International Petroleum Encyclopedia 2010
International Petroleum Encyclopedia 2010
Frank T. Lauinger
President and CEO
Robert F. Biolchini
Senior Vice-President, Finance and Administration, CFO
Mark Wilmoth
Senior Vice-President, Audience Development & Book Publishing
Gloria S. Adams
Mary McGee
Managing Editor
Marla Patterson
Joseph Hilyard
Production Manager
Sheila Brock
Art Director
Susan E. Ormston
Guest Essay .iv
Chronology 2009 x
World Energy Markets:
The Big Picture xviii
Encyclopedia & Atlas
North America
United States . 1
Gulf of Mexico . 51
Alaska . 67
Canada 72
Latin America
Argentina 91
Bahamas . 96
Belize . 97
Bolivia . 98
Brazil . 98
Chile . 107
Colombia 108
Cuba 110
Ecuador 111
Guatemala 114
Jamaica .115
Mexico 116
Nicaragua . 123
Paraguay 124
Peru . 125
Trinidad & Tobago . 128
Uruguay 130
Venezuela . 131
Albania . 139
Austria . 141
Belgium . 143
Bulgaria . 143
Croatia . 144
Czech Republic . 145
Denmark 145
Finland . 148
France . 148
Germany 152
Greece . 154
Hungary 155
Republic of Ireland . 156
Italy 157
Malta 161
The Netherlands 162
Norway . 164
Poland 170
Portugal 170
Romania 171
Slovakia 171
Spain 172
Sweden . 173
Turkey .174
United Kingdom . 175
Middle East
Bahrain . 185
Iran 187
Iraq 191
Israel . 198
Jordan . 200
Kuwait 201
Oman 203
Qatar 204Saudi Arabia . 206
Syria . 209
United Arab Emirates . 209
Yemen 213
Algeria . 215
Angola . 223
Cameroon . 225
Chad . 226
Congo (Brazzaville) . 227
Congo (Former Zaire) . 227
Egypt 228
Equatorial Guinea 230
Gabon 231
Ghana . 232
Ivory Coast 235
Kenya 236
Libya . 236
Madagascar . 239
Mali . 240
Mauritania . 241
Morocco 241
Mozambique . 242
Nigeria . 243
South Africa . 248
Sudan 249
Tanzania 250
Tunisia . 250
Uganda . 251
Former Soviet Union
Armenia 257
Azerbaijan . 260
Georgia . 261
Kazakhstan 262
Kyrgyzstan . 265
Latvia 265
Lithuania 266
Russia 266
Tajikistan 277
Turkmenistan . 278
Ukraine . 279
Uzbekistan 281
China 282
Afghanistan 301
Australia 302
Bangladesh 310
Brunei 311
India . 312
Indonesia 320
Japan 324
Malaysia 329
Mongolia 332
Myanmar 332
New Zealand . 333
Pakistan 335
Papua New Guinea 336
Philippines . 338
Singapore . 339
South Korea . 340
Taiwan . 342
Thailand 345
Timor-Leste 353
Vietnam . 346
Key Stats & Tables
Key Stats
Future energy supply . 348
Exploration and reserves 353
Drilling and production 357
Investment and markets . 371
Trade and tankers . 374
LNG—Industry outlook . 377
LNG—Liquefaction and receiving 382
LNG—Carrier fleet 383
LNG—Risks and opportunities 383
Refining and products 384
Gas processing and products . 396
Petrochemicals outlook . 402
Pipelines 408
Climate change issues 414
Statistical Tables
World reserves and production 422
Oil consumption, production, reserves,
and trade
World oil consumption . 424
World petroleum product
consumption 426
World oil production 428
Historical oil reserves . 432
World oil imports and exports . 433
World oil trade movements . 434
World oil balance 435
Oil refining
Summary of operating refineries
worldwide 437
World refining capacity 439
World refinery throughput 443
World refining margins 443
Natural gas consumption, production, and trade
World natural gas consumption 444
World natural gas production 445
World natural gas trade
movements: pipelines . 447
World natural gas trade
movements: LNG . 449
Petroleum prices
Crude oil prices . 449
Petroleum product prices . 450
Comparative energy prices . 450
Price history of oil, gas,
and gasoline 451
International rig count 452
Information Sources
National oil companies and energy
ministries 454
Companies and other organizations
cited in atlas section 472
Glossary of abbreviations
and acronyms 484
Index . 492
Fold-out Map LegendINDEX
Index Terms Links
Abreu e Lima refinery xvii 105 136
Abu Dhabi
carbon capture and
storage in 212
oil/natural gas reserves of 209
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries LTD. 211
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
(ADIA) 210
Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. 79 163 274
Abu Khashab refinery 209
Abu Qir concession 228
Abyei region 249
Accra refinery 235
Addax Petroleum 198 247 299
Adriatic LNG terminal 160
Advance Technology Investment
Co. (ATIC) 210
Advanced Resources
International Inc. 26 368
advertising campaign viii
Aegean Energy SA 154
AES Sparrows Point LNG
LLC 35
Affleck fields xiv 178
Afghanistan 301
Afghan-Tajik basin 301
Aframax oil tanker 346
map of 216 219
oil drilling expenditures of 362
South 248
AGA Gas AB 173
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud 189
Ahnet basin 218
Ain-Beni-Mathar 242Index Terms Links
air quality standards 48
Aje field 246
Aker Solutions 262
Al Basant gas-condensate dis covery 229
Al Duqm complex 203
Al Gasant gas-condensate xii
Al Ghubar-Qarn Alam block 203
Al Jour refinery 202
Al Sadd G-Flex carrier 383
Al Shaheen refinery 205
Alaminos Canyon Block 380 57
Denali gas pipelines of 71
drilling/production of 69
exploration/development of 67
map of 67 71
National Petroleum Reserve of 68
Natural Gas Development Authority of 71
natural gas pipeline of 88
pipeline proposals of 70
trans-Alaska oil pipeline of 70
Alaska Gas Pipeline LLC xi
Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) 70
Alaska’s North Slope (ANS) 68 70
Alba field 231
Albania 139
nuclear power plant near 145
nuclear reactor in 141
Albanian Petroleum Corp. (APC) 139
al-Bashir, Omar 249
Albert basin xi
Energy Resources
Conservation Board of 81
gas producer royalty incentives offered by 81
new resource royalty framework in 365
new tailings regulations in 81
oil sands of 72
Project Pioneer and 89
Quest carbon capture and
storage and 89Index Terms Links
Alberta Clipper pipeline xv 36 86
Alberta Deep basin 79
Albertine Graben region 251
Albertine Rift 227
AleAnna Resources LLC 159
algae-based biofuels 46 352
alternative energy of 221
exploration/development of 215
hybrid power plant in 222
map of 218
pipelines/transportation of 220
refining capacity of 221
Algyo oil field 156
Ali Khamenei, Ayatollah 189
al-Maliki, Nouri 191
al-Megrahi, Abdel Baset 237
Al-Sunna wal Jamma 245
alternative energy
of Algeria 221
of Australia 308
of Brazil 100 106
of Denmark 146
of Egypt 230
of France 150
of Germany 153
of India 319
of Israel 200
of Italy 160
of Jordan 201
of Netherlands 163
of Saudi Arabia 208
Taiwan’s wind farms and 342
of Turkey 175
of United Arab Emirates 212
of United Kingdom 179
of United States 45
Alve field xi
Am Darya basin 301
American Electric Power (AEP) 46
American Petroleum Institute (API) 22Index Terms Links
American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act 12
American Shale Oil LLC
(Amso) 25
Americas Crude Marker 12
Ampasindava block 239
Anadarko basin 27
Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 53 56 68 234 254 255
Andasol Solar Power Station 172
Andrea Palladio power plant 160
Angola 223
drilling/production of 224
exploration/development of 223
map of 223
offshore discoveries of 223
Anqing refinery/chemical project 297
Antelope discovery 337
Antrim shale 398
Anza basin 236
Apache Corp. 91 107 178 228
Apko deepwater gas condensate field xi 245
appraisal wells
of Aegean Energy 154
in Bengara I 321
Bezzecca-1 159
on block BM-C-30 103
on Bo Rang B oil field 343
on Elsa discovery 157
of Etinde permit 225
on Green Canyon block 826 53
Hydra-5x 228
Hyedua-2 234
on Incahuasi gas-condensate field 98
L11-13 162
on Liwan 3-1 field 289
Mahogany-4 234
Oliver-2 304
on Ormen Lange field 164
Shenzi-9 53
Sillaro-2 159
Tamar-2 199Index Terms Links
appraisal wells (Cont.)
on Te Giac Trang field 346
Aquila field 159
Arab oil embargo iv
Arabian Gulf 206
Arctic Circle
natural gas resources of 352
oil/gas resources in 351
Arctic Islands, map of 78
Arctic Sea, thinning ice of 420
Arctic Spirit 382
Ardent Resources Canada Ltd. 79
exploration/development of 91
solar power plant in 96
Argus Sour Crude Index (ASCI) xxvii
Arias, Oscar 137
Armenia 257
Arous Al-Bahar prospect 237
Artic National Wildlife Refuge
(ANWR) 69
A/S Norske Shell 165
Asab Gas Development II (AGD-II) 211
Aseng gas-condensate field 231
Åsgard field 166
map of 314
processing capability of 387
demand/distillation in 394
energy industry in 394
LNG demand of 381
LNG import of 381
LNG market 339
oil product demand of 395
refinery utilization in 395
uncontracted LNG demand of 381
Asiman structures 260
Association of International Petroleum
Negotiators 384
Athabasca Oil Sands Corp. xv 290Index Terms Links
Atlantic basin
natural gas pricing of 383
trade of 380
Atyrau-Samara pipeline 262
Atzam field 114
Australia 302
alternative energy in 308
basins of 303
drilling/production of 305
environmental issues of 309
exploration/development of 302
LNG projects of 307 308
Australia (Cont.)
map of 304
solar power in 309
Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) 307
Australian Global Carbon Capture and
Storage Institute 309
Australian Petroleum Production &
Exploration Association Ltd. (APPEA) 303
Australian Worldwide Exploration Ltd. 333
Austria 141
automobile industry xxvii 12 288 327
Awali oil fields 187
Ayr Logistics Ltd. 243
Azerbaijan 260
Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) 260
Azhar-1 well 229
Azulao-1 well 103
Azurite field xiv 227
Babbage field 178
Badajoz refinery 172
Bahamas 96 97
Bahrain 185
Bahrain Petroleum Co. (BAPCO) 185 187
Baker Hughes 50 362 367
Bakken formation 37 86
Bakken shale oil 16 49
Bakken well 13Index Terms Links
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (BTC) 412
Balikpapan refinery 325
Balongan refinery 325
Bangladesh 310
Bangora field 311
Banyu Urip field 322
Baobab development 235
Baraka Petroleum Ltd. 241
Barbados 129
Barents Sea shelf 167 268
Barmer basin 316
Barnett gas shale composition 396
Barroso, Jose Manuel 281
Afghan-Tajik 301
Ahnet 218
Albert xi
Alberta Deep 79
Am Darya 301
Anadarko 27
Anza 236
Atlantic 380 383
Australian 303
Barmer 316
Bass 302
Bay St. George 77
Berkine 220
Bonaparte 307
Browse 303 304 306
Cagayan 338
Caguan 109
Caguan-Putumayo 110
Cambay 313
Campos 99 103 104
Carnavon 305
Chicontepec 119 122
Colombus 129
Cooper-Eromanga 303
deepwater 333
Elk 21
Eromanga 303Index Terms Links
basins (Cont.)
Flemish Pass 79
gas export 274
Ghaba salt 203
Ghadames 237 238
Gulf of Suez 229
Horn River 73 76 79
Illizi 215
intra-Atlantic trade 380
Jeanne d’Arc 72 79
Khorat 343
Krishna-Godavart 316 318
Kutei 321
Lake Albert Rift 252
Llanos 108 109
Los Angeles 32
Magallanes 107
Mannar 347
McArthur 302
Namibe 254
Neuquen 91
North Gabonese 232
Palmyride 209
Pearl River Mouth 289
Permian 21 22
Peten (Chapayal) 114
Piceance xi 16 31
Po 159
Potiguar 103
Punta del Este 131
Regane 218
Reinga 333
Rharb 241
Rocky Mountain region oil/gas 48
San Joachin xiii 13
Sandakan 338
Sandino 123
Santos 53 100 101
Sierra Leone-Liberian 255
Sirte xiii 238
Slyne 156Index Terms Links
basins (Cont.)
