Civil Engineering – Conventional And Objective Type

Civil Engineering – Conventional And Objective Type
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Civil Engineering – Conventional And Objective Type
[For the Students of U.P.S.C. (Engg. Services);
I.A.S. (Engg. Group); B.Sc. Engg.; Diploma
and other Competitive Courses]

    I . Introduction. 2. Force. 3. Resultant Force. 4. System of Forces. 5. Lami’s Theorem. 6. Moment
    of a Force. 7. Varignon’s Principle of Moments (or Law of Moments). 8. Parallel Forces.
  2. Couple. 10. Centre of Gravity. 11. Moment of Inertia. 12. Friction. 13. Limiting Friction.
  3. Laws of Static Friction. 15. Laws of Dynamic or Kinetic Friction. 16. Coefficient of Friction.
  4. Limiting Angle of Friction. If. Angle of Repose. 19. Minimum Force Required to Slide
    a Body on a Rough Horizontal Plane. 20. Effort Required to Move the Body up an Inclined
    Plane. 21. Effort Required to Move the Body Down an Inclined Plane. 22. Efficiency of an
    Inclined Plane. 23. Screw Jack. 24. Lifting Machine. 25. System of Pulleys. 26. Frame. 27.
    Speed. 28. Velocity. 29. Acceleration. 30. Equations of Linear Motion. 31. Newton s Laws of
    Motion. 32. Mass, Weight and Momentum. 33. D-Alembert’s Principle. 34. Motion of a Lift.
  5. Motion of Two Bodies Connected by a String. 36. Projectile. 37. Equation of the Path of
    a Projectile. 38. Angular Displacement. 39. Angular Velocity. 40. Angular Acceleration. 41.
    Simple Harmonic Motion. 42. Velocity and Acceleration of a Particle Moving with Simple
    Harmonic Motion. 43. Simple Pendulum. 44. Closely Coiled Helical Spring. 45. Compound
    Pendulum. 46. Centre of Percussion. 47. Torsional Pendulum. 48. Centripetal and Centrifugal
    Force. 49. Superelevation. 50. Collision of Two Bodies. 51. Work. 52. Power. 53. Energy.
    Objective Type Questions
    I. Introduction. 2. Stress. 3. Strain. 4. Tensile Stress and Strain. 5. Compressive Stress and
    Strain. 6. Young’s Modulus or Modulus of Elasticity. 7. Shear Stress and Strain. 8. Shear
    Modulus or Modulus of Rigidity. 9. Stress in a Bar due to its Own Weight. 10. Stresses in
    Bars of Varying Sections. 11. Stresses in Bars of Uniformly Tapering Circular Section.
  7. Stresses in Composite Bars. 13. Stresses due to Change in Temperature – Thermal Stresses.
  8. Thermal Stresses in Bars of Tapering Section. 15. Primary or Linear Strain. 16. Secondary
    or Lateral Strain. 17. Poisson’s Ratio. 18. Volumetric Strain. 19. Bulk Modulus. 20. Bearing
    Stress or Crushing Stress. 21. Principal Stresses and Strains. 22. Stress on an Oblique Section
    of a Body Subjected to Direct Stresses in One Plane. 23. Stresses on an Oblique Section of
    a Body Subjected to Direct Stresses in Two Mutually Perpendicular Directions. 24. Stresses
    on an Oblique Section of a Body in One Plane Accompanied by a Simple Shear Stress. 25.
    Stresses on an Oblique Section of a Body Subjected to Direct Stresses in Two Mutually
    Perpendicular Directions Accompanied by a Simple Shear Stress. 26. Mohr’s Circle of Stresses.
  9. Resilience. 28. Stress Induced in a Body Under Different Modes of Loading. 29. Types
    of Beams. 30. Types of Loading. 31. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams. 32.
    Assumptions in Theory of Bending 33. Bending Equation for Beams in Simple Bending. 34.
