Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing V
اسم المؤلف
A.S. Paipetis ,T.E. Matikas , D.G. Aggelis , D. Van Hemelrijck
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Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing V
A.S. Paipetis
University of Ioannina, Greece
T.E. Matikas
University of Ioannina, Greece
D.G. Aggelis
University of Ioannina, Greece
D. Van Hemelrijck
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Table of contents
Preface xi
Organisation xiii
Plenary lectures
Nondestructive evaluation, structural health monitoring and optical diagnostics
at NASA Glenn: A summary 3
G.Y. Baaklini
Visualized impact-echo technique for defects in concrete by SIBIE procedure 7
M. Ohtsu, T. Sonoda & M. Yamada
Structural health monitoring for aircraft, ground transportation vehicles,
wind turbines and pipes—prognosis 15
N. Meyendorf, B. Frankenstein & L. Schubert
NDT in diagnostics & protection of cultural heritage
Application of ground penetrating radar for the assessment of the decay state of Hagia Sophia’s
mosaics 25
A.I. Moropoulou, K.C. Labropoulos & N.S. Katsiotis
Assessment of cleaning interventions on marble surfaces using pulsed thermography 31
E.T. Delegou, M. Krokida, N.P. Avdelidis & A.I. Moropoulou
Contribution of NDT to the sustainable preservation of the Church of Santa Maria
in Gradi, Viterbo, Italy 37
S. Cancellieri & M. Poggi
Investigation strategies for the diagnosis of historic structures 43
A. Saisi, L. Cantini & L. Binda
Radar-based vibration measurement on historic masonry towers 51
C. Gentile & A. Saisi
Dynamic testing of historic iron bridge at different levels of excitation 57
C. Gentile & A. Saisi
NDT characterization of ancient glass objects from the Aegean
with an approach of the manufacturing technique 63
E. Cheilakou, N. Liarokapi & M. Koui
Image analysis for artistic style identification: A powerful tool for preserving cultural heritage 71
A.D. Doulamis & T.A. Varvarigou
Application of IR thermography to damage characterization of structures
and the diagnosis of historic monuments 77
E.Z. Kordatos, D.A. Exarchos, T.E. Matikas, C. Stavrakos & A.I. Moropoulou
Iron based and other ancient pigments for pottery decoration 83
G. Mastrotheodoros, K.G. Beltsios & N. Zacharias
A new non-destructive technological approach for fragile archaeological finds 89
P. Negrivi
On-site measurement & monitoring by NDT in infrastructures
Damage identification of PC cable breakage by means of acoustic emission 95
T. Shiotani, Y. Oshima, M. Goto & S. Momoki
Mesh-independent ray-trace algorithm for concrete structures 103
Y. Kobayashi
Influence of the fiber chemical coating on the fracture behavior of steel fiber
concrete measured by acoustic emission 111
D.G. Aggelis, D.V. Soulioti, N.M. Barkoula, A.S. Paipetis & T.E. Matikas
Onsite measurements of concrete structures using Impact-Echo and Impulse Response 117
J.S. Clausen, N. Zoidis & A. Knudsen
A study on the structural stability of the Asinelli Tower in Bologna 123
A. Carpinteri, G. Lacidogna, A. Manuello & G. Niccolini
Visual inspection and evaluation using NDT testing methods of industrial building after fire 131
E. Tatsis, N. Zoidis, C. Vlachopoulos, T.E. Matikas & A. Gotzamanis
Concrete compressive strength estimation in-situ at precast beams using
direct and indirect testing methods according to EN 13791 137
A. Gkotzamanis, N. Zoidis, T.E. Matikas, E. Tatsis & C. Vlachopoulos
AE monitoring of shrinkage process in concrete 143
M. Ohtsu, T. Matsuo, S. Nozaki & Y. Kawasaki
Acoustic emission behavior during corrosion process in reinforced concrete in proof of EPMA 149
Y. Kawasaki, M. Kitaura, T. Kobarai & M. Ohtsu
Quantitative evaluation of impact force on impact-echo method 155
M. Yamada, T. Sonoda & M. Ohtsu
Sensors and structural health monitoring
The use of chirped fibre Bragg grating sensors to monitor delaminations
in composite materials and structures 163
S.L. Ogin, A.D. Crocombe, T.F. Capell, A.R. Sanderson, R.L. Rito,
Y. Guo, S.C. Tjin & B. Lin
Structural Health Monitoring in an operational airliner: Results on the implementation
