Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders

Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders
اسم المؤلف
Manjit S. Kang
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders
Manjit S. Kang
About the Editor ix
Contributors xi
Preface xiii
Chapter 1. DIALLEL-SAS: A Program for Griffing’s Diallel
Methods 1
Yudong Zhang
Manjit S. Kang
Chapter 2. Diallel Analysis for a Seed and Endosperm Model
with Genotype-by-Environment Interaction Effects 21
Jun Zhu
Chapter 3. Diallel Analysis for an Additive-Dominance Model
with Genotype-by-Environment Interaction Effects 39
Jun Zhu
Chapter 4. Diallel Analysis for an Additive-Dominance-Epistasis
Model with Genotype-by-Environment Interaction Effects 51
Jun Zhu
Chapter 5. Diallel Analysis for an Animal Model with Sex-Linked
and Maternal Effects Along with Genotype-by-Environment
Interaction Effects 67
Jun Zhu
Chapter 6. Generation Means Analysis 77
Michael M. Kenty
David S. Wofford
Chapter 7. PATHSAS: Path Coefficient Analysis of Quantitative
Traits 89
Christopher S. Cramer
Todd C. Wehner
Sandra B. DonaghyChapter 8. Restricted Maximum Likelihood Procedure to Estimate
Additive and Dominance Genetic Variance Components 97
Agron Collaku
Chapter 9. Calculating Additive Genetic Correlation Using
ANOVA and the Sum Method of Estimating Covariance 109
Blair L. Waldron
Chapter 10. Developmental Analysis for Quantitative Traits 115
Jun Zhu
Chapter 11. Ecovalence and Stability Variance 123
Manjit S. Kang
Chapter 12. Genotype-by-Environment Interaction Variance 129
Robert Magari
Manjit S. Kang
Chapter 13. Code for Simulating Degrees of Freedom
for the Items in a Principal Components Analysis of Variance 137
Walter T. Federer
Russell D. Wolfinger
Chapter 14. Principal Components (PC) and Additive Main Effects
and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) Trend Analyses
for Incomplete Block and Lattice Rectangle-Designed
Experiments 145
Walter T. Federer
Russell D. Wolfinger
José Crossa
Chapter 15. A Method for Classifying Observations Using
Categorical and Continuous Variables 153
Jorge Franco
José Crossa
Chapter 16. Mixed Linear Model Approaches for Quantitative
Genetic Models 171
Jixiang Wu
Jun Zhu
Johnie N. JenkinsChapter 17. Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP)
for Genotype Performance 181
Mónica Balzarini
Scott Milligan
Chapter 18. Graphing GE and GGE Biplots 193
Juan Burgueño
José Crossa
Mateo Vargas
Chapter 19. Analysis for Regional Trials with Unbalanced Data 205
Jun Zhu
Chapter 20. Conditional Mapping of QTL with Epistatic Effects
and QTL-by-Environment Interaction Effects
for Developmental Traits 213
Jun Zhu
Chapter 21. Mapping QTL with Epistatic Effects
and QTL-by-Environment Interaction Effects 219
Jun Zhu
Chapter 22. Gene Segregation and Linkage Analysis 231
Jinsheng Liu
Todd C. Wehner
Sandra B. Donaghy
Chapter 23. Mapping Functions 255
M. Humberto Reyes-Valdés
Chapter 24. Bootstrap and Jackknife for Genetic Diversity
Parameter Estimates 261
Julio Di Rienzo
Mónica Balzarini
Chapter 25. Software on Genetic Linkage and Mapping
Available Through the Internet 265
Manjit S. Kang
Chapter 26. Gregor 279
Todd KroneChapter 27. Analysis for an Experiment Designed As Augmented
Lattice Square Design 283
Walter T. Federer
Chapter 28. Augmented Row-Column Design and Trend Analyses 291
Walter T. Federer
Russell D. Wolfinger
Chapter 29. PROC GLM and PROC MIXED Codes for Trend
Analyses for Row-Column-Designed Experiments 297
Walter T. Federer
Russell D. Wolfinger
Chapter 30. SAS/GLM and SAS/MIXED for Trend Analyses
Using Fourier and Polynomial Regression for Centered
and Noncentered Variates 307
Walter T. Federer
Murari Singh
Russell D. Wolfinger
Chapter 31. PROC GLM and PROC MIXED for Trend Analysis
of Incomplete Block- and Lattice Rectangle-Designed
