Creo Parametric – Advanced Design
اسم المؤلف
Steven G. Smith
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Creo Parametric – Advanced Design
Steven G. Smith
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Objective of This Book 1
Textbook Outline .2
Textbook Conventions 3
Exercise Files 3
System Configuration 4
Datum Features .5
Introduction 5
Sketches and Datum Curves 6
Uses for Sketches and Datum Curves .6
The Sketch Feature 7
Curve Thru Points .8
Datum Curves From Equations 12
Projected and Wrapped 13
Datum Curves by Intersection 14
Datum Graph .15
Using Datum Graphs 16
Datum Evaluate .17
Using the Evaluate Feature 18
Mass Properties 19
Mass Properties Results .20
Exercise 1 – Datum Features .21
Advanced Blends 37
Introduction 37
Rotational Blend 38
Rotational Blend (continued) .39
Blend .40
Blend (continued) 41
Start Point and Direction Arrow 42
Blend Vertex .43
Activate Section 44
Swept Blend 45
Facts about Swept Blends 45
Swept Blend (continued) .46
Swept Blend (continued) .47
Exercise 2 – Advanced Blends 48
Advanced Sweeps .60
Variable Section Sweep 60
The Sweep Dashboard Tool .61
Normal to Trajectory .62
Constant Normal Direction 63
Normal to Projection .
Trajpar .64
Facts about Variable Section Sweeps 64
Helical Sweep .65
Exercise 3 – Advanced Sweeps .66
Involute Gears 79
Introduction 79
The Involute Curve 80
Datum Curves From Equation 81
Creating the Gear 82
Gear Parameters .83
Exercise 4 – Involute Gears 84
Advanced Patterns 91
Introduction 91
Table Driven Patterns .92
Table Driven Patterns (continued) 93
Pro/TABLE 94
The Tables Dialog Box 95
Fill Patterns .96
Fill Patterns (continued) 97
Pattern Relations .98
Pattern Relations (continued) 99
Geometry Patterns 100
Exercise 5 – Advanced Patterns 101
User Defined Features 118
Introduction 118
Part UDFs 118
Assembly UDFs 119
Creating UDFs 120
Using UDFs .121
Using UDFs (continued) 122
Using UDFs (continued) 123
On-Surface Coordinate System UDFs 124
Managing UDFs 125
Tips on UDFs 125
Exercise 6 – User Defined Features 126
Advanced Draft 141
Introduction and Terms .141
The Draft Dashboard Tool .142
Draft Surfaces .143
Draft Hinges 143
Pull Direction and Draft Angle .143
Split Draft .144
Split by Draft Hinge .144
Split by Split Object .144
Variable Angle Draft 145
Variable Pull Direction Draft 146
Exercise 7 – Advanced Draft .
Advanced Rounds .152
Introduction and Terms .152
The Round Dashboard Tool 153
Round Sets 154
Transitions .155
The Auto Round Feature .156
Tips on Rounds .157
Exercise 8 – Advanced Rounds .158
Special Features 176
Introduction 176
Offset .177
The Offset Dashboard Tool .178
Offset With Draft 179
Offset With Draft (continued) .180
Offset Expand .181
Warp 182
Toroidal Bend 184
Lip 185
Ear .186
Facts About Ear Features .186
Local Push .187
Radius Dome 187
Pipe .188
Exercise 9 – Special Features 189
Parameters and Relations 200
Introduction 200
System Parameters .201
User Defined Parameters 201
The Parameters Dialog Box 202
Relations .203
Relations (continued) 204
Equality and Constraint Relations .205
The Relations Dialog Box 206
The Relations Dialog Box (continued) 207
The Relations Dialog Box (continued) 208
Functions and Operators in Relations .209
Mass Properties Functions 210
Logic Statements 211
Motion 211
Solving Simultaneous Equations 212
Exercise 10 – Parameters and Relations 213
Family Tables .226
Introduction 226
The Family Table Editor 227
Creating Generic Models 228
Creating a New Family Table 228
Naming Items in the Family Table 229
Adding Instances to the Family Table .229
The Family Table Editor
The Family Table Editor (continued) .231
Adding Comment Rows 232
Using Negative Values in Family Tables 233
Preview Instances .234
Verify Instances .235
Nested Family Tables .236
Reference Models .237
Assembly Family Tables .238
Assembly Instance Configurator .239
Patternize Instances 240
Using Microsoft Excel 241
Instance Index Files 242
Instance Accelerator Files .242
Instance Accelerator Files (continued) 243
Replacing Components in an Assembly .244
Drawings and Family Tables .245
Exercise 11 – Family Tables 246
Component Interfaces .261
Introduction 261
Defining an Interface .262
Defining an Interface (continued) 263
Defining an Interface (continued) 264
Nested Component Interfaces 264
Using an Interface .265
Component Interface Preferences 266
Component Interface Configuration Options .266
Drag-and-Drop Component Placement 267
Exercise 12 – Component Interfaces .268
Component Flexibility .277
Introduction 277
Defining Flexibility in the Assembly .278
Re-Defining Flexibility in the Assembly .279