    Beams of Uniform Strength. 35. Beams of Composite Section (Flitched Beams). 36. Shear
    Stress in Beams. 37. Deflection of Beams. 38. Shear Stress in Shafts. 39. Strain Energy due
    to Torsion. 40. Shaft Subjected to Combined Bending and Torsion. 41. Springs. 42. Stiffness
    of a Spring. 43. Carriage Spring or Leaf Springs. 44. Closely Coiled Helical Springs. 45. Springs
    in Series and Parallel. 46. Riveted Joints. 47. Important Terms Used in Riveted Joints. 48.
    Failures of Riveted Joints. 49. Welded Joints. 50. Thin Cylindrical and Spherical Shells. 51.
    Change in Dimensions of a Thin Cylindrical Shell. 52. Thin Spherical Shells. 53. Thick
    Cylindrical and Spherical Shells. 54. Direct and Bending Stress. 55. Limit of Eccentricity. 56.
    Columns and Struts. 57. Rankine’s Formula for Columns. 58. Dams and Retaining Walls. 59.
    Conditions for Stability for a Dam. 60. Active Earth Pressure. 61. Passive Earth Pressure. 62.
    Rankine’s Theory for Active Earth Pressure. 63. Reinforced Cement Concrete Beams. 64.
    Critical and Actual Neutral Axis. 65. Mechanical Properties of Materials. 66. Stress-Strain
    Diagram for a Mild Steel under Tensile Test.
    Objective Type Questions
    Pipe. or due Important 26. Orifice of 16. Metacentric Absolute Liquid. 1. 9. Compound aIntroduction. Types Important toLock 36. Liquid Friction Meter 4. Flow Expressions of Pressure. Gates. Pressure in Height. Flows and Pipes. Expressions through Motion. in2.Pitot Pipe. 10. Important of in 7. 13. 33. aaBuoyancy. used Tube. Measurement Nozzle Liquid. 31. 19. Pipe. Fluid Pipes used in Bernoulli’s Hydraulic 23. Terms 17. Kinematics. Notches in 5. atMomentum in Dynamics Pascal’s Parallel. 11. theOrifices used of end Equilibrium Gradient and Equation. Pressure. inLaw. of 14. 34. Weirs. of Hydraulics Equation. and aRate Fluid. Syphon. 6. Pipe. and 20 Mouthpieces. Atmospheric 8. 29. of of Total Total 18. Euler’s 37. Discharge. 24. Floating Pipes and Different 35. Water Orifice. Energy Pressure Fluid Equation and Power Pressur Bodies 27. Channels^^ Hammer Me 15 Types^T 25. Lines and Transmitt Notche hHyd 21° v,6 r^86 32 v C°f dS f8’es Cocff|ci ofC°n? h Dimensionless Flow 45. 42. Open Velocity Newton’s Channels. AroundofLaw Immersed Numbers. Sound 39. of Most Wave. Viscosity. Economical Bodies. 46. 43. Mach 49. Section Viscous Types Number ofResistance. of aand Channel. Forces its Importance. Present 40. 44. Vortex Compressible in47. Flow. a Stagnati Moving 4|Fio^011^0 v °W 1 VOnL^ 50
    Objective Type Questions
    of 9. Turbines. 1.Centrifugal Cavitation. Introduction. 6. Draft Pumps. 10.2.Centrifugal Tube. Impact 13. 7. Net of Specific Positive Pumps. Jets. 3.Speed. Suction 11. Hydraulic Multi-stage 8.Head Unit Turbines. (NPSH). Speed, Centrifugal 4. Unit 14. Impulse Model Discharge Pumps. Turbines. Testing 12. and Specific and Unit 5.Sirmlanu React Po^ Speed
    of Pumps. 15. Reciprocating Pump. 16. Air Vessels. 17. Miscellaneous Hydraulic Machines.