Experiments 315
Walter T. Federer
Russell D. Wolfinger
Chapter 32. Partitioning Crop Yield into Genetic Components 321
Vasilia A. Fasoula
Dionysia A. Fasoula
Short Note 1. Inbreeding Coefficient in Mass Selection
in Maize 329
Fidel Márquez-Sánchez
Short Note 2. Regression of Forage Yield Against a Growth Index
As a Tool for Interpretation of Multiple Harvest Data 331
Jeffery F. Pedersen
Short Note 3. Tolerance Index 335
Lajos Bona
Short Note 4. Computer Program to Calculate Population Size 337
Leví M. Mansur
2DMAP program, 277
Abiotic stress, 321
Acid soil tolerance, 335
ACT (analysis of complex traits) program,
Additive genetic correlation, 109, 110, 113
Additive genetic covariance(s), 110, 111,
Additive genetic effects, 77
Additive genetic variance, 97, 98, 110
Additive-by-additive genetic model, 51
Additive-by-environment effect, 68
Additive-dominance model, 39, 43, 44, 45,
55, 118
Additive-dominance-epistasis model, 51,
Additive-effect QTL, 228
AFLP (amplified fragment-length
polymorphism), 267
ALLASS (allele association) program, 266
Allele frequency estimation, 273
ALP (automated linkage preprocessor)
program, 266
AMMI (Additive Main Effects and
Multiplicative Interaction), 145
Analysis of variance, 110
Analyze program, 266
Animal genetic model, 67
Animal model, 70
APM (affected pedigree-member method)
program, 266
Arlequin program, 266
ASPEX (affected sibling pairs exclusion
map) program, 266
Association analysis, 273
Augmented experiment designs, 283
Augmented lattice square design, 283
Augmented row-column design, 291
Augmented treatments, 291
AUP (adjusted unbiased prediction), 26,
Automatic sequencers, 271
Autoregression, 137
Autoscan program, 267
Autosomal genes
additive effect, 68
dominance effect, 68
Average number of alleles, 263
Backcross breeding, 280
Balanced data, endosperm and seed
models, 21
Balanced lattice square, 137, 146, 315
Balanced lattice square experiment, 146
Beta program, 267
Bin mapping, 272
Biotechnology, 153
Biotic stress, 321
Biplot, 193, 195, 201
BLOCK program, 267
BLUP (best linear unbiased prediction),
for genetic diversity parameter
calculation, 263
for mean, 261, 263
for standard error, 261
Borel program, 267, 274
Broad adaptation, 123
Broad inference(s), 181, 184
339Canonical analysis, 156, 169
Carter-Falconer mapping function, 255,
CarthaGene program, 267
CASPAR program, 267
Categorical variables, 153
Centered variates, 307
Ceph2Map program, 267
Chickpea, 326
Chi-square method, 231
Chromosome drawing, 270
Classifying observations into
homogeneous groups, 153
Clump program, 267
Coancestry coefficient(s), 98, 99, 100,
108, 186
Coefficient of coancestry, 98, 99, 108, 186
Coincidence, 255, 260
Combin program, 267
COMDS program, 267
Competition, 322
Complete block design, 283
Composite interval mapping, 272, 273
Conditional distribution, 115
Conditional genetic effects, 116
Conditional genetic model, 213
Conditional genetic variance components,
Conditional linkage analysis, 267
Conditional mapping of QTL, 213
Conditional phenotypic data, 215
Conditional QTL-by-environment effect,
Conditional random variables, 115
Conditional variance analysis, 119
Conditional variance components, 116
Conditional variance-covariance matrix,
Contingency table, 267
Continuous variables, 153, 156
CoPE program, 268
Correlated response, 109
Correlation coefficient estimation, 171,
Coupling phase linkage, 232, 233
Covariance, 29, 55, 109, 179
Covariance analysis, 34, 73, 98, 110
Covariance analysis output, 47, 61, 75
Covariance between seed and plant traits,
27, 28
Covariance component estimation, 31, 45,
57, 171, 177
Covariance components, 21, 39, 43, 51, 53
Covariance estimation, 109
Covariate screening, 276
Covariates, 124
CRI-MAP program, 268
CRI-MAP-PVM program, 268
Crop yield components, 321
