Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing
اسم المؤلف
Benoit Eynard , Vincenzo Nigrelli, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing
(JCM 2016), 14–16 September, 2016,
Catania, Italy
Organizing Scientific Associations:
AIP-PRIMECA—Ateliers Inter-établissements de
Productique—Pôles de Resources Informatiques
pour la MECAnique—France
ADM—Associazione nazionale Disegno e Metodi
dell’ingegneria industriale—Italy
INGEGRAF—Asociación Española de Ingeniería Gráfica—Spain
Benoit Eynard • Vincenzo Nigrelli
Salvatore Massimo Oliveri
Guillermo Peris-Fajarnes
Sergio Rizzuti
Part I Integrated Product and Process Design
Section 1.1 Innovative Design Methods
A Systematic Methodology for Engineered Object Design:
The P-To-V Model of Functional Innovation 5
Geoffrey S. Matthews
Influence of the evolutionary optimization parameters
on the optimal topology . 15
Tommaso Ingrassia, Antonio Mancuso and Giorgio Paladino
Design of structural parts for a racing solar car . 25
Esteban Betancur, Ricardo Mejía-Gutiérrez, Gilberto Osorio-gómez
and Alejandro Arbelaez
Section 1.2 Integrated Product and Process Design
Some Hints for the Correct Use of the Taguchi Method
in Product Design 35
Sergio Rizzuti and Luigi De Napoli
Neuro-separated meta-model of the scavenging process
in 2-Stroke Diesel engine 45
Stéphanie Cagin and Xavier Fischer
Subassembly identification method based on CAD Data . 55
Imen Belhadj, Moez Trigui and Abdelmajid Benamara
Multi-objective conceptual design: an approach to make
cost-efficient the design for manufacturing and assembly
in the development of complex products 63
Claudio Favi, Michele Germani and Marco Mandolini
xiModeling of a three-axes MEMS gyroscope with feedforward
PI quadrature compensation . 71
D. Marano, A. Cammarata, G. Fichera, R. Sinatra and D. Prati
A disassembly Sequence Planning Approach for maintenance 81
Maroua Kheder, Moez Trigui and Nizar Aifaoui
A comparative Life Cycle Assessment of utility poles manufactured
with different materials and dimensions 91
Sandro Barone, Filippo Cucinotta and Felice Sfravara
Prevision of Complex System’s Compliance during
System Lifecycle . 101
J-P. Gitto, M. Bosch-Mauchand, A. Ponchet Durupt, Z. Cherfi
and I. Guivarch
Framework definition for the design of a mobile
manufacturing system . 111
Youssef Benama, Thecle Alix and Nicolas Perry
An automated manufacturing analysis of plastic parts
using faceted surfaces . 119
Jorge Manuel Mercado-Colmenero, José Angel Moya Muriana,
Miguel Angel Rubio- Paramio and Cristina Martín-Doñate
Applying sustainability in product development 129
Rosana Sanz, José Luis Santolaya and Enrique Lacasa
Towards a new collaborative framework supporting the design
process of industrial Product Service Systems . 139
Elaheh Maleki, Farouk Belkadi, Yicha Zhang and Alain Bernard
Information model for tracelinks building in early design stages 147
David Ríos-Zapata, Jérôme Pailhés and Ricardo Mejía-Gutiérrez
Section 1.3 Interactive Design
User-centered design of a Virtual Museum system: a case study 157
Loris Barbieri, Fabio Bruno, Fabrizio Mollo and Maurizio Muzzupappa
An integrated approach to customize the packaging of heritage
artefacts 167
G. Fatuzzo, G. Sequenzia, S.M. Oliveri, R. Barbagallo and M. Calì
xii ContentsPart II Product Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing
Section 2.1 Additive Manufacturing
Extraction of features for combined additive manufacturing
and machining processes in a remanufacturing context 181
Van Thao Le and Henri Paris Guillaume Mandil
Comparative Study for the Metrological Characterization
of Additive Manufacturing artefacts . 191
Charyar Mehdi-Souzani, Antonio Piratelli-Filho and Nabil Anwer
Flatness, circularity and cylindricity errors in 3D printed models
associated to size and position on the working plane 201
Massimo Martorelli, Salvatore Gerbino, Antonio Lanzotti,
Stanislao Patalano and Ferdinando Vitolo
Optimization of lattice structures for Additive Manufacturing
Technologies 213
Gianpaolo Savio, Roberto Meneghello and Gianmaria Concheri
Standardisation Focus on Process Planning and Operations
Management for Additive Manufacturing . 223
Jinhua Xiao, Nabil Anwer, Alexandre Durupt, Julien Le Duigou
