COMOS FloWorks Tutorial
اسم المؤلف
Dassault Systèmes - SolidWorks Corporation
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COMOS FIoWorks Tutorial
First Steps – Ball Valve Design
Open the SolidWorks Model . 1-1
Create a COSMOSFloWorks Project 1-2
Boundary Conditions 1-5
Define the Engineering Goal 1-7
Solution . 1-9
Monitor the Solver 1-9
Adjust Model Transparency 1-11
Cut Plots . 1-11
Surface Plots 1-13
Isosurface Plots 1-14
Flow Trajectory Plots . 1-15
XY Plots . 1-16
Surface Parameters . 1-18
Analyze a Design Variant in the SolidWorks Ball part 1-18
Clone the Project . 1-22
Analyze a Design Variant in the COSMOSFloWorks Application 1-22
Contentsii COSMOSFloWorks 2008 Tutorial
First Steps – Conjugate Heat Transfer
Open the SolidWorks Model . 2-1
Preparing the Model . 2-2
Create a COSMOSFloWorks Project 2-3
Define the Fan 2-6
Define the Boundary Conditions 2-8
Define the Heat Source . 2-9
Create a New Material . 2-11
Define the Solid Materials 2-11
Define the Engineering Goals . 2-13
Specifying Volume Goals 2-13
Specifying Surface Goals 2-14
Specifying Global Goals 2-16
Changing the Geometry Resolution 2-18
Solution 2-19
Viewing the Goals 2-19
Flow Trajectories . 2-20
Cut Plots . 2-22
Surface Plots 2-25COSMOSFloWorks 2008 Tutorial iii
First Steps – Porous Media
Open the SolidWorks Model .3-2
Create a COSMOSFloWorks Project .3-2
Define the Boundary Conditions 3-4
Create an Isotropic Porous Medium 3-5
Define the Porous Medium – Isotropic Type .3-7
Specifying Surface Goals 3-8
Define the Equation Goal .3-10
Solution 3-11
Viewing the Goals 3-12
Flow Trajectories .3-12
Clone the Project .3-13
Create a Unidirectional Porous Medium .3-14
Define the Porous Medium – Unidirectional Type 3-14
Compare the Isotropic and Unidirectional Catalysts 3-15
Determination of Hydraulic Loss
Model Description .4-2
Creating a Project 4-3
Specifying Boundary Conditions 4-7
Specifying Surface Goals 4-8
Running the Calculation .4-9
Monitoring the Calculation .4-10
Cloning the Project 4-10
Creating a Cut Plot 4-11
Working with Parameter List 4-14
Creating a Goal Plot .4-15
Working with Calculator .4-16
Changing the Geometry Resolution .4-18iv COSMOSFloWorks 2008 Tutorial
Cylinder Drag Coefficient
Creating a Project . 5-2
Specifying 2D Plane Flow . 5-6
Specifying a Global Goal . 5-7
Specifying an Equation Goal . 5-7
Cloning a Project and Creating a New Configuration 5-8
Changing Project Settings . 5-9
Changing the Equation Goal 5-10
Creating a Template 5-11
Creating a Project from the Template . 5-11
Solving a Set of Projects . 5-13
Getting Results 5-13
Heat Exchanger Efficiency
Open the Model . 6-2
Creating a Project . 6-2
Symmetry Condition . 6-5
Specifying a Fluid Subdomain . 6-6
Specifying Boundary Conditions . 6-7
Specifying Solid Materials . 6-11
Specifying a Volume Goal 6-12
Running the Calculation . 6-13
Viewing the Goals 6-13
Creating a Cut Plot . 6-14
Displaying Flow Trajectories . 6-17
Computation of Surface Parameters 6-19
Calculating the Heat Exchanger Efficiency 6-20
Specifying the Parameter Display Range 6-21COSMOSFloWorks 2008 Tutorial v
Mesh Optimization
Problem Statement .7-2
SolidWorks Model Configuration .7-3
Project Definition 7-3
Conditions .7-3
Manual Specification of the Minimum Gap Size 7-7
Switching off the Automatic Mesh Definition 7-9
Specifying Control Planes 7-12
Creating a Second Local Initial Mesh .7-14
Application of EFD Zooming
Problem Statement .8-1
Two Ways of Solving the Problem with COSMOSFloWorks 8-3
The EFD Zooming Approach .8-3
First Stage of EFD Zooming .8-4
Project for the First Stage of EFD Zooming .8-4
Second Stage of EFD Zooming 8-8
Project for the Second Stage of EFD Zooming 8-9
Changing the Heat Sink .8-14
Clone Project to the Existing Configuration 8-15
The Local Initial Mesh Approach 8-16
COSMOSFloWorks Project for the Local Initial Mesh Approach (Sink No1) . 8-16
COSMOSFloWorks Project for the Local Initial Mesh Approach (Sink No2) . 8-20
Results .8-20vi COSMOSFloWorks 2008 Tutorial
Textile Machine
Problem Statement 9-1
SolidWorks Model Configuration . 9-2
Project Definition . 9-3
Conditions . 9-3
Specifying Rotating Walls . 9-4
Initial Conditions – Swirl 9-5
Specifying Goals 9-6
Results – Smooth Walls . 9-7
Displaying Particles Trajectories and Flow Streamlines 9-8
Modeling Rough Rotating Wall . 9-10
Adjusting Wall Roughness . 9-11
Results – Rough Walls . 9-11
Non-Newtonian Flow in a Channel with Cylinders
Problem Statement . 10-1
SolidWorks Model Configuration 10-2
Specifying Non-Newtonian Liquid . 10-2
Project Definition 10-2
Conditions 10-3
Specifying Goals 10-3
Comparison with Water 10-4
Changing Project Settings . 10-4
Heated Ball with a Reflector and a Screen
Problem Statement . 11-1
SolidWorks Model Configuration 11-2
Case 1 . 11-3
Project Definition 11-3
Definition of the Computational Domain . 11-3
Adjusting Automatic Mesh Settings . 11-4
Definition of Radiative Surfaces 11-4
Specifying Bodies Transparent to the Heat Radiation 11-5COSMOSFloWorks 2008 Tutorial vii
Heat Sources and Goals Specification 11-5
Case 2 11-6
Changing the Radiative Surface Condition .11-6
Goals Specification .11-6
Specifying Initial Condition in Solid .11-7
Case 3 11-7
Results .11-8
Rotating Impeller
Problem Statement 12-1
SolidWorks Model Configuration 12-2
Project Definition .12-2
Conditions 12-3
Specifying Stationary Walls 12-4
Impeller’s Efficiency 12-5
Specifying Project Goals .12-5
Results .12-8
CPU Cooler
Problem Statement 13-1
SolidWorks Model Configuration 13-2
Project Definition .13-2
Computational Domain 13-2
Rotating Region 13-3
Specifying Stationary Walls .13-5
Solid Materials .13-6
Heat Source .13-6
Initial Mesh Settings 13-6
Specifying Project Goals .13-9
Results 13-11


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