Cyrillic program, 268
Cytoplasm effect, 23
Cytoplasm general heritability, 25
Cytoplasm general response, 26
Cytoplasm interaction heritability, 25
Cytoplasm interaction response, 26
Cytoplasm-by-environment effect, 23
Data preparation for Linkage program,
Degrees of freedom simulation, 137
Density-independent cultivars, 321, 326
Developmental analysis, 115
Developmental genetic model analysis,
119, 173, 177
Developmental traits, 171, 174, 213
dGene program, 268
Diallel analysis
additive-dominance model, 39
additive-dominance-epistasis model,
51, 67
animal model, 67
endosperm model, 21
genotype-by-environment effect model,
maternal effect model, 67
sexlinked model, 67
Diallel crosses, 171-173
Diallel defined, 2
Diallel mating design, 1
340 Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and BreedersDiallel method 1, 1-3, 7
Diallel method 2, 1, 2, 15
Diallel method 3, 1, 2, 16
Diallel method 4, 1, 2, 18
Diallel model analysis, 174
DIALLEL-SAS, xiii, 1-3
Dinucleotide markers, 270
Diploid seed models, 22, 173
Direct additive effect, 23
Direct additive-by-environment effect, 23
Direct dominance effect, 23
Direct dominance-by-environment effect,
Direct effects (path analysis), 89
Direct general heritability, 25
Direct interaction heritability, 25
Direct interaction response, 26
DMap program, 268
DNA sequences, 266
Dominance genetic effects, 77
Dominance genetic variance, 97, 98
Dominance heterosis, 42, 54
Dominance-by-environment effect, 68
Double coancestry coefficient, 98-100, 108
Doubled haploid (DH) population, 213,
219, 222, 271, 280
Early selection, 321
Ear-to-row selection, 330
EBLUP (empirical best linear unbiased
prediction), 183
ECLIPSE program, 268, 274
Eclipse2, 268
Eclipse3, 268
Ecovalence, 123
Effective number of alleles, 263
Effective population size calculation, 273
EH program, 268
Endosperm, 119
Environmental variance, 130
Epistasis, 51, 57, 77
Epistatic effects, 77, 213, 219
Epistatic QTL, 220, 228
Epistatic-by-environment interaction
effect, 220, 221
ERPA program, 268
ETDT program, 269
Expectation maximization (EM), 154
Experimental error variance, 131
Family-based association test, 269
FASTLINK program, 269
FAST-MAP program, 269
FBAT program, 269
Firstord program, 269
Fisher program, 269
Fixed-effects model, 181
Forage quality, 111
Forage yield, 331
Fourier regression and trend analysis, 307
Frequency analysis, 162
Full-sib families, 98-100, 108, 271
Gamble notation, 77
GAP program, 269
GAS program, 269
GASP program, 269
GASSOC program, 270
Gaussian model, 153
GCA (general combining ability), 1, 2
GENDIPLD for seed model, 29, 30
Gene fixation, 322
Gene linkage relationships, 231
Gene mapping, 280
Gene segregation, 231, 232
Genealogical relationships, 267
Genealogy, 274
GeneCheck program, 270
Gene-environment interaction, 270
Gene-gene interaction, 270
Genehunter program, 270
Genehunter-Imprinting program, 270
General heritability, 25, 42, 53, 70
General heterosis, 26, 27, 42, 54
General linear model, 1
General response, 26, 42, 53, 70
Index 341Generation means analysis, 77, 79, 81
Genetic advance, 322
Genetic analysis of pedigree data, 276
Genetic components of crop yield, 321
Genetic correlations, 109, 111
Genetic counseling, 273
Genetic data management, 275
Genetic diversity, 261-263
Genetic effect prediction, 55, 171, 176
Genetic effects, 55, 77
Genetic likelihood computing, 268
Genetic linkage analysis, 273
Genetic linkage map, 271, 272
Genetic linkage software on the Internet,
Genetic map distance definition, 255
Genetic mapping using backcrosses/RIL,
Genetic marker data analysis, 268
Genetic model, 21, 39, 51, 67, 174
Genetic partitioning for diploid seed
model, 22
Genetic partitioning for triploid
endosperm model, 22
Genetic resource conservation, 153
Genetic risk, 268, 271
