Coloring Technology for Plastics
Coloring Technology for Plastics
Ronald M. Harris, Editor
Society of Plastics Engineer
Table of Contents
A Primer on Colorful Additives
Ronald M. Harris
Pigments and Dyes
Ronald M. Harris
Photochromic Dyes of Enhanced Performance
David Clarke, Fiona Ellwood, James Robinson
Three Color Effects From Interference Pigments
Louis Armanini, Henry L. Mattin
Fluorescent Pigments as Plastic Colorants: An Overview
Darren D. Bianchi
Color Styling with Genuine Metallics in Plastics
Henning Bunge
Metallic Looking Plastics. With New Silver and Colored Aluminum Pigments
Hans-Henning Bunge
Ultramarine Blue, an Old pigment, a New Process
Thierry Guilmin
Predicting Maximum Field Service Temperatures From Solar Reflectance.
Measurements of Vinyl
Henry K. Hardcastle III
Reactive Trapping of 3, 3’-Dichlorobenzidine Decomposition Products in
Polyethylene-Based Diarylide Pigment Concentrates
William Anjowski, Christopher J. B. Dobbin
Photoresponsive Polyurethane-Acrylate Copolymers
Eduardo A. Gonzalez de los Santos, M. J. Lozano-Gonzalez, A. F. Johnson
Safety, Health and Environmental Regulatory Affairs for Colorants used in
the Plastics Industry
Hugh M. Smith
Visual Texture
Josef Feldman
Effective Pigment Incorporation
Surface Smoothness and its Influence on Paint Appearance. How to Measure
and Control it?
Gabriele Kigle-Boeckler
Static Control Methods in Plastics Decorating to Reduce Rejection Rates
and Increase Production Efficiency
H. Sean Fremon
Dispersive Mixing of Surfactant-Modified Titanium Dioxide Agglomerates
into High Density Polyethylene
Javier P. Arrizón, Rafael E. Salazar and Martin Arellano
A Comparative Study of the Use of High Intensity Dispersive Mixers and
Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruders in the Manufacture of High Quality
Color Concentrates
Alex Rom-Roginski, Christopher J. B. Dobbin
In-line Color Monitoring of Pigmented Polyolefins During Extrusion.
I. Assessment
Ramin Reshadat and Stephen T. Balke, Felix Calidonio and
Christopher J. B. Dobbin
The Effects of Injection Molding Parameters on Color and Gloss
Eric Dawkins, Kris Horton, Paul Engelmann, M. Monfore
Method for Effective Color Change in Extrusion Blow Molding Accumulator
John S. Hsu, Dean Reber
Four Color Process Compact Disc Printing: Getting as Close as Possible to
David Scher
Improving the Processability of Fluorescent Pigments
David A. Hey1
Testing Colored Products
Understanding Test Variation. A Plastics Case Study
Scott Heitzman, John Sheets
Visual Color Matching and the Importance of Controlling External Variables
John Tasca
Practical Analysis Techniques of Polymer Fillers by Fourier Transform
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
Barbara J. Coles, Caryn J. Hall
Measuring Stabilizers in Pigmented Plastics with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Peter Solera, Michael Nirsberger Noe Castillo
Multi-Angle Spectrophotometers for Metallic, Pearlescent, and Special Effects
Brian D. Teunis
209 An Investigation of Multi-angle Spectrophotometry for Colored Polypropylene
D. Jeffery Davis
Color Concerns in Polymer Blends
Bruce M. Mulholland
Effect of Colorants on Properties of Colored Materials
The Effect of Pigments on the Crystallization and Properties of Polypropylene
S. Kenig, A. Silberman, I. Dolgopolsky
The Effect of Nucleating Agents on the Morphology and Crystallization
Behavior of Polypropylene
E. Ha&in-Jones, W. R. Murphy, N. Macauley
Relationship Between the Microstructure and the Properties of Rotationally
Molded Plastics
M. C. Cramez, M. J. Oliveira, R. J. Crawford
Colored Engineering Resins for High Strain/Thin Walled Applications
