International Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis

International Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis
اسم المؤلف
Daniel Johnston
3 مايو 2021
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International Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis
Daniel Johnston
1 International Petroleum Fiscal Systems—PSCs
2 State-of-the-Art in Petroleum Fiscal System Analysis
3 Thinking of Going International? Some UsefulTips
4 Trends and Issues in Foreign PSCs
5 Current Developments in PSCs
6 The International Gas Industry
7 Key Concerns of Governments and Oil Companies—
Alignment of Interests
8 Fiscal System Design—the Ideal System
9 Economic Auditing/Modeling—Art and Science, Part I
10 Economic Auditing/Modeling— Art and Science, Part II 177
11 Finger on the Puls
12 Kashagan and Tengiz—Castor and Pollux
13 The Bidding Dilemma—a 20-Year Retrospective
14 Retrospective, Government Take—Not a Perfect Statistic 237
15 Additional Commentary on Key Issues
16 Sample Contracts & Summaries
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Phuket 2001
Abbreviations and acronyms, 369-373
Access to gross revenues (AGR), 30, 58, 66-69, 72-74, 96, 100-102:
calculation, 101-102
Accounting. SEE Cash flow/cash flow analysis.
Acetic acid, 126
Acquisitions, 85, 255-259: international, 85, 256-259; U.S., 255-259
Acronyms and abbreviations, 369-373
After-tax equity split, 59
Algeria, 197
Alignment of interests, 133-147, 172: boundary conditions, 134;
, 135; objectives, 135; policy, 136; strategy/tactics, 136-
137; fiscal system example, 137; division of profits, 138;
government take calculation, 139-140, 143-144; effective royalty’
rate calculation
, 140-142; • effect of savings, 142; marginal
government take calculation, 143-144; maximum efficient rate,
144-146; references, 147
375International Exploration Economics. Risk, a n d Contract Anal/sis
Allocation mechanism , 152
Ammonia, 121 , 126
Angola, 196, 282
Arbitration clause, 240
Argentina, 42, 86
Asia economic crisis, 1 24-125
ASR 289, 261
Association contract, 285
Auditing (economic model), 159-188: economic model example,
160-175; discussion, 165; veracity of model, 165; government
profit oil share, 165-168; field production profile, 168-175;
government take, 169-170; effective royalty rate, 170-172 ;
savings index, 172-173; entitlement index, 173-174; spot checks,
174; cost recovery limit, 174; taxation, 174-175; company cash
, 175; conclusion, 176, 188; initial oil price, 177-178; capital
cost per unit, 179; exploration well costs, 179-180; capital costs
per BOPD, 180-181; capital costs as percentage of gross
revenues, 181; total costs as percentage of gross revenues, 181;
operating costs (peak year)/ totaJ capital costs, 181-182;
operating costs (early years), 182; Operating costs (full cycle),
182-183; technical aspects/assumptions, 183-188
Australia, 50, 73, 87
Authorization for expenditure (AFE), 88, 143
Azerbaijan, 50, 283
Bangladesh, 126
Barrels of oil equivalent, 266
Barrels under service agreements, 267
Basic unit of production, 21
Bid /bidding, 3, 136, 192, 219-236: dilemma, 219-236; examples,
Bidding dilemma, 219-236: history, 220-222; post mortem analysis,
220-222; oil price estimates, 222; eost/ timing estimates,
223; prospect sizes, 223-224; success ratio, 224-233; examples,
225-233; conclusions, 233-234; references, 234-236
Bidding efficiency, 234
Block offers, 112
Bonus bidding, 3, 225-227, 229-233: signature type, 225-227;
combination with terms, 229-230; highest bonus, 230-233
Bonus, 3, 15-16, 25, 30-32, 58-59, 72, 100, 153-154, 191-192,
225-227, 229-233: bidding, 3, 225-227, 229-233
Book-end-loaded contract system, 206
Booking (reserves recognition), 101
Booking barrels, 173-174, 247, 259-260, 265-269: barrels of oil
equivalent, 266; imputed entitlement barrels, 266; barrels under
service agreements, 267
Booking fuel, 265-266: imputed entitlement barrels/taxes in lieu, 266
Booking gas plant liquids, 267
Booking reserves, 101, 173-174, 194-195, 214
Booking royalty oil, 266
BOPD/foot of pay, 187-188
Bottom-line income split, 133
Boundary conditions, 1 34
, 247
Bright spots, 265
Buyback contract, 304-305
Buybacks, 194, 198, 244, 304- 305: buyback contract, 304-305
California, 196
Canada, 195
Capital costs, 25, 121 , 129, 179-182: per unit, 179; per BOPD,
180-181; percentage of gross revenues, 181