of percolation sensors achieved within the European Project: “Aircraft Integrated
Structural Health Assessment II (AISHA II)” 169
H. Pfeiffer, M. Patitsa, I. Pitropakis & M. Wevers
Cure monitoring of cross-ply composite laminates with an encapsulated fibre Bragg grating 175
G. Luyckx, N. Lammens, J. Degrieck & E. Voet
Advanced NDT techniques for damage detection in a honeycomb composite
helicopter tailboom 181
W. Hillger, A. Szewieczek, D. Schmidt, M. Sinapius, I. Jorge Aldave,
P. Venegas Bosom & L. Vega Gonz?lez
On the use of a CFBG sensor to monitor scarf repairs of composite panels 187
R.L. Rito, S.L. Ogin, A.D. Crocombe, T.F. Capell, A.R. Sanderson, Y. Guo, S.C. Tjin & B. Lin
The use of flat coil sensors and impedance spectroscopy for fatigue
crack monitoring of Al 2024-T3 plates 193
I. Pitropakis, H. Pfeiffer & M. Wevers
In-situ local strain measurement in textile composites with embedded optical fibre sensors 199
S. Daggumati, E. Voet, I. De Baere, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, J. Xu, S. Lomov & I. Verpoest
The use of a polarimetric fibre sensor to detect impact damage in aircraft composites 205
I. Pitropakis, H. Pfeiffer & M. Weversvii
A comparative study on novelty detection and frequency analysis of Lamb waves
for the monitoring of metallic repaired structures 213
S. Pavlopoulou, W.J. Staszewski & C. Soutis
Detection and characterization of surface defects in metals using surface waves 219
N. Netshidavhini & B.R. Mabuza
Inspection for flaws in steel using ultrasonic testing and fracture mechanics approach 225
B.R. Mabuza & N. Netshidavhini
Methods for detection and cleaning of fouling in pipelines 231
Ignacio Garcia de Carellan, Phil Catton, Cem Selcuk & Tat-Hean Gan
Ultrasonic guided waves propagation in complex structures 237
Y. Gharaibeh & N. Lee
Exploiting time reversal principles for the accurate determination of longitudinal
and shear material velocities 245
E.N. Janssen & K. Van Den Abeele
Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy as a tool for noninvasive examination
of Zirconia head of hip prosthesis 253
A. Savin, R. Grimberg, M.L. Craus & P. Botez
New opportunities for ultrasonic characterization of stiffness anisotropy in composite materials 259
I. Solodov, P. Fey & G. Busse
Ultrasonic characterization of materials using Laser Doppler Vibrometer measurements:
A multi-input approach 265
R. Longo, S. Vanlanduit, A. Nila & P. Guillaume
Preliminary results on non-contact characterisation of weathered mineral
materials by surface acoustic waves 271
P. Fey, D. D?ring, G. Busse, J. Frick & F. Grüner
Experimental and numerical polar scans of several anisotropic materials
using pulsed and harmonic ultrasonic beams 275
M. Kersemans, I. De Baere, W. Van Paepegem, J. Degrieck, F. Zastavnik, J. Gu & H. Sol
Damage monitoring of composite laminates using ultrasonics 281
A.S. Paipetis, D.G. Aggelis, N.M. Barkoula, T.E. Matikas & N. Melanitis
Non linear NDT
Filters, transducers, and receivers for nonlinear acoustic measurements 289
G. Petersen & B. Chick
Finite element simulations of Contact Acoustic Nonlinearities (CANs) 295
S. Delrue & K. Van Den Abeele
Defect localization using the nonlinear impact modulation technique 301
B. Van Damme & K. Van Den Abeele
Imaging multiple defects in solids by means of selective source reduction
and time reversed acoustics 307
E.N. Janssen & K. Van Den Abeele
Multi-frequency defect-selective nonlinear imaging and NDT 313
I. Solodov, P. Fey & G. Busse
Acoustic emmission
AE monitoring at laser cutting 321
T. Kek & J. Grumviii
Acoustic emission analysis for corrosion pitting of MgCl2 droplet 327
M. Shiwa, H. Masuda, H. Yamawaki, K. Ito & M. Enoki
Fracture properties of nanosilica-based cement mortars monitored by acoustic emission 333
Chr. Ioannou, A. Iliadou, D.G. Aggelis, N.M. Barkoula & T.E. Matikas
Acoustic emission monitoring of wheel sets on moving trains 341
K. Bollas, D. Papasalouros, D. Kourousis & A. Anastasopoulos
Health monitoring of operating wind turbine blades with acoustic emission 347
N. Tsopelas, D. Kourousis, I. Ladis, A. Anastasopoulos, D.J. Lekou & F. Mouzakis
