كورس الاعداد لامتحان أساسيات هندسة الحاسوب والهندسة الكهربية – FE Electrical and Computer Exam Preparation Course

كورس الاعداد لامتحان أساسيات هندسة الحاسوب والهندسة الكهربية – FE Electrical and Computer Exam Preparation Course
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14 ديسمبر 2022
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كورس الاعداد لامتحان أساسيات هندسة الحاسوب والهندسة الكهربية
FE Electrical and Computer Exam Preparation Course

  1. Circuit Analysis \ 1. Introduction to Circuit Analysis
  2. Communications \ 1. Introduction to Communications
  3. Computer Networks \ 1. Introduction to Computer Netwroks
  4. Computer Systems \ 1. Introduction to Computer Systems
  5. Control Systems \ 1. Introduction to Control Systems
  6. Digital Systems \ 1. Introduction to Digital Systems
  7. Electromagnetics \ 1. Introduction to Electromagnetics
  8. Electronics \ 1. Introduction to Electronics
  9. Engineering Sciences \ 1. Introduction to Engineering Sciences
  10. Linear Systems \ 1. Introduction to Linear Systems
  11. Power \ 1. Introduction to Power
  12. Properties of Electrical Materials \ 1. Introduction to Properties of Electrical Materials
  13. Signal Processing \ 1. Introduction to Signal Processing
  14. Software Development \ 1. Introduction to Software Development
  15. Chapter 1 \ 1. Welcome!
  16. Software Development \ 2. Algorithms Data Structures Software Design Methods-Implementation-Testing
  17. Communications \ 2. Amplitude Modulation
  18. Computer Systems \ 2. Architecture and Interfacing
  19. Control Systems \ 2. Block diagrams and Bode plots
  20. Properties of Electrical Materials \ 2. Chemical Properties – Atomic Bonding
  21. Signal Processing \ 2. Continuous time convolution
  22. Linear Systems \ 2. Frequency and Transient Response
  23. Circuit Analysis \ 2. Kirchoff’s Current Law
  24. Electromagnetics \ 2. Maxwell’s equations
  25. Digital Systems \ 2. Number Systems
  26. Computer Networks \ 2. Routing and Switching
  27. Power \ 2. Single Phase Power
  28. Electronics \ 2. Solid-State Fundamentals
  29. Engineering Sciences \ 2. Work, Energy and Power
  30. Communications \ 4. Angle Modulation (PhaseFrequency)
  31. Digital Systems \ 4. Boolean Logic and Logic Gates
  32. Engineering Sciences \ 4. Charge, Current and Voltage
  33. Properties of Electrical Materials \ 4. Chemical Properties – Corrosion
  34. Electronics \ 4. Diodes
  35. Signal Processing \ 4. Discrete time convolution
  36. Electromagnetics \ 4. ElectrostaticsMagnetostatics
  37. Circuit Analysis \ 4. Kirchoff’s Voltage Law
  38. Computer Systems \ 4. Microprocessors Memory technology and systems
  39. Computer Networks \ 4. Network topologiesframeworkmodels
  40. Linear Systems \ 4. Resonance
  41. Control Systems \ 4. Steady-state errors
  42. Power \ 4. Three-phase Power – Transmission and Distribution
  43. Electronics \ 6. BJTs
  44. Engineering Sciences \ 6. Capacitance
  45. Properties of Electrical Materials \ 6. Chemical Properties – Diffusion
  46. Communications \ 6. Digital Communication (PAMPCM)
  47. Linear Systems \ 6. Laplace Transform
  48. Computer Networks \ 6. Local Area Networks
  49. Digital Systems \ 6. Logic Minimization and Karnaugh Maps
  50. Control Systems \ 6. Routh-Hurwitz Criteria and Stability
  51. Circuit Analysis \ 6. Series Parallel Equivalent Circuits
  52. Electromagnetics \ 6. Transmission Lines and Wave Propagation
  53. Power \ 6. Voltage Regulation
  54. Signal Processing \ 6. Z-transform and and Difference Equation
  55. Electromagnetics \ 8. Electromagnetic Compatibility
  56. Digital Systems \ 8. Flip-Flops and Counters
  57. Communications \ 8. Fourier TransformSeries
  58. Engineering Sciences \ 8. Inductance
  59. Electronics \ 8. MOSFETs
  60. Control Systems \ 8. Root Locus
  61. Signal Processing \ 8. Sampling
  62. Properties of Electrical Materials \ 8. Thermal Properties
  63. Circuit Analysis \ 8. Thevenin Theorem
  64. Linear Systems \ 8. Transfer functions
  65. Power \ 8. Transformers
  66. Properties of Electrical Materials \ 10. Electrical Properties – Permittivity and Magnetic Permeability
  67. Signal Processing \ 10. Filters
  68. Power \ 10. Motors and Generators
  69. Communications \ 10. Multiplexing
  70. Circuit Analysis \ 10. Norton Theorem
  71. Electronics \ 10. Operational Amplifiers
  72. Digital Systems \ 10. State machine design
  73. Control Systems \ 10. State Variables
  74. Linear Systems \ 10. Two-port Theory
  75. Properties of Electrical Materials \ 12. Electrical Properties – Resistivity and Conductivity
  76. Electronics \ 12. Instrumentation
  77. Power \ 12. Power factor
  78. Circuit Analysis \ 12. Waveform Analysis and Phasors
  79. Circuit Analysis \ 14. Impedance
  80. Properties of Electrical Materials \ 14. Mechanical Properties
  81. Electronics \ 14. Power Electronics

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