Fundamentals of Digital Manufacturing Science
Fundamentals of Digital Manufacturing Science
Zude Zhou , Shane (Shengquan) Xie , Dejun Chen
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Development Course of Manufacturing
and Manufacturing Science . 1
1.1.1 Manufacturing as Craft and Technique . 1
1.1.2 Manufacturing Becoming a Science . 2
1.2 Concepts and Research and Development Status
of Digital Manufacturing 5
1.2.1 Definition of Digital Manufacturing . 6
1.2.2 Features and Development of Digital Manufacturing 11
1.3 Connotation and Research Method of Digital
Manufacturing Science 13
1.3.1 Basic Concept and Connotation of Digital
Manufacturing Science 13
1.3.2 Research Method of Digital Manufacturing Science 15
1.4 Summary . 17
References 17
2 Theory System of Digital Manufacturing Science . 19
2.1 Operation Mode and Architecture of Digital
Manufacturing System 19
2.1.1 Operation Reference Mode of Digital
Manufacturing System . 20
2.1.2 Architecture of Digital Manufacturing System 22
2.2 Modeling Theory and Method of Digital
Manufacturing Science 24
2.2.1 Modeling Theory of Digital Manufacturing Science 24
2.2.2 Critical Modeling Theories and Technologies
in Digital Manufacturing Science . 26
2.3 Theory System of Digital Manufacturing Science . 37
2.3.1 Basic Architecture Model of Digital
Manufacturing System . 37
ix2.3.2 Theory System of Digital Manufacturing Science 50
2.4 Summary . 54
References 54
3 Computing Manufacturing in Digital Manufacturing Science . 57
3.1 Computing Manufacturing Methodology 58
3.1.1 C-Space and Screw Space 58
3.1.2 Virtual Prototyping . 63
3.1.3 Reverse Engineering 67
3.2 Manufacturing Computational Model 72
3.2.1 Discrete Model of Manufacturing Computing . 73
3.2.2 Information Model of Manufacturing Computing 85
3.2.3 Geometric Modeling and Reasoning
in Manufacturing Computing 91
3.3 Theoretical Units in Manufacturing Computing . 96
3.3.1 Computational Geometry . 96
3.3.2 Combinatorial Geometry . 99
3.3.3 Convex Analysis . 100
3.4 Summary . 102
References 102
4 Manufacturing Informatics in Digital Manufacturing Science 105
4.1 Principal Properties of Manufacturing Information . 105
4.1.1 Information Characteristics of Manufacturing
Information Activities and Manufacturing Informatics . 106
4.1.2 Information Principles of Manufacturing 111
4.2 Measurement, Synthesis and Materialization of
Manufacturing Information . 119
4.2.1 Measurement of Manufacturing Information 119
4.2.2 Synthesis of Manufacturing Information 128
4.2.3 Materialization of Manufacturing Information 132
4.3 Integration, Sharing and Security
of Manufacturing Information . 138
4.3.1 Integration Model for Manufacturing Information 138
4.3.2 Principle and Mechanism of Sharing
Manufacturing Resources . 145
4.3.3 Basic Theory of Manufacturing Information Security . 148
4.4 Summary . 158
References 158
5 Intelligent Manufacturing in Digital Manufacturing Science . 161
5.1 Intelligent Multi Information Sensing and Fusion
in the Manufacturing Process . 162
x Contents5.1.1 Intelligent Multi Information Sensing 162
5.1.2 Intelligent Multi Information Fusion . 168
5.1.3 Data Mining 172
5.2 Knowledge Engineering in the Whole Life Cycle
of Manufacturing Product 175
5.2.1 Knowledge Representation 175
5.2.2 Knowledge Base . 180
5.2.3 Knowledge Reasoning . 181
5.3 Autonomy, Self-Learning, Adapting
of Manufacturing System 188
5.3.1 Autonomy of Manufacturing System . 188
5.3.2 Self-Learning of Manufacturing System . 193
5.3.3 Adaptation of Manufacturing System . 196
5.4 Intelligent Manufacturing System 199
5.4.1 The Concepts and Features of Intelligent
Manufacturing 199
5.4.2 Multi-Agent Manufacturing System 200
5.4.3 Holonic Manufacturing System . 204
5.5 Summary . 208
References 209
6 Science of Bionic Manufacturing in Digital
Manufacturing Science . 211
6.1 Overview of Bionic Manufacturing . 211
6.1.1 Background 211
6.1.2 Overview of Bionics and Bionic Machinery 216
6.1.3 Overview of Biological Manufacturing . 217
6.2 Bionic Machinery . 221
6.2.1 Basic Principles of Bionic Machinery 221
6.2.2 Major Progress in Bionic Machinery . 222
6.2.3 Development Trends of Bionic Machinery . 224
6.2.4 Application of Bionic Machinery:
Bio-Robot and MAV 225
6.3 Biological Manufacturing 231
6.3.1 Research Direction of Biological Manufacturing . 231
6.3.2 Features and Functions of Biological Manufacturing 233
6.3.3 The Implementation Technology
of Biological Manufacturing . 234
6.3.4 Some Frontier Issues of Biological
Manufacturing Engineering . 237
6.4 The Development of Bio-Manufacturing
and Bionic Machinery 242
6.4.1 The Development Trend of Bionic Machinery 242
Contents xi6.4.2 The Development Trend of Bio-Manufacturing 243
6.5 Summary . 244
References 245
7 Management of Technology in Digital Manufacturing Science 247
7.1 Management of Technology (MOT) . 248
7.1.1 Concept and Development Process of MOT 248
7.1.2 Model of MOT 249
7.1.3 The Connotation of MOT 252
7.2 R&D System Framework and Management Mode . 255
7.2.1 R&D System Framework and
Management Emphases 256
7.2.2 The Main Modes of R&D 260
7.2.3 The Collaborative Management Mode of R&D 262
7.3 Technological Strategies Management
and Technological Venture . 269
