A Text Book of Theory of Machines

A Text Book of Theory of Machines
(In S.I. Units)
[For Degree, U.P.S.C. (Engg. Services), A.M.I.E. (India)]
B.E., M.E., Ph.D. ([IT, Delhi)
Head Department of Mechanical Engineering
Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi.
B.Sc. Engg. (Mech.), M. Tech., Hons. (I.I.T., Delhi)
Ph.D., M.I.E. (India)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi
1.1. Definition
1.2. Mechanism and Machine
1.3. Link
1.4. Kinematic Pair
1.5. Degrees ofFreedom
1.6. Kinematic Chain
Solved Problems 1.1-1.5
1.7. Binary, Ternary, Quaternary Joints
1.8. Binary, Ternary and Quaternary Links
1.9. Degrees ofFreedom for Plane Mechanism
1.10. Inversion ofMechanism
1.11. Different Types ofKinematic Chains and Their Inversions
1.11.1. Four Bar Chains
1.11.2. Single-Slider Crank MechanisIJ?,
1.11.3. Double-Slider Crank Chain
Solved Problems 1.6-1.15
on ofInertia
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Displacement
2.3. Velocity
2.4. Acceleration
2.5. Acceleration ofa Particle Moving along a Circular Path
2.6. Angular Displacement
2.7. Angular Velocity
2.8. Angular Acceleration
2.9. Force, Mass and Weight
2.10. Centripetal and Centrifugal Force
2.11. Mass Moment oflnertia
2.12. Angular Momentum
2.13. Torque
2.14. Work
2.15. Power
2.16. Energy
2.16.1. Potential Energy
2.16.2. Strain Energy
2.16.3. Kinetic Energy
Solved Problems 2.1-2.16
2.17. Law ofConservation ofEnergy
2.18. Impulse and Impulsive Force
2.19. Law ofConservation ofMomentum
2.20. Impact ofTwo Bodies
2.20.1. Co-efficient ofRestitution
Solved Problems 2.17-2.20
2.20.2. Loss ofKinetic Energy during Impact
Solved Problems 2.21-2.25
2.21. Simple Harmonic Motion
2.21.1. Definitions ofsome terms used with S.H.M.
Solved Problems 2.26-2.28
2.21.2. Oscillation ofthe bodies having S.H.M.
Solved Problems 2.29-2.30
2.21.3. OsciHation ofa Simple Pendulum
Solved Problems 2.31-2.35
ity of Points in Mechanism
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Instantaneous Centre Method
Solved Problem 3.1
3.3. Analysis ofReciprocating Engine Mechanism
by Instantaneous Centre Method
Solved Problems 3.2-3.3
3.4. Analysis ofFour Bar Mechanism by Instantaneous Centre Method
Solved Problems 3.4-3.5
3.5. Number and Types oflnstantaneous Centres in a Mechanism
3.6. Method for Locating an Instantaneous Centre
3.7. Kennedy Theorem (or Three Centres-in-line Theorem)
3.8. Procedure of Locating Instantaneous Centres
Solved Problems 3.6-3.7
3.9. Relative Velocity Method
3.9.1. Relative Velocity oftwo bodies moving in straight lines
3.9.2. Relative Velocity ofa rigid link
3.10. Velocities in Four Bar Chain
3.11. Velocities in Slider Crank Mechanism
Solved Problems 3.8-3.9
3.12. Rubbing Velocity at a Pin-Joint
Solved Problems 3.10-3.15
3.13. Forces Acting in a Mechanism
3.14. Mechanical Advantage
/ Solved Highlights Problems 3.16-3.17
,./Acceleration in Mechanism
J ·4.1. Introduction
4.2. Acceleration ofa Body Moving along a Circular Path
4.3. Acceleration Diagram for a Link
4.4. Acceleration Diagram for a Slider Crank Mechanism
Solved Problems 4.1-4.5
4.5. Coriolis Acceleration Component
Solved Problems 4.6-4.11
/ Exercise-4
� Mechanism with Lower Pairs
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Pantograph
5.3. Straight Line Mechanism
5.4. Exact Straight Line Motion Mechanisms
Solved Problem 5.1
