An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation
An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation
John E. Matsson, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
SolidWorks Flow Simulation Introduction
Setting Up a SolidWorks Flow Simulation Project
Meshing in SolidWorks Flow Simulation
Calculation Control Options
Inserting Boundary Conditions
Choosing Goals
Viewing Results
Limitations of SolidWorks Flow Simulation
References 1-7-
Chapter 2: Flat Plate Boundary Layer 2-1-
Objectives 2-1-
Problem Description
Creating the SolidWorks Part
Setting Up the Flow Simulation Project
Selecting Boundary Conditions
Inserting Global Goals
Running the Calculations
Using Cut Plots to Visualize the Flow Field
Using XY Plots with Templates
Comparison of Flow Simulation Results with Theory and Empirical Data
Cloning of the Project
Chapter 3: Analysis of the Flow past a Sphere and a Cylinder
Problem Description
Creating the SolidWorks Part for the Sphere
Setting Up the Flow Simulation Project for the Sphere
iTable of Contents
Inserting Global Goal for Calculations
Running the Calculations
Using Cut Plots
Inserting Surface Parameters
Cloning of the Project
Time-Dependent Calculations
Creating the SolidWorks Part for the Cylinder
Setting Up the Flow Simulation Project for the Cylinder
Inserting Global Goals for Calculations and selecting 2D Flow
Tabular Saving
Running Calculations for the Cylinder
Using Excel for Frequency Analysis
Inserting XY Plots
Strouhal number
Inserting Cut Plots
Animating the Cut Plots
Chapter 4: Analysis of the Flow past an Airfoil
Problem Description
Creating the SolidWorks Part
Setting Up the Flow Simulation Project
Inserting Global Goals for Calculations
Running the Calculations
Using Cut Plots
Creating a Custom Visualization Parameter
Inserting Equation Goal for Calculations
Cloning of the Project
Creating a Batch Run
I ITable of Contents
References 4-19-
Exercises 4-20-
Chapter 5: Rayleigh-Benard Convection and Taylor-Couette Flow
Problem Description
Creating the SolidWorks Part for Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project for Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Creating Lids
Inserting Boundary Conditions for Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Setting up 2D Flow
Inserting Global Goal for Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Running the Calculations
Inserting Cut Plots
Comparison with Neutral Stability Theory
Creating the SolidWorks Part for Taylor-Couette Flow
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project for Taylor-Couette Flow
Inserting Boundary Conditions for Taylor-Couette Cell
Inserting Global Goal and Running the Calculations for Taylor-Couette Flow
Inserting Surface Plots
Comparison with Neutral Stability Theory
Chapter 6: Pipe Flow
Problem Description
Creating the SolidWorks Part
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project
Creating Lids for the Pipe
Modifying the Computational Domain and Mesh
Inserting Boundary Conditions
Inserting a Global Goal
6-14-Table of Contents
Running the Calculations for Laminar Pipe Flow
Inserting Cut Plots