Bruce M. Mulholland
Feasibility of Automotive Coatings Designed for Direct Adhesion to TPO
Michelle Mikulec
Infrared Welding of Thermoplastics. Colored Pigments and Carbon Black
Levels on Transmission of Infrared Radiation
Robert A Grimm, Hong Yeh
Laser Transmission Welding of Thermoplastics: Analysis of the Heating Phase
H. Potente, J. Korte, F. Becker
Laser Marking
Interaction of Lasers with Plastics and Other Materials
Shiv C. Dass
Customized Decorating of Plastic Parts with Gray Scale and Multi-Color
Images Using Lasers
Terry J. McKee, Landy Toth, Wolfgang Sauerer
Color Laser Marking: A New Marking and Decorating Alternative for Olefins
Alan Burgess, Ke Feng
Implementation of Beam-Steered Laser Marking of Coated and Uncoated Plastics
Richard L. Stevenson
Lasermarkable Engineering Resins
B. M. Mulholland
vThe Enhancement of Laser Marking Plastic Polymers with Pearlescent Pigments 323
Jeff D. Babich, Gerhard Edler
xcolor change 157
col or ing 229
com pos ites 121
con cen trates 72, 127, 134, 144, 195
con cen tra tion 50, 52
CONEG 37, 88, 91, 98
con for ma tion 84
conformational changes 80
con sis tency 57
con trast 106
con trast ratio 232
cool ing rate 251
cos me tics 21
coumarin 36
crosslinking 255
crystallinity 232, 239, 243
crys tal lite size 252
crys tal li za tion 239, 249, 250
pro cess 253
rate 267
dam age 116
de com po si tion 71, 73
dec o rat ing 113
deg ra da tion 255, 258
den sity 131
di rec tional differ ence 189
dis per sion 9, 121, 123, 130, 263
ki net ics 124
dis tinct ness of image 105, 210
do sim e ter mate ri als 79
dot size 166
DSC 240, 242, 250, 260
du ra bil ity 52
dyes 2, 9, 10
benzidine 92
flu o res cent 11
photochromic 13, 18
strength 19
elec tri cal eliminators 116
elec tro mag netic spectrum 35
elon ga tion 51
enthalpy 241, 260
EPA 92, 95
excimer 296
exotherm 240, 250
ex plo sion 44
ex trud er 37, 196, 253
ex tru sion 37, 45, 50, 99, 260
fail ure crite ria 66
fash ion 13
fa tigue 18
fatty acids 47
FDA 6, 233, 304
fi ber 37
fi ber glass 191, 236, 237, 267
film 37, 136, 278
flakes 39, 40, 41, 45, 50
thick ness 51
flame retar dants 235
flow lines 50, 149
flu o res cence micros copy 257
flu o res cent colorants 35
food packag ing 292
FTIR 74, 191, 257, 258
gloss 103, 150, 152, 222
graphic images 295
gray ing effect 41
grayscale writing 298
ground ing 114, 115
HALS 198
han dles 52
HDPE 11, 37, 121, 292
328 Coloring Technology for Plasticsheat
ag ing 76
buildup 59
ca pac ity 241
sta bil ity 11
heat ing rate 259
heavy metals 88
Henschel mixer 44, 45
hid ing 50
HIPS 47, 236
hydroperoxide 258
hypsochromic shift 16
im pact modi fi ers 236
im pact strength 243, 258, 260
indoline 80
indoline ring 16
in fra red energy 277
in jec tion molding 37, 45, 49, 50, 99, 150, 172
inks 52, 168, 289, 301, 313
in su la tion 66
in ter fer ence color 32
interphase 240, 246
ionizers 116
ion iz ing guns 118
iron oxide 3
irradiance 61
ir ra di a tion 80, 83
isoindolinone 245
iso ther mal crystal li za tion 241
jetness 6
ka olin 192, 193, 293
knobs 52
lapis lazuli 55
la sers 283, 289
beam 293
cod ing 289, 291, 295
gas evolu tion 314
gray scale imag ing 297
mark ing 292, 296, 302, 303, 309, 310,
317, 323
mark ing in color 304
types 291, 319
writ ing 297
LCP 232
LDPE 292
leaf ing 41, 42
light booth 187
light fastness 9
LLDPE 72, 131, 144, 200
lu bri cants 236
masterbatch 142, 144, 171
melt 251
col or ing 1
in dex 136
mesh size 166
metal salts 2
metamerism 185, 188, 268, 269
MFI 50
mica 21, 23, 293, 298
microcracks 293
microstructure 259, 261
mi cro-texture 99
mil i tary 13
mix ers 127
mix ing 121, 127
de gree 121
MMA 81
mold releases 236
mold ing 114
mo lec u lar model ling 79
mor phol ogy 239, 249