Genetic variance components, 69, 97, 99,
Genetic variance partitioning, 273
Genetic variation, 115
Genetics of complex diseases, 267
GenMath, 256-258
GenoDB program, 270
Genome-wide scan, 266, 267
Genomic data, 262, 269
Genotype-by-environment effect, 39, 40,
51, 68, 98
Genotype-by-environment interaction, xiii,
129, 182, 193, 275, 322
and AMMI, 145
in diallel analysis, 21
in heterosis, 26
and stability, 123, 124
Genotype-by-environment interaction
variance, 131
Genotypic standard deviation, 326
Genotyping checks, 266
Genotyping errors, 275
Genotyping microsatellite markers, 269
GENTRIPL program for endosperm traits,
GGE (Genotype + Genotype-by-environment
interaction), 193, 201
GGE biplot, 201
GGT program, 270
Gibb’s sampling, 267
Goodness-of-fit testing, 231
Graphical representation of relationship,
GREGOR limitations, 281
GREGOR program, 279
Griffing’s diallel methods, 1-3
Growth index, 331
GRR program, 270
GSCAN program, 270
Haldane’s mapping function, 255, 256,
258, 259
Half-sib families, 98, 109-112
Haplo program, 270
Haplotype aligning, 268
Haplotype frequency, 268, 276
Haplotype reconstruction, 270
HAPPY program, 270
Hardy program, 271, 274
Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, 271
Hayman methodology, 77, 79
Heritability, 21, 67, 322, 326
components, 25, 39, 41, 53, 70
and shrinkage, 182
Heterogametic progeny, 68
Heterogeneity, 124
Heterosis, 29, 45
Heterosis analysis, 35
Heterosis analysis output, 48, 62
Heterosis based on population mean, 43
Heterosis components, 26, 42, 54, 55, 70
Heterosis prediction, 31, 57, 175
Hidden Markov model, 275
342 Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and BreedersHoneycomb breeding, 325
Honeycomb experiment, 324
Honeycomb selection, 322
Honeycomb trial, 323
Identical by descent, 266, 276
Imprinted genes, 270
Inbreeding coefficient, 329
Inbreeding effective number, 330
Incomplete block design, 283, 315
Indirect effects, 89
Input response, 325
Insect resistance, 77
InSegT program, 274
Interaction effects, 40
Interaction heritability, 25, 42, 53, 70
Interaction heterosis, 26, 27, 42, 54
Interaction response, 26, 42, 53, 70
Interference, 271
Jackknife, 57, 119, 175, 228, 261
for genetic diversity parameter
calculation, 263
for mean/standard error, 262
Jackknifing, 44, 73, 171, 173, 174
JoinMap program, 271
KINDRED program, 271
Kosambi mapping function, 255, 256
Kriging, 137
Lattice rectangle design, 315
LDB program, 271
Least significant difference (LSD), 186
Likelihood calculation, 277
Likelihood ratio, 221
Linkage, 253, 271-273, 275-277
coupling phase, 231, 232
genetic correlation, 109
repulsion phase, 231
Linkage and mapping, xiii, 265
Linkage disequilibrium, 266, 270, 275
Linkage mapping of markers, 273
Linkage maps, 267
Linkage program, 269, 271
Linkage test, 272
Linkbase program, 271
Locating polymorphic markers, 271
Loci ordering, 269
LOD score, 269-272, 274, 277
Logistic regression analysis, 269
Loki program, 271, 274
LUP (linear unbiased prediction), 26, 42
Magnesium concentration, 111
Mahalanobis distance, 168
days to anthesis, 156, 279
ear height, 156
grain weight, 156
plant height, 156
silking, 156
Maize breeding, 279
Map drawing, 272
Map Manager Classic program, 272
Map Manager QT program, 272
Map Manager QTX program, 272
Map/Map+/Map+H program, 271
MAPL program, 272
Mapmaker, 272, 280
Mapmaker/Exp program, 272
Mapmaker/HOMOZ program, 272
Mapmaker/QTL program, 272
Mapping disease genes, 269
Mapping functions, 255, 256, 258, 260, 272
Mapping QTL, 272, 273
epistatic effects, 219
QTL-by-environment effects, 219
Mapping quantitative traits, 272, 275
Mapping software on the Internet, 265
MapPop program, 272
Mapqtl program, 273
Marker grouping, 272
Marker haplotypes, 277
Index 343Marker-assisted selection, 280
Marker-by-environment interaction effect,