South Falklands 91 95
South Sumatra 321
Southland 334
Surat 307
Taranaki 333 334
Thrace 174
Timimoun 215
Victoria 305
West Netherlands 162
Western Canada Sedimentary 72 79
Williston 14
Yinggehai 290
Bass basin 302
Bass Strait 305
Batam Island 323
Batumi refinery 264
Bay St. George basin 77
Bayfield Energy (Galeota) Ltd 128
Beach Petroleum Ltd 303
Beaufort Sea
leases in 67 68
map of 77
Beihai refinery 297
Belait field 311
Belarus, oil cut-off 265
Belgium 143
Belize 97
Belize Natural Energy Ltd. 97
Bell Creek EOR project 21
Bengara I appraisal well 321
Bengara-II block 321
benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) 341
Berdymukhamedov, Gurbanguly 278
Berkine basin 220
Bezzecca-1 appraisal well 159
Big Foot Oil pipeline 66
Big Foot ultradeepwater development 66
Binaloud oil field 188
biodiesel plant 163
bioethanol plant 146Index Terms Links
from algae 46 352
from sugar cane 100 106
Bioko Island 231
biorefinery projects 46
bitumen, crude 83
Blair, Tony 237
Block 2AB 129
Block 7 240
Block 7 survey 310
Block 07/03 346
Block 8 195 250
Block 9 236
Block 11 240
Block 17 225
Block 47 203
Block 915 61
Block 1003 63
block BM-C-30 103
Block BM-C-43 103
Block C17 238
Block C137 238
Block CB–ONN-2003/1 313
Block CI-105 235
Block EG-07 231
Block JPDA 06-103 305
Block L 311
Block L27/43 343
Block M 311
Block NC202 238
Block RJ-ON-90/1 316
Block SL 6/07 255
Block V 227
Block Z1 127
Block Z34 127
Blue Energy Ltd. 336
Bo Rang B oil field appraisal well 343
Bogd block IV 332
Bohai Bay 289
Bolivia 98
Bolivian hydrocarbons 124Index Terms Links
Bonaparte basin 307
Bongkot field 343
Bonny Island LNG plant 246
Borouge 211
Bovanenkovskoye field 272
Bowleven PLC 225
Bozhong 28-2S field 290
BP Exploration & Production Inc. 57
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. 70
BP Products North America Inc. 49
BPC Ltd. 96 97
BPZ Energy Inc. 127
Bratstvo pipeline 171
alternative energy of 100 106
drilling/production of 103
energy consumption of 98
exploration/development of 103
LNG regasification terminals in 105
presalt resource development of 100 101 102
refining in 105
Brent System pipeline 179
British Columbia 74
British Energy 182
Broadwater offshore LNG terminal 33
Browse basin 303 304 306
Brunei 311
Brunnsviksholme LNG terminal 173
Brunsmo wind power project 173
Bua Ban field 343 344
Bualuang field 343
Buckskin No. 1 well 56
Bulgaria 143
Greece/natural gas piped to 154
pipeline access of 409
Burgos field 56
Bush Administration 17
Bushwood-1 56
Business Monitor International Ltd. (BMI) 193 201 202 320
Butiaba region 251
Buzi block 242Index Terms Links
Cabinda Gulf Oil Co. Ltd. (CABGOC) 224
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. 30
Caesar Tonga development 56
Cagayan basin 338
Caguan basin 109
Caguan-Putumayo basin 110
Cairn India Ltd. 312 316
air quality standards of 48
map of 33
California Air Resources Board (CARB) 48
Camarupim gas field 104
Cambay basin 313
Camden Bay 67
Cameron LNG terminal 33
Cameroon 225
Camisea lines 128
Campos basin
Block BM-C-43 of 103
map of 99
natural gas production of 99
oil production of 104
Wahoo No. 2 well of 103
active development in 84
Arctic sea ice off 80
capital spending of 371
crude oil of 40
drilling activity data of 365
drilling activity outside 366
drilling expectations of 81
drilling rig count of xxii
drilling/production of 80 85
environmental issues of 89
exploration/development of 76
exploration/development (north) of 80
(west/central) of 79
gas production of 74
gas shale in 73Index Terms Links
Canada (Cont.)
gas shale/horizontal well drilling of 74
Hebron offshore project area of 77 78
lease sales of 80
maps of 73 75
mining projects forecasts for 84
natural gas reserves of 72
oil reserves/exporting of 72
oil sands drilling/production of 81
oil sands regions in 82
pipeline operators in xxii
pipelines of 86
rig count/western 366
spending plans of 371
United States drilling compared to 23 365
United States importing from 72
United States pipelines with 40
United States/oil sands of 25 83
Canadian Arctic 80
Canadian Association of Petroleum
Producers (CAPP) 74
Canadian Energy Research Institute
(CERI) 72
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 235
Canaport LNG facility 86
Cangoá gas field 104
Cangrejera complex 123
Cantarell field 115 120
decline of 121
enhanced oil recovery from 122
capital costs, downstream 388
capital spending/investment
budget plan reductions for 371
of Canada 371
in oil sands 84
of Pertamina 325
of United States xii 371
Carabobo project 134Index Terms Links
carbon capture and storage (CCS) 46 182
in Abu Dhabi 212
European Commission grants for 415
in Finland 148
in France 151
high cost of 417
Lacq field pilot of xiii
Longannet pilot project of 183
under North Sea 168
NV Nuon investment in 164
Project Pioneer 89
Quest project for 89
scientific research in 47
source-specific costs of 417
Statoil project of 168
carbon dioxide (CO2)
Bahrain’s recovery plant for 187
capture/sequestration costs of 418 420
capturing/storage of 164
emissions 146 417
Encore projects of 21
enhanced oil recovery using 18 415 418 419
EOR fields 419
European Union permit prices of 421
from ExxonMobil 20
Gulf coast projects for 19 20
industrial 417
industrial sources of 418
injection/enhanced oil recovery using 18
Jackson Dome supply of 20
Permian Basin 21
refineries impacted by 392
in In Salah 222
sources of 18
transport guidelines of 421
United States annual emissions of 417
United States EOR projects of 418 419
United States sequestration of 46
carbon emissions xxii 12 85
carbon leakage 420
carbon legislation 37Index Terms Links
carbon storage 66
carbon tax xvi 151
carbon trading market 48 151
Carigali-PTTEPI Operating Co. Sdn
Bhd 329
Carioca presalt discovery 104
Carnarvon basin 305
carrier fleet 383
Cascina San Pietro permit 159
“cash for clunkers” program 12
Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) 262 412
Caspian Region
oil distribution from 413
oil pipelines of 414
oil shipments of 412
oil transport routes from 413
Caspian Sea 261
oil export pipeline from 190
oil transport and 412
Catlin Arctic Survey 420
Cay Sal area 96
CBM Asia Development Corp. 321
Ceiba field 231
cellulosic-based ethanol 46 394
Cenovus Energy Inc. 89
Center for Global Energy Studies 193
Central America, map of 118
Central Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease
Sale 208 57
Central Sulawesi plant 323
Centrica 130 182
Cepu block 322 325
Ceyhan refinery 264
CEZ AS 145
CGD-10 exploration well 241
Chad 226
Chad pipeline 294
Chad refinery 297
Chad-Cameroon pipeline 226
Chavez, Hugo xiii 131 135 136
Chesapeake Energy Corp. 26 29Index Terms Links
Chevron Corp. 49 61 113 224
Chicontepec basin 119
Mexico wells in 122
oil development funding in 122
Chile 107
China 283
automobile sales of xxvii 288
drilling/production of 289
Ecuador’s oil deal with 292
energy consumption of xix
energy-related developments of 283
environmental issues of 298
ethylene production capacity of xiii
exploration/development of 289
Golden Sun initiative of 287
international activities of 290
Japan’s natural gas exploration with 292 326
Kazakhstan pipeline with 262 264 294 411
LNG of 293 306
loans/oil supply secured by 287
LPG consumption of 292 293
LPG import/output of 292
map of 284
oil company expenditures of 288
oil refinery plans of 297
oil supply-demand balance of 287
Petrobras deal with 105
petrochemicals of 298
Petroecuador agreement with 113
pipelines/transportation of 294
product balance of 394
refining/products of 295
Russia’s oil for loans deal with 272
strategic petroleum reserve phases in 286
tanker/ship orders in 374
trans-Himalayan pipeline to 190
Turkmenistan gas line with 278 281 294
Uganda interest of 252
Venezuelean deals with 134
Venezuelean exports to 135
China Datang Corp. 332Index Terms Links
China Development Bank (CDB) 287
China Investment Corp. 265 299
China National Offshore Oil Corp.
(CNOOC) 172 283
China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) 226 283
China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.
See Sinopec
Chinese Petroleum Corp. (CPC) 342
Chirag oil project 260
Chiton-1 wildcat 303
Chongqing oil field 296
Chukchi Sea 69
Circum-Artic Resource Appraisal
(CARA) 351
Clarkson Research Services Ltd. 376
clathrate hydrate 268
Clean Air Act xvii 47
clean energy, investments in 374
Clean Global Energy Ltd. (CGE) 332
climate change xxiii
International Energy
Agency scenario for 415
issues in 414
legislation for 47
Climate Policy Initiative 415
-based natural gas 298
gasification project 332
LNG emissions v. 384
-to-gas plant 298
unminable seams of 419
coalbed methane (CBM) 72
in India 305 313 316
Santos Ltd increasing assets in 309
tax exemption 280
in Xinjiang Province 289
Coastal Energy Co. 343
Colombia 108
exploration/develop ment of 109
map of 109
oil production of 108Index Terms Links
Colorado 25
Columbus basin 129
Colville River Unit development 68
Comision Federal de Electricidad
(CFE) 123
Commodity Futures Trading Commission 13 372
Comperj project 106
compressed natural gas (CNG) 376
compressed natural gas corridor 318
Concerto-1 303 306
Conference of the Parties (COP) 145 415
Congo, Democratic Republic of (former
Zaire) 227
Congo (Brazzaville) 227
ConocoPhillips 49 68
construction costs, pipelines 409
Contact Exploration Inc. 79
Continental Shelf, Norwegian 165 167
Cooper-Eromanga basin 303
Accord xxvii 415
Carbon dioxide emissions in 146
conference 414 415 421
Corcel block 110
corporate average fuel economy standards
(CAFE) 12
Correa, Rafael 112
Corrib field 156 157
Corridor Resources Inc 76 77
Corvina field 128
Costa Rica 137
Costayaco field 110
Cove Point LNG terminal 34
crack margins 395
Cretaceous Gas de Base formation 231
Croatia 144
Crown Estates 180
crude bitumen 83Index Terms Links
crude oil
balance/exports of 275
of Canada 40
distillation profile of 391
drilling rigs/prices of 23
feedstock quality and 39
global prices of xxi
natural gas prices and 5
Peru’s production of 126
Petrobras’ production of 99
PetroChina output cuts of 286
pipeline agreement for 187
pipeline for 264
price drop in iv
price volatility of vi
prices 449
refining capacity of 385
Russian exports of 274 275
storage of 374
sulfur in 390
United States imports of 38
United States refineries impacted by 385
Crystal Gas Plant 152
Cuba 110
Cyprus 174
Czech Republic 145
da Silva, Lula 100 106
Daewoo International Corp. 332 341
Dalia Power Energies 199
Dalian oil storage 295
Dalit deepwater discovery 199
Dana Gas Egypt 228
Daniel Boone discovery well 62
Darfur, violence in 249
Darkhan-Uul refinery 332
Darkhowain oil field 188
Daugavpils refinery 265
David Wood & Associates (DWA) 373 374
Davy Jones project 53Index Terms Links
Dawson Creek, BC 73
de Margerie, Christophe 348
decommissioning costs, on UKCS 178
Deen Dayal West field 313
Deep Bossier 31
deepwater exploration 58
discoveries and 65
expenditures 370
Pemex strategy of 121
production from 61
United States discoveries by 66
Delaware City refinery 37
Deloitte LLC 41
Delta Rufiji block 250
Deltana Platform 133
Denali Alaskan gas pipeline 71
Denbury Resources Inc 19 49
Denmark 145
alternative energy in 146
exploration/development of 145
wind power in 146
Dept. of Energy and Climate Change
(DECC) 181
Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII) 153 222 251 352
Det norske oljeselskap 169
Devil Creek plant 306
Devon Energy Corp. 49
Dickinson oil field 14
diesel sulfur 389
dilbit processing 39
Djarmaya refinery 226
Dolphin pipeline 209
Dominion Petroleum Ltd. 250
Don Southwest field 178
Dorado fields 61
Douglas-Westwood report 354 356 378
downstream capital costs 388
Dragon LNG terminal xiv 179
Dragon oil 182
Dreki area 169Index Terms Links
drilling activity
Canadian data of 365
global 367
outside United States/Canada 366
drilling and development 263
drilling and exploration
of Indonesia 322
of Russia 269
drilling and production 357
of Alaska 69
of Angola 224
of Australia 305
of Brazil 103
of Canada 80 85
of Canada’s oil sands 81
of China 289
of Egypt 229
global 422
in Gulf of Mexico 58
of India 316
of Iran 188
of Iraq 196
of Israel 199
of Italy 159
of Mexico 122
of New Zealand 334
of Nigeria 245
of Norway 167
Oil & Gas Journal drilling analysis of 357
Royal Dutch Shell platform for 61
of Saudi Arabia 207
of United Arab Emirates 210
of United Kingdom 177
of United States 22
drilling contractors 364
drilling rigs
of Canada xxii
counts/trends in 365
crude oil prices and 23
deepwater circular 369
global count of 366 452Index Terms Links
drilling rigs (Cont.)
outside United States/Canada 366
United States (by basin) count of 364
United States count trends of 24
United States trends of 362
weekly count of 23
of western Canada 366
drillship 104
Druzhba pipeline 141 145 171
Dung Quat refinery 346
Dunkirk refinery 384
Durusu-1 exploration well 174
Dushanzi refinery 296
E. F. Durkee & Associates 338
E El Burullus exploration block 229
E10 unleaded gasoline 151
Eagle Ford shale 15 28 31
Eaglewood Energy Inc. 337
East Belumut oil field 328
East El Wastani 229
east Mediterranean hydrocarbons 199
East Patricia prospect 328
Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline
(ESPO) xii 267 273 294 295
Ebok field 245
Ebouri field 232
Economides, Michael v
The Economist xxiv
Ecuador 111
China’s oil deal with 292
map of 112
oil reserves of 111
oil tax of 114
EDF Energies Nouvelles SA 150
Egypt 228
alternative energy in 230
drilling/production of 229
exploration/development of 228
gas reserves of xIndex Terms Links
Egypt (Cont.)
natural gas sales protest of 198
petrochemicals in 230
wind farm energy and 230
Egyptian Mediterranean Gas Co. 198 229
Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Co.