Defining Flexibility During Assembly Process .279
Defining Flexibility in the Part 280
Examples of Flexible Parts 281
Removing Flexibility 282
Propagate Flexibility 283
Exercise 13 – Component Flexibility .284
Assembly Design .293
Introduction 293
Create a New Assembly 294
Assemble Existing Components .294
Create New Components 295
Activating Components .296
Working in the Active Component .297
Assembly Features .298
Assembly Features (continued) 299
Repeat Components .300
Repeat Components (continued)
Include Components .302
Package Components .303
Assembly Regeneration 304
Assembly Restructure .305
Bill of Materials 306
Custom Bill of Materials 307
Custom Bill of Materials (continued) .308
Exercise 14 – Assembly Design .309
Data Sharing Commands 319
Introduction 319
Import 320
Publish Geometry 320
Publish Geometry (continued) .321
Copy Geometry .322
Copy Geometry (continued) 323
Merge/Inheritance/Cutout 324
Merge/Inheritance/Cutout (continued) 325
Merge/Inheritance/Cutout (continued) 326
Merge/Inheritance/Cutout (continued) 327
Varied Items (Inheritance Only) 327
Updating the Inheritance Feature .328
Creating a New Source Model 328
Shrinkwrap 329
Shrinkwrap (continued) .330
Exercise 15 – Data Sharing Commands 331
Top Down Assembly Design 342
Introduction 342
Create the Assembly Structure .342
Adding Components 343
Assembling New Components 344
Define Design Parameters 344
Create the Skeleton Model 345
Introduction .345
Facts About Skeletons 345
Create the Skeleton Part 345
Copy the Necessary Design Information 346
Designing in the Assembly 347
Finish the Design 347
Exercise 16A – Top Down Assembly Design #1 348
Exercise 16B – Top Down Assembly Design #2 372
Replace Assembly Components 386
Introduction 386
Replace Unrelated Components .387
Interchange Assembly .388
Interchange Types 389
Creating Interchange Assemblies .389
Adding Components to Interchange Assemblies 390
Reference Paring 391
Reference Paring (continued) .
Additional Reference Tags 393
Interchange Assembly Model Tree .393
When to use Functional Interchange Assemblies .394
Removing References to Interchange Assemblies .394
Interchange Assembly Review 394
Exercise 17 – Replace Assembly Components 395
Introduction to Pro/PROGRAM 401
Introduction 401
The Program Menu .402
Editing a Program .403
Program Structure .404
Program Header .404
Input Section .404
Input Section (continued) 405
Relations Section 406
Features Section .406
Features Section (continued) 407
Mass Properties Section .408
The Interact Command .409
The Execute Command 410
The Lookup Command 411
Assembly Programs 412
Replacing Assembly Components 412
Feature Comments .413
Incorporate the Program .413
Regenerating Models with Programs 414
Creating Models using a Textfile .414
Creating Family Table Instances 415
Program Examples 416
Exercise 18 – Introduction to Pro/PROGRAM 417
Notebooks 427
Introduction 427
Advantages of Notebooks .428
Considerations for Using Notebooks 428
Creating Notebooks 429
Creating Notebook Parameters 430
Parameter Sets .431
Creating Notebook Relations 432
Tables 433
Sheets, Notes, and Other Tools 433
Example Notebooks 434
Using Notebooks .435
Part Relations Utilizing Global Parameters .435
Global Datums and Automatic Assembly 436
Notebook Review 436
Exercise 19 – Notebooks 437
Simplified Representations 448
Introduction 448
Types of Simplified Representations .
Facts About Simplified Reps .450
Simplified Reps in Part Models .451
Simplified Reps in Part Models (continued) 452
Simplified Reps in Assembly Models 453
The Component Chooser 454
Default Rep .456
Default Envelope Rep .457
Light Graphics Rep .459
Zones 461
Zones (continued) .462
Envelopes 463
Envelopes (continued) 464
Opening Simplified Reps .465
Open Reps by Default .466
On-Demand Simplified Reps .466
On-Demand Settings 466
On-Demand Settings (continued) .467
Working with On-Demand Simplified Reps 468
External Simplified Reps .469
Using the View Manager .470
Using the File, Save a Copy Command .471
Using the File, New Command .472
Exercise 20 – Simplified Representations 473
Managing External References 489
Introduction 489
The Model Tree .489
External Reference Types .491
Circular References 492
The Reference Viewer 493
The Reference Viewer (continued) .494
The Reference Viewer (continued) .495
Reference Control .496
Reference Control Configuration Options .497
Breaking External References 498
Exercise 21 – Managing External References 499
Appendix A .501
Exercise 22 .501
Exercise 23 .512
Exercise 24 .522
Exercise 25

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