كورس تعليم رسم السطوح باستخدام برنامج كاتيا – CATIA Surfacing Course
كورس تعليم رسم السطوح باستخدام برنامج كاتيا
CATIA Surfacing Course
1.Introduction \ 01.Welcome
1.Introduction \ 02.What you should know
1.Introduction \ 03.Exercise files
2.1. Introduction to Generative Shape Design \ 04.What is a surface
2.1. Introduction to Generative Shape Design \ 05.Workbenches for surface creation
2.1. Introduction to Generative Shape Design \ 06.Settings and options
3.2. Interface and Data Organization \ 07.Different meanings of hybrid design
3.2. Interface and Data Organization \ 08.Model tree organization
3.2. Interface and Data Organization \ 09.In work object and data organization
3.2. Interface and Data Organization \ 10.History and edits
4.3. Reference Elements and Curves \ 11.Point references
4.3. Reference Elements and Curves \ 12.Line references
4.3. Reference Elements and Curves \ 13.Plane references
4.3. Reference Elements and Curves \ 14.Project and intersect parallel elements
4.3. Reference Elements and Curves \ 15.Applying 3D circle and corner
4.3. Reference Elements and Curves \ 16.Making 3D spline curves
5.4. Basic Surfaces \ 17.Extrude and revolve
5.4. Basic Surfaces \ 18.Predefined surfaces – Cylinder and sphere
5.4. Basic Surfaces \ 19.Making offset surfaces
5.4. Basic Surfaces \ 20.Fill surfaces for odd shapes
5.4. Basic Surfaces \ 21.Creating sweep surfaces
5.4. Basic Surfaces \ 22.Basic surface exercise
6.5. Operations \ 23.Join together elements
6.5. Operations \ 24.Split and trim curves and surfaces
6.5. Operations \ 25.Boundary and extract
6.5. Operations \ 26.Using transformations
6.5. Operations \ 27.Extrapolate curves and surfaces
6.5. Operations \ 28.Shape fillet
6.5. Operations \ 29.Operations exercise
6.5. Operations \ 30.Operations and modifications exercise
7.6. Analysis \ 31.Connect checker
7.6. Analysis \ 32.Porcupine analysis
8.Conclusion \ 33.Next steps
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