and Benoît Eynard
Comparison of some approaches to define a CAD model from
topological optimization in design for additive manufacturing 233
Pierre-Thomas Doutre, Elodie Morretton, Thanh Hoang Vo,
Philippe Marin, Franck Pourroy, Guy Prudhomme
and Frederic Vignat
Review of Shape Deviation Modeling for Additive Manufacturing . 241
Zuowei Zhu, Safa Keimasi, Nabil Anwer, Luc Mathieu
and Lihong Qiao
Design for Additive Manufacturing of a non-assembly robotic
mechanism 251
F. De Crescenzio and F. Lucchi
Process parameters influence in additive manufacturing . 261
T. Ingrassia, Vincenzo Nigrelli, V. Ricotta and C. Tartamella
Multi-scale surface characterization in additive manufacturing
using CT . 271
Yann Quinsat, Claire Lartigue, Christopher A. Brown
and Lamine Hattali
Contents xiiiTesting three techniques to elicit additive manufacturing
knowledge 281
Christelle Grandvallet, Franck Pourroy, Guy Prudhomme
and Frédéric Vignat
Topological Optimization in Concept Design: starting approach
and a validation case study 289
Michele Bici, Giovanni B. Broggiato and Francesca Campana
Section 2.2 Advanced Manufacturing
Simulation of Laser-Sensor Digitizing for On-Machine
Part Inspection 303
Nguyen Duy Minh Phan, Yann Quinsat and Claire Lartigue
Tool/Material Interferences Sensibility to Process
and Tool Parameters in Vibration-Assisted Drilling . 313
Vivien Bonnot, Yann Landon and Stéphane Segonds
Implementation of a new method for robotic repair operations
on composite structures . 321
Elodie Paquet, Sébastien Garnier, Mathieu Ritou, Benoît Furet
and Vincent Desfontaines
CAD-CAM integration for 3D Hybrid Manufacturing . 329
Gianni Caligiana, Daniela Francia and Alfredo Liverani
Section 2.3 Experimental Methods in Product Development
Mechanical steering gear internal friction: effects on the drive feel
and development of an analytic experimental model
for its prediction . 341
Giovanni Gritti, Franco Peverada, Stefano Orlandi, Marco Gadola,
Stefano Uberti, Daniel Chindamo, Matteo Romano
and Andrea Olivi
Design of an electric tool for underwater archaeological restoration
based on a user centred approach . 353
Loris Barbieri, Fabio Bruno, Luigi De Napoli, Alessandro Gallo
and Maurizio Muzzupappa
Analysis and comparison of Smart City initiatives 363
Aranzazu Fernández-Vázquez and Ignacio López-Forniés
Involving Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affected people
in design . 373
Stefano Filippi and Daniela Barattin
xiv ContentsPart III Engineering Methods in Medicine
Patient-specific 3D modelling of heart and cardiac structures
workflow: an overview of methodologies 387
Monica Carfagni and Francesca Uccheddu
A new method to capture the jaw movement 397
Lander Barrenetxea, Eneko Solaberrieta,
Mikel Iturrate and Jokin Gorozika
Computer Aided Engineering of Auxiliary Elements
for Enhanced Orthodontic Appliances 405
Roberto Savignano, Sandro Barone, Alessandro Paoli
and Armando Viviano Razionale
Finite Element Analysis of TMJ Disks Stress Level
due to Orthodontic Eruption Guidance Appliances . 415
Paolo Neri, Sandro Barone, Alessandro Paoli
and Armando Razionale
TPMS for interactive modelling of trabecular scaffolds
for Bone Tissue Engineering . 425
M. Fantini, M. Curto and F. De Crescenzio
Mechanical and Geometrical Properties Assessment
of Thermoplastic Materials for Biomedical Application 437
Sandro Barone, Alessandro Paoli, Paolo Neri, Armando Viviano Razionale
and Michele Giannese
The design of a knee prosthesis by Finite Element Analysis 447
Saúl Íñiguez-Macedo, Fátima Somovilla-Gómez, Rubén Lostado-Lorza,
Marina Corral-Bobadilla, María Ángeles Martínez-Calvo
and Félix Sanz-Adán
Design and Rapid Manufacturing of a customized foot orthosis:
a first methodological study 457
M. Fantini, F. De Crescenzio, L. Brognara and N. Baldini
Influence of the metaphysis positioning in a new reverse shoulder
prosthesis . 469
T. Ingrassia, L. Nalbone, Vincenzo Nigrelli, D. Pisciotta
and V. Ricotta
Digital human models for gait analysis: experimental validation
of static force analysis tools under dynamic conditions 479
T. Caporaso, G. Di Gironimo, A. Tarallo, G. De Martino,
M. Di Ludovico and A. Lanzotti
Contents xvUsing the Finite Element Method to Determine the Influence