(EGAS) 230
Eider Rock refinery 88
El Aromo refinery 113
El Assel concession 215
El Merk production hub 220
Eldoret-to-Kampala pipeline 252
electric hybrid automobiles 327
electrical generators 352
Elk basin 21
Elk discovery 337
Ellice J-27 80
Elm Coulee field 16
E-LNG technology 384
Elsa discovery 157
Emerald Energy PLC 109
Emirates National Oil Company 182
carbon xxii 12 85
carbon dioxide 146
carbon dioxide’s annual 417
coal v. LNG 384
Copenhagen’s carbon dioxide 146
life-cycle of 85
markets regulation 13
United States annual carbon dioxide 417
Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) 182 309 421
EnCana Corp. 14 31 89
Encore Acquisition Co. 21
Energia Provincial Sociedad del Estado
(EPSE) 96
Brazil’s consumption of 98
China’s consumption of xix
China’s developments in 283
clean 374Index Terms Links
energy (Cont.)
comparative prices of 450
demands xxiv 4 8 340
Egypt’s wind farm 230
global community outlook on xxiii
open markets for 121
renewable 179
Russian supplies/strategies of 266
Singapore’s demands of 340
United States consumption/efficiency and 5
United States demand for 8
United States’ demand outlook of 4
Energy: China’s Choke Point (Economides) v
Energy and Resources Ministry 333
Energy Bridge regasification vessel
(EBRV) 202
“Energy Careers in Crisis? A Time For
Renaissance” iv
Energy Corp. of America 29
energy industry
advertising campaign of viii
in Asia-Pacific 394
events impacting xix
gas production leaders in 51
“green” jobs in vii
phase change in v
price volatility in iv
technology in vi
top revenue producers in 50
United States economy impacted by 11
Energy Information Association (EIA)
Arctic natural gas resources study of 352
deepwater discoveries reported by 65
international energy outlook of xxiii
natural gas outlook of 11
short-term energy outlook of xxii
short-term outlook of xx
Energy Policy Act (EPACT) 17
Energy Policy Research Foundation 41
Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) 81
Energy Security Analysis Inc. 274Index Terms Links
Energy Transfer Partners LP (ETP) 36
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) 19 20
from Cantarell field 122
carbon dioxide sequestration 418
carbon dioxide used in 18 415 418 419
in Kentucky 22
microbial 368
in United States 18
Eni Ghana Exploration & Production
Ltd. 235
Eni SpA 157 160 224 265
Enterprise Products Partners LP 49 53
EnVantage Inc. 42
environmental issues
of Australia 309
of Canada 89
Chevron Corp. lawsuit about 113
of China 298
of France 151
of Germany 154
of India 320
of Netherlands 164
of Norway 168
of refineries 390
of United Kingdom 181
of United States 46
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) 13
EON Ruhrgas AG 178
Epsilon field 154
Equatorial Guinea 230
Eromanga basin 303
Essaouira Deep Offshore area 242
Etame Marin block 232
extraction capability/demand of 44
United States extraction capability for 44
cellulosic-based 46 394
in gasoline 37
from sugar cane 106Index Terms Links
ethanol (Cont.)
from wheat feedstocks 181
China’s production capacity of xiii
closures 404
countries capacities for 404
expansions in 405
feed-stock demand 402
global capacity of 405
Iran’s capacity of 407
largest complexes for 403
largest producers of 404
Mideast capacity additions of 406
Mideast production capacity of 404
regional capacity for 403
Saudi Arabia’s capacity of 407
Shaanxi Province project for 298
surplus capacity of 406
United States capacity for 42 43
United States feedstock consumption for 43
United States plant feed slate for 45
United States production of 45
Etinde permit 225
EU-MENA power grid 208
Euro Oil Refinery 265
Europe; fuel demand trends in 393
gas market of 275
gas shale database from 149
gas/LNG supply/demand in 380
Libya oil supplier to 236
LNG import terminals of 378 379
LNG importers of 379
LNG prices of 378
LNG projects in 142
LNG sources of 379
map of 140 147 158
net trade of 391
oil/gas offshore production of 369
production/demand in 392
refiners in 390
refinery crude distillation profile in 391Index Terms Links
Europe (Cont.)
refinery ownership profile in 390
refining challenges of 382
Russian gas dependence of 273
Russian oil supply threats to 145
European Commission grants 415
European Union; carbon dioxide permit
prices in 421
processing capability of 387
European Wind Energy Association 180
Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) 148
exploration and development; of Alaska 67
Algeria 215
of Angola 223
of Argentina 91
of Australia 302
of Brazil 103
of Canada 76
of Canada (north) 80
of Canada (west/central) 79
of China 289
of Colombia 109
of Denmark 145
of Egypt 228
of Ghana 232
of Gulf of Mexico 52
of Hungary 155
of India 313
of Indonesia 320
of Iran 188
of Iraq 195
of Israel 199
of Kazakhstan 262
of Libya 237
of Madagascar 239
of Mexico 121
of New Zealand 333
of Norway 164
of Philippines 338
of Russia 267
of Turkey 174Index Terms Links
exploration and development (Cont.)
of Uganda 251
of United Kingdom 176
of United States 13
of Venezuela 134
exploration and production xviii
exploration and reserves 353
exploration wells; Bahamas offshore 96
CGD-10 241
cumulative success rates of 194
Durusu-1 174
Maramzai-1 335
Nashpa No. 1 335
Ttweneboa-1 234
export pipeline projects 86
extended well test (EWT) 102
ExxonMobil Canada Properties 77
ExxonMobil Corp. 79 88 165 226 338
algae-based biofuels from 46 352
Azulao-1 well and 103
carbon dioxide (for EOR) from 20
global energy demand findings of xxiv
Golden Pass terminal of 32
investment plans of 48
Point Thompson drilling of xii
XTO Energy bought by xvii
Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. 155 248 302
Falcon-1x discovery 228
Falkland Islands 91 177
Fayetteville gas shale composition 396
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 12
Fences area 170
FERC, natural gas pipeline report of 70
Ferrybridge 182
financial crisis; of global community v xviii 371
oil companies and 372
Financial Times 374
Finland 148
Firebag project 84Index Terms Links
Fisherman’s Landing project 307
Flamingo Trough oil fields 345
Flemish Pass basin 79
floating drilling, production, storage, and
offloading facility (FDPSO) 227
floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) 378 382 384
floating production market 370
floating storage and regasification unit
vessel (FSRU) 380
Florida; Gas Transmission Co. 36
LNG terminal offshore 32
oil/gas exploration/production off 15
Former Soviet Union 261
eastern map of 259
gas export basins of 274
map of 261
western map of 258
Formosa refinery 342
Forties field 178
Fos Faster LNG Terminal SAS 150
fossil fuels xxiii 421
Foum Draa concessions 242
Frade field 104
France 148
alternative energy in 150
carbon capture and storage in 151
carbon tax levied by 151
environmental issues of 151
gas shale in 148
international activities of 149
Kazakhstan’s oil/gas agreements with 149
LNG in 150
nuclear power plant in 151
Friesian-2 well 56
Frigate gas fields 149 309
Frontline Ltd. 374
fuel demand, United States/Europe 393
fuel economy rules 12
fuel oil market 385Index Terms Links
Fueling Mistrust: The need for transparency in
Sudan’s oil industry 249
Fujian terminal xii 293
Furqlus refinery 209
The Future of Global Oil Supply:
Understanding the Building Blocks xxiv
G8 Summit xxii xxvi
Gabon 231
Gadhafi, Muammar 237
GAIL Ltd. 312 317 318
Galeota block 128
Galsi pipeline 220
Garden Banks; Block 72 61
Block 463 56
Block 605 56
gas; condensate field 321
Europe’s supply/demand of 380
-fired power generation 145
flaring 247
Former Soviet Union export basins of 274
GAIL Ltd. pipeline projects for 318
Gazprom revenues from 277
global trends of 361
Indonesia imports of 325
-in-place 149
North America’s unconventional supply of 378
Prudhoe Bay field futures 69
Russia/European dependence on 273
Singapore prices of 340
-to-methanol plant 311
United States exploration of 26
Gas Cities Ltd 213
gas fields; Camarupim 104
Cangoá 104
Frigate 149 309
Groningen natural 162
Hassi R’Mel 221
Kavarna 143
Kinsale 156Index Terms Links
gas fields (Cont.)
Kish 189 203
Longhorn 62
Lovaszi 155
Panda 240
PY-1 316
Reindeer 305
Risha 200
Salman 188
Schull 156
Shah Deniz 260
South Pars 291
Temane 240
Termokarstovoye 268
Turkmen Bagtyyarlyk 278
Ujfalu 155
Yam Tethys 199
Gas Natural SDG SA 272
gas processing 396
in global community 400
Khursaniyah 398
in United States 31 401
Wyoming Shute Creek plant for 20
gas production; of Alve field xi
of Canada 74
energy industry leaders in 51
of global community 369 400
of Gulf of Mexico 51 60
incentives for 81
of Israel 198
of Kuwait 201
of Longhorn field xvii
of Longtom field xvi
of oil companies 360
of Oyong field xvi
of Oyong Phase-2 project 322
of Rita field xi
of Saudi Arabia 206
of Savonette field xvii 129
unconventional 26
of United States xixIndex Terms Links
gas reserves; of Abu Dhabi 209
of Egypt x
floating liquefied natural gas units exploiting 384
of global community 401
Gulf Cooperation Council nation’s 187
of oil companies 360
of United States 15
gas shale; Antrim composition of 398
Barnett composition of 396
British Columbia production from 74
in Canada 73
Canadian horizontal well drilling in 74
Canadian prospects of 75
Eagle Ford 28 31
eastern United States 28
European database on 149
Fayetteville composition of 396
in France 148
global community potential of 368
Haynesville formation of 31 183 398
Marcellus 29 30
Marcellus composition of 397
New Albany composition of 397
in North America 368
in Poland 170
production 27
United States’ emerging 29
United States plays of 368
United States processing of 396
United States regions with 26
gas-condensate field; Al Basant 229
Al Gasant xii
Apko deepwater xi 245
Aseng 231
Incahuasi 98
Itau 98
Khoja-Sartez 277
off Namibia 254
Point Thomson 68
Gasoducto Carrasco-Cochabamba pipeline
(GCC) 98Index Terms Links
gasoline; cellulosic ethanol in 394
E10 unleaded 151
-electric hybrid automobiles 327
ethanol in 37
price history of 451
Gazprom 142 160 221
Azerbaijan gas imported by 260
European gas market share of 275
gas deal position of 260
gas revenues of 277
investments reduced by 267 276
natural gas exports of 275
natural gas imports of xiv
in Nigeria 246
oil price expectations of xxv
pipelines proposed by 277
2008 statistics of 277
Gazprom Marketing & Trading USA
Inc. 266
Geauxpher development 61
Genel Enerji 182 198
General Electric Co. 171
GeoPark Holdings Ltd. 107
Geophysical Co. 254
Georgia 261
German Research Centre for
Geosciences 149
Germany 152
alternative energy in 153
carbon capture and storage development of 154
environmental issues of 154
natural gas reserves of 152
pipelines/transportation in 152
refining/products of 152
solar industry of 153
wind power in 153
Ghaba salt basin 203
Ghadames basin 237 238
Ghana 232
Ghana fields 235
Gharaf oil field 325Index Terms Links
giant oil fields 349
Giraffe discovery 252
Gita gas discovery 145
GK3 gas pipeline 221
Gladstone 307 329
Global Carbon Capture and Storage
Institute 417
Global Carbon Trading Report 182
global community; crude oil prices in xxi
crude sulfur 389
deepwater market expenditures of 379
drilling activitysupply/of 367
drilling outlook of 362
drilling rigs count in 366 452
drilling/production of 422
economy xviii
energy demands of xxiv
energy outlook of xxiii
ethylene capacity of 405
exploration/production spending of xviii
financial crisis of v xviii 371
floating production market of 370
gas processing in 400
gas production in 369 400
gas reserves of 401
gas shale potential of 368
gas trends in 361
Iraqi oil v. 194
largest gas producers in 400
largest refineries in 385 388
LNG demand/cost in 381
LNG production capacity of 377
LNG trade movements of 449
LPG market of 398
LPG supply/demand in 399
natural gas consumption of 444
natural gas production of 445
natural gas resources of 355
natural gas trade movements in 447
NGL producing countries of 401
nuclear power plant construction of 352Index Terms Links
global community (Cont.)
