Information Modeling for Interoperable Dimensional Metrology
اسم المؤلف
Yaoyao (Fiona) Zhao, Robert J. Brown, Thomas R. Kramer, Xun Xu

Information Modeling for Interoperable Dimensional Metrology
Yaoyao (Fiona) Zhao
Robert J. Brown
Thomas R. Kramer
Xun Xu
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Dimensional Metrology Versus Surface Metrology
and Physical Metrology . 1
1.1.1 Workpiece Surface Properties and Imperfections 2
1.1.2 Importance of Dimensional Metrology 5
1.2 Dimensional Metrology and Manufacturing Processes 6
1.2.1 Dimensional Metrology and Closed-Loop
Manufacturing 8
1.2.2 Process Variations and Error Sources 10
1.2.3 In-Process Measurement . 13
1.2.4 Off-Line Measurement . 16
1.3 Summary . 17
References 18
2 Practices of Information Modeling 21
2.1 Basics of Information Modeling . 21
2.1.1 Information Modeling Methodologies 22
2.1.2 Information Model Development Process 23
2.2 Information Modeling Languages 26
2.2.1 UML Language . 27
2.2.2 IDEF1X Language . 30
2.2.3 EXPRESS Language 35
2.2.4 XML Schema Definition Language 37
2.2.5 Implementation of Information Models . 43
2.3 Communications of Dimensional Metrology Systems . 44
2.4 Summary . 49
References 51
xv3 Product Definition and Dimensional Metrology Systems 53
3.1 Product Definition . 54
3.1.1 Product Design Activity 55
3.1.2 Major Product Design Approaches 57
3.2 Features and Tolerances in Product Design 59
3.2.1 Design Geometry and Feature Representation . 63
3.2.2 GD&T Information . 68
3.2.3 Measurement Features Information 74
3.3 Product Data Models and Standards . 76
3.3.1 Types of Product Models . 77
3.3.2 Proprietary Data Models . 79
3.3.3 IGES . 81
3.3.4 STEP . 82
3.4 Product Lifecycle Management Information . 98
3.4.1 Product Data Management 99
3.4.2 Key Characteristic Management 102
3.4.3 Product Lifecycle Management Data Models . 104
3.4.4 PDM and ERP 107
3.4.5 Traceability Information . 109
3.5 Summary . 113
References 115
4 High-Level Dimensional Metrology Process Planning 119
4.1 Computer-Aided Inspection Process Planning Activities . 119
4.2 Computer-Aided Inspection Process Planning Research . 123
4.2.1 Early Research (Prior to 1995) on CAIPP . 124
4.2.2 Recent CAIPP Research for On-Machine Measurement
and CMM . 128
4.2.3 Review of CAIPP Systems for OMM 134
4.2.4 Review of STEP Enabled CAIPP Systems . 138
4.3 Information Modeling of High-Level Dimensional
Metrology Process Plans . 142
4.3.1 Information Flow in Commercial CAIPP Systems 144
4.3.2 Dimensional Inspection Information Exchange
Data Model (STEP AP 219) . 146
4.3.3 High-Level Inspection Process Planning Data Model
(STEP AP 238) 151
4.3.4 Quality Measurement Plan Data Model . 157
4.4 Summary . 159
References 161
xvi Contents5 Low-Level Dimensional Metrology Process Planning
and Execution . 1
5 Low-Level Dimensional Metrology Process Planning
and Execution .
5.1 Low-Level Dimensional Measurement Process
Planning Activity
5.2 Measurement Sensors .
5.2.1 General Sensor Classification
5.2.2 Sensors Used for Dimensional Metrology .
5.3 Dimensional Measurement Execution Systems .
5.3.1 CMM Systems
5.3.2 Portable Measurement Systems .
5.3.3 On-Machine Measurement Systems
5.4 Information Modeling for Low-Level Dimensional Measurement
Process Plan and Execution
5.4.1 DMIS Data Model .
5.4.2 I++DME Data Model .
5.5 Summary .
6 Quality Data Analysis and Reporting
6.1 Quality Data Analysis and Reporting Activity
6.2 Data Fitting Theories and Computational Metrology .
6.2.1 Introduction to Computational Metrology
6.2.2 Mathematical Representation of Geometric Elements .
6.2.3 Geometry Data Fitting Criteria .
6.2.4 Algorithms for Minimum Tolerance Zone Calculation .
6.3 Information Modeling for Quality Data Analysis
and Reporting
6.3.1 Commercial and Proprietary Data Models .
6.3.2 Quality Measurement Data Model .
6.3.3 Dimensional Markup Language Data Model
6.4 Commercial Application of Quality Data Analysis
and Reporting
6.4.1 Business Intelligence
6.4.2 Quality and Production Engineering .
6.5 Summary .
7 Dimensional Metrology Interoperability Issues .
7.1 Interoperability and Manufacturing Cost
7.2 Information Exchange Between Dimensional
Metrology Systems
7.2.1 Product Definition
7.2.2 CAIPP Systems .
7.2.3 Execution Systems .
7.2.4 Data Analysis and Reporting Systems .
7.2.5 Crosscutting Interoperability Issues .
7.3 Road Map of Standards Harmonization for Achieving
7.4 Summary
References .
8 Dimensional Metrology for Manufacturing Quality Control .
8.1 Six Sigma and Dimensional Metrology .
8.2 Quality Control for Manufacturing Industry
8.2.1 Process Variation .
8.2.2 Control Chart Theory
8.2.3 Data Tests
8.2.4 Taguchi Method
8.3 Comparing Quality Control in Small and Medium
Manufacturing to Large Global Industry .
8.3.1 Small to Medium Manufacturing Industry
Quality Control .
8.3.2 AS9100
8.3.3 Global Manufacturing Industry Quality Control
8.3.4 ISO/TS 16949
8.4 Information Modeling for Manufacturing Quality Control
8.4.1 Statistical Process Control Data Model
8.4.2 Advanced Product Quality Plan Data Model
8.4.3 OAGi Engineering to Business Data Model .
8.5 Summary
References .
9 Outlook for the Future of Dimensional Metrology
Systems Interoperability .
9.1 Research Trends in Dimensional Metrology Systems
9.2 Technology Adoption Lifecycle
9.2.1 De Facto Versus De Jure Standards .
9.2.2 Proprietary Strategies Versus Coopetition
9.2.3 Open Source Versus Open Standards
9.3 Emerging International Standards for Dimensional
Metrology Systems .
9.3.1 New Trends in Product Management Information
Standards (PMI 2.0) .
9.3.2 Quality Information Framework Initiative
9.4 Summary
References .
Appendix A: Geometric Tolerances and the Surface They Control
Appendix B: Empty Shape Representation Example File
in STEP AP 203 Edition 2
Appendix C: EXPRESS-G a Diagrams of HIPP Data Model .
Appendix D: QMD Use Case Information
Index .
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