Approximate Straight Line Motion Mechanism
5.5.1. Watt’s Straight Line Mechanism
5.5.2. Modified Scott-Russel Mechanism
5.5.3. Gross-Hopper Mechanism
5.5.4. Tehebichetrs Mechanism
5.5.5. Robert’s Mechanism
Solved Problems 5.2-5.3
Application ofStraight Line Motion in Engine Indicators
5.6.1. Simplex Indicator
Solved Problems 5.4
5.6.2. Crosby Indicator
5.6.3. Thomson Indicator
5.6.4. Double Mclnnes Indicator
Steering Gears
5.7.1. Davis Steering Gear
Solved Problem 5.5
5.7.2. Ackermann Steering Gear
Universal or Hooke’s Joint
5.8.1. Analysis of Hooke’s Joint
5.8.2. Ratio ofAngular Velocities ofthe shafts
5.8.3. Conditions for equal speeds ofdriven and ring shafts
5.8.4. Maximum and Minimum speeds ofdriven shaft
Solved Problems 5.6-5.10
Double Hooke’s Joint
Solved Problem 5.11
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Definitions
6.2.1. Co-efficient offriction
6.2.2. Angle offriction
6.2.3. Cone of friction
6.3. Types of Friction
6.3.1. Dry friction
6.3.2. Greasy friction
6.3.3. Film friction
6.4. Law:s of Dry Friction
Solved Problems 6.1-6.6
Angle of Repose
6.6. Equilibrium ofa Body lying on a Rough Inclined Plane
Solved Problems 6.7-6.11
Screw Threads Friction
Solved Problems 6.12-6.17
V-Threads Friction
Solved Problem 6.18
Pivot and Collar Bearing
6.10.1. Flat pivot
Solved Problem 6.19
6.10.2. Conical pivot
6.10.3. Truncated conical pivot
Solved Problems 6.20-6.21
L6.10.4. Friction Clutches Solved Flat collar Problems 6.22-6.23
6.11.1. Disc clutch or single plate clutch
Solved Problems 6.24-6.30
6.11.2. Multi plate clutch
Solved Problems 6.31-6.33
6.11.3. Cone clutch
‘ Solved Problems 6.34-6.35
6.12. Greasy Friction
6.12.1. Greasy friction ofa journal
6.12.2. Greasy friction ofa slider-crank mechanism
6.13. Film Friction or Viscous Friction
- .n’e1ts, Ropes and Chain Drives
V7.1. Introduction
7.2. Open Flat Belt Drive
7.2.1. Velocity Ratio of Open Belt Drive
Solved Problems 7.1-7.2
7.2.2. Slip of the Belt
7.2.3. Creep ofthe Belt
Solved Problems 7.3-7.5
7.3. Cross Belt Drive
7.4. Compound Belt Drive
Solved Problem 7.6
7.5. Length of Belt
7.5.1. Length ofan Open Belt Drive
7.5.2. Length ofa Cross-Belt Drive
Solved Problems 7.7-7.8
7.6. Ratio of Belt Tensions
7.7. Power Transmitted by Belt
Solved Problems 7.9-7.10
Centrifugal Tension
7.9. Maximum Power Transmitted by a B�lt
Solved Problems 7.11-7.14
7.10. Initial Tension in the Belt
Solved Problems 7.15-7.17
7.11. V-Belt Drive and Rope-Drive
Solved Problems 7.18-7.23
7.12. Chain Drive
7.13. Relative Advantages and Disadvantages ofChain and Belt
(or Rope) Drives
Exercise-7 - �es and Dynamometers
../”‘”8.1. Introduction 8.2. Types ofBrakes 8.2.1. Simple Block or Shoe Brake Solved Problems 8.1-8.5 8.2.2. Band Brake Solved Problems 8.6-8.11 8.2.3. Band and Block Brake Solved Problems 8.12-8.13 8.2.4. Internal Expanding Shoe Brake Solved Problem 8.14 8.3. The Braking ofa Vehicle Solved Problems 8.15-8.16 8.4. Dynamometer 8.5. Absorption Dynamometer 8.5.1. Prony_Brake Dynanometer 8.5.2. Rope Brake Dynamometer Solved Problem 8.17 8.6. Transmission Dynamometer 8.6.1. Epi-cyclic Train Dynamometer 8.6.2. Belt Transmission Dynamometer Solved Problem 8.18 8.6.3. Torsion Dynamometer Highlights / Exercise-8 !)/Gears 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Classification ofGears 9.3. Definition ofthe terms used in Gears Solved Problems 9.1-9.2 9.4. Law ofGearing or Condition for Constant Velocity Ratio ofGear Wheels. 