    Objective Type Questions
    I . Introduction 2. General Classification of Surveys. 3. Principles of Surveying. 4. Scales
  13. Measurement of Distance. 6. Instruments used for Chaining. 7. Error in Length due to
    Incorrect Chain. 8. Chaining on Sloping Ground. 9. Correction for Slope. 10. Errors in
    Chaining. 11. Tape Correction. 12. Chain Surveying. 13. Instruments for Setting out Right
    Angles. 14. Obstacles in Chaining. 15. Traverse Surveying 16. Designation of Bearings
  14. Reduced Bearings. 18. Fore and Back Bearings. 19. Local Attraction, Dip and Magnetic
    Declination. 20. Theodolite Traversing. 21. Surveying Telescope. 22. Measurement of
    Horizontal Angles, Direct Angles, Deflection Angles and Vertical Angles. 23. Traverse Survey
    with a Theodolite. 24. Traverse Computations. 25. Balancing the Traverse. 26. Levelling. 27.
    Simple and Differential Levelling. 28. Reduction of levels. 29. Contouring. 30. Methods of
    Contouring. 31. Interpolation of Contours. 32. Plane Table Surveying. 33. Methods of Plane
    Tabling. 34. Two Point Problem and Three Pcmt Problem. 35. Curves. 36. Transition Curves
  15. Tacheometric Surveying. 38. Computation of Areas.
    Objective Type Questions
  17. Introduction. 2. Stones. 3. Important Building Stones. 4. Bricks. 5. Lin’6
  18. Classification of Bricks. 7. Special Bricks. 8. Building Tiles. 9. Lime. y
    j j Cement. 12. Testing of Portland Cement. 13. Mortar and Concrete. 14. Timber.
    15 Seasoning of Timber. 15. Defect* In ‘limber. 17. Paints. 18. Varnishes. 19. Lacquers.
  19. Distempers.
    Objective Type Questions
  20. Introduction. 2. Classification of .Soil Water. 3. Terms used in Irrigation. 4. Base Period,
    Delta and Duty. 5. Commanded Areas. 6. Methods of Distribution of Irrigation Water.
  21. Consumptive use of Water. 8. Hydrology, 9. Hydrological Cycle. 10. Hydrograph,
    Hyetrograph. 11. Precipitation. 12. Run-off and Catchment. 13. Estimation of Maximum Flood
    Discharge. 14. Irrigation Canals. 15. Canal Alignment. 16. Layout of Canal System. 17. Terms
    Relating to Canal Section. 18. Canal Lining. 19. Kennedy’s Silt Theory. 20. Lacey’s Theory.
  22. Water Logging. 22. Canal Regulatory Works. 23, Regulators. 24. Escapes. 25. Canal Falls.
  23. Canal Outlets or Modules. 27. Canal Head Works. 28. Weir or Barrage. 29. Bligh’s Creep
    Theory. 30. Khosla’s Theory. 31. River Training Works. 32. Types of River Taining Works
  24. Cross-Drainage Works.
    Objective Type Questions
  26. Introduction. 2. Sources of Water. 3. Yield of a Well. 4. Quantity of Water. 5. Forecasting
    Population. 6. Quality of Water. 7. Physical Examination of Water. 8. Chemical Examination
    of Water. 9. Living Organisms in Water. 10. Biological Tests. 11. Water Treatment. 12.
    Softening of Waler. 13. Distribution of Water. 14. Water Distribution System. 15. Methods
    of Water Distribution System. 16. Sanitary Engineering. 17. Terms Used in Sanitary Engineer¬
    ing. 18. Storm Sewage 19. Design of Sewers. 20. Methods of Sanitation. 21. Sewerage Systems.
  27. Classification of Sewers. 23. Sewer Joints. 24. Sewerage Appurtenances. 25. House
    Drainage. 26. Plumbing Systems. 27. Traps. 28. Privy. 29. Sewage Disposal. 30. Sewage
    Treatment. 31. Classification of Sewage Treatment.