Inserting XY Plots for Laminar Pipe Flow using Templates..
Theory for Laminar Pipe Flow
Running Calculations for Turbulent Pipe Flow
Theory for Turbulent Pipe Flow
Inserting XY Plots for Turbulent Pipe Flow using Templates
Chapter 7: Flow across a Tube Bank
Problem Description
Creating the SolidWorks Part
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project
Modifying the Computational Domain and Mesh
Inserting Boundary Conditions
Inserting Global Goals
Running the Calculations for Tube Bank Flow …
Inserting Cut Plots
Creating Sketch for XY Plots
Theory and Empirical Data
Chapter 8: Heat Exchanger 8-1-
Problem Description
Creating the SolidWorks Part
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project
Creating Lids
Inserting Boundary Conditions
IVTable of Contents
Inserting Goals 8-16-
Running the Calculations for Heat Exchanger
Inserting Surface Parameters
Inserting Cut Plots
Effectiveness- NTU Method
Reference 8-22-
Exercises 8-23-
Chapter 9: Ball Valve 9-1-
Objectives 9-1-
Problem Description
Creating the Ball Valve
Creating the Ball Valve Housing and Pipe Sections
Creating the Ball Valve and Pipe Assembly
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project for the Ball Valve
Creating Lids and Setting the Minimum Gap Size and Number of Cells
Inserting Boundary Conditions
Inserting Goals
Running the Calculations for Ball Valve
Inserting Cut Plots
Determining Hydraulic Resistance
Chapter 10: Orifice Plate and Flow Nozzle
Problem Description
Creating the Orifice Plate in a Pipe
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project for the Orifice Plate
Inserting Boundary Conditions
Inserting Goals
Running the Calculations for Orifice Plate
Inserting Cut Plots
vTable of Contents
Determining Discharge Coefficient for Orifice Plate
Inserting XY Plots
Creating Sketch for XY Plots
Flow Trajectories
Running the Calculations for Long Radius Nozzle
Determining Discharge Coefficient for Long Radius Nozzle
Chapter 11: Thermal Boundary Layer
Problem Description
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project
Inserting Boundary Conditions
Inserting Goals
Running the Calculations for Low Reynolds Number
Inserting Cut Plots
Plotting Temperature Profiles using Template
Plotting Non-dimensional Temperature Profiles using Template
Plotting Local Nusselt Number using Template
Running the Calculations for High Reynolds Number
Chapter 12: Free-Convection on a Vertical Plate and from a Horizontal Cylinder
Problem Description
Setting up the Flow Simulation Project
Inserting Goals
Running Calculations
Inserting Cut Plots
Plotting Temperature and Velocity Profiles using Templates
VITable of Contents
Plotting Non-dimensional Temperature and Velocity Profiles using Templates
Plotting Local Nusselt Number using Template
Free Convection from a Horizontal Cylinder
Animating the Temperature Field for the Cylinder
VIIAn Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Abscissa 3-25-, 4-15-, 10-14-, 10-16-
Acceleration due to gravity 12-11-
Add all 10-9-
Add point 2-14-, 10-9-
Add/remove goals 10-9-
Additional parameters 6-4-
Adiabatic wall 1-2-, 3-11-, 3-21-, 11-6-