Real-time damage location and assessment in composite structures with acoustic emission 353
D. Papasalouros, D. Kourousis, A. Anastasopoulos, C. Ennaceur & P.T. Cole
Electrical methods
Electrical resistance measurement for in situ health monitoring of carbon
nanotube/polymer composites 361
C. Pandis, G. Georgoussis, V. Peoglos, A. Kyritsis, P. Pissis, P. Georgiopoulos & E. Kontou
Strain and damage sensing in carbon fiber polymer-matrix composite by electrical resistance
measurement 367
C. Pandis, G. Georgoussis, V. Peoglos, A. Kyritsis, P. Pissis, P. Georgiopoulos & E. Kontou
Damage sensing of carbon nanotubes embedded glass fiber composites based
on electrical resistance change 373
S.-B. Lee, J.W. Yi, S.-K. Lee, J.-H. Byun, E.T. Thostenson & T.-W. Chu
Electric and magnetic brain activity. Disjoint or overlaping information? 377
G. Dassios
Non destructive evaluation of artificially induced damage in composite structures using electrical
resistance/potential mapping 381
Andreas Ampatzoglou, Antonis Vavouliotis, Athanasios Baltopoulos & Vassilis Kostopoulos
Electrical tomography as a tool for non-destructive assessment of composite structures 389
Athanasios Baltopoulos, Antonios Vavouliotis, Vassilis Kostopoulos,
Nick Polydorides & Laurent Pambaguian
On line monitoring of damage during fatigue loading of composite patch
repair of composite structures 395
A. Vavouliotis, T.H. Loutas, G. Sotiriadis & V. Kostopoulos
Electrical resistance and electrical potential studies for the detection and monitoring
of damage in hybrid composites 401
S.A. Grammatikos & A.S. Paipetis
Imaging & signal processing
Damage detection of steel bridge girder using Artificial Neural Networks 409
S.J.S. Hakim & H. Abdul Razak
Atomic force microscopy quantitative and qualitative nanoscale characterization
of collagen thin films 415
A. Stylianou, D. Yova & K. Politopoulos
Determination of linear thermal expansion coefficient by using digital image correlation 421
J. Blom, J. Van Ackeren, B. Belkassem & J. Wastiels
Improving TOFD sizing of near surface defects by wavelet transform 427
J.M.A. Rebello & R.M. Almeida
Noninvasive method for establishing the diffused hydrogen content
in Zirconium Alloy used in PHWR 431
R. Grimberg, A. Savin, R. Steigmann, M.L. Craus & M.C. Ruchix
Digital methods for flakiness and shape definition 437
E. Profitis, E. Chatzitheodoridis & D. Xirouchakis
Experimentally induced errors in Digital Image Correlation measurement
of small strains with large gradients 441
I. De Baere, W. Van Paepegem, N. Lammens, P. Lava, D. Debruyne, C. Cofaru,
W. Philips & J. Degrieck
Characterisation of the local fibre volume content nearby moulded holes in textile-reinforced
thermoplastic components 447
W. Hufenbach, N. Modler, A. Winkler & R. Kupfer
Modeling GPR data to understand the problems in rebar size measurements 453
L. Zanzi
The application of information processing techniques towards an effective on line prognostic
scheme for rotating machinery 459
D. Roulias, T.H. Loutas & V. Kostopoulos
Inspection methods
The necessity of lift inspections in Greece 467
S.S. Kalligeros
Experimental study on the strain contribution of horizontal and vertical web reinforced bar
of HSSCC deep beams 471
M. Mohammadhassani, M.Z. Jumaat, M. Jameel, S.J.S. Hakim & N. Abdollahi
NDT and safety of crude oil storage tanks 477
M.S. Kova?evi?, A. Mir?eta & D. Mar?i?
Detection of radial cracks at fastener holes by either eddy current or line heating
stimulated thermography 483
N.J. Siakavellas & N. Tsopelas
Apparatus for measuring of liquid conductivity 489
J. Skramlik, M. Novotny & K. Suhajda
Electromagnetic wave absorbing properties of composites with hollow magnetic fibers 495
J.W. Yi, H.S. Choe, J.B. Kim, S.-B. Lee, S.-K. Lee & O.O. Park
Automated system for non-destructive testing of structure and stress state of metallic materials 499
G.S. Velev, Y. Ivanova, A.G. Markovski & B.G. Velev
Visual inspection and evaluation using NDT testing methods of extensively
cracked concrete floor 503
N. Zoidis, E. Tatsis, C. Vlachopoulos, J.S. Clausen, T.E. Matikas, D.G. Aggelis & A. Gkotzamanis
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