9.5. Velocity ofSliding 9.6. Forms ofTeeth 9.7. Cycloidal Profile Teeth 9.7.1. Formation ofa Cycloid Rack Tooth Profile 405Chapters (xiv) 9.7.2. Formation ofa Cycloid Teeth ofaGear 9.7.3. Involute Profile Teeth 9.7.4. InvoluteGear Teeth 9.7.5. Important Points for Involute Profile ToothedGears in Mesh 9.7.6. System ofGear Teeth 9.8. Length ofPath ofContact 9.9. Length ofArc ofContact 9.10. Number ofPairs ofTeeth in Contact (or Contact ratio) Solved Problems 9.3-9.5 9.11. Interference in InvoluteGears Solved Problems 9.6-9..8 9.12. The Minimum Number ofTeeth required on the Pinion in Order to Avoid Interference 9.13. The Minimum Number ofTeeth required on the Wheel in order to avoid Interference Solved Problems 9.9-9.11 9.14. Interference between Rack and Pinion and Minimum Number ofTeeth on a Pinion for Involute Rack in order to avoid Interference Solved Problem 9.12 9.15. HelicalGears 9.16. Important Terms for HelicalGears 9.17. SpiralGears 9.18. The Efficiency ofthe SpiralGears Solved Problems 9.13-9.15 Highlights Exercise-9 Introduction Types ofGear Trains 10.2.1. Simple Gear Train 10.2.2. CompoundGear Train 10.2.3. Reverted Gear Train 10.2.4. EpicyclicGear Train 10.3. Velocity Ratio ofGear Trains 10.3.1. Velocity Ratio ofa SimpleGear Train Solved Problems 10.1-10.4 10.3.2. Velocity Ratio ofa CompoundGear Train Solved Problems 10.5-10.6 10.3.3. Velocity Ratio ofRevertedGear Train 10.3.4. Velocity Ratio ofEpicyclicGear Train Solved Problems 10.7-10.12 10.4. Sun and PlanetGear Solved Problems 10.13-10.15 10.5. Torques and Tooth Loads in EpicyclicGear Train Solved Problems 10.16–10.18 10.6. Compound EpicyclicGear Train Solved Problem 10.19 Pages Chapters ✓- 10.7. Epicyclic Gear Train with Bevel Gear Solved Problems 10.20-10.25 Highlights / Exercise-IO Inertia Forces in Reciprocating Parts 1 1. 1. Introduction 1 1.2. D-Alembert’s Principle 1 1’.3. Effect of a Number of Forces Acting on a Rigid Body Solved Problems 1 1 . 1-11.2 1 1.4. Velocity and Acceleration of the Piston 11.4. 1. Analytical method 11.4.2. Angular velocity and angular acceleration ofconnecting rod Solved Problems 1 1.3-1 1.7 11.4.3. Graphical method for velocity and acceleration of reciprocating parts Solved Problems 1 1.8-11 . 10 11 .5. Torque Exerted on the Crank-shaft when Friction and Inertia of Moving Parts are Neglected Solved Problem 1 1. 1 1 1 1.6. Forces on the Reciprocating Parts of an Engine Considering Friction and Inertia ofMoving Parts but Neglecting Weight ofthe Connecting Rod 1 1.6.1 . Piston effort 1 1.6.2. Force acting along the connecting rod 1 1.6.3. Thurst on the sides ofcylinder walls 1 1.6.4. Cank effort 1 1.6.5. Thurst on crank-shaft bearing 1 1.7. Torc;,ue on the Crank-shaft or Turning Moment on Crank-Shaft Solved Problems 11. 12-11.19 1 1.8. Dynamically Equivalent System Solved Problems 11.20-11.22 1 1.9. Magnitude of Correction Couple Applied to Two Mass System which is Dynamically Equivalent to Rigid Body Solved Problem 11.23 1 1. 10. Torque Exerted on the Crank-shaft, Considering the Weight of the Connectin.g Rod Solved Problems 1 1.24-1 1.28 Highlights Exercise–1 1 1 9 �ing Moment Diagrams ¼;.u Introduction 12.2. Turning Moment Diagrams for Different Types of Engines 12.3. Fluctuation ofEnergy and Fluctuation ofSpeed ofCrank-shaft 12.4. Co-efficient of Fluctuation of Energy (Ke) 12.5. Co-efficient of Fluctuation ofSpeed (K5) 12.6. Flywheels Solved Problems 12. 1-12.12 Pages Chapters 12.7. Flywheel’s Rim Dimensions Solved Problems 12.13-12.14 12.8. Operation of a Flywheel in a Punching Press Solved Problems 12.15-12.19 Highlights _ / Exercise-12
