Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing II

Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing II
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing
(JCM 2018)
Francisco Cavas-Martínez • Benoit Eynard • Francisco J. Fernández Cañavate • Daniel G. Fernández-Pacheco • Paz Morer • Vincenzo Nigrelli
Product Design and Development
Efficiency and Reliability of Gravity Die Casting Models
for Simulation Based Design . 3
A. Vergnano, E. Brambilla, and G. Bonfiglioli
Integrating Sustainability in Product Development Projects 13
L. Diago, E. Lacasa, L. Urmente, I. Millán, and J. L. Santolaya
Methodology for a Sustainable Design of Product-Service Systems 23
I. Millán, E. Lacasa, A. Sánchez, L. Diago, and J. L. Santolaya
Human Factors Assessment for Comfort and Safety in the XCAT
Powerboats Rules 32
S. Abrami, F. Cucinotta, E. Guglielmino, and F. Sfravara
Development of a Low-Cost Wearable Prevention System
for Musculoskeletal Disorders Using Inertial Measurement
Unit Systems 41
C. Cao, M. I. Rodríguez-Ferradas, A. Cazón-Martín, and Paz Morer
Fingers’ Biomechanical Analysis with Smartphone User Tests 52
P. Mitrouchev, J. Chen, and F. Quaine
An Impact Testing Machine Development for Helmets According
to Several Standards . 62
D. Ranz, R. Miralbes, and D. Sánchez
Well Planned Obsolescence and the Eco-Design . 74
J. M. Paricio, J. A. Peña, and R. Miralbes
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Self-loosening
of a Bolted Assembly . 85
V. Rafik, B. Combes, A. Daidié, and C. Chirol
xiA New Approach for Machine-Tool Architecture Selection
at Preliminary Design Stage 95
M. Lajili, H. Chanal, C. Bouzgarrou, and E. Duc
Measurement Device Design: Multipurpose Rain Gauge 105
M. C. Ladrón-de-Guevara-Muñoz, A. J. Sánchez-Martos,
O. D. de-Cózar-Macías, E. B. Bláquez-Parra,
and I. Ladrón-de-Guevara-López
Multifunctional Device for Bicycles 123
P. Lardón-Amat, O. D. de-Cózar-Macías, F. J. Castillo-Rueda,
C. Ladrón-de-Guevara-Muñoz, and L. Miravet-Garret
Modeling and Development of a Prosthesis Inspired
by the Anthropometry of the Hand 134
L. Dunai, I. Lengua, I. Capcanari, and G. Peris-Fajarnés
Adaptation in the Design of a Weighing Lysimeter for Use
in Potato Crops . 143
J. A. Nicolás-Cuevas, D. Parras-Burgos, L. Ruíz-Peñalver,
and J. M. Molina-Martínez
Identification of the Main Contributors in the 3D Tolerances
Assessment in Mechanical Transmissions 152
F. Gherardini, D. Panari, and F. Leali
Computer-Aided Design and Interactive Design
A Virtual Kinematic Design of Dental Restorations
Using Reverse Engineering . 165
M. Iturrate, R. Minguez, N. Toledo, H. Eguiraun, I. De Prado,
and E. Solaberrieta
Design of an Interactive Web Interface Using Graphics for Simulating
and Assessing Visual Impact in Sustainable Building Projects 174
J. S. Jeong and A. Ramírez-Gómez
Topology Optimization Additive Manufacturing-Oriented
for a Biomedical Application . 184
F. Cucinotta, E. Guglielmino, G. Longo, G. Risitano, D. Santonocito,
and F. Sfravara
A Reverse-Engineering Approach for the Management of Product
Geometrical Variations During Assembly 194
J. L. Gregorio, C. Lartigue, F. Thiébaut, and H. Falgarone
Free-State Shape of Aeronautical Components for Assembly
Simulation . 203
F. Gringoz, F. Thiébaut, C. Lartigue, and B. Soufflet
xii ContentsAnalysis of the Virtual Facebow Transfer by Using a Facebow Fork.