Air 3-10-, 4-6-, 6-6-, 7-5-, 9-15-, 11-2-, 12-3-
Airfoil 1-2-, 4-1-
Alloys 8-11-
Ambient temperature 12-11-
Analysis Toolpak 3-25-
Analysis Toolpak- VBA 3-25-
Analysis type 1-2-, 3-10-, 3-18-, 12-15-
Angle 9-13-
Angle of attack 4-1-, 4-11-, 4-17-, 4-19-
Angular velocity 5-19-
Animation 3-1-, 3-30-, 3-31-, 12-16-
Animation wizard 3-31-, 12-16-, 12-17-
Arc 9-2-, 9-8-
Assembly 9-11-
Automatic setting 1-4-, 6-10-, 7-6-, 9-15-, 11-3-, 12-5-
Average friction coefficient 2-26-, 2-34-
Average heat transfer coefficient 7-16-
Average Nusselt number 11-16-
Average temperature 7-16-
Average velocity 9-22-
Axis 3-5-, 3-24-
Back view 9-15-
Ball valve 9-1-, 9-20-
Batch run 4-18-
Begin Assembly 9-11-
Bemoulli equation 10-12-
Blasius 2-20-, 6-20-
Boundary condition 1-4-, 1-7-, 2-9-, 2-11-, 2-12-, 2-30-, 3-22-, 4-7-, 5-7-, 5-9-, 5-19-, 6-9-, 6-11- 7-6- 8-
14-, 8-15-, 8-16-, 9-16-, 9-17-, 10-7-, 10-8-, 11-3-, 11-4-, 11-5-, 11-14-, 12-4-,12-11-
Boundary layer 1-5-, 2-1-, 2-21-, 2-27-, 2-30-, 11-14-, 12-9-, 12-11-
Boundary layer thickness 2-22-, 2-31-, 2-32-, 2-35-
Buffer layer 6-23-
Index -1-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Calculation Control Options 1-2-, 1-4-, 2-28-, 2-29-, 3-22-, 3-23-, 4-7-, 5-18-, 9-20-, 12-15-
Calculation time 1-4-
Cap ends 8-3-, 10-3-
Capacity ratio 8-21-
Centerline 3-4-, 9-2-, 9-7-
Centerline velocity 10-1-, 10-20-
Centerpoint arc 3-6-, 9-2-, 9-8-
Centrifugal instability 5-1-
Chord length 4-12-
Circle 3-20-, 5-2-, 5-15-, 6-2-, 7-2-, 7-3-, 8-2-, 8-4-, 8-6-, 9-4-, 9-6-, 9-9-, 9-10-, 10-2-, 10-4-
Circumferential velocity 5-22-
Clear selections 9-12-
Clone Project 2-27-, 3-17-, 4-17-
Coefficient of volume expansion 5-14-, 12-11-
Component 9-11-
Compressible liquid 1-2-
Computational domain 2-9-, 2-28-, 2-34-, 3-22-, 4-7-, 4-11-, 5-9-, 5-12-, 6-9-, 7-6-, 10-7-, 11-3-, 12-4-
Concentric 9-11-
Configuration 3-9-, 3-21-
Control intervals 2-28-
Control planes 1-3-
Convection heat transfer coefficient 8-20-, 8-21-
Convert entities 4-3-
Comer rectangle 2-2-, 9-7-
Comer taps 10-13-
Correction factor 7-14-, 7-15-
Counter-rotating vortices 5-1-
Create lids 5-6-, 5-18-, 6-8-, 8-12-, 9-15-
Critical Reynolds number 2-26-
Curvature refinement 1-4-
Curve through xyz points 4-1-
Custom visualization parameter 4-13-
Cut Plots 2-17-, 3-15-, 3-27-, 3-30-, 4-11-, 4-16-, 5-11-, 5-13-, 6-15-, 7-9-, 8-18-, 9-19-, 9-20-, 10-11-,
10-17-, 10-18-, 11-8-, 12-7-, 12-15-, 12-16-
Cylinder 3-1-
Darcy-Weisbach friction factor 6-19-
Database tree 6-6-
Default fluid 3-10-, 4-6-, 6-6-
Default solid 8-11-
Default wall thermal condition 12-3-
Density 7-14-, 8-20-, 9-22-, 10-12-
Depth 8-4-, 8-7-, 8-8-, 9-4-, 9-7-, 9-9-, 10-3-, 10-4-
Diameter ratio 10-13-, 10-19-
Differential equation 12-11-
Dimensionality 3-12-, 3-22-, 4-16-
Direct numerical simulation 3-27-
Index -2-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Discharge coefficient 10-1, 10-12-, 10-13-, 10-19-
Displacement thickness 2-23-, 2-25-, 2-35-
Display boundary layer 2-18-, 11-9-, 12-9-
Display parameters 5-22-
Display style 6-3-
Display type 5-6-, 5-19-
Draft 10-4-
Draft outward 10-4-