�-a�ancing ofRotatingMasses
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Balancing of Rotating Masses
13.2.1. Balancing ofa Single Rotating Mass
Solved Problem 13.1
13.2.2. Balancing ofSeveral Masses Rotating in the same plane
Solved Problem 13.2
13.2.3. Balancing ofSeveral Masses Rotating in different planes
Solved Problems 13.3-13.9
/ Exercise-13
�alancing ofReciprocating Masses
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Balancing ofReciprocating Engine
14.3. Partial Balancing of Primary Force
Solved Problem 14.1
14.4. Partial Balancing of Locomotives
14.5. Effect ofPartial Balancing ofLocomotives
14.5.1. Variation ofTractive Force (or Effort)
14.5.2. Swaying Couple
14.5.3. Hammer Blow
Solved Problems 14.2-14.5
14.6. Coupled Locomotives
Solved Problem 14.6
14.7. Primary Balance ofMulti-cylinder In-line Engines
14.8. Secondary Balance of Multi-cylinder In-line Engines
Solved Problems 14.7-14.10
14.9. Method ofDirect and Reverse Cranks
Solved Problems 14.11-14.12
14.10. V-Engines Balancing
Solved Problem 14.13
15.2. Types ofGovernors
15.3. Types ofCentrifugal Governors
15.4. Watt Governor
Solved Problems 15.1-15.2
15.5. Porter Governor
Solved Problems 15.3-15.7
15.6. ProellGovernor
Solved Problems 15.8-15.9
15.7. BartnellGovernor
Solved Problems 15.10-15.13
15.8. Wilson-HartnellGovernor
Solved Problems 15.14-15.15
15.9. Some Important Definitions
15.9.1. Sensitiveness
15.9.2. Stability
15.9.3. Isochronism
15.9.4. Hunting
15.10. Governor Effort and Power
Solved Problem 15.16
15.11. Controlling Force
Solved Problems 15.17-15.18
15.12. Friction and Insensitiveness
Solved Problems 15.19-15.21
(xvii )
fbrations (Longitudinal and Transverse)
16.1. Introduction
16.2. Types ofVibration
16.3. Important Definitions for Vibrating Motion
16.4. Free Vibrations
16.5. Methods of Finding the Natural Frequency of Free
Longitudinal Vibrations
16.5.1. Equilibrium method
16.5.2. Energy method
16.5.3. Rayleigh’s method
16.6. Method for Natural Frequency of Free Transverse Vibrations
Solved Problem 16.1
16.7. Effect ofthe Inertia of Shaft on Longitudinal and Transverse Vibrations
16.8. Natural Frequency ofTransverse Vibrations ofShafts or Beams
under Different Types of Loads and End Conditions
16.8.1. Natural frequency ofa shaft carrying a single concentrated load
Solved Problems 16.2-16.3
16.8.2. Natural frequency ofa shaft carrying a uniformly distributed load …
16.9. Natural Frequency ofTransverse Vibrations ofa System
of Several Loads attached to the Same Shaft
16.9.1. Energy method
16.9.2. Dunkerley’s method
Solved Problems 16.4-16.5
16.10. Whirling Speeds or Critical Speeds
Solved Problems 16.6-16.8
16.11. Damped Vibrations
16.11.1. Expression for displecement for over-damped, under-damped
and critical-damped system
Solved Problems 16.9-16.11
1 6.12. Logarithmic Decrement
Solved Problems 16.12-16.16
1 6.13. Forced-Damped Vibrations
16.14. Magnification Factor
Solved Problems 16.17-16.20
