Tools for Design Using AutoCAD 2024 and Autodesk Inventor 2024
Tools for Design Using AutoCAD 2024 and Autodesk Inventor 2024
Hand Sketching, 2D Drawing and 3D Modeling
Randy H. Shih
Oregon Institute of Technology
Table of Contents
Preface i
Acknowledgments ii
Getting Started
Introduction Intro-2
Development of Computer Aided Design Intro-2
Why Use AutoCAD 2024? Intro-5
Why Use Autodesk Inventor 2024? Intro-6
Tutorial Style Lessons Intro-7
Section I – AutoCAD
Chapter 1
Fundamentals of AutoCAD
Getting Started with AutoCAD 2024 1-2
AutoCAD 2024 Screen Layout 1-3
Application Menu 1-4
Quick Access Toolbar 1-4
AutoCAD Menu Bar 1-4
Layout Tabs 1-4
Drawing Area 1-5
Graphics Cursor or Crosshairs 1-5
Command Prompt Area 1-5
Cursor Coordinates 1-5
Status Toolbar 1-5
Ribbon Tabs and Panels 1-6
Draw and Modify Toolbar Panels 1-6
Layers Control Toolbar Panel 1-6
Viewport/View/Display Controls 1-6
Mouse Buttons 1-7
[Esc] – Canceling Commands 1-7
Online Help 1-8
Leaving AutoCAD 2024 1-9
Creating a CAD File Folder 1-9
Drawing in AutoCAD 1-10
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 1-10
Drawing Units Setup 1-12
Drawing Area Setup 1-13
Drawing Lines with the Line Command 1-15
Visual Reference 1-17iv Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
GRID ON 1-18
Using the Erase Command 1-20
Repeat the Last Command 1-21
The CAD Database and the User Coordinate System 1-22
Changing to the 2D UCS Icon Display 1-23
Cartesian and Polar Coordinate Systems 1-24
Absolute and Relative Coordinates 1-24
Defining Positions 1-25
Grid Style Setup 1-25
The Guide Plate 1-26
Creating Circles 1-30
Saving the CAD Design 1-32
Close the Current Drawing 1-33
The Spacer Design 1-34
Start a New Drawing 1-34
Drawing Units Setup 1-35
Drawing Area Setup 1-36
Using the Line Command 1-38
Using the Erase Command 1-40
Using the Arc Command 1-40
Using the Circle Command 1-42
Saving the CAD Design 1-43
Exit AutoCAD 2024 1-43
Review Questions 1-44
Exercises 1-45
Chapter 2
Basic Object Construction and Dynamic Input – AutoCAD
Introduction 2-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 2-2
Dynamic Input 2-3
The RockerArm Design 2-6
Activate the Startup Option 2-7
Drawing Units Display Setup 2-8
Grid and Snap Intervals Setup 2-9
Drawing Area Setup 2-10
Referencing the World Coordinate System 2-11
Creating Circles 2-12
Object Snap Toolbar 2-13
Using the Line Command 2-14
Creating TTR Circles 2-16
Using the Trim Command 2-18
Using the Polygon Command 2-20
Creating a Concentric Circle 2-22Table of Contents v
Using the QuickCal Calculator to Measure Distance and Angle 2-23
Saving the CAD File 2-27
Exit AutoCAD 2-27
AutoCAD Quick Keys 2-28
Review Questions 2-29
Exercises 2-30
Chapter 3
Geometric Construction and Editing Tools – AutoCAD
Geometric Constructions 3-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 3-3
Geometric Construction – CAD Method 3-4
Bisection of a Line or Arc 3-4
Bisection of an Angle 3-7
Transfer of an Angle 3-9
Dividing a Given Line into a Number of Equal Parts 3-12
Circle through Three Points 3-14
Line Tangent to a Circle from a Given Point 3-15
Circle of a Given Radius Tangent to Two Given Lines 3-16
The Gasket Design 3-19
Drawing Units Display Setup 3-20
Grid and Snap Intervals Setup 3-21
Using the Line Command with ORTHO Option 3-22
Object Snap Toolbar 3-24
Using the Extend Command 3-27
Using the Trim Command 3-28
Creating a TTR Circle 3-29
Using the Fillet Command 3-30
