Face2Face – Pre-Intermediate

Face2Face – Pre-Intermediate
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Face2Face – Pre-Intermediate
Teacher’s Book Contents
Welcome to face2face! Photocopiable Materials 1
face2face Pre-intermediate
The face2face Approach
The Student’s Book
The CD-ROM/Audio CD: Instructions 10
The Common European Framework
4 Class Activities
1A Ask me!
1B Stress dominoes
1C An active life?
2A Richard Branson
2B Husbands and wives
2C Androcles and the lion
3A Guess the job
3C Which word?
3D What do you know?
4B The music party
4C Entertainment crossword 149
4D Q&A: Children and mobiles 150
5A The crystal ball
5B My personal future
5C Preposition pelmanism
6B Where’s Emma staying? 154
6C Word formation snap
6D Noughts and crosses
7A Kanga Tours
7B Holiday habits
7C Ski Canada
BA Rose Avenue
BB What should I do?
BC Find someone who …
9A Volunteers
9C The new building
9D Get rich quick!
10A Auction house
10B www.irememberyou.com 173
10c Articles snakes and ladders 175
11B Crime crossword
11C The face2face newsroom 177
11D Echo questions dominoes 178
12A Gap year travellers
12B Would you or wouldn’t you? 180
Vocabulary Plus
1 Sport
2 Weddings
3 Jobs
4 Describing films
5 Prepositions
6 Physical appearance
7 Holidays
B In the kitchen
9 Phrasal verbs
10 Clothes
11 Phrases with get
12 Money
Teaching Tips
Classroom Activities and Games
Teaching Notes
1 Work, rest and play
2 Beginnings
3 The world of work
4 That’s entertainment!
5 Into the future
6 Family and friends
7 You need a holiday!
8 Different cultures
9 Life isn’t perfect
10 Shop till you drop
11 Gossip and news
12 Achieving your goals
Study Skills
1 Using a monolingual dictionary 201
2 Your vocabulary notebook 202
3 Reviewing vocabulary
4 Spelling rules
5 Words with different meanings 206
Progress Tests
Answer Key and Recording Scripts 207
Progress Test 1
Progress Test 2
Progress Test 3
Progress Test 4
Progress Test 5
Progress Test 6
Progress Test 7
Progress Test 8
Progress Test 9
Progress Test 10
Progress Test 11
Progress Test 12
MTJi Vocabulary CB Grammar Cw Real World CJU Help with Listening R Reading W Writing
7 You need a holiday !
Language Summary 7 p132; CD-ROM 7A-0; Workbook p35
10 Shop till you drop
Language Summary 10p139;CO-ROM10A-0;Workbook p50
10A Going , going , gone !
CB verbs often used In the passive
CB Present Simple passive;Past Simple passive
7A 50 places to go p52 p76
M’M travel
Present Continuous for future arrangements
10B Changing trends
Wi anything,someone,noone, everywhere,etc.
used to
Ol used to
IOC Fashion victims
MB use of articles:a,an,the, no article
fiSBI Reading;a magazine article;Reading and Listening:a profile
7B What are you taking ?
WM things we take on holiday; quantity phrases
CB’ quantifiers;possessive pronouns
7C Wish you were here
MB expressions with go
Pil Reading andListening:a magazine article
weak forms:review
7D I’ve got a problem
171 complaints and requests
hotei problems
intonation (1)
10D Can I help you ?
fflTl In a shop
flQi shopping
what shop assistants say
7 Review and Progress Portfolio 10 Review and Progress Portfolio
Reading and Writing Portfolio 10
R a letter to a newspaper
W connecting words(3);giving your opinion
Reading and Writing Portfolio 7
R a letter of complaint
W useful words/phrases in formal letters
Workbook p84 Workbook p82
11 Gossip and news
Language Summary 11pi41;CD-ROM 11A-D;Workbook p55
8 Different cultures
Language Summary 8pi34;CD-ROM 8A-D;Workbook p40
11A Guess what ?
CB verb-noun collocations (3)
Present Perfect tor giving news with just, yet and already
mi lx! at the end of words(2)
8A Home sweet home
describing your home
CB Present Perfect for unfinished past with for, since and How long… ?
8B Meet the parents
MB going to dinner
should, shouldn’t, must;infinitive of purpose
! xl at the end of words (1)
11B Murder mystery p86
ffl relativeclauseswith who, which,fbatandwhere
11C Here is today ’s news
MB guessing meaningIrom context
fiTia Listening:the news;Reading:a newspaper article
mi sentence stress(2)
8C Cultural differences
8TB travellers’ tips; verb patterns
m Reading:a magazine article;Listening:aradiointerview
understanding fast speech
80 What ’s Edinburgh like?
m asking about places:What… like?
O adjectivesto describepiaces
11D Did you ?