Drag coefficient 3-1-, 3-12-, 3-17-, 3-19-, 3-20-, 3-22-
Drag force 3-16-, 4-12-
Dynamic pressure 2-25-, 2-26-, 2-34-
Dynamic viscosity 3-17-, 4-12-, 6-21-
Edit definition 2-30-, 3-19-, 11-14-
Edit feature 9-20-
Effectiveness 8-21-
Effectiveness- NTU method 8-1-, 8-19-, 8-21-
Enclosure 5-6-
Engineering database 4-13-, 6-6-
Environment pressure 8-15-, 8-18-
Equation goal 1-5-, 1-6-, 2-14-, 2-30-, 3-12-, 3-13-, 3-19-, 3-22, 4-16-
Evaluate 8-18-
Evenly Distribute Output Points 2-18-, 6-16-, 6-22-, 6-24-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 11-9-, 12-9-
Excel 2007 3-25-
Excel add-ins 3-25-
Excel file 2-31-, 2-32-, 2-33-, 3-16-, 3-25-, 6-16-, 6-22-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 11-9-, 11-13-, 11-15-, 12-9-,
Existing Part/Assembly 9-11-
Extemal analysis type 3-10-, 3-21-, 4-6-, 7-5-, 12-2-
Extrude 8-4-, 8-7-, 9-4-, 9-6-, 9-7-, 9-9-, 9-10-, 9-11-, 10-3-, 10-4-
Extrudcd Boss/Base 2-4-, 3-21-, 4-2-, 4-3-, 5-3-, 5-17-, 6-3-, 7-3-, 8-3-, 8-5-, 8-7-, 8-8-, 9-4-, 9-7-, 9-9-,
9-10-, 10-3-, 10-4-
Extruded Cut 8-4-, 8-6-, 8-7-, 9-6-, 9-9-, 10-4-
Fanning friction factor 6-19-, 6-22-
Fast Fourier Transform 3-25-
FeatureManager design tree 2-2-, 2-17-, 2-18-, 3-16-, 3-20-, 4-2-, 4-3-, 4-11-, 4-15-, 5-2-, 5-17-, 6-1-,
6-3-, 6-4-, 6-15-, 6-22-, 8-2-, 8-6-, 8-8-, 9-2-, 9-3-, 9-6-, 9-7-, 9-9-, 9-10-, 9-11-, 9-19-, 9-20-, 10-2-,
10-4-, 10-11-, 10-13-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 11-8-, 11-9-, 12-7-, 12-8-
Features 3-7-, 4-3-, 5-3-, 5-17-, 6-3-, 7-3-, 8-3-, 8-4-, 8-5-, 8-6-, 8-7-, 9-3-, 9-4-, 9-6-, 9-7-, 9-9- 9-10-
10-3, 10-4-
File 3-8-
Film temperature 11-11-, 12-11-
Finish 11-2-
Flat plate 2-27-, 11-1-
Flow characteristic 12-15-
Flow nozzle 10-1-
Index -3-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Flow openings 1-4-
Flow parameter 6-11-, 11-4-
Flow Simulation project wizard 2-8-, 3-9-, 3-21-, 4-5-, 5-4-, 5-18-, 6-5-, 7-4-, 8-10-, 9-14-, 10-6-, 11-1-,
Flow Simulation analysis tree 2-10-, 2-12-, 2-18-, 2-30-, 3-15-, 3-16-, 3-19-, 4-8-, 4-11-, 4-15-, 6-11-,
6-15-, 6-22-, 7-8-, 8-14-, 8-16-, 9-16-, 9-18-, 9-19-, 10-7-, 10-9-, 10-11-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 10-17-,
11-4-, 11-5-, 11-7-, 11-8-, 11-9-, 11-14-, 12-6-, 12-7-, 12-8-
Flow trajectories 10-17-
Flow type 2-27-, 11-2-, 11-14-, 12-3-, 12-15-
Fluid cells 1-2-
Fluid layer 5-1-
Fluid properties 12-11-
Fluids 2-27-, 3-21-, 4-6-, 11-14-, 12-15-
Formula 4-14-
Free convection 12-1-
Free stream density 3-17-, 4-12-
Free stream velocity 2-20-, 2-22-, 3-17-, 4-12-, 11-11-
Friction coefficient 2-33-, 2-34-
Friction factor 7-14-, 8-20-, 8-21-
Friction velocity 6-23-
Front plane 2-2-, 3-2-, 3-3-, 3-4-, 3-20-, 4-2-, 5-2-, 5-15-, 6-3-, 6-5-, 6-15-, 7-2-, 7-9-, 8-2-, 8-7-, 9-2-,
9-6-, 9-7-, 9-9-, 9-10-, 9-11-, 9-13-, 10-2-, 10-4-, 10-17-, 11-8-, 12-7-
Front view 3-20-, 4-1-, 4-4-, 5-2-, 5-15-, 6-11-, 9-6-, 9-9-, 9-13-, 9-15-, 10-4-
Fully developed flow 10-7-
Gases 1-2-, 3-10-, 3-21-, 6-6-, 7-5-, 9-15-, 11-2-, 12-3-
General settings 1-2-, 2-27-, 3-18-, 3-19-, 4-17-, 11-14-, 12-15-
Geometry 8-18-, 9-19-
Geometry resolution 6-16-, 6-22-, 6-24-, 7-11-, 11-9-, 12-9-