Converting Objects into a Polyline 3-31
Using the Offset Command 3-32
Using the Area Inquiry Tool to Measure Area and Perimeter 3-33
Using the Explode Command 3-35
Create another Fillet 3-35
Saving the CAD File 3-36
Exit AutoCAD 3-36
Review Questions 3-37
Exercises 3-38
Chapter 4
Orthographic Views in Multiview Drawings – AutoCAD
Introduction 4-2
The Locator Design 4-2
The Locator Part 4-3
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 4-3vi Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
Layers Setup 4-4
Drawing Construction Lines 4-5
Using the Offset Command 4-5
Set Layer Object as the Current Layer 4-7
Using the Running Object Snaps 4-7
Creating Object Lines 4-9
Turn Off the Construction Lines Layer 4-10
Adding More Objects in the Front View 4-10
AutoCAD’s AutoSnapTM and AutoTrackTM Features 4-11
Adding More Objects in the Top View 4-13
Drawing Using the Miter Line Method 4-17
More Layers Setup 4-19
Top View to Side View Projection 4-20
Completing the Front View 4-22
Object Information Using the List Command 4-24
Object Information Using the Properties Command 4-25
Review Questions 4-26
Exercises 4-27
Chapter 5
Basic Dimensioning and Notes – AutoCAD
Introduction 5-2
The Bracket Design 5-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 5-3
Layers Setup 5-4
The P-Bracket Design 5-5
LineWeight Display Control 5-5
Drawing Construction Lines 5-6
Using the Offset Command 5-6
Set Layer Object_Lines as the Current Layer 5-8
Creating Object Lines 5-8
Creating Hidden Lines 5-9
Creating Center Lines 5-10
Turn Off the Construction Lines 5-10
Using the Fillet Command 5-11
Saving the Completed CAD Design 5-12
Accessing the Dimensioning Commands 5-13
The Dimension Toolbar 5-14
Using the Dimension Style Manager 5-14
Dimensions Nomenclature and Basics 5-15
Using the Center Mark Command 5-18
Adding Linear Dimensions 5-19
Adding an Angular Dimension 5-20
Adding Radius and Diameter Dimensions 5-21
Using the Multiline Text Command 5-22Table of Contents vii
Adding Special Characters 5-23
Saving the Design 5-24
A Special Note on Layers Containing Dimensions 5-24
Review Questions 5-25
Exercises 5-26
Chapter 6
Pictorials and Sketching
Engineering Drawings, Pictorials and Sketching 6-2
Isometric Sketching 6-7
Chapter 6 – Isometric Sketching Exercises 6-9
Oblique Sketching 6-19
Chapter 6 – Oblique Sketching Exercises 6-20
Perspective Sketching 6-26
One-point Perspective 6-27
Two-point Perspective 6-28
Chapter 6 – Perspective Sketching Exercises 6-29
Review Questions 6-35
Exercises 6-36
Section II – Autodesk Inventor
Chapter 7
Parametric Modeling Fundamentals – Autodesk Inventor
Getting Started with Autodesk Inventor 7-2
The Screen Layout and Getting Started Toolbar 7-3
The New File Dialog Box and Units Setup 7-4
The Default Autodesk Inventor Screen Layout 7-5
File Menu 7-6
Quick Access Toolbar 7-6
Ribbon Tabs and Tool Panels 7-6
Online Help Panel 7-6
3D Model Toolbar 7-7
Graphics Window 7-7
Message and Status Bar 7-7
Mouse Buttons 7-8
[Esc] – Canceling Commands 7-8
Autodesk Inventor Help System 7-9
Data Management Using Inventor Project Files 7-10
Setup of a New Inventor Project 7-11
The Content of the Inventor Project File 7-14
Leaving Autodesk Inventor 7-14
Feature-Based Parametric Modeling 7-15viii Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
The Adjuster Design 7-16
Starting Autodesk Inventor 7-16
The Default Autodesk Inventor Screen Layout 7-18
Sketch Plane – It is an XY Monitor, but an XYZ World 7-19
