Topics in Modal Analysis, Volume 7

Topics in Modal Analysis, Volume 7
Randall Allemang, James De Clerck, Christopher Niezrecki, Alfred Wicks
1 Damage Detection Using Flexibility Proportional Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion 1
Luciana Balsamo, Suparno Mukhopadhyay, Raimondo Betti, and Hilmi Lus
2 Automated Selection of Damage Detection Features by Genetic Programming 9
Dustin Harvey and Michael Todd
3 Optimal Selection of Artificial Boundary Conditions for Model Update and Damage
Detection – Part 1: Theory . 17
Joshua H. Gordis and L.T. Konstantinos Papagiannakis
4 Optimal Selection of Artificial Boundary Conditions for Model Update and Damage
Detection – Part 2: Experiment 37
Joshua H. Gordis
5 Detection of Mass Change on a Glass Plate . 61
Jannick B. Hansen, Rune Brincker, and Manuel L. Aenlle
6 Vibro-Acoustic Research on a Full-Scale Aircraft Structure . 67
Christian Koehne, Delf Sachau, and Mirko Schaedlich
7 Control of Dynamic Mass as Boundary Condition for Testing Substructures 77
Manuel Baschke, Michael Krepl, and Delf Sachau
8 Multi-body-Simulation of a Self Adaptive Torsional Vibration Absorber 85
Delf Sachau and Jonas Hanselka
9 Combined Optimization of Actuator/Sensor Positions and Weighting Matrices for an Active
Noise Reduction System . 93
Jan Foht and Delf Sachau
10 SSDI Technique Evolution to Improve Attenuation Performances with Random Disturbances . 99
M. Berardengo, S. Manzoni, M. Redaelli, and M. Vanali
11 Geometrically Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Piezoelectric Integrated Thin-Walled Smart Structures . 107
S.Q. Zhang and R. Schmidt
12 Linear/Nonlinear Reduced-Order Substructuring for Uncertainty Quantification and Predictive
Accuracy Assessment 117
Timothy Hasselman, George Lloyd, and Ryan Schnalzer
13 Damage Detection in an Energy Flow Model Including Parameter Uncertainty . 131
Marcela Rodrigues Machado and Jose Maria Campos Dos Santos
14 A Coupled Approach for Structural Damage Detection with Incomplete Measurements . 141
George James, Tim Cao, Mo Kaouk, and David Zimmerman
15 Efficient and Robust Solution of Inverse Structural Dynamic Problems for Vibration Health Monitoring 155
Keng C. Yap
viiviii Contents
16 Finite Element-Based Damage Detection Using Expanded Ritz Vector Residuals . 167
Stuart G. Taylor, George Khoury, Michael D. Todd, and David C. Zimmerman
17 Proportional Damping from Experimental Data 179
Brian Schwarz and Mark Richardson
18 Superior Damping of Hybrid Carbon Fiber Composites Grafted by ZnO Nanorods . 187
A. Alipour Skandani, N. Masghouni, and M. Al-Haik
19 Advanced Identification Techniques for Operational
Wind Turbine Data 195
Simone Manzato, Jonathan R. White, Bruce LeBlanc, Bart Peeters, and Karl Janssens
20 Tracking and Removing Modulated Harmonic Components with Spectral Kurtosis and Kalman Filters . 211
Jean-Luc Dion, Cyrille Stephan, Gael Chevallier, and Hugo Festjens ¨
21 Vibration Reduction of Brush Cutter . 225
Nobuyuki Okubo, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kohei Furuya, and Takeshi Toi