Global goal 1-5-, 2-14-, 2-34-, 3-12-, 3-22-, 4-8-, 5-21-, 6-14-, 7-8-, 8-16, 12-6-
Gnielinski equation 8-20-
Goal 1-5-, 2-34-, 3-25-, 4-16-, 5-10-, 8-16-, 9-18-, 10-9-, 11-7-, 12-6-
Graphics window 8-3-, 9-12-
Gravity 1-2-, 5-4-, 12-2
Hagen-Poiseuille velocity profile 6-17-
Heat capacity rate 8-19-
Heat conduction in solids 1-2-, 8-10-
Heat exchanger 1-2-, 8-1-
Heat flux 1-2-
Heat transfer coefficient 1-5-, 11-13-, 12-14-
Heat transfer rate 1-2-, 8-20-
Heat transfer surface area 8-20-
Hidden lines visible 5-6-, 5-19-
Hide 8-8-, 10-7-, 10-17-
Hydraulic resistance 9-1-, 9-20-, 9-21-
Hydrodynamic entry length 6-18-
Index -4-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Ideal wall 2-13-, 11-6-
In-line tube bank 7-13-
Initial and ambient conditions 1-2-, 3-11-, 3-19-, 3-21-, 4-17-, 12-3-
Initial condition 5-5-, 8-11-, 9-15-, 10-6-, 11-2-
Initial mesh 2-10-, 2-28-, 3-22-, 5-18-, 6-10-, 7-6-, 9-15-, 11-3-, 12-5-
Inlet velocity 2-10-, 6-11-, 9-16-, 10-7-, 11-1-, 11-4-
Input data 2-10-, 4-8-, 5-7-, 5-12-, 6-11-, 8-14-, 9-16-, 10-7-, 11-4-, 12-6-
Insert 9-3-, 9-9-, 9-10-, 9-11-, 9-12-, 9-13-, 9-19-, 10-11-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 10-17-, 11-8-, 11-9-, 12-7-,
Insert goals plot 3-24-, 10-9-
Insert goals table 3-13-, 3-24-, 4-10-, 10-9-
Insert line 9-8-, 10-14-
Insert point goals 10-9-
Integral parameters 3-16-, 4-12-
Intemal analysis type 2-8-, 5-4-, 5-18-, 6-6-, 8-10-, 9-14-, 10-6-, 11-2-
Isometric view 5-19-, 7-7-, 9-11-
Item properties 4-13-
Iteration 1-4-, 3-28-
Kinematic viscosity 2-20-, 2-31-, 5-25-, 6-18-, 7-13-, 10-13-, 11-11-, 12-11-
Laminar and turbulent 11-14-, 12-15-
Laminar boundary layer 2-21-, 2-25-, 2-26-, 2-30-, 2-35, 11-14-
Laminar free-convection flow 12-13-
Laminar flow 2-25-, 2-31-, 11-12-, 11-16-
Laminaronly 11-2-, 12-3-
Laminar pipe flow 6-16-, 6-17-
Laminar to turbulent transition 2-26-, 2-34-, 11-16-
Law of the wall 6-23-
Leading edge 11-11-
Left view 9-11-, 9-16-, 9-17-, 10-5-, 10-7-, 10-8-, 10-11-
Lift coefficient 3-24-, 3-25-, 3-28-, 4-1-, 4-12-, 4-16-, 4-19-
Lift force 4-12-
Lighting 5-13-, 5-22-, 8-18-, 9-19-, 10-11-,
Line 3-4-, 6^1-, 7-10-, 10-13-, 10-16-
Line properties 6-4-, 7-10-, 9-2-, 9-8-, 10-14-, 10-16-
Line sketch tool 2-4-
Linear stability theory 5-1-, 5-14-
Liquids 1-2-, 2-27-, 5-5-, 8-11-, 10-6-, 11-14-
List of goals 2-16-, 3-16-, 9-21-
Load/Unload results 3-13-, 3-14-, 3-30-, 12-15-
Load time moment 3-30-
Local convection coefficient 11-12-, 12-13-
Local friction coefficient 2-26-, 2-33-, 2-34-, 2-35-
Local Nusselt number 11-1-, 11-12-, 11-13-, 11-15-, 11-16-, 12-1-, 12-13-, 12-14-
Index -5-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Local parameters 3-16-, 5-22-
Local wall shear stress 2-25-
Logarithmic law 6-23-
Long radius flow nozzle 10-1-, 10-18-, 10-19-, 10-20-
Mach number 1-5-
Manual specification of the minimum gap size 10-6-
Manual specification of the minimum wall thickness 10-6-
Mass balance 10-12-
Mass flow rate 1-5-, 8-20-
Mate 9-11-, 9-12-, 9-13-, 9-20-
Mate selections 9-12-
Materials 6-6-
Maximum physical time 3-22-
Maximum travels 2-28-, 2-29-, 4-7-
Mean velocity 6-1-
Mesh 1-2-, 4-9-
Minimum gap size 1-4-, 10-6-
