كورس التجميع باستخدام برنامج فيوجن 360
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كورس التجميع باستخدام برنامج فيوجن 360
Get Started with Assemblies in Autodesk Fusion 360
01.Course Overview , 0101.Course Overview
02.Understanding Bodies, Components, and Rigid Groups , 0201.Introduction and Course Overview
02.Understanding Bodies, Components, and Rigid Groups , 0202.Design Methodology
02.Understanding Bodies, Components, and Rigid Groups , 0203.Bodies Versus Components
02.Understanding Bodies, Components, and Rigid Groups , 0204.Conversion of Bodies into Components
02.Understanding Bodies, Components, and Rigid Groups , 0205.Rigid Groups and When to Use Them
02.Understanding Bodies, Components, and Rigid Groups , 0206.Reuse of Bodies and Components
03.Working with Joints to Establish Positional or Motion Behavior , 0301.Joint Types and Definitions
03.Working with Joints to Establish Positional or Motion Behavior , 0302.Joint Options and Origins
03.Working with Joints to Establish Positional or Motion Behavior , 0303.Applying As-built Joints
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