377International Exploration Economics,Risk, and Contract Analysis
Capital expenditures (CAPEX), 42
Carry forward (C/ F), 20, 22-23, 25, 32 , 34: tax losses, 20, 22-23, 25
Cash flow model, 254, 271
Cash flow/ cash flow analysis, 18-19, 20-26, 30-40, 47-49, 61 , 63-64,
159-188, 251-254, 271: company, 175; model, 254, 271
Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), 204
Chance factor, 110, 224
Changes (fiscal system analysis), 74: government take vs. state take, 74;
access to gross revenues, 74; other metrics, 74
Cheating/cost control, 143-144
China, 55, 87, 122, 284
Classification (petroleum fiscal regimes), 10-11
Climate (Kazakhstan), 205
Coal-fired power plant, 125
Colombia, 53, 150, 196, 247-248, 285-286
Combination bidding (bonus and terms), 229-230
Combined-cycle power generation, 125
Commentary, 56, 73-74, 92, 106, 113, 130-131: petroleum fiscal
systems, 56; petroleum fiscal system
international operations, 92; trends^ and issues,
developments, 113; gas resource
system design, 156-157
Commercial terms (Kazakhstan), 206-211: Kashagan field, 206-209;
R factor, 209-210; internal rate of return, 210; volume factor, 211
Company cash flow, 175
Company evaluation, 88-89
Company strategy, 233-234: bidding efficiency, 234
Company take, 20, 27-28, 32-33, 53-56, 58-60, 72, 99, 151-152,
Competition, 1 1 1 – 1 12, 219-236: bidding dilemma, 219-236;
competitive bidding examples, 225-233
Competitive bidding (examples), 225-233: signature bonus bidding,
225-227; terms bidding, 227-228; combination bidding (bonus
and terms), 229 – 230; highest bonus bidding, 230-233
analysis, 73-74;
106; PSC
development, 130-131; fiscal
Complement of government take, 27
Compound uplifting, 46, 50
Concerns (governments/companies), 133-147: boundary conditions,
134; culture, 135; objectives, 135; policy, 136; strategy/ tactics,
136-137; alignment of interests, 137-138; government take
, 139-140, 143-144; effective royalty rate calculation,
140-142; effect of savings, 42; marginal government take
calculation, 143-144; maximum efficient rate, 144-146;
, 147
Concessionary systems, 10, 12-13, 18, 59, 151, 317: contract, 317
Congo, 287
Conservative estimate/conservatism, 268
Consolidation restriction, 71
Contract analysis, 1, 10-13, 57-75, 104, 107-109, 149-157, 197-198,
206-21 1
, 281-327. SEE ALSO Fiscal svstem analysis, Fiscal svstem
design, AND individual contract types.
Contract elements, 104
Contract summaries (examples), 281-327: Angola, 282; Azerbaijan,
283; China, 284; Colombia, 285-286; Congo, 287; Cote d’Ivoire,
288; Ecuador, 289-291; Egypt, 292-293; Equatorial Guinea,
294; Guatemala, 295; India, 296-297; Indonesia, 298-303; Iran,
304-305; Libya, 306-307; Malaysia, 308-31 1 ; Nigeria, 312; Oman,
313; Pakistan, 314-315; Peru, 316-318; Philippines, 319; Trinidad
and Tobago, 320; Qatar, 321; Russia, 322; Syria, 323; Timor
Gap-ZOCA, 324;Turkmenistan, 325; Venezuela, 326; Zambia, 327
Contract terms (Kazakhstan), 206-21 1: Kashagan field, 206-209; R
, 209-210; internal rate of return, 210;-volume factor, 211
Contract terms, 11, 107-109, 206-211: Kazakhstan, 206-211. SEE
ALSO Contract summaries (examples).
Contractor entitlement
, 172 , 214
Contractor, 2, 11 , 20, 27-29, 32-33, 53-56, 58-60, 72, 99, 151-152,
, 214, 227-228: contractor / company take, 20, 27-28, 32- 33,
53-56, 58-60, 72, 99, 151-152, 227-228; entitlement , 172 , 214
379International Exploration Economics. Risk, and Contract Analysis
Contractor/company take, 20, 27-28, 32-33, 53-56, 58-60, 72 , 99
151-152, 227-228
Contractual systems, 10-13. SEE ALSO Contract
Conversion factors, 195
Corporate income tax (C1T), 20, 23, 30
Cost control, 88, 137, 141-144, 193-194: international, 88;
cheating, 143-144
Cost estimates, 223
Cost factors, 183
Cost recovery’ limit, 32, 67, 72, 101, 154, 174
Cost/ recovery (C/ R), 4, 32, 36-37, 59, 67, 72, 101, 141, 154, 174,
212, 311: cost recovery limit, 32, 67, 72, 101, 154, 174;
saturated system, 36-37; contract, 31 1
Cote d’Ivoire, 288
Crypto taxes, 58, 72-74, 105
Cultural issues, 89-91, 135: Former Soviet Union, 89-91
Cumulative production sliding scale, 211
Currency conversions (mandatory), 58
Current developments (production sharilgg contracts), 107-113:
contract terms, 107-109; prospectivity, 107-109; risk and
reward, 109-110; reserve replacement, 110-113; commentary,
113; references, 11 3
Decision tree analysis, 164
Decline rate, 184