22 Design of a Test Setup for Measuring Dynamic Stiffness of Vibration Isolators . 235
Canan Uz, Gokhan O. Ozgen, and Ender Cigeroglu
23 An Impact Excitation System for Repeatable, High-Bandwidth Modal Testing of Miniature Structures . 249
Bekir Bediz, Emrullah Korkmaz, and O. Burak Ozdoganlar
24 Replicating Aerodynamic Excitation in the Laboratory 259
P.M. Daborn, P.R. Ind, and D.J. Ewins
25 A Systematic Approach to Modal Testing of Nonlinear Structures 273
A. delli Carri and D.J. Ewins
26 Fiber Optics Sensing of Stressing and Fracture
in Cylindrical Structures . 287
Shen-en Chen, Benjamin Smith, and Peng Wang
27 Real-Time Damage Identification in Nonlinear Smart Structures Using Hyperchaotic Excitation
and Stochastic Estimation 295
Shahab Torkamani, Eric A. Butcher, and Michael D. Todd
28 Damage Detection Based on Electromechanical Impedance Principle and Principal Components 307
Mario Anderson de Oliveira, Jozue Vieira Filho, Vicente Lopes Jr., and Daniel J. Inman
29 Enhanced Modal Wavelet Analysis for Damage Detection in Beams 317
Mario Algaba, Mario Sol´?s, and Pedro Galv´?n
30 Linear Projection Techniques in Damage Detection Under a Changing Environment 325
Salma Mozaffari Kojidi, Michael Dohler, Dionisio Bernal, and Yang Liu ¨
31 Modal Reduction Based on Accurate Input-Output Relation Preservation 333
M. Khorsand Vakilzadeh, S. Rahrovani, and T. Abrahamsson
32 Fast Precise Algorithm of Computing FRF by Considering Initial Response 343
J.M. Liu, W.D. Zhu, M.Ying, and S. Shen
33 Development of Full Space System Model Modes from Expansion of Reduced Order Component
Modal Information 353
Christopher Nonis, Louis Thibault, Timothy Marinone, and Peter Avitabile
34 Damage Localization from the Image of Changes in Flexibility . 369
Dionisio Bernal
35 Spectral Element Method for Cable Harnessed Structure 377
Jiduck Choi and Daniel J. InmanContents ix
36 Analytic Formula Derivation for a Rolling Tire with a Ring Model . 389
Jongsuh Lee, Peter Kindt, Bert Pluymers, Paul Sas, and Semyung Wang
37 Nonlinear Identification of the Viscous Damping of the Resistor for Nuclear Plants 397
Giancarlo Galli, Francesco Braghin, and Edoardo Sabbioni
38 Effect of Spin Speed on Stability Lobes in High Speed Machining 407
Hasan Y?lmaz and Ender Cigeroglu
39 Chatter Reduction in Turning by Using Piezoelectric Shunt Circuits . 415
Ufuk Yigit, Ender Cigeroglu, and Erhan Budak
40 Damage Quantification from the Column Space of Flexibility Changes 421
Dionisio Bernal
41 State Estimate of Wind Turbine Blades Using Geometrically Exact Beam Theory 427
Stuart G. Taylor, Darby J. Luscher, and Michael D. Todd
42 Damage Index Matrix: A Novel Damage Identification Method Using Hilbert-Huang Transformation 439
Ali Zarafshan and Farhad Ansari
43 An Approach to the Moving Load Problem for Multiple Cracked Beam . 451
N.T. Khiem, T.H. Tran, and N.V. Quang
44 Detection of Structural Damage Through Nonlinear Identification by Using Modal Testing 461
Murat Aykan and H. Nevzat Ozg¨ ¨ uven
45 Vibration Fatigue Analysis of a Cantilever Beam Using Different Fatigue Theories 471
Yusuf Eldogan and Ender Cigeroglu ?