Marker-by-marker interaction effect, 220
Marker-by-marker-by-environment effect,
Marker-typing incompatibility, 274
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), 267
Mass selection in maize, 329
Maternal additive effect, 23
Maternal additive-by-environment effect,
Maternal dominance effect, 23
Maternal dominance-by-environment
effect, 23
Maternal effect, 2, 24, 68
Maternal general heritability, 25
Maternal general response, 26
Maternal interaction heritability, 25
Maternal interaction response, 26
Maternal-by-environment effect, 68
Mating design, 1, 21, 39, 51, 67
Matrix programming language of SAS, xiii
MCLEEPS program, 273, 274
Mean cross product, 110
MEGA2 program, 273
Megaenvironment identification, 193
Mendel program, 273
MFLINK program, 273
Microsatellite DNA fragments, 266
MIM program, 273
MINQUE, 24, 206
equations, 41
unbiased variance estimation, 53, 69, 116
Mixed linear model, 23, 40, 52, 68, 220
augmented treatments, 291
time-dependent traits, 115
Mixed model approaches, 97, 116, 171
BLUPs, 181
unbalanced data, 206
Mixed-model-based composite interval
mapping (MCIM), 215, 221
MLD program, 273
MLM (modified location model), 153
Model-free linkage analysis, 273
Molecular marker map, 275
Molecular markers, xiii, 280
Monte Carlo estimation of P, 271
Monte Carlo methods, 267, 269, 273, 276
Monte Carlo multipoint linkage analysis,
MORGAN program, 273, 274
Morgan unit definition, 255
MSPE (minimum mean squared prediction
error), 181
Multienvironment experiments, 1, 39, 51,
Multilocus linkage maps, 268
MultiMap program, 273
Multiple harvest data, 331
Multiple marker alleles, 270
Multiple pairwise linkage analysis, 271
Multiple trait analysis, 206, 211
Multipoint exclusion mapping, 266
Multipoint linkage analysis, 270
Multipoint LOD score calculation, 272
Multipoint mapping, 255
Multipoint maximum likelihood distance
estimation, 267
Narrow-sense heritability, 97, 186
Nei’s expected heterozygosity, 263
Neutral detergent fiber, 111
Nonadditivity, 124
Noncentered polynomial regression, 307
Noncentered variates, 307
Nonmaternal effect, 2
Nonparametric linkage analysis, 266-268,
273, 276
Nonstop selection, 322
NOPAR program, 273
Normal deviates, 137
Normal mixed model, 182
North Carolina design I, 111
North Carolina design II, 111
Orthogonal polynomial regression, 291,
297, 308, 315
344 Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and BreedersPANGAEA program, 274
PAP program, 274
Parametric analysis, 270
Pascoe-Morton mapping function, 255,
256, 259
Path coefficient analysis, 89
PATHSAS, 89, 91, 95
PED program, 274
PedCheck program, 274
Pedfiddler program, 274
PedHunter program, 274
Pedigree data analysis, 269
Pedigree drawing, 268, 269, 271, 274, 275
Pedigree graphs, 274
Pedigree plotting, 275
Pedigree/Draw program, 274
PedJava program, 274
Pedpack program, 274
PedPlot program, 275
PEDRAW/WPEDRAW program, 275
PEDSYS program, 275
Phenotypic standard deviation, 326
Physical maps, 271
Pleiotropy, 109
Pointer program, 275
Polygenic inheritance, 269
Polymorphic loci, 262
Polynomial regression, 137, 307
Population genetics software, 266
Population size, 280, 281, 337
Prediction error variances, 183
Prediction methods, 57, 119
Preproc, 268
Principal component analysis, 137
Principal components, 145, 146
Probability density function (PDF), 153
Progeny program, 275
Program listing
diallel method 1, 3
diallel method 2, 15
diallel method 3, 16
diallel method 4, 18
QTDT program, 275
QTL (quantitative trait loci), 213, 265
QTL analysis, 272
QTL Cartographer program, 275
QTL effects, 228
QTL mapping, 219
QTL testing by linear regression, 270
QTL-by-environment interaction, 213,
215, 221
QTL-epistasis model, 220
Quantitative genetic analysis, 276
Quantitative genetic models, 171
Quantitative trait loci (QTL), 213, 265