oil balance of 435
oil companies/recession and 372
oil consumption of xx xxiii 424
oil demand of xx xxii xxiv
oil production of xix xxii xxiv 361 428
oil production/onshore/offshore 361
oil reserves of 372 422
oil supply/demand of xxi
oil trade movements of 434
oil trends of 361
oil/gas deals of 372
oil/gas investments of 371
oil/gas IOC risk/opportunity index of 373
oil/gas production of 369
petroleum product consumption of 426
pipeline construction forecast of 412
pipeline construction of 411
pipeline expansion plans of 410
refineries operating in 437
refinery margins of 442
refinery throughput of 443
refining capacity of 439
refining in 385
refining margins of 442
refining operations in 388
regional oil supply of 362
reserves/production of 422
rig count of 366
topping/cracking capacities of 393
upstream deal count of 372
upstream spending of 371
Global Geo Services (GGS) 168
Global Upstream Performance Review 371
GNL Quintero consortium 108
Golar Freeze 382
Golar Winter 382
Golden Pass terminal 32
Golden Sun initiative (China) 287
Goliat field 166
Graham, Lindsey 47Index Terms Links
Grand Banks 77
Great Eastern Energy Corp. Ltd. 316
Great Wall Petroleum Group 283
Greater Gorgon 306 307
Greece 154
Greece-Bulgaria Interconnector pipeline
(GBI) 144 160
Green Canyon block 53 61
646 62
826 53
Heidelberg prospect in 56
Green Dragon Gas Ltd. 299
green jobs vii
green policy scenarios xxv
Green Road well 76
Greenfield refinery 247
greenhouse gases 47 298 328
Clean Air Act regulation of xvii
countries reducing 414
emissions life-cycle of 85
environmental Protection Agency study of 13
fossil fuel usage and 421
new rules proposed for xvi
oil sands processing creating 84
Royal Dutch Shell emissions of 85
Greenland, oil exploration in 146
Groningen natural gas field 162
Groundbirch pipeline 88
Groundstar Resources Ltd. 209
Guadalajara pipeline 122
Guangdong Province 293
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
refinery 292
Guara presalt discovery well 102
Guatemala 114
Guendalina field 159
Guizhou Province 289
Gujarat State Petroleum Corp. 312
Gulf coast; CO2 projects in 19 20
Jurassic trend in 14
Gulf Cooperation Council 187Index Terms Links
Gulf Keystone Petroleum International
Ltd. 195
Gulf LNG terminal 33
Gulf of Guinea 254
Gulf of Mexico; active structure revenues of 65
active/cumulative structures in 58
carbon storage evaluation of 66
deepwater activity in 51
destroyed structures production in 64
drilling/production in 58
exploration/development of 52
first FPSO in 59
gas production in 60
hurricane season in 51
lease sales in 17 56
Leek-1 well 121
LNG terminal offshore in 32
map of 54
marginal fields in 58
oil production in 59 60
oil/gas production forecast for 51
period-to-shore infrastructure in 62
platforms production capacity of 61
redevelopment opportunity in 65
structures destroyed in 64
structures producing in 59
wells spudded/leases undrilled in 66
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act
Gulf of Sirte 237
Gulf of Suez basin 229
Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co.
(GPIC) 187
Guru Gobind Singh refinery 319
Gustav (hurricane) 62 64
Habshan gas project 211
Hanwha Chemical Corp. 208
Hardisty terminal 87
Harper, Stephen 80Index Terms Links
Harvest Energy Trust 89
Hasdrubal offshore facilities 250
Hassi R’Mel gas field 221
Haynesville gas shale formation 31 183 398
hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) 48
Hebron offshore project area 77 78
Hebron project 77
Heidelberg prospect 56
Henrique Lage refinery 105
Heritage Oil 175 182 195 198 240 252 253
Hess Corp. 49
Hibernia formation 76
Hidalgo State xv
Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 319
Histria XVIII block 171
Hitachi LNG facility 326
Hitachi Ltd. 377
Hoang Long Joint Operating Co. 346
Hohhot refinery 296
Holly Corp. 37
Honda Insight 327
Horizon Taeyoung Korea Terminals
(HTKT) 341
Horizon Terminals Ltd. 341
Horn River basin 73 76 79
Huizhou oil refinery 296
humanitarian crisis 239
Hungary 155
hurricanes; Gustav 62 64
Ida 123
Ike 63 64
Husky Energy 76
Hussein, Saddam xxvi 191 195
hybrid power plant 222
hybrid solar power 242
Hydra-5x appraisal well 228
hydrocarbons 135 168
hydroelectric pumped storage facility 181
hydrogen power plant 160
hydropower plant 141
Hyedua-2 appraisal well 234Index Terms Links
Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co. 340
Hyundai Oilbank Co. Ltd. 341
Iago fields xi
Iara field 53
Iceland; exploration areas of 169
hydrocarbon potential near 168
Iceland’s National Energy Authority
(NEA) 169
Ichthys field 305
Ida (hurricane) 123
Iguacu well 103
IHS Cambridge Energy Research
Associates xxiv 354 388
Ike (hurricane) 63 64
Illizi basin 215
In Salah carbon storage 222
In situ production 83
In Situ Vapor Extraction (IVE) 242
Incahuasi gas-condensate field appraisal
well 98
India 312
alternative energy in 319
automobile sales of xxvii
coalbed methane in 305 313 316
drilling/production of 316
environmental issues of 320
exploration/development of 313
gas pipeline of 274 318 335
international activities of 317
LNG in 317
natural gas in 312
oil consumption outlook of 313
oil/gas companies of 312
product balance of 394
refining/products of 318
solar power in 319
strategic petroleum reserves of 312
wind power in 319
Indian Oil Corp. 312 318Index Terms Links
Indonesia 320
drilling/exploration of 322
exploration/development of 320
gas imports of 325
lease sales in 321
LNG in 322
LNG production of 323
map of 330
petrochemicals of 325
refining/products of 323
Indonesian National Shipowner’s
Association 323
industrial carbon dioxide 417 418
Ineos refinery 179
Inpex Corp. 323 326
Integrated Gas Development (IGD) 211
integrated gasification combined cycle
(IGCC) 384
InterContinental Exchange (ICE) 372
international activities; of China 290
of France 149
of India 317
of Iran 189
of Italy 160
of Japan 325
of Kazakhstan 263
of Kuwait 201
of Norway 167
of Russia 270
International Energy Agency (IEA) xx
climate change scenario of xxiii 415
global energy outlook of xxiii
peak oil view of xxiv 348
refinery outlook of 384
International energy outlook xxiii
International Gas Union xxv
International Oil Summit xxvi
International Petroleum Investment Co.
(IPIC) 210
International Renewable Energy
Agency 309Index Terms Links
InterOil Corp. xvii 337
intra-Atlantic basin trade 380
intrastate gas pipelines 71
investments; in carbon capture and storage 164
in clean energy 374
ExxonMobil plans of 48
Gazprom reducing 267 276
global communities oil/gas 371
Iraq needing 193
Italy’s solar power 161
Japan’s 135 325
markets and 371
Petrobras plans for 106
in pipelines 408
IPC Petroleum Consultants, Inc. 355
Iran 187
Armenian fuel pipeline
project with 257
drilling/production of 188
ethylene/propylene capacity of 407
exploration/development of 188
international activities of 189
nuclear development in 188
Pakistan’s pipeline agreement with xiii 190
pipelines/transportation of 190
refining/products of 190
Turkey’s agreement with 175 189
Venezuela’s relations with 135 189
Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline (IPI) 274 318 335
Iran’s Gasoline Imports and U.S. Politics: An
Update on Iran’s Refining Buildup 190
Iraq 191
blocks/bids for in 195
drilling/production of 196
exploration/development of 195
global community oil v. 194
investments needed by 193
oil drilling projects of x
oil fields/reserves of 193
oil production capacity of xii
oil structure locations in 193Index Terms Links
Iraq (Cont.)
oil/gas infrastructure of 197
oil/gas status in 191
damage in 196
refining/products of 196
regional/global community oil v. 194
Irbil refinery 196
Ireland, Republic of 156
Irving Oil Corp. 88
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps 188
Israel 198
alternative energy in 200
drilling/production of 199
exploration/development of 199
lease sales of 199
oil/natural gas production of 198
Italy 157
alternative energy in 160
drilling/production in 159
international activities of 160
LNG in 160
offshore wind power of 160
solar power investment of 161
Italy-Turkey-Greece Interconnector pipeline (ITGI) 144 160
Itau gas-condensate field 98
Ivanhoe Energy Inc. 112
Ivory Coast 235
Jabuti well 105
Jackson Dome 20
Jacky field 179
Jamaica 115
Jamnagar refinery 312 319
Jan Mayen Ridge 166 168
Japan 325
China’s natural gas exploration with 292 326
international activities of 325
LNG of 312 326
map of 324Index Terms Links
Japan (Cont.)
petroleum demand of 327
refineries of 327
refining capacity of 326
refining/products of 326
solar power market share of 328
Venezuela hydrocarbon investment of 135
Venezuelan investmentpipeline in 325
Japan Energy Corp. 305
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. 325
Jeanne d’Arc basin 72 79
Jiangsu Province 297
Jieyang City refinery 297
Jizan refinery 207
Jordan 200
alternative energy in 201
oil shale exploration of 200
Jordan Cove LNG terminal 37
Juan de Nova 240
Jubilee oil field 232
Jurassic trend 14
Kaliakra field 143
Kambesah field 122
Kambuna field 322
Kamchatka Peninsula 267
Kansai-Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide
Recovery Process (KM CDR) 187
Karachaganak fields 262
Karak district 335
Karbala refinery 196
Karzai, Hamid 302
Kashagan oil field x 262 412
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power
plant 328
Kavarna gas field 143
Kazakh oil field 149Index Terms Links
Kazakhstan 262
-China pipeline 262 264 294 411
drilling/development in 263
Eni SpA oil/gas deal with 160
exploration/development of 262
France’s oil/gas agreements with 149
international activities of 263
pipelines/transportation of 264
KazMunaigas (KMG) 149 263 264 265
KazMunaiGas Exploration Production 299
KBR Inc 260
Kearl oil sands project 85
Keathley Canyon Block 52 56
Keathley Canyon Block 96 57
Kedah refinery 329
Kellogg Joint Venture Group 306
Kentucky 22
Kenya 236
Keppel Corp. 299
Keppel Shipyard 59
Kerry, John 47
Keystone gulf Coast Expansion Project 88
Keystone pipeline project 36 87 410
Khartoum refinery 250
Khoja-Sartez gas-condensate field 277
Khor Mor field 196
Khorat basin 343
Khurais oil field xiv 207 398
Khurmala Dome oil field 196
Khursaniyah gas processing 398
Khvalynskoye natural gas field 263
Kikeh field 328
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 35
King South fields 61
Kinsale gas field 156
Kipper field 305
Kish gas field 189 203
Kitimat FLNG project 382
Kitimat LNG Inc. 86 341
Kitimat to Summit Lake Pipeline Looping
project (KSL) 86Index Terms Links
Kochi Island 318
Kogas-Kitimat agreement 341
Korea Gas Corp (Kogas) 86 341
Korea National Oil Corp. 89 264 342
Kosmos Energy LLC 232 234
Kozmino Bay 295
Krasnapolianskoye field 280
Krechba treatment plant 222
Kremenchug refinery 281
Krishna-Godavari basin 316 318
Kuehtai II project 141
Ku-Maloob-Zaap (KMZ) 115 120
Kupe gas project 334
Kurdistan; oil fields xii
oil refinery of xiv
Kurdistan Regional Government
(KRG) 191
Kutei basin 321
Kuwait 201
international activities of 201
oil/gas production of 201
petrochemicals of 202
Kuwait Energy Co. 202 213 228
Kuwait Oil & Gas Report 202
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) 202 295
Kyoto Protocol 414
Kyoto Treaty xxvii
Kyrgyzstan 265
L8-D field 162
L11-13 appraisal well 162
La Plata refinery 96
La Ventosa wind farm 123
Lac Da Nau well 346
Lacq field xiii
LaCrosse pipeline 31
Lagansky block 267
Lagos refinery 247
Lake Albert Rift basin 252
Lake Kivu 254Index Terms Links
Lamu port project 236
Landana field 223 224
Latvia 265
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(LLNL) 45
leadership skills v viii
lease sales; in Beaufort Sea 67 68
of Canada 80
in Gulf of Mexico 17 56
high bids in 57
of Indonesia 321
of Israel 199
of New Zealand 334
of Norway 166
of United States 16
of Wyoming 17
Ledong 22-1 field 290
Leek-1 well 121
Lekki FTZ refinery 247
Lelyaki oil field 280
Lezhe energy park 139
Liaodong bay 289
Libya 174 236
Europe’s oil supplied by 236
exploration areas off 238
exploration/development of 237
Ukraine’s wheat-for-oil deal with 280
Lieberman, Joe 47
Limau oil fields 322
Limay refinery 338
LionGas LNG terminal 162
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); China’s consumption of 292 293
China’s import/output of 292
global market for 398
global supply/demand of 399
regional trade of 400
United States price trends of 401
liquid natural gas (LNG); Asia-Pacific demand of 381
Asia-Pacific importing of 381
Asia-Pacific market for 339
Australian projects of 307 308Index Terms Links
liquid natural gas (LNG) (Cont.)