Creating Rough Sketches 7-21
Step 1: Creating a Rough Sketch 7-22
Graphics Cursors 7-22
Geometric Constraint Symbols 7-23
Step 2: Apply/Modify Constraints and Dimensions 7-24
Dynamic Viewing Functions – Zoom and Pan 7-27
Modifying the Dimensions of the Sketch 7-27
Step 3: Completing the Base Solid Feature 7-28
Isometric View 7-29
Dynamic Rotation of the 3D Block – Free Orbit 7-30
Dynamic Viewing – Quick Keys 7-32
Viewing Tools – Standard Toolbar 7-33
Display Modes 7-37
Orthographic vs. Perspective 7-37
Disable the Heads-Up Display Option 7-38
Step 4-1: Adding an Extruded Feature 7-39
Step 4-2: Adding a Cut Feature 7-43
Step 4-3: Adding another Cut Feature 7-46
Save the Model 7-48
Review Questions 7-50
Exercises 7-51
Chapter 8
Constructive Solid Geometry Concepts – Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 8-2
Binary Tree 8-3
The Locator Design 8-4
Modeling Strategy – CSG Binary Tree 8-5
Starting Autodesk Inventor 8-6
Base Feature 8-7
Grid Display Setup 8-8
Model Dimensions Format 8-11
Modifying the Dimensions of the Sketch 8-11
Repositioning Dimensions 8-12
Using the Measure Tools 8-13
Completing the Base Solid Feature 8-16
Creating the Next Solid Feature 8-17
Creating a Cut Feature 8-21
Creating a Placed Feature 8-24
Creating a Rectangular Cut Feature 8-26
Save the Model 8-28Table of Contents ix
Review Questions 8-29
Exercises 8-30
Chapter 9
Model History Tree – Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 9-2
The Saddle Bracket Design 9-3
Starting Autodesk Inventor 9-3
Modeling Strategy 9-4
The Autodesk Inventor Browser 9-5
Creating the Base Feature 9-5
Adding the Second Solid Feature 9-8
Creating a 2D Sketch 9-9
Renaming the Part Features 9-11
Adjusting the Width of the Base Feature 9-12
Adding a Placed Feature 9-13
Creating a Rectangular Cut Feature 9-15
History-Based Part Modifications 9-16
A Design Change 9-17
Assigning and Calculating the Associated Physical Properties 9-20
Review Questions 9-22
Exercises 9-23
Chapter 10
Parametric Constraints Fundamentals – Autodesk Inventor
Constraints and Relations 10-2
Create a Simple Triangular Plate Design 10-2
Fully Constrained Geometry 10-3
Starting Autodesk Inventor 10-3
Displaying Existing Constraints 10-4
Applying Geometric/Dimensional Constraints 10-6
Over-Constraining and Driven Dimensions 10-10
Deleting Existing Constraints 10-11
Using the Auto Dimension Command 10-12
Constraint and Sketch Settings 10-17
Parametric Relations 10-18
Dimensional Values and Dimensional Variables 10-20
Parametric Equations 10-21
Viewing the Established Parameters and Relations 10-23
Saving the Model File 10-24
Using the Measure Tools 10-25
Review Questions 10-29
Exercises 10-30x Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
Chapter 11
Geometric Construction Tools – Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 11-2
The Gasket Design 11-2
Modeling Strategy 11-3
Starting Autodesk Inventor 11-4
Create a 2D Sketch 11-5
Edit the Sketch by Dragging the Sketched Entities 11-7
Add Additional Constraints 11-9
Use the Trim and Extend Commands 11-10
The Auto Dimension Command 11-12
Create Fillets and Completing the Sketch 11-14
Fully Constrained Geometry 11-15
Profile Sketch 11-17
Redefine the Sketch and Profile 11-18
Create an Offset Cut Feature 11-22
Review Questions 11-25
Exercises 11-26
Chapter 12
Parent/Child Relationships and the BORN Technique – Autodesk
Introduction 12-2
The BORN Technique 12-2
The U-Bracket Design 12-3
