كورس تعليم التهوية (التنفس) الميكانيكية من الصفر – Learn Mechanical Ventilation From the Scratch Course
كورس تعليم التهوية (التنفس) الميكانيكية من الصفر
Learn Mechanical Ventilation From the Scratch Course
- Where to go from here\1. Congratulation!
- Introduction\1. Course introduction
- The ventilator\1. Introduction to the ventilator machine
- Modes of ventilation\1. Introduction to this section
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\1. Introduction
- Mode selection and initial ventilator settings\1. Section introduction
- Respiratory mechanics\1. Section introduction
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\1. Section introduction
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\2. Air flow and pressure gradient
- Mode selection and initial ventilator settings\2. Initial mode selection (1)
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\2. Is our patient ready for weaning
- Respiratory mechanics\2. Peak inspiratory pressure & plateau pressure
- The ventilator\2. Ventilator parts
- Modes of ventilation\2. Volume control mode
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\3. Boyle’s law
- Modes of ventilation\3. Demonstrate VC mode on the ventilator
- Respiratory mechanics\3. Demonstrating compliance on the ventilator
- Mode selection and initial ventilator settings\3. Initial mode selection (2)
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\3. Spontaneous breathing trial (SBT)
- The ventilator\3. The ventilator screen
- Respiratory mechanics\4. Demonstrate peak inspiratory pressure on the ventilator
- The ventilator\4. Endotracheal tube
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\4. Intrapleural and alveolar pressures
- Mode selection and initial ventilator settings\4. Oxygenation
- Modes of ventilation\4. Pressure control mode
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\4. T-piece
- Modes of ventilation\5. Demonstrate the PC mode on the ventilator screen
- The ventilator\5. How ventilator works
- Respiratory mechanics\5. Inspiratory hold maneuver
- Mode selection and initial ventilator settings\5. Mode-specific ventilator settings
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\5. Pressure support
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\5. Transpulmonary pressure
- Respiratory mechanics\6. Mean airway pressure (MAP)
- Modes of ventilation\6. Pressure support mode
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\6. Rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI)
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\6. Spontaneous breath
- The ventilator\6. The trigger concept
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\7. Cuff leak test (1)
- Modes of ventilation\7. Demonstrate PS mode on the ventilator
- Respiratory mechanics\7. Demonstrates Mean airway pressure on the ventilator
- The ventilator\7. Patient’s trigger
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\7. Positive pressure breath
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\8. Cuff leak test (2)
- Modes of ventilation\8. Modes comparison
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\8. Resistive pressure
- Respiratory mechanics\8. Rise time
- The ventilator\8. Ventilator trigger (backup rate)
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\9. Compliance
- Respiratory mechanics\9. Demonstrates Rise time on the ventilator screen
- The ventilator\9. Demonstration of the trigger on the ventilator screen
- Weaning of mechanical ventilation\9. Extubation process
- Modes of ventilation\9. SIMV mode
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\10. Breathing mechanics (1)
- Modes of ventilation\10. Demonstrate SIMV mode on the ventilator
- Respiratory mechanics\10. Low peak inspiratory pressure
- The ventilator\10. The target concept
- Breathing mechanics and physiology review\11. Breathing mechanics (2)
- The ventilator\11. Flow target
- Respiratory mechanics\11. Gas trapping and autopeep
- Respiratory mechanics\12. Complications of gas trapping
- The ventilator\12. Pressure target
- The ventilator\13. Flow vs pressure target comparison
- Respiratory mechanics\13. The expiratory hold maneuver
- Respiratory mechanics\14. Causes & treatment of gas trapping
- The ventilator\14. Demonstrate target on the ventilator screen
- Respiratory mechanics\15. Gas trapping and auto-peep treatment
- The ventilator\15. The cycle concept
- The ventilator\16. Demonstrate cycle variable on the ventilator
- Respiratory mechanics\16. Volutrauma and tidal volume
- Respiratory mechanics\17. Demonstrate how to Adjust TV on the ventilator
- The ventilator\17. Respiratory cycle
- Respiratory mechanics\18. Barotrauma
- The ventilator\18. Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)
- Respiratory mechanics\19. Atelectrauma
- Respiratory mechanics\20. Opening and closing pressure
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