of Age, Height and Weight on the Vertebrae
and Ligaments of the Human Spine . 489
Fátima Somovilla-Gómez, Rubén Lostado-Lorza, Saúl Íñiguez-Macedo,
Marina Corral-Bobadilla, María Ángeles Martínez-Calvo
and Daniel Tobalina-Baldeon
Part IV Nautical, Aeronautics and Aerospace Design
and Modelling
Numerical modelling of the cold expansion process in mechanical
stacked assemblies 501
Victor Achard, Alain Daidie, Manuel Paredes and Clément Chirol
A preliminary method for the numerical prediction of the behavior
of air bubbles in the design of Air Cavity Ships 509
Filippo Cucinotta, Vincenzo Nigrelli and Felice Sfravara
Stiffness and slip laws for threaded fasteners subjected
to a transversal load 517
Rémi Thanwerdas, Emmanuel Rodriguez and Alain Daidie
Refitting of an eco-friendly sailing yacht: numerical prediction
and experimental validation 527
A. Mancuso, G. Pitarresi, G.B. Trinca and D. Tumino
Geometric Parameterization Strategies for shape Optimization
Using RBF Mesh Morphing 537
Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth and Marco Evangelos Biancolini
Sail Plan Parametric CAD Model for an A-Class Catamaran
Numerical Optimization Procedure Using Open Source Tools 547
Ubaldo Cella, Filippo Cucinotta and Felice Sfravara
A reverse engineering approach to measure the deformations
of a sailing yacht . 555
Francesco Di Paola, Tommaso Ingrassia, Mauro Lo Brutto
and Antonio Mancuso
A novel design of cubic stiffness for a Nonlinear Energy Sink (NES)
based on conical spring . 565
Donghai Qiu, Sébastien Seguy and Manuel Paredes
Design of the stabilization control system of a high-speed craft . 575
Antonio Giallanza, Luigi Cannizzaro, Mario Porretto
and Giuseppe Marannano
xvi ContentsDynamic spinnaker performance through digital photogrammetry,
numerical analysis and experimental tests . 585
Michele Calì, Domenico Speranza and Massimo Martorelli
GA multi-objective and experimental optimization for a tail-sitter
small UAV 597
Luca Piancastelli, Leonardo Frizziero and Marco Cremonini
Part V Computer Aided Design and Virtual Simulation
Section 5.1 Simulation and Virtual Approaches
An integrated approach to design an innovative motorcycle rear
suspension with eccentric mechanism 611
R. Barbagallo, G. Sequenzia, A. Cammarata and S.M. Oliveri
Design of Active Noise Control Systems for Pulse Noise . 621
Alessandro Lapini, Massimiliano Biagini, Francesco Borchi,
Monica Carfagni and Fabrizio Argenti
Disassembly Process Simulation in Virtual Reality Environment 631
Peter Mitrouchev, Cheng-gang Wang and Jing-tao Chen
Development of a methodology for performance analysis and synthesis
of control strategies of multi-robot pick & place applications . 639
Gaël Humbert, Minh Tu Pham, Xavier Brun, Mady Guillemot
and Didier Noterman
3D modelling of the mechanical actions of cutting: application
to milling . 647
Wadii Yousfi, Olivier Cahuc, Raynald Laheurte, Philippe Darnis
and Madalina Calamaz
Engineering methods and tools enabling reconfigurable
and adaptive robotic deburring . 655
Giovanni Berselli, Michele Gadaleta, Andrea Genovesi,
Marcello Pellicciari, Margherita Peruzzini
and Roberto Razzoli
Tolerances and uncertainties effects on interference fit
of automotive steel wheels . 665
Stefano Tornincasa, Elvio Bonisoli and Marco Brino
An effective model for the sliding contact forces in a multibody
environment . 675
Michele Calì, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri, Gaetano Sequenzia
and Gabriele Fatuzzo
Contents xviiSystems engineering and hydroacoustic modelling applied
in simulation of hydraulic components . 687
Arnaud Maillard, Eric Noppe, Benoît Eynard
and Xavier Carniel
Linde’s ice-making machine. An example of industrial archeology
study 697
Belén Pérez Delgado, José R. Andrés Díaz, María L. García Ceballos
and Miguel A. Contreras López
Solder Joint Reliability: Thermo-mechanical analysis on Power Flat
Packages . 709
Alessandro Sitta, Michele Calabretta, Marco Renna
and Daniela Cavallaro
Section 5.2 Virtual and Augmented Reality
Virtual reality to assess visual impact in wind energy projects 719
Piedad Eliana Lizcano, Cristina Manchado, Valentin Gomez-Jauregui
and César Otero