Sketch Plane Settings 12-4
Apply the BORN Technique 12-5
Create a 2D Sketch for the Base Feature 12-7
Create the First Extrude Feature 12-10
The Implied Parent/Child Relationships 12-11
Create the Second Solid Feature 12-11
Create a Cut Feature 12-15
The Second Cut Feature 12-16
Examine the Parent/Child Relationships 12-18
Modify a Parent Dimension 12-19
A Design Change 12-20
Feature Suppression 12-21
A Different Approach to the Center_Drill Feature 12-22
Suppress the Rect_Cut Feature 12-24
Create a Circular Cut Feature 12-25
A Flexible Design Approach 12-27
View and Edit Material Properties 12-28
Review Questions 12-30
Exercises 12-31Table of Contents xi
Chapter 13
Part Drawings and 3D Model-Based Definition – Autodesk
Drawings from Parts and Associative Functionality 13-2
3D Model-Based Definition 13-3
Starting Autodesk Inventor 13-4
Drawing Mode – 2D Paper Space 13-4
Drawing Sheet Format 13-6
Using the Pre-defined Drawing Sheet Formats 13-8
Delete, Activate, and Edit Drawing Sheets 13-9
Add a Base View 13-10
Create Projected Views 13-11
Adjust the View Scale 13-12
Repositioning Views 13-13
Display Feature Dimensions 13-14
Repositioning and Hiding Feature Dimensions 13-16
Add Additional Dimensions – Reference Dimensions 13-18
Add Center Marks and Center Lines 13-19
Complete the Drawing Sheet 13-22
Associative Functionality – Modifying Feature Dimensions 13-23
3D Model-Based Definition 13-26
Review Questions 13-34
Exercises 13-35
Chapter 14
Symmetrical Features in Designs – Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 14-2
A Revolved Design: Pulley 14-2
Modeling Strategy – A Revolved Design 14-3
Starting Autodesk Inventor 14-4
Set Up the Display of the Sketch Plane 14-4
Creating a 2D Sketch for the Base Feature 14-5
Create the Revolved Feature 14-9
Mirroring Features 14-10
Create a Pattern Leader Using Construction Geometry 14-12
Circular Pattern 14-17
Examine the Design Parameters 14-19
Drawing Mode – Defining a New Border and Title Block 14-19
Create a Drawing Template 14-23
Create the Necessary Views 14-24
Retrieve Model Annotations – Features Option 14-27
Associative Functionality – A Design Change 14-29
Add Centerlines to the Pattern Feature 14-31
Complete the Drawing 14-32xii Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
Additional Title Blocks 14-35
Review Questions 14-37
Exercises 14-38
AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
Chapter 15
Design Reuse Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 15-2
The Geneva Wheel Design 15-3
Internet Download of the Geneva-Wheel DWG File 15-3
Opening AutoCAD DWG File in Inventor 15-4
Switch to the AutoCAD DWG Layout 15-5
2D Design Reuse 15-7
Complete the Imported Sketch 15-11
Create the First Solid Feature 15-13
Create a Mirrored Feature 15-14
Circular Pattern 15-15
Complete the Geneva Wheel Design 15-16
Export an Inventor 2D Sketch as an AutoCAD Drawing 15-20
Design Reuse – Sketch Insert Option 15-21
Review Questions 15-26
Exercises 15-27
Chapter 16
Assembly Modeling – Putting It All Together – Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 16-2
Assembly Modeling Methodology 16-3
The Shaft Support Assembly 16-4
Additional Parts 16-4
(1) Collar 16-4
(2) Bearing 16-5
(3) Base-Plate 16-5
(4) Cap-Screw 16-6
Starting Autodesk Inventor 16-7
Placing the First Component 16-8
Placing the Second Component 16-9
Degrees of Freedom and Constraints 16-10
Assembly Constraints 16-11