Quantitative traits, 89, 115
QUGENE program, 275
Radiation hybrid mapping, 271, 275
Random effects, 182, 291
Random factors, 28
Randomization plan, 137
Randomized complete block design, 112,
297, 307, 315, 325
Reciprocal crosses, 1
Reciprocal effect, 2
Recombination frequencies, 231, 255, 259
Recombination rate, 271
Regional test models, 207
Regional trial analysis, 171, 177, 205
Relationship estimation, 275
Relative program, 275
RelCheck program, 275
REML (restricted maximum likelihood),
53, 97, 129
REML program, 103, 107
Replications-within-environment variance,
Resampling techniques, 261
Response to inputs, 321, 322
Restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP), 156
RHMAPPER program, 275
RIL (recombinant inbred lines), 213, 219,
271, 280
Row-column design, 283, 297, 308, 315
Index 345SAGE program, 276
SASGENE program, 232, 233, 235, 236
SAS_STABLE program, 129
SCA (specific combining ability), 1
Scaling constants, 193
Seed model, 21, 22, 27, 29, 30
Seed model analysis, 172, 173, 176
Seed quality, 27
Seed traits, 171
Segregation analysis, 267, 269, 271, 273,
Segregation ratio computation, 272
Selection conditions, 322
Selection differential, 322, 326, 327
Selection effect, 279
Selection for yield and stability, 321
Selection indices, 109
Selection intensity, 326
Selection response, 21, 39, 51, 67, 97
Selection response equation, 326
Selective mapping, 272
Semiparametric linkage analysis, 270
Sex linkage, 119
Sexlinked additive-by-environment effect,
Shrinkage estimators, 181
Shrinkage factors, 182
Sibling transmission disequilibrium test,
Siblingship inference, 267
Sib-Pair program, 276
Simibd program, 276
Simple sequence repeat (SSR), 267
Simulating degrees of freedom, 137
Simulating marker data, 277
Simulation of genetic data, 269
Simulation tool for breeding, 279
SimWalk2 program, 276
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 266
Single trait analysis, 209
Single trait test, 31
Single-gene goodness-of-fit, 253
Single-sperm data, 276
Singular values, 193
Smoothing, 137
SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism), 266
SOLAR program, 276
Spatial variation, 145, 307, 308
SPERM program, 276
Sperm typing, 276
SPERMSEG program, 276
SPLINK program, 276
SREG (sites regression), 201
SSR (simple sequence repeat), 267
Stability estimation, 178
Stability for multiple traits, 179
Stability variance, xiii, 123, 124, 129
Statistical property of sum method, 110
Sum method for additive genetic
correlation, 109, 111
Sum method for estimating covariance, 110
TDT-PC program, 276
TDT/S-TDT program, 276
Testing assumptions, 279, 280
Testing breeding questions, 279
Time-dependent traits, 115
Tobacco, 307
Tolerance index, 335, 336
Tolerance to stress, 325
Transmission disequilibrium test, 269,
270, 274, 276, 277
Transmit program, 277
Trend analysis, 308
AMMI, 145
augmented design, 291
Fourier and polynomial regression, 307
incomplete block and lattice-rectangle
experiments, 315
row-column-designed experiments, 297
Triploid endosperm model, 22
Triploid seed models, 173
Two-dimensional crossover-based maps,
Two-point linkage analysis, 267
Two-point LOD score, 269
Typenext program, 277
346 Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and BreedersUnbalanced data
endosperm model, 21
regional trials, 205
seed model, 21
Unbalanced data analysis, 206
Unbalanced data handling, 171
Unbiased estimation of covariance, 41
Unconditional data, 118
Variance analysis, 45, 58, 73, 110
Variance component, 53, 55, 175
Variance component estimation, 45, 57,
171, 176, 179
Variance components, 21, 39, 43, 51, 67
Variance estimation, 70
Vitesse program, 277
Web-Preplink program, 277
Yield and stability genes, 321
Yield potential, 321
Z-score computation, 270
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