Minimum wall thickness 1-4-, 10-6-
Model Y 10-16-
Model Z 10-14-
Modify 3-7-
Momentum thickness 2-24-, 2-25-, 2-35
Narrow channel refinement 1-4-
Narrow gap limit 5-25-
Natural convection 5-1-
Navigator 2-27-, 3-18-, 3-19-, 4-17-, 11-14-, 12-15-
Neutral stability curve 5-14-, 5-25-
New calculation 2-31-, 6-20-, 11-15-
New document 3-2-, 8-2-, 9-2-, 9-7-, 9-11-, 10-2-
New part 4-1
New project 2-27-
No units 4-16-
Non-Newtonian liquid 1-2-
Number of cells per X 2-10-, 2-28-, 2-35-, 3-22-, 6-10-, 7-6-, 9-15-, 11-3-, 12-5-
Number of cells per Y 2-10-, 2-28-, 2-35-, 3-22-, 6-10-, 7-6-, 9-15-, 11-3-, 12-5-
Number of cells per Z 6-10-, 7-6-, 9-15-, 12-5-
Number of colors 2-17-, 3-15-, 4-11-, 5-11-, 5-21-, 6-15-, 7-9-, 8-18-, 9-19-, 10-11-, 11-8-, 12-7-
Number of trajectories 10-17-
Number of transfer units 8-20-
Nusselt number 7-15-, 8-20-, 8-21-
Obstruction flow meter 1-2-, 10-1
Offset 5-21-
Index -6-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Offset distance 8-3-, 8-6-, 9-3-, 9-9-, 9-10-
Options 4-15-, 5-21-, 6-16-, 7-11-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 11-9-, 12-9-
Orifice plate 10-1-, 10-5-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 10-17-, 10-20-
Overall heat transfer coefficient 8-20-
Overall Nusselt number 12-13-
Overlap layer 6-23-
Parameter 2-15-, 3-15-, 3-30-, 5-2-, 5-11-, 5-12-, 5-15-, 5-21-, 6-2-, 6-4-, 6-15-, 7-3-, 7-9-, 8-2-, 8-18-,
9-2-, 9-8-, 9-19-, 10-11-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 10-17-, 11-8-, 12-7-
Parameter list 4-14-, 5-22-
Partial cells 1-2-
Periodic saving 3-23-, 12-15-
Perspective 3-30-
Petukhov equation 8-20-
Physical features 1-2-, 5-4-, 12-2-, 12-15-
Physical parameters 1-5-
Physical time 3-23-, 3-24-, 3-25-
Pipe flow 1-2-, 6-1-, 9-1-, 10-1
Pipe wall taps 10-13-
Plane 8-3-, 8-6-, 9-3-, 9-9-, 9-10-
Play 3-30-, 12-16-
Plot length 3-24-
Point coordinates 2-14-, 10-9-
Point goal 1-5-, 2-14-, 2-15-, 10-9-
Power law 2-33-
Prandtl 2-33-
Prandtl number 5-14-, 7-15-, 8-20-, 12-11-
Pre-Defined 6-6-
Pressure 1-5-, 2-17-, 3-27-, 3-28-, 4-11-, 4-14-, 6-15-, 7-9-, 9-19-, 10-11-, 10-13-, 10-14-, 10-17-, 10-19-
Pressure coefficient 4-11-, 4-13-, 4-15-
Pressure drop 6-21-, 7-14-
Pressure gradient 7-9-
Pressure loss 6-19-
Pressurc drop 7-16-
Pressure openings 1-4-, 2-12-, 6-12-, 8-15-, 8-16-, 9-17-, 10-8-, 11-5-
Primary instability 5-1-
Project Fluid 2-9-, 2-27-, 3-21-, 5-5-, 5-18-, 7-5-, 8-11-, 9-15-, 10-6-, 11-2-, 11-14-, 12-3-
Radial velocity 5-22-
Radiation 1-2-
Radius ratio 5-25-
Rayleigh-Benard convection 5-1-
Rayleigh number 5-14-, 12-11-, 12-14-
Real gas 1-2-
Real wall 1-5-, 2-14-, 5-7-, 5-19-, 7-7-, 11-7-, 11-14-
Rebuild 7-10-, 10-14-, 10-16-
Rectangle 9-7-
lndex -7-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Reference 10-17-
Reference geometry 8-3-, 8-6-, 9-3-, 9-9-, 9-10-
Reference Section Plane/Face 5-22-
Refinement 1-2-, 1-4-, 5-18-, 9-20-
Reset Min/Max 3-30-, 5-11-, 5-22-
Resolution 6-16-, 6-22-, 6-24-, 7-11-, 10-14-, 10-16-, 11-9-, 12-9-
Result and geometry resolution 5-5-
Result resolution 2-9-, 3-11-, 3-21 4-6-, 7-5-, 8-11 9-16-, 10-6-, 11-2-, 12-3-