Apply the First Assembly Constraint 16-14
Apply a Second Mate Constraint 16-15
Constrained Move 16-16
Apply a Flush Constraint 16-17Table of Contents xiii
Placing the Third Component 16-19
Applying an Insert Constraint 16-20
Assemble the Cap-Screws 16-21
Exploded View of the Assembly 16-22
Editing the Components 16-24
Adaptive Design Approach 16-25
Delete and Re-apply Assembly Constraints 16-29
Set Up a Drawing of the Assembly Model 16-31
Creating a Parts List 16-33
Edit the Parts List 16-34
Change the Material Type 16-36
Add the Balloon Callouts 16-38
Completing the Title Block Using the iProperties Option 16-38
Bill of Materials 16-40
(a) BOM from Parts List 16-40
(b) BOM from Assembly Model 16-41
Review Questions 16-42
Exercises 16-43
Chapter 17
Design Analysis – Autodesk Inventor Stress Analysis Module
Introduction 17-2
Problem Statement 17-4
Preliminary Analysis 17-4
Maximum Displacement 17-5
Finite Element Analysis Procedure 17-6
Create the Autodesk Inventor Part 17-7
Create the 2D Sketch for the Plate 17-7
Assigning the Material Properties 17-10
Switch to the Stress Analysis Module 17-11
Apply Constraints and Loads 17-14
Create a Mesh and Run the Solver 17-16
Refinement of the FEA Mesh – Global Element Size 17-18
Refinement of the FEA Mesh – Local Element Size 17-20
Comparison of Results 17-23
Create an HTML Report 17-24
Geometric Considerations of Finite Elements 17-25
Conclusion 17-26
Summary of Modeling Considerations 17-26
Review Questions 17-27
Exercises 17-28
Indexxiv Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
Bonus Chapters Available at:
Chapter 18
Assembly Modeling with the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Set –
Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 18-2
The Basic Car Assembly 18-2
Modeling Strategy 18-3
Starting Autodesk Inventor 18-4
Creating a Subassembly 18-5
Placing the Next Component 18-6
Degrees of Freedom Display 18-7
Apply the Assembly Constraints 18-8
Assemble the Next Components 18-13
Assembling Bushing and Axle 18-15
Completing the Motor-Right Subassembly 18-18
Starting the Main Assembly 18-20
Assemble the Frame and Motors 18-23
Assemble the Motor Assemblies 18-25
Adding the Motor-Right Subassembly to the Main Assembly 18-30
Assemble the Rear Swivel Assembly and Wheels 18-31
Assemble the NXT Micro-controller 18-37
Assemble the Sensors 18-40
Chapter 19
Assembly Modeling with the TETRIX by Pitsco Building System
– Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 19-2
The ST1 Assembly 19-2
Modeling Strategy 19-3
Starting Autodesk Inventor 19-4
Creating a Subassembly 19-5
Placing the Next Component 19-6
Degrees of Freedom Display 19-7
Apply Assembly Constraints 19-8
Starting the Main Assembly 19-18
Adjusting the Orientation of a Grounded Part 19-20
Adjusting the Orientation of Parts 19-22
Assemble the DC Motor Controller 19-25
Assemble the Servo Controller 19-27
Completing the Chassis 19-29
Assemble the Front-Wheel Assembly 19-30Table of Contents xv
Assemble the Motor-Wheel Assembly 19-33
Assemble the NXT Micro-controller 19-38
Assemble the NXT Touch-Sensor 19-39
Conclusion 19-41
Chapter 20
Assembly Model with Vex Robot Kit – Autodesk Inventor
Introduction 20-2
The Tumbler Assembly 20-2
Starting Autodesk Inventor 20-3
Creating a Subassembly 20-4
Placing the Second Component 20-5
Degrees of Freedom Display 20-6
Adjusting the Component’s Orientation 20-7
Apply Assembly Constraints 20-8
Assemble the Next Component 20-11