Visual Aided Assembly of Scale Models with AR . 727
Alessandro Ceruti, Leonardo Frizziero and Alfredo Liverani
Section 5.3 Geometric Modelling and Analysis
Design and analysis of a spiral bevel gear . 739
Charly Lagresle, Jean-Pierre de Vaujany and Michèle Guingand
Three-dimensional face analysis via new geometrical descriptors 747
Federica Marcolin, Maria Grazia Violante, Sandro Moos, Enrico Vezzetti,
Stefano Tornincasa, Nicole Dagnes and Domenico Speranza
Agustin de Betancourt’s plunger lock: Approach to its geometric
modeling with Autodesk Inventor Professional . 757
José Ignacio Rojas-Sola and Eduardo De La Morena-De La Fuente
Designing a Stirling engine prototype 767
Fernando Fadon, Enrique Ceron, Delfin Silio and Laida Fadon
Design and analysis of tissue engineering scaffolds based on open
porous non-stochastic cells . 777
R. Ambu and A.E. Morabito
Geometric Shape Optimization of Organic Solar Cells for Efficiency
Enhancement by Neural Networks 789
Grazia Lo Sciuto, Giacomo Capizzi, Salvatore Coco
and Raphael Shikler
xviii ContentsSection 5.4 Reverse Engineering
A survey of methods to detect and represent the human symmetry
line from 3D scanned human back 799
Nicola Cappetti and Alessandro Naddeo
Semiautomatic Surface Reconstruction in Forging Dies 811
Rikardo Minguez, Olatz Etxaniz, Agustin Arias, Nestor Goikoetxea
and Inaki Zuazo
A RGB-D based instant body-scanning solution for compact box
installation 819
Rocco Furferi, Lapo Governi, Francesca Uccheddu and Yary Volpe
Machine Learning Techniques to address classification issues
in Reverse Engineering 829
Jonathan Dekhtiar, Alexandre Durupt, Dimitris Kiritsis,
Matthieu Bricogne, Harvey Rowson and Benoit Eynard
Recent strategies for 3D reconstruction using Reverse Engineering:
a bird’s eye view . 841
Francesco Buonamici, Monica Carfagni and Yary Volpe
Section 5.5 Product Data Exchange and Management
Data aggregation architecture “Smart-Hub” for heterogeneous
systems in industrial environment . 853
Ahmed Ahmed, Lionel Roucoules, Rémy Gaudy and Bertrand Larat
Preparation of CAD model for collaborative design meetings:
proposition of a CAD add-on . 861
Ahmad Al Khatib, Damien Fleche, Morad Mahdjoub,
Jean-Bernard Bluntzer and Jean-Claude Sagot
Applying PLM approach for supporting collaborations in medical
sector: case of prosthesis implantation 871
Thanh-Nghi Ngo, Farouk Belkadi and Alain Bernard
Section 5.6 Surveying, Mapping and GIS Techniques
3D Coastal Monitoring from very dense UAV-Based Photogrammetric
Point Clouds 881
Fernando J. Aguilar, Ismael Fernández, Juan A. Casanova,
Francisco J. Ramos, Manuel A. Aguilar, José L. Blanco
and José C. Moreno
Contents xixSection 5.7 Building Information Modelling
BiMov: BIM-Based Indoor Path Planning 891
Ahmed Hamieh, Dominique Deneux and Christian Tahon
Part VI Education and Representation Techniques
Section 6.1 Teaching Engineering Drawing
Best practices in teaching technical drawing: experiences
of collaboration in three Italian Universities . 905
Domenico Speranza, Gabriele Baronio, Barbara Motyl, Stefano Filippi
and Valerio Villa
Gamification in a Graphical Engineering course – Learning
by playing 915
Valentín Gómez-Jáuregui, Cristina Manchado and César Otero
Reliable low-cost alternative for modeling and rendering 3D Objects
in Engineering Graphics Education 923
J. Santamaría-Peña, M. A. Benito-Martín, F. Sanz-Adán, D. Arancón
and M. A. Martinez-Calvo
Section 6.2 Teaching Product Design and Drawing History
How to teach interdisciplinary: case study for Product Design
in Assistive Technology 933
G. Thomnn, Fabio Morais and Christine Werba
Learning engineering drawing and design through the study
of machinery and tools from Malaga’s industrial heritage . 941
M. Carmen Ladrón de Guevara Muñoz, Francisco Montes Tubio,
E. Beatriz Blázquez Parra and Francisca Castillo Rueda
Developing students’ skills through real projects
and service learning methodology . 951
Anna Biedermann, Natalia Muñoz López and Ana Serrano Tierz
Integration of marketing activities in the mechanical design process . 961
Cristina Martin-Doñate, Fermín Lucena-Muñoz
and Javier Gallego-Alvarez
Section 6.3 Representation Techniques
Geometric locus associated with thriedra axonometric projections.