Deductions (R /T systems), 19-20
Definitions, 329-368
Deflated value, 209-210
Depreciation rates, 56
Depreciation, depletion and amortization (DD&A), 19-20, 25,
56, 129: depreciation rates, 56
Development costs, 263
Development drilling success ratio, 188
Development options (gas), 121, 128-130
Development rights, 3
Development thresholds, 8-9
Disbursement of take, 196
Discounted cash flow (DCF), 20, 22-23, 34, 225, 229, 256-257
Discoveries, 79, 94-95, 110-113, 115-116, 118-121, 161, 201-202,
269: assumptions, 161; well, 201-202; value, 269
Discovery assumptions, 161
Discovery value, 269
Discovery well, 201-202
Division of profits, 58-66, 87-88, 91, 97-100, 137-138:
contractor/company take, 58-60; government take, 58-60,
64-66; terminology, 60-66; marginal take, 64; government
vs. state take, 64-66; international, 87-88, 91
Domestic market obligation (DMO), 61, 105
Drilling costs, 94, 179-180
Drilling success ratio, 188
Drive mechanisms, 273-274
Duration/relinquishment, 153
Earlyj Jyears costs, 182
East Kalimantan
, 126
Economic interest, 263
381International Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis
Economic model assumptions, 177-188: initial oil price, 177-178;
capital cost per unit, 179; exploration well costs, 179-180; capital
costs per BOPD, 180-181; capital costs as percentage of gross
revenues, 181; total costs as percentage of gross revenues, 181;
operating costs (peak year ) / total capital costs, 181 -182; operating
costs (early years), 182; operating costs (full cycle), 182-183;
technical aspects/assumptions, 183-188; conclusion, 188
Economic model example, 160-175: discussion, 165; veracity of
model, 165; government profit oil share, 165-168; most likely
100 MMBL field production profile, 168-175; government take,
169-170; effective royalty rate, 170-172; savings index, 172-173;
entitlement index, 173-174; spot checks, 174; cost recovery
limit, 174; taxation, 174-175; company cash flow, 175
Economic modeling/auditing, 159-176: economic model example,
160-175; discussion, 165; veracity of model, 165; government
profit oil share, 165-168; most likely 100 MMBL field production
profile, 168-175; government take, 169-170; effective royalty rate,
170-172; savings index, 172-173; entitlement index, 173-174;
spot checks, 174; cost recovery limit, 174; taxation, 174-175;
company cash flow, 175; conclusion, fe76
Economic modeling/auditing, 177-188: initial oil price, 177-178;
capital cost per unit, 179; exploration well costs, 179-180; capital
costs per BOPD, 180-181; capital costs as percentage of gross
revenues, 181; total costs as percentage of gross revenues, 181;
operating costs (peak year )/ total capital costs, 181-182;
operating costs (early years), 182; operating costs (full cycle),
182-183; technical aspects/assumptions, 183-188; conclusion,
188. SEE ALSO Economic model assumptions.
Economic profits, 138-1 39
Economic rent, 2-5, 1 33
Ecuador, 196, 289-291
Effective royalty rate ( ERR ), 30, 36-40, 55, 66, 74, 100-101 , 140-142,
170-172, 196, 269-271: calculation, 140; cost control, 141-142
Egypt, 155, 195, 292-293
Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, 260
Entitlement barrels, 251, 266-268
Entitlement index, 74, 102-103, 173-174: calculation, 102-103
Equatorial Guinea, 50, 294
Equity split, 59
Estimating problems, 86
Ethane, 126
Expectations, 220, 222
Expected monetary value (EMV), 7, 109-110: model, 7
Expected ultimate recovery, 272-274
Expected value theory, 2, 7
Expected value formula, 159, 163-164
Expected value (EV), 2, 7, 109-110, 159, 163-164, 225-227,
229-233: theory, 2, 7; model, 7; formula, 159, 163-164
Exploration agreement, 41
Exploration and development production-sharing agreements
(EDPSA), 1
Exploration costs, 94, 179-180, 262: well costs, 179-180
Exploration production-sharing agreements (EPSA), 1
Exploration rights, 3, 190-191: and development, 3
Exploration well costs, 179-180
Export tariffs, 89
Factor R-based systems, 42-44, 154-155, 209-210: R thresholds,
42-43; payout/yield, 43; royalty rate, 43-44
Farm-in strategy, 84-85
FAS 19
, 259-261
FAS 25, 261
FAS 69, 260-263
Fast-track approach, 85
Federal Securities Laws, 260
383International Exploration Economics,Risk, and Contract Analysis
Feedstock (gas ), 125-126
Feedstock requirement, 125
Fertilizer, 121, 126
Field development thresholds, 8-9 *
Field production profile (example), 168-175: government take,