Assembling Bearing Rivets and Screws 20-13
Assembling Shaft Collars, Shafts and Motors 20-16
Assemble the Wheels 20-23
Modifying the Wheel Directions 20-27
Starting the Tumbler Assembly 20-30
Assemble the Chassis 20-33
Assemble the Chassis Plate 20-37
Adding the Battery Pack under the Chassis Plate 20-39
Adding the RF Receiver on the Rear Chassis Bumper 20-40
Assemble the VEX Microcontroller 20-43
Assemble the Antenna 20-46
Conclusion 20-47
Review Questions 20-48
Exercise 20-49xvi Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
solute Coordinates, AutoCAD, 1-24
Adaptive, 16-2
Adaptive Design approach, 16-2, 16-25
Angle Constraint, 16-12
Annotation Toolbar, 13-29
ANSI Standard, 13-6
Application menu, AutoCAD, 1-3
Application menu, Inventor, 7-14
Arc, AutoCAD, 1-40
Area, AutoCAD, 3-33
Assemble, 16-2
Assembly Modeling Methodology, 16-3
Assembly constraints, 16-11
Associative Functionality, 16-2
Auto Dimension, 10-12
AutoCAD DWG file, 15-4
AutoCAD DWG Layout, 15-7
AutoCAD DWG Model Space, 15-9
AutoCAD Menu Bar, 1-3
AutoSnap and AutoTrack AutoCAD,
lloon, 16-38
Base component, 16-8
Base Feature, 8-7
Base View, 13-11
Base Orphan Reference Node, 12-2
Bill of materials (BOM), 16-40
Binary Tree, 8-3
Block, solids, 8-2
BOM, 16-40
Boolean Intersect, 8-2
Boolean Operations, 8-2
BORN, 12-2
Border, new, 14-19
Bottom Up Approach, 16-3
Boundary representation (B-rep), Intro-4
Browser window, 9-2, 9-5
Buttons, Mouse, AutoCAD, 1-7
D, Intro-2
CAE, Intro-2
CAM, Intro-2
Canceling commands, AutoCAD, 1-7
Cartesian coordinate system, AutoCAD,
1-22, 1-24
Center Line Bisector, 13-19
Center Mark, 13-19
Center-point Circle, 8-18
Child, 12-2
Circle, AutoCAD, 1-30
CIRCLE, Center point, 8-18
Circular Pattern, 14-17
Close Drawing, AutoCAD, 1-33
Close, LINE command, AutoCAD, 1-28
Coil and Thread, 16-6
Coincident Constraint, 10-6
Colinear Constraint, 10-6
Command Line Area, AutoCAD, 1-3
Command Prompt, AutoCAD, 1-5
Computer Geometric Modeling, Intro-2
Concentric constraint, 10-2, 10-6
Constrained move, 16-16
Constrained Orbit, 7-31
Constraint, Delete, 10-11
Constraints, Geometric, 10-6
Constraints Settings, 10-17
Constraint, Show, 10-4
Constraints Box, Pin, 10-5
Constraints and Load (FEA), 17-14
Construction geometry, 14-14
Construction lines, 14-14
Construction lines, AutoCAD, 4-5
Constructive solid geometry, 8-2
Coordinate systems, 1-22
Create Component, 16-25
Create Feature, Extrude, 16-26
CSG, 8-2
Cursor Coordinates, AutoCAD, 1-5
Cut, All, 7-45
Cut, Boolean, 8-2
Cut, Extrude, 7-45
Cutting Plane Line, 14-2Index-II Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
fine Position, AutoCAD, 1-25
Define New Title Block, 14-19
Degrees of freedom (DOF), 16-10
Delete Assembly Constraints, 16-29
Delete Constraints, 10-11
Delete Feature, 12-22
Design Intent, 7-15
Design Reuse, 15-2
Copy & Paste, 15-2, 15-9
Sketch Insert, 15-21
Share Sketch, 15-24
Diameter symbol, AutoCAD, 5-23
Difference, Boolean, 8-2
Dimension, 7-24
Dimensions, AutoCAD, 5-2
Dimensioning, AutoCAD, 5-13
Dimension toolbar, AutoCAD, 5-14
Dimensions, Retrieve, 13-15
Dimension Format, 8-10
Dimension General, 7-24
Dimension Reposition, 8-12
Dimensional Constraints, 10-2
Dimensional Values, 10-20
Dimensional Variables, 10-20
Direct Adaptive Design, 16-25
Display Modes, 7-37
DOF Visibility, 16-10
Drafting settings, AutoCAD, 3-21
Drag Geometry, 11-7
Drawing Annotation, 13-22
Drawing Area, setup, 1-13
Drawing, Assembly Model, 16-31
Drawing Limits, 1-13
Drawing Mode, 13-4