Intrinsic curve associated with the ellipse generated 973
Pedro Gonzaga, Faustino Gimena, Lázaro Gimena and Mikel Goñi
xx ContentsPohlke Theorem: Demonstration and Graphical Solution 981
Faustino Gimena, Lázaro Gimena, Mikel Goñi and Pedro Gonzaga
Part VII Geometric Product Specification and Tolerancing
Section 7.1 Geometric Product Specification and Tolerancing
ISO Tolerancing of hyperstatic mechanical systems with deformation
control . 993
Oussama Rouetbi, Laurent Pierre, Bernard Anselmetti
and Henri Denoix
How to trace the significant information in tolerance analysis
with polytopes . 1003
Vincent Delos, Denis Teissandier and Santiago Arroyave-Tobón
Integrated design method for optimal tolerance stack evaluation
for top class automotive chassis . 1013
Davide Panari, Cristina Renzi, Alberto Vergnano, Enrico Bonazzi
and Francesco Leali
Development of virtual metrology laboratory based on skin model
shape simulation . 1023
Xingyu Yan, Alex Ballu, Antoine Blanchard, Serge Mouton
and Halidou Niandou
Product model for Dimensioning, Tolerancing and Inspection 1033
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito
Section 7.2 Geometric and Functional Characterization
of Products
Segmentation of secondary features from high-density acquired
surfaces 1043
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito
Comparison of mode decomposition methods tested on simulated
surfaces 1053
Alex Ballu, Rui Gomes, Pedro Mimoso, Claudia Cristovao
and Nuno Correia
Analysis of deformations induced by manufacturing processes
of fine porcelain whiteware . 1063
Luca Puggelli, Yary Volpe and Stefano Giurgola
Characterization of a Composite Material Reinforced
with Vulcanized Rubber . 1073
D. Tobalina, F. Sanz-Adan, R. Lostado-Lorza, M. Martínez-Calvo,
J. Santamaría-Peña, I. Sanz-Peña and F. Somovilla-Gómez
Contents xxiDefinition of geometry and graphics applications on existing
cosmetic packaging . 1083
Anna Maria Biedermann, Aranzazu Fernández-Vázquez
and María Elipe
Part VIII Innovative Design
Section 8.1 Knowledge Based Engineering
A design methodology to predict the product energy efficiency
through a configuration tool 1097
Paolo Cicconi, Michele Germani, Daniele Landi
and Anna Costanza Russo
Design knowledge formalization to shorten the time
to generate offers for Engineer To Order products . 1107
Roberto Raffaeli, Andrea Savoretti and Michele Germani
Customer/Supplier Relationship: reducing Uncertainties
in Commercial Offers thanks to Readiness, Risk and Confidence
Considerations . 1115
A. Sylla, E. Vareilles, M. Aldanondo, T. Coudert, L. Geneste
and K. Kirytopoulos
Collaborative Design and Supervision Processes Meta-Model
for Rationale Capitalization 1123
Widad Es-Soufi, Esma Yahia and Lionel Roucoules
Design Archetype of Gears for Knowledge Based Engineering 1131
Mariele Peroni, Alberto Vergnano, Francesco Leali
and Andrea Brentegani
The Role of Knowledge Based Engineering
in Product Configuration 1141
Giorgio Colombo, Francesco Furini and Marco Rossoni
Section 8.2 Industrial Design and Ergonomics
Safety of Manufacturing Equipment: Methodology Based on a Work
Situation Model and Need Functional Analysis 1151
Mahenina Remiel Feno, Patrick Martin, Bruno Daille-Lefevre,
Alain Etienne, Jacques Marsot and Ali Siadat
Identifying sequence maps or locus to represent the genetic structure
or genome standard of styling DNA in automotive design 1159