169-170; effective royalty rate, 170-172; savings index, 173-173;
entitlement index, 173-174; spot checks, 174; cost recovery
limit, 174; taxation, 174-175; company cash flow, 175
Field size, 110, 121, 129
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 259-260
Financial split, 133
First tranche petroleum, 67
Fiscal marksmanship, 1 52
Fiscal net, 133
Fiscal system analysis, 57-75: division of profit, 58-60, 64-66;
terminology, 60-66; royalties, 66; cost recovery limits, 67; access
to gross revenues, 67-69, 74; government participation/carrv,
69-70; ringfencing, 70-71; crypto/other taxes, 72; world average
fiscal system, 72-73; commentary, 73-74; changes since 1996,
74; references, 75 V
Fiscal system design, 149-157: key elements, 150-151; productionsharing systems, 151-152; allocation mechanism, 152; work
program, 152-153; duration/relinquishment, 153; bonus, 153-154;
royalties, 154; cost recovery limit, 154; profit oil split and tax,
154-155; government participation, 156; commentary, 156-157
Fiscal system development trends, 13-28: progressive systems, 13-18;
royalty/ tax (R/T) systems, 18-26; contractor take/government
take statistics, 27-28; production sharing contracts (PSC), 28-44
Fiscal systems, 1-75, 83, 87-88, 93, 96, 133, 137, 149-157, 161,
192, 194, 197-198: development trends, 13-28; analysis, 57-75;
efficiency, 66; international, 87-88; design, 149-157; evaluation,
Fiscal take, 133, 192
Fiscal terms, 6, 61 -62, 83, 93, 96, 161
Fluctuating entitlement, 267-268
Fluid properties, 273
Formaldehyde, 126
Former Soviet Union (FSU), 50, 86, 89-91, 94, 196: export tariffs,
89; ownership, 89-90; partner chemistry, 90; division of profits,
91; petroleum law/precedence, 91
Forum for concerns, 198
Frondizi contracts, 42
Fuel booking, 265
Fuel cells, 131
Full cost accounting, 260, 262-263
Full cycle costs, 182-183
Future outlook (gas resource), 131
Gas clause, 130
Gas composition, 127
Gas compressibility, 119
Gas conversion factor, 266
Gas curse, 118-121
Gas cycling, 121, 124
Gas flaring, 115, 130
Gas hydrates, 131
Gas industry, 115-131: gas curse, 118-121; development options,
, 128-130; gas sales, 122; liquids extraction , 122-124; gas
cycling, 124; gas-fired power generation , 124-125; methanol ,
125-129; fertilizer, 126; liquefied natural gas (LNG), 126-128;
commentary, 1 30-131; future outlook, 1 31
Gas liquids extraction, 121-124
Gas plant liquids, 267
Gas products, 1 31
Gas sales, 121-122
385International Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis
Gas to liquids process, 1 31
Gas volumetric estimate, 1 19
Gas/oil ratio (GOR), 179-180
Gaseous fuel, 124-125
Gas-fired power generation, 121, 124-126: power plant, 125-126
Gas-fired power plant, 125-126
Geological and geophysical (G&G) work, 85
Geology, 53-56
Geopotential, 10-11, 53-55, 93-95, 107-109
Getting started (international operations), 84-86: grassroots
exploration, 84; farm-in strategy, 84-85; acquisitions, 85;
problem areas, 86
Gliding scale, 206
Global market, 53-56
Glossary, 329-368
Gold plating, 14, 50
Goods and services taxes, 105
Government back-in, 64-65
Government entitlement, 172 <
Government Government guaranteed grief index share (GGI)of , 96 revenue ^ , 137, 139-140
Government options (negotiations), 5-12
Government participation/carry, 15-16, 58-59, 65, 68-70, 72, 156
Government profit oil share, 165-168
Government take calculation, 139-140, 143-144: government
guaranteed share of revenue, 139-140
Government take, 15-18, 26-28, 56, 58-60, 64-66, 98-99, 133,
139-140, 143-144, 151, 169-170, 192, 196, 212-214, 227-228,
237-246: calculation , 139-140, 143-144; disbursement, 196;
statistical properties, 237-246; explanation, 241-242;
macroeconomic scope, 241-243; relevance, 244-246; references, 246
Governments perspective (international), 87-89: type of system
(profits/ revenue), 87-88; cost control, 88; authorization for
expenditure, 88; maximum efficient rate, 88; companv
, 88-89
Grassroots exploration, 84
Gravity-drainage reservoirs, 146
Greed concept, 189-193: national oil company, 189-190; government
take, 192; Indonesia terms, 192-193
Gross benefits
, 242-243
Gross revenues, 181
Grossed up, 267
Ground floor deals, 85
, 295
Guerilla vaccine, 196
Gulf of Mexico
, 87, 145
Highest bonus bidding, 230-233
History (bidding), 220-222
Horizontal wells, 185-187
Host government contract, 241-242