Bonny Island plant for 246
carrier fleet and 383
of China 293 306
coal emissions v. 384
Europe’s importers of 379
Europe’s prices of 378
Europe’s projects in 142
Europe’s sources of 379
Europe’s supply/demand of 380
floating platforms for 326
Florida’s terminal offshore for 32
in France 150
global demand/cost of 381
global production capacity of 377
global trade movements of 449
Gulf terminal for 32 33
in India 317
in Indonesia 322
Indonesia’s production of 323
industry outlook of 377
in Italy 160
of Japan 312 326
liquefaction/receiving of 382
Mashal project of 335
North West Shelf venture in 307
Pacific supply/demand of 383
of PetroChina 293
PNG project of 337
in Qatar 204
risks/opportunities of 383
in Russia 272
Sakhalin II liquefaction plant for xi 270
Shannon Ltd. 156
shifting trends in 378
Singapore and 339
Skikda plant for xi 220
of South Korea 340
in United States 32
United States imports of 34 35
Yemen facility for 213Index Terms Links
liquids production 50
Lithuania 266
Liwan 3-1 field appraisal well 289
Liwan field 289
Llanos basin 108 109
L&M Petroleum Ltd. 334
LNG carrier 383
LNG facility; Canaport 86
Hitachi 326
Pampa Melchorita 128
in Port Moresby 337
LNG regasification terminals; Brazil 105
Chile 108
Croatia 144
Saggas 172
South Hook 179
LNG terminals; Adriatic 160
Broadwater offshore 33
Brunnsviksholme 173
Cameron 33
Dragon xiv 179
Europe’s import 378 379
Fos Faster 150
Gulf of Mexico’s offshore 32
LionGas 162
Manzanillo 122
MedGas 160
Ningbo 293
Revythousa 154
Shanghai 293
Sines 170
Trieste 160
Lodgepole expanse, postulated 14
Logbaba field 225
Long Lake oil sands facility 85
Longannet power plant 183
Longhorn field xvii 62
Longtom field xvi
Los Angeles basin 32
Louisiana Gulf coast 55
Lovaszi oil/gas fields 155Index Terms Links
Luda 27-2 field 289
Lukoil 263 274
Lundin Petroleum AB 267
Lunskoye field 270
LyondellBasell 163 319
Maari field 333 334
Mackenzie Delta 72 80
Mad Dog field 53
Madagascar 239
Madhya Pradesh 318
Maersk Olie og Gas A/S 145
Mafumeira Norte oil project 225
Magallanes basin 107
Maghreb-Europe Gas pipeline 220
Mahogany-4 appraisal well 234
Majnoon field 195
Mako Trough 155
Malaysia 328 330
Malaysia-Thailand Joint Venture Area
(JDA) 329
Mali 240
Malta 161
Manaia field 333
Manas Petroleum Corp 265
Mangala, Bhagyam, and Aishwariya fields
(MBA) 316
Mangala field xv 316
Manifa field 207
Mannar basin 347
Manzanillo LNG terminal 122
Maoming Petrochemical Co. 296
Map Ta Phut Industrial Park 344
maps; of Africa (eastern) 217
of Africa (northern) 219
of Africa (western) 216
of Alaska 67 71
of Algeria 218
of Angola 223
of Arctic Islands 78Index Terms Links
maps (Cont.)
of Asia (southern) 314
of Australia 304
of Beaufort Sea 77
of Bohai Bay 290
of Cabinda 224
of California 33
of Campos basin 99
of Canada 73
of Canada (western) 75
of Central America 118
of China (eastern) 285
of China (western) 284
of Colombia 109
of Cuba 111
of Ecuador 112
of Europe 140
of Europe (eastern) 158
of Europe (northern) 147
of Former Soviet Union 261
of Former Soviet Union (eastern) 259
of Former Soviet Union (western) 258
of Gabon 232
of Gulf of Mexico 54
of Indonesia 330
of Japan 324
of Louisiana Gulf coast 55
of Malaysia-Indonesia 330
of Mexico (eastern) 117
of Mexico (western) 116
of Middle East 192
of Nigeria 244
of North Sea (northern) 165
of North Slope 68
of Oman 203
of Persian Gulf 186
of South America (northeast) 93
of South America (northwest) 92
of South America (southern) 94
of South China Sea 291
of SW England 176Index Terms Links
maps (Cont.)
of Tabasco 119
of Texas Gulf coast 52
of United Kingdom 176
of United States (eastern) 2
of United States (midwest) 6
of United States (northeastern) 7
of United States (southeastern) 8 9
of United States (western) 2 30
of Venezuela 132
Maputo refinery 243
Maramzai-1 exploratory well 335
Maran Centaurus 255
Marathon Oil Corp. xiv 223 231
Marathon Petroleum Norge 165
Marcellus gas shale composition 29 30 397
Marcellus shale 29 30 397
marine bunker fuel 390
Marine Renewables Proving Fund 181
Markbygden Vind AB 173
Marsden Point refinery 334
Masdar Carbon-Neutral City
Complex 212
Masi Corp. Holdings Ltd. 347
Mauritania 241
McArthur basin 302
McCain, John 69
McCully field 77
McMoRan Exploration Co. 53
MedGas LNG terminal 160
Medgaz pipeline 220
Mediterranean countries, expenditures of 354
Medvedev, Dmitry 268
Meeker II natural gas processing plant 31
Mekaines Q-Max carrier 383
Menzel Ledjmet East field (MLE) 220
Mer Profonde Sud block (MPS) 227
Merkel, Angela 154
Mesopotamia Petroleum Co. Ltd.
(MPC) 196
methane hydrates 352Index Terms Links
methanol-to-olefins (MTO) 143
Mexico 115
Cantarell field of 115
Chicontepec field wells off 122
drilling/production of 122
exploration/development of 121
gas pipeline in xiii
government effectiveness comparisons with 121
maps of 116
natural gas and 119
oil production of x
open energy markets comparisons of 121
Pemex of 120
Mexico Competitiveness Institute
(IMCO) 120
microbial enhanced oil recovery
(MEOR) 368
Mid-Atlantic Express 35
Midcontinent Express pipelines xv 36
Middle East; ethylene capacity additions of 406
ethylene production capacity of 404
map of 192
NGL/condensate plans of 398
oil drilling expenditures of 362
olefin production of 406
as petrochemical exporter 406
propylene capacity of 407
regional oil production of 202
Middle East-North Africa (MENA) 208
Midia Marine terminal 171
Mina Al-Ahmadi GasPort xv 202
Minerals Management Service (MMS) 51 317
Minervino wind farm 150
mining projects forecasts 84
Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment 268
Minsk-Vilnius-Kaunas-Kalingrad gas
pipeline xv 274
Miocene Monterey shale 14
Miran West-1 wildcat 195
Mississippi Canyon Blocks 53 57 62Index Terms Links
Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp. 328
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. 309
Mitsui Oil Exploration Co 346
Mizzen O-16 79
MMS collaborations 26
Moho-Bilondo field 227
Moin refineries 137
Mongolia 332
Mongstad energy project 168
Montara project 345
Monte Aymond field 107
Monte Grighine wind farm 150 161
Monte Redondo wind farm 107
Morales, Evo 98
Morocco 241
Morskaya oil discovery 267
Motive Enterprises LLC 41
Moussavi, Mir-Hossein 189
Movement for the Emancipation of the
Niger Delta (MEND) 245
Mozambique 240 242
Muara Bakau block 321
Muda fields 329
Mumbai High field 312
Murkowski, Lisa 69
Murphy Oil Corp. 328
Musandam oil processing and pipeline
project 203
Museveni, Yoweri 251
Myanmar 332
Nabucco gas pipeline project 143 155 174 189 196 409
Nacala-a-Velha refinery 243
Nalcor Energy 76 79
Namibe basin 254
Nanpu oil field 286
NAQ PII-2 well 228
Nasheed, Mohamed 421
Nashpa No. 1 exploratory well 335Index Terms Links
National Development and Reform
Commission (NDRC) 283
National Energy Board (NEB) 76
National Iranian Oil Refining and
Distribution Co. 323
National Petrochemical Co. 191
National Petroleum Co. 200
National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
(NPR-A) 68
National Thermal Power Corp. 317
Natuna D-Alpha block 321 343
natural gas; of Abu Dhabi 209
Alaska’s pipeline for 88
Arctic Circle 352
Atlantic basin pricing of 383
in Bahrain 185
Campos basin production of 99
Canada’s reserves of 72
China/Japan exploration of 292 326
coal-based 298
crude oil prices and 5
demand xxv
Egyptian sales protest of 198
Energy Information Association outlook on 11
futures xxii
Gazprom exports of 275
Gazprom imports of xiv
Germany’s reserves of 152
global community production of 445
global consumption of 444
global resources of 355
global trade movements with 447
Greece to Bulgaria piping of 154
Groningen field of 162
in India 312
infrastructure needed for xxv
of Israel 198
Khvalynskoye field of 263
from Llanos basin 108
Mackenzie Delta reserves of 72
Meeker II processing plant for 31Index Terms Links
natural gas (Cont.)
Mexico and 119
of Nigeria 243
North American market of xxv
oversupply impact of 383
overview of 355
Perla field discovery of xvi 134
PetroChina’s purchase of 291
Piceance basin processing of 31
pipeline 70
Qartzites de Hamra facility for 220
Russia’s consumption of 267
Saudi Arabia’s production of 206
storage facilities for 162
transportation using 13
United States challenges in 11
United States consumption of 11
United States imports of 34
United States prices of 5
United States supply/demand of 9
Willow Creek processing plant for 31
Natural Gas Development Authority 71
natural gas vehicles (NGVs) 13
Negev region 200
NELP-VIII licensing round 316
Neste Oil Corp. 148 163
Netherlands 162
alternative energy in 163
environmental issues of 164
LionGas LNG terminal in 162
pipelines/transportation of 162
refining/products of 163
Neuquen basin fields 91
New Albany shale 397
New Guinea Energy Ltd. 337
New Zealand 333
budget actions of 333
deepwater basins of 333
drilling/production of 334
exploration/development of 333
lease sales of 334Index Terms Links
Newfield Exploration Co. 56 328
Nganzi block 227
NGL 3100 project 189
NGL producing countries 401
Nicaragua 123
Nido Petroleum Ltd 338
NiGaz Energy Co. Ltd 221 246
Niger Delta 245
Niger refinery 254
Nigeria 243
drilling/production of 245
Gazprom in 246
map of 244
militant actions in 245
natural gas of 243
oil reserves of 290
refineries of 243
refining/products of 247
Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas projectreserves
(NLNG) 246
Nigeria-Sao Tome Joint Development
Zone 254
Nikkei Business Daily (NBD) 377
Niko Resources Ltd. 129
Nile Petroleum Operating Co. 250
Ningbo LNG terminal 293
Nippon Oil Corp. 211 337
Niscota block 109
Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. 327
nitrous oxide (N2O) 421
Noble Energy 53 199 231
Nord Stream; pipeline 148 152 173 273
pipeline permits of 409
Norsk Hydro 143
North America; gas shale in 368
natural gas market of xxv
unconventional gas supply of 378
North Gabonese basin 232
North Korea 342Index Terms Links
North Sea; carbon capture and storage under 168
exploration activity drops in 176
map of 165
North Seas Countries Offshore Grid
Initiative 180
North Shadwan block 229
North Urtabulak field 281
North West Gemsa concession 228
North West Shelf LNG venture 307
Northern Gateway pipeline 88
Northern Luzon exploration area 339
Norway 164
drilling/production of 167
environmental issues of 168
exploration areas of 169
exploration/development of 164
international activities of 167
lease sales of 166
Norwegian Continental Shelf 165 167
Norwegian Energy Co. 165
Norwegian Sea 168
Norwood Resources Ltd. 123
Nova Scotia 79
nuclear development program 188 346
nuclear power plant (reactor) 153 161
in Albania 141
in Armenia 257
in France 151
global construction of 352
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 328
near Albania 145
in Ontario 89
in Poland 170
Rooppur 311
Santa María de Garoña 173
in Slovakia 172
for United Arab Emirates 212
in United Kingdom 181
in Vietnam 346
nuclear waster storage 173Index Terms Links
Nuon Magnum power project 164
Nurmiradov, Oraznur 278
NV Nuon 164
Oando PLC 247
Obama Administration 1 12 13 111
ocean wave technology 157 181
ocean-current technology 153
offshore activities; Angola discoveries during 223
Bahamas’ oil/gas exploration as 96
Europe’s oil/gas production as 369
global oil production as 361
Italy’s wind power as 160
operations safety 177
spending growth 356
spending trend 372
target markets 354
United Kingdom’s oil/gas industry as 175
Offshore Cape Three Points (OCTP) 235
Oglan field 113
OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes 107
Ohio, drilling in 15
oil; Alaska North Slope spills of 70
Caspian Region distribution of 413
Caspian Region pipelines for 414
Caspian Region shipments of 412
Caspian Region transport routes of 413
Caspian Sea transport of 412
Chicontepec basin funding for 122
China securing supply of 287
China’s demand-supply balance of 287
Dalian storage of 295
Ecuador’s tax on 114
Gazprom price expectations of xxv
global community/regional supply of 362
global consumption of xx xxiii 424
global demands of xx xxii xxiv
global supply/demand of xxi
global trade movements of 434
global trends of 361Index Terms Links
oil (Cont.)