1 6.15. Vibration Isolation and Transmissibility
Solved Problems 16.21-16.22
�orsional Vibrations
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Natural Frequency ofFree Torsional Vibrations
Solved Problem 17.1
17.3. Effect ofInertia ofShaft on Torsional Vibrations
17.4. Free Torsional Vibrations ofa Single Rotor System
17.5. Free Torsional Vibrations ofa Two Rotor System - 6. Free Torsional Vibrations ofa Three Rotor System
17.7. Torsionally Equivalent Shaft
Solved Problems 17.2-17.6
Free Torsional Vibrations ofa Geared System
Solved Problems 17.7-17.9
18.1. Introduction
18.2. Types ofFollowers
18.3. Nomenclatures for Cam Profile
18.4. Motions ofthe Follower
18.5. Uniform Motion or UniformVelocity ofa Follower
18.6. Simple Harmonic Motion ofFollower
18.7. Uniform Acceleration and Uniform Retardation
18.8. Cycloidal Motion
18.9. Cam Profile Construction
Solved Problems 18.1-18.4
18.10. Cam Profile for Roller Followers
Solved Problems 18.5-18.10
18.11. Cams with Specified Contours
18.12. Circular Arc Cam with Flat-faced Follower
Solved Problems 18.11-18.12
18.13. Tangent Cam with Roller-follower
Solved Problem 18.13
Exercise-18 - Computer-Aided Analysis ofMechanisms
19.1. Introduction
19.2. Coupler Curve
19.3. Coupler Curve for Slider Crank Chain
19.3.1. Computer programme for coupler curve in FORTRAN
19.3.2. Computer programme for coupler curve for
reciprocating engine mechanism in C++
Problem 19.1
19.4. Coupler Curve for Four Bar Kinematic Chain
19.4.1. Computer programme for coupler curve in FORTRAN
19.4.2. Computer programme for coupler curve for four bar
kinematic chain in C++
Problem 19.2
19.5. Computer-Aided Analysis ofMechanism
19.6. Computer-Aided Analysis ofSlider Crank Mechanism
19.6.1. Expression for displacement
19.6.2. Expression for velocity
19.6.3. Expression for acceleration
19.7. Computer Programme for a Slider Crank Mechanism in FORTRAN
19.7.1. Computer programme for a slider crank mechanism in C++
Problem 19.3
19.8. Computer Aided Analysis ofFour Bar Kinematic Chain
19.8.1. Expression for displacement
19.8.2. Expression for velocity
19.8.3. Expression for acceleration
19.9. Computer Programme for a Four Bar Kinematic Chain
Problem 19.4
\ ~ /Exercise-19 1
�thesis of M;echanism
20.1. Introduction
20.1.1. Number synthesis
20.2. Degrees ofFreedom ofa Planar Kinematic Chain (Griibler Criterion)
20.2.1. Minimum number ofbinary links in a constrained mechanism
with simple hinges
20.2.2. Fully constrained motion ofa kinematic chain
20.3. Dimensional Synthesi3
20.3.1. Graphical method
20.3.2. Analytical method
Problems 20.1-20.2
20.4. Mechanisms for Position Guidance
20.5. Summary
�yroscopic Effects and Gyroscope
21.1. Introduction
21.2. Spinning and Precession
21.3. Gyroscopic Couple
Problems 21.1-21.5
2:J..4. Effect ofGyroscopic Couple on the Stability ofAutomotive Vehicles
21.4.1. Stability offour wheelers
Problems 21.6-21.9
21.4.2. Stability of two wheelers
Problem 21.10
21.5. Gyroscopic Effects on Ships and Aeroplanes
21.5.1. Gyroscopic effects on Ships
21.5.2. Gyroscopic effects on aeroplanes
21.6. Gyroscopic Analysis of Grinding Mill
21.7. Gyroscope
Problems 21.11-21.13
Objective Type Questions
… 1079-1126
… 1127-1131 ·Subject Index
A _
Absorption dynamometers, 378
Acceleration, 33
Acceleration diagram for a link, 129
- for a slider crank mechanism, 130