Shahriman Zainal Abidin, Azlan Othman, Zafruddin Shamsuddin,
Zaidi Samsudin, Halim Hassan and Wan Asri Wan Mohamed
xxii ContentsGenerating a user manual in the early design phase
to guide the design activities 1167
Xiaoguang Sun, Rémy Houssin, Jean Renaud and Mickaël Gardoni
Robust Ergonomic Optimization of Car Packaging in Virtual
Environment 1177
Antonio Lanzotti, Amalia Vanacore and Chiara Percuoco
Human-centred design of ergonomic workstations on interactive
digital mock-ups . 1187
Margherita Peruzzini, Stefano Carassai, Marcello Pellicciari
and Angelo Oreste Andrisano
Ergonomic-driven redesign of existing work cells: the “Oerlikon
Friction System” case . 1197
Alessandro Naddeo, Mariarosaria Vallone, Nicola Cappetti,
Rosaria Califano and Fiorentino Di Napoli
Section 8.3 Image Processing and Analysis
Error control in UAV image acquisitions for 3D reconstruction
of extensive architectures 1211
Michele Calì, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri, Gabriele Fatuzzo
and Gaetano Sequenzia
Accurate 3D reconstruction of a rubber membrane inflated during
a Bulge Test to evaluate anisotropy 1221
Michele Calì and Fabio Lo Savio
B-Scan image analysis for position and shape defect definition
in plates 1233
Donatella Cerniglia, Tommaso Ingrassia, Vincenzo Nigrelli
and Michele Scafidi
Author Index 1241
Contents xxiii
Author Index
Abidin, Shahriman Zainal, 1159
Achard, Victor, 501
Aguilar, Fernando J., 881
Aguilar, Manuel A., 881
Ahmed, Ahmed, 853
Aifaoui, Nizar, 81
Aldanondo, M., 1114
Alix, Thecle, 111
Ambu, R., 777
Andrés Díaz, José R., 697
Andrisano, Angelo Oreste, 1187
Anselmetti, Bernard, 993
Anwer, Nabil, 191, 241, 223
Arancón, D., 923
Arbelaez, Alejandro, 25
Argenti, Fabrizio, 621
Arias, Agustin, 811
Arroyave-Tobón, Santiago, 1003
Baldini, N., 457
Ballu, Alex, 1023, 1053
Barattin, Daniela, 373
Barbagallo, R., 167, 611
Barbieri, Loris, 157, 353
Barone, Sandro, 91, 405, 437, 415
Baronio, Gabriele, 905
Barrenetxea, Lander, 397
Belhadj, Imen, 55
Belkadi, Farouk, 139, 871
Benama, Youssef, 111
Benamara, Abdelmajid, 55
Benito-Martín, M.A., 923
Bernard, Alain, 139, 871
Berselli, Giovanni, 655
Betancur, Esteban, 25
Biagini, Massimiliano, 621
Biancolini, Marco Evangelos, 537
Bici, Michele, 289
Biedermann, Anna Maria, 951, 1083
Blanchard, Antoine, 1023
Blanco, José L., 881
Blázquez Parra, E. Beatriz, 941
Bluntzer, Jean-Bernard, 861
Bonazzi, Enrico, 1013
Bonisoli, Elvio, 665
Bonnot, Vivien, 313
Borchi, Francesco, 621
Bosch-Mauchand, M., 101
Brentegani, Andrea, 1131
Bricogne, Matthieu, 829
Brino, Marco, 665
Broggiato, Giovanni B., 289
Brognara, L., 457
Brown, Christopher A., 271
Bruno, Fabio, 157, 353
Brun, Xavier, 639
Brutto, Mauro L.O., 555
Buonamici, Francesco, 841
Cagin, Stéphanie, 45
Cahuc, Olivier, 647
Calabretta, Michele, 709
Calamaz, Madalina, 647
Calì, Michele, 167, 585, 1221, 1211, 675
Califano, Rosaria, 1197
Caligiana, Gianni, 329
Cammarata, A., 71, 611
Campana, Francesca, 289
Cannizzaro, Luigi, 575
Capizzi, Giacomo, 789
Caporaso, T., 479
Cappetti, Nicola, 799, 1197
Carassai, Stefano, 1187
Carfagni, Monica, 387, 621, 841
Carniel, Xavier, 687
Casanova, Juan A., 881
Castillo Rueda, Francisca, 941
Cavallaro, Daniela, 709
Cella, Ubaldo, 537, 547
Cerniglia, Donatella, 1233
Ceron, Enrique, 767
Ceruti, Alessandro, 727
Chen, Jing-tao, 631
Cherfi, Z., 101
Chindamo, Daniel, 341
Chirol, Clément, 501
Cicconi, Paolo, 1097
Coco, Salvatore, 789
Colombo, Giorgio, 1141
Concheri, Gianmaria, 213
