Make – Getting Started with littleBits

Make – Getting Started with littleBits
اسم المؤلف
Ayah Bdeir, Matt Richardson
30 يناير 2024
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Make – Getting Started with littleBits
Ayah Bdeir, Matt Richardson
Table of contents
Foreword by the Founder
Modular Electronics
Every Interaction is a Ready-to-Use Brick
Conventions Used in This Book
Using Code Examples
Safari® Books Online
How to Contact Us

  1. littleBits Basics: Inputs and Outputs
    The Bits
    Power (Blue)
    Output (Green)
    Input (Pink)
    Wire (Orange)
    Other Accessories
    Project: Night Airplane
    Project: Coffee Table Ground Effect Lighting
    A Quick Overview of littleBits Resources
  2. Control and Logic
    Project: Flashing Sign
    Project: Midnight Snack Light
    Logic Bits
    Double AND
    Double OR
    Going Further
  3. Music and Motion
    Synth Kit
    Micro Sequencer
    Project: Synthesizer With the Works
    MP3 Player
    New from KORG: MIDI, CV, USB i/o
    Making Motion
    Vibration Motor
    DC Motor
    Project: RC Car
  4. Wireless and Cloud Communication
    Wireless Transmitter and Receiver
    Project Tutorial: Remote Control Facetime Car
    Remote Trigger
    IR Transmitter and AC Switch
    Getting Set Up
    Cloud Control
    Project: The Game is On!
    Project: Thinking Of You
    Going Further with the cloudBit
  5. Programming with the Arduino Bit
    What Is Arduino?
    Getting Set Up
    Arduino Sketch Basics
    Arduino Inputs and Outputs
    Keyboard and Mouse Control
    Variable Scope
    Mouse Functions
    Project: HelloRun Game Controller
    Keyboard Emulation
    Using the Arduino Bit with Scratch
  6. Making Your Own Bits
    Proto Module
    Creating an Output
    Creating an Input
    Perf Module
    Input and Output
    What Can You Make?
    AC switch accessory, IR Transmitter and AC Switch
    AC switch, AC Switch, IR Transmitter and AC Switch
    Brick Adapter, Brick Adapters
    motormate, motorMate
    mounting boards, Mounting Boards
    screwdriver, Screwdriver
    shoes, Shoes
    adhesive, Shoes
    hook and loop, Shoes
    magnetic, Shoes
    analogRead function, analogRead
    analogWrite function, analogWrite
    anode, Creating an Output
    Arduino, Power (Blue)
    comments, Arduino Sketch Basicsdevelopment environment, Getting Set Up
    Leonardo, What Is Arduino?
    official website, Programming with the Arduino Bit
    sketch, Arduino Sketch Basics
    software download, Getting Set Up
    software installation, Getting Set Up
    Uno, What Is Arduino?
    Arduino at Heart, What Is Arduino?
    Arduino functions
    analogRead, analogRead
    analogWrite, analogWrite
    delay, delay
    digitalRead, digitalRead
    digitalWrite, digitalWrite
    Keyboard, Keyboard Emulation
    loop, Arduino Sketch Basics
    Mouse, Mouse Functions
    pinMode, pinModesetup, Arduino Sketch Basics
    Arduino Module, Programming with the Arduino Bit-Using the
    Arduino Bit with Scratch
    Analog input example, analogWrite
    Blink example, Getting Set Up
    default settings, Getting Set Up
    for loop, analogWrite
    Input/Output example, Arduino Inputs and Outputs
    Mouse example, Keyboard and Mouse Control
    powering, Getting Set Up
    Scratch, Using the Arduino Bit with Scratch
    while loop, while
    attack, Envelope
    Ayah Bdeir, Foreword by the Founder
    Bare Conductive, What Can You Make?