Ackerman steering gear, 192
Addendum, 399
Addendum circle, 399
Angle of friction, 210 - repose, 217
Angular displacement, 35
Angular momentum, 39
Angular velocity, 35
Angular acceleration, 35
Arc of contact ofa gear, 410
length of, 409 - recess of a gear, 409
Balancing of rotating masses, 658
Balancing of reciprocating masses, 704
Band brake, simple, 340 - and block brake, 357
Belt drive, 284 - velocity ratio of, 285
- transmission dynamometers, 381
Bennett’s construction, 547
Bevel gears, 397
Bevis-Gibson flash light torsion dynamometer, 385
Binary joint, 8
Binary link, 9
Brakes, 331
Braking of a vehicle, 370
Cams, 928
Cam profile construction, 944
Cam profile for roller followers, 954
Cams with specified contours, 968
Centrifugal force, 39 - governors, 759
- tension, 305
Chain drives, 284, 326
Circular arc cam with a flat-faced follower, 968 - pitch, 399
Clearance, 400
Co-efficient of fluctuation of energy, 611
friction, 210 - speed, 612
- restitution, 56
Compound belt drive, 292
Compound gear train, 451
Compound epicyclic gear train, 497
Completely constrained motion, 7
Computer-Aided analysis of Mechanism, 992
Cone of friction, 211
Cone clutch, 267
Conical pivot, 242
Construction of cam profiles, 944
Controlling force, 808
Coriolis acceleration, 143
Coupled locomotives, 724
Coupler curve, 992 - for four bar mechanism, 993
- for slider crank mechanism 992
Crank and lever mechanism, 12
Crank effort, 555
Creep ofbelt, 289
Critical damping, 855
Critical speed, 849
Cross-belt drive, 291 - length of, 296
Cross by indicator, 185
Cycloidal motion, 941
Cycloidal teeth, 404
D _
D’Alembert’s principle, 523
Damped vibrations, 858
Damping factor or ratio, 857
Davis steering gear, 189
Dedendum, 399
Dedendum circle, 399
Degrees offreedom, 4 - of a planer kinematic chain, 1003
Design of spur gears, 434
Diametral pitch, 399
Differential equation of simple harmonic
motion, 67
Differential band brake, 348
Differential gear of an automobile, 511
Dimensions of the flywheel rim, 639
1 1271 128
Dimensional synthesis, 1006 - Analytical method, 1011
- Graphical method, 1006
Direct cranks, 741
Disc clutches, 253
Displacement, 33
Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams
when follower moves with uniform velocity, 931
with simple harmonic motion, 934
with uniform acceleration and retardation, 937
with cycloidal motion, 941
Double block or shoe brake, 340
crank mechanism, 18
Hooke’s joint, 205
lever mechanism, 18
slider crank chain, 18
Dry friction, 213
Dunkerley’s method, 846
Dynamics, 1
Dynamometers, 331, 378
Dynamometer, 378
absorption type, 378 - transmission type, 381
E _
Effect ofgyroscopic couple - on automotive vehicles, 1030
- on ships and aeroplane, 1054
Efficiency screw jack, 231
Efficiency of spiral gears, 436
Effort of a governor, 804
Elliptical trammel, 18
Energy, 43
Energy Method, 833, 845
Epicyclic gear train, 452 - torques in, 485
- train dynamometer, 381
Epicyclic gear train with Bevel Gear, 501
Equivalent dynamical system, 572
Exact straight line motion mechanisms made up
of turning pairs, 171 - consiating of one sliding pain, 176
F _
Face of the tooth, 399
Film friction, 212
Flank ofthe tooth, 400
Flash light torsion dynamometer, 386
Flat belt, 3 16 - collar, 248
- pivot, 238
Fluctuation of energy, 610 - speed, 610
Flywheel, 613 - energy stored in, 613
rim dimensions of, 639