India’s consumption outlook of 313
Iraq’s drilling projects for x
Iraq’s structure locations of 193
Kozmino Bay terminals for 295
Kurdistan refinery for xiv
market manipulation rules 12
Middle East/Africa drilling expenditures for 362
Ohio drilling for 15
Oklahoma recovery of 25
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries revenues from xxvi
price volatility of xviii
region’s proven/potential 194
resources 76
in San Joachin basin 13
Saudi Arabia imports of 11
storage caverns 340
Tawke field pumping xiii 196
Tiber well discovery of xv
Tupi field refining of xvi
United States imports of 10
United States supply/demand forecast of 4
Oil & Gas Development Co. Ltd.
(OGDCL) 335
Oil & Gas Journal; Asia-Pacific LNG
market conclusions of 339
Canadian oil reserves according to 72
capital budget plan reductions reported by 371
drilling analysis of 357
European refining challenges view of 382
Gazprom gas deal position by 260
oil production/reserves leaders according to xix 358
oil-gas price disconnect noted by 22
oil/gas reserves according to 353
pipeline project report of 264
2009 well forecast of 24
United States energy demand outlook of 4
United States/Canadian drilling expectations of 81
Oil and Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC) 312
oil balance 435Index Terms Links
“oil coast” 234
oil companies; China/expenditures of 288
fastest growing 359
gas production of 360
gas reserves of 360
global recession and 372
liquid reserve leaders of 359
liquids production of 360
oil fields; Algyo 156
Awali 187
Binaloud 188
Bo Rang B 343
Chongqing 296
Darkhowain 188
Dickinson 14
East Belumut 328
Flamingo Trough 345
Gharaf 325
giant/production of 349
Iraqi reserves in 193
Jubilee 232
Kashagan x 262 412
Kazakh 149
Khurais xiv 207 398
Khurmala Dome 196
Kurdistan xii
Lelyaki 280
Limau 322
modeling methods of 348
Nanpu 286
Pazflor 225
production of 349
Rubiales 109
Rumaila 182 195
Samotlor supergiant xii 269
of Saudi Arabia 206
Shaybah 207
Tahe 288 290
Taq Taq 196
Trintes 128Index Terms Links
oil fields (Cont.)
Tui 334
Umm Shaif 211
Oil India Ltd. 312
Oil Market Report xx xxiii
oil production; of Affleck fields xiv
of Campos basin 104
of Colombia 108
Europe’s offshore 369
global xix xxii xxiv 361 428
global community onshore/offshore 361
in Gulf of Mexico 59 60
Iraq’s capacity of xii
of Israel 198
leaders in xix 358
of Mangala field xv
of Mexico x
of Middle East 202
offshore spending growth for 356
Oil & Gas Journal review of xix
of Oyo field xvii
of Pemex x xv 120
of Peru 126
Petrobras’ crude 99
Petrobras projects in x
regional costs of 356
of Russia 269 270
of Sacha field xvi 112
of Saudi Arabia 206
of Shelley fields xiv
of Tahiti xii 61
total revenues from 358
United States increase of 61
United States/foreign imports and 38
of Venezuela 291
of Volund field xv
oil products; Asia-Pacific demand for 395
Europe’s demand for 392Index Terms Links
oil reserves; of Abu Dhabi 209
Canada’s/exporting of 72
of Ecuador 111
global 372 422
Gulf Cooperation Council nation’s 187
history of 432
of Nigeria 290
of Uganda 252
of United States 15
oil sands; of Alberta 72
Canada’s drilling/production of 81
Canadian regions of 82
capital investment in 84
crude export pipelines of 87
development status of 82
export pipeline projects of 86
greenhouse gases from processing 84
Kearl project of 85
Long Lake facility for 85
PetroChina joint venture in 84
production forecast of 83
project delays in 82
in situ production of 83
United States impacted by 25 83
Oil Search Ltd 337
oil shale; countries with 350
Jordan’s exploration of 200
in Piceance basin xi 16
resource base 350
resource volume/density of 350
on Tarfaya exploration project 242
United States resources of 351
Oilex Ltd. 305
oil/gas; Arctic Circle resources in 351
Bahamas offshore exploration of 96
coastal states revenue sharing from 16 17
coastal states revenues from 16 17
Colorado’s regulations on 25
Daniel Boone discovery well of 62
Eni SpA 160
Europe’s offshore production of 369Index Terms Links
oil/gas (Cont.)
Falkland Islands exploration of 91 177
Florida exploration/production of 15
France/Kazakhstan agreements on 149
global deals in 372
global investments in 371
global production of 369
Gulf Cooperation Council nation’s 187
Gulf of Mexico production forecast for 51
India’s companies in 312
interstate pipeline companies for 408
IOC risk/opportunity index in 373
Iraq’s infrastructure for 197
Iraq’s status of 191
Kuwait’s production of 201
Lovaszi fields of 155
mature fields of 355
mature fields production/reserves of 356
Paraguay’s exploration of 125
price history of 451
recent discoveries of 353
reserves/output of 353
Rocky Mountain region basins of 48
Russia’s exploration expenses for 269
in San Joachin basin xiii
Saskatchewan drilling of 85
supply trends of 361
tax changes in 373
Thunder Hawke field of xiv
Tyrihans field of xiv
Ujfalu fields of 155
UKCS field demand for development of 177
United Kingdom offshore industry of 175
United States capital spending on xii
United States drilling of xii
United States reserves of 15
United States workforce in iv
Utah leases cancelled for 17
workforce challenges in v
workforce development in vii
Wyoming lease sales of 17Index Terms Links
Oklahoma 25
Okume Complex field 231
olefin production 406
olefins market 44
Oleoducto Central SA oil pipeline 110
Oliver field 304
Oliver-2 appraisal well 304
Oman 189 203
Oman Oil Co. 203
Omoueyi permit 231
Omstk-Irkutsk pipeline 273 295
Ondimba, Omar Bongo 232
ONGC Videsh Ltd. (OVL) 195
Ongi block V 332
Onsan refinery 341
Ontario 89
Oooguruk project 69
open energy markets 121
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC); oil export revenues of xxvi
2009 actions of xxv
Venezuela producer of 131
Orinoco Belt 134 135
Orinoco Petroleum Belt 317
Orkney oil storage 183
Ormen Lange field appraisal well 164
Oselvar field 166
Otto Energy Ltd. 95
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) 17
Oyo field xvii 246
Oyong field xvi
Oyong Phase-2 project 322
Pacarana block 110
Pacific Connector 37
Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp. 109
Pacific supply/demand 383
Pakistan 335
Iran’s pipeline agreement with xiii 190
new refineries of 336Index Terms Links
Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. 335
Palin, Sarah 69
Palmyride basin 209
Pampa Melchorita plant 128
Pan Orient Energy Corp. 343
Pan Pacific Petroleum (PPP) 346
Panacocha field 112
Panakawa prospect 337
Panama 137
Panayacu-Quinde field 112
Panda gas field 240
Panigaglia regasification terminal 160
Pantelleria Island 159
Papua New Guinea 336
Paradip refinery 318
Paradip-Haldia oil pipeline 318
Paraguay 124
Bolivian hydrocarbons and 124
near-term work programs of 124
oil/gas exploration of 125
paraxylene plant 203
Parque das Conchas 104
Parsons Pond 76
Pazflor oil field 225
Peace pipeline 318
peak oil xxiv 348
Pearl GTL plant 204
Pearl River Mouth basin 289
Pemex (Petroleos Mexicanos) 56 115
deepwater strategy of 121
loans of 120
Mexico’s 120
oil pipeline network 119
oil production of x xv 120
Peng Lai 19-3 block 290
PEP 38748 333
Perdido development 61
Perla field xvi 134
Perla-1 gas discovery 134
Permian basin 21 22
Pernis refinery 163 164Index Terms Links
Persian Gulf; Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps in 188
map of 186
Pertamina 321 325
Pertamina projects 322 323
Peru 125
Block Z1 off 127
Block Z34 development in 127
crude oil production of 126
Peten (Chapayal) basin 114
Petral Worldwide 44
Petro Rabigh 208
Petrobangla 310
Petrobras 106 382
Chinese deal with 105
crude oil production of 99
five-year plan of 103
investment plans of 106
oil production projects of x
Santos basin and 53
Tupi field discovery of 101
Tupi field oil refining of xvi
Petro-Canada xii 89
PetroCaribe fuel assistance program 136
petrochemicals; Cangrejera complex
for 123
of China 298
designing/building costs in 388
in Egypt 230
of Indonesia 325
of Kuwait 202
Middle East exporter of 406
outlook for 402
Plock expansion of 170
in Qatar 205
of Russia 276
of Saudi Arabia 207
in United Arab Emirates 211
in United States 42Index Terms Links
PetroChina xv 296 299 340
crude oil output cuts of 286
crude oil pipeline of 264
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region refinery of 292
Ineos refinery investment of 179
LNG of 293
natural gas purchase of 291
oil sands joint venture of 84
PetroChina International Co. Ltd 113
Petrocomercial 113
Petroecuador 112 113
Petrofac Energy Development 178
Petrohawk Energy Corp. 31
PetroKamchatka PLC 267
Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) 131 133
petroleum; engineering courses v; Japan’s
demand of 327
product prices 450
products/consumption of 426
Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica
(PCJ) 115 120
Petroleum Exploration Permits (PEP) 334
Petroleum Services Association of Canada 80
Petrom 171
Petrominerales Ltd. 110
Petron Corp. 338
Petronas 146 179 195 250 281 308
Petronet LNG Ltd. 293 306 317 318
Petropar refinery 124
Petroperu 126 127
Petroterminal de Panama (PTP) 137
Petrotrin LLC 128
PetroVietnam Exploration and Production
Corp. 346
phase change, in energy v
Philippines 338
photovoltaic initiative 150
photovoltaic power plant 170
Phu Kheng-1 exploration well 343
Piceance basin; natural gas processing in 31
oil shale in xi 16Index Terms Links
pipelines 408
Alaska proposals of 70
Alaska’s natural gas 88
Alberta Clipper xv 36 86
Atyrau-Samara 262
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan 412
Big Foot Oil 66
Bratstvo 171
Brent System 179
Bulgaria’s access to 409
of Canada 86
Canadian operators of xxii
Canadian/United States 40
Caspian Region oil 414
Caspian Sea oil export 190
Chad 294
Chad-Cameroon 226
construction costs of 409
for crude oil 264
crude oil agreement with 187
Denali Alaskan gas 71
Dolphin 209
Druzhba 141 145 171
Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean xii 267 273 294 295
Eldoret-to-Kampala 252
export 86
Galsi 220
Gasoducto Carrasco-Cochabamba 98
Gazprom’s proposed 277
GK3 gas 221
global construction forecast of 412
global construction of 411
global expansion plans of 410
global LNG trade movements with 449
global natural gas trade movements with 447
Greece-Bulgaria Interconnector 144 160
Groundbirch 88
Guadalajara 122
India’s gas 274 318 335 336
intrastate gas 71
investments in 408Index Terms Links
pipelines (Cont.)
Iranian/Armenia project of 257
Iran/Pakistan agreement on xiii 190
Iran-Pakistan-India gas 274 318 335
Iraq’s damaged 196
Italy-Turkey-Greece Interconnector 144 160
Kazakhstan-China 262 264 294 411
Keystone system of 36 87 410
Keystone’s project of 87
Kitimat/Summit Lake 86
LaCrosse 31
Maghreb-Europe Gas 220
Medgaz 220
Mexico’s gas xiii
Midcontinent Express xv 36
Minsk-Vilnius-Kaunas-Kalingrad gas xv 274
Nabucco gas 143 155 174 189 196 409
natural gas 70
Nord Stream 148 152 173 273
Nord Stream permits for 409
Northern Gateway 88
oil sands crude export 87
oil sands export 86
oil/ gas interstate 408
Oleoducto Central SA oil 110
Omstk-Irkutsk 273 295
Paradip-Haldia oil 318
Peace 318
Pemex’s network of 119
Pre-Caspian 279
project report 264
QSN gas 308
report/natural gas 70
Rockies express 35
Rulison gas 36
Russia-China gas 294
Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok xiv 271 326 341
Samsun-Ceyhan oil 174
Saudi Arabia/Bahrain crude oil 187
Shenzi field 53
SKV 271Index Terms Links
pipelines (Cont.)