Host government, 1 -3, 5-12, 87-89, 241-242: contract, 241-242
Hot spots (international), 86-87, 94-95: Argentina, 86; West Africa,
86; United Kingdom, 86-87; Australia, 87; Gulf of Mexico, 87;
, 87
Hydrocarbon potential, 10-11, 53-55, 199-206, 222-224: Kashagan
field, 199-202;Tengiz field, 202-206; expectations, 222; prospect
size, 223-224
387International Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis
Import duties, 58
Imputed entitlement barrels, 266
Incremental production contract (IPC), 286
, 296-297
Indonesia, 6, 27, 29-30, 59, 61, 67, 73, 107, 116, 127, 142, 145,
192-193, 196, 275, 298-303
Infrastructure (Kazakhstan), 205
Initial oil price, 177-178
Initial production rate/ well, 186
Intangible drilling costs (IDC), 19
Interest alignment (governments/companies), 133-147: boundary
conditions, 134; culture, 135; objectives, 135; polio*, 136;
strategy/tactics, 136-137; fiscal system example, 137; division of
profits, 138; government take calculation, 139-140, 143-144;
effective royalty rate calculation, 140-142; effect of savings, 142;
marginal government take calculation, 143-144; maximum
efficient rate, 144-146; references, 147
Internal rate of return (IRR), 44, 50-51Xl 54-155, 210, 244-245
International gas industry, 115-131: gas curse, 118-121; development
options, 121, 128-130; gas sales, 122; liquids extraction,
122-124; gas cycling, 124; gas-fired power generation, 124-125;
methanol, 125-129; fertilizer, 126; liquefied natural gas (LNG),
126-128; commentary, 130-131; future outlook, 131
International oil company (IOC), 135, 140, 144
International operations, 77-106: U.S., 77-78; production rates,
78-79; stripper wells, 78; discoveries, 79; production statistics,
80-82; fiscal terms, 83; getting started, 84-86; hot spots
worldwide, 86-87; government’s perspective, 87-89; Former
Soviet Union , 89-91; commentarv, 92; trends and issues
(production sharing contracts), 93-106
International production acquisitions, 85, 256-259
Intranational gas production, 115-116
Investment credit
, 61
, 180, 194, 198, 244, 304-305
Iraq, 180
, 83
Japan, 128
Joint ventures (JV), 52-53
Kashagan field, 199-202, 206-209: hydrocarbon potential, 199-202;
discovery well, 201-202; commercial terms, 206-209
Kazakhstan, 50, 199-218: hydrocarbon potential, 199-206; Kashagan
, 199-202, 206-209; Tengiz field, 202-206; climate, 205;
infrastructure, 205; reservoir depth/pressure, 205-206; productive
area, 206; commercial terms, 206-211; profit/profitability,
211-214; value, 214-217; references, 217-218
Kuwait, 135, 180, 244
Lease acquisition costs, 262
Liberia, 50
Libya, 306-307
License contract, 317
License rounds, 112
License trading, 84
389International Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis
License/licensing, 84, 112, 190-191, 317: trading, 84; rounds, 112;
contract, 317
Lifting entitlement, 173-174, 267
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), 126-128: LNG plant, 126-127
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 121-124
Liquids extraction (gas), 122-124
Lowest known hydrocarbons, 265
Macroeconomics, 241-243
Malaysia, 6, 73, 142, 308-311
Marginal government take calculation, 143-144: cost control and
cheating, 143-144
Marginal government take, 142-144: calculation, 143-144; cost control
and cheating, 143-144
Marginal take, 64, 133, 142-144: marginal government take, 142-144
Maximum efficient rate (MER), 88, 1^7, 144-146, 271-280: rate
sensitivity, 144-146; water-drive r^ervoirs, 145-146; solution
gas-drive reservoirs, 146; gravity-drainage reservoirs, 146;
expected ultimate recovery, 272-273; drive mechanisms, 273-
274; production to reserves ratio, 274-279; references, 280
Methane, 126
Methanol, 121, 125-129
Mexico, 272-272
Middle East, 42, 244
Mineral interests, 263-264
Most likely recoverable reserves, 268
Most likely reserves, 254
MTBE, 126
Mutuality of interests, 137, 172
Myanmar, 196
National employment quotas, 58
National oil company (NOC), 37, 52, 65, 68-70, 1 36- 1 37, 140, 150,
152, 156, 189-190
Natural gas, 115-131:gas curse, 118-121; development options, 121,
128-130; gas sales, 122; liquids extraction, 122-124; gas cycling,
124; gas-fired power generation, 124-125; methanol, 125-129;
, 126; liquefied natural gas (LNG), 126-128; commentary,
130-131; future outlook, 131
Negotiations, 5-12, 93: government options, 5-12
Net take on marginal barrel, 64
New reserves value, 248-249
New Zealand
, 73