in punching press, 645
Force, 39 - acting along a connecting rod, 549
- on reciprocating parts of an engine, 548
Forced vibrations, 869
Forms of teeth, 404
Four bar chain, 11
Free vibrations, 830 - types of, 829
Frequency, 826
Free torsional vibrations ofsinglerotorsystem, 897
oftwo rotor system, 898 - of three rotor system, 900
- of geared system, 914
Friction ofpivot and collar bearing, 239
Friction circle, 276
Friction clutches, 255
Friction wheels, 394
Gears, 394
Gear ratio, 400
Gear train, 450
simple, 450
compound, 450
Reverted, 451
Epicylic, 451
Governors, 758
Hartnell, 784
Porter, 763
Proell, 778
Watt, 760
Wilson-Hartnell, 797
effort and power, 804
types of, 758
Grasshopper mechanism, 178
Greasy friction, 212
Grubler’s equation, 10
Grubler criterion, 1003
Gyroscopic effects and Gyroscope, 1022
Gyroscopic couple, 1022
Gyroscopic effects on aeroplanes, 1055 - on ships, 1054
Gyroscopic analysis of Grinoling Mill, 1055
Gyroscope, 1057
H _
Hartung governor, 758
Hammer blow, 711
Hartnell governor, 784
Hart’s mechanism, 174
Helical gears, 396
Helix angle, 433INDEX
Herringbone gears, 397
Higher pair, 3
Hooke’s joint, 193
Humpage’s gear, 511
Hunting ofgovernors, 803
! _
Impulse, 54
Impulsive force, 54
Incompletely constrained motion, 7
Inertia forces in reciprocating parts of an engine,
Initial tension in the belt, 312
Instantaneous centre method, 87 - centre of rotation, 88
Instantaneous centre, 96
Instantaneous method, 87
Insensitiveness of Governor, 816
Interference in involute gears, 415
Internal expanding brake, 362
Inversion of mechanism, 11
four bar chain, 12 - of single slider crank chain, 14
- of double slider crank chain, 18
Involute teeth, 407
Isochronous governors, 803
K _
Kennedy Theorem, 99
Kinetic energy, 43
Kinematics, 1
Kinematic chain, 5 - pair, 2
Klien’s construction, 536
L _
Law of conservation of energy, 53 - momentum, 55 .,,
Laws of dry friction, 213
Low of gearing, 402
Length of cross belt drive, 296
of open belt drive, 294 - of arc of contact, 410
- of path of contact, 409
Limiting friction, 210 - angle of friction, 211
Link, 2
Linear acceleration, 33 - displacement, 33
- velocity, 33
Location of instantaneous centres, 97
Logarithmic decrement, 863
Longitudinal vibrations, 829 - natural frequency of, 831
1 129
Loss of kinetic energy during elastic impact, 60
Lower pair, 3
Machine, 2
Magnification factor, 875
Mass, 38 - moment of inertia, 40
Maximum efficiency of a screw jack, 232 - fluctuation of energy, 610
- fluctuation of speed, 610
Maximum and minimum speeds of the driving
shaft, 197
Mechanical advantage, 121
Mechanism, 2
Mechanism for position guidance, 1020
Method of direct and reverse crank, 741
Minimum no. ofteeth on the pinion in order to avoid
interference, 422 - for involute rack, 431
- on wheel, 424
Modified Scott-Russel mechanism, 177
Module, 399
Motion of follower, 931
Motion of Rotation, 87 - Translation, 87
Multiple disc clutch, 266
N _
Natural frequency of free longitudinal vibrations,
831 - transverse vibrations, 835
Nomenclatures for cam profile, 930 - torsional vibrations, 895
Number of degrees of freedom for plane mechanisms, 9
Number synthesis, 1003
o _
Oldham’s coupling, 20
Open belt drive, 285 - length of, 294
Oscillating cylinder engine, 16
Over-damping, 855
P _
Pantograph, 170
Partial balancing of locomotives, 708