COT1 echo questions
CS3 intonation (3)
p66 p90
8 Review and Progress Portfolio p67 11 Review and Progress Portfolio p91
Reading and Writing Portfolio 11
R stories
W use of verb forms;a narrative
Reading and Writing Portfolio 8
R a magazine article
W connecting words (2): similarities,differences and comparisons; a description
Workbook p78 Workbook p84
9 Life isn ’t perfect 1 I
Language Summary 9pi37;CD-ROM 9A-D;Workbook p45
12 Achieving your goals
Language Summary 12 p143; CO-ROM 12A-C;Workbook p6Q
9A Problems , problems
CT everyday problems
MB first conditional; future time clauses with when,as soon as, before, after until
12 A A year off
O money
MBreported speech
mi /h/ at the beginningof words
p68 p92
9B Sleepless nights
MB adjectives to describe feelings
MB too, too much, too many,(not) enough
12B Taking chances
O unusualactivities
second conditional
9C In the neighbourhood
CB phrasal verbs
PH Reading:a letter to a newspaper;Listening:a news report
12C Men of magic
TO connecting words (2):first, next, then, etc.
CMTI Listening:a radio interview; Reading:a magazine article
rffl linking:review (2)
9D Invitations
Cm invitations and making arrangements
intonation (2)
12 Review and Progress Portfolio
End of Course Review
9 Review and Progress Portfolio Reading and Writing Portfolio 12
R an online diary;a posting on a website
W common mistakes;describing your goals in a posting
p75 Workbook p86
Reading and Writing Portfolio 9
R a personal email
W paragraphs; expressing sympathy and giving advice; an email (2)
Workbook p80
Language Summaries p119 Irregular Verb List p159
Phonemic Symbols p 159 CD-ROM/Audio CD Instructions p 160
Songs p100
Pair and Group Work p102 Recording Scripts p145
Answer Key p158MTJi Vocabulary CB Grammar Cw Real World CJU Help with Listening R Reading W Writing
7 You need a holiday!
Language Summary 7 p132; CD-ROM 7A-0; Workbook p35
10 Shop till you drop
Language Summary 10p139;CO-ROM10A-0;Workbook p50
10A Going, going, gone!
CB verbs often used In the passive
CB Present Simple passive;Past Simple passive
7A 50 places to go p52 p76
M’M travel
Present Continuous for future arrangements
10B Changing trends
Wi anything,someone,noone, everywhere,etc.
used to
Ol used to
IOC Fashion victims
MB use of articles:a,an,the, no article
fiSBI Reading;a magazine article;Reading and Listening:a profile
7B What are you taking?
WM things we take on holiday; quantity phrases
CB’ quantifiers;possessive pronouns
p54 p78
7C Wish you were here
MB expressions with go
Pil Reading andListening:a magazine article
weak forms:review
7D I’ve got a problem
171 complaints and requests
hotei problems
intonation (1)
10D Can I help you?
fflTl In a shop
flQi shopping
what shop assistants say
7 Review and Progress Portfolio 10 Review and Progress Portfolio
Reading and Writing Portfolio 10
R a letter to a newspaper
W connecting words(3);giving your opinion
Reading and Writing Portfolio 7
R a letter of complaint
W useful words/phrases in formal letters
Workbook p84 Workbook p82
11 Gossip and news
Language Summary 11pi41;CD-ROM 11A-D;Workbook p55
8 Different cultures
Language Summary 8pi34;CD-ROM 8A-D;Workbook p40
11A Guess what?
CB verb-noun collocations (3)
Present Perfect tor giving news with just, yet and already
mi lx! at the end of words(2)
8A Home sweet home
describing your home
CB Present Perfect for unfinished past with for, since and How long… ?
8B Meet the parents
MB going to dinner
should, shouldn’t, must;infinitive of purpose
! xl at the end of words (1)
11B Murder mystery p86
ffl relativeclauseswith who, which,fbatandwhere
11C Here is today’s news
MB guessing meaningIrom context
fiTia Listening:the news;Reading:a newspaper article
mi sentence stress(2)
8C Cultural differences
8TB travellers’ tips; verb patterns
m Reading:a magazine article;Listening:aradiointerview
understanding fast speech
p64 p88
80 What’s Edinburgh like?
m asking about places:What… like?
O adjectivesto describepiaces
11D Did you?
COT1 echo questions
CS3 intonation (3)
8 Review and Progress Portfolio p67 11 Review and Progress Portfolio p91
Reading and Writing Portfolio 11
R stories
W use of verb forms;a narrative
Reading and Writing Portfolio 8
R a magazine article
W connecting words (2): similarities,differences and comparisons; a description
Workbook p78 Workbook p84
9 Life isn’t perfect 1 I
Language Summary 9pi37;CD-ROM 9A-D;Workbook p45
12 Achieving your goals
Language Summary 12 p143; CO-ROM 12A-C;Workbook p6Q
9A Problems, problems
CT everyday problems
MB first conditional; future time clauses with when,as soon as, before, after until
12A A year off
O money
MB reported speech
mi /h/ at the beginningof words
p68 p92
9B Sleepless nights
MB adjectives to describe feelings
MB too, too much, too many,(not) enough
12B Taking chances
O unusualactivities
second conditional
9C In the neighbourhood
CB phrasal verbs
PH Reading:a letter to a newspaper;Listening:a news report
12C Men of magic
TO connecting words (2):first, next, then, etc.