46 Automated Modal Analysis Based on Statistical Evaluation of Frequency Responses 479
Vahid Yaghoubi and Thomas Abrahamsson
47 The Modal Observability Correlation as a Modal Correlation Metric 487
Vahid Yaghoubi and Thomas Abrahamsson
48 A Modal Test Method Based on Vibro-acoustical Reciprocity . 495
W.D. Zhu, J.M. Liu, Y.F. Xu, and H.Q. Ying
49 Reactionless Test to Identify Dynamic Young’s Modulus and Damping of Isotropic Plastic Materials 511
Peter Blaschke and Torsten Schneider
50 Real-Time Modal Analysis of Shell-Shaped Objects Using High-Frame-Rate
Structured-Light-Based Vision . 517
Hua Yang, Qingyi Gu, Tadayoshi Aoyama, Takeshi Takaki, and Idaku Ishii
51 Field and Numerical Testing of the BWE SchRs4600.50 Dynamic Behavior . 525
Damian Pietrusiak, Przemys?aw Moczko, and Jerzy Czmochowski
52 Modal Analysis of Rotating Carbon Nanotube Infused Composite Beams . 533
C. DeValve, N. Ameri, P. Tarazaga, and R. Pitchumani
53 Modal Analysis and Dynamic Monitoring of a Concentrating Solar Heliostat . 543
Adam Moya, Clifford Ho, Jeremy Sment, Todd Griffith, and Joshua Christian
54 Identification of Stability Cutting Parameters Using Laser Doppler Vibrometry . 553
D. Olvera, A. El´?as-Z´ uniga, M. Pineda, E. Macias, O. Mart ? ´?nez, L.N. Lopez de Lacalle, ´
and C. Rodr´?guez
55 System Identification Using Kalman Filters 561
F. Abid, G. Chevallier, J.L. Blanchard, J.L. Dion, and N. Dauchez
56 Identification of Time-Varying Nonlinear Systems Using Differential Evolution Algorithm . 575
Nevena Perisic, Peter L Green, Keith Worden, and Poul Henning Kirkegaardx Contents
57 Experimental Verification and Improvement of Dynamic Characterization Method for Structural Joints . 585
S¸erife Tol and H. Nevzat Ozg¨ ¨ uven
58 Transfer Functions to Measure Translational and Rotational Velocities with Continuous-Scan
Laser Doppler Vibrometry . 597
Shifei Yang and Matthew S. Allen
59 Empirical Slow-Flow Identification for Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection 617
Young S. Lee, D. Michael McFarland, Lawrence A. Bergman, and Alexander F. Vakakis
60 Continuous Scanning for Acoustic Field Characterization . 625
Carlos E. Garcia, Sriram Malladi, and Pablo A. Tarazaga
61 Operating Deflection Shapes of a Violin String via High Speed/High Resolution Videography 637
Chuck Van Karsen, Troy Bouman, and Geoff Gwaltney
62 Automated Measurement Grid Generation for Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometers . 645
L. Pesaresi and C.W. Schwingshackl
63 Mode Filtering of Continuous Scanning Laser Doppler Vibration Data 655
P. Castellini, P. Chiariotti, and M. Martarelli
64 The Characterization of the Time Delay Problem in Hardware in the Loop System Applications 661
C.A.G. Carrillo, J.V. Ferreira, and P.S. Meirelles
65 Optimal Placement of Piezoelectric Patches on a Cylindrical Shell for Active Vibration Control . 673
Caner Gencoglu and H. Nevzat Ozg¨ ¨ uven
66 Adaptive Feedback Linearisation and Control of a Flexible Aircraft Wing 683
S. Jiffri, J.E. Mottershead, and J.E. Cooper
67 Limit Cycle Assignment in Nonlinear Aeroelastic Systems Using Describing Functions
and the Receptance Method 701
Xiaojun Wei and John E. Mottershead
68 Investigation of an Active Structural Acoustic Control System on a Complex 3D Structure . 715
S. Kulah, U. Aridogan, and I. Basdogan
69 Development of a Stabilized Pan/Tilt Platform and the State of the Art 723
M. Burcak Ozkok and Ali Osman Boyac?
70 Dynamic Equations for an Anisotropic Cylindrical Shell . 731
Reza Okhovat and Anders Bostrom ¨
71 Expansion of Nonlinear System Response Using Linear Transformation Matrices from Reduced
Component Model Representations . 743
Tim Marinone, Louis Thibault, and Peter Avitabile
72 Explicit Construction of Rods and Beams with Given Natural Frequencies 771
A. Morassi
73 A Metric for Modal Truncation in Model Reduction Problems Part 1: Performance and Error Analysis 781
Sadegh Rahrovani, Majid Khorsand Vakilzadeh, and Thomas Abrahamsson
74 A Metric for Modal Truncation in Model Reduction Problems Part 2: Extension to Systems with
High-Dimensional Input Space 789
Sadegh Rahrovani, Majid Khorsand Vakilzadeh, and Thomas Abrahamsson
75 On Gramian-Based Techniques for Minimal Realization of Large-Scale Mechanical Systems 797
Sadegh Rahrovani, Majid Khorsand Vakilzadeh,
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