Partial Balancing ofprimary force, 706
Path of approach, 400 - contact, 400
- recess, 400
Path of contact length of, 409
Peaucellier mechanism,· 173
Period of vibration, 8301 1 30
Periodic time, 830
Pickering governor, 759
Pinion, 400
Pitch diameter, 398
Pitch point, 398
Plate clutches, 2153
Porter governor, 763
Potential energy, 43
Power, 42 - of a governor, 804
- transmitted by a belt, 303
Precession and spinning, 1022
Pressure angle, 400
Pressure line, 400
Principle of conservation of energy, 57 - momentum, 60
Proell governor, 778
Profile, 400
Prony brake dynamometer, 378
Quaternary joint, 8
Quaternary link, 9
Rack, 400
Radial engines, balancing of, 741
Radius of gyration, 40
Ratio of.angular velocities, 195 - belt tensions, 301
Rayleigh’s method, 834
Relative velocity method, 104
Restitution, co-efficient of, 56
Reverse cranks, 741
Reverted gear train, 451
Ritte·rha-gs’s construction, 545
Robert’s mechanism; 180
Rolling pair, 4
Rope drive, 284, 318
· – ratios of driving tensions for, 319 - brake dynamometer, 379
Rotary engine, 16
Rubbing velocity at a pin joint; 110
Scott Russell’s mechanism, 176 - modified, 177
Screw tread friction, 225
Screw jack, 226
Screw pair, 4
Scotch yoke mechanism, 20
Sensitiveness of governors, 803
Simple shoe brake, 331
harmonic motion, 65, 934
._ pendulum, 74 - gear train, 450
Simplex indicator, l83
Single block or shoe brake, &31 - disc clutch, 253
Single slider crank mechanism, 13
Sliding friction, 212 - pair, 3
Slip of belt, 287
Solid friction, laws of, 212
Spherical pair, 4
Spinning and precession, 1022
Spiral gears, 434 - centre distance for a pair of, 434
- · efficiency of, 436
Spur gear, 396
Stability of governors, 803 - offour wheelers, 1031
- of two wheelers, 1051
Statics, 1
Steering gears, 190
Straight line mechanism, 171 - con”sisting ofone sliding pair, 176
- made up ofturning pairs, 171
Strain energy, 43
Structure, 6
Successfully constrained motion, 7
Sun and planet wheel, 479
Swaying couple, 710
Synthesis of mechanism, 1003
System of gear teeth, 409
Tangent cam with roller follower, 977
Tchebichefe’s mechanism, 178
Ternary joint, 8
Ternary link, 9
Thompson indicator, 186
Three centres-in-line Theorem, 99
Thrust on the sides of the cylinder walls, 550 - on crankshaft bearings, 550
Time period, 830
Torque, 41 - on the crank shaft, 548
- in epicyclic gear trains, 486
Torsion dynamometer, 384
Torsional pendulum, 80 - vibrations, 894
Torsionally equivalent shaft, 903
Transmissibility, 882
Transverse vibrations, 829
Trifilar suspension, 80
Truneated conical pivot, 242
Turning pair, 4
Tu•ning moment diagram, 605INDEX
for different types of engines, 605
Types ofvibrations, 829
gear train, 450
followers, 928
brakes, 331
u …, Under damping, 855 Universal joint, 193 Unstable governor, 813 v
Variation oftractive force, 709
V-belt, 318 - drive, 318
- V-Engines, balancing, 748
Velocity, 33
Velocity ratio ofgear trains, 453 - simple gear train, 454
compound gear train, 459
Reverted gear train, 462
Epicyclic gear train, 463
Velocity of sliding, 404
Vibration isolation, 882
Viscous damping, 849
Viscous friction, 211
1 1 3 1
Watt’s straight line mechanism, 176
Watt governor, 760
Weight, 38
Whirling speed, 849
Whitworth’s quick return motion mechanism, 14
Wilson Hartnell governor, 797·
Work, 41
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