    Objective Type Questions
  29. Introduction. 2. Classification of Roads. 3. Components of a City Road. 4. Water Bound
    Mecadam Roads. 5. Elements of Transportation Cost of Highway. 6. Various Components of
    a Road Surface. 7. Camber. 8. Superelevation. 9. Gradient. 10. Sight Distance. 11. Curves. 12.
    Transition Curve. 13. Vertical Curves. 14. Procedure for Fixing Alignment of a Hill Road. 15.
    Important Terms used in Hill Roads. 16. Classification of Hill Road. 17. Geometries of Hill
    Road. 18. Construction of Hill Roads (Retaining Wall, Breast Wall and Parapets). 19. Flexible
    Pavement. 20. Structure of a Road. 21. Flexible Pavement Design. 22. Group Index Method.
  30. California Bearing Ratio (C.B.R.) Method. 24. Concrete Pavements. 25. Stresses in
    Concrete Pavements. 26. Thickness of the Slab. 27. Joints in Concrete Pavement. 28. Criteria
    for Highway Design. 29. Traffic Engineering. 30. Traffic Signs. 31. Traffic Signals. 32. Types
    of Signals. 33. Signal Systems.
    Objective Type Questions
  32. Introduction. 2. Railway Gauges. 3. Rail Sections. 4. Length of Rail. 5. Rail Joints. 6. Coning
    of Wheels. 7. Tilting of Rails. 8. Hogging of Rails. 9. Buckling of Rails. 10. Creep of Rails.
  33. Wear of Rails. 12. Fish Plates. 13. Sleepers. 14. Types of Sleepers. 15. Sleeper Density.
  34. Ballast. 17. Railway Fastenings and Fixtures. 18. Gradient. 19. Superelevation. 20. Cant
    Deficiency. 21. Negative Superelevation or Cant. 22. Curves. 23. Plate Laying 24. Railway
    Station. 25. Platform. 26. Railway Yards. 27. Important Terms used in Rails. 28. Points and
    o . (X)
    Crossings. 29. Crossings. 30. Track Junctions. 31. Signalling 37 „
    Interlocking. 8‘ Slgnalhng System 33.
    Objective Type Questions
  36. Introduction. 2. Properties of Fine Grained Soil. 3. Three Phase r r
    Terms Determination used inofSoil Properties Mechanics. of Solids. 5. Important 7. Sensitivity Relationships of Clays 8 Soil Between Structure Soil0^^^ o p
    Conditions 10. 16. Seepage Coefficient inPressure. Soil. of Conxion. 14. 11. Compressibility Flow Lines !7. Degree and and Equipotential Consolidation of Consolidationi Lines 15 Coefficient ?2^ofVT1
    il’T e’T2°’ C0U1°mb’S UW’ 2L 21 Coefficient “f
    ot Soils. S’ 26. 0Terzaghi s Analysis. °f C°heSiVe Soils- 24 25. Bearing Capacity
    Objective Type Questions
  38. Introduction. 2. Types of Foundations. 3. Types of Shallow Foundations. 4. Types of Deep
    Foundations. 5. Classification of Piles. 6. Pile Driving. 7. Coffer Dams. ,8. Caissons. 9. Design
    of Shallow Foundations. 10. Damp-Proofing. 11 Cavity Wall. 12. Scaffolding. 13. Shoring.
  39. Under pinning. 15. Stone Masonry. 16. Classification of Stone Masonry. 17. Brick Masonry.
  40. Bonds in Brick Work. 19. Retaining Walls and Breast Walls. 20. Partition Wall. 21.
    Flooring. 22. Stairs. 23. Arches. 24. Classification of Arches. 25. Doors and Windows. 26.
    Types of Doors and Windows. 27. Roofs. 28. Technical Terms used in Pitched Roofs. 29.
    Types of Pitched Roofs.
    Objective Type Questions
  42. Introduction. 2. Properties of Concrete. 3. Classification of Concrete. 4. Functions of
    Ingredients of Cement. 5. Composition of Cement Clinker. 6. Setting and Hardening of Cement.