7.3.1 Technological Strategies Management Based
on Resource Theory 269
7.3.2 Technological Venture . 272
7.4 Human–Machine Engineering on Digital Manufacturing Process
and Production Patterns . 275
7.4.1 Human Factors in the Advanced Production Pattern 275
7.4.2 The Application of Human Factors Engineering
in the Digital Manufacturing System . 277
7.5 MOT Mode Based on Cultural Differences
and Ways of Thinking 283
7.5.1 MOT Based on Cultural Differences
and Ways of Thinking . 283
7.5.2 The Digital Marketing Based on Cultural Differences
and Ways of Thinking . 286
7.6 Summary . 288
References 288
8 Key Technology of Digital Manufacturing Science . 291
8.1 Various Digital Technologies in Product Lifecycle 291
8.1.1 CAx Technology Integration 292
8.1.2 Digital Equipment and Digital
Processing Technology 294
8.1.3 The Technology of Digital Maintenance
and Diagnosis . 299
8.1.4 Digital Logistic Technology . 302
8.2 Resource and Environment Technology
in Digital Manufacture 305
8.2.1 Resource Organization and Management Technology . 306
xii Contents8.2.2 Manufacturing Grid: the Management and Scheduling
of Resources 311
8.2.3 Resource Service and Security Technology 314
8.3 Management Technology in the Digital Manufacturing
Process and System 320
8.3.1 Digital Management in Digital Manufacturing 321
8.3.2 The Digital Management System
in Digital Manufacturing . 322
8.4 Control Technology in Digital Manufacture . 324
8.4.1 Networked Control System 324
8.4.2 Virtual NC Technology 325
8.4.3 The Embedded Control Technology . 326
8.5 Digital Recognition and Integration Technology in Product 328
8.5.1 Radio-Frequency Identification Technology 328
8.5.2 Bar Code Recognition Technology 330
8.5.3 Electromechanical Integration Technology
and the Light Mechanical and Electrical
Integration Technology 330
8.6 Summary . 334
References 334
9 Future Development of Digital Manufacturing Science . 337
9.1 The Precision of Digital Manufacturing 337
9.1.1 The Micro Nano Electro Mechanical System
and Digital Manufacturing 337
9.1.2 Micro Nano Equipment and System . 341
9.1.3 Digital Manufacturing Technology
in Micro Nano Manufacturing . 342
9.2 The Extremalization of Digital Manufacturing . 344
9.2.1 Extreme Manufacturing 344
9.2.2 Complex Mechanical and Electrical System Modeling . 346
9.2.3 The Theory and Technology of Electrical
and Mechanical Systems in Extreme Environments . 348
9.3 The Environmental Protection of Digital Manufacturing . 352
9.3.1 The Implementation on Environmental Protection
for Environmental Protection 352
9.3.2 Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing . 353
9.3.3 Remanufacturing Engineering 358
9.4 Summary . 361
References 361
Index 365
Adaptation of Manufacturing System, 196
Autonomy of Manufacturing System, 188
Bar Code Recognition Technology, 330
Bionics, 216
Bionic machinery, 216, 221
Bionic Manufacturing, 211
Bionic mechanics, 51
Canal systems, 241
CAx Technology, 292
Computing intelligence, 75
Computing manufacturing, 58
Complexity of Manufacturing
Information, 127
Computing Manufacturing
Methodology, 57
Computational geometry, 96
Combinatorial Geometry, 99
Convex Analysis, 100
Customer Service System, 22
Data mining, 173
Digital Equipment Technology, 294
Digital Logistic Technology, 302
Digital Manufacturing, 6
Digital manufacturing modeling, 25
Digital Manufacturing Resource, 309
Digital manufacturing science, 13, 24
Digital manufacturing system, 19, 38
Digital processing technology, 296
Electromechanical Integration
Technology, 330
General system theory, 28
Geometric modeling, 93
Geometric Modeling Forms, 92
Geometric reasoning, 95
GRAI Modeling, 33
Human factors, 277
Holonic Manufacturing System, 204
IDEF0, 31
IDEF1X, 32
Information fusion, 172
Information integration, 139
Information security, 148
Information sharing, 145
Intelligent Manufacturing, 199
Intelligent multi information
sensing, 162
Knowledge Base, 180
Knowledge Reasoning, 181
Knowledge representation, 175
Management of Technology, 248
Manufacturing activities, 106
Manufacturing computational model, 72
Manufacturing Grid, 91
Manufacturing informatics, 51, 105
Manufacturing intelligence, 52
Market analysis and evaluation, 21
Materialization of Manufacturing
Information, 132
Multi-agent manufacturing system, 204
Multi-sensor data fusion, 168
Networked Control System, 324
Object-oriented Modeling, 36
Petri Net Modeling, 34
Product collaborative design, 21
Product collaborative manufacture, 21
Product quality management, 21
Radio-frequency Identification
Technology, 328
R&D System Framework Model, 256
Reverse Engineering, 67
Research and Development, 257
Screw space, 62
Self-learning of Manufacturing
System, 193
Static Entropy Model, 120
The computational manufacturing, 51
The Embedded Control Technology, 326
The management and decision-making, 20
The management of technology, 53
The manufacturing information quality, 112
The Technology of Digital
Maintenance, 299
Theoretical units in manufacturing
computing, 96
Technical capacity, 270
Technological Venture, 272
Tissue-like precursor, 237
Virtual NC Technology, 325
Virtual prototyping, 63
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