, 102
HAXLR8R, 85, 86
HeartBeat BoomBox (Sophi Kravitz),
Heartbleed vulnerability, 13
HGTV network, 31
Holland, Adam, 29
honesty, 27
Hopkins, Rob, 120
Huang, Andrew bunnie, 87, 112, 125–
Hudy, Joe, v–vii
iFixIt, 22
Ikea, 57
income, 136
1,000 True Fans and, 120
for homesteaders, 3
from e-courses, 4
living without, 2
Instructables, 22
insurance, 75
Intel, 13
international suppliers
holidays and, 69, 73
introducing hardware startups to,
personal relationships and, 128
Internet, 19
investors and hardware startups, 12
iPad, LEGO model of (Joe Meno), 63
INDEX | 143J
Janowski, Tito, 101–108
Jean, Wyclef, 29
Kelly, Kevin, 120
Kickstarter, 10, 105, 120, 136
Kimono Lanterns, 111
kits, creating, 11
KIVA Systems mobile-robotic fulfillment system, 125
Kravitz, Sophi, 133–139
Krishnamurti, 1
Krumpus, Michael, 35–42
failure, learning from, 39
success, attaining, 40
manufacturers of, 57
overdriving, 112
LEGO, 124
lighting up, 51–59
moving into Making from, ix
LEGO fans
community of, 63–68
conventions for, 63
Dark Ages for, ix, 61
LEGO Group, 63
LEGO Imagination Center, 62
LEGO Mindstorms, 79
Letterman, David, 29
lifestyle choices
consultancy, 138
decommodified life, 1–8
doing what you love, 93–100
full-time/part-time work and, 133–
income and, 113
part-time work, 136
postconsumer, 1–8
Lode Runner, 17
Lord of the Fleas (YouTube series), 31
Lycos, 19
Magdeburg, Germany, 98
Mainz, Germany, 61
Make: Lego and Arduino Projects
(Baichtal), 116
Make: magazine, x, 8, 22, 83, 100
Makecations, 134
Maker Faires, v–vii
making at, 97
Minne-Faire, 46
Maker Movement
explaining to investors, 12
Maker Pro (Baichtal), 116
Maker Pros, 22
MakerBot Industries, 81–91
as kids, 25, 53, 61, 93
professional vs. amateur, 117
spirits of, 119
artist studios vs., 43–49
BioCurious, 105–108
classes at, 46
collaboration in, 44, 48
in Japan, 109–116
NYC Resistor, 83
as social activity, 119, 131
changing the world with, 121
demand and, 22
gaining experience, 25
in video, 30–31
new Makers, 23
reasons for, 118
recognition and, 119
repeated, 22
Making is Connecting (Gauntlett), 118,
Making Media Studies (Gauntlett), 124
manual labor, 125
automated vs., 126
manufacturing design firms, 55
collaboration with, 126
Etsy, 120
Tindie, 9–15
Media Lab, 13
144 | INDEXMeno, Joe, 61–68
Minecraft, 105
Minne-Faire, 46
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 24, 42, 43
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 13, 102
MIT Media Lab, 112
momentai, 27
money, 136
living without, 2
values other than, to bring to partners, 130
Moon Lander LEGO kit, 61
Moross, Kate, 120
Moscow, Soviet Union, 18, 24
NASA, 13
National Air and Space Museum, 66
National Public Radio, 96
NBC, 96
negotiation, 127
Netflix, 31
NeuroDreamer sleep mask (Mitch
Altman), 100
New London, Iowa, 18
New York Times, 96
Nintendo Guitar (Alex Dyba), 20
Noisebridge hackerspace, 98, 111
Noldus, 137
Nomiku, 11, 105
nootropic design, 35–42
North Carolina State’s School of
Design, 62
Nosepoke (Sophi Kravitz), 137
Novena (bunnie Huang), 127
NYC Resistor makerspace, 83
NYC School of Visual Arts (SVA), 25
Obama, Barack, vi
Olaf (fictional character) model (Joe
Meno), 66
Open Hardware, explaining to investors, 12
open source
hardware, 71
in China, 87
open-air bazaars, 126
OpenPCR DNA Copy Machine (Tito
Jankowski and Josh Perfetto), 102–
OpenSSL, 13
Opportunity Partners, 74
Origami Rocker, 45–47