Nigeria, 196, 312
Non-exploration contract, 145
Non-risk service contract, 41-42
North Sea
, 177-178, 191, 276-277
Norway, 157
Notional volume
, 211
Nuclear power plant, 125
Objectives (alignment of interests), 135
Offset fields, 188
Oil price, 177-178, 22: estimates, 222
Oil volumetric estimate, 120
Oman, 155, 195, 313
Operating expenditures/costs (OPEX), 19, 25, 42, 93, 181-183,
263: peak year/total capital costs, 181-182; early years, 182; full
, 182-183
391International Exploration Economics. Risk, and Contract Analysis
Operating service agreement, 244
Options (negotiations), 5-12
Outcome maximum/ minimum
, 164
Ownership, 11-12, 56, 89-90
, 314-315
Papua New Guinea, 50, 196
Partners/partnership, 52, 90, 135
Payback, 210
Payout formula, 210
Payout/yield, 43, 51, 210: formula, 210
Peak production/ total reserves, 183-184
Percentage (take), 212-214
Peru, 43, 316-318
Peruvian model, 316
Petrochemicals, 125-126 <
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Minagement Journal (PAFMJ),
237-238, 241
Petroleum fiscal system analysis, 57-75: division of profit, 58-60, 64-66;
terminology, 60-66; royalties, 66; cost recovery limits, 67; access to
gross revenues, 67-69, 74; government participation/carry, 69-70;
ringfencing, 70-71; crypto/other taxes, 72; world average fiscal
system, 72-73; commentary, 73-74; changes since 1996, 74;
references, 75
Petroleum fiscal systems (PFS), 1-75: economic rent, 2-5; negotiations,
5-12; concessionary systems, 13; contractual systems, 13; trends in
fiscal system development, 13-2S; production sharing contracts,
28-44; rate of return systems, 45- 51; joint ventures, 52-53; global
market, 53-56; commentary, 56; state-of-the-art analysis, 57-75
Petroleum law / precedence (FSU ), 91
Philippines, 12, 73, 155, 195, 319
Phuket 2001 roundtable, 189-198: greed concept, 189-193;
government take, 192; Indonesia terms, 192-193; cost control,
193-194; booking reserves, 194-195; taxes in lieu, 195-196;
government disbursement of take, 196; fiscal system evaluation,
197-198; forum for concerns, 198
Policy (alignment of interests), 136
Power plants, 124-125: construction cost, 125; plant capacity, 125
Present value theory, 2
Price estimates (oil), 222
Probabilistic reserve estimation, 110, 254-255
Problem areas (international), 86
Producing reserves value, 248, 250
Production acquisitions, 255-259: U.S., 255-259; international, 256-259
Production rate, 78-79, 183-188: peak production, 183-184; decline
, 184; well spacing, 184-185; initial production, 186; vertical
vs. horizontal wells, 185-187; BOPD/foot of pay, 187-188
Production sharing agreements (PSA), 1
Production sharing contracts (PSC), 1, 3, 10-12, 28-44, 68, 72, 93-113,
151-152, 194-195, 197, 266, 282-284, 287-303, 308-310, 312,
315-316, 320-321, 323-325, 327: revenue flow, 31; bonus, 31-32;
royalty, 32, 36-40; cost/ recovery, 32; profit oil/gas, 32-33;
, 33-35; government take, 35-36; effective royalty rate,
36-40; access to gross revenues, 36-40; risk service contracts, 41;
pure service contract, 41-42; R factor-based systems, 42-44; trends
and issues, 93-106; current developments, 107-113
Production sharingsystem, 1, 3, 10-12, 28-44, 68^72, 93-113, 151-152,
194-195, 197, 266
Production statistics, 80-82
Production/foot of pay, 187-188
Production-to-reserves (P/ R) ratio, 116, 144-145, 183-184, 274-279
Productive area (Kazakhstan), 206
Productivity index, 187-188
Profit oil split, 1 54- 1 55
393International Exploration Economics. Risk, and Contract Analysis
Profit oil/gas (P/ O ), 14- 15, 32-33, 41, 154-155, 165-168, 207-208
211, 227-228, 267-271 , 306-307: profit oil split, 154-155;
risk/ risk analysis, 227-228
Profit sharing, 4, 12, 15-16
Profit/ profitability, 4, 12, 15-16, 26, 30, 35-36, 39, 50, 58-66, 91 ,
97-100, 137-138, 154-155, 192, 211-214, 306-307: profii
sharing, 4
government take, 58-60, 64-66; terminology, 60-66; marginal
take, 64; government take, 64-66, 212-214; government vs. state
take, 64-66; royalties, 66; profits-based mechanism, 154-155;
cost recovery, 212; contractor entitlement, 214
Profits-based mechanism, 154-155
Progressive systems, 13-18
Prospect size, 223-224
Prospectivity, 10-11, 53-55, 93-95, 107-109, 138, 223-224: prospect
size, 223-224
Proved developed producing (PDP) reserve value, 65
Proved reserves, 65, 174, 254-255, 265: developed producing
reserves, 65
Pure service contract (PSC), 41-42 !
