Four Principles of Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Four Principles of Explainable Artificial Intelligence
اسم المؤلف
P. Jonathon Phillips, Carina A. Hahn, Peter C. Fontana, David A. Broniatowski, Mark A. Przybocki
13 فبراير 2021
(لا توجد تقييمات)

كتيب بعنوان
Four Principles of Explainable Artificial Intelligence
P. Jonathon Phillips
Carina A. Hahn
Peter C. Fontana
David A. Broniatowski
Mark A. Przybocki
Table of Contents
94 1 Introduction 1
95 2 Four Principles of Explainable AI 1
96 2.1 Explanation 2
97 2.2 Meaningful 2
98 2.3 Explanation Accuracy 3
99 2.4 Knowledge Limits 4
100 3 Types of Explanations 4
101 4 Overview of principles in the literature 6
102 5 Overview of Explainable AI Algorithms 7
103 5.1 Self-Explainable Models 9
104 5.2 Global Explainable AI Algorithms 10
105 5.3 Per-Decision Explainable AI Algorithms 11
106 5.4 Adversarial Attacks on Explainability 12
107 6 Humans as a Comparison Group for Explainable AI 12
108 6.1 Explanation 13
109 6.2 Meaningful 13
110 6.3 Explanation Accuracy 14
111 6.4 Knowledge Limits 15
112 7 Discussion and Conclusions 16
113 References 17
114 List of Figures
115 Fig. 1 This figure shows length of response time versus explanation detail. We
116 populate the figure with four illustrative cases: emergency weather alert,
117 loan application, audit of a system, and debugging a system.
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