Drawing Resources, 13-8
Drawing Review Panel, 15-5
Drawing Screen, 13-5
Drawing Sheet formats, 13-8
Drawing Sheet formats, Editing, 13-9
Draw toolbar panel, AutoCAD, 1-6
Drawing Template, 14-23
Driven Dimensions, 10-10
Data management, 7-10
DWG files, 15-4
Dynamic Input, 2-3
Dynamic Pan, 7-32
Dynamic Rotation, 7-30
Dynamic Viewing, 7-32
Dynamic Zoom, 7-27
it Dimension, 7-27
Edit Feature, 11-19
Edit Model Dimension, 13-24
Edit Parts List, 16-34
Edit Sketch, 11-18
Equal constraint, 10-6
Erase, AutoCAD, 1-21
Esc, 1-7
EXIT, AutoCAD, 1-9
EXIT, 7-14
Exit Marker, 7-31
Explode, AutoCAD, 3-35
Exploded view, Assembly, 16-22
Export, 15-20
Extend, AutoCAD, 3-27
Extend, 11-10
Extrude, 7-28
Extrude, Create Feature, 16-26
Extrude, Cut, 7-47
Extrude, Join, 8-19
Extrude, Join, To, 9-10
Extrude, Symmetric, 9-7
, Pan, 7-32
F3, Zoom, 7-32
F4, 3D Rotate, 7-33
F6, Isometric View, 7-29
Face, 8-17
Feature Based Modeling, 7-15
Feature, Delete, 12-22
Feature Dimensions, Retrieve, 13-15
Feature, Pattern, 13-2
Feature, Rename, 9-11
Feature suppression, 12-21
File Folder, 1-9
FILLET, 2D, AutoCAD, 3-18
FILLET, 2D, 9-18
FILLET, 3D, 15-25
Fillet, Radius, 9-18Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor Index-III
Finite Element Analysis (FEA), 17-2
FEA Simulation, 17-12
Solver (FEA), 17-16
Fix constraint, 10-6
Flush constraint, 16-12
Folder create new, 1-9
Format, Units, AutoCAD, 1-12
Free Orbit, 7-30
Fully Constrained Geometry, 10-3
neral Dimension, 7-24
Geometric Constraint, 7-23, 10-6
Geometric Constraint symbols, 7-23
Geometric Constructions, AutoCAD, 3-4
Global space, 7-19
Graphics Cursor, 1-5, 7-22
Graphics Window, 1-3, 7-7
Grid, 1-18, 1-19
GRID Interval setup, 8-8
elp Options, AutoCAD, 1-8
History Access, 9-16
History-Based Modifications, 9-16
History Tree, 9-2
Hole, Placed Feature, 8-24
Home View, 12-23
Horizontal constraint, 10-6
HTML Report, 17-24
nfoCenter, AutoCAD, 1-3
Insert Constraint, 16-13
INTERSECT Boolean, 8-2
iProperties, 9-20
Isometric View, 7-29
Isometric Sketching, 6-7
IN, Boolean, 8-2
Join, Extrude, 8-2
yers Control toolbar, AutoCAD, 1-6
Layers and Object Properties, AutoCAD,
Layer Properties Manager, AutoCAD,
Leader, Text, 13-26
LINE command, 7-22
LINE command, AutoCAD, 1-16
LINE Close, AutoCAD, 1-29
Linear diameter, 14-7
List, AutoCAD, 4-24
Local Coordinate System (LCS), 7-19
Local Element Size (FEA), 17-20
Local Update, 9-12
Look At, 11-19
ate constraint, 16-12
Materials, 12-28, 16-36
Measure Angle, AutoCAD, 2-25
Measure Area, 8-13
Measure Distance, AutoCAD, 2-23
Measure Loop, 8-14
Mesh, 17-16
Message area, 7-7
Middle Out approach, 16-3
Mirror Feature, 14-10
Mirror Plane, 15-14
Miter line, AutoCAD, 4-17
Model Dimensions Format, 8-11
Modify Dimensions, 8-11
Modify toolbar panel, AutoCAD, 1-6
Mouse Buttons, AutoCAD, 1-7
Move Component, 16-22
Multiline Text, AutoCAD, 5-22
Multiview drawings, 4-2
avigation Wheel, 7-35
New File, 7-4
New Drawing, AutoCAD, 1-34
New File, 16-7
No new sketch, 12-4
ject Snap toolbar, AutoCAD, 2-13
Object Visibility, 12-5Index-IV Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor
Oblique Sketching, 6-19
Offset, AutoCAD, 3-32
Offset Features, 11-22
Online Help, AutoCAD, 1-8
Online Help, 7-6
Orbit, 3D, 7-30
Orbit, Navigation Wheels, 7-36
Order of features, 8-7
Orientation, Component, 18-7
Ortho, AutoCAD, 3-22
Orthographic View, 7-37
Orthographic vs. Perspective, 7-37
Over-constraining, 10-10
n Realtime, AutoCAD, 1-27
Pan Realtime, 7-32
Paper Space, 13-4