South Stream project 143 155
Strait of Magellan gas 95
Tamazunchale 119
tariff averages of 417
Taweelah-Fujairah gas 211 272
Texas Independence 36
Tiger Natural Gas 37
Trans-Adriatic 139
trans-Alaska oil 70
Trans-Asian 411
trans-Himalayan 190
TransMed 220
Trans-Sahara gas 221 247 409
Ukraine’s system of 281
United States 408
United States interstate mileage of 409
United States interstate oil 408
Urucu-Coari-Manaus xvii 105
West-East 279 294
White Cliffs crude 36
pipelines and transportation; of Algeria 220
of China 294
in Germany 152
in Hungary 155
of Iran 190
of Kazakhstan 264
of Netherlands 162
in Russia 273
in Turkey 174
of United Arab Emirates 211
pirates, attacks of 339
Plains Exploration & Production Co. 56
Plock petrochemicals 170
PM-3 Commercial Arrangement Area 329
PNG LNG project 337
Po basin 159
Po Valley Energy 159
Point Thompson xii
Point Thomson gas-condensate field 68
Poland 170Index Terms Links
polar ice-melting 421
polypropylene facility 325
Port Arthur refinery 41
Port Moresby 337
Port of Fujairah 211
Portugal 170
Poseidon-1 wildcat 304
Potiguar basin 103
power plant, hybrid 222
power transmission grid 208
Pre-Caspian pipeline 279
presalt resource development 100 101 102
prices; comparative energy 450
of crude oil vi
in energy industry iv
of oil markets xviii
oil/gas history of 451
Singapore gas 340
Prigorodnoye liquefaction plant 270
Primorsky plant 276
Prince Edward Island 79
production-sharing agreement (PSA) 101
Progress Energy Resources Corp. 79
Project Mafutha coal-to-liquids plant
(CLT) 248
Project Pioneer CCS initiative 89
propane 402 403
propane regas skids 382
propylene; Iran’s capacity of 407
Middle East capacity of 407
Saudi Arabia’s capacity of 407
Prudhoe Bay field 69
PS20 Solar Tower Power Plant 172
PTT Exploration & Petroleum (PTTEP) 329 344
public lands bill 13
Puerto Armuelles refinery 137
Pumpuni refinery 235
Pungarayacu field 112
Punta del Este basin 131
Pure Energy Resources 309
Purvin & Gertz, Inc. 378 388Index Terms Links
Putin, Vladimir 149 273
PY-1 gas field 316
Qartzites de Hamra natural gas
facility 220
Qatar 204
Qatar Gas Transport Co. 383
Qatar Liquefied Gas Co. III (Qatargas) 204
Qatar Petroleum 204
Qatar Petroleum International 205
Qatargas Operating Co. Ltd. 383
Qatargas-2 205
Qatargas-4 205
Q-Flex LNG carrier 383
Qinhuangdao 33-1 field 290
Qinzhou refinery 297
Q-Max LNG carrier 383
QSN gas pipeline 308
Qualifying Advanced Energy Project
(QAEP) 12
Quest carbon capture and storage
project 89
Quincy Oil & Gas Corp. 124
Ramirez, Santos 98
Raniganj block 313
Ras Laffan III 205
Ras Laffan Olefins complex 205
Ras Tanura 208
Ratnagiri Gas and Power Pvt. Ltd. 317
recession recovery 1
Red Emperor well 346
Refineria Dominicana de Petroleo SA
(Refidomsa) 136
refineries; Abreu e Lima xvii 105 136
Abu Khashab 209
Accra 235
Al Jour 202
Al Shaheen 205Index Terms Links
refineries (Cont.)
Algeria’s capacity of 221
Algeria’s capacity of 221
Anqing 297
Asia- capacity Pacific utilization of 395
Badajoz 172
Balikpapan 325
Balongan 325
in Batam Island 323
Batumi 264
Beihai 297
Brazil 105
carbon dioxide price impact on 392
Ceyhan 264
Chad 297
China’s plans for 297
companies capacity 386
crude oil 385
crude oil flow impacting 385
Darkhan-Uul 332
Daugavpils 265
Delaware City 37
designing/building costs of 388
dilbit processing in 39
Djarmaya 226
Dung Quat 346
Dunkirk 384
Dushanzi 296
Eider Rock 88
el Aromo 113
environmental issues of 390
Euro Oil 265
in Europe 390
European challenges of 382
European crude distillation profile of 391
Europe’s ownership profile of 390
Formosa 342
Furqlus 209
global capacity of 439
global margins of 442
global operations of 385 388 437Index Terms Links
refineries (Cont.)
global throughput of 443
Greenfield 247
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 292
Guru Gobind Singh 319
Henrique Lage 105
Hohhot 296
Huizhou oil 296
Ineos 179
International Energy Agency outlook of 384
Irbil 196
Jamnagar 312 319
of Japan 327
Japan’s capacity and 326
Jieyang City 297
Jizan 207
Karbala 196
Kedah 329
Khartoum 250
Kremenchug 281
of Kurdistan xiv
La Plata 96
Lagos 247
Lekki FTZ 247
Limay 338
Lukoil upgrading 274
Maputo 243
margins of 41
Marsden Point 334
Moin 137
Nacala-a-Velha 243
Niger 254
of Nigeria 243
Onsan 341
of Pakistan 336
Paradip 318
Pernis 163 164
Petropar 124
Port Arthur 41
at Puerto Armuelles 137
Pumpuni 235Index Terms Links
refineries (Cont.)
Qinzhou 297
Refineria Dominicana de Petroleo SA 136
Rheinland 152
Shangqiu City 297
Sino-Russian Oriental 297
Sitra 187
in Suriname 137
Syria future site of 136
Tianjin 286
Tula 123
in Tulsa, OK 37
Turkey/Russia project of 174
United States utilization of 10 42
utilization by country 395
of Vietnam 347
Vizag 319
Vlissingen 276
Warap 250
Whiting 40
Wilhelmshaven 153
world’s largest 385 388
Zarqa 201
refining and products 384
of China 295
of Germany 152
gloomy economics in 384
of India 318
of Indonesia 323
of Iran 190
of Iraq 196
of Japan 326
of Netherlands 163
of Nigeria 247
of Russia 274
in Turkey 174
of Uganda 253
of United Kingdom 179
in United States 37
of Venezuela 136
Regane basin 218Index Terms Links
Reindeer gas field 305
Reinga basin 333
Reliance Industries Ltd. 313 316
Renewable Energy Development Act 342
Renewable Energy Target (RET) 308
renewable fluids xiii
renewable fuels standard (RFS) 37
renewable resources 106 123 151 163 248 339
diesel plant using 148
job creation and 157
Spain’s use of 172
in United Arab Emirates 210
United Kingdom projects of 181
United Kingdoms strategy fo 179
REpower Systems AG 153
Repsol YPF SA 91 96 177 299
Republic of Palau 347
residual fuel market 389
Resource Management Law and Revenue
Management Law 251
resource royalty framework 365
Revythousa LNG terminal 154
Rharb basin 241
Rheinland refinery 152
Rhyl Flats wind farm 180
Rift Oil PLC 338
Rio Napo 112
Risha gas field 200
Rita field xi 179
River Severn Estuary 181
Rockies express pipelines 35
Rocky Mountain region oil/gas basins 48
Romania 171
Rooppur nuclear power plant 311
Rosneft Oil Co. 262 276
Ross, Chris v
Royal Dutch Shell 185 205 335 394
drilling/production platform of 61
Fos Faster terminal of 150
greenhouse gas emissions of 85Index Terms Links
Royal Dutch Shell (Cont.)
Pernis refinery of 163 164
Rheinland refinery and 152
royalty-in-kind program 12
RSK Ltd. 348
Rubiales oil field 109
Rulison gas pipeline 36
Rumaila oil field 182 195
Russia 266
China’s oil for loans deal with 272
crude oil exports of 274 275
drilling/exploration in 269
energy supplies/strategies of 266
European oil supply threats of 145
exploration/development of 267
gas/European dependence on 273
international activities of 270
LNG in 272
natural gas consumption of 267
oil production of 269 270
oil/gas exploration expenses of 269
petrochemicals of 276
pipelines/transportation in 273
refining/products of 274
Turkey’s refinery project with 174
Ukrainian gas supply dispute with 142 279
Venezuela’s deals with 134
Russia-China gas pipelines 294
Ruwais gas project 211
Sable Offshore Energy Project (SOEP) 72
Sable subbasin 80
Sacha field xvi 112 135
Saggas LNG regasification terminal 172
Sahara Desert, solar power in 153 221 251
Saipem SPA 220 262
Sakhalin II LNG liquefaction plant xi 270
Sakhalin Island project 270
Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok pipeline xiv 271 326 341
Salamander Energy 321 343Index Terms Links
saline aquifers 419
Salman gas field 188
Samotlor supergiant oil field xii 269
Samsun block 174
Samsun-Ceyhan oil pipeline 174
Samsung Economic Research Institute
(SERI) 341
Samurai prospect 53
San Joachin basin; major oil find in 13
oil/gas field of xiii
Sandakan basin 338
Sandino basin 123
Sanga Sanga block 320
Sanghar district 335
Sankofa-1 well 235
Santa Cruz prospect 53
Santa María de Garoña nuclear power
plant 173
Santos 329
Santos basin 53 100 101 102 103
Azulao-1 well in 103
Block BM-S-11 102
Iguacu well of 103
Santos Ltd. 149 309 338
Sarkozy, Nicolas 151
Saskatchewan; Bakken formation in 86
oil/gas drilling in 85
Sasol Ltd. 281
Sasol Technology Ltd. 248
Satyr-1 wildcat 302
Saudi Arabia 206
alternative energy in 208
Bahrain crude oil pipeline agreement with 187
drilling/production of 207
ethylene/propylene capacity of 407
Khurais supergiant oil field of xiv 207 398
oil fields of 206
oil imports of 11
oil/natural gas production of 206
petrochemical of 207
Saudi Aramco 206 207 326 358Index Terms Links
Saudi Basic Industries Corp. 208 286
Saudi International Petrochemical Co.
(Sipchem) 208
Saudi Trading & Research Co. Ltd. use (STARC) 231
Savonette field xvii 129
Savoy Energy Corp. 347
Schlumberger Ltd. 362
Schull gas field 156
Scotland 183
Scottish and Southern Energy PLC 181 183
sea levels, rising 421
seafarer ban 339
Sekayu PSC block 320
sequestration 420
Serica Energy PLC 322
Service Contract 60 338
Sevan Driller 369
Seven Seas field development 179
SeverEnergia 276
Severn Embryonic Technology Scheme
(SETS) 181
Seychelles 240 254
Seychelles Petroleum Co. 254
Shaanxi Province ethylene project 298
Shafag structures 260
Shah Deniz gas field 260
Shah field 210
Shaikan-1 well 195
shale, deep fracturing 29
shale reservoir 15
Shanghai LNG terminal 293
Shangqiu City refinery 297
Shannon LNG Ltd. 156
Shaybah oil field 207
Shell Gas & Power Developments BV 382
Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc. 57
Shell International Exploration &
Production 415
Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis
(SMDS) 204
Shell Offshore Inc. 67Index Terms Links
Shell Philippines Exploration BV 338
Shelley fields xiv 178
Shenandoah-1 exploration well 302
Shenhua Group Corp. 332
Shenzhen Province 293
Shenzi field 53
crude pipeline serving 53
sustained rates of 63
Shenzi-9 appraisal well 53
Sheringham Shoal wind farm 180
Sherritt International Oil & Gas Ltd. 174
Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) 11
Shtokman field 268
shuttle regas vessel (SRV) 382
Shwe gas project 317 332 341
Sidi Moussa concessions 242
Sierra Leone; Venus B-1 well off 234
Venus well offshore 255
Sierra Leone-Liberian basin 255
Silk Road 410
Sillaro-2 appraisal well 159
Sines LNG terminal 170
Singapore 339
energy demands of 340
gas prices of 340
LNG strategy of 339
oil storage caverns of 340
Singapore Petroleum Co. 299 340
Singh, Manmohan 313
Sinjhoro block 335
Sino Union Petroleum & Chemical
International Ltd. (Sunpec) 239
Sinopec 198 247 283 299
Sino-Russian Oriental refinery 297
Sirte basin xiii 238
Sitra refinery 187
Skikda LNG plant xi 220
SKV pipeline 271
Sloan, Lane v vi
Slovakia 171
Slyne basin 156Index Terms Links
Smalley, Richard vii
Smart Energy City 238
Soh license 265
Solar Flagships project 309
solar power 230
Andasol Station for 172
in Argentina 96
in Australia 309
electrical generators run by 352
Golden Sun initiative for 287
hybrid 242
in India 319
Italy’s investment in 161
Japan’s market share of 328
in Negev region 200
photovoltaic 170
in Sahara Desert 153 221 251
Sonaref project 225
Sonatrach 128 222
Sondos field 228
Songkhla field 344
Soros, George 415
South Africa 248
South America 92 93 94
South Asia Gas Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.