Results 1-7-, 3-25-, 4-14-, 5-22-, 12-15-
Reverse direction 8-6-, 8-7-, 8-8-, 9-10-
Revolve 3-8-, 3-16-, 9-3-, 9-9-
Revolved Boss/Base 3-7-, 9-3-, 9-9-
Reynolds number 2-14-, 2-21-, 2-22-, 2-25-, 2-26-, 2-32-, 2-33-, 2-34-, 2-35-, 2-36-, 3-17-, 3-19-, 3-27-,
4-12-, 6-1-, 6-18-, 6-20-, 7-13-, 7-15-, 8-20-, 8-21-, 10-1, 10-13-, 10-19-, 11-1-, 11-12-, 11-13-,
11-15-, 11-16-
Right plane 6-1-, 8-18-, 10-11-, 10-13-, 10-16-
Roll cell instabilities 5-1-
Rotate view 2-10-, 2-12-, 5-6-, 5-18-, 6-11-, 6-12-, 8- I 4-, 8-15-, 8-16-, 9-16-, 9-17-, 10-5-, 10-7-, 10-8-,
11-4-, 11-5-
Rotating cylinders 5-1-
Rotation 1-2-
Rotation rate 5-25-
Run 2-16-, 2-30-, 3-13-, 4-10-, 4-18, 5-10-, 5-21-, 6-14-, 6-20-, 7-8-, 8-17-, 9-18-, 9-20-, 10-9-, 10-18-,
11-7-, 11-15-, 12-6-, 12-15-
Save 3-8-
Save as 3-8-, 3-20-, 7-3-
Saving table 3-23-
Scalar parameters 5-22-
Scenario 3-30-, 12-16-
SD 2030 4-2-
Section view 5-12-, 5-22-
Select 3-5-, 3-6-, 6-4-, 6-11-, 11-4-, 11-5-
Selcct other 5-7-, 5-19-, 5-21-, 6-11-, 8-14-, 8-15-, 8-16-, 9-12-, 9-16-, 10-7-, 10-8-
Selig/Donovan SD 2030 Airfoil 4-1-
Shape factor 2-25-
Shear stress 2-25-, 2-33-, 6-19-, 6-22-
Shell and tube heat exchanger 8-1-, 8-9-, 8-21-
Show basic mesh 2-30-, 3-11-, 3-22-, 4-9-
Shutdown monitor 4-18-
SI units 2-8-, 3-10-, 3-21-, 4-5-, 5-4-, 5-18-, 6-6-, 7-4-, 8-10-, 9-14-, 10-6-, 11-1-, 12-2-
Similarity coordinate 2-20-, 11-1-, 11-11-, 11-12-, 12-11-
Sketch 3-3-, 3-6-, 3-7-, 3-20-, 6-4-, 7-2-, 8-2-, 8-4-, 8-6-, 9-2-, 9-4-, 9-6-, 9-7-, 9-8-, 9-9-, 9-10-, 10-2-,
10-4-, 10-13-, 10-16-
Sketch X 4-15-
Small solid features refinement 1-4-
Smart dimension 3-7-
Solid cells 1-2-
Solid model 3-1-
Index -8-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
SolidWorks 1-1-, 3-1-, 3-8-, 3-9-, 3-17-, 4-1-, 5-1-, 12-2-
SolidWorks Flow Simulation 1-1-, 3-1-, 3-8-, 3-17-, 6-5-, 12-2-
SolidWorks menu 2-30-, 9-10-, 10-14-, 10-16-
SolidWorks Motion 1-1-
SolidWorks resources 3-2-
SolidWorks Simulation 1-1-
Solution time 1-5-
Solve 2-16-, 2-30-, 3-13-, 4-10-, 4-18-, 5-10-, 5-21-, 6-14-, 6-20-, 7-8-, 8-17-, 9-18-, 9-20-, 10-9-, 10-18-,
11-7-, 11-15-, 12-6-, 12-15-
Solver 1-5-, 2-16-, 2-31-, 3-13-, 3-14-, 4-10-, 5-11-, 6-15-, 9-19-, 9-21-, 10-18-, 11-8-, 11-15-, 12-7-
Specific heat 7-16-, 8-20-
Sphere 3-1-
Split line 2-7-
Staggered tube bank 7-14-
Stainless steel 8-1-, 8-11-, 8-21-
Standard mates 9-13-
Static pressure 2-12-, 6-12-, 9-17-, 10-8-, 10-9-, 11-5-
Steam 1-2-
Streamlines 10-17-
Streamwise coordinate 11-12-
Strouhal number 3-1-, 3-27-
Surface goals 1-5-, 9-18-
Surface parameters 3-16-, 4-11-, 8-18-
Surface plot 5-21-
Surface pressure 4-12-
Surface roughness 1-2-, 2-26-, 2-34-
Surface temperature 7-15-
Symmetry boundary condition 6-9-
Tabular saving 3-23-
Taylor-Couette flow 5-1-
Taylor number 5-25-
Temperature 1-5-, 5-11-, 7-8-, 7-9-, 7-11-, 8-14-, 8-18-, 11-7-, 11-8-, 11-9-, 11-I 4-, 12-7-, 12-9-, 12-16-
Temperature gradient 11-8-
Temperature profiles 11-1-, 11-11-
Template 2-18-, 2-212-22-, 2-23-, 2-24-, 2-25-, 2-31-, 2-32-, 2-33-, 3-25-, 6-16-, 6-22-, 7-11-, 11-9-,
11-11-, 11-13-, 11-15-, 12-8-, 12-11-, 12-14-
Thermal boundary layer 11-1-, 11-7-, 11-9-, 12-8-