CMTI Listening:a radio interview; Reading:a magazine article
rffl linking:review (2)
9D Invitations
Cm invitations and making arrangements
intonation (2)
12 Review and Progress Portfolio
End of Course Review
9 Review and Progress Portfolio Reading and Writing Portfolio 12
R an online diary;a posting on a website
W common mistakes;describing your goals in a posting
p75 Workbook p86
Reading and Writing Portfolio 9
R a personal email
W paragraphs; expressing sympathy and giving advice; an email (2)
Workbook p80
Language Summaries p119 Irregular Verb List p159
Phonemic Symbols p159 CD-ROM/Audio CD Instructions p160
Songs p100
Pair and Group Work p102 Recording Scripts p145
Answer Key p158
SB Vocabulary S3 Grammar El Real World R Reading w Writing
P5 Reading and Writing Portfolio 1
R a personal letter
w a letter to a friend
1 Work, rest and play p64
9 question words; work;free time activities with do, play,go, go to; frequency adverbs and
S3 review of verb forms and questions; subject questions
El finding things in common
2 Beginnings p10
SB past time phrases; relationships (1); connecting words (1)
SB Past Simple;Past Continuous:positive and negative
fiTTl starling conversations;ending conversations
Reading and Writing Portfolio 2
R an email with news
w connecting words (1):addition and contrast; an email (1)
p15 Reading and Writing Portfolio 3
R a formal letter
w a curriculum vitae (CV)
3 The world of work p68
d employment;lookingfor a job;wordbuilding(1):nounendings
d haveto/hadto(1):positive and negative; have to/hadto(2):short answers;PresentContinuous
and Present Simple
El apologies,reasons and promises
p20 Reading and Writing Portfolio 4
R a film review
w describing a film
4 That’s entertainment! p70
SB types of film; music; TV nouns and verbs;-ed and -ing adjectives
SB Present Perfect for life experiences (1):positive and negative; Present Perfect for
life experiences (2): questions with ever
El agreeing, disagreeing and asking for opinions
p25 Reading and Writing Portfolio 5
R language school brochures
w formal and informal letters
5 Into the future P72
SB verb-noun collocations (1); verb-noun collocations (2); verbs and prepositions
d willfor prediction;might; will beableto; future plansandambitions:begoing to
El offers, suggestions and requests
p30 Reading and Writing Portfolio 6 p74
R notes and messages
w messages:missing words; common abbreviations
6 Family and friends
SB character adjectives; relationships (2); prefixes and opposites of adjectives:un-f in-, im-, disd makingcomparisons;superlatives
El leaving phone messages
p35 Reading and Writing Portfolio 7
R a letter of complaint
w useful words/phrases in formal letters
7 You need a holiday! p76
SB travel; things we take on holiday; quantity phrases; expressions with go
SB Present Continuous for future arrangements;quantifiers; possessive pronouns
E9 complaints and requests
p40 Reading and Writing Portfolio 8
R a magazine article
w connecting words (2):similarities,differences and
comparisons; a description
8 Different cultures p78
SB describing your home; going to dinner; verb patterns; adjectives to describe places
S3 Present Perfect for unfinished past with for and since, How long ,,, ?; should, shouldn’t, must,
infinitive of purpose
El asking about places
Answer Key l—Vill
p45 Reading and Writing Portfolio 9 p80
R a personal email
w paragraphs; expressing sympathy and giving advice;
an email (2)
9 Life isn’t perfect
SB everyday problems;adjectives to describe feelings; phrasal verbs
S3 first conditional; future time clauses with when, as soon as, before, after, until; too much, too
many, (not) enough
SCI invitations and making arrangements
p50 Reading and Writing Portfolio 10
R a letter to a newspaper
w connecting words (3): giving your opinion
10 Shop till you drop p82
SB verbs often used in the passive; anything,someone, no one, everywhere, etc.; use of articles:
a, an, the, no article; shopping
S3 Present Simple passive; Past Simple passive; used to
CO in a shop
p55 Reading and Writing Portfolio 11 p84
R a story
w verb forms in narratives; getting Ideas; a narrative
11 Gossip and news
SB verb-noun collocations (3); crime; guessing meaning from context
S3 Present Perfect for giving news with just; yet and already; relative clauses with who, which,
that and where
EJ echo questions
Reading and Writing Portfolio 12 p86
R an online diary; a posting on a website
w common mistakes; describing your goals in a posting
12 Achieving your goals
SB money;unusual activities;connecting words (2)
S3 reported speech; second conditional
Pre-intermediate Reading and
Writing Progress Portfolio
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