1 2
, 15-16; contractor/company take, 58-60;
Qatar, 321
R factor-based systems, 42-44, 154-155, 209-210: R thresholds, 42-43;
payout/yield, 43; royalty rate, 43-44
Rape and pillage, 144
Rape, pillage, and burn, 144
Rate of return (ROR) systems, 17-18, 45-51, 154-155, 210:
example, 45-51
Rate sensitivity (production), 144-146: water-drive reservoirs,
145-146; solution gas-drive reservoirs, 146; gravity-drainage
reservoirs, 146
Ratio factor. SEE R factor-based systems.
Reasonable certainty concept, 265
Recoverable gas vs. oil, 118
Recovery of cost (R/C) contract, 311
Recovery of costs, 4, 32, 59, 67, 72, 101, 141, 154, 174, 212, 311:
cost recovery limit, 32, 67, 72, 101, 154, 174; contract, 311
Regressive fiscal system, 15-18
Relative economics, 61
Relevance (government take), 244-246
Relinquishment, 153, 192-193
Rent theorv, 2
Rental payments (acreage), 58, 72
Reserve recognition accounting (RRA), 101-102, 259-264:
definitions, 263-264
Reserve replacement, 110-113
Reserve value estimates, 268-269
Reserve values, 27, 247-255, 268-269: value in the ground, 247-255;
estimates, 268-269
Reserves disclosure criteria, 263
Reserves estimates
, 247-269: value in the ground, 247-255; rules of
, 255-269
Reserves, 101-102, 110-113, 173-174, 183-184,-194-195, 214-215,
223-224, 247-269: values, 27, 247-255, 268-269;
recognition accounting, 101-102, 259-264; replacement,
110-113; estimates, 247-269; disclosure criteria, 263; value
estimates, 268-269
Reservoir characteristics, 205-206, 272-273:depth/pressure, 205-206;
damage, 272
Reservoir damage, 272
395International Exploration Economics. Risk, and Contract Analysis
Reservoir depth/ pressure, 205-206
Revenue allocation, 4
Revenue division, 4, 207-209
Revenue flow, 4, 18-19, 25, 31, 36-40, 43, 56: R/T systems, 18-19, 31
Revenue protection (RP), 96, 100-101
Reward evaluation, 109- 1 10
Reward side, 154, 164
Right to extract, 263
Right to take in kind, 263
Ringfencing, 56, 58, 70-71, 192-193
Risk capital/ dollars, 6-7
Risk model, 161
Risk service contracts (RSC), 12, 41, 319, 326
Risk/ risk analysis, 6-8, 12, 41, 109-110, 161, 198, 224-233, 263,
319, 326: risk capital, 6-7; risk service contracts, 12, 41, 319,
326; risk model, 161; expected value, 225-227, 229-233; profit
, 227-228
Risk-weighted value, 109-110
Roundtable discussion (Phuket 2001), 189-198: greed concept,
cost 189-193 control ; government , 193-194; booking take, 19reserves ^; Indonesia , 194-195 terms ; taxes , 192 in-193 lieu;,
195-196; government disbursement of take, 196; fiscal system
evaluation, 197-198; forum for concerns, 198
Royalties, 3, 10, 12-16, 18-26, 30, 32-33, 36-40, 43-44, 56, 58-59,
66-68, 72-73, 151, 154, 195, 197, 266: R/T systems, 10, 12-13,
18-26, 32, 36-40, 72, 151, 197; sliding scale, 14-15; rate, 43-44;
rovalty oil, 266
Royaltv oil, 266
Royalty rate, 43-44
Royalty/ tax (R /T) systems, 10, 12-13, 18-26, 32, 36-40, 72 , 151,
197, 314, 318: revenue flow, 18-19; royalties, 19, 32, 36-40;
deductions, 19-20; taxation, 20-26; effective royaltv rate, 36-40
Rule 4-10(a) of Regulation S-X, 260
Rule 4-10(b) of Regulation S-X, 263-264
Rules of thumb, 255-269: U.S. production acquisitions, 255-259;
international production acquisitions, 256-259; booking barrels,
259-260, 265, 268-269; reserve recognition accounting, 259-263;
reserves disclosure, 263; reserves recognition definitions, 263-264;
booking fuel, 265-266; booking barrels of oil equivalent, 266;
booking royalty oil, 266; booking gas plant liquids, 267; booking
barrels under service agreements, 267; fluctuating entitlement,
267-268; reserve value estimates, 268-269
Russia, 52-53, 55, 89-91, 322
Sample contracts (summaries), 281-327: Angola, 282; Azerbaijan, 283;
China, 284; Colombia, 285-286; Congo, 287; Cote d’Ivoire, 288;
Ecuador, 289-291; Egypt, 292-293; Equatorial Guinea, 294;
, 295; India, 296-297; Indonesia, 298-303; Iran, 304-305;
Libya, 306-307; Malaysia, 308-311; Nigeria, 312; Oman, 313;
Pakistan, 314-315; Peru, 316-318; Philippines, 319; Trinidad
and Tobago, 320; Qatar, 321; Russia, 322; Syria, 323; Timor
Gap-ZOCA, 324;Turkmenistan, 325;Venezuela, 326; Zambia, 327
Saturated system, 36-37, 140, 170, 271: cost recovery, 36-37
Saudi Arabia, 180, 197-198, 244-245
Savings effect, 142
Savings index, 74, 144, 172-173
Scheduling (operations), 153
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), 254, 259-26i
Sensitivity analysis, 44
Service agreement, 41
Service company, 190
Service contracts, 12
Service fee, 33
Sharecropper concept, 12
397International Exploration Economics. Risk, and Contract Analysis
Signature bonus bidding, 225-227
Signature bonus, 153-154, 225-227: bidding, 225-227
Sliding scale royalty, 14-15
Sliding scales, 14-15, 155, 206, 211: royalty, 14-15
Solution gas-drive reservoirs, 146
Spot checks, 174
State take. SEE Government take.