Contreras López, Miguel A., 697
Corral-Bobadilla, Marina, 447, 489
Correia, Nuno, 1053
Coudert, T., 1114
Cremonini, Marco, 597
Cristovao, Claudia, 1053
Cucinotta, Filippo, 91, 547, 509
Curto, M., 425
Dagnes, Nicole, 747
Daidie, Alain, 501, 517
Daille-Lefevre, Bruno, 1151
Darnis, Philippe, 647
De Crescenzio, F., 251, 425, 457
De La Morena-De La Fuente, Eduardo, 757
De Martino, G., 479
De Napoli, Luigi, 35, 353
de Vaujany, Jean-Pierre, 739
Dekhtiar, Jonathan, 829
Delos, Vincent, 1003
Deneux, Dominique, 891
Denoix, Henri, 993
Desfontaines, Vincent, 321
Di Angelo, L., 1033, 1043
Di Gironimo, G., 479
Di Ludovico, M., 479
Di Napoli, Fiorentino, 1197
Di Paola, Francesco, 555
Di Stefano, P., 1033, 1043
Doutre, Pierre-Thomas, 233
Durupt, Alexandre, 223, 829
Elipe, María, 1083
Es-Soufi, Widad, 1123
Etienne, Alain, 1151
Etxaniz, Olatz, 811
Eynard, Benoît, 223, 687, 829
Fadon, Fernando, 767
Fadon, Laida, 767
Fantini, M., 425, 457
Fatuzzo, Gabriele, 167, 675, 1211
Favi, Claudio, 63
Feno, Mahenina Remiel, 1151
Fernández, Ismael, 881
Fernández-Vázquez, Aranzazu, 363, 1083
Fichera, G., 71
Filippi, Stefano, 373, 905
Fischer, Xavier, 45
Fleche, Damien, 861
Francia, Daniela, 329
Frizziero, Leonardo, 597, 727
Furet, Benoît, 321
Furferi, Rocco, 819
Furini, Francesco, 1141
Gadaleta, Michele, 655
Gadola, Marco, 341
Gallego-Alvarez, Javier, 961
Gallo, Alessandro, 353
García Ceballos, María L., 697
Gardoni, Mickaël, 1167
Garnier, Sébastien, 321
Gaudy, Rémy, 853
Geneste, L., 1114
Genovesi, Andrea, 655
Gerbino, Salvatore, 201
Germani, Michele, 63, 1097, 1107
Giallanza, Antonio, 575
Giannese, Michele, 437
Gimena, Faustino, 973, 981
Gimena, Lázaro, 973, 981
Gitto, J-P., 101
Giurgola, Stefano, 1063
Goikoetxea, Nestor, 811
Gomes, Rui, 1053
Gómez-Jáuregui, Valentín, 719, 915
Goñi, Mikel, 973, 981
Gonzaga, Pedro, 973, 981
Gorozika, Jokin, 397
Governi, Lapo, 819
Grandvallet, Christelle, 281
Gritti, Giovanni, 341
Groth, Corrado, 537
Guillemot, Mady, 639
Guingand, Michèle, 739
Guivarch, I., 101Author Index 1243
Hamieh, Ahmed, 891
Hassan, Halim, 1159
Hattali, Lamine, 271
Houssin, Rémy, 1167
Humbert, Gaël, 639
Ingrassia, Tommaso, 15, 261, 469, 555, 1233
Íñiguez-Macedo, Saúl, 447, 489
Iturrate, Mikel, 397
Keimasi, Safa, 241
Khatib, Ahmad A.L., 861
Kheder, Maroua, 81
Kiritsis, Dimitris, 829
Kirytopoulos, K., 1114
Lacasa, Enrique, 129
Ladrón de Guevara Muñoz, M. Carmen, 941
Lagresle, Charly, 739
Laheurte, Raynald, 647
Landi, Daniele, 1097
Landon, Yann, 313
Lanzotti, Antonio, 201, 479, 1177
Lapini, Alessandro, 621
Larat, Bertrand, 853
Lartigue, Claire, 271, 303
Le Duigou, Julien, 223
Le, Van Thao, 181
Leali, Francesco, 1013, 1131
Liverani, Alfredo, 329, 727
Lizcano, Piedad Eliana, 719
Lo Sciuto, Grazia, 789
López-Forniés, Ignacio, 363
Lostado-Lorza, Rubén, 447, 489, 1073
Lucchi, F., 251
Lucena-Muñoz, Fermín, 961
Mahdjoub, Morad, 861
Maillard, Arnaud, 687
Maleki, Elaheh, 139
Manchado, Cristina, 719, 915
Mancuso, Antonio, 15, 527, 555
Mandil, Henri Paris Guillaume, 181
Mandolini, Marco, 63
Marannano, Giuseppe, 575
Marano, D., 71
Marcolin, Federica, 747
Marin, Philippe, 233
Marsot, Jacques, 1151
Martin-Doñate, Cristina, 119, 961
Martínez-Calvo, María Ángeles, 447, 489, 923,
Martin, Patrick, 1151
Martorelli, Massimo, 201, 585
Mathieu, Luc, 241
Matthews, Geoffrey S., 5
Mehdi-Souzani, Charyar, 191
Mejía-Gutiérrez, Ricardo, 25, 147
Meneghello, Roberto, 213
Mercado-Colmenero, Jorge Manuel, 119