Thcrmal conductivity 7-16-, 8-21-, 11-12-, 12-13-
Thermal diffusivity 12-11-
Thermal resistance 8-21-
Thickness 8-5-, 8-7-, 10-3-
Thin feature 8-5-, 8-8-, 9-10-, 10-3-
Three-dimensional flow 3-1-
Through all 9-6-, 9-9-
Time-dependent flow 1-2-, 3-18-, 3-21-, 12-15-
Tools 5-6-, 6-8-, 8-12-, 9-15-
Tools Add-Ins 2-8-, 3-9-, 6-5-, 7-4-, 8-10-, 9-14-, 10-6-, 11-1-, 12-2-
Top plane 2-6-, 5-11-, 5-12-, 5-22-, 8-3-, 8-6-, 9-3-, 9-19-
Index -9-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Top view 9-19-
Total pressure drop 9-20-
Travel 1-4-
Tube bank 7-1-, 7-9-, 7-12-, 7-14-
Turbulence intensity 4-6-
Turbulence parameter 4-6-
Turbulent boundary layer 2-23-, 2-26-, 2-31-, 2-32-, 2-33-, 11-14-
Turbulent flow 2-25-, 6-1-, 11-12-, 11-16-
Turbulent layer 6-23-
Turbulent pipe flow 6-20-, 6-21-, 6-22-
Two-dimensional flow 3-1-
Units 3-23-
Up to next 9-4-, 9-9-, 9-11-
Value 9-20-, 12-15-
Valve angle 9-20-
Vectors 3-15-, 5-13-, 9-19-
Velocity 1-5-, 4-16-, 9-19-, 10-13-, 10-14-, 10-17-
Velocity defect law 6-23-
Velocity in X-direction 2-9-, 3-11-, 3-19-, 3-21-, 4-6-, 4-17-, 7-5-, 11-2-
Velocity in Y-direction 4-17-
Vena contracta 10-12-
Vertical plate 12-13-
Volume flow rate 1-5-, 10-12-
Vortex shedding 3-1-, 3-27-
View settings 3-15-, 3-30-, 4-11-, 4-16-, 5-11-, 5-12-, 5-21-, 5-22-, 6-15-, 7-9-, 8-18-, 9-19-, 10-11-,
10-17-, 11-8-, 12-7-
View orientation 3-20-, 5-2-, 5-15-, 5-19-, 6-1-, 6-3-, 6-8-, 6-11-, 7-2-, 7-7-, 7-9-, 8-2-, 8-3-, 8-6-, 8-7-,
8-12-, 8-15-, 8-18-, 9-2-, 9-3-, 9-6-, 9-7-, 9-9-, 9-11-, 9-13-, 9-15-, 9-16-, 9-17-, 9-19-, 10-2-, 10-4-,
10-5-, 10-7-, 10-8-, 10-11-
Viscous sublayer 6-23-
Visualization parameter 4-14-
Volume goals 1-5-
Vorticity 3-27-, 3-29-
Wall conditions 1-2-, 2-9-, 3-11-, 3-21-, 4-6-, 5-5-, 7-5-, 8-11-, 9-15-, 10-6-, 11-2-
Wall motion 1-7-, 5-19-
Wall normal coordinate 2-20-, 11-11-, 12-11-
Wall parameters 5-7-, 7-7-
Wall roughness 1-5-
Wall shear stress 6-19-
Wall temperature 1-2-, 1-5-, 7-7-, 12-3-, 12-11-
Water 5-5-, 5-18-, 8-11-, 10-6-, 11-14-
Wave length 5-14-
Index -10-An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010
Wave number 5-14-, 5-25-
Wireffame 6-3-, 10-5-
-axis units 3-24-
X-component of force 3-12-, 3-22-
X-component of shear force 2-14-, 2-26-, 2-34-
X-component of velocity 2-14-, 7-8-
X-velocity 2-15-, 2-25-, 2-31-, 2-32-, 2-33-, 3-27-, 3-28-, 3-30-, 6-15-, 6-22-, 6-24-, 7-9-, 7-11-
XY Plane flow 2-9-, 3-22-, 4-7-, 7-6-, 12-4-
XZ Plane flow 5-9-, 11-3-
XY Plots 2-18-, 2-21-, 2-22-, 2-23-, 2-24-, 2-25-, 2-31-, 2-32-, 2-33-, 4-15-, 6-16-, 6-22-, 7-11-, 10-14-,
10-16-, 11-9-, 11-11-, 11-15-, 12-9-, 12-11-
-component of force 3-22-, 4-8-
Y-velocity 12-9-
-component of velocity 5-10-
Z-velocity 5-13-, 5-21-, 10-11-, 10-16-, 10-17-, 10-18-
Zoom In/Out 3-21-, 4-2-, 4-9-
Zoom/Pan/Rotate 4-4-, 6-3-, 6-11-, 8-3-, 8^4-, 8-6-, 8-14-, 8-15-, 8-16-, 9-3-, 9-9-, 9-11-, 9-16-, 9-17-,
10-5-, 10-7-, 10-8-, 11-4-, 11-5-
Zoomtoarea 2-10-, 6-3-, 6-11-, 6-12-, 8-4-, 8-6-, 8-14-, 8-15-, 9-16-, 9-17-, 10-5-, 10-7-, 10-8-, 11-4-
Zoom to fit 2-3-, 4-4-, 6-12-, 8-3-, 9-3-, 9-9-, 9-11-, 11-5-
lndex -11-
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