State/government, 1 -3, 5-12, 133, 192
Statistical properties, 237-246
Straight line decline (SLC), 20, 23
Stranded natural gas, 116, 120
Strategy/ tactics (alignment of interests), 1 36-137
Stripper wells, 78, 94
Success ratio, 188, 224-233: drilling, 188; competitive bidding
examples, 225-233
Successful efforts accounting, 260, 263-264
, 116
Supplementary petroleum tax (SPT), 20, 22-23, 26
Synthesis gas, 125
Syria, 155, 195, 323
Take statistics, 97, 106, 192-193, 237-246: strengths/weaknesses, 97;
government take, 237-246; statistical properties, 237-246;
explanation, 241-242; macroeconomic scope, 242-243; relevance,
244-246; references, 246
, 126
Tanzania, 50
Tax base spectrum, 16
Tax loss carry forward (TLCF), 20, 22-23, 25, 34, 257
Tax rate, 59
Tax take, 1 33, 192
Taxable income, 20
Taxation , 2-3, 15-16, 20-26, 33-35, 40, 46, 53, 58-59, 105, 133,
154-155, 157, 174-175, 192, 195-196, 242-243, 257, 266:
theory, 2; tax base spectrum, 16; income, 20; loss, 20, 22-23, 25,
, 257; R /T systems, 20-26, 33-35; rate, 59; tax take, 1 33, 192;
taxes in lieu, 266
Taxes in lieu (fuel), 266
Technical aspects/assumptions (economic model/auditing), 183-188:
peak production/total reserves, 183-184; decline rate, 184; well
spacing, 184-185; initial production rate/well, 186; vertical vs.
horizontal wells, 185-187; BOPD/foot of pay, 187-188;
development drilling success ratio, 188
Tengiz field, 202-206: hydrocarbon potential, 202-206; climate,
205; infrastructure, 205; reservoir depth/ pressure, 205-206;
productive area, 206
Terminology, 58-60, 98-100, 198, 238-239, 329-368: division of
profits, 98-100
Terms bidding, 227-230: combination with bonus, 229-230
, 198
Third-for-a-cjuarter promote, 85
Threshold, 50
Timing, 116-117, 223: oil vs. gas development, 116-117; estimate, 223
Timor Gap, 73, 324: ZOCA, 324
Total costs (percentage of gross revenues), 181
Training obligations, 58, 72
Trends and issues (foreign PSC), 93-106: geopotential, 93-95;
operating costs, 93; negotiations, 93; fiscal terms, 93, 96; take
statistics (strengths/weaknesses), 97; division of profits (example),
97-100; government take (Venezuela), 98; terminology*, 98-100;
government take, 99; contractor/company take, 99; bonus,
100; effective royalty rate, 100-101; revenue protection, 100-101;
access to gross revenues, 100-102; cost recovery limit, 101;
entitlement index calculation
, 102-103; key contract elements,
104; crypto taxes, 105; commentary, 106
399International Exploration Econo^ cs, Risk, and Contract Analysis
Trigger tax , 46
Trinidad and Tobago, 152, 155, 191 , 193, 195, 320
Tunisia, 43
Turkmenistan, 325
Turnover, 43
Tvpe of system (international ), 87-8S
United Kingdom, 6, 86-87, 156-157, 242-243
United States
, 54-55, 77-78, 94, 255-259: production acquisitions,
, 126
Value (commercial terms), 214-217 fcj
Value of reserves, 247-255: in the ground, 247-255; new reserves,
248-249; producing reserves, 248, 250
Value-added taxes, 58, 105
Venezuela, 72, 83, 98, 196, 326
Veracity (economic model), 165
Vertical vs. horizontal wells, 1 S5-187
Volume factor, 208, 21 1
Volumetric comparison (gas vs. oil), 1 18
Water-drive reservoirs, 145-146
Well spacing, 184-187, 265, 277-279: vertical vs. horizontal wells,
Well test rates, 94-95
Well testing, 94-95, 201-202: rates, 94-95
West Africa, 86
Winners curse, 100, 231, 257
Work commitment, 6, 110
Work program, 100, 135, 152-153
Working interest, 65, 194
World average fiscal system, 72-73
World Bank model, 210
Z values, 119
, 327
Zero tax base concept
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