Mimoso, Pedro, 1053
Minguez, Rikardo, 811
Mitrouchev, Peter, 631
Mohamed, Wan Asri Wan, 1159
Mollo, Fabrizio, 157
Montes Tubio, Francisco, 941
Moos, Sandro, 747
Morabito, A.E., 777, 1033, 1043
Morais, Fabio, 933
Moreno, José C., 881
Morretton, Elodie, 233
Motyl, Barbara, 905
Mouton, Serge, 1023
Muñoz López, Natalia, 951
Muriana, José Angel Moya, 119
Muzzupappa, Maurizio, 157, 353
Naddeo, Alessandro, 799, 1197
Nalbone, L., 469
Neri, Paolo, 415, 437
Ngo, Thanh-Nghi, 871
Niandou, Halidou, 1023
Nigrelli, Vincenzo, 261, 469, 509, 1233
Noppe, Eric, 687
Noterman, Didier, 639
Oliveri, S.M., 167, 611, 675, 1211
Olivi, Andrea, 341
Orlandi, Stefano, 341
Osorio-Gómez, Gilberto, 25
Otero, César, 719, 915
Othman, Azlan, 1159
Pailhés, Jérôme, 147
Paladino, Giorgio, 15
Panari, Davide, 1013
Paoli, Alessandro, 405, 437, 415
Paquet, Elodie, 3211244 Author Index
Paramio, Miguel Angel Rubio-, 119
Paredes, Manuel, 501, 565
Patalano, Stanislao, 201
Pellicciari, Marcello, 655, 1187
Percuoco, Chiara, 1177
Pérez Delgado, Belén, 697
Peroni, Mariele, 1131
Perry, Nicolas, 111
Peruzzini, Margherita, 655, 1187
Peverada, Franco, 341
Phan, Nguyen Duy Minh, 303
Piancastelli, Luca, 597
Pierre, Laurent, 993
Piratelli-Filho, Antonio, 191
Pisciotta, D., 469
Pitarresi, G., 527
Ponchet Durupt, A., 101
Porretto, Mario, 575
Pourroy, Franck, 233, 281
Prati, D., 71
Prudhomme, Guy, 233, 281
Puggelli, Luca, 1063
Qiao, Lihong, 241
Qiu, Donghai, 565
Quinsat, Yann, 271, 303
Raffaeli, Roberto, 1107
Ramos, Francisco J., 881
Razionale, Armando Viviano, 405, 415, 437
Razzoli, Roberto, 655
Renaud, Jean, 1167
Renna, Marco, 709
Renzi, Cristina, 1013
Ricotta, V., 261, 469
Ríos-Zapata, David, 147
Ritou, Mathieu, 321
Rizzuti, Sergio, 35
Rodriguez, Emmanuel, 517
Rojas-Sola, José Ignacio, 757
Romano, Matteo, 341
Rossoni, Marco, 1141
Roucoules, Lionel, 853, 1123
Rouetbi, Oussama, 993
Rowson, Harvey, 829
Russo, Anna Costanza, 1097
Sagot, Jean-Claude, 861
Samsudin, Zaidi, 1159
Santamaría-Peña, J., 923, 1073
Santolaya, José Luis, 129
Sanz-Adán, F., 447, 923, 1073
Sanz-Peña, I., 1073
Sanz, Rosana, 129
Savignano, Roberto, 405
Savio, Fabio Lo, 1221
Savio, Gianpaolo, 213
Savoretti, Andrea, 1107
Scafidi, Michele, 1233
Segonds, Stéphane, 313
Seguy, Sébastien, 565
Sequenzia, G., 167, 611, 675, 1211
Serrano Tierz, Ana, 951
Sfravara, Felice, 91, 547, 509
Shamsuddin, Zafruddin, 1159
Shikler, Raphael, 789
Siadat, Ali, 1151
Silio, Delfin, 767
Sinatra, R., 71
Sitta, Alessandro, 709
Solaberrieta, Eneko, 397
Somovilla-Gómez, Fátima, 447, 489, 1073
Speranza, Domenico, 585, 747, 905
Sun, Xiaoguang, 1167
Sylla, A., 1114
Tahon, Christian, 891
Tarallo, A., 479
Tartamella, C., 261
Teissandier, Denis, 1003
Thanwerdas, Rémi, 517
Thomnn, G., 933
Tobalina-Baldeon, Daniel, 489
Tobalina, D., 1073
Tornincasa, Stefano, 665, 747
Trigui, Moez, 55, 81
Trinca, G.B., 527
Tumino, D., 527
Tu Pham, Minh, 639
Uberti, Stefano, 341
Uccheddu, Francesca, 387, 819
Vallone, Mariarosaria, 1197
Vanacore, Amalia, 1177
Vareilles, E., 1114
Vergnano, Alberto, 1013, 1131
Vezzetti, Enrico, 747
Vignat, Frédéric, 233, 281
Villa, Valerio, 905
Violante, Maria Grazia, 747
Vitolo, Ferdinando, 201Author Index 1245
Volpe, Yary, 819, 841, 1063
Vo, Thanh Hoang, 233
Wang, Cheng-gang, 631
Werba, Christine, 933
Xiao, Jinhua, 223
Yahia, Esma, 1123
Yan, Xingyu, 1023
Yousfi, Wadii, 647
Zhang, Yicha, 139
Zhu, Zuowei, 241
Zuazo, Inaki, 811

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