An In Vitro Study . 213
E. Solaberrieta, M. Iturrate, J. A. Oriozabala, X. Amezua, L. Barrenetxea,
and O. Etxaniz
Methodology for the 3D Reconstruction of Industrials Facilities
Using Photogrammetry 225
R. Miralbes, H. Peña, and J. A. Peña
Visual Impact Assessment for Offshore Wind Farms
Along the Cantabrian Coast 235
J. López-Uriarte, P. E. Lizcano, C. Manchado, V. Gómez-Jáuregui,
and C. Otero
Graphic Survey and 3D Virtual Restoration of a 16th Century Watch
Tower: Navidad Tower (Cartagena, Spain) 242
J. García-León, J. Ros-Torres, G. Vázquez Arenas, P. E. Collado Espejo,
J. Pérez Navarro, and M. Ramos Martínez
Design of a Two Arms Exoskeleton as Haptic Device for Virtual
Reality Applications 252
D. Chakarov, I. Veneva, M. Tsveov, P. Mitrouchev, and P. Venev
3D Organic Modeling Using Hybrid Techniques with Polygons . 263
C. López, J. A. Peña, and R. Miralbés
Study of the Cylindrical Symmetry Materials Dependence
with the Temperature in a Nonlinear Heat Transfer
by Network Method 272
M. Fernández, J. F. Sanchez-Pérez, and F. Del Cerro
Exploiting Augmented Reality to Display Technical Information
on Industry 4.0 P&ID 282
A. Boccaccio, G. L. Cascella, M. Fiorentino, M. Gattullo, V. M. Manghisi,
G. Monno, and A. E. Uva
A Design Approach to Support BIM for Existing Structures . 292
P. Cicconi, R. Raffaeli, and A. Borghi
A Procedure for Cutting Guides Design in Maxillofacial Surgery:
A Case-Study . 301
L. Ulrich, F. Baldassarre, F. Marcolin, S. Moos, S. Tornincasa, E. Vezzetti,
D. Speranza, G. Ramieri, and E. Zavattero
An Integrated Approach for Shape Optimization
with Mesh-Morphing . 311
M. Calì, S. M. Oliveri, M. Evangelos Biancolini, and G. Sequenzia
Contents xiiiPosture Evaluation for Fragment Re-Alignment of Ancient Bronze
Statues: The Case Study of the Principe Ellenistico 323
M. Bici, R. Guachi, O. Colacicchi, G. D’Ercoli, and F. Campana
Review of Industrial Design Optimization by Genetic Algorithms . 336
F. L. Sáez-Gutiérrez, F. J. F. Cañavate, and A. Guerrero-González
Manufacturing and Industrial Process Design
Defining Scanning Trajectory for on-Machine Inspection
Using a Laser-Plane Scanner . 349
D. M. P. Nguyen, Y. Quinsat, and C. Lartigue
Use of Additive Manufacturing on Models for Sand
Casting Process . 359
C. Bermudo, S. Martín-Béjar, F. J. Trujillo, and L. Sevilla
Approach to the Management Applied to the Periodical Technical
Inspection (PTI) Stations in the Context of Industry 4.0 370
J. García-Cordonié, P. Izquierdo, J. A. Vilán, A. Segade, E. Casarejos,
and M. Lopez
Influential Parameters in Plunge Milling for Titanium
Alloy Ti-6Al-4V . 380
M. Fredj, F. Monies, W. Rubio, and J. Senatore
A Model-Based Approach to Support the Design of Mold Heating
for Composites 391
P. Cicconi, E. Pallotta, A. C. Russo, R. Raffaeli, M. Prist, A. Monteriù,
S. Longhi, and M. Germani
New Issues for Workers Safety in the Factory of the Future . 402
P. Martin, B. Daille-Lefèvre, J. Marsot, X. Godot, G. Abba, A. Siadat,
and M. Gomez-Echeverri
3D Model Representation and Data Exchange for Additive
Manufacturing 412
G. Savio, R. Meneghello, S. Rosso, and G. Concheri
Applying High Speed Video to Optimize the Performance
of Milling Tools . 422
C. García-Hernández, A. Martínez-Angulo, N. Efkolidis, P. Ubieto-Artur,
J. L. Huertas-Talón, and P. Kyratsis
A Knowledge-Based Augmented Reality Tool for Managing
Design Variations 430
L. Barbieri, E. Marino, and F. Bruno
xiv ContentsInvestigation of Aluminum Alloy Properties During Helical Roller
Burnishing Through Finite Element Simulations and Experiments 440
L. Kamgaing Souop, A. Daidie, Y. Landon, J. Senatore, and M. Ritou
Topological Optimization of a Structural Naval Component
Manufactured in FDM 451
A. Mancuso, G. Pitarresi, A. Saporito, and D. Tumino
The Influence of Build Orientation on the Flatness Error in Artifact
Produced by Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) Process . 463
S. Rizzuti, L. De Napoli, and S. Ventra
New Customized Elbow Orthosis Made by Additive Manufacturing . 473
R. I. Campbell, T. Ingrassia, V. Nigrelli, and V. Ricotta
Graphical Bioengineering
Accuracy Assessment of CT-Based 3D Bone Surface
Reconstruction 487
L. Puggelli, F. Uccheddu, Y. Volpe, R. Furferi, and D. Di Feo
Comparative Study of Mussel Shells Using 3D Scanning 497
H. Eguiraun, E. Gil-Uriarte, L. Barrenetxea, E. Lizundia, I. Zuazo,
and M. Soto
VR Medical Treatments. A 15-Year Statistical Overview 505
J. M. Salmerón Núñez, R. García Sánchez, and J. Ordoñez García
Geometry Modelling of Regular Scaffolds for Bone Tissue
Engineering: A Computational Mechanobiological Approach 517
A. Boccaccio, M. Fiorentino, M. Gattullo, V. M. Manghisi, G. Monno,
and A. E. Uva
Parenthood Perception Enhancement Through Interaction
with 3D Printed Fetal Face Models 527
D. Speranza, F. Padula, B. Motyl, S. Tornincasa, F. Marcolin, E. Vezzetti,
and M. Martorelli
System of Precision Osteotomy in Bone Reconstruction Surgery:
C. M. Baño, P. Puertas, and B. Abellán Rosique
3D Simulation of Hazelnut Chopping—A Geometrical Study
Compared with Experimental Results 542
C. Conigliaro, S. Tornincasa, and V. Vicentini
Surgical Planning in Shoulder Prostheses with 3D Reconstruction
and Customized 3D Guides 552
C. M. Baño, J. F. Abellán, E. Melendreras, and B. Abellán Rosique
Contents xvCombined Urban Furniture Designed by a Bio-Inspired Approach 564
D. Parras-Burgos, J. Hernández, J. S. Velázquez, F. Cavas-Martínez,
F. J. F. Cañavate, and D. G. Fernández-Pacheco
Tumor Reconstructive Surgery Assisted by Scale Models
Using 3D Printing 573
D. Parras-Burgos, P. Puertas García-Sandoval, C. Baño Pedreño,
F. Cavas-Martínez, F. J. F. Cañavate, and D. G. Fernández-Pacheco
Eco-Ideation Workshops: Definition and Requirements . 585
I. López-Forniés and J. Sierra-Pérez
Modular Design: Product Design Opportunities
and a Case Analysis 596
L. Asión-Suñer and I. López-Forniés
Is the Design a Vector to be Considered in the Agri-food Industry?