multi-angle spectrophotometry 209, 219
Index 329mul ti lay ered barrier 41
NIR 142, 195
nitrosonaphthol 14
non-leafing 41, 42
Noryl 232
nu cle at ing
ac tiv ity 260, 261
ef fect 259
sys tems 252
nu cle ation 240, 249
ef fi ciency 252
op ti cal
bright en ers 36
den sity 16, 17
stor age 13
or ange peel 106
out door expo sure 5
out put rate 131
paint ing 113,
paints 42, 100, 103, 111, 214, 313
pa per 292
par ti cle size 2, 40, 49, 231, 265
pastes 42
PBT 232, 237, 268
PC 43, 44
perinones 9, 11
PET 292
phase transfor ma tion 244
photochromic effect 14
photo chrom ism 13, 79
photoisomerization 80, 82
photo-luminescence 35
photomechanical response 84
photo real ism 163
photo-response 79
photoresponsive materials 79
phthalocyanine 5, 6, 8, 25, 91, 95, 96, 179
pig ments 1
alu mi num 43, 45, 49
bronze 43, 46
com bi na tion 24
diarylide 70, 92
disazo 9
en cap su lated 42, 46
flu o res cent 35, 171
in or ganic 2, 3, 264
in ter fer ence 21
me tal lic 39
or ganic 5, 7, 264
pearlescent 21, 209, 325
perylene 8
photo-chromic 79
poly mer coated 42
quinacridone 8
re flect ing 27
plasma treatment 273
plas tic lenses 13
plasticizers 42, 45, 121
plastisols 37
platelet 22
plateout 171
polyamide 4, 11,36,51, 52, 92, 206, 232, 233,
235, 286, 299, 300
poly es ters 45, 36, 92, 265
poly eth yl ene 69, 232, 258, 277, 298, 306
poly eth yl ene wax 50
polyolefins 19, 42, 46, 141, 301
poly propy lene 69, 92, 219, 232, 239, 249, 258,
273, 292
poly ure thane-acrylate 79
polyurethanes 19
PPS 232
premanufacturing noti fi ca tion 89
prin ci pal color 32
330 Coloring Technology for Plasticsprofilometer 107
profilometry 106
PS 43, 44, 47, 234, 236, 292
PVAc 193
PVC 4, 42, 43, 45, 46, 59, 63, 233, 235, 292
py rom e ters 64
quinacridone 8, 25, 91, 180, 205
ra di a tion 286
re ac tion order 244
ref er ence beam 26
reflectance 61
re flected image 106
re flec tion
dif fuse 231
in ten sity 24
re flec tivity 23, 50
re frac tive index 22, 231
regrind 253
re in forc ing agents 236
reproducibility 57,175
rhe o log i cal
be hav ior 125
prop er ties 255
rhe om e ter 255
rhodamine 36
ro ta tional molding 37, 255, 256
rough ness 105, 108
safety 87
SAN 236
scat ter ing 22, 44
screen printing 118, 163
se cu rity 13
self-heating 93
SEM 40
shin gles 60
shrink age 267, 268
sil anes 235
sil ica 52, 171
sil i cates 191
so lar spectrum 60
spe cific gravity 45
spherulite size 251, 253
spheru lites 244, 255, 257, 259, 260
spidering 116
spiropyrane 79
splay 149
sta bi liz ers 19, 46, 121, 195, 235
static electric ity 113
sten cil 167
strain at break 265
styrenics 11, 37, 42, 47
sur face appear ance 105
sur face smoothness 22, 103
surfactant 121, 125
talc 191, 236, 293
tem per a ture 17, 36, 59, 64, 242
ten sile strength 51
ten sion 166
tex ture 99, 222
ther mal treatment 257
thermochromic phenom e non 147
ther mo cou ples 64, 279
tint strength 137
ti tan ates 235
ti ta nium diox ide 2, 12, 21, 23, 121, 132, 223,
249, 281, 293, 298
tool ing 114
torque 125
toys 52
TPO 271
trans lu cency 232
trans mis sion 23
col ors 27, 28, 30, 31
trans mit tance 61
Index 331trans par ency 9, 43
trans par ent 6
trap ping 69, 71
trays 305
triboelectric series 114
trucks 103
twin-screw 46, 127, 143
two roll mill 45, 179
ul tra ma rine 5, 55, 57, 269
unimolecular reac tions 13
ink 168
spec trum 15
sta bil ity 1, 233
sta bi liz ers 149, 196, 237
vac uum forming 37
vari a tion 175, 214
vec tor images 298
vis cos ity 125
wall thickness 50
wav i ness 107, 109
weath er abil ity 12, 219
web bing 116
Wein’s Law 278
weld lines 149
weld ing 281, 283, 284, 289
wet ting 121
yield strength 243, 245
Young’s modu lus 245
zinc sulfide 4
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