    bargraph Bit, Output (Green), Input (Pink)
    Base Kit, The Bits, Input (Pink), motorMate, Project: Night Airplane
    battery9 volt, Power (Blue)
    binary, Latch
    Arduino, Programming with the Arduino Bit-Using the Arduino Bit
    with Scratch
    bargraph, Output (Green), Input (Pink)
    branch, Wire (Orange)
    bright LED, Output (Green), Output (Green), Input (Pink)
    button, Input (Pink), Input (Pink)
    buzzer, Output (Green)
    coin battery power, Power (Blue)
    CV, New from KORG: MIDI, CV, USB i/o
    DC motor, Output (Green), DC Motor
    delay, Delay
    dimmer, The Bits, Input (Pink), Input (Pink)
    double AND, Double AND
    double OR, Double OR
    envelope, Envelope
    filter, Filterfork, Wire (Orange)
    inverter, Inverter
    IR transmitter, AC Switch, IR Transmitter and AC Switch
    keyboard, Keyboard
    latch, Latch
    light sensor, Input (Pink), Input (Pink)
    micro sequencer, Micro Sequencer
    MIDI, New from KORG: MIDI, CV, USB i/o
    Mix, Mix
    motion trigger, Input (Pink)
    MP3 player, MP3 Player
    NOR, NOR
    oscillator, Oscillator
    Perf, Perf Module
    power, Power (Blue)
    proto, Proto Module
    pulse, Input (Pink), Pulserandom, Random
    remote trigger, Remote Trigger
    roller switch, Input (Pink)
    sequencer, Sequencer
    servo, Servo
    slide dimmer, The Bits
    switch, Input (Pink)
    threshold, Threshold
    timeout, Timeout
    USB i/o, New from KORG: MIDI, CV, USB i/o
    USB power, Power (Blue)
    vibration motor, Vibration Motor
    wire, Wire (Orange)
    wireless receiver, Wireless Transmitter and Receiver
    wireless transmitter, Wireless Transmitter and Receiver
    XOR, XOR
    Bits, The Bits
    blue, Power (Blue)colors, The Bits
    green, Output (Green)
    input, Input (Pink)
    making your own id=ix_DIY, Making Your Own Bits
    orange, Wire (Orange)
    output, Output (Green), Output (Green)
    pink, Input (Pink)
    power, Power (Blue)
    submitting to the bitLab, Creating an Output
    wire, Wire (Orange)
    bitSnap connector, The Bits, Input (Pink)
    Bleep Drum, What Can You Make?
    bltRobotics, What Can You Make?
    boost converter, Power (Blue)
    branch Bit, Wire (Orange)
    bright LED Bit, Output (Green), Output (Green), Input (Pink)
    button Bit, Input (Pink), Input (Pink)
    buzzer Bit, Output (Green)C
    cathode, Creating an Output
    Cloud Control, Cloud Control
    cloudBit, Power (Blue), cloudBit-Going Further with the cloudBit
    dashboard, Cloud Control
    follow feature, Project: Thinking Of You
    setup, Getting Set Up-Getting Set Up
    Coffee Table Lighting project, Project: Coffee Table Ground Effect
    coin battery power Bit, Power (Blue)
    Creating an Input and Output Project, Input and Output-Input and
    Creating an Input Project, Creating an Input-Creating an Input
    Creating an Output Project, Creating an Output-Creating an Output
    CV Bit, New from KORG: MIDI, CV, USB i/o
    datasheet, Creating an Output
    DC adapter, Power (Blue)
    DC motor Bit, Output (Green), DC Motor
    decay, Envelopedelay
    feedback, Delay
    time, Delay
    delay Bit, Delay
    delay function, delay
    Deluxe Kit, The Bits
    digitalRead function, digitalRead
    digitalWrite function, digitalWrite
    dimmer Bit, The Bits, Input (Pink), Input (Pink)
    educational, A Quick Overview of littleBits Resources
    dog collar
    light-up, Shoes
    double AND Bit, Double AND
    double OR Bit, Double OR
    EMG SpikerBox, Creating an Output
    envelope Bit, Envelope
    cutoff, Filter
    peak, Filter
    filter Bit, Filter
    Flashing Sign project, Project: Flashing Sign
    for loop, analogWrite
    fork Bit, Wire (Orange)
    frequency, Oscillator
    frequency modulation synthesis, Oscillator
    Game Controller project, Project: HelloRun Game Controller
    getting help, How to Contact Us
    global variables, Variable Scope
    GramoPaint project, Project Tutorial: GramoPaint by Makerspark
    Humidity Sensor, What Can You Make?
    if statement, digitalRead
    If This Then That, IFTTT-Project: The Game is On!IFTTT, IFTTT-Project: The Game is On!
    input, analogWrite
    Bits, Input (Pink)
    input state, Double AND
    input voltages, Power (Blue)
    inputs, Logic Bits
    Internet of Things, Foreword by the Founder
    inverter Bit, Inverter
    IR transmitter Bit, AC Switch, IR Transmitter and AC Switch
    keyboard Bit, Keyboard
    Keyboard functions, Keyboard Emulation
    Base, The Bits, Input (Pink), motorMate, Project: Night Airplane
    Deluxe, The Bits
    Premium, The Bits
    Synth, Synth Kit
    Konstantin Bauman, Input (Pink), Project: Night Airplane
    Llatch Bit, Latch
    Lego, Preface, Brick Adapters
    light sensor Bit, Input (Pink), Input (Pink)
    light-up dog collar, Shoes
    local variables, Variable Scope
    logic Bits, Logic Bits-Going Further
    logic gates, Logic Bits
    loop function, Arduino Sketch Basics
    low pass filter, analogWrite
    Lucky Slot Machine project, Double OR
    major scale, Tuning
    Maker Movement, Foreword by the Founder
    MaKey MaKey, Creating an Output, What Can You Make?