  43. Types of Cements. 8. Testing of Portland Cement. 9. Aggregate. 10. Specific Gravity and
    Bulk Density of Aggregate. 11. Properties of Aggregate. 12. Bulking of Sand. 13. Deleterious
    Materials in Aggregate. 14. Fineness Modulus. 15. Water. 16. Admixtures. 17. Water Cement
    Ratio. 18. Workability. 19. Measurement of Workability. 20. Concrete G.ades. 21. Methods
    of Proportioning Concrete. 22. Storing of Ingredients of Concrete. 23. Production of Concrete.
  44. Stripping of Forms.
    Objective Type Questions
  46. Introduction. 2. Assumptions in R.C.C. Beam Design. 3. Direct Tension and Compression
    in Concrete. 4. Design of R.C.C. Structures. 5. Design of Singly Reinforced Beams. 6. Types
    of Beam Sections. 7. Shear Stress in Reinforced Beams. 8. Bond Stress. 9. Doubly Reinforced
    Section. 10. T-beam. 11. Columns. 12. Slabs. 13. Reinforcement in Slabs. 14. Bending Moment
    in Slabs. 15. Two Way Slabs. 16. Flat Slab. 17. Circular Slab. 18. Ribbed, Hollow Block or
    Voided Slab. 19. Foundations. 20. Design of Shallow Foundations. 21. Design of Deep
    Foundations. 22. Retaining Walls. 23. Staircase. 24. Prestressed Concrete. 25. Losses in
    Prestressing. 26. Analysis of Prestress. 27. Concept of Load Balancing. 28. Ultimate Load
    Theory or Load Factor Method of R.C.C. Design.
    Objective Type Questions
  48. Introduction. 2. Structural Steel Sections. 3. Important Terms. 4. Riveted Joints.
    Riveted 5. Assumptions Connections. in the 8. Theory Welded of Riveted Joints. Joints. 9. Compression 6. FailuresMembers. of a Riveted 10.Joint. Euler’s 7. Eccentric Formula.
  49. Angle Iron Struts. 12. Compression Member Composed of Two Components Back-to-Back.
  50. Lacing and Battening for Built-up Columns. 14. Batten Plates. 15. Perforated Plates.
  51. Eccentrically Loaded Column. 17. Column Splice. 18. Column Bases. 19. Tension
    Members. 20. Net Sectional Area. 21. Design of Axially Loaded Tension Member. 22. Tension
    Considerations Members Subjected of a Beam. to Bending. 27. Design 23. Tension of Beams. Splice. 28. Built-up 24. Lug Beams. Angle. 29. 25. Lintels. Beams. 30. 26. Jack Design Arch
    Roofs. 31. Beam and Column Connections. 32. Plate Girder. 33. Design of a Plate Girder.
    Objective Type Questions
  53. Introduction. 2. Functions of Construction Management 3. Classification of Construction
    Works, 4. Construction Stages. 5. Construction Team. 6. Resources in a Construction Project
  54. Construction Planning. 8. Construction Scheduling. 9. Organisation. 10. Principles of
    Organisation. 11. Methods of Planning and Scheduling. 12. Bar Chart or Gantt Chart
  55. Milestone Chart. 14. Ne4444twork Planning and Scheduling. 15. Terms used in Network
    Planning Methods. 16. Critical Path Method (CPM). 17. Programme Evaluation Review
    Technique (PERT).
    Objective Type Questions
  57. Introduction to Geology. 2. The Restless Earth. 3. Palaeontology. 4. Mineralogy.
  58. Petrology and Igneous Rocks. 6. Sedimentary Rocks. 7. Metamorphic Rocks. 8. Physical
    Geology. 9., Structural Geology. 10. Field Geology. 11. Hydrology. 12. Earth Movements
    and Volcanic Activities. 13. Civil Engineering Geology. 14. Physiography of India.
  59. Stratigraphy of India. 16. Coal and Petroleum in India.
    Objective Type Questions

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