part-time work, 135
passion and Making, 122
PayPal, 57
people, working with, 130
Perfetto, Josh, 105
personal relationships, 127, 128
Petrone, Emile, 9–15
playfulness, 122
PLDM (power LED driver module), 112
postconsumer lifestyle, 1–8
Potter, Harry (fictional character), 56
preparation, 27
problem solving
customs, 77
for large orders, 75
Processing language, 53
professionalism, 25–33, 84
honesty, 27
preparation, 27
programming, 37
public art, 47
PVC Bench, 47
Python, learning, 10
quality and open source hardware, 71
Radio France, 96
RadioShack 200 electronic set, 18
Raleigh, North Carolina, 68
Raspberry Pi, 9, 22, 37
ending the Maker Dark Ages and, x
Readers Digest, 96
INDEX | 145recognition and Making, 119
relationships, 21
RepRap, 81
resellers, 9
retail packaging, 73
outsourcing, 74
problems with, handling, 77
slowdowns and, 78
Robot Builder (Baichtal), 116
Rockwell Collins Radio, 18
Rockwell electrical surplus store, 18
Roth, David Lee, 29
Ruskin, John, 119
Rwanda, 111
demand and, 22
relationship building and, 21
starting a business and, 10
security, 113
Seeedstudio, 88
Setteducati, Mark, 29
shanzai, 87
Shenzen, China, 86, 127
shields, 38
SketchUp, 48
Sklar, Mikey, 1–8
small batch prototyping, 39
SMD LED Arduino Shield (Joe Hurdy),
Snap Circuits, v
social media, 120
solar lanterns (Chris Wang), 111
Solarz, Susan, 43–49
Origami Rocker, 45–47
PVC Bench, 47
sous-vide cooker (Nomiku), 105
Soviet Union, 18
Spark marketplace, 14
Sparkfun, 53
Star Trek (TV show), 61
Star Wars X-Wing LEGO kit, 62
starting a business, 51–59
demand and, 22
engineering and, 10
planning/learning to, 38
sales and, 10
Stratasys, 85
Sufi magazine, 8
Super Nintendo, 18
supply chains, 125–131
humans in, 130
international holidays and, 69, 73
introducing hardware startups to,
personal relationships and, 128
relationships with, 21
working with, 85
surprise orders, handling, 69–80
finding space for, 76
inventory insurance, 75
packaging, 73
supply chains, 69
Swap-O-Rama-Rama textile event, 8, 3
Talking Computron, 24
Target, 126
Tate, 124
TechShop, 88
Techstars, 86
temperature controller for freezer
(Mikey Sklar), 4
The Good Life Lab: Radical Experiments in Hands-On Living (Sklar,
Tremayne), 4, 8
thermoforming, 87
Tibetan Childrens Village, 112
Tindie Markets, 9–15
Tokyo HackerSpace, 109
Torrone, Phil, 83
toys, 29
circuit bending, 19
inventing, 30
Trash to Cash (TV show), 31
Tremayne, Wendy, 1–8
trench art of World War II, 23
TRS-80 computers, 17
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, 2
TV-B-Gone, 94–97
Twin Cities Maker, 43
Twitter, 120
146 | INDEXtymkrs marketspace, 14
Tysons Corner, Virginia, 63
uFactory, 88
United States Navy, 41
University of Westminster, UK, 124
Vai, Steve, 29
vegan cheese, 105
videos, Making, 30–31
FX Networks and, 31
View-Master, 30
Vimeo, 82
virtual reality, 100
volunteers in hackerspaces, 44
recruiting, 48
VPL Research, 100
Wall-E LEGO model (Joe Meno), 65
Walt Disney World, 62
Wang, Chris Akiba, 109–116
Wayne and Layne, 69–80
White House Science Fair, v
WIRED website, 95
wireless sensor networks, 111
Wolf, Adam, 9–15, 69–80
Wrecking Crew, 114
Wright Origami Chair, 45
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 45
Xbox, 131
Yahoo!, 19
YouTube, 22
learning new skills on, 47
Making videos on, 31
Zappa, Frank, 29

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