(SAGE) 318
South China Sea 291
South Falklands basin 91 95
South Gesho project 189
South Hook LNG regasification terminal 179
South Island 334
South Korea 340
South Marsh Island Block 230 53
South Pars field 187 188 291
South Sembakung gas condensate
field 321
South Stream pipeline project 143 155
South Sumatra basin 321
South Timbalier Block 49 56
Southern Corridor Network 410
Southland basin 334Index Terms Links
Spain 172
Spanish Point discovery 156
Sri Lanka 347
St. Lawrence Lowlands 79
Statoil 165
Caesar Tonga development of 56
carbon capture and storage project of 168
facility shutdowns by 167
Statoil ASA 169
Statoil Canada Ltd. 79
STEM (science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics) vii
Sterling Energy PLC 239
stimulus funding 421
Stoney Creek field 79
Strait of Hormuz 188
Strait of Magellan 95
Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) 13 286 312
Stratic Energy Corp. 174
Stuart Petroleum Ltd. 304
Subthrust play area 336
Sudan 249
Suez Neptune 382
Suezmax rates 377
Sukhpur block 335
sulfur; crude 389
in crude oil 390
diesel 389
Gulf Coast 389
in marine bunker fuel 390
reduction 388
Sumbe 264
Suncor Energy Inc. xii 84 89
Supreme Council of Energy Affairs (SCEA) 236
Surat basin 307
Suriname 137
Sweden 173
Synthetic Genomics Inc. 352
Syria 136 209Index Terms Links
Tabasco 119
Tahe oil field 288 290
Tahiti xii 61
Tai block 335
Taichung terminal 342
tailings regulations 81
Taiwan 342
Tajikistan 277
Takoradi Port 234
Talisman Energy Inc 338
Tamar-2 appraisal well 199
Tamazunchale pipeline 119
Tanger-Larache area 242
Tangguh project 322
tankers/ships 374
earnings of 376
new orders plunging for 374
Tanzania 250
Taq Taq oil field 196
TAQA Bratani Ltd. 179
Taranaki basin 333 334
Tarapur 1 field 313
Tarfaya exploration project 242
tariffs, pipeline 417
Taweelah-Fujairah gas pipeline 211 272
Tawke field xiii 196
tax changes, in oil/gas 373
TC Alaska 70
Tchatamba Marin 232
Te Giac Trang field appraisal well 346
technology, in energy industry vi
Teekay Corp. 382
Teesside facility 182
Temane gas fields 240
Tengiz fields 262 412
Tengizchevroil consortium (TCO) 263
TEPPCO Partners LP 49
Termokarstovoye gas field 268
Terra Incognita: A Navigation Aid for Energy
Leaders (Sloan, Ross) vIndex Terms Links
Tesoro Corp. 137
Tethys Petroleum Ltd. 262 277 281
Texas Barnett shale 396
Texas Gulf coast 52
Texas Independence pipeline (TIP) 36
Thailand 343
Thrace basin 174
Thunder Hawke field xiv 61
share Thunder Horse 61
Tianjin Petrochemical Integrated Project 208 296
Tianjin refinery 286
Tiber well xv 52
Tierra del Fuego 95
Tieshan Port Industry Zone 297
Tiger Natural Gas pipeline 37
Timbre field 226
Timimoun basin 215
Timor-Leste 345
Tindalo oil discoveries 338
Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (TIWAG) 141
Tobolsk project 276
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) 306 328
Tokyo Gas Co. 326
Tombua field 223 224
topping/cracking capacities 393
Toreador Resources Corp. 150
Tortugas field 114
Total SA 25 26 143 384
Total-Novatek deal 149 268
Tower Resources PLC 251
Toyo Engineering Corp. 332 377
trade 374
global LNG 449
global natural gas 447
global oil 434
movements/flows 375
Trans-Adriatic Pipeline project (TAP) 139
trans-Alaska oil pipeline 70
Trans-Asian pipelines 411Index Terms Links
TransCanada Corp. 36 70
Alaska natural gas pipeline of 88
Keystone pipeline project of 87
TransCaspian project 263
Transeuro Energy Corp. 280
trans-Himalayan pipeline 190
TransMed pipeline 220
Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy
Cooperation (TREC) 208
Transneft 280 295
transportation; carbon dioxide guidelines
for 421
natural gas used in 13
transportation market vii
Trans-Sahara gas pipeline 221 247 409
Trefoil-1 gas discovery 302
Triassic Montney 73
Trieste LNG terminal 160
Trinidad/Tobago 128
Trintes oil field 128
Tromp Binnen wind farm 163
Tsimin-1 well 56
Tsimiroro block 239
A Tsunami of Change Bearing Down on the
Refining Industry 41
Tui oil fields 334
Tula refinery 123
Tullow Oil 234 235 251 252 253
Tulsa, OK refineries 37
Tunisia 250
Tupi field 53 105
oil refining of xvi
Petrobras discovery of 101
Turkey 174 257
alternative energy of 175
exploration/development of 174
Interconnector pipeline with 144 160
Iran’s agreement with 175 189
pipelines/transportation of 174
refining/products of 174Index Terms Links
Turkey (Cont.)
Russian refinery
project with 174
Turkmen Bagtyyarlyk gas fields 278
Turkmenistan 278
Turkmenistan-China gas line 278 281 294
Tweneboa-1 exploration well 234
Typhoon Morakot 343
Tyrihans field xiv
U. S. Geological Survey (USGU) 351
Uganda 251
China’s interest in 252
development layout of 253
exploration/development of 251
Lake Albert Rift basin 252
oil reserves of 252
refining/products of 253
Ujfalu oil/gas fields 155
UKCS; oil/gas field development of 177
production decommissioning costs on 178
reserves/resources of 176
Ukraine 279
gas pipeline system of 281
Libya’s wheat-for-oil deal with 280
Russian gas supply dispute with 142 279
Ultra Petroleum Corp. 29
Umm Shaif oil field 211
unconventional fuels xxiii
unconventional gas production 26
unemployment rate 1
United Arab Emirates 209
alternative energy of 212
drilling/production of 210
nuclear power for 212
petrochemicals in 211
pipelines/transportation of 211
renewable resources in 210Index Terms Links
United Kingdom 175
alternative energy in 179
carbon leakage/border taxes of 420
drilling/production of 177
environmental issues of 181
exploration/development of 176
map of 176
nuclear power plants in 181
offshore oil/gas industry of 175
offshore operations safety of 177
refining/products of 179
renewable energy strategy of 179
renewable resources projects of 181
SW England map and 176
wind farm funding of 180
wind power development in 180
United Nations Climate Change
Conference 415
United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) 145
United States; alternative energy in 45
Canada exporting to 72
Canada’s drilling compared to 23 365
Canada’s oil sands impact of 25 83
Canada’s pipelines with 40
capital spending of 371
carbon dioxide annual emissions of 417
carbon dioxide EOR in 418 419
carbon dioxide sequestration in 46
“cash for clunkers” program of 12
coastal states oil/gas revenues shared in 16 17
crude feedstock quality in 39
crude oil flow and 385
crude oil imports of 38
crude oil/natural gas prices of 5
deepwater discoveries of 66
distillates 41
domestic oil production increase of 61
drilling activity of 366
drilling expectations of 81
drilling rigs (by basin) count in 364Index Terms Links
United States (Cont.)
drilling rigs count trends in 24
drilling rigs trends of 362
drilling/production in 22
eastern/gas shale in 28
education gap of vii
emerging gas shale plays in 29
energy consumption/efficiency in 5
energy demand of 8
energy demand outlook of 4
energy industry impacting economy of 11
enhanced oil recovery/carbon dioxidewheat in 18
environmental issues od 46
ethane extraction capability in 44
ethylene capacity in 42 43
ethylene feedstock consumption in 43
ethylene feedstock demand in 402
ethylene plant feed slate in 45
ethylene production in 45
exploration/development of 13
fuel demand trends in 393
gas exploration in 26
gas processing in 31 401
gas production of xix
gas reserves of 15
gas shale in 28 29
gas shale plays of 368
gas shale processing in 396
gas shale production in 27
gas shale regions in 26
Gulf Coast sulfur 389
heavy Canadian crude distribution 40
interstate oil pipeline companies of 408
interstate pipeline mileage in 409
leading drilling contractors of 364
lease sales in 16
LNG imports of 34 35
LNG in 32
LPG price trends in 401
map of (eastern) 2
map of (midwest) 6Index Terms Links
United States (Cont.)
map of (northeastern) 7
map of (southeastern) 8 9
map of (western) 2 30
natural gas challenges facing 11
natural gas consumption of 11
natural gas imports of 34
natural gas supply/demand in 9
oil imports of 10
oil production/foreign imports in 38
oil reserves of 15
oil shale resources of 351
oil supply/demand forecast of 4
oil/gas capital spending of xii
oil/gas drilling of xii
oil/gas reserves of 15
oil/gas workforce in iv
petrochemicals in 42
pipeline sector of 408
pipelines in 40 408 409
processing capability in 387
project funding of 371
propane inventories of 402 403
propane production in 402 403
recession recovery in 1
recoverable reserves of 19
refinery utilization of 10 42
refining margins of 41
refining/products in 37
residual fuel market in 389
rig counts (by basin) of 364
spending/wells drilled in 50 359
unconventional gas production in 26
wells 50 359
wells spudded of 362
UOP 143
upstream cost trends 354
upstream deal count 372
upstream spending 371
Urna fields xi 269
Urucu-Coari-Manaus pipeline xvii 105Index Terms Links
Uruguay 130
Ust-Tegus fields xi 269
Utah 17
Uzbekistan 281
Valero Energy Corp. 37 384
Vegas Oil & Gas 228
Venezuela 131
China/Russia deals with 134
China’s imports from 135
exploration/development of 134
Iran’s relations with 135 189
Japan’s investment in 135 325
map of 132
oil production of 291
as OPEC producer 131
Orinoco Petroleum Belt of 317
Perla-1 gas discovery off 134
refining/products of 136
Venezuela Iran Oil and Gas Company
Venter, J. Craig 352
Venture Production 182
Venus B-1 well 234
Venus well 255
Verenex Energy Inc. 238
Verenium Corp. 46
Verkhnechonskoye field 267
very large crude carriers tankers (VLCC);
crude oil storage of 374
fleet development of 376
market summary of 376
Victoria basin 305
Victoria Oil & Gas PLC 225
Vietnam 346
nuclear power plant in 346
refineries of 347
Viosca Knoll; Block 915 61
Block 1003 63
Visaginas nuclear plant 266Index Terms Links
Vizag refinery 319
Vlissingen refinery 276
Voi Trang (VT) 346
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 48
Volund field xv
Vulcan Minerals Inc 77
Wafra field 207
Wahoo No. 2 well 103
Walker Ridge Block 52 56
Warap refinery 250
Wasit gas development program 207
wells; azhar-1 229
Azulao-1 103
Bakken 13
Buckskin No. 1 56
Friesian-2 56
Green Road 76
in Gulf of Mexico 66
Iguacu 103
Jabuti 105
Lac Da Nau 346
Leek-1 121
Mexican 122
NAQ PII-2 228
Red Emperor 346
Sankofa-1 235
Shaikan-1 195
spudded 362
30 year completions of 25
Tsimin-1 56
2009 forecast of 24
United States 50 359
United States spudded 362
Venus 255
Venus B-1 234
Wahoo No. 2 103
West Ayazli prospect 174
West Bukha field 203
West Cape Three Points Block 234Index Terms Links
West El Burullus offshore concession 228
West Netherlands basin 162
West Nile Delta 229
West Sicily offshore thrust belt 159
West Texas Intermediate benchmark xxvii
West-East pipeline 279 294
Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
(WCSB) 72 79
Western Climate Initiative (WCI) 48
Western Refining Inc. 37
Weyburn project 86
Wheatstone fields xi
White Cliffs crude pipeline 36
White Rose area 76
Whitelee wind farm 183
Whiting refinery 40
Wilhelmshaven refinery 153
Williston basin 14
Willow Creek natural gas processing
plant 31
Winchester exploration permit 333
wind farms; Egypt’s power grid and 230
La Ventosa 123
Minervino 150
Monte Grighine 161
Monte Redondo 107
Rhyl Flats 180
in Romania 171
Sheringham Shoal 180
Taiwan’s 342
Tromp Binnen 163
United Kingdom funding for 180
Whitelee 183
wind power 46 107
Brunsmo project of 173
in Denmark 146
EDF Energies Nouvelles SA with 150
in Finland 148
in Germany 153
in India 319
in Ireland 157Index Terms Links
wind power (Cont.)
Italy’s offshore 160
La Ventosa windfarm for 123
Monte Grighine using 161
United Kingdom development of 180
Windsor Block 79
Winter, gas finds on 56
Wood McKenzie 11 37 83 371
Woodside Petroleum Ltd. 305 306 307
workforce; challenges v
development vii
United States oil/gas iv
World Deepwater Market Report 370
World Energy Outlook (WEO) xxiii xxv 415
World FLNG Market Report 378
World Nuclear News 352
World Wind Energy Report 352
Worldwide Refining Report 385
WorleyParsons Ltd. 257
Wyoming 17
Wyoming Shute Creek gas processing
plant 20
Xinjiang Province 264 288 289
XTO Energy xvii
Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales
Bolivianos (YPFB) 98
Yakal oil discoveries 338
Yam Tethys gas field 199
Yamal gas project 267
Yamal Peninsula 272
Yemen 213
Yinggehai basin 290
Yukio Hatoyama 327 328
Yukos oil group 276
Yuri Korchagin field 267
ZIndex Terms Links
Zarqa refinery 201
Zhao Dong block 290
Zhejiang Province 293
Ziff Energy Group 74
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