Parallel Constraint, 10-6
Parent/Child Relations, 12-2, 12-18
Parameters, 10-21
Parametric, Intro-7
Parametric, Benefits, Intro-7
Parametric Equations, 10-21
Parametric Modeling, Intro-6
Parametric Part modeling process, 7-15
Part Browser, 9-5
Parts list, 16-33
Pattern, 14-2
Pattern leader, 14-12
Perpendicular constraint, 10-6
Perspective Sketching, 6-26
One-point Perspective, 6-27
Two-point Perspective, 6-28
Perspective View, 7-37
Physical properties, iProperties, 9-20
Pictorials and Sketching, 6-2
Pin icon, Assembly, 16-9
Place Component, 16-9
Place Constraint, 16-11
Placed Feature, 8-24
Point Style, AutoCAD, 3-13
Polar Coordinate System, AutoCAD,
Polygon, AutoCAD, 2-20
Polyline, AutoCAD, 3-31
Position Define, AutoCAD, 1-25
Profile, 7-43, 11-2
Profile button, 11-20
Project file, 7-10
Project Geometry, 14-13
Projected Views, 13-11
Projects, 7-10
Properties, AutoCAD, 4-25
Purge, AutoCAD, 5-24
ick Access toolbar, AutoCAD, 1-3
Quick Access toolbar, 7-6
QuickCalc, AutoCAD, 2-23
Quit, AutoCAD, 1-9
CTANGLE command, 8-9
Reference Dimensions, 13-18
Refinement (FEA), 17-18
Region Properties, 8-14
Relations, 10-2, 10-18
Relative Coordinates, AutoCAD, 1-25
Rename, Feature, 9-11
Repeat, AutoCAD, 1-21
Reposition Dimensions, 8-12
Repositioning Views, 13-13
Retrieve Dimensions, 13-15
Revolve, 14-9
Revolve, Full, 14-9
Revolved Feature, 14-9
Ribbon Tabs, AutoCAD, 1-3
Ribbon Tabs, 7-6
Rotate Component, 16-23
Rotation Axis, 14-18
Rough Sketches, 7-21
Running Object Snaps, AutoCAD, 4-7
VE, AutoCAD, 1-32
SAVE Copy As, 14-23
Save Border, 14-21
Save Title Block, 14-22
Scale, Section View, 13-12
Screen Layout, AutoCAD, 1-3
Screen Layout, 7-5Tools for Design: Using AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor Index-V
Section View, 14-24
Selection Window, AutoCAD, 1-21
Settings, Grid, AutoCAD, 1-25
Shaded, Display, 7-37
Share Sketch, 15-23
Show Menu Bar, AutoCAD, 1-3
Sketch, Command, 7-39
Sketch Plane, 7-38
Sketch plane setting, 12-4
Sketching, 6-2
Isometric Sketching, 6-7
Oblique Sketching, 6-19
Perspective Sketching, 6-26
Snap mode, 1-19
Snap Toolbar, AutoCAD, 2-13
Solid Modeler, Intro-3
Solver (FEA), 17-16
Startup option, AutoCAD, 2-7
Status toolbar, AutoCAD, 1-5
Stress Analysis Module, 17-11
Styles Editor, 13-6
Sub-Assembly, 18-2, 18-5
Suppress Features, 12-21
Surface Modeler, Intro-4
Symmetrical Features, 14-2
ble Layout, 16-35
Tangent Constraint, 10-6, 16-13
Template, Drawing, 14-23
Text, Creating, 13-22
Text Leader, 13-26
Thread, 16-6
3D Model-Base Definition, 13-26
Three Dimensional Annotations in
Isometric Views, 13-26
Title Block, additional, 14-35
Title Block, new, 14-19
Trim and Extend, 11-10
Trim and Extend, AutoCAD, 2-18
Top Down Approach, 16-3
do, 10-8
Union, Boolean, 8-2
Units Setup, AutoCAD, 1-12
Units Setup, 7-4
Unsuppress Features, 12-21
Update Part, 9-12, 16-23
User Coordinate System (UCS),
AutoCAD, 1-23
User Coordinate System (UCS), 7-19
UCS Icon Display, AutoCAD, 1-23
User parameters, 10-23
rtical constraint, 10-6
View, AutoCAD, 1-27
View, Scale, 13-12
ViewCube, 7-34
Viewing, 7-27
Visibility, 12-5
reframe Ambiguity, Intro-4
Wireframe, display, 7-37
Wireframe Modeler, Intro-3
Work plane, Visibility, 12-5
World coordinate system (WCS),
AutoCAD, 1-22
World space, 7-19
-Plane, 12-5
XZ-Plane, 12-5
-Plane, 12-5
om All, AutoCAD, 1-14, 1-37
Zoom Extents, AutoCAD, 2-11
ZOOM Realtime, 7-8
Zoom, Navigation Wheel, 7-35
ZX-Plane, 12-5
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