    Matt Richardson, Foreword by the Founder
    micro sequencer Bit, Micro Sequencer
    MIDI Bit, New from KORG: MIDI, CV, USB i/o
    Midnight Snack Light project, Project: Midnight Snack LightMIT Media Lab, Preface
    Mix Bit, Mix
    Morning Sunshine project, Double AND
    motion, Making Motion-Project: RC Car
    motion trigger Bit, Input (Pink)
    Mouse functions, Mouse Functions
    MP3 player Bit, MP3 Player
    multimeter, Making Your Own Bits
    NAND Bit, NAND
    Night Airplane project, Input (Pink), Project: Night Airplane
    NOR Bit, NOR
    Object-Oriented programming, Preface
    oscillator Bit, Oscillator
    output, Synth Kit
    Bits, Output (Green)
    output Bits, Output (Green)
    output voltage, Power (Blue)P
    Perf Bit, Perf Module
    pinMode function, pinMode
    pitch, Oscillator
    Bits, Power (Blue)
    requirements, Power (Blue)
    power Bit, Power (Blue)
    Premium Kit, The Bits
    procedural code, Arduino Sketch Basics
    programmable microcontroller platform, What Is Arduino?
    Coffee Table Lighting, Project: Coffee Table Ground Effect Lighting
    Flashing Sign, Project: Flashing Sign
    Game Controller, Project: HelloRun Game Controller
    GramoPaint, Project Tutorial: GramoPaint by Makerspark
    Lucky Slot Machine, Double OR
    Midnight Snack Light, Project: Midnight Snack LightMorning Sunshine, Double AND
    Night Airplane, Input (Pink), Project: Night Airplane
    RC Car, Project: RC Car-Project: RC Car, Project Tutorial: Remote
    Control Facetime Car
    Synthesizer With the Works, Project: Synthesizer With the Works
    The Game is On, Project: The Game is On!
    Thinking of You, Project: Thinking Of You
    Zoetrope, Pulse
    Creating an Input, Creating an Input-Creating an Input
    Creating an Input and Output, Input and Output-Input and Output
    Creating an Output, Creating an Output-Creating an Output
    proto Bit, Proto Module
    pulse Bit, Input (Pink), Pulse
    pulse width modulation, analogWrite
    random Bit, Random
    RC Car project, Project: RC Car-Project: RC Car, Project Tutorial:
    Remote Control Facetime Carremote trigger Bit, Remote Trigger
    resistor, Creating an Output
    choosing, Creating an Output
    current limiting, Creating an Output
    roller switch
    close mode, Project: HelloRun Game Controller
    roller switch Bit, Input (Pink)
    ScopeBit, Creating an Output
    Scratch, Using the Arduino Bit with Scratch
    sequencer Bit, Sequencer
    series circuits, Logic Bits
    horn, Servo
    servo Bit, Servo
    setup function, Arduino Sketch Basics
    signal, Making Your Own Bits
    control, Control and Logic-Going Further
    signature, Oscillatorsketch, Arduino Sketch Basics
    slide dimmer Bit, The Bits
    STEAM, Foreword by the Founder
    STEM, Foreword by the Founder
    switch Bit, Input (Pink)
    Synth kit, Synth Kit
    Synthesizer With the Works project, Project: Synthesizer With the
    The Game is On project, Project: The Game is On!
    Thinking of You project, Project: Thinking Of You
    threshold Bit, Threshold
    timbre, Filter
    timeout Bit, Timeout
    Touch Sensor, What Can You Make?
    troubleshooting, A Quick Overview of littleBits Resources
    connections, Output (Green), Wire (Orange)
    magnets, Wire (Orange)
    truth table, Double ANDtutorials, A Quick Overview of littleBits Resources
    USB i/o Bit, New from KORG: MIDI, CV, USB i/o
    USB power Bit, Power (Blue)
    variable, analogRead
    variable scope, Keyboard and Mouse Control
    vibration motor Bit, Vibration Motor
    voltage regulator, Power (Blue)
    wall wart, Power (Blue)
    waveform, Oscillator
    while loop, while
    Bits, Wire (Orange)
    wire Bit, Wire (Orange)
    wireless communication, Wireless and Cloud Communication-Going
    Further with the cloudBit
    wireless receiver Bit, Wireless Transmitter and Receiver
    wireless transmitter Bit, Wireless Transmitter and ReceiverX
    XOR Bit, XOR
    Zoetrope project, Pulse

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