An Interprofessional Analysis in Andalusia (Spain) 610
Ó. González-Yebra, M. A. Aguilar, and F. J. Aguilar
Description of Moisture Thermal Patterns in Concrete
for the Thermal Inspection Method by Infrared Thermography 622
P. Cárdenas-Del Campo, F. Soto-Lara, and M. Marín-Granados
Joint Development of Video Mapping Contents on the Industrial
and Cultural Heritage of Zaragoza (Spain) 632
F. J. Galán-Pérez and A. Biedermann
Service Design and Sound: A Chance for Exploration
in Oncological Treatment Rooms 639
R. Sanz-Segura, C. Romero-Piqueras, E. Manchado-Pérez, and E. Özcan
Form and Function: Functional Optimization and Additive
Manufacturing 649
L. Barbieri, F. Calzone, and M. Muzzupappa
New Bottling Machine for Different Glass Jar Geometries
in Continuous Processes . 659
F. Cateura, J. S. Velázquez-Blázquez, F. Cavas-Martínez,
D. Parras-Burgos, F. J. F. Cañavate, and J. Nieto
Moving Away from the Basic, Adopting a New Approach
to the Creative Process 670
J. C. Quiñones-Gómez
xvi ContentsTeaching—Learning
Proposal About the Introduction of the Soft Skills in the Teaching
of Product Development . 683
E. Rovida and G. Zafferri
Which Didactic Methodology Is the Most Appropriate
for My Subject? . 696
J. López, I. Herrero, P. Jimbert, M. Iturrondobeitia, and N. Toledo
Integrated Approach to the Innovation of Technical Drawing
Teaching Methods . 705
G. Baronio, I. Bodini, A. Copeta, L. Dassa, B. Grassi, R. Metraglia,
B. Motyl, D. Paderno, S. Uberti, and V. Villa
Are We Training Our Novices Towards Quality 2D Profiles
for 3D Models? . 714
C. González-Lluch and R. Plumed
An Analysis of Supervised Practical Work as a Didactic Methodology
in the Subject of Graphic Expression in Engineering . 722
L. Diago Ferrer
Content Management System for the Dissemination of Research
Results on Agustín de Betancourt’s Historical Inventions . 732
J. I. Rojas-Sola and A. I. Aguilera-García
WebGL for the Dissemination of Research Results on Agustín
de Betancourt’s Historical Inventions . 742
J. I. Rojas-Sola and A. I. Aguilera-García
Free Software Usage in Subjects of the Industrial Design
and Product Development Engineering Degree . 751
N. Muñoz-López, A. Biedermann, A. Serrano-Tierz,
and F. J. Galán-Pérez
Education for the Industry of the Future (IoF) with the 3D
Experience Platform 761
V. Gomez-Jauregui, F. Cue-Palencia, C. Manchado, and C. Otero
A Guide for Learning Design Practice 770
R. Sanz-Segura, A. Fernández-Vázquez, E. Manchado-Pérez,
and I. López-Forniés
Improving Spatial Abilities and Comprehension in Technical
Drawing Students Through the Use of Innovative Activities
and Augmented Reality . 780
E. Olvera-García, M. D. Marín-Granados, and F. J. Ortíz-Zamora
Contents xviiImplementation of Learning by Doing Method in the Graphical
Engineering Field 789
M. D. Marín-Granados, E. B. Bláquez-Parra, P. Mora-Segado,
L. Miravet-Garret, F. J. Ortiz-Zamora, F. Gómez-Hermosa,
and E. Olvera-García
Project-Based Learning of CAD/CAE Tools for the Integrated
Design of Automatic Machines 798
G. Berselli, P. Bilancia, and R. Razzoli
Fostering Non-technical Skills for Future Engineers:
Labour Reality in the Graphic Expression Subject 810
N. Toledo, J. Lopez, P. Jimbert, M. Iturrondobeitia, and I. Herrero
xviii Contents
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